HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800083 Plan - E&S 2018-11-200 N m 73 C l I - - _ _ Li Y� I , WI 3-M, � t i — I i i r I I I I REGULATORL 0ELIA CE Work shall be completed in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements of all regulations and issued permits, including buf not limited to. 1 o Virginia Department of Transportation Land Use Permit. Refer to Appendix B 04 the Project Manual. 20 Albernarle County P0201800083 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Refer to Appendix C of the Project Manual. 1 Virginia Stormwater Management Program (V SMP) General ViPDPS Permit for Discharges of Storminater from Construction Activities (Construction General Permit) Ao As identified in the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality's (®FQ) Guaidance Remo 15- 2003 entitled "Postdovolopmeni Storryiwater Management lmplernenitation Guidance for Linear Utility Projects Under the Virginia Storrnwater Management Program Regulation, 9VAC25-870", it is anticipated construction of this underground utility project may be conducted witfsout requiring coverage under the General VPDFS Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (Construction General Permit). Refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Minimum Standards and Notes on Sheet C3a01 for more information, htt,o.,O/s,lway,deq.virgirila.govIP®rtalsIOID-FOlkP/rIler/Graldance/15200J. pdf EL Additionally, this linear utility installation project will not result in changes too the predevelopment runoff characteristics of the land Surface; and, all pervious' and impervious disturbed areas will be returned to their predeyelopment conditlo)n upon cornpletlon of construction and final stabilization. Co Slorrnwator Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the Mariwether Hill Water ihlaln Replacement project. Refer to Appendix D of the Project Manual. REDUCTON OF LEAD N DRINK G 'CATER The Contractor shall provide all materiak (and certificates of compliance) in accordance with the 2011 Reduction of 'Load in Drinking Wafer Act (So 3874), except as amended by the Community Fire Safety Act of 2013 (H.R, 3588)o Httf)s. �/,41ww,gp®,goyllfd,s"l,,plrg/PLAW 111,oubIJ8%;JdflPIAYl-lllpubIJ80.pdf (S. J874) htfpso/%vww.gpe,govlfdsys/pl<gfP/AUY-llJpu 164/pdffPLAYI/mllJpubl64.pdf (H.R. 3588) Additionally, conforming changes to these Acts are proposed under the title "Use of Lead Free Pipes, Fittings, Futures, Solder, and Flux for DrinkingWater' (82 FR 4805, as extended by 82 FR 17406), which Include new labeling and certification requirements to assure that indlividuals purchasing, installing or inspecting potable water systems can identify lead free plumbinig materials. The final rule is expected in June 2019. liftp,//wwrwr,gpoago�o/fd ys1,p1(gf�R-2017-01-17/pdff2017-0074- pdf (� 2 PR 4�05) http.s.11wwrw.gp®.govlfd,qys/pl(g/Pr?-2017-04-11/pdfl2Ol7a-07148.pdf (82 PR 17406) LAY®UT,TA_GIG AND STORAGE AREAS The Contractor will be wholly responsible for location, negotiation, financial compensation„ and acquisition of adequate staging and storage areas) for materials and equipment, as well'l as all rewired permits, at no additional cost to ACSA. A copy of all executed Agreements by and between the Contrac-tor and private land owners shall be provided to ACSA, along wilth executed Property Release Form(s) upon completlon of construction and restoration. I-Irnllted staging and storage of materials and equipment within the prescribed Limits of Silt Fence as shown on the plans will be permitted. u is a �i 1 1� 272 Bendix Road, Sainte 400 Vifginia Beach, VA 23452 Pl hi o ee. (757) 463-8770 Fax: (757) 463-0503 I I I I I I I III ' i �I I II ( i I I I I - I I } 1 I f I [12"1[1� I I �lm � -4 W- -4 l I If1 i r — i I II I i I I I� i I I I I , I 1 0. SHEET TITLE EC S001 COVER SHEET ESCP02 GENERAL NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS, LEGEND, & WATER METER & BOX NOTES FSCP03 SHEET LAYOUT & SURVEY TRAVERSE ESCP04 PLAN & PROFILE, OWPNSVIILLE ROAD STA. 0+00 TO 6+00 F.SCP 15 PLAN & PROFILE, OV ENSVIILLF ROAD STAo 6+00 TO 12+50 ESCP06 PLAN & PROFILE, OWENSV/ILLF ROAD STA. 12+50 TO 19+00 FSCP07 PLAN & PROFILE, 0WENSVfiLLF ROAD STA. 19+00 TO 25+00 FSC'P08 PLAIN & PROFILE, OWENSVILG E ROAD STA. 25+I00 TO 32+00 FSCP09 PLAN & PROFILE, ®WFNSVILLLE ROAD STA� 32+00 TO 37+88 FSCP10 PFAIN & PROFILE, MPRIWETHER DRIVE STA. 0+ 0 TO 6+50 RSCP11 PLAN & PROFILE, MERIWRTHER DRIVE STAo 61-50 TO 13+50 FSCP12 PLAN & PROF1F, MEWWFTPIFR DRIVE STAa 13+50 TO 20+75 FSCP13 PAN & PROFILE, LEWIS STREET STA. 0+00 TO 4+85 ISCP14 PLAN & PROFILE, LEF©S LANE STA. 0+00 TO 6+00 FSCP15 PLAN & PROFILE, LFFDS LANE STA. 6+00 TO 11+47 FSCP16 PLAN & PROFILE, TIMBER9_AKE ROAD Stu, 0+00 TO 4+00 ESCP17 PLAN & PROFILE, KiMBROUGH CIRCLE STA. 01_00 TO 6+50 FSCP18 PLAN & PROFILE, KIM®R®UGH CIRCLE STAa 6_1-50 TO 13+00 ESCP19 PLAN & PROFILE, KIMBROUGH CIRCLE STA. 13+00 TO 19+25 FSCP20 PLAN & PROFILE, KINI®ROUGH CIRCLE STA. 19+25 TO 25+81® PSCP21 PLAN & PROFILE, VFRDE PLACE & TALL TREE COURT FSCP22 PLAN & PROFILE, A61DREW LANE STA, 0+00 TO 5+ 0 FSCP23 PLAN & PROFILE, ANDREW LANE STA. 5+00 TO 8+57 FSCP24 PLAN Sr PROFILE, STOWS COURT STA. 0 00 TO 7+09 RSCP25 PLAN & PROFILE, V INTON CURT STA. 0+00 TO 6+27 ESCP26 PLAN & PROFILE, HOLKHAM ®RIVE STA. 0+00 TO 0+36 FSCP27 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES & MINIMUM STANDARDS FSCP28 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL, DETAILS APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date V _ j r File__ Vjfi -- POLLUTNN PREVENTION NOTES 1 o This project does not involve stationary construction. Ali activities will progress along each affected street as wipe installations are completed. 20 Locations for concrete washout, vehicle fueling and fuel container storage, sanitary waste facilities and waste disposal areas will be located and modified by the Contractor as rewired and/or as corrective measures are warranted, 3e Substances that have the potential for polluting surface and/or groundwater Faust Q a` n means r�eco��r�r "ia ensure t ere l� no discharge drorra rrie be controlled by any �h � project area, The Contractor shall provide proper storage, handling, and ame of all potential poliutant sources. Such measures will be provided to control drips, leaks or spills, and may include (but not be limited to) secondary containment, Such as portable dikes, beans, spill containment pallets, grip pans and spill recovery and cleanup kits. 4a Refer to Section 7 of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for additional potential sources of pollution, prevention practices and control measures. 11 sco T7 -���;�� L i . s�o, b��;):si`78- r vN P: l Y ur"ENERAL NOTES 1 ° The anticipated working pressure for the Project is expected to be between 75 and 125 p°s°L, 22o The Contractor shall be responsible for removing and placing existing items, as required to facilitate depending on location, based on an overflow elevation of 795 feet at RWSA's Stillhouse Tank° water main construction, at no additional cost to the Owner. Such items include, but are not limited 2° Horizontal control for survey Information is based on VCS 1983 (Virginia South State Plane); and, to, posts, boilards, fences, railings, guardrails, mailboxes, signs, newspaper boxes, property pins, monuments, benchmarks, utility poles, �u wires, pedestals, cabinefs, curbs, utters, driveways, paved guy I� g y p vertical control is based on NGVD 1988. Elevations are in feet above mean sea level° flumes or otter drainage structures, retaining walls, landscapinsg, sprinklers, etc, Any items damaged �° All materials and construction shall complywiththe current edition e� she �enerJl Water and Suer during removal or re -Installation shall be replaced with materials of equal or better quality by the Specifications and Approved Products Lists as adopted by the Albemarle County Service Contractor, of n� additional �e�t to the Owner. Authority, unless otherwise noted. 23° The Contractor shall safeguard all existing and known property corners, -monuments, and marks 4° Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority !Inspectors, The Contractor adjacent but not related to the Work and shall re-establish them If disturbed or destroyed, at no will be responsible for notifying the proper Service Authority officials at the Mart of the work° additional cost to the Owner. Any property corners disturbed Must be re®establ!shed by a Land Surveyor, licensed in the Commonwealth of Vlrgunla° 5° Buildings and dwellings shown on the plans are incorporated from GIS data, and are shown for reference purposes only. 24° Based on information provided by Miss Utility of Virginia, inia utility service providers within the project F J J g� � J p p°� areas may include, but may not be limited to. 0° CONTRACTOR SHALL BE AWARE THAT EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY EXIST INITHIN THE WORK AREA WHICH ARE NOT INWCATE'D ON THE PLANS AND CP ARE UNMARKED IN THE FIELD. The Contractor shall e Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA26) exercise caution during excavations, and use clue 'diligence to protect all uitilifles and structures from Engineering Contact: Jeremy Lynn, 434-977-4511, Ext. 114 damage at all times. Damage to any existing utilities, structures, poles, gluy wires, or other features Field Contact: Scott Krebelder, 434-531-0714, Ext. 146 shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no addifionlaal cost to the Owner. in the event of damage call 434-531-0714, Ext. 146 7° The location of existing utilities are shown as approximate on location, and are based on utility e CenturyLink (CTL154) designations performed Linder Miss U flr°ty of Virginia Designer Ticket Nos, Engineering Contact: Theresa Bryant, 434-971 o 1371 A801002327-0OA, Leeds Lane (0l/l6/.201a) Field Contact- S&N, 804-608-5640 A735301359- OOA, Lewis Street (?21ojwu) In the event of damage call 800-788-360 i A735201264-00A, Meriwether Drive (12/lq/2017) - Rivannx, Water and Sewer Authority (RWS099) A734901235-00A, Owensville Roaad from Holkhaam Drive to Andrew Dane (12/I5/2017) Engineering Contact- Victoria Fort, 434-977-2970, Exf° 205 A735201236-OOA, Owensville Road from Andrew Lane to Meriwether Drive (l2/l8/2017) Field Contact, Victoria Fort, 434-977-2970, Ext. 205 A735301 370-ODA, Timberlake Drive (l2/7,9/20i7) A735401 928-DDA, Kimbrongh Circle (22120/2017) In the event of damage call 434-977-2970 (after hours 434-295-2306) A735301382-OOA, Andrew Lane (12/1.912ol7) Corrac'asa (CMG O1 A734900601-00A, Stowe Courts (1211512017) Engineering Contact, Amy Goad, 301-025-3407 A734900582-00A, Vinton Court (121i5l2017) Field Contact, Cable Protection Services. 