HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800031 Assessment - Environmental Final Site Plan and Comps.Harrisonburg Office 1356 N. Main Street Harrisonburg, VA 22802 Phone: 540-434-0400 Fax: 540-434-0447 July 25, 2018 Mr. Timothy S. Culpepper, VP Robinson Development Group 150 W. Main Street Norfolk, VA 23510 YEW VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC RE: Executive Summary of Geotechnical Exploration Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Richmond Road, Albemarle County, VA Project No: PTL-172379 Mr. Culpepper: Winchester Office 402 Bufflick Road Winchester, VA 22602 Phone: 540-313-4270 Fax:540-434-0447 We have completed the subsurface exploration for the referenced project. Enclosed are geotechnical information and recommendations which include discussion of the site soils, depth to bedrock, and groundwater conditions as they relate to the design of pavement sections, construction, and foundation recommendations. In brief, the site is considered suitable for the planned development. Further, the site is underlain by low - plasticity silty sands with varying sand and gravel content trending to weathered phyllite bedrock at depths of approximately 5 feet. We expect that all site development can be achieved with conventional excavating equipment although some ripping may be required during utility and foundation installation. Excavated soil should be limited to use in general embankment/structural fill (USCS Classification: GM/SM) and will require amending for low seepage applications. We anticipate that drainage structures, bridges, and roadways will be constructed on a combination of cut and fill. Shallow foundation system for the bridges should be designed utilizing an allowable bearing capacity of 5,000 psf when bearing on approved concrete pads as discussed. Site soils are very dry and will require substantial moisture conditioning to achieve optimal moisture content for structural fill. Refusal was encountered in three (3) borings before obtaining the prescribed termination depth at 91 drilling sites (862.5 lineal feet of SPT and 430 lineal feet of probes). As such, we conclude that major rock excavation will not be required to develop Phase 2 as planned; although, some hoe -ramming may be required in isolated areas of buried utilities at depth. Although site conditions are very favorable for this project, we cannot stress enough the importance of adequate project oversight. All fill operations and subgrade preparation should be observed on a full-time basis, in accordance with Chapter 17 of the VCC and VDOT requirements by an authorized representative of the Geotechnical Engineer to confirm that compaction requirements and recommendations are being met. We highly recommend that Viola Engineering, PC be contracted to provide construction monitoring services for site development to assure com li e with our recommendations contained herein. If you have any questions regarding the content o do not hesitate to contact us. 07/25/18 y v TIMOTHY PAUL VIOLA Timothy P. Viola, P.E. LIC. No. 0402056657 Mark A. Viola, M.S.C.E., P.E. Project Engineer ,o Principal Engineer GEOTECHNICAL ONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA VZ7G�eotechnlcal IOLA ENGINEERING, PC • Geophysical • Construction • Materials AASH 0 A C U H E O i 1C❑ Report of Geotechnical Investigation Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Richmond Road, Albemarle County Virginia, 22947 PREPARED FOR: MR. TIMOTHY S. CULPEPPER, VP ROBINSON DEVELOPMENT GROUP 150 W. MAIN STREET NORFOLK, VA 23510 PREPARED BY: VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC 1356 N. MAIN STREET HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 PROJECT NO. PTL-172379 Date: July 25, 2018 Harris onburg Office S� 1356 N. Main Stttret H a rtis onbutg, VA 22802 : VQSB Phone: 540-434-0400 Fax: 540-434-0447 'VE Small, Women and Mirwlty-Awned Suppimr 4)6B wfy Stfwgllrens the C nv M Winchester Office 402 Bufflick Road Winchester, VA 22602 Phone: 540 313-4270 Fax: 540-434-0447 \wSI;k Amedean Welding Society XFP I- AR CLW PWi wIMStH CONTENTS Overview......................................................................................................................................................1 ProjectAnd Site Information.................................................................................................................... I SiteExploration...........................................................................................................................................2 Local Geology and Subsurface Conditions........................................................................................... 4 Groundwater.......................................................................................................................................... 6 Constructionand Foundation Recommendations...................................................................................6 Subgrade Preparation and Earthwork Operations................................................................................. 6 Stormwater Management Facilities....................................................................................................... 9 Foundations.........................................................................................................................................10 SeismicClass......................................................................................................................................11 RetainingWalls................................................................................................................................... 12 Roadways and Parking Pavement Recommendations........................................................................13 Limitations.................................................................................................................................................15 Appendix....................................................................................................................................................16 Test Boring Location Plan Reference Notes for Boring Logs Test Boring Logs Laboratory Testing Results Virginia DOT Standard Drawings Field Sample Photographs Pavement Design Calculations TABLE OF FIGURES Figure1. Site elevation overview...............................................................................................................1 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Design Soil Coefficients and Unit Weig�tlV. . J �...�.�. �........7 Table 2 Recommended Flexible Pavement Sections........................................................... ....PC Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 VE Page I VIOLA ENCANEERiNc, Pc OVERVIEW This report contains the results of our recent geotechnical evaluation of the subgrade conditions within the site limits for Rivanna Village - Phase 2, which includes Blocks F, G, H, I and J. The Phase 2 site is located east of Charlottesville, Virginia on US Route 250 and abuts to the Phase 1 of Rivanna Village located off Glenmore Way. Access internally between the phases of development will be provided by extension of Streamer Drive and Village Park Avenue of Phase 1 onto Lazy Branch Lane of Phase 2. The principal access to Phase 2 is planned off Route 250. This phase of development includes single-family dwellings, single-family attached villas, and single-family attached townhouses. In addition, Phase 2 includes the construction of seven roads which will be inducted into the VDOT inventory upon acceptance of construction. Roadway construction will include installation of bridges, retaining walls and box culverts. A park is planned within the limits of Block J, which also contains a walking trail, dog park, stormwater management structures and water features. According to plans developed by Alan Franklin PE, LLC, Rivanna Village - Phase 2 will incorporate an area of 63 acres. PROJECT AND SITE INFORMATION The site is largely wooded with stands of juvenile trees and some clear areas abutting Phase 1 and a small field associated with abandoned residential structures. A review of areal and satellite photography of the past 25 years indicates that most of the property has remained wooded and relatively undisturbed. Site topography ranges from elevation 400.00 to 342.00 (mean 361.10) with decreasing elevations trending through the central portion of the 63-acre parcel. Given the topographical relief of the site, the number of intermittent streams and wetlands become a major factor in site design. Figure 1. Site elevation overview. Albemarle Country Engineering indicates that all materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT. This would include evaluating foundation conditions for all culverts of 30 inches in diameter and greater, relative retaining walls and bridges. Further, all roadways GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AAA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 2 VE FIOL.a ENGINEERING, PC design and construction shall conform to VDOT Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads (Revised 2014). Current pavement section, as detailed in preliminary, are based on an assumed CBR values resulting in pavement sections with 6 to 8 inches of VDOT 2 1 A base stone under 5 inches of asphalt pavement. The detail for the pavement section for lane widening of Route 250 will consist of 9 inches of VDOT 21A base stone under 6 inches of asphalt or match existing pavement section if greater. These pavement sections, as detailed on Sheet 6 of the construction plans developed by Alan Franklin PE, LLC, will be evaluated utilizing worse case laboratory CBR values from representative subgrade samples acquired at finish subgrade elevation in the roadways of Phase 1 and the design ADT values listed on Sheet 4 of the construction plans. Please refer to Roadway and Parking Pavement Recommendations section for results of this evaluation. SITE EXPLORATION The site exploration was complex due to the location of several bridges, culverts and associated retaining walls relative to heavily wooded areas and wetland areas. As such, the site design dictates a total of three bridges and three culverts and approximately 1200 lineal feet of associated retaining walls to satisfy development requirements. Initial bridge and culvert locations were identified in the field by Blossom Consulting and Engineering Inc. In all, 18 test borings were drilled to ascertain subsurface conditions with continuous SPT testing (ASTM D1586) at all bridge and culvert sites. Furthermore, 18 test borings with continuous SPT were drilled at relative locations to ascertain subsurface conditions in areas that will support retaining walls (approximately 1200 lineal feet) associated with VDOT roadways. Standard penetration testing and sampling was continuous to a depth of 10 feet and at 5-foot intervals thereafter to refusal or termination depth per VDOT MOI Table 3-1 for bridge piers and abutments, and retaining walls supported on shallow foundations. In addition, auger probing was performed at 40 locations to ascertain the trend of hard bedrock depths relative to invert elevations of manholes and sewer piping. Relative manhole locations have been staked by Alan Franklin PE, LLC. Other locations of interest that required exploration included the wet pond expansion, with the possibility of using excavated material as embankment fill (test borings B-01, B-02, and B-03); the probable location of a wet swale depending on groundwater level (test boring B-05); and a potential borrow area on Cumbria Lane (test borings B-09a, b, and c). Please refer to the legend found in the lower right corner on the attached Test Boring Location Plan Sheets that relates the boring number of test borings, auger probes, and groups of test borings with the corresponding description of interest. Additional test borings to fulfill the minimum VDOT MOI requirements, other locations of interest, and auger probes to identify bedrock hardness trends along the alignment of sanitary sewers were GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 3 VE VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC located in the field by VEPC personnel with handheld global positioning equipment (GPS, SBAS, GLONASS) and are illustrated on the Test Boring Location Plan Sheets accordingly for reference. The soil test borings were performed in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice using an ATV -mounted CME 55 rotary drill rig equipped with an automatic hammer. All test borings were advanced with 2.25 HSAs to predetermined depths with exception when attempting to core very dense weathered bedrock at bridge locations in test borings B-07c and B-08b. Rock coring was performed utilizing 3.25 HSAs. In brief, hollow -stem augers were advanced to sample intervals and representative soil samples were recovered with a standard split -spoon sampler (1%-inch ID x 2-inch OD) in accordance with ASTM D1586, the Standard Penetration Test. The standard dictates that a 140-pound weight freely drop from a height of 30 inches to drive the split -spoon sampler into the soil. The number of blows required to drive the split - spoon sampler through three consecutive 6-inch increments was recorded, and the blows of the last two increments are summed to obtain the Standard Penetration Resistance (N-value). Subsurface water level readings were taken in each of the borings during the drilling process and upon completion of drilling before backfilling with auger cuttings. The N-value provides a general indication of in -situ soil conditions and has been correlated with certain engineering properties of soils. An automatic hammer and safety hammer were utilized to perform the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) on this project. Research indicates that the Standard Penetration Resistance (N-value) determined by an automatic hammer is different than the N-value determined by the safety hammer method termed the N60 value or corrected value that negates the energy loss in the safety hammer method. The correction is made using the following equation: N60 = Nfield x CE The Nfiela value is recorded in the field and CE is the drill rod energy ratio for the hammer utilized in the field. The recommended correction factor (CE) of 1.5 is generally utilized to convert Naeld values to N60 values in accordance with typical published guidelines. The N-values reported on the Boring Logs and included in this report are the corrected values (N60). It is recommended that corrected N60 values be used for engineering analysis. GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICALAM CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS <��t AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 4 VE NIOL.A ENGINEERING, PC After refusal was encountered, rock coring was conducted at test boring B-07c and B-08b in accordance with ASTM D2113. An NQ sized wire -line coring system, utilizing water as a flushing agent, was used to obtain rock samples. The core barrel was advanced in 5-foot intervals, and samples were extracted and placed in a core box for transportation. Each core obtained was visually classified and assigned a rock quality designation (RQD) in accordance with ASTM D6032. The standard dictates that each core be visually examined to determine the length of intact rock with portions longer that four inches. Pieces of core that are moderately to intensely weathered, contain numerous pores, or are friable, or combination thereof, are not included in the RQD summation. The percentage of the summation of these intact portions of rock core compared to the overall core length is deemed the RQD number. Rock coring locations and depths were determined in the field to further characterized subgrade conditions. LOCAL GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS According to the Digital Representation of the 1993 Geological Map of Virginia (2003), the planned development is underlain primarily by the Candler Formation. The unit consists of phyllite (Metaclastic) and schist (Metamorphic). Metaclastic formations form through sedimentation action and tend to be less durable than metamorphic rock which has undergone transformation by heat, pressure, or other natural processes. Further, phyllite is a fine-grain rock formed by the reconstitution of fine-grained, parent sedimentary rocks, such as mudstones or shales. Phyllite tends to split into sheets or slabs due to the parallel alignment of platy minerals as seen in Phase 1 construction. As reported, schist is medium grade metamorphic rock, formed by the metamorphosis of mudstone/shale or some types of igneous rock. The resulting foliation is coarser and more distinct due to the higher degree of crystallization of mica minerals. (i.e., biotite, chlorite and muscovite). As a result, schist is much harder than phyllite and requires more energy to excavate. The rock in the Candler Formation is typically referred to as shale because of its platy structure. Further, the strike of the weathered rock tends to the northeast and dips near vertically to the southeast. Results of rock coring in test borings B-07c and B-08b indicated very dense weathered phyllite with typical poor rock quality designation (RQD = 0). Note that auger refusal was not encountered in the weathered phyllite in test borings for bridges before achieving predetermined termination depth. According to the USDA Soil Survey of Albemarle County, the overburden consists of channery silt loam of the Mateo Channery and Nason silt loams (5113, 51C, & 62B). Reportedly, the major constituent of this unit is clayey and silty gravel with varying amounts of sand and fines with low shrink/swell capacity. Soil samples recovered in test borings indicate medium dense to very dense soil conditions (14 to > 60 blows GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 5 VE VIOLA ENCINEERIN(, PC per 12 inches) with an average N60 of 17 for intervals with less than 50 blows per foot (70 bpf globally). Site soils consist predominately of brown -red to tan -orange silty sand with varying fractions of sand and gravel trending to relic phyllite rock structures at depths of 5 feet or less. Liquid limit testing conducted from a bulk sample obtained from Boring B-09a, B-09b and B-09c indicates a low plasticity material with a liquid limit of 33 and plasticity index of 7 with a maximum dry density of 112.3 pcf at 15.5% optimum moisture, which is classified as silty gravel (USCS designation: GM). The corrected maximum dry density/optimum moisture due to 36% oversized fraction is 127.5 pcf at 10.5%. Moisture contents ranged from 1 to 34% with an average of 15% with the major portion of samples tested ranging from 5 to 10% with lower moisture content in samples obtained at depth. Therefore, excavated material at depth will require moisture conditioning in the field to achieve density requirements as specified to construct structural fill. The material at depth in the proposed borrow site investigated by test borings