HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900023 Staff Report 2019-05-23 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT
Project#/Name ARB-2019-23: Harbor Freight Tools
Review Type Amendment to an Approved Certificate of Appropriateness
Parcel Identification 04500000011000
Location 440 Gander Drive. West of Seminole Trail,north of Woodbrook Drive and south of Gander Drive
Zoned Highway Commercial(HC),Entrance Corridor(EC),Airport Impact Area(MA)
Owner/Applicant PTAP Investments LLC&APTAP Investments LLC/Permit Advisors(Richard Rizo)
Magisterial District Rio
Proposal The Gander Mountain building was designed as a single-occupant building with a single entrance.The building is being converted to a multi-tenant
building.This proposal is to renovate the west end of the north façade to establish a new storefront and entrance for Harbor Freight Tools retailers.
Context The shopping center lies in a commercial area of Seminole Trail,directly east of Lowe's Home Improvement and the Rivanna Plaza shopping center,
north of Safelite Auto Glass,and south of union Bank and Trust.
Visibility The north façade of the building is visible from the Seminole Trail EC.
ARB Meeting Date July 1,2019
Staff Contact Heather McMahon
2/19/2013 ARB-2013-8 The ARB reviewed the Final Site Plan for Northtown Phase II A-Gander Mountain
10/31/2013 ARB-2013-88 Staff issued a CoA for the North Town center monument sign
8/22/2013 ARB2013-105 Staff issued a CoA for the Gander Mountain wall signs at Northtown Center
8/6/2018 ARB-2018-77 The ARB reviewed the Comprehensive Sign Plan for Northtown Center
3/18/2019 ARB-2019-26 Goodwill wall sign approved administratively.
4/15/2019 ARB-2019-23 The ARB reviewed this Amendment to a CoA for the first time
7/1/2019 ARB-2019-23 This is the second review of the Amendment to a CoA
At the last review of this project,on April 15,2019,the ARB provided 13 recommendations and requested changes to the proposed design,to benefit the applicant's next submittal (see Attachment A).
1 The goal of the regulation of the design of development within None. As the building has already None.
the designated Entrance Corridors is to ensure that new undergone ARB review,its reference
development within the corridors reflects the traditional to historic architecture and building
architecture of the area.Therefore,it is the purpose of ARB traditions in the region has been
review and of these Guidelines,that proposed development analyzed previously.This big-box
within the designated Entrance Corridors reflect elements of retail store is compatible with other
design characteristic of the significant historical landmarks, like structures on the Rt.29 Entrance
buildings,and structures of the Charlottesville and Albemarle Corridor,which is characterized by
area,and to promote orderly and attractive development suburban strip malls and shopping
within these corridors.Applicants should note that replication centers.
of historic structures is neither required nor desired.
2 Visitors to the significant historical sites in the Charlottesville
and Albemarle area experience these sites as ensembles of
buildings,land,and vegetation.In order to accomplish the
integration of buildings,land,and vegetation characteristic of
these sites,the Guidelines require attention to four primary
factors:compatibility with significant historic sites in the area;
the character of the Entrance Corridor; site development and
layout; and landscaping.
Compatibility with significant historic sites:
3 New structures and substantial additions to existing structures See recommendations in#9. This is neither a new structure nor an None.
should respect the traditions of the architecture of historically addition to an existing structure but
significant buildings in the Charlottesville and Albemarle area. an alteration to a portion of an
Photographs of historic buildings in the area,as well as existing structure's façade.Rather
drawings of architectural features,which provide important than allude to historically significant
examples of this tradition are contained in Appendix A. buildings in the region,the alterations
4 The examples contained in Appendix A should be used as a should respect the building design
guide for building design:the standard of compatibility with present.The alterations should be
the area's historic structures is not intended to impose a rigid compatible with the majority of the
design solution for new development.Replication of the building that will be left unaltered.
design of the important historic sites in the area is neither These issues are addressed below
intended nor desired.The Guideline's standard of with guideline#9.
compatibility can be met through building scale,materials,
and forms which may be embodied in architecture which is
contemporary as well as traditional.The Guidelines allow
individuality in design to accommodate varying tastes as well
as special functional requirements.