804-502-3861 In the event of damage call 800-441 -a17, Option 1 In areas where existing water mains were not marked under the design fac kef, DIS or existing record information was utilized to indicate the presence (if and show approximate locations, The Contractor o Dominion Virginia Power (DOM710) shall be responsible for the verification of the locaation, size and depth of all existing utilities, both Field Contact, S&N, 804- 6083-5640 surface and subsurface. The Contractor she li irnmediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies In the event of damage call 888-667-3000 between the plans and observed field conditions. 25° Pipe insulation shall be required around the new wafer main to prevent freezing when a minimum 8° The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying .Miss Utility of Virginia (81 "i or 1-800-552-7001) separation of three (3) feet from open-ended culverts cannot b>e provided. The type e of insulation and p sufficiently in advance of the start of construction, In accordance withu Section 01500 of thee t he method of application shall conform to the manufacturer's published recommendation, Specifications. 9° All water mains and fiftings shall be zinc -coated and have a minimum of three and one-half (3-1 /2) feet of cover measured from established finished grade to the fop of the pipe. This includes all fire hydrant loves, service laterals and waterlines, etc- RWANNA WATER & SEWEAUTHORIPT' (RWSA) 10° All appurtenances (such as valves and valve boxes, hydrants, meter boxes, and rnoter vaults) are to NERAL TES & SAMT Y E TE be located outside of roadside ditches, 11. Contractor shall Ioc{gate all existing wafer service limes and sanitary laterals fhuf will be imapacaed by construction, and ensure all existing) services are re -connected. Field, adjustments shall bo made for I. All construction ° materials and methods of consfructoon shall comply with the latest version of the General Water any now appurtenance (such as a bend or as valve) that may be found to be in conflict with existing and Sewer Design and Construction Standards -Version 1°0, aadolpfed In December 2015, except as conditions. modified below or modified in special notes. 12° Upon completion of new water service installations, all existing water serviewe lines, meters, setters and 2° RWSA shall approve all construction materials and methods of cconstructiono A preconstrucfionconference meter boxes shall be abandoned and/or removed in accordance with the plian details and project shall be held with RASA prior to the star`:' of any work° P J Specifications, unless otherwise noted. 1 The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss 'Utility (1 G 300-552m70O1), 13° Unless otherwise noted, existing water mains may be asbestos cement (tran site) pipe, The Contractor 4° RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977-2970 ext. 205) shall be notified three business days prior shall comply with Section 02510 of the Specifications for handling, tapping and disposal of asbesfos to the start of construction, cement (fransife) pipe materials, as well as all applicable Local, state and Federal regulations, 5° All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made 14° Elevations of all utilities are unknown sinless indicated with an Invert eievatfaon° The Contractor shall without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA confirm existing utility elevations sufficiently in advance of installing proposed water imains, and deflect facilities on weekends or holidays without special written permission from RWSA° the pipe vertically (as required) in order to provide minimum clearances ®f 18 inches for sanitary sewers/lateraals, 18 Troches for RASA water Tones, and 12 inches for all other utilities at n® additional adalitronal 6° _ , For sanity sewer lane construction, RWSA may require b s um art for tie-ins t �' 1 bypass pumping g o the existing cyst to the Owner. system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure tested before a connection is made t® the system, 15. Trenching for pine installation in non paved areas shall bP Trio accordance withTrench 'Detail shown 7° The location of existing utilities as shown on the plans is from idata available at the time of design on Shoot C2°02° Trench restoration for water main fnstallafions in pavement aareas along public roads and is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Contractor small be responsible for the verification shall be in accordance with the `'VDDT Land Use Permit Asphalt Pavement Restoration Detail for Open p of the location, size and depth of all existing utilities, both surface and subsurface. The Contractor Cut Utility Installations° shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and struictures from damage at all times, 16. Provide asphalt surface restoration in accordance with the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications and whether shown on the .plans or not. Damage to any existing ufillifles shall be repaired by the Section 02700 of the Specifications° Refer to Sheet C5°01 for limits of pavement restoration, or as Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. otherwise directed by the Engineer or Inspectors, 8° Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in Ithe RWSA easement without special 17° Pavement areas outside the areas of construction which are damaged cis a result of hauling materials written permission from RWSA, No grading shall be ,permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted and equlprr7ent, stools be restored to the satisfaction ®f V®OT, at no additionual lost to the Owner- b se otherwise y RWSA in writing, I& The Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining access to all ,properties; coordinating with all g° No blasting shall be ,permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA property owners to have pavement edges cleared of all vehicles, as requiredl, in advance of pipe laying � J g approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be operations, and coordinating with all property owners for temporary p s g p P J t �porary access ��nd temporary water required. F i q or blasting within 100 feet of any operative R'?i4/SA sewerlines, bypass pumping and/®r pre service interruptions during re -connection. The Contractor may elect to restrict parking on both sides and post -CCTV may be required. RASA may also require certification from a licensed professional of the road in order to maintain traffic at all times° engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any RWSA facilities, Damage to any 19. All flagging operations and appropriate temporary traffic control measures shhall be installed and utilities due to blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condi#ion at no additional cost to the Owner° maainfained in accordance with the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual, latest edition, subject to the approval of the /DOT Inspector. Anyone performing flagging operations rmuat be certified, and possess 10° The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements far utility crossings, When a crossing a valid and verifiable certification card with them whenever they are perfor-ming flagging operations° is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. Only persons completing approved Work Zone Traffic Control training courses and possessing the p J The area of the 'crossing shall be bac'�kfille'd with compacted 57 stone to the s rin 'line of the existing p g g appropriate valid and verifiable accreditation card will be permitted to oversee temporary traffic control pipe° activities. 1 1 ° Now water main inst'alI'ations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated, flushed and have water samples 20° The Contractor shall be responsible for restoring all disturbed areas to their original p � 0 elevations, unless approved prior to making any permanent connection to the public water s pP Go g V p p system, Approved methods of otherwise indicated on the drawings° filling and flushing new wafer mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water systerf] ° 21. The proposed watermains shall not be installed closer 'than six (6) feet to iany existing utility pole, guy wire or guy pole without protecting same. Whenever the water maim is within six (6) feet of the 12° o � Q Ali easements for now RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new facilities info service° utility pole, guy wire or guy pole, the Contractor shall notify the Owner of some, and bear the cost for tomporalry bracing or relocation° 13° No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement. This Includes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. 