B-09a, B-09b, and B-09c is acceptable for use as mass structural fill with some limitations to tall slopes, however, will not be suitable for use as embankment material for ponds without amending to prevent excessive seepage. The subsurface conditions relative to the proposed expansion to the existing wet pond were evaluated with test borings TB-01, TB-02 and TB-03 at locations illustrated on the Test Boring Location Sheets. Test borings were extended to termination depths of 20 feet. The overburden soil ranges in depth from 3 to 5 feet and is underlain by dense weathered phyllite (N values > 50 bpi), which appears typical across the site. Based on our observations, we expect that the existing pond can be expanded as proposed without blasting. However, the excavated material is limited as embankment material (USCS Classification: GM/SM) without amending to restrict seepage. Sample refusal (>50 blows per increment) was encountered due to the presence of weathered relic rock structure with steep bedding planes typically at depths greater than 5 feet. Further, a large percentage of test borings and auger probes were terminated at predetermined depths without encountering refusal. Note that auger refusal was encountered in test boring B-05 at 12 feet. Auger refusal was encountered in auger probes conducted along the planned sanitary sewer lines at AP-13 and AP-16 at depths of 7 and 5 feet, respectively. Refusal in the auger probes occurred at or near the relative design invert elevation of the sewer system. Test boring B-05 was drilled in an area that is planned to be developed into a wet drainage swale. Given that refusal was encountered in three (3) borings before obtaining the prescribed termination depth at 91 drilling sites (862.5 lineal feet of SPT and 430 lineal feet of probes), we conclude that major rock excavation will not be required to develop Phase 2 as planned; although, some hoe -ramming may be GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 6 VE VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC required in isolated areas of buried utilities at depth. For detail information, please refer to the Test Boring Location Plan Sheets. GROUNDWATER Visual observation of soil samples can also be used to evaluate seasonal groundwater conditions. Soils that are periodically saturated will appear with gray muted colors (gleyed) or mottling due to changes in the oxidation state of iron, manganese and other trace minerals. In this geologic terrain a shallow water table usually develops near the surface of dense weathered bedrock. Groundwater tends to flow laterally along the soil/rock interface, generally mimicking topography. Further, groundwater in this topography is generally related to rainfall and thus intermittent in occurrence. Observations of groundwater were made after pulling the drill string at refusal or termination depth. Groundwater was encountered in several locations (test borings B-05 @ 12'; B-06a @ 20.5, B-06b @ 10.5'; B-06d @ 18'. B-06e @ 11'; B-06g @ 14'; and B-08a @ 11'). Test borings identified as B-06x were performed at the bridge location on Lazy Branch Lane at Mossy Rock Road. Although the groundwater was observed at depth, water intrusion during excavating for foundation construction may be problematic, especially during the wet seasons. Given the time of the year the test borings were performed; we do not expect that groundwater will be a substantial issue during construction in drier seasons. However, the surface soils will become inundated easily with frequent precipitation events that may cause delays in construction performed during the wet months of the year. CONSTRUCTION AND FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations are based on visual and laboratory analysis of soil recovered from test borings typically drilled to termination or refusal depth. The subsequent sections are provided to aid the design engineers and site contractors in developing the site for its intended use. SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND EARTHWORK OPERATIONS Subgrade preparation should consist of stripping all vegetation, root mat, topsoil, asphalt, waste, and any other soft or unsuitable material from building areas. Roadway embankments may be stripped according to the latest revisions of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. The site is covered with a nominal 8- inch topsoil layer. We recommend that earthwork clearing be extended a minimum of 10 feet beyond the building and pavement limits and an additional foot for each foot of fill required. Site excavation can be GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 7 VE VIOLA ENCINEERINC, PC performed with conventional earthmoving equipment. It is our opinion that blasting will not be required to effectively and efficiently excavate utility trenches if design finish subgrade is near or above existing grades. However, some hoe ramming will be required between auger boring locations and other sewer line alignments not investigated. All excavations shall be benched according to OSHA regulations to permit safe entry. Trench shoring for utility installation shall be designed by the Site Contractor's engineer utilizing OSHA Class C soil requirements for short term durations. After stripping to the desired grade, and prior to fill placement outside the limits of the building or structural pad, the stripped surface should be observed by an experienced geotechnical engineer or his authorized representative. Proof -rolling using a loaded dump truck with an axle weight of at least 10 tons may be used to identify localized soft or unsuitable material. Any soft or unsuitable materials encountered during proof -rolling should be removed and replaced with an approved backfill compacted to the criteria provided below. The subgrade should be moisture conditioned to within f3% of optimum moisture content and compacted to 95% maximum dry density (ASTM D698) prior to placing fill. Compacting the subgrade will reduce settlement within the building and parking areas. The finished subgrade elevation shall be compacted with a smooth drum roller prior to placing the stone work - surface. Any soil placed as engineered fill should be an approved material, free of organic matter or debris with a maximum limiting liquid limit of 50 and a maximum nominal particle size of 6 inches. This recommendation may be waived by the GER depending on location of engineered fill within the development. Unacceptable engineered fill materials include topsoil, organic materials (OH, OL), construction debris and large rock. All such materials removed during grading operations should be either stockpiled for later use in landscaped areas or placed in approved disposal areas either on or off site. Onsite materials are suitable for fill material excluding topsoil. All frozen soil should be removed prior to continuation of fill operations. Borrow fill shall not contain frozen materials at the time of placement. All frost -heaved soil should be removed prior to placement of fill, stone, concrete or asphalt. Site soils are moisture sensitive and may become unstable when exposed to prolong wetting as is typical during winter and spring months. As such, crushed aggregate or concrete with a nominal particle size of 4 to 6 inches may be mixed with site soils to produce a weather resilient soil matrix which can be utilized to prevent construction delay. Site soils are very dry and will require considerable moisture conditioning to achieve GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 8 VE FIOL A ENCINEERINC:, PC compaction requirements. The site contractor shall have means of providing water at all times during structural fill placement. Fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness and moisture conditioned to within f3% of the optimum moisture content. We recommend that each lift be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with ASTM D-698 (or VTM-1), Standard Proctor Method. Test results included with this report should be considered a general guideline; additional testing of material shortly before fill operations commence should be performed to verify maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of actual fill material. All areas receiving fill should be graded to facilitate positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. The upper six inches of pavement subgrade shall be compacted to 100% of the maximum dry density in accordance with latest VDOT Specifications and Testing Procedures. There may be areas of the site that will receive large volumes of construction traffic over a short duration, and the exposed weathered bedrock subgrade may be pulverized and become unstable. We recommend that all affected areas be modified by undercutting to stable conditions, reinforced with approved 200-pound reinforcement geotextile and a 12-inch lift of compacted dirty tailings or rock dirt combination (RDC) with a nominal maximum particle size of four (4) inches prior to placing addition fill material. Note that undercutting depths shall not exceed 18 inches and all areas requiring such modifications should be reviewed and approved by the GER (or his representative). Where portable compaction equipment is used, such as utility trenches, the loose lift thickness should not exceed 6 inches to achieve the required degree of compaction without delay. The site contractor should be mindful of the moisture sensitivity and surface shearing characteristics of the site soils and expect that earthwork and open at -grade subgrade preparation could be more problematic than typical. Where construction traffic or weather has disturbed the subgrade, the upper 8 inches of soils intended for structural support should be scarified and re -compacted. Box culverts, drainage structures, and pipes shall be installed according to section 302 of the current Road and Bridge Specifications. All trench work shall be performed in accordance with current OSHA Safety Regulations. Storm water management shall be installed in accordance with VDOT standard drawing PB-1 which is included in the appendix. Bedding material for culvert foundations, shall be VDOT 2 1 A conforming to the requirements of Section 205 of the 2016 VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Class I backfill material shall be aggregate base material size VDOT 2 1 A or flowable fill. Regular backfill material outside the neat lines of the Class I areas shown on the Standard GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 9 VE VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC: PB-1 drawings shall be regular excavation. Rock more than 2 inches in its greatest dimension shall not be placed within 12 inches of pipe. Although site conditions are very favorable for this project, we cannot stress enough the importance of adequate project oversight. All fill operations and subgrade preparation should be observed on a full-time basis, in accordance with Chapter 17 of the Virginia Construction Code and/or VDOT requirements, by an authorized representative of the Geotechnical Engineer to determine that compaction requirements are being met. A statement of compliance shall be prepared by a professional engineer, licensed in the state of Virginia, indicating that all fill placed meets the requirements of applicable standards, the Virginia Construction Code, and this geotechnical report. We highly recommend that Viola Engineering, PC be contracted to provide construction monitoring services for site grading to adequately enforce and/or confirm geotechnical requirements are achieved. The limits of proposed building and pavement areas should be field staked prior to fill placement. Grade control should be maintained throughout earthwork operations. Compaction testing shall not be limited; however, adequate testing shall be performed during construction to ensure density requirements are achieved within tolerable moisture content. Compaction tests shall be conducted utilizing a properly calibrated nuclear density gauge or sand cone apparatus. The elevation and location of tests should be clearly recorded. It is emphasized that continuous monitoring and documentation of engineered fill is necessary to determine if compaction was achieved according to the project specifications. Field density testing is employed to verify compaction numerically relative to the maximum dry density and optimum moisture as determined by specified ASTM/VTM procedures. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES Special considerations should be made for the construction of stormwater management (SWM) ponds for this project. We recommend that the pipe culverts under or through the dams should be concrete pipe with rubber gaskets. Installation of a concrete cradle in accordance with standard drawing SWM-DR of the 2008 VDOT Road & Bridge Standards is a preferred anti -seep method. The concrete cradle should extend from the riser or inlet end of the pipe to the outlet of the pipe. We recommend that precast concrete structures be installed according to latest revisions of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. The excavated material is limited as embankment material (USCS Classification: GM/SM) without amending to restrict seepage. GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 10 VE VIOLA ENCINEERINC, PC Stormwater pond embankments and liners shall be designed and constructed according Virginia Department of Environmental Quality 2013 Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook. FOUNDATIONS We expect that bridge foundations will bear on undisturbed weathered bedrock of uniform support characteristics. Based on planned site grading, retaining walls will bear predominantly in residual site soils of reduced support strength. As such, retaining wall foundation systems shall be designed with an allowable bearing capacity of 2500 psf in accordance with VDOT specifications and shall bear a minimum of 24 inches below finish subgrade. Final structural plans and loading conditions have not been furnished to our office, at the time of this writing. We request an opportunity to review final structuralplans to verify our design requirements are met All foundation excavations for structures, pipe, and box culverts shall be excavated in accordance with the latest revisions of section 401 of 2016 VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. Based on soil strength characteristics, we recommend that bridge foundations be designed with an allowable bearing pressure of 5,000 psf. Foundation design utilizing shallow continuous footings are recommended for the proposed bridges and is the most economical design alternative. Bridge abutment and wing wall foundations shall bear a minimum of 30 inches below existing grade to provide adequate frost protection. Foundation bearing elevation shall be undercut 30 inches or to a depth to expose competent weathered bedrock with SPT values greater than 40 blows per foot, whichever is greater. Foundation excavations shall be backfilled with VDOT A3 concrete to design bearing elevations. This will protect the bearing elevation from the loss of shear strength due to wetting and promote ease of construction. Ephemeral stream water may infiltrate excavations depending on the time of construction. As such, provisions shall be made to ensure the excavation is maintained in a dry state until concrete backfill is placed. Scour analysis shall be conducted by the design engineer of record, if required, to ensure Virginia DOT and AASHTO LRFD design requirements are met. Foundation bearing depths may need to be increased and/or stream armoring may need to be conducted to satisfy these requirements. Continuous foundations shall be designed with a minimum width of 2 feet to prevent localized shear failure. Incorporating these foundation parameters for this project and good construction practices, settlement will be less than 1 inch with differential settlement no greater than 0.5 inches based on abutment wall loads not exceeding an assumed GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 11 IV) loading of 15,000 plf. We request the opportunity to review and confirm our settlement analysis and recommendations after structural details are finalized. Box culverts shall be installed according to section 302 of the current Road and Bridge Specifications. The Contractor shall explore the foundation below the bottom of the excavation to determine the type and condition of the foundation. Foundation exploration shall extend to a depth equal to 1/2 inch per foot of fill height or 8 inches, whichever is greater. The Contractor shall report the findings of the foundation exploration to the Engineer for acceptance prior to placing pipe. Foundation bearing conditions shall consist of undisturbed stiff soil conditions or approved fill. Streams shall be diverted to prevent water from entering the work area. The exposed box culvert bearing surfaces shall be compacted with a large vibratory smooth drum roller to provide a uniform bearing surface. The subgrade shall be compacted to 95% MDD (VTM-1) as tested accordance with VTM-10. Where the Engineer determines unsuitable foundation material is encountered at the established grade, the Contractor shall remove and replace such material. Backfill for areas where unsuitable material has been removed shall be placed and compacted in accordance with Section 303.04(g) of the specifications. Good site management practices shall be employed to prevent water from entering foundation trenches at all times. Furthermore, foundation trenches shall not be opened unless concrete can be placed immediately thereafter to prevent the possibility of precipitation from entering and softening the exposed bearing elevation. Upon completion of the foundation and stem wall construction, we recommend that all foundation trenches be backfilled with clean compacted soil in accordance with Code requirements and good site management practices. The finished subgrade should be graded to promote positive drainage accordingly. SEISMIC CLASS We have estimated the soil profile type for seismic design based on the strata types encountered. It is our opinion that the site is classified as Site Class C based on the site class determination in the Seventh Edition (2014) AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications section and according to the generalized soil profile on the site. GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 12 VIOLA ENciNEEx1Nc:, Pc RETAINING WALLS We submit the tabulated coefficients and unit weight of onsite fill material herein for design consideration of retaining walls related to site civil design. We will update these parameters as necessary based on the type of fill imported as may be required for pertinent structural support for this project. Final wall plans have not been furnished to our office, at the time of this writing. We request an opportunity to review final structural plans to verify our design requirements are met. Table 1 Design Soil Coefficients and Unit Weight Design Parameter Equivalent Fluid Pressures Rankine Earth Pressure Coefficients Site Soils (Effective Friction Angle= 28°) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At-Rest JW 69 pcf 0.531 Active Fluid Pressure 47 pcf 0.361 Passive Fluid Pressure 360 pcf 2.770 Total Unit Weight of Soil 130 pcf Friction Coefficient 0.25 Open Graded Stone VDOT #57 (Effective Friction Angle= 35°) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At-Rest 49 pcf 0.426 Active Fluid Pressure 32 pcf 0.271 Passive Fluid Pressure 424 pcf 3.690 Total Unit Weight of Soil 115 pcf Friction Coefficient 0.34 Stone or soil used for backfilling all walls, trenches, and excavations shall be placed in accordance with the current VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. A nonwoven geotextile shall be placed between the interface of all open graded stone and fine-grained soils (to include shale/phyllite fills) to prevent the migration of fines. Heavy compaction equipment (large wedge foot rollers) should not be used within a 2:1 distance from the toe of the wall to prevent damage to the wall system. The coefficient of friction between concrete and soil was obtained from the 2014 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Specification Table GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 VE Page 13 VIOLA ENCANEERiNc, Pc ROADWAYS AND PARKING PAVEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Pavement sections have been provided as illustrated on sheet 6 of the approved site plans (issued 4/29/18). CBR testing conducted during phase-1 construction on similar subgrade materials yielded a minimum and maximum value of 6.7 and 37.2 (median 11.7). A pavement design analysis was conducted by our office in accordance with the 2014 Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia (VDOT). Two representative pavement sections were selected which represent the worst -case traffic loading for new subdivision streets. Turning lane pavement design for Richmond Road is outside the scope of this report. A minimum laboratory CBR of 8 is required to satisfy thickness index requirements as computed by the conventional pavement design method (See appendix for design details). As such, the provided pavement sections meet typical guidelines to support the reported traffic counts. The pavement designs are predicated on site grading to promote positive drainage away from road beds to prevent saturation of the supporting soils. CBR testing shall be conducted, prior to the placement of basestone, to ensure design requirements are met. Soil sample frequency and CBR testing for new subdivision streets shall be conducted according to the 2014 Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia which states: 1.) For streets less than 200 feet in length, one soil sample for conducting AASHTO (AASHTO M 145) and Unified (ASTM D 2488) soil classifications and CBR test is required. 