HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201600092 Review Comments Road Plan and Comps. 2019-10-01COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Memorandum To: Matthew Wentland CC: Brian Mitchell, P.E., Townes Site Engineering (bitchell@cctownes.com) David Mitchell, E.I.T., Great Eastern Management company (david@southern-classic.com) From: Megan Nedostup/Christopher Perez Division: Community Development — Planning Date: September 27, 2019- Revised October 1, 2019 Subject: SUB201600092 North Pointe Section 1 - Road Plans The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plat referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed. The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] 1. [Comment] List conditions of SP2015-03 on the plan set (attached). Rev 2. Comment addressed. 2. [SP2015-3] Condition 43. Include landscape plan sheets with next submittal in accordance with Proffer requirements from ZMA2013-07 and conditions of SP2015-03 (Condition #3). Revise the road plan to comply with condition #3 by providing a landscape plan that meets the requirements of the SP. Currently the landscape plan does not comply with this requirement. Prior to obtaining approval of the road plans and erosion and sediment control plans for Northside Drive, the applicant shall obtain approval of a landscape plan by the County's Design Planner and the site shall be landscaped as provided on the approved landscape plan. The landscape plan shall include a complete planting schedule keyed to the plan and shall provide the following: a. The existing tree line and proposed tree line that will remain, the limits of clearing and grading, and methods of tree protection; b. Provide an informal planting of mixed tree and shrub species and sires to compensate for removed vegetation, and low -growing plants to stabilize slopes in the areas of proposed grading and tree removal; and C. Provide large shade trees on the north and south side of Northside Drive, along the sidewalk and space reserved for the sidewalk, two and one-half (2%) inches caliper minimum at planting, forty (40) feet on center, for a minimum distance of four hundred (400) feet from the existing edge of pavement of Route 29 North. Rev 3. Comment not addressed. Revise the landscape plan to address conditions 3a and 3b. Additionally, in order to meet condition 3c please increase the large street tree to a minimum of 2.5" caliper. 3. [ZMA2013-071 Proffer 2.2 Screening/landscaping of stormwater management facility 2 must be approved by the design planner prior to approval of road plans. Rev 2. Comment addressed as ARB has no objections. Rev 3. Comment is addressed as facility 2 is not proposed at this time. 4. [ZMA2013-07] Proffer 2.1 Ensure that 40-foot buffer along the Route 29 Entrance Corridor willbe provided for in accordance with Proffer 2.1 Show buffer locations and any proposed plantings within landscape plan sheets. Rev 2. Comment addressed as ARB has no objections. Additionally, these improvements are be depicted on the middle entrance road plan (SUB2015-165) and not the road plan for this section. 5. [SP2015-03] Condition #3. Provide a landscape plan showing details as required by condition 3 (attached) for design planner review. Rev 2. Comment not addressed. Comment has been combined with review comment #2 above. 6. [SP2015-03] Condition #4. Include design details ofretaining walls for design planner review. Revl : Include details for design planner review including column cap design, pier design, and stone finish. Rev 2. Comment addressed on sheet C-11A. Rev 3. Based on staffs review the only walls proposed with the stream crossing are ornamental stone walls, which are not retaining walls. Please confirm that there are no retaining walls being utilized with the stream crossing. If retaining walls are being utilized with this crossing, please clearly label them and provide all required information associated with condition #4 for design planner review and approval. 7. [ Provide street trees along all proposed streets in accordance with this section and show on landscaping plan sheets. Street trees are required to be bonded with road plans. Applicant stated an intention to bond street trees along Route 29 entrance road with these road plans. Please show these trees on plan as well. Revl: Provide species and size of street trees. Provide trees on both sides of all roadways. Trees should be placed 50' on center. Where utility conflicts exist, trees may be slightly shifted, but the overall number of trees should not be reduced. Rev 2. Comment not addressed. Rev 3. [ZMA2000-9, Comment not addressed. Provide street trees along both sides of all proposed streets in accordance with this section and show on landscaping plan sheets. Provide street tree calculations. 