14. Trees are not permitted in the RWSA easement, DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: wow NEL RSQ NOV 2018 NO. l DATE ;TR_ 0 Ra SCOT QUAST Lic, No, 024784 LEGEND EXISTM Fire Hydrant ® Wafer deter Water five Utility Pole Guy Ware Light Pule Ground Light o Cable TV Pedestal Telephone Cabinet Telephone Vault o Telephone Pedestal ° Fiber Optic Marker o Utility Cleanout Q End Section a Bullard Traffic Sign ® Mailbox/Paperbox Overhead Utility Wires Underground Telephone (Miss Utility Point Marks) cry Underground Cable ITV (Miss Wilily Paint Mardis) W-(DATuR)— Underground Wafer (dalo According Ic Unify Records) W Underground Water (Miss Utility Paint Marks) E Underground Electric (Miss Utility Paint Mars) Utility Easement Bus,h/Shruub Tree PROPOSED Fire Hydrant Water Meter Water Valve Reducer Fiend Tee ®� Blow -off Assembly Air Release Asserrnbly Water Main GIMMMM Water Service (Bored) Wafer Service (Open Cut) Cut & Coop Ex. Water Main , o o Ex. Water Main (To Be Abandoned) Permanent Easement Temporary Construction Easernent Silt Fence — — — — — — — Orange Safety Fence straw Bale Barrier X So Tree Protection XX DSO Inlet Protection TP _ 1° Refer to Sections 01200 and 02510 of the Project Manual for Water Service Connection requirements. 2° Ali new water meters shall be 5/8-incih in size, and placed in accordance with the details shown on Sheet C2.01. 3° The Contractor and/or the ACSA Inspector may field adjust new water meter and meter box Iocations and type as required based om field conditions to avoid obstructions or other physical features, or to enhance acres-gibilify° 4° '"dater meters boxes located in non -pawed and non -graveled areas, and not -subject to vehicular loading, shall be placed in a Standard (Carson 2200 Series) Plastic Meter Box, S° Water meter boxes located in paved and gravel areas, and subject to vehicular loading, shall be placed in au Special Traffic Rated (Oldcastle FL30) Meter Box. Anticipated installations include, but (as noted above) may not be limited to, the following addresses, 1155 Owensville Road o 265,5 Meriwether Drive o 2831-5 Verde Place m 1165 Owensville Road e 2710 Leeds Lane - 2925 Tall Tree Court 2700 Meriwether Drive - 2775 Leeds Lane - 2550 Andrew Lane 2705 Meriwether Drive - 24210 Kirnbrough Circle - 2560 Andrew Lane 2635 Meriwether Drive - 24810 Kirnbrough Circle - 2670 Stowe Court 2645 Meriwether Drive - 25910 Kimbrough Circle o 2725 Vinton Court 272 Benclsx Road, d, Suite 4.00 UA,� �MM �I-irgi ar � !Wench, VA 3452 4'hone: (757) 463-8770 INTERN T I N A L Fax: (757) 463-0503 J `I r� ` 'I ASPH. Asphalt ADW Asphalt Driveway BRW Brick Retaining Wall BSW Brick Sidewalk CONC. Concrete CA Concrete Apron CDW Concrete Driveway CRW Concrete Retaining Wall CSW Concrete Sidewalk CWS Concrete Wheel Stop C&G Curb and Gutter DW Driveweay EP Edge of Pavement EX Existing GDW Gravel Driveway IWLSA Mulched Landscape Area SW Sidewalk SAW Stone Retaining `il'Jall rRW Timber Retaining Wall UrH Utility Handhole EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FLAN (`WP0201800083) MERNETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO, 2017-11) NOTES,GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS, Li WATER METER SHEET E S C 'P 0 i ''o 0 0� 114 126 V� I r ® o ® \ 32 LLLI VERDE \000/' Ar 227 _ - ;1=1311 Maw 111-4 Point No. Ngr�fhmq Elevation 1 3, 909, 604. 9400 11, 456, 60J 4710 58322 2 3, 909, 533 8056 11, 456, 466. 0177 59736 3 5,909,55J. 0446 11, 456, 2830 3373 5980 43 4 3, 909, 725. 8950 11, 456,117 4948 590.91 5 3, 999, 996. 7165 11, 455, 604.1422 616.47 6 3, 910, 225. 7997 11, 455, 565. 9671 6 M 64 7 73,910,612.7476 11, 455, J69. 970,E 639, 86 8 3, 910, 6651732 11, 455, 785. 9502 630.42 9 3, 910,622 2368 11, 456, 055. 6261 61772 10 3, 910, 859. 9099 11, 456, 282. 9146 596.48 11 3, 911,1620 5066 11, 456, 424. 7244 579.16 12 J, 911, 428. 3858 11, 456, 538.2,527 558.88 13 3, 971, 725. 0476 11, 456, 708. 3636 5M 83 14 3, 912, 067 0593 11, 456, 84601012 549.24 15 3, 912, 314. 5674 11, 456, 8310 6369 56797 16 3, 912, 666. 3126 11, 456, 740. 5958 596.00 17 3, 912, 693, 7936 11, 456, 544. 5443 606.79 16 3, 913, 063e 0631 11, 456, 369.5317 607 85 19 3, 913, 309. 5764 11, 4 56, 292. 7794 604.75 20 3, 913, 355 8470 11, 456, 7790 6675 606.66 22 3, 999, 552. 8966 11, 455,9720 774J 576.26 DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: jPqFLL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 201 NO. d DATE 2Q \ 'u 9 34 18 22 SURVEY TRAVERSE L�STING 19 23 3, 909, 27,E 8164 11, 455, 8990 7266 55774 24 3,� �J09 0900136 11, 456 13J. 0217 555011 FTj 25 3, 910, 98J. 5186 11, 4456,71J. 9416 588.48 3fl uf 26 3, 911, 210. 6 702 11, 456, 9100 0823 602.63 i \ \11,218.8586 � � �7 ,�, 911, 457,11 2. 5385 602.30 28 3, 911,117 1423 11, 457, 447 9561 598.08 29 3, 910, 974. 6930 11, 457, 57401037 600.66 30 3,910,704.6861 11, 457, 4590 51 4 583.04 C 29 ��"' 1 \ 31 3, 910, 512.1713 11, 457, 2030 5462 557 93 f \ 32 3, 910, 652.2342 11, 457, 009. 6927 560.04 TALL 3, 912,1240 4020 11, 457, 024. 3779 550.19 34 3, 912, 046. 6166 11, 457,195. 3126 5J8.27 TREE 35 3, 911, 817 0948 11, 457, 267 6564 524014 ° 36 3, 912,257 7359 11, 456, 668 5770 560.67 37 3, 912, 242. 3353 11, 456, 4071816 550.45 \ 38 3, 912, 345e 2037 11,456,195.5180 560.76 L✓ 39 3, 913, 041. 6276 11, 456, 217 5030 601 a 35 40 3, 912, 872. 7450 11, 455, 8700 3760 566.56 41 3, 909, 40J.2202 11, 455, 720.1839 570.17 42 3, 909, 534. 7999 11, 455, 478. 5056 574.18 43 3, 909, 74-4. 7084 11, 455, 347 7659 584.77 ET 0 K SCOTT QUAST Lic. No, 024784 272 Ben-dix Roan, Suite 400 ® �, All ®�, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Phone: (` 57) 463-8770 INTERNATI 0 N A L Fax: (757) 463-0503 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FLAN (WP020 800083) MERIWETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (.PROJECT NO. 2 J 7-1 J SHEET LAYOUT SURVEY TRAVERSE SHEET 03 2810 ESTA TE 1 LOCUST HlI_l_ NORTH Prop. 8" D.I.P. Waier Main Stoa Q+QQ Remove Ex. 12" Plug & Connect to Ex. 12" Gate Valve, Install 12" Foster Adaptor & 12"x8 " Reducer Ex. Electric Transformer Ex. Split Rail Fence Ex. 20' Utility Easement j S$oo 0+57 (Owe,nsvodlo Rd.) (D.B. 507, Pg. 176) Stu. 0+00 (Meriwether Dr.) (D.B. 666, Pg. 171) 8" roster Adapforr 8" Gate Valve & Box 660 650 40 63 62 610 600 50 DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 LOT 3 BLOCK A SEC BON TWO 'VERIWETHER HILL " NO. I DATE Q l I, Prop. " DJ.P. / W (See Sheet C1 007) MARK T DRAPANAS OR THIERR Y J. DRAPANAS #970 to Ex. Water Service (Ty p.) (D.B. 666, Pg. 771) — -_— (Sae Note 1, This Sheet) — J2150 _ �� I - NOTES _ _-- LOT I -- —' BLOCK B I l— 112120 1, Reconnect all existingwater services in _ I SECTION TWO PARCEL E �975 _ --=� PARCEL D ®000rdunoe with it'ie details on, Sheet Q2a01. "MERIWETHER HILL" I - --_� MERIWETNER Hll_L '--- _ --1 MERIWETNER HILL �o Qon%r®c©ro vereyil oxisi utilitiesprior to ---_ cons®ructaon. Refer to General Notes 6, 7, & 8 Pion on Spoof 010020 Scale. 19 =25' Horzo 1 Refer to General Notes 22 23 on Sheet G90020 4. Refer to Abandonment Plan on Sheet 04.01 v Prof ile Scale- 1 "=259 Horzo I "=109 Vert 77 �V-A R, SCOTT QUASI I ic. No. 024784 272 Bev-dix Road, Su te 400 � ga Beach, VA 23452 LPho�ea (757) 463-8770 0 25 50 75 GRA7HIC SCALE- y -= 25' (Horz.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FLAN (P02018000 3) MERfflETHER HILL 'CATERMAIN' REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11) PLAN & PROFS LE, OWES V� LLE ROAD 67 660 650 EM Em 620 610 600 50 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALE. V'= 10' (Vorr°) SHEET DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: wow N L SQ NOV 2018 NO. I DATE J. HOWARD SMITH PROPERTY stag 9+96 8"x6" Swivel Tee 639 Gate Valve & Box 10 LF 699 D.u. W/m Hydrant (See Detail, Sheet C2a01 ) \ TAC NY /L � i / Ex. 63ird Connect New Water defier T® Ex. 'Water Service (Typo) (See Note 19 This Sheet) PARCEL F 119P5 MERI WE HER NIL L Plan Seale: 1 "m25' Plorzo Profile Seale: 1 "=25' Horzo 1 "=10' Vert R. SCOTT QUASI Lic. No. 024784 PARCEL A®� \ CARDINAL HILL ,#1030 1. Reconnect all existing water services In \ accordance with the details on Sheet C2©01 Z Contractor To verffy all existing utilities prior To construction. Refer 10 General Notes 6, GI X2. -- - \ 3. Rotor To General Dotes 22 & 23 on Sheet 4. Refer to Abandonment l`' an on Sheet C4.01 594.57 _ _ r Ex. 20' Utility Easement (D, B, 507, Pg, 176) � (D.B, 666, Pg, 771) \ LOT 26 RL OCK C 7 995 M\DIE TNER NOR TH \SECTION FOUR MER\\HER HILL \ 272 BeridtT)-, Road, Suite 400 VirgiTfia Beach, VA 23452 Phone: (757) 463-8770 1 N T E R IN A T 10 N A L Fa,,�: (757) 463=0503 0 LOT 27 1005 BL OCK C MFRI WFTHER NORTH SECTION FOUR MERI VIE [HER NIL l_ 0 25 so 75 GRAPHIC SCALED 1 25' (Horn.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FLAN ( P0201800083) MERI 'ETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11 PLAN PROFILE, OWENSV0LLE ROAD STA. 6+00 TO 12+50 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALED 1 10' (Verl.) SHEET DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: ow NEE RsQ NOV218 NO. n DATE Prof IIe Scale- 1 "=25' Horza 9 "= T 0' Vert � V � v:f op a SOOTT QUASI 272 Beri-d x Road, Suite 400 ViTgimia Beach, ETA 23452 Y=loneo (757) 463-8770 0 25 50 '75 GRAPHIC SCALEo 1 25' (Horza) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP0201800083) E I ETHER HILL WAITER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11) PLAN & PROFILE, OWENSVALLE ROAD STA. 12+50 TO 19+00 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALEo 1 10' (Vert.) SHEET Al D rvif i A DESIGNED: W0 W DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: INOW 2018 LOT I3 LEWIS HILL — WEST" J1040 NO. I DATE Ran Boob: 1 "=25' Horza -Prof fle Scale.