2.) For streets 200 to 500 feet in length, at least two soil samples for conducting AASHTO and Unified soil classifications and CBR tests is required, which includes one at each intersection with an existing state road. 3.) For longer streets, one soil sample shall be taken at each intersection with an existing state road plus one test sample every 500 feet in length, or portion thereof, is required for conducting AASHTO and Unified soil classifications and CBR tests. Table 2 Recommended Flexible Pavement Sections Material Designation Bituminous concrete/Surface-SM 12.5A Bituminous concrete/Base-BM 25.0 Untreated aggregate/Subbase (21A) Sheet 6 Detail C, D (inches) 2.00 3.00 8.00 Sheet 6 Detail E, F (inches) 2.0 3.00 6.00 GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 Page 14 VE VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC We recommend that slab -on -ground construction consist of Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement (JRCP) with a minimum concrete thickness (4000 psi) of six (6) inches underlain by six (6) inches of compacted VDOT 21A basestone and 8 inches of reinforced dirty tailings or RDC as outlined above. The designer should take into consideration ACI requirements/recommendations for slab temperature steel and joint spacing. The finished subgrade of all prepared roadways and parking areas shall be compacted to a minimum of 100% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698 or VTM 1 within f3% of the optimum moisture and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record prior to placing subbase. Work in this project shall conform to the latest edition of the Virginia DOT Road and Bridge Specifications. We recommend that refuse dumpsters be situated on a concrete pad adequately designed to withstand loads associated with tipping. A minimum pad design should include a 6-inch concrete pad with a 6 x 6-inch 10/10 WWF placed at mid -depth, in addition to turned down edges. GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA Geotechnical Investigation — Rivanna Village - Phase 2 Albemarle County, Virginia July 25, 2018 VE Page 15 VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC' LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared in order to aid in the evaluation of this site and to assist the Architect and/or Civil Engineer in final design of the project. Our scope is limited to the specific project and location described, and the project description represents our understanding of the significant aspects relevant to soil and foundation characteristics. Therefore, the information contained herein should not be used as a sole source to bid site work by prospective Contractors. Subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at the test boring locations. The boring logs are intended to only represent the conditions at the test boring locations where the sampling occurred. Classifications of the recovered soil samples are based on recognized standards. The interpretations and recommendations in this report are based solely on the information available at the time this report was prepared. In the event that the location or design of the structure is altered, the conclusions and recommendations presented herein should not be considered valid unless we have been given the opportunity to review the changes. We recommend that we be provided the opportunity to review final plans, so it can be determined if revisions to the recommendations contained herein are warranted. Finally, we recommend that the construction activities be monitored by a representative of Viola Engineering, PC to provide the necessary overview and construction testing services through the course of the project. Our continued involvement on this project will provide continuity for proper implementation of the recommendations discussed herein. We highly recommend that Viola Engineering, PC be contracted to provide construction monitoring services for site grading to adequately enforce and/or confirm geotechnical requirements are achieved. The recommendations contained herein provide no warranty if our firm is not contracted to provide site monitoring and testing during site development. As such, we suggest that Construction Monitoring and Testing to establish finished grades not be included in competitive bidding for Special Inspection Services required by VDOT Specifications and Chapter 17 of the Virginia Construction Code. GEOTECHNICAL • GEOPHYSICAL CONSTRUCTION • MATERIALS AA APPENDIX Test Boring Location Plan Reference Notes for Boring Logs Test Boring Logs Laboratory Testing Results Virginia DOT Standard Drawings Field Sample Photographs A Pavement Design Calculations VIOLA ENGINEERING. PC Test Boring Location Plan VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC A 7707044U r[ A 77370DOU rr Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia h VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 h EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) Paper Size: 11"xl7" 450 dpi 362-ft 358"ft `" re ' 360-f[— 358ft- Lazy Branch Lane Sheet: 36 Precast Concrete Single Box Culvert ' Span: 8 ft Rise: 4 ft Length: 70 ft 3s6 ft Invert/Stream Bed In: 349 ft Invert/Stream Bed Out: 348 ft �311■■ a 1► ► w ZRM -0 A -1737000V rr A 770700VU n A 77370&ZU rr i I - - - - - 9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - ------------ �BLI TO BED CAT EMAR i 1 1 �. 344.ft 101 ••�N BL 346E[ � - I k t48 R -4 Y 3sol - X x yb h m N 35pf[ / O4 : 352 J— J-33 ' n I J- J-32 J-7 J; J-3 I J-8 „E 1 J � I J-9 Sheet: 1 ------------------------------- Sheet: 2 354f[ 60 0 60 120 ft Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in - 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise i Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. h S4 E[ 352-.ft 3 NN M 00 co M ti O N N co co M 00 O co M w 0 co co co 0 co co 00 00 M Legend Borings Test Boring N� Notes Atlas Grid Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft 0 364 ft 376 ft 388 ft - 400 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 1 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or tin = 900ft -"--- -- •ch�. +aq I 1 5 T t i t F TV 6 I ' ' 4 I tm 2 _ i BLOM eawmorm�' � ....- Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-11a 352 ft Box Culvert 3.5 ft 07/06/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-11b 352 ft Box Culvert 3.5 ft 07/06/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-11c 352.65 ft Retaining Wall 4.15 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-11d 352 ft Retaining Wall 3.5 ft 07/06/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-11e 355.12 ft Retaining Wall 6.62 ft 07/06/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-11f 353.8 ft Retaining Wall 5.3 ft 07/06/18 Full Depth 11 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11518440 ft X 11518560 ft X 11518680 ft X 11518800 ft X 11518920 ft A 7707044U r[ A 77370DOU rr A 770700av rr A 77370DUU n A 7137 OULU rr Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia 3s4fr J-•�cr I b VEPC Project No: PTL-172379I— q a Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) Paper Size: 11 "x17" 450 dpi Sheet. 1 ��� 356� _ _ Sheet: 2 354 ft S C6I 1- ' ' \ J-10 Lazy Branch Lane Sheet: 36 3sz ft Szfr s Precast Concrete Double Box Culvert -28 + I \s 3so.ft ' Span: 4 ft Rise: 2 ft Length: 60 ft `� Invert/Stream Bed In: 348 ft 3so-f� I I 8 ' J-1 Invert/Stream Bed Out: 347 ft 348 ft 346fit N 3 To `fr 356 fr' f . 3S2-ft I I '3S•9f / r !, 354ft ' I ' 358•ft _ 3516 f� I k I 3601ft f 362 ft - (n i • , 358•fC - 6 h0011, 364Ft J 13 / 356•ft a . -14 358ft �6oFts L H � I � 0 � P 79-26 J- � 366 fr I I ONALD RIGGIN p 362 .ft s 36gFf SIDENTIAL \�\. 36^" 3joff kI p a B. 1 1, P. 209 J- -17 q q \ D I J- ,,�� 366-ft I F I 1\ '1a •'� _ - - ' ,tea' y _ _ 4 3'161 / a I ------------------------------s_et:2- ------------'�'�-- ----- - I T �y 60 0 60 120 ft Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. Co Co Co Co M w 0 Co Co Co M ti 0 0 0 00 00 M 7 Co 1* O Co it O 0 M W 00 M Legend Borings Test Boring N� Notes Atlas Grid Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour OpenStreetMap Line roads minor street 500 - 1000 Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft 0 364 ft 0 376 ft 388 ft - 400 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 2 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft — - 4'. 3.6 10 : 1 ' I 1. 1 '�. {. '♦ I 44 I I I - Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-04a 348 ft Box Culvert and Retaining Wall 0.5 ft 07/09/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-04b 348.87 ft Box Culvert 1.37 ft 07/09/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-04c 351.14 ft Retaining Wall 3.64 ft 07/09/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-04d 353.45 ft Retaining Wall 5.95 ft 07/09/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-04e 351.47 ft Retaining Wall 3.97 ft 07/06/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-04f 351.77 ft Retaining Wall 4.27 ft 07/09/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11518440 ft X 11518560 ft X 11518680 ft X 11518800 ft X 11518920 ft A 77370`JLv rr A 7707`JV4U rr A 77J7`J7ov IT A 1707`JLSU rr A 7707`J4VV n 362 ft 1-44 Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia a �6 VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 -38 - y ' �� Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 n EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) G-39 + � I h Paper Size: 11 "x17" 450 dpi 3e0t tr _ _ _- Lazy Branch Lane Sheet: 32 t G-40 Sh t: 3 Contech Bridge Single Radius Steel G-41 y�� Arch Span on Concrete Strip Footing �° Span: 34.08 ft Rise: 9.17 ft Length: 78 ft I Lazy Branch Lane Sheet: 32 Invert/Stream Bed In: 349.9 ft I 3S Precast Concrete Single Box Culvert 3 Invert/Stream Bed Out: 348 ft I 'Fc ' Span: 8 ft Rise: 4 ft Length: 80 ft Invert/Stream Bed In: 349 ft ; Invert/Stream Bed Out: 348 ft 3S2-f[ �`�' NI _ rF I 10 I 1 _� :Oil. 1 . 3S4,ft ` " 10 • �' m F-1 o I-2 00 �t K� t � � I I sy SIGHT 346'f[ LINES, TYP. - ,� �, 7 i JOlt SN x� o,, M i / \J- 5 ��Ptiti I s��, �Pe N a a 1 J-3 I See 1 60 0 60 120 ft Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. 0 o co rnIM 00 M 00 co rn coCID w 0 +a to M rn 0 CID 0 v rn co co M w 0 N M co 00 M Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring N� Notes Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile B Existing Contour loft Contour 1 ft Contour Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft 0 364 ft 376 ft 0 388 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 3 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft - --- -- = •chi. _. =« --.. O - '�o°'a. a-a.s'�asa T(T "e- - - - - - - - - ^ IV � C0 ' 2 - 'Nif. tlak111fD01'rt1 - Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-07a 349.16 ft Bridge Foundation -0.67 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-07b 348.89 ft Bridge Foundation -0.94 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-07c 349.05 ft Bridge Foundation -0.78 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 20 ft B-07d 348.73 ft Bridge Foundation -1.1 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-07e 351.71 ft Retaining Wall 1.88 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-07f 351.25 ft Retaining Wall 1.42 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-07g 350.98 ft Retainin Wall 1.15 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-07h 349.44 ft Retaining Wall -0.39 ft 07/03/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-10a 352 ft Box Culvert 3.5 ft 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10b 348.11 ft Box Culvert -0.39 ft 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10c 354.25 ft Retaining Wall 5.75 ft 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10d 352.21 ft Retaining Wall 3.71 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-10e 352.27 ft Retaining Wall 3.77 ft 07/03/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft B-1 Of 350.75 ft Retaining Wall 2.25 ft 07/05/18 Full Depth 10.5 ft AP-36 351.17 ft -64 ft N MH B-8 07/12/18 Full Depth 8 ft AP-37 351.66 ft Adjacent MH B-9 07/12/18 Full Depth 8 ft AP-33 351.99 ft -75 ft NW MH B-7 07/12/18 Full Depth loft AP-34 350.97 ft -128 ft NW MH B-7 07/12/18 Full Depth 8 ft AP-35 349.58 ft Adjacent MH B-8 07/12/18 Full Depth 7 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11518920 ft X 11519040 ft X 11519160 ft X 11519280 ft X 11519400 ft A 77370aLv rr A 7707`JV4U n A 7737`J70V it Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia N VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 h EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) Paper Size: 11"x17" 450 dpi M I B L I ARK BE D CATED TO COUNTY OF k EMAR R PUBLIC US N V 3Sol D D I h � I I 348 ft I / it I / I I / a I C 30 >D I D '' • • I OLr ga2•k� 01 .CIH k HI + L 3412-ft 348-ft 10 P ► /1/ I upi 6 v � M VS ; sy �F k 1 I v � I � I 4 I a I 954ft � S6�`f A`1 - - 60 0 60 Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise 120 ft 71 l A 1707`JLOU r[ A 7707`J4VV n --------------- \ � 396� i i35U.ft` 3g6Fr I I T Y• Yi \ I I D o \ I I 2 I I I _ I r/ I I w 1 x, 01 L. w I w _ m � I - I 336fc I I _ I 340.ft EA- - - �` _ n � I y D i I � I ae M = I I I a , O A , Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. 340•f[ ' �a N N M Co Co M ti O N N rn Co M Co O M Co Co w 0 co O 00 Co Co 0 Co Co W W M Legend Borings Test Boring Atlas Grid Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft 0 364 ft 0 376 ft 0 388 ft - 400 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 4 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft - --- -- h�o. Y I i 1 --I 3 �'�6 10 M f , `• C1T -- a- - - - - 1• - - - ^ ice/ T y c0 ' I I _ 1 2 BLOCK eakAKDOem, - - Name Elevationi Description Inv/Bed Drill Date I Condition I Termination B-01 338.1 ft Wet Pond 07/02/18 Full Depth 20.5 ft B-03 345.08 ft Wet Pond 07/02/18 Full Depth 20.5 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11518920 ft X 11519040 ft X 11519160 ft X 11519280 ft X 11519400 ft A 7707`J4UU n A 7737`JJLU fr A 7707`J04U n A 7731WOU fr A 1707`JaaU rr Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 k Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 3g t �o 0 EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) �f ! Paper Size: 11"x17" 450 dpi _�T EE _ _ _ - _ _ P R NG ONE ' 0 a ' - � I 5TA o A��'%i 1 0 1- 8 °-- 1 G T I roF , 380,ft �" � -; SI HT 1- 2 TY . 0 a` o 15+ ra � S A, , I-23 , ' OAI- -40 4 N �r 1-28 rq 14+0 I - 1-2 / 0 SIG T LI ES, -42 TY �, j I n 14 1- 0 1-36 �- - - - - - -- I 1-43 \ koo . o��A ,• /T) 1-35 1-32pF s \ x N 1-44 1 b A° �ti / eet. S `i - - - ---- — ---------------------------- ------------ ----- -- ---- -�------------------ ---------- - -.. .------ �--------- — — — 5 /� iAs 11 Sh • 6 v 1 60 0 60 120 ft / Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise / Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. Q N O oo co w 0 �o 0 00 0 M 0 0 0 rn co M r 4Z 0 N 01 0) 00 W M 0 0 00 M oo co M Legend Borings Auger Probe Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile R S Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour OpenStreetMap Line roads minor street 500 - 1000 Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft 0 364 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 5 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft - --- -- zhoi =' .. YY T ., 6 M 1 '. =---µ„—�— ---�c0 '--- 4 2'BLOCK IIRLNWO�: NamelElevationj Description Inv/BedlDrill Date ICondition lTermination AP-401 365.62 ft I Adiacent MH S-1 1 1 07/12/18 1 Full Depth 15 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11519400 ft X 11519520 ft X 11519640 ft X 11519760 ft X 11519880 ft A 7707`J4VU rr A 7737`JJLv rr A 7707VO4V n A 7731WOV rr A 1707&UOU rr I AA Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 i u Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 / -0 p EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftLIS) - - xo° , >�. h Paper Size: 11 "xl7" 450 dpi �ti _ - -i _ -_ - eet_S - - _ - - -1---- /o .,, �ep�, ---- - --- - - .fie• �.