HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800091 Review Comments Minor Amendment 2019-10-02COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
Site Plan Amendment Review
Project title: Oakleigh — Minor Site Plan Amendment
Project file number: SDP201800091
Plan preparer: Steve Edwards [steve(&edwarddesignstudio.com]
4936 Old Boonesboro Road, Lynchburg VA 24503
Alan Franklin, P.E., LLC [alan(a)alanfranklinpe.com]
427 Cranberry Lane, Crozet VA 22932
Owner or rep.: Oakleigh Albemarle LLC — 690 Berkmar Circle / Charlottesville, VA 22901
Plan received date: 20 Dec 2018
(Rev. 1)
17 Apr 2019
(Rev. 2)
8 Jun 2019
(Rev. 3)
12 Aug 2019
(Rev. 4)
17 Sep 2019
(Rev. 5)
1 Oct 2019
Date of comments:
7 Feb 2019
(Rev. 1) 10 May 2019; Rev. 13 Maw
(Rev. 2) 28 Jun 2019; Rev. 1 Jul 2019
(Rev. 3) 27 Aug 2019
(Rev. 4, 5) 2 Oct 2019
Plan Coordinator: Paty Saternye
Reviewer: John Anderson — No objection
* Once easement plat recorded /see comment 31.
Compare approved impervious area (224,639 ft2) with proposed Amendment (232,586 ft2); a slight 3.4%
increase. Amend VSMP/WPO Plan for this site plan, including VSMH Vol. 2 Appendix 5D worksheets.
(Note: proposed routing of paved surface runoff directly into a Level-1 biofilter requires pre-treatment)
Link: https://www.deq.vir ig'nia.gov/Portals/O/DEQ/Water/Publications/HndbkVolumeI.pdf - p. 3.11-14 and
FIG. 3.11-7. "Like other infiltration basins, bioretention basins must always be preceded by a pretreatment
facility to remove grease, oil, floatable organic material, and settleable solids..."
SDP201700005, Sheet 2: (Rev. 1) Comment persists. WP02017-00023, Amendment 2, is under review.
(Rev. 2) Addressed. VSMP /WPO approved 6/5/19.
Include reference to approved VSMP/WPO for Oakleigh: list WP0201700023, Approved 3/26/18, as an
associated plan. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
Sheet 4
3. Provide gutter along Eckerson Court, from Int. with Nichols Court, to parking area entrance at proposed
apartments. Ref. 18-4.12.15.g. Label curb and gutter using VDOT nomenclature, CG-7, for example.
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(Rev. 1) Partially addressed. Applicant response: `We are using CG-3 so we wouldn't have to install
gutter on the access.' As follow-up: Please revise CG-3 to CG-6. Ref. 18- which references
Chapter 14. Please ref. 14-412.13. which states VDOT standards apply. Please ref. VDOT Road Design
Manual, Appendix B(1) -pg. B(1)-7, Table 1, Geometric Design Standards for Residential and Mixed Use
Subdivision Streets (GS-SSAR), Curb and Gutter section. Gutter is required. It is optimistic to assume
permeable pavers will be maintained over the life of this facility to the point design storm events do not
cause runoff requiring drainage design that prevents flooding at low point, Eckerson Court. Provide CG-6.
(Rev. 2) Comment unresolved. Applicant email with plan sheet attachments and comment response letter
(6/3/2019 2:47 PM) reads in part, `I'm submitting only the sheets you (J. Anderson) commented on per our
discussion this afternoon.' I cannot recall discussing this comment, specifically. Since comment response
attached to 6/3 email states: `This has been addressed previously and no further revisions are required,' we
need to discuss this comment. I apologize, appreciate reminder of specific points discussed, and hope to
resolve, quickly. (Rev. 2rev.) Addressed. Eckerson Court continues to trench drain (on 1-way branch),
which provides back up drainage should maintenance be insufficient to ensure runoff infiltration of pavers.
4. Concrete dumpster pad does not appear to extend 8' from back face of enclosure gates to edge of asphalt
surface. Revise to obtain min. 8' length, measured from back face of enclosure gates to edge of asphalt.