- 1 "=25' Homo 1 10' Vert ®p e SCOTT QUASI Dina No. 024784 LOT 14 "LEWIS HILL WEST" J2645 \-- 710 Prop® 8"/6" D.I.P. /M (See Sheet C1.19) 272 Bendix Road, Suite 400 09 Virginia Beach, ETA 23452 lPbo—ne: (757) 463=8770 INTERNATIO N A L Fax: (757) 463-0503 i o _ , / / +q 1 Box Foe Stu. 24+47 899 11.2 ' Barad 550.25 / Ex. Stone Wall #2590 o @ i LOT 1 ik "LEWIS HILL " I�I SECTION ONE NOTES 1 a Reconnect all ex1sting water sore/coos In accordance with the details on Shoot C101 2. Contractor to verofy all existing util floc prior to construction. Refer to General Notes 6, 7, & 8 on, Sheet 01.02. 3. Refer to Gmeral Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet G1o®2m 4. Refer 10 Abandonment Plan on Sheet C4.010 Ll� o 25 50 %5 GRAPHIC SCALE- I"= 25' (Horn.) ERO&ON AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P0201800083) ERi ETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017®1 `9 ) PLAN & PROFILE, OWENSV ALE ROAD TA® 1 + 0 TO 2 +00 t D 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALE, 1 "= 10' (dart.) SHEET El U cn s 'All Profile Scale- 1 "=25' ��I®rz. 1 " p =10' e OP el Virgird a Beacb, VA 23452 cha 'I Balk �r, Phone: (757) 463-87 70 �o�e �a ®���4 INTER T N AL Fax: (757) 463-0503 0 25 50 %5 GRAPHIC SCALE- 1 "� 25' (Horz.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P0201800083) E IWETHER HILL, WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11 PLAN & PROFILE, OWENSVILLE ROAD STA. 25+00 TO 32+00 J 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALE.- 1 10' (Vert.) SHEET Stu. 32+86 Stu. 32+6D LOT 7 "LEWIS HILL — WEST" J2705 Insfa l Private, PRV of 2941 PIML4 nim 1)rmm ---------------- Prop. Easement Prop. 8" U.P. Water Wain 33+39 Aar Release Assembly Stu. 32+95 (See Mail, Sheet C2a02) 819x6" Swivel Tee 6" Gate Valve & Box 8 LF 6" D.I.P. WIN and Connect to Ex. Hydrant Water Service (See Detafl, Sheet C2o01 J/ 185 \—Connect New Water Wlster LOT 3 to Ex. Water Service (Typ.) LEWIS HILL (See Kate 1, This Sheet) SECT101V TWO DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 NO. I DATE Stu. 35+63 (Owensv lle Rd.) Sta. 0+00 (Vinton Cf.) 8"x6" Tee 11264J / L c0 T 4 LEMIS HILL SEC TlION TWO -13 Plan Scale: 9 "=25' Horzo Profile Scale. 1 "=25' Horzo ,l " o .l 0' Vert R. SCOTT QUAST Lic, No. O24784 Stu. 36+55 8" 19.25' Bend Sin. 35+66 8" ®®Gate Valve � �J© `� c IV. �.I! 272 BeTi i ix Road, Suite 400 ® V g rda Beach, ` A 23452 9 Pho,ae: (757) 463-87 i 0 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Foxe (` 57) 463-0503 0 25 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE- 7 25' (Horza) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP0201800083) MERIWE HER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017®11 PLAN & PROFILE, OWENSVILLE ROAD STA. 32+00 TO 37+88 0 I i0 30 GRAPM SCALro 1 10' (Vera.) SHEET 40 630 620 610 6010 50 50 570 560 LOT 4 BLOCK B SECTION THREE _ "MERI WETHER HILL" 12 720 / 12725 LOT 6 BLOCK A SEC BON THREE "MERIWETHER HILL" 7 DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: NELL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 NO. l DATE LOT 5 BLOCK B SEC TION THREE MERI WETHER HILL " J2710 iI I a i, 1 Connect New Water Motor to Ex. 'dater Service (Typ.) (See dote 1, This Sheet) Inv.=-\ LOT 7 BLOCK A J2715 SECTION THREE /j ER(WETHER HILL" 899x6" Swivel Tee 6" Date Valve & Box 15 LF 6" DIP. /Pl Hydrant (See Detail, Sheet C2.01 l i LOT 6 l BLOCK B SEC Tl0/V THREE "IVERIWETHER HILL " #2700 LOT 8 BLOCK A SEC TlN THREE "ME,R1 WETHER HILL" Plan Seale. 1 "=25' Horzo 10 Prof He Scale- 1 "=25' Horze 1 99 =10' Vert I TT-j o R. SCOTf QUAST Lic. No. 024784 Sta. 10+96 (Merlwether Dr) Stu. 0+00 (Lewis St.) a"x8" Tee Prop. 8" DJ.P. /M (See Sheet C1.10) I/ / // 10T7 l L j�2690 - y� BLOCK B SEC TION THREE "MERI WE [HER HILL" i Prop. Easement Stu. '11 +15 /Ulve 8J9x6 fl Swivel Tee 6" Gate vaive & Box 17 LF 6" Dal.P. W/M Hydrant I (See Detail, Sheet 600 — f�_ A- -6 / s 1 i—�� 60 -- �o `J Ex. conc. Ditch i I I� I I I 272 Bend x Road, SviiTc 400 Phone. (757) 463-8770 9 LOT 8 NOTES BLOCK B SECTION THREE I a Reconnect all existing wafer services In 'NiERIWETHER HILL" accordance with The details on Sheet 02m01 J2680 2. Contractor To verify all existing utilities Prior to construction. Refer To General Notes 69 7, & 8 on Sheet 01.02. B 3. Peter to 0erneral Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet G1002. 4% Peter to Abandonment Plan on Sheet 040090 Ex. Wooden Cuordrail (Both Sides) LOT 19 LOT 18 / BLOCK B BLOCK B SECTION THREE J2685 SEC BON THREE 2675 "MERI WETHER HILL " �17; / 7 "MERI WETHER, HILL 12 13 0 25 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE- I"= 25' (Harz.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P0201800083) MERIWETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-1 1 FLAN & PROFILE, MERIWETHER DROVE STA. 6+50 TO 13+50 Em 20 Em im 580 570 is 0 10 0 30 CPAHHIC SCALE- I "= 10' (Veri.) SHEET i7 LOT 8 BL OCK B SECTION PFIREE \\\ \\\ 'MERI WETHER HILL " LOT 18 BLOCK B SEC T3 #2675 / 9 LOT 17 \ V LOT 16 BLOCK B #2665 BLOCK B SECTION THREE \ SEC TION THREE 12655 "MERI VIE TH\ HILL "MERI WE THER HILL " 3 % i r9 ie DFSIGNED. wow 5-lervice- L"h6rffy DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 NO. � DATE 0 /_OT 9 BLOCK B y SECTION THREE 'MERI WETHER HILL #2650 Plan Scale- 1 "=2 9 Horzo Profile Scale.- 1 "=25' Horzo 1 "=10' Mart 11 #2635 LOT 10 BL OCK B SEC TION THREE "MERIWETHER HILT_ " #2640 op 272 IBendTx Road, Suite 400 1 R, SCO1T i�U�,ST MIC ®� ®� QT g �� Beach, VA 23452 Lic. No. 024784 0 N T E R N A T 6 0 N A L Fax. (757) 463-0503 �ONAL � y \ #2625 Ex. Asph. Ditch O\S,oi I Stagy 20+ J3 G" Gate Valve & Box Hydrant (See 0etaol, Sheet CMI ) LOT 12 BLOCK B SECTION THREE 'MERI WETHER HIL l_ " #2620 0 0 O NOTES 1 e Reconnect all existing water services in accordance with the details are Sheet 02001 LOT 13 20 Contractor to verify a00 existing utilities prior BLOCK B t® construction. Refer to General Notes 6s SECTION THREE 7, & 8 an, Sheet 01 °02° "MERI WE [HER HILL" 3. Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 ®n Sheet G1.02. 4m Refer to Abandonment plan on Sheet 04001 0 25 50 %5 ORAL H90 SCALE- 19 = 25' (H®� a� EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP0201800083) MERI ETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11 PLAN & PRORLE, MERMETHER DRWE STA. 13+50 TO 20+73 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALED 19 = 103 SHEET L 0 T 23 BLOCK R SECTION THREE "MERIWETHER HILL " J2105 / i \ Ex. Storm Grote Ex. Top=554.00 LOT 22 BLOCK B SEC BON THREE ';MERIWETHER HILL " J2700 In v = Buried — Ex. Gra vel s Ex. 12 CUP Stan ®+110a-A In v = 4" ate Valve & Box 554.58 4" MILIg Type "A9' Dead End Blow -Off Am n bly (See Detall, Sheet C2.102) DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: NEE CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 LOT 24 LOT 25 LOT 26 BLOCK B BL OCK S BLOCK B SEC TION THREE SECTION THREE SECTION THREE "MERIWETHER HILL 'MERIWETHER BILL " "MERIWETHER HILL" n2715 L Z n2725 .j Sta. 3+98 (Leeds Lan) m — Sta. 4+85 (Lewis St.)/ Connect Now Wader Aster 899x8" Tee \ to Ex. Water Service (Typo — 1 I -Ex. Rip —Rap (See Note 1, This Sheet) � 14,99 NO. l DATE J2710 LOT 21 BLOCK B SECTION THREE "MERIWETHER HILL" J2 72 0 LOT 20 BL OCK' B SECTION THREE "MERIWETHER HILL" P0an Scale. 1 "=25' Horzo Profile Scale: 1 "=25' Harz. 1 99 =10' Vert R, SCOII QUASI, Lic. No. 024784 Isl,ONAL �\ L OT 27 BL OCK B NOTES SECTION THREE Reconnect a�l existing water'services in „MERIWETHER BILL " accordance with the details on Sheet C2o01 a J2745 20 Contractor to verify ofi existing utilities prior to construction. Refer to General Notes 6, 3. Refer to General Nofes 22 & 23 on Sheol zz G1 M. 4. Refer to Abandonment Plan on Sheet U01. 9 % '—Ex. ES— I In v=558.55 Ex. ES— I Inv.=552. 68 S6, O (See Sheet C1.10) 272 i erect x Roadq Suite 400 1vrrrg i s Bence, CIA 23452 Phme: (57) 4.63-8 770 I N T E N T I L Faso (707) 463-0503 u uy �ju UT au (See Detail, Sheet C2o®i LOT 9 BL OCK A SEC BON THREE "MERI WETHER HIl__L " #2730 z z 0 25 50 75 GRAPH-1C SHALE- 1 25' (Horzo) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P0201800083) MERIWETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO, 2017-11 PLAN & PROFILE, LEES LANE 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALE- I "= 10' (Vert.) SHEET LOT 27 BLOCK B SECTION THREE ,f2745 'MERIWETHER HILL"' Q s a f r� $0 i -- A� DESIGNED DRAWN: CHECKED: DATE: wog/ NEL RSQ NOV 2018 Prop. 899 D.I.P. Water Main -v. N0. & DATE LOT 10 /BL OCK A SEC TION TTIREE /'MERI WETHER HILL" / Z_ LOT 7 j IX LOT 6 �f2755 SECTION FIVE #2765 / SECTION Fl vL- MERIWETHER HILL" / 1�nERI WETHEH HILL" Connect New Water Meter-, 5 lnv.= .I `568.42 cD to Ex. Water Service (Typ.) (See Nate 1, This Sheef) LOT I SECTION F1 VF 'MERMWE THER HlL L " 7 7 X,f2750 z z Sic]. 9+10 899YA!D Reducer Prop® 4" D.I.P. Water Aeon / / / / / Plan Scale. Bette. ! 99:-=2 9 Horzo Profile Scale- 1 "=25' Horz. 199 =10' Vert " NTH op P, Ro SCOTT QUASI Lic. No. 024784 1sS'IONA! 12760 LOT 2 SECTION FIVE "MERI WE THEY HILL" 272 Be -_ad x Road, Suite 400 ®/ 1 10 4 i 0®� Virginia Basel, VA 23452 Phone: (757) 463-8770 INTERN T I L Fax: (757) 463-0503 i / / LOT 5 J2775 .SECTION Fl VE NOTES MERIWETTIER HILL" 10 Reconnect all existing w®1er services on �� accordance with the details on Sheet C2.010 20 Contractors Y0 verify all existing Utilities PHOF l to construction. ROfff i0 General Notes 6, � 7, & 8 on Sheet G10020 3. Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet 4. Refer to Abandonmenf Plan on Sheet C4001 1 Inv.