---- / Sh6- 1-4 1-12 .' I ' -46 `''� s '9x Qt° I-11 \ k °o SIGHT 36zF-�'`� / . TYP. BL, 35g.Fr , 1-9 1-2 ' I-8 I � �1 I 3S2 F[ QUO 350.1' LI ES, 1 .o TYP. I- L I S p 5 Lazy Branch Lane Sheet: 33 � % L n 1- Q7 - Contech Bridge Single Radius Steel Arch Span on Concrete Strip Footing Span: 34.08 ft Rise: 9.17 ft Length: 78 ft �y Invert/Stream Bed In: 344 ft 46 ' Invert/Stream Bed Out: 342 ft ( �'� �o / 9 - � �' - I 2 ' v P I - V b b a -38 - - - I- 3 Tab \ n0 60 0 60 120 ft �� : 1 t Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC �o (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in - 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise 1 Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. 0 o Co rn Co M 7 Co Co Co w 0 to to M rn Co 00 0 v rn Co Co M 0 N M Co ,b M Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring N� Notes Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile B R R-1-1 S T Existing Contour loft Contour 1 ft Contour Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 6 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft T T- -..3 6 10 1 -MS _ _ I 4* 1a 7' I o 2 BLOCK ORLAKEPOWN: Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-06a 344.74 ft Bridge Foundation 1.74 ft 06/28/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-06c 344.79 ft Bridge Foundation 1.79 ft 07/02/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-06d 344.22 ft Bridge Foundation 1.22 ft 06/28/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-06e 345.44 ft Retaining Wall 2.44 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 16 ft B-06g 347.32 ft Retaining Wall 4.32 ft 06/26/18 Full Depth 16 ft B-06h 345.99 ft Retaining Wall 2.99 ft 06/28/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-06i 355.62 ft Retaining Wall 12.62 ft 06/29/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-06j 354.49 ft Retaining Wall 11.49 ft 06/29/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft AP-38 356.34 ft -72 ft NW MH B-1 07/12/18 Full Depth loft AP-39 361.01 ft Adjacent MH R1-1 07/12/18 Full Depth loft AP-20 360.02 ft Between MH R-3 & MH R-2 07/11/18 Full Depth 7 ft AP-21 358.8 ft Adjacent MH R-2 07/11/18 Full Depth loft AP-22 356.13 ft Between MH R-2 & R-1 07/11/18 Full Depth loft AP-23 352.42 ft Adjacent MH R-1 07/11/18 Full Depth 9 ft AP-24 353.22 ft -63 ft SW from MH R-1 07/11/18 Full Depth loft AP-25 354.09 ft --127 ft SW from MH R-1 07/11/18 Full Depth 12 ft AP-26 355.91 ft Adjacent MH B-7 07/11/18 Full Depth 14 ft AP-27 353.7 ft -50 ft SE from MH B-7 07/11/18 Full Depth 13 ft AP-28 347 ft Adjacent MH B-6 07/11/18 Full Depth 8 ft AP-14 366.69 ft Between MH T-3 & MH T-4 07/10/18 Full Depth 15 ft AP-15 360.91 ft Adjacent MH T-4 07/10/18 Full Depth 12 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11519400 ft X 11519520 ft X 11519640 ft X 11519760 ft X 11519880 ft A 7707`J4UU rr A 7737`JJLU rr A 7707`J04U rr Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia 1 • • 1 '4VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 n Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 - h EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) �/ p Paper Size: 11"xl7" 450 dpi 1 , , ee III P 4401 1 _ 001 0 u I pv J M p >D >D I _ STq 17 00 011 011y HI I ' I I - o � I 1 - ' ... Tq 7.61.00 - h 1 m J-4 M ( QI j . -45 I I Profile: T +p�_ `342-ft �i b— • -1- - J-46 b g3AE j ft _ 40. - ---- ----- ------ - 60 0 60 120 ft k' Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise -7 A 773-IVIOU rr R -110-I &O SU r[ t Np �. "ice o — -- — — 0- -- -- — -- J- - - -M 1- '4` m a 3-56 r I i; J-55 i b lo J- t ^� s v� r O L o� J�y ~� J -52 �l100 J- 10b H e , _ a She x .. S :8 I Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. I d o Z 0 N M co 0 M ti 0 N N M co M 00 0 CI M w 0 00 00 0 0 M Legend Borings Auger Probe - Test Boring Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile B T Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft 0 364 ft 0 376 ft 0 388 ft - 400 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 7 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft — - ch� I ' ter I �7 1 .3 6 10 ' I '• 1. 1 1 �'. I T= ---�— 1s.-1 --�c 1--- V 1 i1 74 0 I L BLOM � eak.Noorm�I = I � Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-06b 344.67 ft Bridge Foundation 1.67 ft 06/29/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-06f 346.6 ft Retaining Wall 3.6 ft 06/29/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-02 340 ft Wet Pond 07/02/18 Full Depth 20.5 ft AP-29 343.47 ft Adjacent MH B-5 07/11/18 Full Depth 6 ft AP-30 345.85 ft Adjacent MH B-4 07/11/18 Full Depth 9 ft AP-31 345.71 ft --60 ft SW MH B-4 07/11/18 Full Depth 9 ft AP-32 346.39 ft -171 ft SW MH B-4 07/11/18 Full Depth loft AP-11 347.2 ft Adjacent MH T-1 07/10/18 Full Depth 12 ft AP-12 361.08 ft Adjacent MH T-2 07/10/18 Full Depth 17 ft AP-13 364.98 ft Adjacent MH T-3 07/10/18 Auger Refusal 7 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11519400 ft X 11519520 ft X 11519640 ft X 11519760 ft X 11519880 ft A 7707Y4UU rr A 7737`JJLU rr A 7707`J04U IT k Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia b VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 J-46 a Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 a EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) Paper Size: 11"xl7" 450 dpi She — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �� S r, M I Q y33g$ � w S 14+A J-47 -W _ - J-48 a 1 � T L i TA 13+ 0 I \ 33oft _ I T 'o �-k Iy m j� s. ,Go �. O ,,W, \ \ 1 \ �-133 \� I k I I � I 4 U 1 1 y ► > w N \ I I I I I I I I \ I � I '0 A 7731WOU rr A 17 o� 9 I o -\ 00 0 o w w TM �0-55 w a W�L L IA - CAT., N >� SI ^ NTIA" DB. 27 11 P. 7 9 B. 71 . P. 58 T'� v _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60 0 60 120 ft Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise aaaU rr — _ .. _ Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. co co co 0 M 0 co co co M 0 0 0 00 00 M 7 co W co M w O tp M O O co M Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile B Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft 0 364 ft 0 376 ft 0 388 ft - 400 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 8 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft — — 41. 6 10 . 1 % T- - - _�—t— _ _ _ _ _ _ JIM 441 21 -- ' 2 - ' I o� N1Ea eaE�KDOrm . Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-05 333.35 ft Wet Swale 07/09/18 Auger Refusal 12 ft AP-09 336.01 ft Adjacent MH B-1 07/10/18 Full Depth 5 ft AP-10 336.21 ft Adjacent MH B-2 07/10/18 Full Depth 5 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11519400 ft X 11519520 ft X 11519640 ft X 11519760 ft X 11519880 ft A 1107y06U Tr A 77OL000U n d D Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 k Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 N EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) Paper Size: 11"xl7" 450 dpi D 7a�0 0 0, ♦ 3,�Ft 41 "1 A 773LV I LU TT A 777LUL4U n - _ _ _ _ - 1 \I-14 --------------- � I I I 60 0 60 120 ft Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise %10'>'A a,Q A 77 JLUSOU TT (SEE ATTACHE ------------------------------ sheet 9 oe PROPOSED 200' (9iS E E Al"TAC H E D O I �r I i I I 6� I j C'0 I 0 a I ♦ / I ?F r ft O I I �c I l t, I 38�ff Opp 37q ft N a I I 3T f 3e. O ",8 Qf\ `SIGHT r TYP. \ �° •t�' °II Terrapin Trace Sheet: 29 Contech Bridge Multiplate Steel Arch on Concrete Strip Footing 46fr Span: 14 ft Rise: 4.67 ft Length: 74 ft Invert/Stream Bed In: 362 ft Invert/Stream Bed Out: 360 ft ,\P b wew �. \ v I 1 � - \ I I: 1: ti et 1 ; , Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom by Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. Co N 0 O) Co 4t O tp O Co Co M 0 0 O O Co M F v: 0 N rn Co 00 M 0 O M Co Co M Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring N� Notes Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile R R4-1 Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour OpenStreetMap Line roads primary & trunk primary & trunk 500 - 1000 minor street 500 - 1000 VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 9 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft — `� I e.-.........-- aoac ''t _ I •• ~ •? JY T 1 1 •I ,.�.. 1 • �•d 3 6 M" 1 - ' 2 I. - ' K eaLAKo0wa: - .. Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-08a 362 ft Bridge Foundation 1 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-08c 362 ft Bridge Foundation 1 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-08e 360.93 ft Retaining Wall -0.07 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-08g 363.27 ft Retaining Wall 2.27 ft 06/22/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-08h 363.06 ft Retaining Wall 2.06 ft 06/21/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft AP-18 366.09 ft Adjacent MH R4-1 07/10/18 Full Depth 5 ft AP-19 364.45 ft Adjacent MH R-4 07/11/18 Full Depth 7 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. (11519880 ft X 11520000 ft X 11520120 ft X 11520240 ft X 11520360 ft A 7707`J36U rr A 77OL000U rr Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia k VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 L362f� Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) ^c h Paper Size: 11"xl7" 450 dpi SIGHT 1-12 INES I TYP R w q I q K 1. BU I Q I M 1 ,� tee• I `0 ti 352•ff j a ~ I � A 773LU7ZU rr A 777LUL4U IT A 77OLUJOU rr 9 x ^ti 1-52 , Z' �Aliql 1-6 I-63 k b , 372-ft . - ^0 o - - -ol — h I 3744 w , ► 1-7 37fift All 382ft _. Ec 12 SIP ,53 , P. S' - q I Sheet: 10 60 0 60 120 ft Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise 5 U p Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. 38q t 00 0 0 0 M 4t 0 10 h 0 0 0 M 0 a 0) 0 0 M 4: 0 N M co 0 M Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile T T7-1 Existing Contour loft Contour 1 ft Contour OpenStreetMap Line roads minor street 500 - 1000 Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft 0 352 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 10 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or 1 in = 900ft — - ch� soda. ,} a..a .samara-. 5 y r - - -T— — --t-1 3 6 10'1 T----�,—i�t— ---�C, t•___� 4V I 1 S Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-08b 360.18 ft Bridge Foundation -0.82 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 15 ft B-08d 360.4 ft Bridge Foundation -0.6 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft B-08f 361.32 ft Retaining Wall 0.32 ft 06/25/18 Full Depth 15.5 ft B-09a 394.02 ft Borrow Area 06/20/18 Full Depth 20.5 ft B-09c 382.45 ft Borrow Area 06/20/18 Full Depth 25.5 ft AP-17 370.42 ft Adjacent MH T-5 07/10/18 Full Depth 17 ft AP-01 394.2 ft Adjacent MH T7-1 06/21/18 Full Depth 14 ft AP-02 395.93 ft Between MH T7-1 & MH T-7 06/21/18 Full Depth 15 ft AP-03 393.99 ft Adjacent MH T-7 06/21/18 Full Depth 18 ft AP-07 383.39 ft Between MH T-7 & MH T-6 06/21/18 Full Depth 15 ft AP-08 373.77 ft Adjacent MH T-6 06/21/18 Full Depth 13 ft AP-16 366.15 ft Between MH T-4 & MH T-5 07/10/18 Auger Refusal 5 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. C 11519880 ft X 11520000 ft X 11520120 ft X 11520240 ft X 11520360 ft X 11520360 ft X 11520480 ft X 11520600 ft X 11520720 ft X 11520840 ft Richmond Road, Albemarle County, Virginia k VEPC Project No: PTL-172379 Date of Exploration: 6/20/18 - 7/12/18 n EPSG:2925 NAD83(HARN) / Virginia South (ftUS) D y Paper Size: 11"xl7" 450 dpi 0 n.10 ra r ,at i i i k ce 1a C00 E 3LiV77AL , �0v 3 �# 384fl400-409 ., Fti�``' ,53�., P. 594 V , h b ''38Fx - - - --��b�c�•- - - - - - - 37474 k 60 0 60 120 ft TIAL Scale: 1 = 720 or 1 in = 60ft Rotation: 0 deg. clockwise P. 0 s �----------------------- - S 's sy ' I J-O& I 38�F� os G �100 7 a s y F �F� 00 - hoi a a I• up y mWl _ I TMP 80-58A ARYBESS JOHN ON °tiF RESIDENTIAL I O DB. 568, P. 608 ' I I B2_fi � I 12 I I I I y I �d I � I I CP et: 11 Background obtained from OpenStreetMap. Site plans prepared by Alan Franklin PE, LLC (4/26/18). Boring locations, elevation profile, and sanitary sewer profile provided by Blossom Consulting and Engineering, Inc (11/3/17). Locations and elevations are approximate. 0 0 M rn co M 5. co 0 co w 0 to to M rn co M 0 v rn o co M w 0 N M co co M Legend Borings Auger Probe Test Boring Atlas Grid Future Sanitary Sewer Station No. 100 ft I loft Future Sewer Profile T Existing Contour 10 ft Contour 1 ft Contour OpenStreetMap Line roads primary & trunk primary & trunk 500 - 1000 minor street 500 - 1000 Elevation Grid Existing Topo - 328 ft 0 340 ft VEVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Test Boring Location Plan Sheet: 11 of 11 Rivanna Village Phase 2 (Blocks F, G, H, I, & J) Overview Scale: 1 = 10800 or t in = 900ft - -- - •ch�. ' •' 3 �� 5 10 1 t 44Ici'"'7 ' 1 �. I INIE11 eRE11KD0Ym: Name Elevation Description Inv/Bed Drill Date Condition Termination B-09b 381.66 ft Borrow Area 06/20/18 Full Depth 20.5 ft AP-04 389.06 ft Adjacent MH T-8 06/21/18 Full Depth loft AP-05 398.3 ft -50 ft NE of MH T-8 06/21/18 Full Depth 15 ft AP-06 400 ft -100 ft NE of MH T-8 06/21/18 Full Depth 20 ft Inv/Bed: Depth to invert or stream bed from existing grade. Negative value indicate boring below Inv/Bed elevation. X 11520360 ft X 11520480 ft X 11520600 ft X 11520720 ft X 11520840 ft Reference Notes for Boring Logs VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC )I VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS Correlation ofSPT Values to Soil Proverties Coarse Grained Soils Fine Grained Soils Unconfined Compressive N60(bpfl Relative Density N60(bpfl Consistency Strength h (tsf) 0 to 3 Very Loose 0 to 1 Very Soft <0.25 4 to 9 Loose 2 to 4 Soft 0.25 to 0.5 10 to 29 Medium Dense 5 to 8 Firm 0.5 to 1.0 30 to 50 Dense 9 to 15 Stiff 1.0 to 2.0 Over 50 Very Dense 16 to 30 Very Stiff 2.0 to 4.0 31 to 60 Hard >4.0 Over 60 Very Hard Note: When SPT values of more than 60 are obtained for material which has retained the mineralogy and the structure of parent rock, the stratum is termed "weathered rock". Particle Size Identification Boulders 12 inches or greater Cobbles 3 inches to 12 inches Gravel. Coarse 3/4 inch to 3 inches Fine #4 sieve to 3/4 inch Proportion Identification Trace 1 to 5% Few 5 to 15% Little 15 to 29% Some 30 to 49% Mostly 50 to 100% Sand. Coarse #10 sieve to #4 sieve Rock Quality Designation Medium #40 sieve to #10 sieve lz D Quality Classification Fine #200 sieve to #40 sieve <25% Very Poor Fines Passing #200 sieve 25-50% Poor 50-75% Fair Other Terminology Used on Boring Logs 75-90% Good MC Moisture content (%) >90% Excellent LL Liquid limit (%) PI Plasticity index (%) P.P. Pocket penetrometer DCP Dynamic cone penetrometer (15 lb. weight, 20" free fall) Note: Unified Soil Classification Symbols (USCS) in parentheses indicate field classification based on ASTM D 2488. Test Boring Logs AMW r VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC 0 c° v; 0 0 0 0 r w Y Engineering, PC KEY TO SYMBOLS VEViola 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia LITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS SAMPLER SYMBOLS (Unified Soil Classification System) Rock Core GM: USCS Silty Gravel MH ® SHALE: Shale Split Spoon SM: USCS Silty Sand 1 L.,T,;. TOPSOIL: Topsoil WELL CONSTRUCTION SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS ILL - LIQUID LIMIT (%) TV - TORVANE PI - PLASTIC INDEX (%) PID - PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR W - MOISTURE CONTENT (%) UC -UNCONFINED COMPRESSION DD - DRY DENSITY (PCF) ppm - PARTS PER MILLION NP - NON PLASTIC -200 - PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE Water Level at Time PP - POCKET PENETROMETER (TSF) Drilling, or as Shown bgs BELOW GROUND SURFACE 1 Water Level After 24 - Hours, or as Shown 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-01 Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/2/18 COMPLETED 7/2/18 GROUND ELEVATION 338.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889065.5 EASTING 11519305.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=O ov 0 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > C� Ova W 0z� O Q mOZ W �w w y v" d o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" 1 100 3(16)9 24 0: RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 2 100 7-14-42-45 (56) >60 • >> RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 7' >60 >> SS 100 50 5 3 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 4SS 100 50 >> dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: L6 10.5' 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 » 8 Bottom of borehole at 20.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-02 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/2/18 COMPLETED 7/2/18 GROUND ELEVATION 340 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889095.5 EASTING 11519458.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=0 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > 0 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W 0 CL ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 100 2-3-4-4 11 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, 1 (7) ° moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 100 2-7-7-8 21 • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic 2 (14) rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' SS 3 100 15-26 50 (76) 5 >60 • >> RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 100 50 15.5' >60 >> 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 » 8 Bottom of borehole at 20.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-03 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/2/18 COMPLETED 7/2/18 GROUND ELEVATION 345.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889300.1 EASTING 11519187.9 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 75 4-5-6-6 17 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, 1 (11) ° medium dense to very dense, moist, relic rock structure, (GM) layer: 4.5' 2S 100 6-6-5-5 17 1111 o ° ( ) SS 3 100 7-36-40-40 (76) 5 ° >60 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 100 50 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: >60 » 15, 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> L7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 Bottom of borehole at 20.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-04a 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/9/18 COMPLETED 7/9/18 GROUND ELEVATION 348 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3888716.2 EASTING 11518711.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL Approximate_In_vert or Stream_ Bed Elevation. layer: 6" RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, SS 100 2 �6)32 9 • dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 10' SS 100 2-2-3-4 8 2 (5) 5 >60 SS 3 100 1017-34- 50 (51) >60 >> 100 50 LSS 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » L6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-04b 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/9/18 COMPLETED 7/9/18 GROUND ELEVATION 348.9 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3888705.1 EASTING 11518655.0 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 75 5-4-3-4 11 • ---------------------------- 1 (7) Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very loose to medium dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 4.5' SS 75 2-1-1-2 3 • 2 (2) 3S 100 2 ($) 6 5 12 >60 • » 4S 100 8 (90) 0 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 4' SS 100 50 >60 >> 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-04C Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/9/18 COMPLETED 7/9/18 GROUND ELEVATION 351.