Compatibility with the character of the Entrance Corridor
5 It is also an important objective of the Guidelines to establish None. The Gander Mountain building is None.
a pattern of compatible architectural characteristics throughout compatible to other big-box buildings
the Entrance Corridor in order to achieve unity and coherence. that characterize Rt.29, such as the
Building designs should demonstrate sensitivity to other Lowe's Home Improvement store
nearby structures within the Entrance Corridor.Where a across Rt.29 to the west;the Wal-
designated corridor is substantially developed,these Mart to the northwest; and other
Guidelines require striking a careful balance between shopping center buildings in the
harmonizing new development with the existing character of vicinity.This alteration will not alter
the corridor and achieving compatibility with the significant the overall building's compatibility
historic sites in the area. with the suburban retail character of
Compatibility with significant historic sites
Structure design
9 Building forms and features, including roofs,windows,doors, Provide complete,dimensioned,and Since the last review,the applicant None.
materials,colors and textures should be compatible with the to-scale at 1/8"= 1'-0"scale has provided to-scale and
forms and features of the significant historic buildings in the elevations of the north façade and dimensioned elevations of the north
area,exemplified by(but not limited to)the buildings west side elevation. façade and the west(side)elevation.
described in Appendix A[of the design guidelines].The
standard of compatibility can be met through scale,materials, Reduce the width of the piers The applicant proposes to create three
and forms which may be embodied in architecture which is supporting the front-gable roof to bays by removing the existing central
contemporary as well as traditional.The replication of achieve a less imbalanced pier that divides the present two bays.
important historic sites in Albemarle County is not the composition.The drawings submitted The newly-created central bay will be
objective of these guidelines. by the applicant at 4-15-19 ARB capped in a front-gable roof form that
10 Buildings should relate to their site and the surrounding meeting met this request. roughly mimics the profile of the
context of buildings. existing Gander Mountain porch.The
11 The overall design of buildings should have human scale. Revise the storefront design to create proposed front-gable roof is
Scale should be integral to the building and site design. a pediment form that is distinguished supported by two engaged piers,the
12 Architecture proposed within the Entrance Corridor should use from the wall plane in its use of a width of which has been reduced
forms,shapes,scale,and materials to create a cohesive whole. different material. since the first submission.The
reduced width of the proposed piers is
The use of the white color as an improvement upon the first design.
illustrated in the 4-12-19 drawing
submitted to the 4-15-19 ARB The proposed piers are composed of
meeting is not appropriate. EIFS(`Cobble Brown' SW6082)atop
stone veneer bases(Stonecraft
Ledgestone `Chardonnay').The
exterior wall planes between the piers
are layered in a tri-partite,horizontal
pattern of EIFS(`Cobble Brown'
SW6082)at the top,EIFS(`Balanced
Beige' SW SW7037)in the middle,
and brick veneer foundations(Old
Virginia`Poplar Forest').These
proposed EIFS,brick,and stone
materials and colors match what was
approved in 2013.
In the last review,the ARB
recommended that the applicant
revise the pediment form in a
different material(it was previously
EIFS `Balanced Beige')to distinguish
this feature from the majority of the
wall plane.At the 4-15-19 meeting,
the applicant provided revised
elevations that showed this element in
a white EIFS which the ARB
determined was inappropriate.The
EIFS has been revised back to the
`Balanced Beige' color,which does
not differentiate the pediment form
from the wall plane in either material
or color;but the applicant has
responded that an"additional
horizontal datum [has been
incorporated]to emphasize the
pediment form"from the wall plane.
The applicant has also revised the
west(side)elevation to show EIFS
`Cobble Brown' in place of the faux
logs in the pediment. This is an
appropriate replacement.
13 Any appearance of"blankness"resulting from building design Note that a separate sign application A wall sign is depicted in the Note that a separate sign application
should be relieved using design detail or vegetation,or both. is required for the illustrated wall pediment form on the north facade. is required for the illustrated wall
sign. Note that the illustrated sign is for sign.
information only and will not be
approved with this application.A
separate sign application is required
that will undergo ARB administrative
14 Arcades,colonnades,or other architectural connecting devices None. None such devices are proposed. None.
should be used to unify groups of buildings within a
15 Trademark buildings and related features should be modified Revise the elevation drawing and The applicant has requested that the Revise the color of the proposed
to meet the requirements of the Guidelines. color legend to show the approved standing-seam metal shed canopy awning to match the approved and
brand and color for all standing seam above the entrance be colored existing Sherwood Green.
metal proposed(MTL-1 and MTL-2). `Interstate Blue,' which is a
trademark color for Harbor Freight
Match the existing roof color. Tools.The existing canopies are Una-
Clad,Kynar 500 Fluorocarbon
aluminum in `Sherwood Green.'
Adding a blue canopy would
contribute to the incoherent and
imbalanced composition of this
façade,and the majority of the board
stated during the last review that the
applicant should"match the existing
roof color,"i.e.,revise the drawing to
show an awning in the approved
Sherwood Green color that is
currently on the coping,canopies,and
gable roofing of the building.
