HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201900008 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2019-10-02COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 October 2, 2019 Mr. Daniel C. Hyer, P.E., Principal -in -Charge: Line + Grade Civil Engineering 113 4t1i Street NE, Suite 100, Charlottesville, VA 22902 dh erkline-grade.com / (434)-262-0169 Mr. J. Michael Drude, Head of School: The Miller School of Albemarle 1000 Miller School Loop, Charlottesville, VA 2290 mdrudekmillerschool.org / (434)-823-4805 RE: Review Comment Letter #1 for SP201900008 (The Miller School of Albemarle) Mr. Hyer and Mr. Drude: Your request for Special Use Permit SP-2019-00008 (The Miller School of Albemarle) has been reviewed by members of Albemarle County staff and our partner agencies. Review comments are provided below, organized by Department, Division, or agency. Currently, a number of questions and issues have been identified which Staff believe should be addressed through revisions and resubmittal, prior to scheduling and advertising for a public hearing with the Planning Commission. However, please be advised that applicants have the right to proceed with any of the possible next steps contained in the "Action After Receipt of Comment Letter" document, which is attached to this review comment letter. Please review that document for detailed information about your options, and please indicate in writing which one of the possible next steps you intend to take. As always, CDD staff remain available to provide assistance and discuss this comment letter, and any other aspect(s) of your application, at your request. Please contact me with any questions and/or requests for assistance you may have. I can be reached at t2adalino(cr�,albemarle.org or 434-296-5832, ext. 3088. Sincerely, Tim Pa alino, AICP I Senior Planner I Planning Services Division enc: Action After Receipt of Comment Letter Resubmittal Form Resubmittal Schedule CM -Planning Reviewer: Tim Padalino / tyadalinogalbemarle.org / (434)-296-5832 x 3088 Review Status: Requested Changes (10/2/2019) Please confirm the scale and scope of this special use permit request for "private schools" as it relates to future student enrollment. a. Currently, the only information contained in the special use permit application materials which addresses student enrollment is located on page 7 of the "Application for Special Use Permit" document in the chart containing the ITE trip generation estimates (for future enrollment). That chart specifies a future enrollment of 225 students. b. Please confirm (or otherwise clarify) that this special use permit request proposes a maximum student enrollment of 225 students. c. Please address whether this special use permit request for future increase(s) to student enrollment contains any commitment to a minimum percentage (or number) of students residing in dorms on the private school campus, and/or any commitment to a maximum percentage (or number) of students residing off -site and commuting daily to the private school campus. 2. Please revise the Concept Plan to address the following questions, concerns, or issues: a. Please revise and resubmit the materials to differentiate the (revised) Concept Plan from any additional supplementary plans and/or other exhibits. The Concept Plan may contain more than one sheet. The Concept Plan is a primary part of your application that will be used in the future when determining what uses and improvements are permissible or not (and in what locations) — so please ensure that the information that has been provided for informational purposes or for other supplementary purposes is separate from the official Concept Plan. b. Please clearly distinguish existing conditions and proposed/future conditions. i. The use of phase lines or other graphic convention, or the separation of information into different sheets, may help distinguish this information. ii. If an exhibit shows proposed future conditions, please identify (at a conceptual level of detail) any proposed changes to areas that currently have forested land cover. Specifically, in order to help staff evaluate environmental impacts, please identify the location(s) and extent(s) of areas that would be subject to future tree removal and land disturbance. c. Please revise the numbers used on the exhibit and in the legend on Sheets C1.4 and C1.5 so that the use of numbers is consistent on both sheets. Currently, there are different numbers used for the same buildings and same features on the two sheets. d. Additionally, the proposed future uses and improvements shown on Sheets CIA and C1.5 appear to be discrepant. (For example: tennis courts; new driveway/approach road; etc.) Please resolve these discrepancies and ensure the special use permit application materials are consistent in depicting proposed future uses and improvements. 