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3888658.9 EASTING 11518755.8 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=O ov 0 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > C� Ova W 0z� O Q mOZ W �w w y v" d 2 o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 '*,-*-,*'—,,_TOPSOIL layer: 6" 1 SS 100 -10-14-16 5(24) 36 • ° ° RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, dense to very dense, moist, (GM) layer: 3' 2S 67 15-385-50 ( ) ° >60 • >> 5 >60 » RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, d_ry,_we_athered phyllite, vertically bedded, —d, (SM) layer: — I — pproximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 3 100 50 >60 » SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> L 6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-04d 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/9/18 COMPLETED 7/9/18 GROUND ELEVATION 353.5 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3888615.8 EASTING 11518808.3 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=0 o- 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > 0 O 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W 0 CL ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' SS 100 7-5-6-5 17 1 (11) 83 3-412-10 ° ° 18 2S () SS 3 75 8-22-33-50 (55) 5 o 10A >60 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 6' ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> L6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-04e 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/6/18 COMPLETED 7/6/18 GROUND ELEVATION 351.5 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3888740.5 EASTING 11518634.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° dense, moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 92 2- -11 )18 33 • RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 10-17-33- dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 75 50 >60 • 8.5' 2 (50) Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. >60 >> SS 100 50 5 3 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 » SS 100 50 L5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> L6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-04f 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/9/18 COMPLETED 7/9/18 GROUND ELEVATION 351.8 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3888680.7 EASTING 11518669.4 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4' SS 67 5-8-9-10 26 1 (17) 88 12-1176-16 00 26 9 2S () RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very r �` 10-20-21- 5 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer:_ _I Rxroximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 3 100 23 (41) >60 100 19(74-50 >60 >> 4S >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> L6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-05 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/9/18 COMPLETED 7/9/18 GROUND ELEVATION 333.3 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3888719.5 EASTING 11519440.9 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV Z-7 AT TIME OF DRILLING 12.00 ft / Elev 321.30 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 2 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 '*,-*-,*'—,,_TOPSOIL layer: 6" o RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose SS 83 2 �6)4-4 9 • 0 to dense, moist, (GM) layer: 3' SS 83 2-2-20-21 0 o 33 • 2 (22) RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 5 8.5' 3S 79 9-9-3) 35 >60 >60 • >> 89 27 50 4S (78) >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » 6 Refusal encountered, hole terminated. at 12.0'. Bottom of borehole at 12.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06a 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/28/18 COMPLETED 6/28/18 GROUND ELEVATION 344.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889341.9 EASTING 11519641.5 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV Z-7 AT TIME OF DRILLING 20.50 ft / Elev 324.20 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o ° W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z-1 O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 58 2-2-4-4 9 • °—X RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, 1 (6) `loose, moist, (GM)layer: 4'_______________ J Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 2-1-5-3 o ° < X 2 83 (6) 9 • SS 3 79 2-2-4-5 (6) 5 9 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 4' 88 3468 15 4S (0) SS 100 6-8-12-16 30 • RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, dense to 5 (20) 10 very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer:16.5' SS 75 -11-18-22 44 • 6 (29) 15 SS 15-24-24- 7 83 30 >60 (48) 20 Q >60 SS 100 50 >> _ 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 » 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06b 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/29/18 COMPLETED 6/29/18 GROUND ELEVATION 344.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889288.7 EASTING 11519623.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV Z-7 AT TIME OF DRILLING 10.50 ft / Elev 334.20 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o ° W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, SS 96 1-()-3 6 • loose, moist, (GM) layer: 6.5'-X - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. ° ° SS 75 1-2-3-3 8 • 2 (5) S3S 83 1-3(6)-5 5 ° 9 SS 100 3-9-12-12 ° ° 32 • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, dense to 4 (21) very dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 8' SS 100 6-9-15-25 36 • 5 (24) 10 7 - SS 75 9-16-22-30 57 • 6 (38) 15 >60 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 100 50 >> dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 7 10.5' 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 » 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06C 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/2/18 COMPLETED 7/2/18 GROUND ELEVATION 344.8 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889356.7 EASTING 11519609.9 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o ° W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=0 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > 0 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W 0 CL ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 83 2-3-3-4 9 °< RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose 1 (6) -X to medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 5' — — — — — — — — — J — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 1-2-2-7 o ° < X 2 83 (4) 6 • SS 3 100 6-8-6-8 (14) 5 ° 21 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 9_ 0 dense, dry, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' 4S 100 (69) >60 • » >60 >> RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 4 SS 100 50 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: L 5 17.5' 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 » 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06d 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/28/18 COMPLETED 6/28/18 GROUND ELEVATION 344.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889307.5 EASTING 11519593.0 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV Z-7 AT TIME OF DRILLING 18.00 ft / Elev 326.20 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A a=O o ~m ° _ w� W �w 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C� 0z� O Q w y o.L) Z I--�� ov �� Ova mOZ v" o 20 40 60 80 C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 83 1-2-3-3 8 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, � 1 (5) ° loose, moist, (GM) layer: 3.5'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JI Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 1-2-3-5 o ° 2 92 (5) 8 SS 3 100 4-8-8 10 (16) 5 24 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium dense, dry, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 18" RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 20 18 30- dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 100 50 >60 • 19.5' 4 (48) >60 >> 100 50 LSS 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Sz 20 >60 SS 100 50 » 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06e 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/26/18 COMPLETED 6/26/18 GROUND ELEVATION 345.4 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889320.6 EASTING 11519565.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV Z-7 AT TIME OF DRILLING 11.00 ft / Elev 334.40 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A a=O o ~m _ w� W �w 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C� 0z� O Q w y o.L) Z I--�� ov �� Ova mOZ v" o 20 40 60 80 C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 79 1-2-2-2 6 • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, 1 (4) ° moist, (GM) layer: 2' ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 92 1-4-4-5 12 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic 2 (8) rock structure, (SM) layer: 2.5' 5 3S 100 4- (1 )16 23 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, dense to very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 10.5' SS 100 7-14-17-19 47 • 4 (31) SS 100 8-25-20-19 >60 • 5 (45) 10 Q 53 SS 75 5-14-21-30 • 6 (35) 15 >60 SS 7 100 24-50 • : >> Bottom of borehole at 16.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06f 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/29/18 COMPLETED 6/29/18 GROUND ELEVATION 346.6 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889270.7 EASTING 11519646.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A a=O o ~m _ w� W �w 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C� 0z� O Q w y o.L) Z I--�� ov �� Ova mOZ v" o 20 40 60 80 C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" 0 o RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, SS 58 2-(5j-3 8 • moist, (GM) layer: 2.5' SS 100 2-7-14-39 32 •: RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic 2 (21) I rock structure, ISM) layer: 6" I RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 3S 100 26-50 >60 • >> 5 I dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 72— -----— Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-069 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/26/18 COMPLETED 6/26/18 GROUND ELEVATION 347.3 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889394.0 EASTING 11519583.9 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV Z-7 AT TIME OF DRILLING 14.00 ft / Elev 333.30 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A a=O o ~m _ w� W �w 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C� 0z� Q w y o.L) Z I--�� ov �� Ova mOZ v" o 20 40 60 80 C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 92 2-2-3-3 8 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, 1 (5) ° moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 88 2-3-6-7 14 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium 2 (9) dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 6' 5 ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 3S 83 4-614 10 () 21 92 3 12 -8 18 4S () SS 100 2-12-17-22 44 •: RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 5 (29) 10 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 7 SS 100 8-14-36-38 >60 0 6 (50) 7 15 >60 SS 7 67 27-50 >> Bottom of borehole at 16.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06h 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/28/18 COMPLETED 6/28/18 GROUND ELEVATION 346 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889341.7 EASTING 11519660.4 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 75 1-2-3-2 8 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, 1 (5) ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4' ---------------------------- SS 100 2-3-4-4 11 ° ° Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 2 (7) SS 3 100 3-11-31-29 (42) 5 >60 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 100 15-67 50 10.5' >60 9 >> 4S () >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06i Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/29/18 COMPLETED 6/29/18 GROUND ELEVATION 355.6 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889360.1 EASTING 11519749.8 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=O ov 0 o- O �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > C� Ova W 0z� Q mOZ W �w w y v" d o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 1 75 2-12-36-50 (48) >60 • RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 14.5'SS >60 >> 100 50 L2 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 L3 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-06j Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/29/18 COMPLETED 6/29/18 GROUND ELEVATION 354.5 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889421.4 EASTING 11519779.4 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=O ov 0 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > C� Ova W 0z-1 o Q mo> " W �w w y v" d o.� Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 6" —x SS 1 2-9-50 (59) >60 » RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 15' >60 >> SS 50 2 >60 >> SS 50 5 3 >60 >> SS 50 4 >60 >> SS 50 5 10 >60 SS 50 >> 6 ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 15 >60 SS 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07a 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/26/18 COMPLETED 6/26/18 GROUND ELEVATION 349.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889698.3 EASTING 11519274.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 2 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 '*,-*-,*'—,,_TOPSOIL layer: 6" 0 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, SS 63 1-() 2 6 • 0 loose, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' SS 63 2-2-3-3 0 0 8 • 2 (5) SS 3 96 2-6-19-21 (25) 5 0 0 38 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 100 16-76 50 20.5' >60 9 >> 4S () >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> L7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07b 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/5/18 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 348.9 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889666.3 EASTING 11519265.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" o RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose SS 75 2-2-4-4 9 • 0 to medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' SS 75 3-3-5-10 0 o 12 2 (8) SS 3 83 4-4-5-5 (9) 5 0 ° 14 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' SS 100 5-12-16-22 42 • RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 4 (28) dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 78 17 50 18.5' >60 • >> (88) 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07C Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/26/18 COMPLETED 6/26/18 GROUND ELEVATION 349.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889679.2 EASTING 11519302.1 DRILLING METHOD 3 1/4" HSA/NQ Core GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=O ov 0 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > C� Ova W 0z-1 O Q moZ W �w w y v" d o.� Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 1 50 1-3-2-4 (5) 8 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° loose, moist, (GM) layer: 4' ° ° < x SS 2 79 3-2-3-5 (5) 8 SS 3 100 6-16-15-14 (31) 5 47 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' SS 4 100 6-11-24-40 (35) 53 • RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 3' >60 • >> SS 5 100 38-50 10 Moderately weathered, thin bedded, light to dark gray, PHYLLITE, intensely fractured, [Candler Formation] moderately hard layer: 10' RC 90 6 (0) 15 RC 100 7 (0) 9 20 Bottom of borehole at 20.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07d 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/5/18 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 348.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889644.4 EASTING 11519292.3 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 9" SS 83 2 )-5 11 ° RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° moist, (GM) layer: 2.3' SS 75 3-3-4-5 11 :orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic 2 (7) rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' 5 SS 3 75 6-17-28-50 (45) >60 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 4 4 83 45-50 20.5' >60 • >> >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> L7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07e 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/26/18 COMPLETED 6/26/18 GROUND ELEVATION 351.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889727.5 EASTING 11519250.8 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" ° ° RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose SS 75 2-2 1 ) 2 6 • to medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 6.5' ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. ° ° SS 71 2-2-5-2 11 • 2 (7) S3S 88 2- -4 10 5 0 ° 11 ° ° >60 >> 72 16(84-50 4S ) RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 8.5' SS 100 50 >60 » 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07f 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/25/18 COMPLETED 6/25/18 GROUND ELEVATION 351.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889674.7 EASTING 11519331.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" 0 o RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, SS 75 1-()-3 6 • `loose, moist, (GM) layer: 2.5' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -X Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 92 2-4-6-16 15 • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic 2 (10) rock structure, (SM) layer: 12" RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 3S 100 5-50 5 >60 >> 11.5' >609 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-079 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/5/18 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 351 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889671.2 EASTING 11519216.5 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o ° W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 83 2-3-3-4 9 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, 1 (6) ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 5'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 3-4-4-7 o ° 2 79 (8) 12 • SS 3 13 3-4-5-6 (9) 5 o ° 14 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' SS 75 6-11-14-40 38 • 4 (25) RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very S5 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 89 23(900)50 >60 • >> 7.5' 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-07h 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/3/18 COMPLETED 7/3/18 GROUND ELEVATION 349.4 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889603.5 EASTING 11519308.