8. [ZMA2013-07, ZMA2000-91 Application Plan. Per previous discussions, a variation will be required for the modified alignment of the entrance road. Please submit variation application and fee for staff review. Additional variations may be needed based on future subdivision plats/site plans for this phase of development. Rev l : Comment not addressed. Variation required prior to road plan approval. Rev 2. This item was reviewed and approved w/ SUB2016-177 on May 10, 2017 by the BOS. 9. [ZMA2013-07, ZMA2000-91 Application Plan. Provide landscaping in the medians in accordance with the concept plan. Rev 1. Provide species and size for median plantings. Rev 2. Comment not addressed. Rev 3. Comment addressed. 10. [ZMA2013-07, ZMA2000-91 Application Plan. Are bike lanes provided on North Pointe Blvd and Crosscreek Drive? Provide street cross sections to more clearly show road details and to allow for comparisons to application plan road sections. Rev 1. Comment not addressed. Rev 2. Comment addressed. Bike lanes 2 (& (6' each) are provided. 11. [14-422(A)] Sidewalks are required on both sides of each new street. Show a sidewalk around all permanent cut -de -sacs. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 12. [Comment] Provide road names on plans. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 13. [30.7, 30.7.4(b)l(g)] Steep Slope Overlay. The original rezoning was approved to disturb critical slopes as proposed on the application plan. However in 2014 there was a Countywide rezoning of all slopes in the development area to either preserved or managed slopes. Preserved slopes are not permitted to be disturbed, managed slopes are permitted to be disturbed per the County's design standards. Section 30.7.4(b)1(g) allows uses/structures shown on an approved application plan to be located on preserved slopes. Prior to road plan approval provide an exhibit depicting the envelop of development from the approved application plan superimposed on the envelop of development for the current proposal. Also on this exhibit superimpose the County's steep slopes overlay district (distinguish between managed and preserved slopes) and the critical slopes depicted on the approved application plan. Ensure each of the five items discussed above are clearly distinguishable from each other through the use of line widths, hatching, and colors to aid staff in determining if this current proposal is in conformity with the County regulations mentioned above. Please provide a legend. Any areas proposed to be disturbed for the current proposal that are outside of the envelop of development from the approved application plan which disturb preserved slopes previously classified as critical slopes shall not be permitted. If such instances exist the road plan shall be revised prior to approval to be in conformity with the approved application plan, or the road plan shall be denied and a rezoning will be required to facilitate the new proposal. In short: in order to verify compliance with [30.7, 30.7.4(b)l(g)] Steep Slope Overlay provide one exhibit depicting the following: -The envelop of development from the approved application plan superimposed on the envelop of development for the current proposal. -The County's steep slopes overlay district (distinguishing managed and preserved slopes) -The critical slopes depicted on the approved application plan. Rev 3. Comment addressed. 13. [ZMA2013-14, 14-4091 Coordination and Extension of Streets. On the final plat the applicant shall dedicate to public use the Lewis and Clark Road connection to the northern property line of TMP 32-22K. A road plan is required for this segment of roadway, this can either be accomplished on a new road plan or on SUB2016-92. Prior to final subdivision plat approval the connection shall be built or bonded. At SRC the applicant requested to phase the preliminary plat into two phases and bond the above mentioned road improvement with the second phase. This is permissible to Planning staff and shall be depicted on the final plat. Depending on where the phase line is, this modification may affect Fire and Rescue's review/approval. Prior to road plan approval please submit either an exhibit or a revised road plan depicting and labeling the phase line. Rev 3. 114-409, 14-434, 14-435, ZMA2013-7, and ZMA2000-91 Coordination and extension of streets. The proposed phasing of the Lewis and Clark Drivel from Cliffstone Boulevard to the abutting Neighborhood Investments — NP LLC property line of TMP 32-22K is not permitted. Additionally, the phasing that is depicted on the preliminary plat is not what was discussed with Planning staff at the SRC meeting, nor does it match the phasing depicted on this road plan. The plat and the road plan do not match. On the road plan remove the proposed phase line for this road connection. The applicant shall dedicate to public use Lewis and Clark Drivel from Cliffstone Boulevard to the abutting Neighborhood Investments — NP LLC property line of TMP 32-22K. Prior to final subdivision plat approval the above road segment shall be designed on a road plan and built or bonded. The road plan shall coordinate the location, width, grades and drainage with the Phase III road improvements on the Neighborhood Investments — NP LLC property. If required by VDOT the road segment shall terminate within the subdivision with a temporary turnaround. 