3. Please provide additional information regarding the building envelopes on Concept Plan Sheet C1.3: a. Please provide a use chart, use table, or other summary of the proposed uses within each identified building envelope: i. Campus Area Building Envelope ii. Farm Building Envelope #1 iii. Farm Building Envelope #2 iv. Dwelling Envelope b. Please identify the size (acres) of each building envelope, and please provide additional information to justify or otherwise explain the large size of these proposed building envelopes. c. Please provide more information about the uses of the existing structures located in the extensive area outside of the identified building envelopes. d. Please provide more information about the proposed uses and/or proposed structures and improvements in the extensive area outside of the identified building envelopes. For example, please confirm or otherwise clarify the following: i. (land use): whether this special use permit proposal is a request for permission to conduct "private school" uses in the areas outside of the identified building envelopes (i.e. within the entirety of TMP #72-32); and ii. (land disturbance%onstruction): whether the proposal includes a request for permission to conduct land disturbance or construct structures or other permanent improvements for private school use(s) in the areas outside of the identified building envelopes. e. Please provide more information regarding the proposed configuration/size and proposed uses/improvements of the Campus Area Building Envelope — specifically the area that extends to the west (across Miller School Road) from the historic portion of The Miller School campus. 4. Please provide additional details regarding the current proposal to construct additions to Haden Hart dormitory. a. Staff acknowledges the inclusion of floor plans for the proposed addition. Thank you. b. However, the following information is requested (but is not required) in order for County staff to more fully understand and evaluate the proposal: i. One or more exhibits showing the proposed addition (and any other associated improvements such as expanded parking area or other development) in plan view; and ii. One or more architectural elevations showing the proposed addition; and iii. One or more renderings that provide a three-dimensional depiction of the proposed addition. Please provide additional information from the Land Trust of Virginia regarding your special use permit application. a. Staff acknowledges that page 8 of the "Application for Special Use Permit" document includes correspondence from Ashton Cole, Director of Conservation and Stewardship for the Land Trust of Virginia, which indicates that the proposed addition to the Haden Hart dormitory is "in conformance with the conservation easement." b. However, more information is needed from the Land Trust of Virginia. Specifically, please provide information from the Land Trust of Virginia that contains their evaluation of the special use permit request and their conclusions about the suitability of the overall proposal (including the proposed "building envelopes" as identified on Concept Plan Sheet C 1.3) relative to the terms of the existing conservation easement. CDD-Planning/Resource Management (Historic Preservation Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewski / mmaliszewski&albemarle.org Review Status: Requested Changes (9/30/2019) Principal Planner Margaret Maliszewski provided the following review comments: Required Concept Plan revisions: 1. Use consistent key numbers from one page to the next throughout the mapping. Advisory recommendations on the Special Use Permit application: 2. The Haden Hart building appears to be historic. It would be appropriate at this time to re-evaluate the overall property to identify additional resources that are eligible for listing in the National Register, and to pursue that listing. 3. The design of additions and renovations to structures that are listed in and/or potentially eligible for listing in the Registers should be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. 4. Additions and alterations to structures that are listed in and/or potentially eligible for listing in the Registers should be consistent with the organization and layout of the historic campus and its setting. CDD-Planning/Transportation Planning Reviewer: Kevin McDermott / kmcdermottkalbemarle.org Review Status: Pending (as of 10/1/2019); review comments will be promptly forwarded upon receipt. CDD-Zoning Reviewer: Rebecca Ragsdale / rra sg dalekalbemarle.org Review Status: Requested Changes (10/l/2019) Principal Planner Rebeca Ragsdale provided the following review comments: 1. SP-2009-24: Was the wildlife sanctuary approved under this special use permit established? If so, the concept plan for the private school special use permit should show the use and major elements of that [wildlife sanctuary] plan. 2. Regarding the concept plan for the private school, please see the following comments: a. Applicant should indicate which plan sheet is offered as the regulating concept plan, preferably using Sheet C 1.3 at smaller scale. b. Sheet C1.3 should clearly show major elements of the plan. c. The plan set does not indicate what is proposed for the expanded Campus Area Building Envelope along the southern property line crossing Miller School Road. d. Are all by -right agricultural uses meant to be limited to the Farm Building Envelopes? Are all other wooded areas to remain undisturbed? 