HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800225 Approval - County 2019-09-27COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 September 27, 2019 Brian Mitchell- Townes Site Engineering David Mitchell- Great Eastern Management RE: SUB-2018-225 Northpointe Middle and Northeast Residential- Preliminary Plat u ►1T AN31011 The Agent for the Board of Supervisors hereby grants administrative approval to the above referenced preliminary subdivision plat. This approval shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of this letter, provided that the developer submits a final plat for all or a portion of the site within one (1) year after the date of this letter as provided in the Section 14-226 of the Code of the County of Albemarle, and thereafter diligently pursues approval of the final plat. The final plat will not be considered to have been officially submitted until the following items are received: 1. A final plat that satisfies all of the requirements of section 14-303 and sections 14-304 through 14-318 of the Code, and the conditions attached to this letter. 2. Applicable fee outlined in the application. Please submit 10 copies of the final plat to the Community Development Department. The assigned Lead Reviewer will then distribute the plat to all reviewing agencies (for ACSA, please submit 3 copies of construction plans directly to them, as stated in their comments). Once you receive the first set of comments on the final plat, please work with each reviewer individually to satisfy their requirements. The Department of Community Development shall not accept submittal of the final plat for signature until tentative approvals for the attached conditions from the following agencies/reviewers have been obtained: SRC Members: Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)- 1 copy Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner)- 3 copies Albemarle County Information Services (E911)- 1 copy Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue- 1 copy Albemarle County Service Authority- 1 copy Virginia Department of Transportation- 1 copy If you have any questions about these conditions or the submittal requirements please feel free to contact me at Extension 3004, mnedostup@albemarle.org. Sincerely, n J. Megan Nedostup, AICP Principal Planner COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Memorandum To: Brian Mitchell, P.E., Townes Site Engineering (bitchell@cctownes.com) David Mitchell, E.I.T., Great Eastern Management company (david@southern-classic.com) From: Megan Nedostup, Christopher Perez Division: Community Development — Planning Date: September 24, 2019 Subject: SUB201800225 North Pointe Middle and Northeast Residential — Preliminary Subdivision Plat The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed. The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] 1. [30.7, 30.7.4(b)1(g)] Steep Slope Overlay. The original rezoning was approved to disturb critical slopes as proposed on the application plan. However in 2014 there was a Countywide rezoning of all slopes in the development area to either preserved or managed slopes. Preserved slopes are not permitted to be disturbed, managed slopes are permitted to be disturbed per the County's design standards. Section 30.7.4(b) I (g) allows uses/structures shown on an approved application plan to be located on preserved slopes. In order to verify compliance with [30.7, 30.7.4(b)l(g)] Steep Slope Overlay provide one exhibit depicting the following prior to preliminary plat approval: - The envelop of development from the approved application plan superimposed on the envelop of development for the current proposal. - The County's steep slopes overlay district (distinguishing managed and preserved slopes) - The critical slopes depicted on the approved application plan. Rev 1. The exhibit was provided and reviewed. The following review comments must be addressed prior to final subdivision plat approval. [30.7, 30.7.4(b)l(g), ZMA2000-91 Steep Slope Overlay.: a. [30.7.4(b)(1)(g)] Legislative zoning actions related to the underlying district. The proposed storm sewer along the rear property line of Lot 130 is not a use/structure permitted by right on preserved slopes. On the final subdivision plat provide a note that certifies no disturbance of the preserved slopes will take place while the proposed storm sewer is installed. If disturbance will occur with the installation of the storm sewer, remove or relocate the storm sewer and the associated easement so that it's installation will not disturb the preserved slopes. b. [30.7.4(b)(1)(g)] Legislative zoning actions related to the underlying district. The proposed stormwater management basin and storm sewer that are located within the open space at the rear of Lot 138 are not uses/structures permitted by right on preserved slopes. Prior to final subdivision plat approval relocate the proposed stormwater