= 582.90 -/ni= 584.30 �i Ex. Stone Wall lli Jj/ ✓� `-Ex. Stone Wall A O Sic. 11 +47 4" Gate Valve & Box � O 4" Plug w/ TYP10 saes D�lA VnA O / Blow —Off Assembly (See Detail, Beset CZ02) O O z I_OT 3 / 112170 �� SECTION F/ VE zz / "MERI WETHER HIL L " LOT 4 SEC RON FIVE "MERI WETHER HlL L " 0 25 50 75 - i GRAPHIC CALE0 V'-- 25' (Florz.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P02D18DDD83) MERIWETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017®11) PLAN & P ORLE, LEERS LANE 0 10 20 30 GPAPH9C SCALE- 199= 109 (Veri.) SHEET .1 EX.I�4Vph #1030 PARCEL A CARDINAL HILL St®a 0+00 (Kimbroug C,Q Silo 13+57 (Owensvllle Rd.) 8J9x8 a Tee 8" rosfe; Adaptor a" Gate Valve & Box C) N I , I a; , I 1 , 1 , , I , I I I I I I I I I , , I , � I I 1 DESIGNED: WOW DRAWN: NIEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE- NOV 2018 NO. I DATE LOT BL OCK C N'ERI WE THER NOR TH SECTION FOUR MERIWL-THER HILL #2405 LOT 2 BLOCK C MERIWETHER NORTH SECTION FOUR MERIWETHER HILL #2415 Ex. Rip —Rap r , —Stela 2+15 8 x6" Swivel Tee ; �s n ppp _--- _ PrAn R n II P �� Illp upi rf4 vi4 _ � _-. -- - -- - CIA— f 1 0ft2 f J Al/I. �' 1 lnv= 585. 91 " r i Plan Scale: 1 "=-25' Horzo Prof lie scale.1 "m25' �Horz, g S90 _ x Asph. DW Inv. 588.33 Ex. Conc. Ditch I Prop. 8" D.U. W//M (See Sheaf C1.17) �a LOT I BLOCK D MERIWETHER NORTH SECTION FOUR MERI WETHER HILL Prop. 8" D.I.P. Ex. Conc. Ditch U =I ku-»Iq 9 o ____L1 694) See Note 1, This Sheet) LOT 24 BL OCK C MERIWETHER NORTH SECTION FOUR MERI WE LHc R HILL '7 oxT michl aa�I g�ia Bead,, VA 23452 NOTES I o Reconnect all ex9sf ng water services In accordance with ` fine defq ils on Sheet 1C2001 20 Contractor to verify all existing utilities prior to construction. Refer to Gener 1 Notes 6, 7, & 8 on Sheep' GI M. 3. Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 on, Sheet GI M. 4. Refer io Abandonment Mcun on Sheet C4©01 LOT B BLOCK D MERIWETHER' NORTH �/ SE C RON FOUR I MERIWETHER HILL #2435 V Inv.= O 569.70 lnv.= 567.79 61) l y°E 45. —_ r 0 25 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE, 1 25' (Horn.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P0201800083) MERI 9ETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2 0 1 7— 1 1 PLAN & PROFILE, KIMBROUGH CIRCLE 0 10 20 30 GPAPMC SCALEo 1 10' (Versa) SHEET .. 610 60 590 50 570 56 550 540 530 DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED DATE: w® NEL RSQ NOV 2018 NO. I DATE Water Main Inv.= 556.72 LOT 7 BL OCK D 11 RI WE THER NORTH SECTION FOUR MERIWETHER HILL — #2449 — Prof '110e Scale. 1 "_25' Horzo 1 "= 1 0' Mart R. SCOTT QUAST Loc. No. 024784 LOT 6\ / O O BLOCK D 112495 MERI WE THER NORTH SECTION FOUR YFPc I WETHER HILL 0 O NOTES 10Reconnect' all existing eater services in ----_ �� accordance with the details on Sheet C2001 a 20 Contractor To verify all existing utilities prior Tx. Conc. Batch to oonsraoT00000r ToGeneral Notes 6, 7, & 8 on Sheet G1©020 , 1 Refer To GonorW dotes 22 23 on Sheet G 1 X p �I Prop. 8" D.U. Water Main ------ � � � ' I //' � �J 4. Refer 10 Abandonment Play on Sheet 'I a� to Ex. "Water 5ervooe k l yp.) (See Note 1, This Sheet) ---- %� 1�'RVA"rlll;vl' #2500 O� i 272 Be-nd» Road, Sa ite 400 m ai*ffl- m Vir ya Bache, CIA 23452 Thor-e: (757) 463-8770 INTERN AT O L Fax: (75 e) 463-0503 0 25 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1 25' (Herz.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P0201800083) ERfflETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017©11 PLAN & PRORL , KWBROUGH CIRCLE STA. 6+50 TO 1 30 6110 r0'0 590 58 570 560 550 540 530 0 10 2® 30 GRAPHIC SCALE: I "=: 10' (Vert.) SHEET I'm 630 620 610 600 590 570 50 550 LOT 15 BLOCK C MERI WETHER NORTH SECTION TOUR MERIWE7HER HILL Carinect Now Water- Meter to Ex. Water Service (Typ,) (See Note 1, This Sheet) LOT 14 BLOCK C \ MERI WETHER NORTH 1f2510 SECTION FOUR / MERIWETHER HILL / / DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 NO. % DATE 14 LOT 6 BL OCK D MERI WE THER NOR T H SECTION FOUR MERI WETHER HILL Prop. 8" 0J.P. Water Neon Stu. 1 4+®© a91x6" Swivel Tee 6" Gate Valve & Box 17 LF 6' D.I.P. WIM Hydrant ((See Detuo0, Sheet C101 Pro p. Easement i Stu 15+30 - 8' Gate Valve & Box Ex. Con C. Ditch o` Cut & Cap Ex. Water Main \ (see Dow% _. N&. Inv= o 595.89 15 stein 1 5+33 899 x8" Tee a" Gate Valve e & Box 33 LF 8" D9oap� W/NI Connect to Ex� 8" W/M W f 8" Long S®fud Sleeve LOT 5 i LOT 4 ' BLOCK D J2569 BL OCK D YE RMIE THER NORTH MERI WE THER NOR TH ' SECTION FOUR \ SECTION FOUR / IV RI WETHER HILL / MER!WETHER HILL Prop. 8" D.I.P. Water Main Inv.= 596,17 ' NOTES 1. Reconnect all existing water services in accordance, with the details on Sheet C9001 20 Contractor to verify all existing utilities prior 5 1® construction. Refer 1® GeneralNotes 6, 7, & 8 on Sheet G3 M. 3. Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet A IDt t Ak A ,,P N / o U Ul U ©HWHOHUHan on Shut C-4001 O IP��-'� \ In v: Stu. 15+3 8" Gate Valve � h & Box Sta. 15+79 (Kumbr®ugh CQ , F—Sta' 15+5 5 a 16 Profile Scale. 199=259 Horzo 1 99=1 09 `pert R. SCOTT QUASI Lic. No. 02478 ��3'/ONAL 272 B endix Road, Suite 400 Vjxginia leads, VA 23452 Phone: (` 57) 463-9770 INTERN T I NL Fay, (75 7) 463-0503 19 0 25 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE- 9 259 (Horn.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FLAN (WP020 800083) MERIWETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11 LAN & PRORLE, KWBROUGH C0RCLE STA. 13+00 TO 19+25 630 620 610 600 590 580 570 560 50 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALP- 1 "-- 10' (Verso) SHEET 640 630 620 10 600 590 580 570 560 NO. R DATE \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ NOTES 1 o Reconnect all existing water services in accordance with the details an Sheet MCI 20 Contractor to verify all existing utilities prior- to construction. Peter to General Notes 6, 7, & 8 an Shoot G10020 I Peter to General dotes 22 & 23 on Sheet 01.02. 4a Refer, to Abandonment Plan on Sheet O4o01 Ia milm- Scalia 199=259 Florz0 0 25 50 75 19910' Vert GRAMM SCALE: 1 "-- 25' (Plorz.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN ( P0201800083) ,LTH op ERI ETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT ��� ����-,ice >�s���9 ������ ��� (PROJECT NO. 2017/®11 M] R. SCOTf Q� ST .+ V�rg�a Beach, VA 23452 iclh ael BPhone: (57) 463-8770 �;�. 0��� PLAN & PROFILE, KIMBROUGH CIRCLE 640 630 600 50 580 570 10 0 10 20 30 OPAPHlO SCALE: I "-- 10' (Vert.) SHEET 00 590 58 570 560 550 540 530 520 0 S A �\ 560.98 DESIGNED: W®W DRAWN: NELL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 LOT \ #2�80 LOT /8 BLOCK C BLOCK C MERI WETHER NORTH M\\\HER NORTH SECTION FOUR SECTION FOUR MERIWE[HER HILL MFR\ETHER HILL -Stao 0+34 6seXV Swivel Tee 6" Gate `halve & Box � T 18 LF 6" D.I.P. W/M Hydrant (See Detail, Sheet C2.01) Inv = (See Note 5) It 549.06� rev eJ n W7 Ev ' i '' M1 - ,Z15 ly Ganneot New Water Meter fl f t 1, ; #sah. to Ex. Water Service (Typ.) - f A (See Note 1This Sheet) Plan Scalea 1 "=25' Horza 1 Prof He Scale- 1"d25' Horza 1 o 11 0' Vert #2833 LOT 19 BLOCK C MERI WETHER NORTH SEC TION FOUR MF RI WETHER HI L L 600 590 80 570 560 550 540 530 520 NOTES I o Reconnect all existing water services in accordance with the details on Sheet C2.01 20 Contractor to verify all existing utilities prior to construction. Refer to General Notes 6, 7, 8 on Sheet Ga o®20 3. Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet GI a02o 4. Refer to Abandonment Plan on Sheet C4.01. 5. Verde Place rlre Hydrant at Sta. 6+34 & Tall Tree Court Fire Hydrant at Sta. 0+70 to be installed after abandonment of the existing 2" Copper Water Lines if required due to existing field conditions. �vi_op R. SCOTT (QUASI' Lic. No. 024784 s,/0NA �� 620 610 600 570 560 0 272 Bendix Road, Suite 4.00 Vi_rghaia Beach, ETA 23452 Phone: (757) 463-87 %0 ENTER A T I N AL Fax: (757) 463-05'03 \ L 0 T 9 BLOCK C\� iv1ERl WET HER NOR \ �'2925 S C RON FOUR iVERIWETHER HILL Prop. 439 01P. Water Main Prop. 61, D.I.P. y Water main i 600 �- Man Scale- 1 `-25' Harz. Ex. erlck U✓all f� 595.56 LOT 11 BLOCK C IVERI WE i1 OR T H SEC BON FOUR MERIWETHER HILL #2935 Connect New Water Meter to Ex. Water Service (Typ,) ' Soo (Note 1, This Sheet) � N \Ex. Satellite D)sh 9 .4" Gate ` vo Sr Box 4Plug W/ Type "A" Dead End Blow —Off Assembly (See Detall, Sheet C2002) LOT 1� BLOCK C MERI WETHFR NOR TH SEC BON FOUR M\HIETHER HILL #2920 #2930 LOT 13 \ BLOCK C o M\\\HER NORTH SECTION FOUR ME,RI W\N\ HIL L Prof00e Scale- 19 =25' Horza 'l 9 =10' Vert EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP0201800083) ERI ETHER HILL WATER Mj AiN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11) PLAN & PROFILE VERDE PLACE & TALL TREE COURT 640 630 610 600 590 580 57 50 0 25 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE- I "= 25' (Harz.) 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALE- I "= 10' (Vert.) J2045 �. I: I / I Sfa„ 0+00 (Andrew La.) STao 23+98 (0wensvolle Rd.) a 99x8" Tee " Foster Adaptor " Gate VONS & Box LOT 14 "LEWIS HILL — WEST" 590 50 570 560 550 540 530 520 510 V 0 m a Prop. " U.P. /M (See htaei , C1.04 Ex. Guardrail DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: NEE CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 mI LL W5 HILL SECTION ONE J2590 LOT 1 "LEWIS HILL " SEC TION ONE Connect New Water Meter Plan Scale- 1 "-=25' Horza Profile Scale- 1 "=25' Harz. 1 "=10' Vert sta� 3+9a 6" 2150" Bend Q� Cb �0p� B 272 Benclix Ro ae19 Suite 400 �, ,� V g�a Beech, VA 23452 R. SCOTT QUAST Phone- (757) 463-8770 Lic. No. 024784 1 N T E R N A T 1 0 N A IL Fsq�o (757) 463-0503 �'S ONAL LOT 2 LEWIS HILL" SECTION ONE 112580 NOTES I o Reconnect all existing water services in accordance with the details on Sheet C2009 1Contrracto To verify all existing utilities prior a�© �� To construction. Refer To General Notes 6, 6" 45' Hand 7R ©n Shonat G1 09 I Refer To General Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet GI�02. 