3. Documentation should be provided from the Land Trust of Virginia that approves the building envelopes. The documentation provided on page 8 of the application packet only references the Haden Hart dorm approval. CDD-Engineering Reviewer: Frank Pohl / fpohlgalbemarle.org Review Status: See Recommendations (9/5/2019) County Engineer Frank Pohl, PE, CFA reviewed the special use permit application materials and indicated that he has no objections to this special use permit application. However, Mr. Pohl did offer the following informational guidance: "Each phase of development will require VSMP permitting under the common plan of development definition, regardless of disturbed area at the time of each application. This can be addressed during site plan review." CDD-Inspections Reviewer: Michael Dellinger / mdellinger@albemarle.org Review Status: No Objection (9/6/2019) Albemarle County Fire -Rescue Reviewer: Shawn Maddox / smaddox@albemarle.org Review Status: See Recommendations (9/18/2019) Deputy Fire Marshal Shawn Maddox, CFO, EFO provided the following informational guidance and requested conditions of approval: "Fire Rescue has no objections to existing conditions. As a condition of the special use permit Fire Rescue would request the following: 1. Code compliant emergency apparatus access will be provided to any new construction. 2. Provide ISO fire flow calculations for any new construction and on site fire flow available. If needed fire flow is not available then provide alternatives through on site storage, construction type changes, etc." Albemarle County Service Authority Reviewer: Richard Nelson / melson@serviceauthority.org Review Status: No Objection (9/26/2019) "SP201900008 The Miller School of Albemarle is outside the ACSA JA [Jurisdiction Areal. There are no comments." Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority Reviewer: Dyon Vega / dvegagrivanna.org Review Status: No Objection (9/5/2019) Dyon Vega, PE, Civil Engineer with RWSA provided the following review comments via email: "RWSA has reviewed application SP201900008 The Miller School of Albemarle. Below is a completed copy of the form that was provided to us by Elaine Echols for SP & ZMA Applications. 1. Capacity issues for sewer that may affect this proposal: None Known 2. Requires Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Capacity Certification: No 3. Water flow or pressure issues that may affect this proposal: None Known 4. `Red Flags' regarding service provision (use attachments if necessary): None Known" Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Reviewer: Adam Moore / adam.moorekvdot.virginia.gov Review Status: Pending (as of 10/1/2019); VDOT comments will be promptly forwarded upon receipt. Action after Receipt of Comments: After you have read this letter, please take one of the actions identified on "Action After Receipt of Comment Letter" which is attached. Resubmittal• If you choose to resubmit, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal. The resubmittal date schedule is provided for your convenience. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACTION AFTER RECEIPT OF COMMENT LETTER: FIRST SET OF COMMENTS Your project has been scheduled for a public hearing by the Planning Commission for December 3, 2019, which is 90 days from the date your application was accepted for review. State Code requires a 90-day review by the Planning Commission unless the applicant requests deferral. As you will read in this comment letter, staff recommends changes to your application to help you achieve approval. Without these changes, staff cannot recommend approval of your application (as originally submitted) to the Planning Commission. To maintain the 90-day schedule with the possibility of a recommendation for approval, revised plans must be submitted by October 21, 2019. If you need more time to make these changes, and if you prefer to move forward to the Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval, you must request deferral. If you choose not to request deferral, staff will take your project to the Commission as originally submitted, but without a recommendation of approval. Instructions for requesting a deferral are outlined below. Please communicate with staff in writing on or before Friday, October 11, 2019 to identify which one of the following possible action(s) you intend to take for SP201900008: (1) Resubmit in response to review comments by the date noted above (October 21, 2019); or (2) Request deferral pursuant to Zoning Ordinance Section 33.52, in these instances: a. If you will not be resubmitting by October 21, 2019; or b. If you will resubmit by October 21, 2019, but would like to receive updated review comments on the revised submittal, and understand the Planning Commission date will be later than December 3, 2019; or (3) Proceed to Planning Commission public hearing on December 3, 2019 with your application as originally submitted; or (4) Withdraw your application. (1) Resubmittal in Response to Review Comments Please resubmit on or before October 21, 2019. Please note that no additional information, revisions, documents, etc. will be accepted after this resubmittal. Be sure to include the resubmittal form on the last page of your comment letter with your submittal. Revised 9-17-19 MCN The application fee which you paid covers staff review of the initial submittal and one resubmittal. Each subsequent resubmittal requires an additional fee. (2) Deferral requested To request deferral, you must submit a request in writing to defer action by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The request may be made by email. You may request