management basin and storm sewer completely out of the preserved slopes. c. [30.7.4(b)(1)(g)] Legislative zoning actions related to the underlying district. The proposed storm sewer outfall between Lot 179 and Lot 180 is not a use/structure permitted by right on preserved slopes. Prior to final subdivision plat approval remove the storm sewer outfall from the preserved slopes. d. 130.7.4(b)(1)(g), 30.7.4(b)(1)(h)] Legislative zoning actions related to the underlying district. Lot 176 and Lot 194 are not uses permitted by right on preserved slopes. Prior to final subdivision plat approval depicting these 2 lots in their current location the owner shall submit new topographic information that is based on more accurate or better technical data demonstrating, to the satisfaction of the County Engineer, that all the slopes on the proposed lots are less than twenty-five (25) percent. If this is not achieved, then the subject residential lot(s) shall be removed from the preserved slopes. 2. [ZMA2013-14, 14-4091 Coordination and Extension of Streets. On the final plat the applicant shall dedicate to public use the Lewis and Clark Road connection to the northern property line of TMP 32-22K. A road plan is required for this segment of roadway, this can either be accomplished on a new road plan or on SUB2016-92. Prior to final subdivision plat approval the connection shall be built or bonded. At SRC the applicant requested to phase the preliminary plat into two phases and bond the above mentioned road improvement with the second phase. This is permissible to Planning staff and shall be depicted on the final plat. Depending on where the phase line is, this modification may effect Fire and Rescue's review/approval. Prior to preliminary plat approval please submit either an exhibit or revised preliminary plat which shows the phase line. Rev 1. Comment not adequately addressed. [14-409, 14-434, 14-435, ZMA2013-7, and ZMA2000-91 Coordination and extension of streets. The phasing that is depicted on the preliminary subdivision plat is not what was discussed with Planning staff at the SRC meeting. The proposed phasing of LEWIS & CLARK' from CLIFFSTONE BLVD2 to the abutting Neighborhood Investments — NP LLC property line of TMP 32- 22K is not permitted. Remove the proposed phase line. On the final plat the right of way shall be dedicated to public use, provide the following note for the right-of-way dedication: "91' Wide Public Right-of-way Area Hereby Dedicated to the County of Albemarle for Public Use. " Prior to final subdivision plat approval the above road shall be designed on a road plan and built or bonded. The road plan shall coordinate the location, width, grades and drainage with the Phase III road improvements on the Neighborhood Investments — NP LLC property. If required by VDOT the road shall terminate within the subdivision with a temporary turnaround. 3. [Proffer 10.11 On the northern side of Cross Creek Drive provide an emergency connection to TMP 32-22E. The plat shall label it "50' Right-of-way Reserved for Future Dedication Upon Demand of the County". Also, ensure that all applicable temporary construction easements are provided to construct the connection. Be aware that the proffer also states that prior to the issuance of a building permit for building 32 as shown on the application plan that the R/W shall be dedicated to public use, which means a roadplan for that section shall be approved and bondedprior to dedication and acceptance and/or the conditions listed shall be addressed in a deed. Rev 1. Comment not fully addressed. [ZMA2013-7 Proffer 10.1, 14-4291 On the final subdivision plat label the emergency connection to TMP 32-22E as 1150' Wide Right-of-way Area Hereby Reserved for Future Dedication for Public Use Upon Demand of the County". Also, depict, label, and dimension the temporary construction easements that are needed to construct the road. 4. 114-434, 14-435, 14-311, 14-435.1] Prior to final subdivision plat approval Road Plan and WPO Plan must be approved for the section being platted, additionally all required improvements must be built or bonded, and all required Deeds and Declarations must be reviewed and approved prior to final subdivision plat approval. 