4. Refer To Abandonment P0an on Sheet C4.01 Ex. Split © ,Rail Fence -Ex. Tim ber Re t. Wall 0 25 so 75 GRAPHlC SCALEo I "-- 25' (F9orzo) 590 580 570 560 550 540 30 20 510 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP0201800083) MERiI ETHER HILL 'CATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11 PLAN & PROFILE, ANDREW LAN D 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALEo l "= 109 (VGrio) SHEET 560 550 540 530 520 510 500 490 480 DESIGNED: wow DRAWN: NEL CHECKED; RSQ DAIS. NOS% 2018 LOT "LEWIS HILL" SEC LION ONE MAI °� ---- Ex Gravel 6 92 99 x Swivel Tee sa Cate Valve & Box 6 Lr 99 0.u. /M Hydrant (See Deiall, Sheet C2a011 Sta. 5+21 699Y499 Reducer LOT 6 "LEWIS HILL " SECTION ONE LOT 4 "LEWIS HILL " SECTION ONE Connect Now Water Aster to Ex. Water Service (Typ.) (See Note 1, This Sheet) Seas 8+57 4" Gate, Valve & lox 4" Plug w/ Type "A" Dead End Blow —Off Assembly (See Detail, Sheet C2a02) ,f2550 L 0 T 5 "LEWIS HILL" SEC TION ONE Ex. Split - - Ra/7 Fence O O iXXXX O LOT 10 BLOCK C SECTION FOUR O MERiWETHER HILL o Plan Scale- 199,259 Horza Profile Scale. 199=259 Horzo 199=10' Vert H op1 � a R SCOTT QUAST , Lic. No. 0247€4 -13 272 Beiadlx Road, Sijite 400 AA 1[1 Virgin a Beach, VA 23452 P or_ie: (757) 4.63-8770 ENTER NATION L Fain. (757) 463-0503 NOTES 10 Recar neci oil existing water services in accordance with the details on Sheet C2a01 2. Contractor To verily all existing utilities prior to construction. Refer to General Notes 6, 7, & 3 on Sheet G1.02. 1 Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet G10020 4. Refer to Abandonment Plea on Sheet C4v01© 560 550 54'0 530 520 510 500 490 480 0 2-5 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE.- I "= 259 (Florz.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP020180003) ERIWETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11) PLAN & PROFILE, AND EW LANE T® +0 T +7 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALE- 'I "= 109 (Verfa) SHEET Q�r ole & Box / 0 / I / ` l` I #2645 COT 94 � LOT 13 LEWIS HILL -WEST" LEWIS HILL -WEST" #2655 STaa 3+80 6Ax6" Snivel Tee V Gate Valve & Box 26 LF 6" Dalop. W/M Hydrant Prop, 6" DIP. � (See Detail, Sheet C2.01) _ - Water Main \ , - 550 SDC//U/V UIVt 'N. ` `, - -_ /' '' '� l!�/ % - - - Inv.=J l- f 562.64 V 1 i 3{I DESIGNED. wow DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RQ DATE: N, OV 2018 MIS ~ Inv. = _ f___ 557. 83 _-, — G-� #2650 LOT 8 "LEWIS HILL - WEST" Plan Scale: 1 "=25' Horz. Profile Scale. 1 "=25' Mitzi 1 99 =10' Vert k �, Ro SCOTT QUAST Lico No. 024784 S'IONAL Inv.= 550.48 ,I i 1 I I 12665 ~` LOT 12 / "LEWIS' HILL — WEST" Prop. 4" D.I.P. Water Main 550 � Si®. 5+83 _ - - - ✓_ { _�'1 4` 45° Bernd LOT 11 "°LEWIS HILL — WEST" �tmned Now knee Meier -, - To Ex. Water Service (Typ.) _--_ ---- ---- (See Note 1, This Sheet) h k i V�% p Ex. Split 5 x - Karl Fence LX. Ri -RaP 2 IJ -` Stu. 6+02 4" 451@ Bond J2675 _ Fx. Gravel DW S%®a 7+09 4" Gate Valve & Box 4" Plug W/ Type, "A" Dead End Blow —Off Assembly (See Detail, Sheet C2o02) NOTES 'I Reconnect ®Ii existing water services an LOT 10 accordance with the details ®n Sfioet' MOM. "LEWIS HILL — WEST„ #2660 20 Contractor to verify all existing utilities prior To O LOT 9 construction. Refer To Geller®I Notes 6, 7, & 8 17-2670 ,LEWIS HILL — WEST" on Sheet G1 o®2o 3. Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 an Sheet G7.02. 4o Refer to Abandonment Plan on Sheet C4o01 72 B e-ridix Komi, Suite- 400 RUNNain III Will '*QW VhTgini:a Beach, VA 23452 Lon Tlorie: (757) 463-8 i 7 INTERN T I L Fax,. (757) 463-0503 0 25 50 75 GRAPRIC SCALE: i 25' (Horn.) EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP0201800083) MERiWETHER HILL `CATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 201 -11) PLAN & PROFiLE, STOWE COURT 0 10 20 30 RAPHIC SCALE, 1 10' (Vert.) SHEET l U N n DESIGNED: 01W DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 NO. I DATE 1211 R. SCOTT QUASI Lac, No. 024-784 /ONAL E� NOTES 1 a Reconnect all existing water services In accordance with The details on Sheet 02001 2. Contractor t® verify all existing utilities prior to construction. Refer to General Notes 6, 7, & 8 ®n Sheet 010020 3a Refer to General Notes 22 & 23 on Sheet 01 a02a 4. Refer To Abandonment Plan an Sheet 04001 LOT I LEWIS HILL — WEST" #2700 Inv.= 598.81 Inv= 593.81 Prop® 12" D.I.P. W%M—"-- (See Sheei C1 006) Sta. 0+00 (Holkha n Dr.)=, STao 37+45 (0wensville Rd.) 1299x12" Tee Prop. 8" D.I.P. (See Sheet C1 ®D6 272 Beindix Road, Suite 400 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 PhoTma (757) 463-8 770 \ #2648 Stu. 0+03 12" 0®Te Valve Prop. 12" D.I.P. Water Main Sia o 0+3 1 12" 45" Bend (Rot. as Required) Stu. 0+36 Connect T® Ex. 12" W/M wl 12" Long SoUd Sleeve In v. Ex. 5" �i \ — 603. 89 f f Sta. 0+2 1 12" 45" Bond (Rot. as Required) Floe Scaled 1 "=25' Horzo UPY 630 620 MR 00 590 580 570 560 Prof He Scale- 1 "®25' Horzo 199 =10' Vert EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN (WP0201800083) MERI ETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017-11 PLAN & P ORLE, HOLKHAM DRIVE LOT 4 LEWIS HILL SEC L\IV T'✓10 #2645 0 25 50 75 GRAPHIC SCALE- V= 25' (Horn,) 0 10 20 30 GRAPHIC SCALE- 1 10' (Veri.) SHEET a_ (Virginia Administrative Cade 9VAC25— 4®-4O) 1. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. TernporoarV soil J °� � � r r'na na��t be stabilization shall be applied within seven days to denuded areas that y at final grade but will remain dormant for longer than 3 4days. Permanent st ab° ta ati on shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Acff®aa Refer to Erosion and Sediment Control Note J 2° Duringconstruction of the project, soil stock piles and borrow areas shall be P J P stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures, The applicant is responsible for the 'Temporary protection and permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as borrow areas and soil intentionally transported from the project side. AcHom Refer to Erosion and Sediment Control Note 7 vegetative i established n denuded areas not otherwise �° A permanent ✓egetati ✓e cover shall be �sa'ablasr o e shal l permanently stabilized. Permanent vegetation �h I not be considered established until a ground cover is achieved that is uniform, mature enough to survive and will inhibit erosion. Ac-f on. Refer f® Erosion and Sudhi deaf Control Note J, Section 02920 (Lawns and Grasses), of the Project Manual, and fie temporary and permanent seeding charts shown on Sheet 0.022 4° Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dues, sediment barriers and other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as a first stogy in any land—diasturbin � p l� y g activity and shall be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place, Action. Fifer fo Erosion and Sediment Control Note ^ 5° Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dlfkes and diversions immediatelyy after installation. Action. JV A C° Sediment traps and sediment basins shall be designed and constructed based upon the total drainage area to be served by the trap or basin. Action NIA A. The minimum storage capacity of a Sediment trap shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area and the trap shall only control drainage areas less than three acres. B. Surface runoff from disturbed areas that is comprised of flow from drainage areas greater than or equal to three acres shall be controlled by a sedirnaent basin° The minimuirn storage capacity of a sediment 'basin shall be 134 cubic yards per acre of drainage area. The outfall system shall, at 'a minimum„ maintain the structural integrity of the basin during a 25—year storm of 24—hour duration° runoff coefficients used in runoff calculations shall correspond to a bare earth condition or those conditions expected to exist whale the sediment basin is utilized° . Cunt and fill slopes shall be designed and constructed in a manner that will minimize erosion. Slopes that are found to be eroding excessively within one year of permanent stabilization shall be provided with additional slope stabilizing measures until the problem is corrected. Action. 1141A 83 Concentrated runoff shall not flow down cut or fill slopes unless contained wNhln an adequate ternparary or permanent channel, flume or slope drain strLwfure° Action. NIA g° Whenever water seeps from a slope face, adequate drainage or other protection shall be provided. Acffono A11A 10° All storm sewer inlets that are made operable during construction shall be protected so that sediment —laden water cannot enter the conveyance system without first being filtered or otherwise treaiod to remove sediment. Action. Fifer to Inlet Protea;affon Defayfs on Sheet X 11 ° Before newly constructed sformwater conveyance channels or pipes are made operational, adequate outlet protection and any required temporary or permanent channel lining shall be installed in both the conveyance channel and receiving channel. Motion.