Following the last review,the
applicant was asked to provide the
brand and color for all of the
proposed standing seam metal on the
Color Legend of a revised elevation
drawing.While the colors have been
provided(`Interstate Blue' and"to
match Sherwood Green")within the
Color Legend,the brand has not been
added.However,a cut sheet showing
the color`Interstate Blue' has been
provided and the material is Pac-Clad
Petersen brand,a Kynar 500 or Hylar
5000 pre-finished steel and aluminum
roofing material.
16 Window glass in the Entrance Corridors should not be highly Provide the standard window glass The note has been provided on the Provide cut sheets for the proposed
tinted or highly reflective.Window glass in the Entrance note on the architectural elevations. revised architectural elevation(A3.0). glass to be used in the proposed
Corridors should meet the following criteria: Visible light While a document showing the storefront system that detail brand
transmittance(VLT)shall not drop below 40%. Visible light Provide manufacturer specifications framing for the proposed storefront name,VLR and VLT data.
reflectance(VLR)shall not exceed 30% Specifications on the for the proposed storefront system. system has been provided for this
proposed window glass should be submitted with the Ensure that the specifications are for review(the brand is DORMA
application for final review. the same window brand and color Automatics ESA-200 Series,and the
previously approved. standard finish is Dark Bronze
BHMA 313),no sample or
manufacturer's cut sheets of the glass
that list the VLR and VLT data have
been submitted for review.
17-20 Accessory structures and equipment Provide a roof plan showing the This application is for the renovation None.
21 The following note should be added to the site plan and the locations and dimensions of any of two building elevations and does
architectural plan:"Visibility of all mechanical equipment proposed rooftop mechanical not encompass site development.
from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated." equipment.Provide a site plan Loading, service,and refuse areas
showing the locations of any were approved on previous site plans.
proposed ground-mounted No fencing,screening,or stormwater
mechanical equipment. management facilities are proposed.
Provide the standard mechanical No accessory structures or
equipment note on the architectural mechanical equipment are being
elevations. proposed.At the last review,the
applicant was asked to either provide
a roof plan if new/replacement
mechanical equipment was proposed
OR a site plan showing the location of
any new/replacement ground-
mounted equipment was proposed.No
roof or site plans have been
submitted,while photographs of
existing rooftop HVAC units were
emailed to staff.The applicant has
responded that"parapet at the roof is
a min 4'-0"and screens all existing
units,any new RTUs will be screened
from ground view."This does not
clarify whether additional,new or
replacement units will be added to the
building.However,the standard
mechanical visibility note has been
provided on the revised architectural
elevation(A3.0), so if the applicant
replaces or adds new units to the
rooftop,their visibility must be
eliminated as per this pledge.
22-31 Lighting Provide manufacturer cut sheets No lighting plan has been submitted Provide manufacturer cut sheets
29 The following note should be included on the lighting plan: illustrating proposed lighting fixtures for review although the architectural illustrating proposed lighting fixtures
"Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits and information on illumination type, rendering shows two proposed light and information on illumination type,
3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire intensity,style,shielding,color, fixtures.For a coordinated intensity, style, shielding,color,
and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from finish,and installation height.Provide appearance,the proposed light finish,and installation height.Provide
adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. either photometric diagrams or a fixtures should match those models either photometric diagrams or a
The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads photometric plan addressing all already approved and existing on the photometric plan addressing all
and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall fixtures and indicating that lighting building.Manufacturer's fixtures and indicating that lighting
not exceed one half footcandle." does meet the requirements of Section specifications were provided for an does meet the requirements of Section
4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance for all Alumilite YRW-2-800 LED Series 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance for all
proposed wall-mounted light fixtures. sconce in a bronze fmish.This model proposed wall-mounted light fixtures.
was previously approved for the Ensure that the proposed lights will
Provide the standard lighting note on Gander Mountain building in 2013. match what has been installed and
the architectural elevations. No wattage, lumens,or light color currently exists on the building.
temperature has been provided on the
cut sheet however,and no
photometric diagram has been
provided.The revised elevation does
include the standard light emittance
note,so the applicant is aware that the
light,if it emits more than 3,000,
must be full cut off.Furthermore,
contemporary photographs of the
Gander Mountain building suggest
that this approved light model is not
the model installed on the building.
The applicant should verify what the
installed light model is with the
building owner and provide
manufacturer's cut sheets that ensure
the proposed lights will replicate
those on the building.