a deferral for up to 36 months from the date your application was accepted for review (August 28, 2019), or up to August 28, 2022. (This is based on the Board of Supervisors' September 5, 2018 action.) However, all outstanding information necessary for Commission action must be submitted by April 28, 2022 and in accordance with the published schedule. (Please review Section 18-33.52 of the Albemarle County Code prior to requesting a deferral.) (3) Proceed to Planning Commission Public Hearing on December 3, 2019 At this time, you may request that your application proceed to public hearing with the Planning Commission on December 3, 2019. With this option, no additional documents will be accepted, and staff will take your project to the Commission as originally submitted without a recommendation of approval. (4) Withdraw Your Application If at any time you wish to withdraw your application, please provide your request in writing. Failure to Respond An application shall be deemed to be voluntarily withdrawn if the applicant requests deferral pursuant to subsection 33.52(A) and fails to provide within 90 days before the end of the deferral period all of the information required to allow the Board to act on the application, or fails to request a deferral as provided in subsection 33.52(B) or (C). Fee Payment Fees paid in cash or by check must be paid at the Community Development Intake Counter. Make checks payable to the County of Albemarle. Do not send checks directly to the Review Coordinator. Fees may also be paid by credit card using the secure online payment system, accessed at http://www.albemarle.org/department.asp?department=cdd&relpage=21685. Revised 9-17-19 MCN FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SP # or ZMA # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By: Resubmittal of information for Special Use Permit or�'�,,� Zoning Map Amendment j,>,n.��;: PROJECT NUMBER: Sp• ZQJG1 • 0000$ PROJECT NAME: 11tt MiJ16Z S4601- of &1 RAFLE ❑ Resubmittal Fee is Required ❑ Per Request X Resubmittal Fee is Not Requ%cd I IM FPc'DKVi�W XfC f Community Development Project Coordinator . X10 1Ia' lol Signature 61Date Name of Applicant Signature FEES Phone Number Date Resubmittal fees for Special Use Permit — original Special Use Permit fee of $1,000 ❑ First resubmission FREE ❑ Each additional resubmission $500 _Resubmittal——original Special Use Permit fee of $OOW First resubmission FREE 07 Eac additional resubmission $11000 Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $2,500 ❑ First resubmission FREE ❑ Each additional resubmission $1,250 Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $3,500 ❑ First resubmission FREE ❑ Each additional resubmission $1,750 ❑ Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request — Add'1 notice fees will be required $180 To be paid after staff review for uublic notice: Most applications for Special Use Permits and Zoning Map Amendment require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore, at least two fees for public notice are required before a Zoning Map Amendment may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. MAKE CHECKS TO COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE/PAYMENT AT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTER Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty (50) notices $200 + actual cost of first-class postage Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty (50) $1.00 for each additional notice + actualcost of first-class postage Legal advertisement (published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost (minimum of $280 for total of 4 publications) County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 6/7/2011 Page 1 of 1 2019 Submittal and Review Schedule Special Use Permits and Zoning Map Amendments Resubmittal Schedule Resubmittal Dates Comments given to the Applicant Applicant requests PC Public Hearing AND Payment Due for Legal Ad (no additional resubmittals) Planning Commission Public Hearing No sooner than* COB Auditorium Monday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Dec 17 2018 Jan 16 Jan 25 Feb 19 Jan 07 Feb 06 Feb 08 Mar 05 Tue Jan 22 Feb 20 Feb 22 Mar 19 Feb 04 Mar 06 Mar 15 Apr 09 Tue Feb 19 Mar 20 Mar 29 Apr 23 Mar 04 Apr 03 Apr 12 May 07 Mar 18 Apr 17 Apr 26 May 21 Apr 01 May 01 May 10 Jun 04 Apr 15 May 15 May 31 Jun 25 Apr 29 May 29 May 31 Jun 25 May 06 Jun 05 Jun 14 Jul 09 May 20 Jun 19 Jun 28 Jul 23 Jun 03 Jul 03 Jul 12 Aug 06 Jun 17 Jul 17 Jul 26 Aug 20 Jul 01 Jul 31 Aug 09 Sep 03 Jul 15 Aug 14 Aug 30 Sep 24 Jul 29 Aug 28 Sep 13 Oct 08 Aug 05 Sep 04 Sep 13 Oct 08 Aug 19 Sep 18 Sep 27 Oct 22 Tue Sep 03 Oct 02 Oct 18 Nov 12 Sep 16 Oct 16 Oct 18 Nov 12 Sep 30 Oct 30 Nov 08 Dec 03 Oct 07 Nov 06 Nov 08 Dec 03 Oct 21 Nov 20 Nov 19 Dec 17 Nov 04 Dec 04 Dec 20 Jan 14 2020 Nov 18 Dec 18 Dec 20 Jan 14 2020 Dec 16 Jan 15 2020 Jan 24 2020 Feb 18 2020 Dec 30 Jan 29 2020 Feb 07 2020 Mar 03 2020 Jan 06 2020 Feb 05 2020 Feb 07 2020 Mar 03 2020 Bold italics = submittal/meeting day is different due to a holiday. Dates with shaded background are not 2019. 2020 dates are tentative. *Public hearing dates have been set by the Planning Commission; however, if due to unforeseen circumstances the Planning Commission is unable to meet on this date, your project will be moved to the closest available agenda date.