- NIA 12° When work in a live watercourse is performed, precautions shall be taken to minimize encroachment, control sediment transport and stabilize the work area to the greatest extent possible during construction. Nonrodible material shall be used for the construction of causeways and cofferdams. Earthen fill may be used for these structures if armored by nonerodffilae cover materials. , ctkona NIA 13° When a live watercourse must be crossed by construction vehicles more than ttwfce in any six—month period, a temporary, vehicular stream crossing constructed of nonrodible material shall be provided. Actlono NIA 14° All applicable federal, state and local requirements pertaining to working in or crossing live watercourses shall be met° Action. NIA. 15° The bed and banks of a watercourse shall be stabilized immediately after worfk in the wata rcourse is completed. Action. NIA M Underground utility limes shall be installed in accordance wfth the following standards in addition to other applicable criteria, Action. To he performed in accordance wfff! Me Pao ct Plans and Specifikahons. A. No more than 500 linear feet of trench may be opened at one time. D° Excavated material shall be placed on the uphill side of trencheS° C° Effluent from dewaterfng operations shall be filtered or passed through an approved sediment trapping device, or both, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect flowing streams or off —site property. D° Material used for backfillfng trenches shall be properly compacted in order to rrnanimize erosion and promote stabilization. E. RestablUzatfon shall be accomplished in 'accordance with this chapter. F. Applicable safety requirements shall be compHed with. DESIGNED: WOW DRAWN: NEL CHECKED: RSQ DATE: NOV 2018 M' MS-1 THROUGH MS-19, MCLUSIVE 17° Where construction vehicle access routes intersect paved or public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize the transport of sediment by vehicular trucking onto the paved surface. Where sediment is 'transported onto a paved or public road surface, the read surface shall be cleaved thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall g 1 J be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual development lots as well as p Pp y p to larger land —disturbing activities. Action. Refer to Erosion and Self ent Coafraf Noted #6 and 9a 18° All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, awnless otherwise authorized by the V[ESCP authority. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sediments ion° Motion. Refer to Erosion and Sediment Control ?Vote J12. 19. Properties and waterways downstream from development sites shall be protected from sediment deposition, erosion and damage due to increases in volume, velocity and peak flow rate of stormwater runoff for the stated frequency storm of 24—hour duration in accordance with the following standards and criteria, Stream restoration and relocation projects that incorporatenatural channel design concepts are not manmade channels and shall be exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man—made channels, Acf on. N/01 A° Concentrated stormwater runoff leaving a development site shall be discharged directly into an adequate natural or man—made receiving channel, pipe or storm sewer system. For those sites where runoff is discharged unto a pipe e or pipe 1 g Pp �R system, downstream stability analyses at the ouffall of the pipe or pipe e system ® s y y l' G� P P ,� shall be performed. D. Adequacy of all channels and pipes shall be verified in the following manner, B°1 ° The applicant shall demonstrate that the total drainage area to the point of analysis within the channel is one hundred tir�innes greater than the contributing drainage area of the project in question, 8°2(a) Natural channels shall be analyzed by the use of a two—year storm to verify that stormwater will not overtop channel banks nor cause erosion of channel bed or banks. 13°2(b) All previously constructed man—made channels shall be analyzed by the use of a ten—year storm to verily that stormwafer will not overtop its banks and by the use of a two—year storm to demonstrate that stormwater will not cause erosion of channel bed or banks, and B°2(c) Pipes and storm sewer systems shall be analyzed by the use of a ten —your storm to verify that starmwater will be contained within the pipe or system. C° If existing natural receiving channels or previously constructed man—made channels or pipes are riot adequate, the applicant shall, CA ° Improve the channels to a condition where a ten—year storm will not overtop the banks and a two—year storm will not cause erosion to the channel, the bed, or the banks, C°2° Improve the pipe or pipe system to a condition where the ten—year storm is contained within the appurtenances, C°3° Develop a site design that will not cause the pre —development peak runoff rate from a two—year storm to increase when runoff outfalls into a natural channel or will not cause the pre —development peak runoff rate from a ten—year storm to increase when runoff outfalls into a manmade channel, or C°4° Provide a combination of channel improvement, stormwater detention or other measures which is satisfactory to the VESCP authority to prevent downstream erosion. D. The applicant shall provide evidence of permission t© make the improvements. E. All hydrologic analyses shall be based on the existing watershed charactaeristacs and the ultimate development condition of the subject project. F. If the applicant chooses an Option that includes stormwater detention, he shall obtain approval from the VLSCP of a plan for maintenance of the detention facil°oties° The plan shall set forth the maintenance requirements of the facility and the person responsible for performing the maintenance, G. OutfaH from a detention facility shall be discharged to a receiving channel, and energy dissipaters shall be placed at the outfall of all detention facilities as necessary to provide a stabilized transition from the facility/ to the receiving channel, Hl All on —site channels roust be verifier to be adequate° L Increased volumes of sheet flows that may cause erosion or sedimentation on adjacent property shall be diverted to a stable outlet, adequate channel, pipe or pipe system, or to a detention facility. J. In applying these stormwater management criteria, individual lots or parcels in a residential, commercial or industrial development shall not be considered to be separate development projects, lnstead, the development, as a whole, shall be considered to be a single development project. Hydrologic parameters that reflect the ultimate development condition shall be used in all engineering calculations. K. All measures used to protect properties and waterways shall be employed in a manner which minimizes impacts on the physical, chemical and biological integrity of rivers, streams and other waters of the state° L. Any plan approved prior to July 1, 2014, that provides for stormwater management that addresses any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or roan —made channels shall satisfy the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man—made channels if the practices are designed to (f) detain the water quality volume and to release it over 48 hours, (11) detain and release over a 24®hour period the expected rainfall resulting from the one year, 24—hour storm, and (M) reduce the allowable peak flow rate resulting from the 1 °5, 2, and 1 O—y ear 24—hour storms to a level that is less than or equal to the peak flow rate from the site assuming it was in a good forested condition, achieved through Multiplication of the forested peak flow rate by a reduction factor that is equal to the runoff volume from the site when it was in a good forested condition divided by the runoff volume from the site in its proposed condition, and shall be exempt from any flow rate capacity and velocity requirements for natural or man—made channels as defined in any regulations promulgated pursuant to § 62°1®44°15,54 or 62°1-44°15,65 of the Act. M. For plans approved on and after July 1, 2014, the flow rate capacity and velocity requirements of § 62° 1-44° 15,b2 a of the Act and this subsection shall be satisfied by compliance with water quantity requirements in the Storrnwater Management Act (§ 62°1-44°15,24 et seq° of the Code of Virginia) and attendant regulations, unless such land —disturbing activities are in accordance ce with 9VAC25®870-48 of the Virginia Storrnwater Management Program (VSMP) regulations, N. Compliance with the water quantity Mlnirnum Standards set out in 9VAC25—'070-66 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) regulations shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of subdivision 19 of this subsection. 1 ° The Contractor will endure- a° The project is managed so that less than one (1) acre of land disturbance occurs on a daily basis, b° The disturbed land where work has been completed is adequately stabilized on a daily basis. 2° The owner and/or construction activity operator designs, installs, implements, and maintains pollution prevention measures to, a° Minimize the discharge of pollutants from equipment and vehicle washing, wheel wash water, and other wash waters. b° Minimize the exposure of building materials, building products, construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, sanitary waste, and other materials present ran —site to precipitation and to stormwater. c° Minimize the discharge of pollutants from spills and leaks and implement chemical spill and leak prevention and response procedures. cl° Prohibit the discharge of wastewater from the washout of concrete. e° Prohibit the discharge of wastewater from the washout and clearnout of stucco, paint, form release oils,, curing compounds, and other construction materials. f° Prohibit the discharge of fuels, ails, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance. J PH ,� ' K SCUTT QUAST , ILic, No. 024784 S, 0 N A U 272 Bendix Road, Suite 400 T � L1 mon®® �V¶ g�a Beach, VA 23452 'Atone- 757463-87 0 I O11SEDIMENT � r 1 i l I i f NOTES �hal'�l be re uare� to rovide er®saon stud sedamernt c®nntral 1 ° The Contractorg p measures during all phases of the work. All erosion and sod° rneut c®tro�I measures small be in accordance with Section 02370 (frosi©rand s ed°ment Contrail) and Section 02920 (Lawns and Grasses) of the Specifications. 