HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900028 Review Comments Major Amendment, Final Site Plan 2019-10-10COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Site Plan review Project: University of Virginia Research Park — Town Center 4, Major Amendment Plan preparer: Eric Woolley, P.E., Woolley Engineering, 200 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 [ ewoolley(&woolley-eniz.com ] Owner or rep.: University of Virginia Foundation / P.O. Box 400218 Charlottesville, VA 22904 [tmarshall@uvafoundation.com] Plan received date: 21 May 2019 (Rev. 1) 12 Sep 2019 Date of comments: 15 Jul 2019 (Rev. 1) 10 Oct 2019 Reviewer: John Anderson Project Coordinator: Cameron Langille SDP2019-00028 -Many comments are addressed with Rev. 1. (Addressed if grayscale.) C1.1 — Please provide Note with date of Maj. Amendment approval corresponding with Major Amendment Exhibit, since C1.1 shows site development design some years ago, while C2.1 shows existing conditions exhibit, which is transitional since grading based on C4.0 (current proposed) layout plan is underway. Without background understanding of approvals or grading /demolition of existing features, easy connection with or conceptual grasp of design shown on sheets C1.1, C2.0, C4.0 is difficult. Related to item L, please provide demolition details for portions of C1.1 approved design that either will be or have been demolished as site transitions toward C4.0 layout design. (discussed 7/10 during telecon with Woolley Engineering, 11:32 AM) C2.0 3. Note 6: Ref, Final Site Plan Review checklist Existing Conditions plan view information item 2: All topography should be visually field verified by the designer within the last year. Please verify topography. (Rev. 1) Comment persists. If plans include Note that topography was field verified within the last year, please notify reviewer. Note: Comment response letters are helpful and welcome for this /any Application. 4. Kirk Hughes seal appears on plan. With final print submittal for county signature approval, ensure LS seal is signed /dated by LS. (Rev. 1) Comment persists. C2.1 5. Recommend Note make ref. to survey information on C2.0. Recommend label buildings 1, 2, 3 7. C2.2 — Point elevation labels are unreadable and will not scan. This comment applies to fine bold print across the plan set. Information is so small it is indistinguishable. Please ensure all text is of size and clarity to be readable and scannable. C3.0 8. Provide ref. to legislative zoning action that supports by -right use or impact to preserved steep slopes (18- 30.4.4.b.l.g). Provide reference to ZMA, SP, or SDP on C3.0 and C1.0. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Applicant provided copy of email, Bill Fritz to Frederick Allen Missel (Matt Wentland /Engineering cc:), that states: Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 4 `The site plan may be reviewed under the last zoning approval for the property. That means that the previous approval to disturb slopes remains valid. The disturbance of slopes over 25% that were created as a result of grading activity may occur with no additional discretionary review. The long and short of this is - The grading you have proposed may be approved once all the WPO and site plan issues are resolved. There is no critical slope or steep slope issue.' Images included with initial comments removed with Rev. 1 comments. Also, ref. critical slope Exhibits, SDP200600113 and SDP201600051 /Attached. 9. Label preserved steep slopes; label managed steep slopes. Discriminate via shading or line -type. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed, and no further revision required. Steep slopes identified via shading /legend without segregating preserved from managed. See also item 8, above. 10. Although legislative zoning action may allow by -right impact to preserved or managed steep slopes, for any steep slopes, constructions standards listed at = apply, including reverse slope benches text image removed with Rev. 1 comments. 11. Provide reverse slope benches, per 18-30.7.5.c. If managed or preserved slopes are /have been graded inconsistent with 30.7.5, ensure final contours meet 30.7.5 requirements, including revised grading of affected sections of site. Surface water diversions are an option (14�d.) text image removed with Rev. 1 comments. 12. Increase size of small print for clarity, so readable and scannable (Also, item 7., above). C4.0 13. Provide pavement design for site access from Lewis and Clark Drive. Ref. 2018 VDOT Pavement Design Guide for Subdivision and Secondary Roads in Virginia; base pavement section on full build -out. Provide ADT and D, Dp for heavy drive aisle section, C7.0. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Pavement design in CV. Also, C7.0. 14. C4.0 should identify areas where each C7.0 pavement section applies. 15. Copy sidewalk, concrete, patio /plaza, and crosswalk details from architectural drawings to site plan. These civil features require review. Each feature material type should be easily distinguished, via label or legend. 16. Provide note (or confirm) that plaza traffic is two-way. 17. Label sidewalk widths. (Rev. 1) Addressed. C7.0, Detail 11; Min. sidewalk width =6.0'. 18. Provide crosswalk pavement markings (two 6" parallel white lines) at intersections of 8' asphalt trail and vehicular travel ways. 19. Relocate `2 spaces' (orphan) label to two parallel parking spaces west of building 4. 20. Label travel way width between town center buildings 3 and 4. [18-4.12.17.c.] 21. Similar to 15., provide labels /legend for travel way surfaces, unless all site travel ways are asphalt surface. 22. Label patio /plaza. Label solid dark circles (bollards). If solid circles are stone block bollards, ref. detail, C7.0. 