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z-1 O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 12" SS 92 2-2-2-3 6 • RESIDUUM: tan brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose, 1 (4) ° moist, (GM) layer: 4' x SS 92 2-2-2-2 6 • ° ° < 2 (4) SS 3 100 1-2-7-8 (9) 5 14 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 12" RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 9-35 45-50 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 4 75 (80) >60 • >> 9.5' >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08a Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/22/18 COMPLETED 6/22/18 GROUND ELEVATION 362 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889829.5 EASTING 11520114.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV Z-7 AT TIME OF DRILLING 11.00 ft / Elev 351.00 ft NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=0 ov 0 o- 0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > 0 Ova W O 0z� Q mOZ W �w w y v" 0 CL o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. layer: 12" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ RESIDUUM: red brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic -X SS 1 71 1-1-3-4 (4) 6 rock structure, (SM) layer: 2' SS 2 100 4-6-15-14 (21) 32 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 5 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 22.5' >60 >60 • >> 3S 100 9-50 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> SZ 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08b Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/25/18 COMPLETED 6/25/18 GROUND ELEVATION 360.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889788.0 EASTING 11520081.5 DRILLING METHOD 3 1/4" HSA/NQ Core GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=O ov 0 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > C� Ova W 0z� O Q mOZ W �w w y v" d o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 El FINES CONTENT (%) El 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" SS 67 1 �3)2-3 5 0 o RESIDUUM: red orange, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose, moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 2 100 5-15-22-19 (37) 56 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 5 2.5' >60 • >> SS 3 100 25-50 Highly weathered, gray brown, PHYLLITE, intensely fractured, [Candler Formation] moderately hard layer: 5' RC 100 4 (8) 10 Moderately weathered, light gray, PHYLLITE, intensely fractured, [Candler Formation] moderately hard layer: 5' RC 100 5 (47) 15 Bottom of borehole at 15.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08C Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/22/18 COMPLETED 6/22/18 GROUND ELEVATION 362 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889821.1 EASTING 11520125.6 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=0 ov 0 o- 0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < ° ° _ w� > 0 Ova W O 0z� Q mOZ W �w w y v" 0 CL o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" SS 1 54 1-1-1-1 (2) 3 • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, very loose to loose, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' — — — — — — — --1 `----------------—— ° ° Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. ° ° SS 2 100 1-2-2-2 (4) 6 • SS 3 83 4-5-38-50 (43) 5 ° >60 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 20.5' >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08d 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/25/18 COMPLETED 6/25/18 GROUND ELEVATION 360.4 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889775.1 EASTING 11520089.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=0 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > 0 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W 0 CL ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" o RESIDUUM: red orange, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose to SS 88 1-24)-3 6 • 0 medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 3.5' SS 100 3-4-9-20 0 o 20 • 2 (13) >60 0 >> RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 100 16-50 5 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 21.5' 3 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> L7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> L 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08e Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/22/18 COMPLETED 6/22/18 GROUND ELEVATION 360.9 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889800.7 EASTING 11520053.6 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=0 ov 0 o_ 0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > 0 Ova W 0z� O Q mOZ W �w w y v" 0 CL o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 6" SS 88 1-8-3��0 17 • RESIDUUM: tan orange, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, moist, (GM) layer: 6" >60 • >> RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 2 100 50 14.5' >60 >> SS 100 50 5 3 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 » 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08f 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/25/18 COMPLETED 6/25/18 GROUND ELEVATION 361.3 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889747.7 EASTING 11520080.9 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=0 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > 0 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W 0 CL ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 = TOPSOILlayer:6"___________________� o Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 83 1 (7)12 11 0 RESIDUUM: red brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 18" SS 92 -12-38- 1250 >60 • RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 2 (50) 13.5' SS 3 100 25-50 5 >60 >60 • >> >> SS 100 50 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-089 Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/22/18 COMPLETED 6/22/18 GROUND ELEVATION 363.3 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889847.9 EASTING 11520100.8 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=0 ov 0 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > 0 Ova W 0z� O Q mOZ W �w w y v" 0 CL o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" SS 92 1-()-3 6 0 o RESIDUUM: red orange, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose, moist, (GM) layer: 2.5' SS 2 92 8-15-36-50 (51) Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. >60 • : » RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 3 89 24-25-50 (75) 5 12.5' >60 • » >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-08h Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/21/18 COMPLETED 6/21/18 GROUND ELEVATION 363.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889814.3 EASTING 11520146.9 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- a=0 ov 0 0-0 �� C� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w o ~m g 2z < o _ w� > 0 Ova W 0z� O Q mOZ W �w w y v" 0 CL 2 o.L) Z o A SPT N60 VALUE A 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" SS 100 1 �5)3-3 8 0 0 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose, moist, (GM) layer: 2' Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation 15 • 2S 88 3 ���� 0 RESIDUUM: tan orange, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 18" 5 >60 0 >> RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 21.5' SS 3 100 40-50 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-09a 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/20/18 COMPLETED 6/20/18 GROUND ELEVATION 394 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889459.8 EASTING 11520383.7 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 6" RESIDUUM: red brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, dense to very SS 88 4- -114-15 32 dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 7.5' 100 9-10233-14 35 0 2S () 5 >60 SS 3 100 15-22-29- 31 (51) SS 27-27-30- 4 100 50 >60 • : >> (57) >60 >> RESIDUUM: red brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 100 50 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 5 12.5' 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 Bottom of borehole at 20.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-09b 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/20/18 COMPLETED 6/20/18 GROUND ELEVATION 381.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889380.5 EASTING 11520515.0 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 6" RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium SS 83 5-7- 5)16 23 dense to very dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 7.5' 100 5-8-8-15 24 2S 16 () 5 59 SS 3 67 14-15-24- 30 (39) SS 15-31-38- 4 100 50 >60 >> (69) >60 » RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 100 50 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 5 12.5' 10 >60 SS 100 50 » 6 15 >60 100 50 >> LSS 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 » 8 Bottom of borehole at 20.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-09C 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 6/20/18 COMPLETED 6/20/18 GROUND ELEVATION 382.4 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889303.0 EASTING 11520318.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o ° W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" RESIDUUM: red brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, medium SS 83 2-4-3-4 11 dense to dense, moist, relic rock structure, (GM) layer: 4.5' SS 100 8-14-17-20 ° ° 47 • 2 (31) 5 ° 53 SS 3 67 15-15-20- 23 (35) RESIDUUM: orange tan, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 17-23-30- 20.5' 4 4 100 31 >60 • >> (53) S5 100 35-90050 >60 9 >> () 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 20 >60 SS 100 50 >> 8 25 >60 SS 100 50 >> 9 Bottom of borehole at 25.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-10a 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/3/18 COMPLETED 7/3/18 GROUND ELEVATION 352 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889702.1 EASTING 11519024.7 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 2 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" 0 0 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose SS 75 1-2-3-3 8 to medium dense, moist, (GM) Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. layer: 3' 0 0 SS 100 2-3-5 7 12 ---------------------------- 2 (8) RESIDUUM: purple gray, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 7' 5 3S 100 6 (2 ) 28 36 >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> L6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-10b 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/3/18 COMPLETED 7/3/18 GROUND ELEVATION 348.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889638.5 EASTING 11519064.0 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" o RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose SS 83 2-3-3-4 9 0 to medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4.5' SS 100 2-6-4-9 0 o 15 2 (10) SS 3 100 5-6-13-15 (19) 5 0 0 29 RESIDUUM: gray brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 12" RESIDUUM: purple gray, SILTY SAND, laminated, very SS 13-28-22- dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: x 4 100 30 >60 • 4.5' (50) >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-10C 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/3/18 COMPLETED 7/3/18 GROUND ELEVATION 354.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889713.5 EASTING 11519044.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A a=O o ~m _ w� W �w 2 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C� 0z� O Q w y o.L) Z I--�� ov �� Ova mOZ v" o 20 40 60 80 C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" 0 o RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, SS 100 - 1 (6)-3 9 0 loose, moist, (GM) layer: 12" —X RESIDUUM: tan brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, ISM) layer: 18" SS 100 3-6-15-17 32 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 2 (21) dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 7 5' 5 X SS 3 100 9-25-38-50 (63) >60 ----------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. >60 >> SS 100 50 4 >60 » SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » L6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-10d 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/5/18 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 352.2 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889673.3 EASTING 11518992.5 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A o ° W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 TOPSOIL layer: 3" ° SS 75 2 6 • RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, loose to medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4.8' )-3 X SS 100 2-3-4-5 ° ° 11-),7) • 2 (7) ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. fORT 5 SS 3 100 7-15-15-30 (30) 45 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 27-16-30- 5.5' 4 92 50 >60 • (46) >60 SS 100 50 L» 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-10e 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/3/18 COMPLETED 7/3/18 GROUND ELEVATION 352.3 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889659.7 EASTING 11519099.1 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 — TOPSOIL layer: 9" SS 83 2 �6)3-3 9 ° RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 3.8' 75 2-3-9 14 • ° ° 2S (9)) ---------------------------- Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 5 SS 3 100 3-14-32-35 (46) >60 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 6' >60 • » SS 4 100 40-50 >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » L6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-10f 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/5/18 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 350.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889596.2 EASTING 11519015.5 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w ° A SPT N60 VALUE A a=0 o ~m ° _ w� 0z� W �w 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL o- 0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > 0 O Q w y o.L) Z I--�� ov �� Ova mOZ v" o 20 40 60 80 C� 2z < W 0 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ CL 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 3' SS 88 4-5-7-9 18 1 (12) Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation ° SS 5-3-4-7 2 100 (7) 11 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 18" 5 SS 3 100 -11-14-13 (25) 38 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, dense to very densedry, , , weathered phyllitevertically bedded(SM) , layer: 6' SS 100 9-17-19-41 54 • 4 (36) >60 >> 100 50 LSS 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » 6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-11a 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/6/18 COMPLETED 7/6/18 GROUND ELEVATION 352 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889164.7 EASTING 11518542.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A a=O o ~m _ w� W �w 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C� 0z� Q w y o.L) Z I--�� ov �� Ova mOZ v" o 20 40 60 80 C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 ` TOPSOIL layer: 6" 0 o RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, SS 67 3- �9)57 14 • medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 75 4-5-6-9 17 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium dense, moist, relic_ro_ck structure, (SM) layer3_5_ 2 (11) _ _ _ _ _ Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 5 3S 50 3-4-5-6(9) 14 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, dense to very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) SS 100 3-10 4-26 36 • layer: 4.5' 4 (21 >60 • >> S5 100 12 50 88 () 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-11 b 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/6/18 COMPLETED 7/6/18 GROUND ELEVATION 352 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889181.9 EASTING 11518475.7 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: tan brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, medium ° dense, moist, (GM) layer: 2' SS 100 4 5 )8 17 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium dense to very dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 4.5' SS 88 4-5-7-9 18 ---------------------------- 2 (12) Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 5 SS 3 100 8-16-21-27 (37) 56 --W;. >60 • >> SS 100 38-50 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 4 dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 4' >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> L 6 Bottom of borehole at 10.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-11C 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/5/18 COMPLETED 7/5/18 GROUND ELEVATION 352.7 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889186.0 EASTING 11518554.7 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 5' SS 83 2-2-4-5 9 1 (6) SS 83 3-4-5-8 14 2 (9) Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 33 SS 3 100 5-7-15-33 (22) RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 4 100 32-50 10.5' >60 0» >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-11 d 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/6/18 COMPLETED 7/6/18 GROUND ELEVATION 352 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889126.9 EASTING 11518529.5 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 TOPSOIL layer: 4.5' T, SS 75 2223 6 1 (4) 4-5-6-8 ------------------- 2S 100 () 17 Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. 