HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800063 Correspondence 2019-08-05 4
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Monday,August 05, 2019 5:00 PM
To: Tim Miller
Cc: Erin Root
Subject: RE: SDP2018-63: Hydraulic Road LLC Minor Amendment
Attachments: 2019_07_16_ACC_Plant Schedule.pdf; CD4 SDP201800063 Hydraulic Road, LLC - Minor
Amendment 8-5-19 Combined.pdf
RE: SDP2018-63: Hydraulic Road LLC Minor Amendment
I have completed my review of the revised site plan. I offer the attached comment review letter.Below is a quick
breakdown of what is remaining.
Prior to approval of the site plan the landscape plan shall be revised as follows:
1)Replace the current planting schedule with Erin's most recent planting schedule revision(see PDF attached).
2)Ensure all plantings depicted on the plan match the numbers provided in Erin's most recent planting schedule revision.
Once the above is completed, if you would like me to review the revised landscape plan once more before you print hard
copies, let me know and I'll take a quick look at it.
Otherwise,once the above has been accomplished please submit a minimum of 4 signed hard copies of the site plan for
County approval.
Christopher Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development(County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
To: Tim Miller
From: Christopher P.Perez, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: August 5,2019
Subject: SDP201800063 Hydraulic Road,LLC-Minor Amendment
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following
comments have been satisfactorily addressed(The following comments are those that have been identified at this time.
Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by
the applicable reference,which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.]
1. [Comment] As mentioned in the pre application meetings the site plan shall provide the following notes:
"a)All waste water into the septic system will be domestic wastes."If this is not the case,a special use permit is
Also please provide the following notes: "b) The retail sales area will not exceed 25%of the gross.floor area of the
main use. c) This use will not involve outdoor storage and display."Rev 2. Comment addressed.
2. [4.20] Setbacks. Revise the setbacks as follows:Rev 2. Comment partially addressed. Please omit the line for the 30'
maximum building setback through the plans. Rev 3. Comment addressed.
3. [4.16] Parking. On the plans label which parking spaces are for customers. Rev 2.Comment addressed.
4. [32.7.9] Landscaping.Provide a complete landscape plan. Rev 3.Comment addressed.
5. [Comment] On the cover sheet provide the following"SDP2018-63 Minor Amendment". Rev 2.Comment
6. [Comment] On the cover sheet the plan references "Water Service:Existing Well";however,the proposal is to
connect to public water.Thus this note shall be revised to state "Water Service:Public Water."Rev 2.Comment •
7. [Comment] Sheet I lists TMP parcel as 61 W-5A-1 in the depiction;however,it truly is TMP 61-5A-1. Revise. Rev 2.
Comment addressed.
8. [Comment] VDH approval is required prior to County approval of the site plan amendment. Comments pending to be
forwarded once received. Rev 3. Comment addressed.VDOT approval received.
9. [4.17]Lighting. Remove the lighting associated with the sign from the site plan.This sign lighting shall be part of the
sign package.Rev 4. Comment addressed.
10. [,4.1] Water supply. Depict the proposed private lateral water line easement within the State Route 743 right-
of-way. Ensure that the easement does not cross onto TMP 61-4. Prior to final site plan approval submit an easement
plat for County review. This plat shall be approved and recorded prior to plan approval. Rev 4. Comment addressed.
11. 126.5] Buffer zone adjacent to district other than commercial or industrial district. No construction activity, including
grading shall occur within thirty(30)feet of any district other than a commercial or industrial district.As proposed the
waterline disturbs the buffer between adjacent RA zoned property and the site(zoned LI). Prior to site plan approval a
special exception shall be applied for and approved by the Board of Supervisors to permit the disturbance under section
26.5(d). Or revise the proposed water line/easement location to continue in the right-of-way past the 30'buffer then
cut into the site. If you do this y ill not be disturbing the buffer and will not nm SE approved by the BOS.
Rev 4. Comment addressed.
12. [] Other sidewalks and pedestrian walkways. The existing site has a sidewalk and clear zone from the
parking.lot that,serves the front of the building. With the expansion this clear zone is being omitted and the nearest
clear zone is associated with the handicap van accessible parking space,which is 18' closer to the entrance of the site.
. This is creating a potentially unsafe condition by causing customers/pedestrians to use the travelway/entrance of the
site to gain access to the front of the building through the permeable pavers.To remedy this situation relocate the
handicapped parking space and the clear zone over two spaces to the west,also provide a 5' sidewalk between the new
1 story building addition and these parking spaces(see example below). Ensure the grade is no greater than 2 percent.
Rev 3.Comment no longer relevant per conversations with Engineering staff.\
13. [32.7.9] Prior to approval of the site plan the landscape plan shall be revised as follows:
1)Replace the current planting schedule with Erin's most recent planting schedule revision(see PDF attached).
2)Ensure all plantings depicted on the plan match the numbers provided in Erin's most recent planting schedule
. Engineering—John Anderson
No objections
ACSA—Richard Nelson
1.There are no further comments on this plan.
ARB-Margaret Maliszewski
Please update the landscape plan to match Erin's revisions.
Please contact Christopher Perez in the Planning Division by using cperez@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443 for
further information.
Type/Placement Qnty Botanical Name Common Name Hght Planted hght_Spacing Bloom time
Groundcover/under ginkos 11 Symphyotrichum ericoides White Heath Aster 1-3' 6" 1-1.5' August to October
Groundcover/seating area 23 Callirhoe involucrata Poppy Mallow 6-12" 6" 5"-3' Mar , Apr , May , Jun
Grass/groundcover/under ginkos 16 ,Carex pensylvanica Pennsylvania sedge 6-12" 1' 6-12 in May , Jun , Jul
C__._s/groundcover/agnst bldng 28 Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem 4-6' 1' 2-3' Sept-Feb
Grass/groundcover/under ginkos 36 Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem 3-3.5' 1' 1.5-2' Aug-Feb
Grass/groundcover/agnst bldng 16 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 3-6' 1' 2-3' Aug , Sep , Oct , Nov
Tree/Road Screening 8 Ginkgo biloba 'Fastigiata' Maidenhair Tree 30-50' 10' 10-15' april
Tree/Utilities Cover 3 Thuja occidentalis Patriot American arborvitae 20-30' 10' 5-6' n/a
Bloom color Light Requirements Soil Moisture Evergreen Native Habitat
White sun low/dry x Dry prairies; roadsides
White Sun, part shade dry, drought tolerant ,x open woods and on rocky hills
in shrublands and thickets
Green/insignificant flower Part shade to full shade Dry-medium
'urplish-red/insignificant flower Full sun Moist, Drought tolerant golden in the winter low meadows and prairies
Brown turning silvery/insignificant flower Full sun. dry to medium
Green/insignificant flower Sun , Part Shade medium _golden in the winter tallgrass prairie
n/a full sun medium
n/a Full sun to part shade Medium x
Eco contribution Perennial Notes
attacts butterflies x Tolerate: Drought, Erosion, Clay Soil, Dry Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil
bees, butterflies x Purple oppy-mallow's stems sprawl along the ground up to 3 feet, forming a thick mat up to 1 foot tall.
attracts birds x Tolerate: Heavy Shade, Wet Soil
,rds , Butterflies x Tolerate: Deer, Drought, Erosion, Dry Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution
x Tolerate: Deer, Drourght, Erosion, Dry Soil, Shallow-Rocky Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution
Birds , Butterflies x Tolerate: Drought, Erosion, Dry Soil, Wet Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution
Tolerate: Deer, Clay Soil, Air Pollution
Tolerate: Clay Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution
Tolerate: Clay Soil, Black Walnut, Air Pollution