Ref. 18-4.12.19. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
5. Dimension Eckerson Court travelway width. Provide width label. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
6. Revise Note 5., Restrictions/Requirements/Notes: to read `All travelways are private with public access
easements over them.' (Rev. 1) Not addressed. (Rev. 2) Withdrawn. Applicant response: `This note
apparently needs to remain unchanged to conform to the approved ZMA-2016-00015 language according
to Paty. We feel this comment is no longer an issue.' Engineering accepts Applicant response.
7. Label emergency access concrete apron /entrance at Rio Road using VDOT nomenclature (CG-9a, for
example). Ref. Final Site Plan checklist, pg. 2, entrances and right-of-way improvements. (Rev. 1)
8. SDP201700005, Oakleigh Major Site Plan Amendment does not appear to include retaining wall design.
Provide retaining wall design. See Final Site Plan and Retaining Wall checklists (attached to this Memo).
(Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Applicant response: `Was provided to the County on 4/20/2017.'
9. Provide L X W (Typ.) dimensions for the three proposed parking spaces just west of the emergency access.
(Rev. 1) NA. Spaces removed.
10. Provide auto turn for typical passenger vehicles at Sta. 12+50f, Eckerson Ct, to show that a car exiting may
pass a car entering without striking curb or parked vehicles, with at least 2' clearance between vehicles.
Revise design to provide minimum 2' clearance between two typ. passenger vehicles at this location. (Rev.
1) Withdrawn. Applicant response: `This is no longer an issue with circulation being one way towards the
11. Label travelway width between Sta. 12+50(f) and dumpsters, Eckerson Court (appears to be —14' FC-FC).
(Rev. 1) Addressed.
12. This section of travelway is too narrow for two-way travel. Provide signs indicating `one-way' travel
unless inconsistent with site plan requirements or Albemarle County Planning Division review, or policy.
(Rev. 1) Addressed.
13. Provide auto -turn for waste management vehicle (Typ.) to illustrate how WM vehicles may perform reverse
movement to exit this area without striking pedestrians, curbs, or parked vehicles. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
14. Revise subterranean parking drive aisle dimension to 24' (apparent typo). (Rev. 1) Addressed.
15. Revise 9' w (non-HC) parking space (adjacent to 8' w HC space) to 10' width. Ref. 18-4.12.16.c.1. (Rev.
1) Addressed.
16. Label sidewalk width, for walk located north of Eckerson Court. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
17. Provide curb cut required for drainage to bioretention midway along 8 parking spaces south of apartments.
(Rev. 1) Addressed.
18. Provide bioretention basin pre-treatment for this (asphalt surface) storm runoff, item above. (Rev. 1)
Partially addressed. Applicant response: `Pre-treatment for this bioretention basin is based on the old
stormwater regulations. It is a forebay as shown on the plans.' Additional comments possible with VSMP
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/WPO2017-00023, Amendment 2. Comments will be based on VSMH, First Edit., 1999, Min. Std. 3.11.
(Rev. 2) Addressed. VSMP /WPO approved 6/5/19.
19. Provide `do not enter' sign at south exit of subterranean parking. Alternatively, revise travelway width,
north side of apartments to 20" min. Ref. 18-4.12.17.c.1.-2. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
Sheet 5
20. Provide storm inlets and conveyance from paved surface of Eckerson Court. Please ref. proposed profile.
From proposed H.P. Sta. 11+20, surface runoff flows west, without any inlets on the travelway. This
runoff bypasses the parking area fronting east side of proposed apartments, and washes into a dumpster
enclosure. Provide VDOT storm drainage design, for both culvert pipes and inlets. Eckerson may (likely
will) flood and present hazard under proposed curb without gutter and inlet design. (Rev. 1) Not
addressed. 12mmeable paver-s are likely to blind with debris if improperly maintained. in that case, surfa
Fun ff has no outlet. Request GG inlet design. Reeommend - 120' pipe ftoin inlet at L.P. Eekefson Q. Sta.