5 SS 3 75 3-4-6-6 (10) 15 RESIDUUM: tan brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 2.5' SS 100 4-6-16-26 33 • RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 4 (22) dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: S5 94 18-82 50 8.5' >60 • >> () 10 >60 SS 100 50 >> 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-11e 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/6/18 COMPLETED 7/6/18 GROUND ELEVATION 355.1 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889218.5 EASTING 11518494.9 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O o- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z� Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° laminated, loose to medium dense, moist, relic rock structure, SS 75 3-2-2-2 6 (GM) layer: 5' 1 (4) SS 88 2-3-4-7 ° °< 11 2 (7) SS 3 96 2-3-5-7 (8) 5 ° O 12 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: SS 4 89 7-33-50 (83) —10.5'— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. >60 • » >60 >> SS 100 50 5 10 >60 SS 100 50 » 6 15 >60 SS 100 50 >> 7 Bottom of borehole at 15.5' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Engineering, PC BORING NUMBER B-11f 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 1 VEViola Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia DATE STARTED 7/6/18 COMPLETED 7/6/18 GROUND ELEVATION 353.8 ft HOLE SIZE 6 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Viola Engineering, PC NORTHING 3889146.7 EASTING 11518464.2 DRILLING METHOD 2 1/4 HSA GROUND WATER LEVELS: LOGGED BY CLA CHECKED BY TPV AT TIME OF DRILLING --- Not encountered. NOTES Locations and elevations are approximate. AT END OF DRILLING - AFTER DRILLING -- w o A SPT N60 VALUE A o W 15 30 45 60 PL MC LL I--�� a=O 0-0 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~m g _ w� > C� 0z-1 O Q �w w y o.L) �� Ova mOZ v" Z o 20 40 60 80 ov C� 2z < W d El FINES CONTENT (%) El 0 20 40 60 80 RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY GRAVEL WITH SAND, ° ° medium dense, moist, (GM) layer: 4' SS 92 5-8-8-13 24 1 (16) 100 4 10 -8 ° ° 15 2S () RESIDUUM: orange brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, medium 5 dense, moist, relic rock structure, (SM) layer: 3' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — SS 3 96 5-7-9-10 (16) 24 Approximate Invert or Stream Bed Elevation. SS 100 3-4-7-7 17 RESIDUUM: purple brown, SILTY SAND, laminated, very 4 (11) dense, dry, weathered phyllite, vertically bedded, (SM) layer: 4' SS 100 7-16-21-29 56 • 5 (37) 10 >60 SS 6 100 35-50 • >> Bottom of borehole at 11.0' bgs Backfilled with auger cuttings. Laboratory Testing Results VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Soil Classification VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Project: Rivanna Village Phase 2 Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials Project Number: PTL-172379 P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 YZW (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Date Performed: 7/16/2018 Sample Description: S-1 Orange -Tan Silty Gravel with Sand Sample Location: Bulk Sample: borings B-09a, B-09b, B-09c Date Received: 7/9/2018 As Received Moisture Content (%): 13.2% USCS Classification: GM AASHTO Classification: A-2-4 Group Index: 0.00 Gradation Info % passing %Gravel 36.0 #4 64.0 % Sand 35.2 #10 52.3 % Silt/Clay 28.8 #40 40.4 #200 28.8 Cc C Grain Size Distribution Curve 3"2" 3/4" #4 #10 #40 #200 100 - P- Olt m 80 70 60 50 40 u 30 a 20 10 n _ Wh AIIII`0All 111i■mloom UNION lli MEOW n 1111 - mom iiiii■n 1'100 1111 , d UNIONS!III liiinm 11, a UNION 111i■m UNION 11111 liiimm llilmmllllmm 50 5 0.5 0.05 Grain Size in Millimeters performance of wash dependent on apparent plasticity and gradation of material, sieve selection based on specification or engineerjudgement; for well graded samples, -#4 material is often split for use on smaller sieves 60 50 _0 40 C �' 30 'v a 20 10 0 Plasticity of -#40 Material Liquid Limit 33 Plastic Limit 26 Plasticity Index 7 Plasticity Chart i i 4* C i I I i CL � H A. CL-ML ML 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit performed using manual LL device, PL plastic roller device, straight metal grooving tool, one point LL method,- sample air dried, pulverized, processed through #40 sieve, and hydrated with distilled water overnight Test Methods Performed: Moisture Content Atterberg Limits Sieve Analysis Proctor ASTM D2216 ASTM D4318 mv ASTM D1140 ASTM D698 AASHTO T265 AASHTO T89,T90 ASTM C117 AASHTO T99 VTM 7 ASTM C136 ✓ VTM 1 Remarks: I I ASTM D1557 AASHTO T180 see attached reaorts for more details 1356 North Main Street Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802 Phone: (540) 434 0400 Fax: (540) 434 0447 Moisture -Density Relationship VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Project: Rivanna Village Phase 2 Geotechnical • Geophysical • Construction • Materials Project Number: PTL-172379 P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 YZW (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Date Performed: 7/12/2018 Sample Description: S-1 Orange -Tan Silty Gravel with Sand Sample Location: Bulk Sample: borings B-09a, B-09b, B-09c 155 r IL 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 U Q 110 N i G1 105 p 100 95 90 85 80 Sample ID: Test Method: Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Optimum Moisture Content (%): Apparent Specific Gravity: Oversize Absorption (%): Oversize Fraction (%): Corrected Maximum Dry Density (pcf): Optimum Moisture Content (%): Zero Air Voids ✓ assumed measured 75 f Water Content, % 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 sample air dried, pulverized and sieved, split into point samples, hydrated overnight, pounded with manual rammer 45 1356 North Main Street ARW Phone: (540) 434 0400 Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802 AASHTC) R1R Fax: (540) 434 0447 Sieve Analysis Results Y�rVIOLA ENGINEERING, PC Project: Rivanna Village Phase 2 Geotechnical - Geophysical - Construction - Materials Project Number: PTL-172379 P.O. Box 575 Broadway, Virginia 22815 Date Performed: 7/16/2018 (540) 434-0400 fax: (540) 434-0447 Sample Description: 5-1 Orange -Tan Silty Gravel with Sand Sample Location: Bulk Sample: borings B-09a, B-09b, B-09c Sample Retrieval Date: 6/27/2018 Total Dry Sample Weight: 9814.0 g Material Specification Wash ✓ wash performed no wash performed % passing Information: �/ deflocculant/wetting agent used soak time (hrs): 29 % retained Weight Retained' Percent Percent not applicable Designation Size mm (g) Retained Passing Minimum Maximum 3-inch 16x24 75 1.1 0% 100% 2.5-inch 16x24 63 96.6 1% 99% 2-inch 16x24 50 249.9 3% 97% 1.5-inch 16x24 37.5 574.6 6% 94% 1-inch 16x24 25 1160.0 12% 88% 3/4-inch ✓ 16x24 ✓ 8-in 19 1617.7 16% 84% 1/2-inch ✓ 16x24 ✓ 8-in 12.5 2093.6 21% 79% 3/8-inch ✓ 16x24 ✓ 8-in 10 2434.6 25% 75% #4 ✓ 16x24 ✓ 8-in 4.75 3535.0 36% 64% #8 8-in 2.36 #10 8-in 2.00 4685.2 48% 52% #16 8-in 1.18 #20 8-in 0.850 5451.1 56% 44% #30 8-in 0.600 #40 8-in 0.425 5852.1 60% 40% #50 8-in 0.300 #60 8-in 0.250 6305.0 64% 36% #100 8-in 0.150 6689.8 68% 32% #120 8-in 0.125 #140 8-in 0.106 6856.0 70% 30% #200 8-in 0.075 6986.1 71% 29% Sleve analys%s performed In accordance wlth ASTM CI36 and ASTM CI Z7 unless noted otherwlse. entire sample sieved ✓ portions split and sieved to obtain full gradation Remarks: Method used: Method A Procedure to obtain specimen: Air -Dried Procedure Sample was composite sieved with the #4 and 3/4-in designated as separating sieves. Percent retained does not exceed the 2% criterion. Ultasonic bath and shaking apparatus were not used in dispersion process. Remarks: weight retained for portions where sample was spilt represents the full predicted weight retained; actual weight retained is lower ❑ meets specification �SALTH OF eS oo "4 Y,A.V10, stst 1356 North Main Street o Phone: (540) 434 0400 Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802 encuTn PiR Fax: (540) 434 0447 1356 N Main St. PAGE 1 OF 5 VEViola Engineering, PC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper VP Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County Virginia Borehole Depth (ft) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Fines NN Water Content Dry Density (pcf) Wet Density (pcf) Pocket Pen. (tsf) Other Tests / Comments B-01 0.0 15 B-01 2.0 4 B-02 0.0 15 B-02 2.0 10 B-02 4.0 5 B-03 0.0 27 B-03 2.0 22 B-03 4.0 3 B-04a 0.0 24 B-04a 2.0 30 B-04a 4.0 4 B-04b 0.0 29 B-04b 2.0 26 B-04b 4.0 20 B-04b 6.0 10 B-04c 0.0 7 B-04c 2.0 6 B-04d 0.0 4 B-04d 2.0 22 B-04d 4.0 7 B-04e 0.0 9 B-04e 2.0 7 B-04f 0.0 16 B-04f 2.0 11 B-04f 4.0 7 B-05 0.0 26 B-05 2.0 19 B-05 4.0 5 B-05 6.0 4 B-06a 0.0 27 B-06a 2.0 25 B-06a 4.0 24 B-06a 6.0 21 B-06a 8.0 18 B-06a 10.0 10 B-06b 0.0 26 B-06b 2.0 22 B-06b 4.0 19 B-06b 6.0 10 B-06b 8.0 7 B-06b 10.0 5 B-06c 0.0 23 1356 N Main St. PAGE 2 OF 5 VEViola Engineering, PC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper VP Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County Virginia Borehole Depth (ft) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Fines NN Water Content Dry Density (pcf) Wet Density (pcf) Pocket Pen. (tsf) Other Tests / Comments B-06c 2.0 18 B-06c 4.0 27 B-06c 6.0 10 B-06d 0.0 29 B-06d 2.0 21 B-06d 4.0 9 B-06d 6.0 8 B-06e 0.0 29 B-06e 2.0 18 B-06e 4.0 17 B-06e 6.0 11 B-06e 8.0 12 B-06e 10.0 14 B-06e 15.0 14 B-06f 0.0 24 B-06f 2.0 15 B-06f 4.0 11 B-06g 0.0 22 B-06g 2.0 16 B-06g 4.0 18 B-06g 6.0 21 B-06g 8.0 15 B-06g 10.0 9 B-06h 0.0 30 B-06h 2.0 20 B-06h 4.0 26 B-06h 6.0 9 B-06i 0.0 4 B-06i 2.0 3 B-06j 0.0 19 B-07a 0.0 28 B-07a 2.0 26 B-07a 4.0 17 B-07a 6.0 9 B-07b 0.0 25 B-07b 2.0 21 B-07b 4.0 15 B-07b 6.0 14 B-07b 8.0 8 B-07c 0.0 21 B-07c 2.0 19 B-07c 4.0 7 1356 N Main St. PAGE 3 OF 5 VEViola Engineering, PC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper VP Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County Virginia Borehole Depth (ft) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Fines NN Water Content Dry Density (pcf) Wet Density (pcf) Pocket Pen. (tsf) Other Tests / Comments B-07c 6.0 5 B-07c 8.0 4 B-07d 0.0 22 B-07d 2.0 22 B-07d 4.0 5 B-07d 6.0 4 B-07e 0.0 34 B-07e 2.0 30 B-07e 4.0 26 B-07e 6.0 18 B-07f 0.0 33 B-07f 2.0 8 B-07f 4.0 2 B-07f 6.0 1 B-07g 0.0 23 B-07g 2.0 24 B-07g 4.0 15 B-07g 6.0 6 B-07g 8.0 5 B-07h 0.0 33 B-07h 2.0 31 B-07h 4.0 10 B-07h 6.0 7 B-08a 0.0 29 B-08a 2.0 4 B-08a 4.0 6 B-08a 6.0 3 B-08b 0.0 23 B-08b 2.0 3 B-08b 4.0 6 B-08c 0.0 30 B-08c 2.0 20 B-08c 4.0 9 B-08c 6.0 3 B-08d 0.0 24 B-08d 2.0 12 B-08d 4.0 3 B-08e 0.0 13 B-08e 2.0 4 B-08f 0.0 24 B-08f 2.0 19 B-08f 4.0 4 1356 N Main St. PAGE 4 OF 5 VEViola Engineering, PC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper VP Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County Virginia Borehole Depth (ft) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Fines NN Water Content Dry Density (pcf) Wet Density (pcf) Pocket Pen. (tsf) Other Tests / Comments B-08g 0.0 15 B-08g 2.0 13 B-08g 4.0 7 B-08h 0.0 17 B-08h 2.0 12 B-08h 4.0 3 B-09a 0.0 15 B-09a 2.0 13 B-09a 4.0 11 B-09a 6.0 13 B-09b 0.0 19 B-09b 2.0 17 B-09b 4.0 16 B-09b 6.0 22 B-09c 0.0 20 B-09c 2.0 11 B-09c 4.0 14 B-09c 6.0 8 B-09c 8.0 5 B-10a 0.0 29 B-10a 2.0 18 B-10a 4.0 13 B-10b 0.0 19 B-10b 2.0 25 B-10b 4.0 23 B-10b 6.0 11 B-10c 0.0 18 B-10c 2.0 5 B-10c 4.0 4 B-10d 0.0 27 B-10d 2.0 22 B-10d 4.0 20 B-10d 6.0 9 B-10e 0.0 22 B-10e 2.0 32 B-10e 4.0 9 B-10e 6.0 4 B-10f 0.0 17 B-10f 2.0 15 B-10f 4.0 5 B-10f 6.0 5 B-11 a 0.0 27 VEViola Engineering, PC 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper VP Robinson Development Group PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS PAGE 5 OF 5 PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County Virginia Borehole Depth (ft) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Fines NN Water Content Dry Density (pcf) Wet Density (pcf) Pocket Pen. (tsf) Other Tests / Comments B-11 a 2.0 24 B-11 a 4.0 19 B-11 a 6.0 5 B-11 a 8.0 7 B-11 b 0.0 20 B-11b 2.0 18 B-11b 4.0 12 B-11 b 6.0 6 B-11 c 0.0 19 B-11c 2.0 16 B-11 c 4.0 3 B-11 c 6.0 3 B-11 d 0.0 23 B-11 d 2.0 21 B-11 d 4.0 24 B-11d 6.0 14 B-11 d 8.0 4 B-11 e 0.0 25 B-11 e 2.0 22 B-11 e 4.0 11 B-11 e 6.0 7 B-11f 0.0 18 B-11 f 2.0 22 B-11f 4.0 15 B-11f 6.0 17 B-11 f 8.0 9 B-11f 10.0 5 Virginia DOT Standard Drawings VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC GENERAL PB-1 1. METHOD "A" PIPE BEDDING SHALL BE USED FOR ALL TYPES OF PIPE CULVERTS WITHIN THE APPLICABLE HEIGHT OF COVER RANGE NOTED IN THE STANDARD PC-1 TABLES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. 2. H - HEIGHT OF COVER MEASURED FROM TOP OF CULVERT TO FINISHED GRADE. 3. b - EXCAVATION DEPTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR TO FIRM BEARING SOIL. CIRCULAR PIPE 1. D - OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE. 2. d - INSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE. 3. X - WIDTH OF CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL BEYOND THE EXTREMITY OF THE PIPE. X - 12" WHERE d IS LESS THAN 36". X - 18" WHERE d IS 36" AND GREATER. 4. WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. BEDDING MATERIAL MAY BE ELIMINATED FOR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATIONS UNDER ROUTINE ENTRANCE PIPE (EXCEPT PLASTIC PIPE) 30" AND LESS IN DIAMETER WITH HEIGHT OF COVER 15' OR LESS. 5. REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL FOR ALL FOUNDATION TYPES FOR ROUTINE ENTRANCE PIPE (EXCEPT PLASTIC PIPE) 30" AND LESS IN DIAMETER WITH HEIGHT OF COVER 15' OR LESS. 6. BEDDING MATERIAL AND CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE ELIMINATED FOR SHOULDER SLOT INLET (DI-13) OUTLET PIPES INSTALLATIONS. ELLIPTICAL PIPE 1. S 1 - OUTSIDE SPAN DIMENSION OF PIPE. 2. S2 - INSIDE SPAN DIMENSION OF PIPE. 3. R - OUTSIDE RISE DIMENSION OF PIPE. 4. X - WIDTH OF CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL BEYOND THE EXTREMITY OF THE PIPE. X - 12" WHERE S2 IS LESS THAN 36". X - 18" WHERE S2 IS 36" AND GREATER 5. WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. BEDDING MATERIAL MAY BE ELIMINATED FOR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATIONS UNDER ROUTINE ENTRANCE PIPE WHERE S2 IS 38" OR LESS AND HEIGHT OF COVER 15' OR LESS. 6. REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL FOR ALL FOUNDATION TYPES FOR ROUTINE ENTRANCE PIPE WHERE S2 IS 38" OR LESS AND HEIGHT OF COVER 15' OR LESS. PIPE ARCH 1. S - SPAN DIMENSION OF PIPE. 2. R = RISE DIMENSION OF PIPE. 3. B - SEE PC-1 TABLE FOR APPLICABLE PIPE MATERIAL 4. x - WIDTH OF CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL BEYOND THE EXTREMITY OF THE PIPE. x - 12" WHERE S2 IS LESS THAN 36". x - 18" WHERE S2 IS 36" AND GREATER 5. WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. BEDDING MATERIAL MAY BE ELIMINATED FOR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATIONS UNDER ROUTINE ENTRANCE PIPE WHERE S2 IS 35" OR LESS AND HEIGHT OF COVER 15' OR LESS. 6. REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL FOR ALL FOUNDATION TYPES FOR ROUTINE ENTRANCE PIPE WHERE S IS 35" OR LESS AND HEIGHT OF COVER 15' OR LESS. SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF PIPE CULVERTS & STORM SEWERS �VDOT GENERAL NOTES ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 302 REVISION DATE SHEET 1 OF 1 303 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 107.00 PB-1 NO PROJECTION OF PIPE ABOVE GROUND LINE TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL GROUND LINE = GROUND LINE x GROUND LINE x ' '' I -1 I I=1 I I=1 rrrrrrr rrrr III=1 I I=1 I I= N =1 rrr rr _—� EARTH '' I -1 I I=1 I I=1 rrrrrrr rrrrrr III=1 I I=1 I I= II=1 rrr rr ROCK OR '' I -1 I I=1 I I=1 rrrrrrr J rrrrrr III=1 I I=1 � I= N rrr II=1 rr _ EARTH * * -III rr d rr = UNYIELDING o _III rr d rr N III IIIII o N II III soIL I_ BEDDING - T MATERIAL �I I1 I III1 I I1 I I I I I � 44 MIN. -- — - � II —I MIN. 1/10 D MIN. 1/10 D X D X BEDDING 1/10 D X D X BEDDING 1 MATERIAL 39. MATERIAL X D X /z" PER 1' OF H MIN. 8'', MAX. 24'' FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PIPE PROJECTION ABOVE GROUND LINE MIN. 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D MIN. 1.5 x D TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL x x = — ;•rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.; _ — rrrrrr rrrrrrr • = rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr = ;.rrrrrrr rrrrrr:• — rr rr . • • r GROUND = rrrrr rrrrr : — • • { rrrr rrr : _ _— :; rrr rr %%%%% :$ : — = = — rrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrr — = o :LINE r d rr ••••'••'••'•• LINE o * = rrrrrrrrrr d rrrrrrrrrr _ GROUND • N%- '.N - N — - LINE III IT — - III v EARTH �ROCK OR MIN.1.. D — — — — — - UNYIELDING = -- -- - -- ——-i—i—i- MIN. 1/10 D BEDDING MIN. 1/10 D X D X BEDDING MATERIAL i - - ==III= �2" PER SOIL 1" of H X D X MIN.8", BEDDING EARTH MATERIAL MAX.24" MATERIAL FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL ®BEDDING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMBANKMENT SECT ON 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE 0 NOTES: SPECIFICATIONS. FOR GENERAL NOTES ON PIPE BEDDING, EmCLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE SEE INSTALLATION OF PIPE CULVERTS WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE AND STORM SEWERS GENERAL NOTES SPECIFICATONS. REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE ON SHEET 107.00. rrrrr FOR PLASTIC PIPE CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE CRUSHED GLASS CONFORMING TO THE SPECIFICATIONS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR CRUSHER RUN AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. AGGREGATE SIZE 25 AND 26 MAY BE FOR ALL OTHER PIPE REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL USED IN PLACE OF CLASS I BACKFILL. rrrrr IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. XVDOT INSTALL. OF PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS SPECIFICATION REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS CIRC. PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFILL - METHOD ''A'' 302 SHEET 1 OF 4 REVISION DATE 07/12 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 303 107.01 G d NO PROJECTION OF PIPE ABOVE GROUND LINE TOP OF' FII I EARTH MIN. 1/10 RJ BEDDING X S1 X i MATERIAL NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION AIN. 1.5 x S, TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL GROUND LIN ROCK OR � - UNYIELDING SOIL MIN. 1/10 R BEDDING MATERIAL PER X Si X 1' OF H MIN. 8", MAX. 24" ROCK FOUNDATION PIPE PROJECTION ABOVE GROUND LINE x MIN. I 1/10 R PB-1 TOP OF FILL GROUND LINE EARTH BEDDING MATERIAL FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL MIN. 1.5 x S MIN. 1.5 x S MIN. 1.5 x S, _ L MIN 1.5 x S, _ TOP OF FILL x GROUND S 2 _LINE N - T T EARTH �i y,\ ROCK OR J UNYIELDING GROUND LINE MIN. 1/10 R BEDDING MIN. 1/10 R w / 1 1 SOIL \ \ X S X MATERIAL 1 OFPHR X S X BEDDING MIN. BEDDING EARTH MIN.8", 1 MATERIAL 1/10 R MATERIAL MAX. 24" NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION ROCK FOUNDATION FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL ®BEDDING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOTES, SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. FOR GENERAL NOTES ON PIPE BEDDING, SEE INSTALLATION OF PIPE CULVERTS CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE AND STORM SEWERS GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET 107.00. WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. CRUSHED GLASS CONFORMING TO THE SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR CRUSHER RUN REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE AGGREGATE SIZE 25 AND 26 MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF CLASS I BACKFILL. i/iii WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. ® EMBANKMENT SPECIFICATION INSTAL. OF PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SEWERS �VDOT REFERENCE ELLIP. PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFILL - METHOD "A„ ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS 302 REVISION DATE SHEET 2 OF 4 303 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 10/09 107.02 -------------------- PB-i NO PROJECTION OF PIPE ARCH ABOVE GROUND LINE TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL GROUND LINE —GROUND LINE G UND LINE x � x — �iiii iiii _ I + iii i/ � / EARTH 04 — iiii iii T)=iiCll� EARTH af m / m �1 MIN. B/4 X . . X BEDDING MATERIAL _� m BEDDING — / MATERIAL MIN. BIJ ��ROCK OR =.X UNYIELDING /p" PER TX!S'SOIL BEDDING MATERIAL MIN. B/4 X _� — — S X NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION 1' OF H MIN. 8", ROCK FOUNDATION FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL PIPE ARCH PROJECTION ABOVE GROUND LINE MIN. 1.5 x S MIN. 1.5 x S MIN. 1.5 x S MIN. 1.5 x S MIN. 1.5 x S MIN. 1.5 x S TOP OF FIL TOP OF FILL TOP OF FILL x x = S IN. S GROUND + /// i'�',' ///// / LINE mBEDDING �T94 / I EARTH — — MIN. S S IN. S + — — ��� �� / LINE _ /// ///// �ll / MATERIAL ////// / ///// GROUND LINE _ + — — IWBEDDING I -� MIN. B/4 MATERIAL EARTH III I F MIN. B/4 EDDING MATERIAL X X MIN. B/4 11 T` I/2" PER XROCK OR 1" OF H UNYIELDING MIN. 8", SOIL NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION MAX.24" ROCK FOUNDATION FOUNDATION SOFT, YIELDING, OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL ®BEDDING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOTE SECT ON 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. CLASS I BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE FOR GENREAL NOTES ON PIPE BEDDING, SEE INSTALLATION OF PIPE CULVERTS WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE AND STORM SEWERS GENERAL NOTES ON SHEET 107.00. SPECIFICATIONS. CRUSHED GLASS CONFORMING TO THE SIZE REQUIREMENTS FOR CRUSHER RUN REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE AGGREGATE SIZE 25 AND 26 MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF CLASS I BACKFILL. WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. ® EMBANKMENT �� INSTALLATION OF PIPE CULVERTS AND STORM SPECIFICATION REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS SEWERS PIPE ARCH BEDDING AND BACKFILL VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 302 303 SHEET 3 OF 4 REVISION DATE 107.03 PB-1 TOP OF FILL J BEDDING MATERIAL H - HEIGHT OF COVER MEASURED FROM TOP OF CULVERT TO FINISHED GRADE. FOR NORMAL EARTH FOUNDATION: FOR PRECAST AND CAST IN PLACE BOX CULVERT b - 6" FOR ROCK FOUNDATION: FOR PRECAST BOX CULVERT b -1/4" PER 12" OF H - 8" MIN., 24" MAX. FOR CAST IN PLACE BOX CULVERT b-DEPTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR WHERE NO BEDDING IS SPECIFIED BOTTOM SLAB TO BE KEYED INTO EXISTING ROCK FOUNDATION. FOR SOFT, YIELDING OR OTHERWISE UNSUITABLE FOUNDATION: FOR PRECAST AND CAST IN PLACE BOX CULVERT b - DEPTH AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR TO FIRM BEARING SOIL. GROUND J LINE EARTH OR ROCK ®BEDDING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS. REGULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 302 OF THE ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATONS. ® EMBANKMENT SPECIFICATION INSTALLATION OF BOX CULVERT BEDDING �VDOT REFERENCE ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS AND B AC K F I L L -METHOD "All 302 REVISION DATE SHEET 4 OF 4 303 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 107.04 SWM-DR VARIES Z`l�' —WATER QUALITY ORIFICE. (SEE FLOW FOR SIZE) (4) Y4" DIA. HOLES SWM DAM METAL PLATE DETAIL (NOT GALVANIZED) �.lj (4) �/2"X4" ADHESIVE BOLTS, SELF LOCKING HEX. NUTS, FLAT WASHERS CONC. SWM DAM FROUND OR SQUARE 12" MAX. 6" MIN. OPENING THROUGH SWM DAM. -J TAIL FOR METAL PLATE AND SIDE VIEW OF SWM WATER QUALITY ORIFICE DAM WITH DEBRIS TYPICAL SWM DAM METAL PLATE MUST BE CURVED TO FIT CIRCULAR UNITS WHERE APPLICABLE. VARIES i )K)K 1/12 D VD I I/4 D )K CONCRETE CRADLE PIPE SIZE INCHES CRADLE BOTTOM WIDTH (INCHES) CRADLE HEIGHT (INCHES) CRADLE TOP WIDTH (INCHES) INCREMENT, IN CUBIC YARDS, PER LINEAR FOOT OF PIPE 12 34 14 32 0.093 15 38 15.75 35.5 0.110 18 42 17.5 1 39 0.129 24 50 21 46 0.168 30 58 26 53 0.233 36 66 31 60 0.307 42 74 36 67 0.390 CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A3 x BUT NOT LESS THAN 6" W * IF THE PIPE IS LAID IN AN EXCAVATED TRENCH, THEN THE SIDE WALLS MAY CONFORM TO THE TRENCH SHAPE (IE THE TRENCH MAY BECOME THE CRADLE FORM). CONCRETE CRADLE IS TO BE INSTALLED UNDER THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF CULVERT AT EACH STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN. CONCRETE CRADLE IS TO BE PAID FOR AS MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE AND SUMMARIZED IN CUBIC YARDS FOR EACH PIPE LOCATION ROUND OR SQUARE CONC. SWM RISER 12" MAX. 6" MIN. PIPE OR SWIM OPENING THROUGH WALL DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DEBRIS RACK r ADHESIVE r LOCKING ELF I O O HEX. NUTS, BOTTOM (n FLAT w WASHERS I I OF BASIN E I� l ° \ —/ ° I II I I — I� IIFMETAL L- �_--1JIPLATE C DETAIL FOR METAL PLATE AND SIDE VIEW WITH DEBRIS RACK METAL PLATE DETAIL WATER QUALITY ORIFICE (NOT GALVANIZED) TYPICAL SWM DRAINAGE STRUCTURE �vooT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT (SWM) DETAILS SPECIFICATION ROAD AND BRIDGE STANDARDS DEBRIS RACK, METAL PLATE, WATER QUALITY ORIFICE, CONCRETE CRADLE SHEET 3 OF 5 1 REVISION DATE (FOR SWM DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, SWM RISER PIPES AND SWM DAMS) 302 114.06 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WATER QUALITY ORIFICE (SEE PLANS FOR SIZE) - (4) Y4" DIA. HOLES Field Sample Photographs VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-01, Depth: 2 ft B-01, Depth: 10 ft B-02, Depth: 2 ft B-02, Depth: 4 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-02, Depth: 10 ft B-03, Depth: 2 ft B-03, Depth: 4 ft B-03, Depth: 10 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04a, Depth: Oft B-04a, Depth: 2 ft B-04a, Depth: 4 ft B-04a, Depth: 6 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04a, Depth: 8 ft B-04a, Depth: 10 ft B-04b, Depth: Oft B-04b, Depth: 2 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04b, Depth: 4 ft B-04b, Depth: 6 ft B-04b, Depth: 8 ft B-04b, Depth: 10 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04c, Depth: Oft B-04c, Depth: 2 ft B-04c, Depth: 4 ft B-04c, Depth: 6 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04c, Depth: 10 ft B-04d, Depth: Oft B-04d, Depth: 2 ft B-04d, Depth: 4 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04d, Depth: 6 ft B-04d, Depth: 8 ft B-04d, Depth: 10 ft B-04e, Depth: Oft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04e, Depth: 2 ft B-04e, Depth: E ft B-04e, Depth: 8 ft B-04e, Depth: 10 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-04f, Depth: O ft B-04f, Depth: 2 ft B-04f, Depth: 4 ft B-04f, Depth: E ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-05, Depth: O ft B-05, Depth: 2 ft B-05, Depth: 4 ft B-05, Depth: E ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06a, Depth: Oft B-06a, Depth: 2 ft B-06a, Depth: 4 ft B-06a, Depth: 6 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06a, Depth: 8 ft B-06a, Depth: 10 ft B-06a, Depth: 15 ft B-06a, Depth: 20 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06b, Depth: Oft B-06b, Depth: 2 ft B-06b, Depth: 4 ft B-06b, Depth: 6 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06b, Depth: 8 ft B-06b, Depth: 10 ft B-06b, Depth: 15 ft B-06b, Depth: 20 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06b, Depth: 25 ft B-06c, Depth: Oft B-06c, Depth: 2 ft B-06c, Depth: 4 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06c, Depth: E ft B-06c, Depth: 8 ft B-06c, Depth: 10 ft B-06d, Depth: Oft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06d, Depth: 2 ft B-06d, Depth: 4 ft B-06d, Depth: 6 ft B-06d, Depth: 10 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06d, Depth: 15 ft B-06e, Depth: Oft B-06e, Depth: 2 ft B-06e, Depth: 4 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06e, Depth: E ft B-06e, Depth: 8 ft B-06e, Depth: 10 ft B-06e, Depth: 15 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06f, Depth: O ft B-06f, Depth: 2 ft B-06f, Depth: 4 ft B-06f, Depth: 8 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06f, Depth: 10 ft B-06g, Depth: Oft B-06g, Depth: 2 ft B-06g, Depth: 4 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06g, Depth: 6 ft B-06g, Depth: 8 ft B-06g, Depth: 10 ft B-06h, Depth: Oft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06h, Depth: 2 ft B-06h, Depth: 4 ft B-06h, Depth: 6 ft B-06h, Depth: 10 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-06i, Depth: Oft B-06i, Depth: 2 ft B-06i, Depth: 1Oft B-06j, Depth: Oft Viola Engineering, PC SAMPLEPHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. YE Harrisonburg, TimothyCLIENT • •• Robinson Development . • PROJECT PROJECT-• • •Albemarle ,..feu' • � 4 f � z 4 " .ram-��_�.. `�i�+l'-f117'•.�iA.. �..1�•�j j� PP:.. va. L - r: +YF� r Ask—,. — 11 y 4444 �1y 'at-Arto YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07a, Depth: 1Oft B-07a, Depth: 20 ft ! L-V F' . B-07b, Depth: Oft B-07b, Depth: 2 ft 1 I 61 :� VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07b, Depth: 4 ft B-07b, Depth: 6 ft B-07b, Depth: 8 ft B-07b, Depth: 10 ft fir: C a� '•A`• •;may _ '' -Y 6 _ rya• ' "'7�,}�';.•'�. VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07b, Depth: 15 ft B-07c, Depth: Oft 4 ' i ' .,. B-07c, Depth: 2 ft B-07c, Depth: 4 ft i k 'i I? YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07c, Depth: E ft B-07c, Depth: 8 ft 1 - III I - B-07c, Depth: 10 ft B-07c, Depth: 15 ft I 1 � - I VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07d, Depth: Oft B-07d, Depth: 2 ft i - +f B-07d, Depth: 4 ft B-07d, Depth: 6 ft �c @pow,. EI{ _ _ s YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07d, Depth: 10 ft B-07d, Depth: 15 ft •tea '., ,e."... .. i1+ I •� r B-07e, Depth: Oft B-07e, Depth: 2 ft NO7 _ I y YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07e, Depth: 4 ft B-07e, Depth: 10 ft 0 F r B-07e, Depth: 15 ft 7 B-07f, Depth: 0 ft 49 YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07f, Depth: 2 ft B-07f, Depth: 4 ft k '4yy' x s7. I 1: B-07f, Depth: 10 ft B-07f, Depth: 15 ft 4. 17i:��� Si:K, � - ,s:•.-.7. 19 'F�x .p^ ti•�{ q3- ak'..we;-�.v: .w ...:.. :.�,"•yam �Y/6�'r},.� `, :f :� fj' [9.,A ' _z'.•+'' .K.L . .Y �.:�'. r;^ _:� . �-�.�:, _ yam• n �'1C 4F' ���4 "'��,}.-13r"„fir_. „'":� dh1�--3� '7 � i$-'-' � - I �'�,' �l: 3 IL !C - '� *ry ► � ii��. '�.F•��' "2 i'-?W;+a�`[�� �I "Tf��1�h�;n.A. c',� YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07g, Depth: Oft B-07g, Depth: 2 ft 41 V, B-07g, Depth: 4 ft B-07g, Depth: 6ft 741�1 YEViola Engineering, PC 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07g, Depth: 8 ft B-07h, Depth: Oft B-07g, Depth: 10 ft B-07h, Depth: 2 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-07h, Depth: 4 ft B-07h, Depth: 6 ft li Il � B-07h, Depth: 10 ft B-07h, Depth: 15 ft NNW l _ i.S y 1 y YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08a, Depth: Oft B-08a, Depth: 2 ft . . r - 6 � B-08a, Depth: 4 ft B-08a, Depth: 6 ft � i yy •h 6 'r7l.7ir: VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08a, Depth: 20 ft B-08b, Depth: Oft y 7 ' B-08b, Depth: 2 ft B-08b, Depth: 4 ft I r i r VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08b, Depth: 5 ft B-08b, Depth: 10 ft 4 r. � e e r 1 B-08c, Depth: Oft B-08c, Depth: 2 ft .. .11 t f•'• z Y I ji YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08c, Depth: 4 ft B-08c, Depth: E ft B-08c, Depth: 10 ft B-08c, Depth: 15 ft F des lLyy i i YEViola Engineering, PC 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08c, Depth: 20 ft B-08d, Depth: Oft B-08c, Depth: 25 ft B-08d, Depth: 2 ft VEViola Engineering, PC 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08d, Depth: 4 ft B-08d, Depth: 10 ft B-08d, Depth: 6 ft B-08% Depth: Oft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08e, Depth: 2 ft B-08e, Depth: 10 ft s J E• � _- �'L� Fes' •• �, i. c- B-08e, Depth: 15 ft B-08f, Depth: Oft Ile YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08f, Depth: 2 ft B-08f, Depth: 4 ft � •k - i Y B-08f, Depth: 10 ft B-08g, Depth: Oft is VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08g, Depth: 2 ft B-08g, Depth: 4 ft 4b r. B-08g, Depth: 10 ft B-08g, Depth: 15 ft VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-08h, Depth: Oft B-08h, Depth: 2 ft •a � 2 r B-08h, Depth: 4 ft B-08h, Depth: 10 ft s. f 5 4r, .10 vr WWI s N_i .' f YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-09a, Depth: Oft B-09a, Depth: 4 ft h � I�• N' B-09a, Depth: 20 ft B-09b, Depth: 2 ft .i G T y.• i1 I I � I J" YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-09b, Depth: 4 ft B-09b, Depth: 15 ft t 4 r _ ' B-09c, Depth: Oft B-09c, Depth: 2 ft ti _ - r - A i rw'A t r-yF YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-10a, Depth: Oft B-10a, Depth: 2 ft K _ r 7 j. I i i ` f jlrl B-10a, Depth: 4 ft B-10a, Depth: 6 ft At op VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-10a, Depth: 10 ft B-10b, Depth: Oft .t C f � F. INS B-10b, Depth: 2 ft B-10b, Depth: 4 ft I 4 4 .. a � LL i I I , I i T YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-10b, Depth: 6 ft B-10b, Depth: 10 ft Y�. r i x J � � • 1. i •Z�� C 4.5 B-10c, Depth: Oft B-10c, Depth: 2 ft , 3 S _-�•rrs VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-10c, Depth: 4 ft B-10c, Depth: 1Oft ►� 1 1 A i 1 I. I A B-10d, Depth: Oft B-10d, Depth: 2 ft l - y. i I .. 1 i VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-10d, Depth: 4 ft B-10d, Depth: 6 ft R 4 B-10d, Depth: 10 ft B-10e, Depth: O ft - 4 ' r i:� R -r� .. .. � ��g� mac... I•: i�"? ^'Rt ;t � , VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-10e, Depth: 2 ft B-10e, Depth: 4 ft m —JAW � f - `4 I � }9 , B-10e, Depth: 6 ft B-10e, Depth: 10 ft J' 14 YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-1Of, Depth: Oft B-1Of, Depth: 2 ft ' I � 1 y I B-1 Of, Depth: 4 ft B-1 Of, Depth: E ft s, YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11 a, Depth: Oft B-11 a, Depth: 2 ft 1n,� v t .7r a B-11 a, Depth: 4 ft B-11 a, Depth: 6 ft { R" YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11 a, Depth: 8 ft B-11 a, Depth: 1Oft ' L ' T i F W. '1 i H B-11 b, Depth: Oft B-11 b, Depth: 2 ft A► Tit 77 .: ..:::�'• . is , ��' �,i YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11 b, Depth: 4 ft B-11 b, Depth: 10 ft k � t' B-11 c, Depth: O ft B-11 c, Depth: 2 ft p 1, �{ r YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11 c, Depth: 4 ft B-11 c, Depth: E ft it t I +^t 1 B-11 c, Depth: 10 ft B-11 d, Depth: O ft r: - y :, VEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11 d, Depth: 2 ft B-11 d, Depth: 4 ft B-11 d, Depth: 6 ft B-11 d, Depth: 8 ft e NJ! YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11 d, Depth: 15 ft B-11 e, Depth: O ft ri f .. y;. - �A,1 7 B-11 e, Depth: 2 ft B-11 e, Depth: 4 ft YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11 e, Depth: E ft B-11 e, Depth: 10 ft V. �• •• � :''ice', .. .. :. B-11e, Depth: 15 ft B-11f, Depth: Oft WRIT 0 Ct A .�{ . 1 ' 110, .yi '' y t YEViola Engineering, PC SAMPLE PHOTOGRAPHS 1356 N Main St. Harrisonburg, VA CLIENT Timothy Culpepper, VP, Robinson Development Group PROJECT NAME Rivanna Village PROJECT NUMBER PTL-172379 PROJECT LOCATION Albemarle County, Virginia B-11f, Depth: 2 ft B-11f, Depth: 4 ft B-11f, Depth: E ft B-11f, Depth: 8 ft M1 - .1- - � � I.• .� � fir. 1 Y I� Pavement Design Calculations A&M ma� VIOLA ENGINEERING, PC VDOT — Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia (revised 2014) Appendix IV Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements County: (02) Albemarle E. of Rte. 29 Date: 7/25/2018 Subdivision: Rivanna Village Phase II Street Name: Cattail Court, Meander Way, Terrapin Trace, and Mossy Rock Road Design Engineer: Timothy Viola, PE (PTL-172379 Viola Engineering PC) Phone: 540-434-0400 AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered, as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements. CBRD Design CBR = Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide. CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample, taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide DME VDOT District Materials Engineer EPT Equivalent projected traffic HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles (e.g. trucks, buses, etc., with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires). %HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles. RF Resiliency Factor = Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading. SSV Soil support value of subgrade (SSV = CBRD x RF) D, Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method Du Thickness index required, based on Design AADT and SSV, determined by Appendix II. Step 1• Determine Design ' AADT Step 2: Determine Design Values CBR, RF, and SSV AADT 300 Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF) %HCV = 100 (HCV / AADT) or EPT = 20 x HCV Note: For %HCV 5%, use AADT I S-1 Bulk 8 Source Value Table 1 2 Note: For %HCV>5%, EP'I>AADT Appendix I 1 DME approved RF -- For preliminary designs, use the lowest RF value CBRD x RF = S ( 5.3 ) x ( 1 ) = 5.3 Design AADT Use greater of AADT or EPT 300 Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.) (A) Limited to Design AADT 400 -Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix IV Tables A and B. Fx (B) Show pavement section as developed in the Pavement Design Guide. DR = 10.1 (See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values (a)). from Appendix II Description of Proposed Pavement Section Material Notation Thickness, h a (a x h) Surface SM-12.5A 2.00 2.25 4.50 Intermediate Base BM-25 VDOT 21A 3.00 2.25 6.75 Subbase 6.00 0.60 3.60 Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. DP = E(a x h) = 14.9 VDOT — Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia (revised 2014) Appendix IV Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements County: (02) Albemarle E. of Rte. 29 Date: 7/25/2018 Subdivision: Rivanna Village Phase II Street Name: Lazy Branch Lane and Moose Lane Design Engineer: Timothy Viola, PE (PTL-172379 Viola Engineering PC) Phone: 540-434-0400 AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered, as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements. CBRD Design CBR = Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide. CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample, taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide DME VDOT District Materials Engineer EPT Equivalent projected traffic HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles (e.g. trucks, buses, etc., with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires). %HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles. RF Resiliency Factor = Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading. SSV Soil support value of subgrade (SSV = CBRD x RF) D, Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method Du Thickness index required, based on Design AADT and SSV, determined by Appendix II. Step 1• Determine Design ' AADT Step 2: Determine Design Values CBR, RF, and SSV AADT 1650 Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF) %HCV = 100 (HCV / AADT) or EPT = 20 x HCV Note: For %HCV 5%, use AADT I S-1 Bulk 8 Source Value Table 1 2 Note: For %HCV>5%, EP'I>AADT Appendix I 1 DME approved RF -- For preliminary designs, use the lowest RF value CBRD x RF = S ( 5.3 ) x ( 1 ) = 5.3 Design AADT Use greater of AADT or EPT 1650 Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.) (A) Limited to Design AADT 400 -Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix IV Tables A and B. Fx (B) Show pavement section as developed in the Pavement Design Guide. DR = 16.1 (See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values (a)). from Appendix II Description of Proposed Pavement Section Material Notation Thickness, h a (a x h) Surface SM-12.5A 2.00 2.25 4.50 Intermediate Base BM-25 VDOT 21A 3.00 2.25 6.75 Subbase 8.00 0.60 4.80 Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. DP = E(a x h) = 16.1