23. Label 3 unshaded rectangular forms at end of hardscape plaza, at south green park area. What is this feature? 24. Label feature at end of 8' asphalt trail at Lewis and Clark Drive, which may be a detectable surface ramp. 25. C4.1: please revise small unreadable type. 26. C4.3: 415' and 480' sight lines confuse. For any speed limit, sight lines are an equal length in either direction. Please clarify. (Rev. 1) Comment persists. Please confirm design speed limit and min. required sight distance. Feel free to contact reviewer if apparent misunderstanding. C5.0 27. Please enlarge unreadable print. 28. Please revise proposed grade per 18-30.7.5.c., or provide surface water diversions per 18-30.7.5.d. Also, item 11. (Rev. 1) Withdrawn. Also, item 8, above. (Attached critical slopes Exhibits - SDP200600113, SDP201600051) C5.1 29. Please enlarge unreadable print. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 4 30. Provide additional spot elevations to ensure patio /plaza drains to inlets, and so that drainage may be evaluated. 31. Several spot shot elevations near lower edge of plan sheet appear errant; for example: 545.5, 545.4. 32. Label bollards, inlets, all symbol features, or provide legend that defines symbols. C6.0 33. Provide profiles for yard drains and trench drains, especially any drainage structure serving the patio /plaza. 34. C6.0 tables list inlet type `DI' while C6.3 lists the same structures as MHs. Compare and revise C6.0 table descriptors or C6.3 storm drain profile labels, as needed. 35. Storm lines are obscured; in places, nearly entirely hidden. Storms lines must be visible on this sheet, point- to-point, structure -to -structure. Examples: 106-105, 101-102, 92-94-96A, 88-87. 36. Plaza drainage is unclear. Once spot elevations provided and structures visible, a more thorough review should be possible. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Please remove extraneous diamond symbols, or revise legend to identify (1). Recommend shift YD. labels closer to structures; for example: YD37, YD9, YD10, YD11, YD24. 37. If email with drainage computations sent, cannot locate; please re -send. Need LD-204, LD-229 for drainage design (inlet /storm drain computations). (Rev. 1) Comment persists. C6.3 38. Revise pipe DIA label for pipe between MH 88 and MH 92 to 18". 39. Ref. item 34., above, re. consistency with C6.0 table descriptors. Revise C6.0 or C6.3, as needed. 40. Recommend revise proposed 6" and 4-28" PVC to 12" DIA, Min. Were these pipes in easement, Drainage Plan review checklist would require 15" DIA, Min. (Rev. 1) Comment persists. Engineering restates recommendation, unless calculations show 6" DIA is a maximum diameter required to maintain self - scouring velocity. Also, item 37, above: provide computations for all storm conveyance elements, including 6" DIA lines. 41. For structures or pipes in fill (as deep as 20'), provide Note with text similar to text image, below; i.e., ensure proper compaction to avoid settling and possible failure. (Rev. 1) Not addressed, unless Note overlooked. If Note included with plans, please guide to location. Also, please ensure Note appears on profile sheet where structure/s proposed in fill; for example: DI83, DI84, DI102 NOTE: 1. FOR MANHOLES TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN FILL, CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE FILL UNDER SAN. MH AT 95% COMPACTION & EMBANKMENT MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST PREDOMINANTLY OF SOIL AND BE PLACED IN SUCCESSIVE UNIFORM LAYERS NOT MORE THAN 8" IN THICKNESS BEFORE COMPACTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT 2007 ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATION 303.04. AFTER 3' VERTICAL PLACEMENT OF FILL, CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE RECENTLY LAID FILL AND INSTALL COMPACTED VDOT STD. 21A STONE IN AN 8'x8' O.C. COMPACTED 21A AREA CENTERED ON THE MH(S). CONTRACTOR SHALL REPEAT THIS OPERATION UNTIL AN 8'x8' O.C. 21A STONE BASE IN INSTALLED BETWEEN THE EXISTING GROUND AND THE PROPOSED SAN. MH BASE IN EFFORTS TO REDUCE THE RISK OF SETTLING. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ACSA WITH COMPACTION RESULTS PRIOR TO SEWER ACCEPTANCE 42. L1.0: Cannot evaluate proposed landscaping relative to underground storm drain lines since drain lines often obscure /invisible. Please ensure no canopy landscaping is within 5' horizontal of proposed storm lines. (Rev. 1) Partially addressed. As follow-up: Revise landscape plan to avoid conflicts: for example: if Ex. 79B remains, there is a conflict. Twelve or more landscape conflicts exist between proposed 6" DIA lines and proposed plants in area between Town Center 1 and 4. Please revise plan or provide notes that guide plant installation to avoid utility /landscaping conflicts. 43. New: C6.5: Provide clean -outs throughout 6" DIA line storm conveyance system wherever there is a bend. 44. New: C7.1, Detail 19, indicates 17" depth to 6" line INV. Engineering discourages yard drain systems in any but residential settings. While yard drains are reasonable in certain locations, extent of impervious Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 4 areas, institutional setting, and difficulty of maintaining 6" lines 4'-5' below grade more easily obstructed by debris do not favor this design. Drainage Plan checklist for plan reviewers requires for systems within drainage easements, all proposed pipes are a minimum 15" in diameter. Although proposed 6" DIA lines are not in drainage easements, were they, design would be impermissible. satellite image (Pie4offwAvv4 Removed with Rev. 1: Please feel free to call if any questions: 434.296-5832 -0069 Thank you SDP2019-00028 UVA Research Park Town Center 4 101019rev1