7-8, Landscaping None. The site has been previously None.
32-38 developed and landscaped.No
additional landscaping is proposed.
6, Site Development and layout None. The site has been previously None.
39-44 developed and graded.No site
development isproposed.
Staff recommends the following as the primary points of discussion:
1. The color of the proposed awning.
2. The design of the pediment and the way in which it is distinguished from the wall plane.
Staff offers the following comments on the Amendment to an Approved Certificate of Appropriateness:
1. Note that a separate sign application is required for the illustrated wall sign.
2. Revise the color of the proposed awning to match the approved and existing Sherwood Green.
3. Provide cut sheets for the proposed glass to be used in the proposed storefront system that detail brand name,VLR and VLT data.
4. Provide manufacturer cut sheets illustrating proposed lighting fixtures and information on illumination type,intensity,style, shielding,color,finish,and installation height.Provide either
photometric diagrams or a photometric plan addressing all fixtures and indicating that lighting does meet the requirements of Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance for all proposed wall-mounted
light fixtures. Ensure that the proposed lights will match what has been installed and currently exists on the building.
This report is based on the following submittal item:
Sheet# Drawing Name Drawing Date/Revision Date
A3.0 Preliminary Elevations 5/23/19
-ram ti�y
��1,�`w 12. Provide the standard lighting note on the architectural elevations:Each outdoor luminaire
- 0-e equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and
it vv shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE from adjacent roads.The spillover of lighling from luminaires onto public roads and propene in
Department of Community Development residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed one halffootcandle.
13.The use of the white color as illustrated in the 4-12-19 drawing submitted to the 4-15-19 ARB
401 McIntire Road,North
meeting is not appropriate.
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 You may submit your application for continued ARB review at your earliest convenience.Application forts,
checklists and schedules are available on-line at www.albcmarle.org/ARB.
April 19,2019
Revised drawings addressing the comments listed above are required.Include updated ARB revision dates on
Richard Rizo each drawing.Please provide a memo including detailed responses indicating how each comment has been
Permit Advisors Inc addressed. If changes other than those requested have been made,identify those changes in the memo also.
8370 Wilshire Blvd.,N330 Highlighting the changes in the drawing with"clouding"or by other means will facilitate review and approval.
Beverly Hills,CA 90211
If you have any questions concerning any of the above,please feel free to contact me.
RE:ARB-2019-23:Harbor Freight Tools(TM/Parcel 04 50000001 1 000)
Dear Mr.Rizo.
The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board,at its meeting on April 15,2019,completed a preliminary /%
review of the above-noted request to renovate the west end of the north façade of the building at 440 Gander McMahon,Senior Planner
Drive to establish a new storefront and entrance for Harbor Freight Tools retailers.The Board offered the Heather6-5832 x3278
following comments for the benefit of the applicant's next submittal.Please note that the following comments hmcmahon@albcmariaorg
are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments may be added or eliminated based on
further review and changes to the plan.
cc: File ARB-2019-23
I. Provide complete,dimensioned,and to-scale at 118"- I'-0"scale elevations of the north facade
and west side elevation. PTAP Investments&APTAP Investments,LLC
2. Reduce the width of the piers supporting the front-gable roof to achieve a less imbalanced 2903 N.Augusta St.
composition.The drawings submitted by the applicant at 4-15-19 ARB meeting met this request. Staunton.VA 24401
3. Revise the storefront design to create a pediment form that is distinguished from the wall plane in
its use of a different material.
4. Note that a separate sign application is required for the illustrated wall sign.
5. Revise the elevation drawing and color legend to show the approved brand and color for all
standing scam metal proposed(MU-I and MTL-2).
6. Match the existing roof color.
7. Provide the standard window glass note on the architectural elevations:Visible light transmittance
(VL7)shall not drop below 40%Visible light reflectance(VLR)shall not exceed 30%
8. Provide manufacturer specifications for the proposed storefront system.Enure that the
specifications arc for the same window brand and color previously approved
9. Provide a roof plan showing the locations and dimensions of any proposed rooftop mechanical
equipment.Provide a site plan showing the locations of any proposed ground-mounted mechanical
10. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the architectural elevations:Visibility of all
mechanical equipment front the Entrance Corridor.shall he eliminated.
11. Provide manufacturer cut sheets illustrating proposed lighting fixtures and information on
illumination type,intensity,style,shielding.color,finish,and installation height.Provide either
photometric diagrams or a photometric plan addressing all fixtures and indicating that lighting
dots meet the requirements of Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance for all proposed wall-
mounted light fixtures.