14. [ZMA2013-07] Proffer 10.1 On the northern side of Cross Creek Drive provide an emergency connection to TMP 32-22E. The road plan shall label it "50' Right-of-way Reserved for Future Dedication Upon Demand of the County". Also, ensure that all applicable temporary construction easements are provided to construct the connection. Be aware that the proffer also states that prior to the issuance of a building permit for building 32 as shown on the application plan that the R/W shall be dedicated to public use, which means a road plan for that section shall be approved and bonded prior to dedication and acceptance and/or the conditions listed shall be addressed in a deed. Rev 3. Revise the reservation note on the road plan as follows: "50' Wide Right-of-way Area Hereby Reserved for Future Dedication for Public Use Upon Demand of the County': 15. [SP2002-721 Condition #9. The owner shall design and construct as emergencyaccess ways extensions to Pritchett lane within 50' wide right-of-way as depicted on the application plan. The road plan shall dedicate to public use the 50' emergency connection and required temporary offsite grading easements on each side of the right of way in order to provide to required connections to Pritchett Lane. The preliminary subdivision plat lists these lots as Lot 51 - Lot 52. The road plan shall be revised to include the design and grading of these emergency accessway and all required temporary grading easements on adjacent lots. The road shall be designed and graded to accommodate a VDOT public street and constructed using pervious parking pavers. Rev 3. Comment not addressed. 16. [ZMA2013-071 Proffer 6.1 Pedestrian Pathways. Throughout the areas of the development being subdivided/served by this road plan depict the required pedestrian pathways (trails) throughout. These improvements shall be bonded with the road plan per Proffer 6.1. Rev 3. Comment still relevant. 1 Lewis and Clark Drive is labeled on the application plan as the Northwest Passage 2 Cliffstone Boulevard is labeled on the application plan as North Pointe Boulevard 17. [SP2015-3] Condition #2. Revise the road plan to provide a cutsheet of the proposed 8 x 8 underground crossing for pedestrians. Also, per VDOT review comments this improvement will require a private maintenance agreement as VDOT will not maintain it. Ensure this improvement is included in theHOA maintenance does as required by Section 14-317 and proffer 6.1 of ZMA2013-7. The culvert under Northside Drive shall be in general accord with the attached drawing titled "Forth Pointe SP Crossing of Flat Branch" prepared by Townes Site Engineering with a revision date of July 20, 2015, page 2 of 3 (the "Plan"). To be in general accord with the Plan, development shall reflect the general size, arrangement, and location of the culverts. Modifications to the Plan, which do not conflict with the elements above may be approved subject to the review and approval of the County Engincer. Rev 3. The stream crossing box culverts will be maintained by VDOT. The utilities above the box culvert will require a maintenance agreement before acceptance into the state system. This agreement will likely be between VDOT and the County and the County and ACSA. The pedestrian tunnel will require a private maintenance agreement. 18. [4.17] Outdoor Lighting. The road plan depicts street lighting. On the road plan provide an outdoor lighting plan which complies with section 4.17, to include a photometric plan including the lighting location, description, and photograph or diagram of each type of outdoor luminaire. Provide spillover data to all external property lines and external right-of- ways. Revise. Rev 3. Comment retracted, as this is not a site plan. 19. [ZMA2013-07, ZMA2000-91 Proffer 9.2 Bus Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stop Improvements, and Bus Service. On the road plan design, label, and dimension the 2 required bus stop turnoffs on North Pointe Blvd, adjacent to Park I. One shall be provided on each side of the road as depicted in the application plan. Prior to road plan approval the County Transportation Planner shall review and approve the locations of the two proposed bus stop locations. The bus stop turnoffs shall be bonded and constructed with the streets. 20. [14-302(A)(3)] Street names. Street names will need to be approved by the E911 reviewer. 21. [14-317] Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Prior to road plan approval an instrument evidencing maintenance of the pedestrian tunnel and utility crossings within the public right of way that are over culverts must be approved by the County. Submit the draft documents to Planning staff for a cursory review and I'll forward them to the County Attorney for review. Board of Supervisor approval or authorization of this agreement may be required prior to County approval of the road plan. 22. [14-411] VDOT approval of the road plan is required. Please contact Christopher Perez in the Planning Division by using cperezL&albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443 for further information.