5. [SP2002-72] Condition #9. On the final subdivision plat label both of the emergency connection to Pritchett Lane as "50' Wide Right-of-way Area Hereby Reserved for Future Dedication for Public Use Upon Demand of the County". Also, depict, label, and dimension the temporary construction easements that are needed to construct the road. 6. [SP2002-72] Condition #8. On the final subdivision plat provide the following note: "An approved landscape plan is required prior to the issuance of the 1 ` CO for any of the dwelling units on any of the lots abutting Pritchett Lane. " 7. [SP2002-72] Condition #10. On the final subdivision plat provide the following note: "An overlot grading plan must be approved by the County Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit for a new residence on any subdivision lot less than 15, 000 SF in size. " 8. [ZMA2013-7 Proffer 8.2(e)] Affordable Housing. On the final subdivision plat provide a chart that provides a running total of the number and percentage of affordable units previously provided and proposed to be provided by the subdivision plat. 9. [ZMA2013-7 Proffer 8.2(d)] Affordable Housing/Carriage House Units. On the final subdivision plat provide the 1 LEWIS & CLARK is labeled on the application plan as the Northwest Passage 2 CLIFFSTONE BLVD is labeled on the application plan as North Pointe Boulevard following note: "Carriage units shall meet the requirements for a single family dwelling as defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, and shall be on the sameparcel as theprimary dwelling unit to which it is accessory, and shall not be subdivided from the primary residence. These restrictions must be incorporated into each deed conveying title of such parcels. " 10. [ZMA2013-7, SP2002-72, 32.2, 4.161 Site Plan. Throughout the subdivision there are numerous required recreational amenities depicted, such as swimming pool & clubhouse w/ associated parking. These improvements require initial site plan and a final site plan approval prior to applying for a building permit of these uses. If these uses require over 10,000 SF of land disturbance a WPO application will also be required for the use. On the final subdivision plat please ensure these improvements are depicted and labeled as "Open space hereby dedicated to the HOA for recreational amenities" or some other comparable identifier. Prior to final subdivision plat approval a covenants and restriction document shall be approved by the County Attorney's office which includes maintenance of these open space areas and amenities. The recreational areas in each phase shall be built once 50% of the units in the phase receive their certificate of occupancy, CO's past the 50% will be held till those improvements are installed. 11. [14-302(A)(8)] Proposed lots. a. There appears to be an issue with the lot numbering. Sheets C-1 through C-9 identify lots 1-174, using two instances of Lots 76-99 (i.e. 24 duplicated lot numbers). At the same time, Sheets C-10 and C-11, utilize a different lot numbering layout, without duplicating lot numbers. In both layouts, 198 lots are provided. This total does not align with the housing summaries provided on Sheets C-1 and C-10. Please review and align this information to: i. Revise the housing number summaries accordingly Rev 1. Comment not addressed. b. Provide the approximate dimensions and area of each proposed lot. Rev 1. Comment not addressed. The residue area of TMP 32-20 is not provided with a clear parcel boundary which defines the limits of the subdivision. Additionally, the acreage of the residue lot is not provided. Also, the proposed parks are not provided with clear parcel boundaries, nor provided acreages. 12. [14-302(A)(14)] Land to be dedicated or reserved. a. Label the future elementary school site and acreage, similar to the label used for Future Apartments on Sheet 10, on all sheets where that site is shown and reference the associated proffer number. Rev 1. [ZMA2013-7 Proffer 9.11 Elementary School Site. The future elementary school lot is required to be 12.85 acres, currently it is listed as 9 acres. Prior to final subdivision plat approval the lot shall be a minimum of 12.85 acres. b. Label the future Park F. c. Provide a width for Park G, ensuring that it is at least 20ft, in order to avoid non -conforming "double frontage" lots. d. On Sheet 11, please review the area demarcated "Land to be dedicated to the County" behind Lots 181- 182 to ensure it aligns with the approved 2006 Zoning Application Plan (see Sheet G). 13. 114-302(B)(8), 14-4011 Yards. a. Ensure all required lot setbacks are shown on the final subdivision plat. b. To avoid non -conforming "double frontage" lots with future buildout, Lots 171, 172, and 174 on Sheet C-6 (also labeled as Lots 195, 196, and 198) shall be provided a 20ft wide strip of dedicated open space area to be maintained by the HOA, located between the rear of the lots and the right-of-way for Lewis & Clark. 14. [Comment] Pedestrian Network. Depict the required pedestrian pathways around the future elementary school site, and between Lewis & Clark Drive and the middle entrance (see approved application plan). Also, throughout the plat depict the required sidewalk and landscaping strips. Currently various pages throughout the plat switch between symbology showing these improvements. I surmise that a layer was turned off on some of the sheets. Revise. 15. [14-421] Monuments. All exterior and interior boundaries are required to be monumented. Please provide this information on the plat, or a note that the required monuments will be set by X date or time, per Sec. 14-421. 