12*46 (dE) to StF. H2. There is sufficient gFade foF mild slope between these points. Flooding at the low
point would s*fand Fesi ents of the aaFtment complex. Withdrawn. Sheet 5 label ref. to 8"AOC trench
drain provides second tier drainage in event permeable pavers (Eckerson Ct.) are infrequently maintained.
21. Revise I/8 (4" curb) detail to VDOT CG-7. Ref. 2016 Road and Bridge Standard, CG-7, 201.04, Rev. 9/06.
(Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Provide barrier -type curb appropriate to design speed. Ref.
Sheet 8, VDOT CG-3 detail, Note 5. Also, item 3. Comment is revised to request design provide CG-6.
(Rev. 1, Rev. 5/13) Please provide CG-2 label if item 3 (once discussed internally) is withdrawn. Reviewer
cannot locate CG-2 curb type label for Eckerson Ct. Curb type will be either CG-2 or CG-6 (see item 3).
22. Provide dumpster pad detail. Ref. 18-4.12.19. Specify /provide minimum 4" stone base, 6" concrete depth,
3000psi at 28 days, with minimum grid of wire reinforcing or #4 bars at 12" on center. Final Site Plan
checklist, p. 3, parking and circulation, item 8. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
23. Revise proposed grade so that Eckerson Court storm runoff does not wash through dumpster pad enclosure.
Collect and convey storm runoff to avoid spread greater than '/2 travel lane width + gutter pan. (Rev. 1)
Sheet 8:
24. Revise I�ag value, Eckerson Court, PVI Sta. 12+46 (K proposed — 5.00) to nearly approximate approved
site plan K,ag PVI Sta. 12+86, K=12.00. Recommend K., = 15.00 as a design target. (Rev. 1) Not
addressed. Applicant response: 'We did not address this. When the tovfflhemes became apaAments,
pr-iva4e street becomes more like a travelway and dropped the pr-ivate road standaFds and feel is adequ
for this application.' Ref, eode 18 which references Chapter 14. Please r-ef. 14 412.B. (Priva
Streets) whieh states VPOT standafds apply. Please address. Reqoir-ed for- site plan . Withdrawn.
Sta. 12+46 low point is beyond radius return at entrance to apartment complex parking area. Speeds are
reduced. It is borderline beyond travelway, and may reasonably be argued beyond travelway limits.
25. Provide emergency access section (detail). (Rev. 1) Addressed.
26. Provide grasspave detail. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
27. Detail D/8: Include VDOT Class A3 General concrete design parameters; i.e., compressive strength, slump,
air, etc. Link: http://www.virginiadot.org/VDOTBusiness/asset upload file41 3529.pdf, , p. C-18. (Rev.
1) Not addressed. include specifleations for A3 general or paving concrete on plans for site plan approval.
This is a specifleation. item missed on prior review that does not alter design and requiFes limited r-evis
appears basis of applican4 response: 'This detail has been approved twiee iews and we fiae4
doesn't Fequire being addressed ,.4 this time.' Addressed.
28. Provide S.L Storey Streetguard (guardrail) detail, as well as technical information that demonstrates this
product is equivalent to VDOT Std. in terms of barrier protection. (Rev. 1) Addressed.
29. Nichols Court, Sta. 11+00(±): provide cross drain (VDOT CD-1, 2) at cut/fill transition. (Rev. 1)
Withdrawn. Review error: `This road has been built. This cannot be added.'
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30. Note: An approved VSMP Plan Amendment is required prior to Site Plan Amendment approval. (Rev. 1)
Comment persists. Applicant response: `Noted.' VSMP/WPO 2017-00023 is under review. (Rev. 2)
Addressed. VSMP /WPO approved 6/5/19.
31. Easement plat with deed must be recorded prior to Minor Site Plan approval, as is the case with any site
plan (without subdivision) that requires drainage or SWM facility easements, or site plan amendment that
creates, vacates or amends existing or proposed easements. SUB201900104 is under review. (Rev. 3, 4, 5)
Comment persists.
Please feel free to call if any questions. Thank you
J. Anderson 434.296-5832 -x3069
SDP201800091 Oakleigh Minor 100219rev4-5