2° Unless otherwise indicated all vegetative and structural erosion and sedirnenf control practices shall be constructed and maintained according to mini urn Standards and Specifications of the Vircafnla Erosion and Sediments Control Handbgok, latest edition applicable p licable Erosion and Sediment Control Technical - Bulletins, and the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual, latest edition. 3° The Contractor shall apply permanent or temporary sail stabilization to all disturbed areas within seven (7) days after final grade is established on any portion of the site. Soil stabfflzatfan must also be applied to disturbeed areas, which may not be at final grade, but which will remain undisturbed for longer than fourteen (14) days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left darrnnant for snore than one (1) year. Soil stablUci lon measures shall include (but not limited to) vegetative establishrraent, mulching, and the early appl°ocatfon of gravel base material on areas to be paved. 4° All erosion and sediment control measures shall be placed prior to, or as the first step in construction. 5° All erosion and sediment control measures shall be inspected daily by fhe Site Superintendent or his representative, and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices and cleanup of sedimentation are the responsibility of Albemarle County Service Authority's Contractor and shall be made by the close of the working clay. 6° Sediment shall be removed from paved areas on a daily basis. y° Stock piles of sail and other erodible materials shall be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The Contractor is responsible for the temporary protection and permanent stablUation for stockpiles onsite as well as for materials transported from the project site. The Contractor shall nronitar and take precautions to control dust, including (but not limited to) use of water, mulch and control of construction site traffic° g° It is Albemarle County Service Authority's Contractor's responsibility to clean streets of mud and dust and fake whatever measures necessary to insure that the streets are kept in a clean and dust free condition at all times. M Effluent from dewateOnng operations shall be filtered or passed (or bath) through an approved sediment trapping device, and discharged in a manner that does not adversely affect adjacent properties, wetlands, waterways, or the storm drainage system. 1 1 ° THE CONTRACTOR lS RESPONSMLCE FOR INSTALLATION ,AND MAINTENANCE Or ANY ADDITIONAL CONTROL MEASURES NECESSARY, BUT NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANTS, TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AS REQUIRED BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS OR AS DETERMINED NECESSARY BY THE ALBEMJARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY'S CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR OR THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTOR, AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. 12° Temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall not be removed until all disturbed areas upstream of them are stabilized. After stabilization is complete, with the approval of the Albemarle County Service Authority all measures shall be removed within thin ( 0 days. Trapped Inspector, y � ) y l &� sediment shall be spread and seeded. 13° Erosion and sediment controls may only be removed after areas above them have been stabilized and with the approval of the Albemarle County Service Authority Inspector. 14° The Contractor is responsible for providing an individual holding a Responsible Land Disturber Certificate per Albemarle County requirements, who will be responsible for compliance with carrying out the land disturbing activity on this project. ALL WORK SHALL HE PERFORMED IN PULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE THE LATEST EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK (VESCIA), AND ALL ASSOCIATED ESC TECHNICAL BULLETINS, (HTTP: //MMDEQ.VIRGIN IA. GOV/PROGRAMS/WATER/STORMWATERMANAGEM ENT/PUDLICATIONS.ASPX) EROWN AND SEDIMENT CONTROL, PLAN (WP020 1800083) MERMETHER HILL WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT PROJECT (PROJECT NO. 2017®11 SHEET TABLE 3.31-B (Revised June 2003) TEMPORARY SEEDIING SPECIFICATIONS QUICK REFERENCE FOR ALL REGIO)NS SEED APPLICATION DATES SPECIES APPLICATION RATES Sept. 1 - Feb. 15 50/50 Mix of Annual Ryegrass (Ioliurn multi - florum) & Cereal (Winter) Rye (Secale cereale) 50 -100 (lbs/acre) FERTILIZER & LIME * Apply Pulverized Agricultural Limestone ata rate of 2 tons/acire (or9O lbs. / 1,000 sq. ft,) I - A soil test is necessary to determine the actual amount of lime required t�o adjust the soil pH of site. 2 - Incorporate the fime and fertilizer into the top 4 — 6 inches of the soil by disking or by other means, 3 - When applying Slowly Available NRrogen, use rates available in Erosion & Sediment Control Technical Bulletin (Revised June 2003) PERMANENT SEED ING SPECIFICATIONS FOR PlIEUMONT AREA SEED LAND USE SPECIES APPLICATION PER ACRE Tall Fescue' 95-100% (Commercial or Residential) Kentucky Bluegrass' 0-010/( General Slooe (3:1 or less) Red Top Grass or Creeping Red Fescue 2 lbs. Tall Fescue' 108 lbs. Low -Maintenance Slope Red Top Grass or Creeping Red Fescue 9 lbs. 1 - When selecting varieties of turfgrass, use the Virginia Crop Improvemenit Association (VCIA) recommended turfgrass variety list. Quality seed will bear a label indicating that they are aipproved by VCIA. A current turfgrass variety list is available at the local County Extension office or through VCIA at 804-746-4884 or at 2 - Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated bellow: November - February 15 Winter Rye 3 - Substitute Sencea lespedeza for Crownvetch east of Farmville, VA (May through September use hulled seed, all other periods, use unhulled Sericea). If Flatpea is used, increase rate to 30 lbs./acre. If Weeping Lovegrass is FERTILIZER & LIME * Apply Pulverized AgricuRurarl Limestone at a rate of 2 tons/acrre (or90 lbs. /1,000 sqft) - A soil test is necessary to determine the actual amount of lime required to adjust the soil pH of site. - Incorporate the lime and fertilizer into the top 4 — 6 inches of the soil by disking or by other means. .. When applying Slowly Available Nitrogen, use rates available in Erosion (T, Sediment Control Technical Bulletin # 4, 2003 Nutrient Management for Development Sites at http://www.dcr.stalte.va.us/sl,41/e&s.htm#oubs DESIGNED: DRAWN: CHECKED: 1. SET POSTS AND EXCAVATE A 4"x4" TRENCH UP3LOPE ALONG THE LINE OF POSTS. STEEL OR WOOD POST —IMBED 3' 3. ATTACH THE FILTER FABRIC TO THE WIRE FENCE AND EXTEND IT INTO THE TRENCH. � N[lTF- WIRE FENCING MAY BE OMITTED IN AREAS WHERE SURFACE RUNOFF IS ANTICIPATED TO BE MINOR. WIRE FENCING IS REQUIRED IN AREAS OF STEEPER SLOPE, AND HIGHER SURFACE FLOW VELOCITIES. 2. STAPLE WIRE FENCING TO THE POSTS. 1249 GAUGE MIN � MESH SPACING 5' MAX. 4. BACKRLL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATE SOIL EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH FILTER FABRIC ---AGROUND NE SILT FENCING NOT TO SCALE 15" 1'x2' WOODEN STAKE, 2 PER BALE ENTRENCHED STRAW BALL FILTERED RUNOFF --- VNRE SOIL COMPACTED TO PREVENT PIPING SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF STRAW BALE BARRIERS MAY BE USED AS AN ADDITIONAL MEANS OF INTERCEPTING AND DETAINING SMALL AMOUNTS OF SEDIMENT FROM DISTURBED AREAS, WHICH MAY BE SUBJECT TO SHEET AND RILL EROSION. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THEY BE CONSTRUCTED IN LIVE STREAMS OR IN SWALES WHERE THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF WASHOUT. 48" H|81 DENSITY 'ORANGE' POLYETHYLENE SAFETY FENCE 56" LONG METAL T-POST STAKE DRIVEN 18' BELOW GROUND SURFACE ?"x4" WOOD FRAME � ^«�` c��`~� ~ INS _� �-GROUND SURFACE WIRE OR ZIP -TIES TO SECURE SAFETY FENCT TO METAL POST 3`Min. -/"=nn/c"`= ELEVATION OF STAKE AND FABRIC ORIENTATION DETAIL 'A' SPECIFIC APPLICATI10N THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 5%) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT EXCEEDING 1 C.F.SARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. SILT FENCE DROP INLET PRIOTECDON : /757\463_8770 � �� �� � �� �� � �� � /� �� � � ��' ��7 ��� m om w � � � �� � m �� � �� � �=. �,�,y^".=05mu \THER EXCESS CORNERS NOT TO SCALE METAL FENCE POSTS OR Ax4 POSTS NOTE THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCING AS SHOWN. OTF), TREE PROTECTION. NOT TO SCALE FENCE RADIUS TO BE THE GREATER OF 1' PER 1~ TREE CALIPER OR DRIP LINE GH - VISIBILITY -ASTCTREE INLET BOX _ ° ° _/ / — CURB FILTER BAG . 1 OVERLAP_/ (EACH 0DE) CURB INLET FILTER FLOW � VDOT OR COARSE ,^ �^ AGGREGATE �^REPLACE ^ SILT FENCE IN "HORSHOE" WHEN HIGH VELOCITY OF FLOW IS EXPECTED 25 ' /^r� / o/oo^o ^�,"" . om`m- �* OPTIONAL STONE COMBINATION TOE OF \ END WALL FILL \_ TOE OF FILL /' * DISTANCE IS S' MINIMUM IF SILTBNCE- T FLOW IS TOWARD EMBANKMENT � FLOW SM FENCE CULVERT INLET PROTECTION ����K���� ��� ����K�&��T ����������V ��N� �m������ ���������� �x�^�.�v^�un ��ov`� SEDIMENT CONTROL xvv�� PLAN K VV" ^���w o "�^�v^,�^�.�� �����U���7����� ��KKK ������� ���U�� �����U����0����7[ ������K��~�� mn�x^uv,�o x v�,^ HILL WATER r�r�"un REPLACEMENT o PROJECT (PROJECT NO 201 71 1 ) ������U��� 0- ���U����� ���������K U���K���U��Uv� �� ���~U�U��U�U��� K.K�K��K����U DETA K LS