16. [14-303] Contents of final plat. On the final subdivision plat provide all necessary content as noted in Section 14-303, in addition to the revisions described above. Also be aware, when submitting the final subdivision plat, a written request or application to disturb steep slope areas will also be required, per Section 14-304. 17. [14-302(A)(16)] Dam break inundation zones. Depict and label Dam Break Inundation Zone limits. 18. [14-302(B)(1)] General information. Indicate the total number of sheets, either as part of title block or on the cover sheet. 19. [14-302(B)(5)] Zoning. Include in the zoning notes that this property contains the following overlays: Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor, Flood Hazard Overlay (100 Year Floodplain), Steep Slopes (Managed and Preserved), and Water Protection Ordinance (WPO) Buffers. Additionally, note that this property is subject to ZMA2013-14, ZMA2013-7, ZMA2000-9, SP2015-03, and SP2002-72. Rev 1. Comment not fully addressed. [14-302(B)(5)] Zoning. On the final subdivision plat include in the zoning notes that this property contains the following overlays: Airport Impact Area, Steep Slopes (Managed and Preserved). Additionally, on the final subdivision plat note that this property is subject to SP2015-03 and SP2002-72. 20. [14-302(A)(2)] Vicinity map. Include prominent waterways and bodies on the vicinity map as they integral features of this development. Also, differentiate on this map the section of development covered by this subdivision plat in relation to the larger North Pointe development. 21. [14-302(A)(3)] Existing streets. Provide the location, width and names of all existing streets abutting the property, including Pritchett Lane, particularly as it provides access to proposed Lot 99. 22. [14-302(A)(3)] Street names. Street names will need to be approved by the E911 reviewer. Please see attached review notes. 23. [14-409] Street Coordination. Ensure roadway alignment is consistent with the adjacent townhome development, abutting Route 29. See signed affidavit. Rev 1. Comment not addressed. The alignment proposed on the road plan and the plat do not match. 24. [14-302(A)(4-5)] Easements. Please label all easements as "existing" or "proposed". If "existing" include the deed book, page number, and the owner of record. If proposed easements are to be public, please denote using "dedicated to public use". 25. [14-302(A)(7)] Existing and departing lot line. It is not clear, on any one map, how the existing and departing lot lines relate to one another. While sheets attempt to include both, the line type for "parcels to be abandoned" - dash dot dash - is also being used for other elements (see leader line on Sheet C-3), also topographic and grading lines make these lines hard to decipher. Sheet 10 and its inset map may be a suitable place to provide this information. (Note: Looking at the location of Seminole Trail on both maps, it appears they may be oriented differently, even though their north arrows indicate a similar orientation. Please review and revise to ensure alignment.) 26. [SP2002-72] Condition #9(B) Extension to TMP 32-23HI. Prior to final subdivision plat approval revise the location of the 50' wide reservation area that is currently depicted between Lot 48 and Lot 49 to conform with the application plan. 27. [SP2002-72] Condition # 7(B). Prior to final subdivision plat approval a deed of dedication shall be submitted by the applicant and approved by the County Attorney for the greenway and all pedestrian pathways. The final subdivision plat shall include tabulation of greenway area to be dedicated. 28. [SP2002-72] Condition #11. On the final subdivision plat provide a note that verifies each lot meets the following special use permit condition: All residential uses shall be served by gravity sanitary sewers; however, basements may be served by grinder pumps. 29. [14-414, 4.1, ZMA2000-9] Prior to final subdivision plat approval Lot 99 shall be provided public water and public sewer approved by ACSA. Additionally, Lot 99 shall receive VDOT approval for an entrance onto Pritchett Lane. 30. [ZMA2013-07, ZMA2000-9, 14-302(A)(14)] On the final subdivision plat clearly depict park boundaries and square footages/acreages. All parks shall be on individual special lots for open space purposes maintained by the HOA. 31. [14-302(A)(9)] Building sites on proposed lots. On the final subdivision plat revise the building site note to ensure each proposed lot contains a building site. Ensure the note matches the following format: "Parcel [letter or number] and the residue of Tax Map/Parcel [numbers] each contain a building site that complies with section 4.2.1 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. " Currently note #8 references 174 lots; however, there are 198 lots proposed with this plat. 32. [14-302(A)8] Proposed lots. On the final subdivision plat provide a chart/table which lists each lot and associated square footage, include open space parcels in this chart. 33. On the final subdivision plat correctly label TMP 32-22K, currently the preliminary plat incorrectly labels it as TMP 32-22H. Also, on the final subdivision plat correctly label the owner of TMP 32-22P as Neighborhood Investments — NP LLC 34. [14-317] Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Prior to final subdivision plat approval instruments evidencing maintenance of the pedestrian tunnel and the utility crossings within the public right of way that are located over culverts must be approved by the County. Submit the draft documents to Planning staff for a cursory review and I'll forward them to the County Attorney for review. Board of Supervisor approval or authorization of this agreement may be required prior to County approval of the road plan and final subdivision plat. 35. [ZMA2013-07, ZMA2000-91 Proffer 9.2(a). Bus Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stop Improvements, and Bus Service. Depict and label the 2 required bus stop turnoffs on North Pointe Blvd, adjacent to Park I. One shall be provided on each side of the road as depicted in the application plan. The bus stop turnoffs shall be approved with the road plan and bonded prior to final subdivision plat approval. 36. [14-303] Contents of final plat. On the final subdivision plat provide all necessary content as noted in Section 14-303, in addition to the revisions described above. Other SRC Reviewers: Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) Matthew Wentland, mwentland(c-r�,albemarle.org — "Requested changes see attached". Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Andrew Walker, awalkerkalbemarle.org — "Requested changes see attached". Albemarle County Building Inspections Michael Dellinger, mdellingergalbemarle.org — No objections. Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Shawn Maddox, smaddoxna,albemarle.org — No objections. Albemarle County Service Authority Richard Nelson, rnelsongserviceauthority.org — No objection. Virginia Department of Transportation Adam Moore, adam.moorekvdot.vir_it� nia.gov — "Requested changes see attached". Please contact Christopher Perez in the Planning Division by using cperez(a)albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443 for further information. Review Comments for SUB201800225 Preliminary — Residential Project Name: NORTH POINTE MIDDLE AND NORTHEAST RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Thursday, June 13. 2019 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Andrew Slack CDD E911 Requested Changes The road name 'Retreat Ct' will net be acceptable in the current location_ To use the word 'Retreat' in that read name the applicant will need to add another word to the road name before it would be acceptable (e_g_ Retreat Cove Ct would be acceptable)_ The road name Well Spring Ct' is not accetable becaLlse there are already 5 existing road names that begin with Well'_ The other road names are all acceptable The applicant sh0L1Id contact this office with a list of three (3) proposed road names for each of the roads above to be approved by this office - Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10912712019 Review Comments for SUB201800225 Preliminary — Residential I - Project Name: NORTH POINTE MIDDLE AND NORTHEAST RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Monday, June 24, 2019 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Matthew Wentland CBB Engineering - No Objection - 1_ All associated road plans will need to be approved and bonded before final plat approval- _ All associated V MP plans will need to be approved and bonded before final plat approval- 3- A Deed of Dedication will need to be signed and recorded for the SWM facility easements_ This will filled out by the County and forwarded to the applicant when the final plat is nearing approval_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10912712019 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Read CarpEpar. Virgha 22701 Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner February 26, 2019 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Christopher Perez Re: North Pointe Middle & Northeast Residential — Preliminary Plat SUS-2018-00225 Review # 1 Dear Mr. Perez: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Townes Site Engineering, dated 18 December 2018, and offers the fallowing comments: • The: Road PIan (SU$-2016-00092) is currently under review and has not been approved. The remaining comments in our 26 February 2019 review letter for that plan should be addressed prior to final plat approval. If further information is desired, please contact Justin Deel at 434-422-9894. A VDDT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, ,�� qau-- Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING