HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900116 Review Comments Final Plat 2019-10-25�/Rcir�1Q County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Mr. Brian Ray, L.S. — Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. (brian(a),ra, sa g com) Ms. Gwen Lacy — Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. (P-engraysurveying cam) From: Tim Padalino, AICP — Senior Planner (Ipadalino(&albemarle.org) Division: Planning Date: October 25, 2019 Subject: Review Comment Letter #3 / SUB201900116 — Lick Mountain, LLC Final Plat A review of the above -referenced plat (dated 6/26/2019, revised 8/19/2019 and 9/25/2019) has been completed by Planning staff in Albemarle County's Community Development Department (CDD) and by other applicable members of the Site Review Committee (SRC). This review was completed using the sections listed under Section 14-207 of the Subdivision Ordinance. References to Chapter 14 (Subdivision Ordinance / "S.O.") and/or Chapter 18 (Zoning Ordinance / "Z.O.") of the County Code precede each comment, as may be applicable. The County Code is kept up-to-date by the County Attorney's office and may be found at www.albemarIe.org/coqigVcode. The Planner will approve the above -referenced plat after the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following review comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional review comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) Community Development Department — Planning: Contact: Tim Padalino / 1padalino@albemarle.org Review Status: Requested Changes (10/25/2019) 1. [S.O. Sections 14-303 and 14-302.(B).5] : Please revise Note A. to specify that T.M. 18-34F 1 is zoned RA Rural Areas and contains areas in the Critical Slopes Overlay District. Update 9/12: Comment withdrawn / no further revision required. Staff acknowledges that the Steep Slopes Overlay District (located in applicable locations in the Development Area only) is distinct from Critical Slopes, which is not a zoning overlay district and which are located in the Rural Areas only. 2. [S.O. Sections 14-303, 14-302.(A).4, 14-302.(A).5, 14.302.(A).13, and 14.302.(A).15]: Please revise the plat to identify the location and dimensions of proposed and existing easements, and identify the easement holder(s), including those easements shown on the corresponding easement plat SUB201900014 (dated 1/22/2019) and any other applicable easements. However, the location and dimensions of the easements specified in Note 4.A and Note 4.13 do not need to be identified on the plat. Update 9/12: Comment withdrawn / no further revision required. 3. [S.O. Sections 14-207.(E) and 14-404]: The proposed Parcel G2 would have approximately four hundred and eight (408) feet of frontage, or less than five hundred (500) feet of frontage, on a major rural street identified in subsection 14-207(E) ["Markwood Road (SR 664) from Buck Mountain Ford Lane (SR 776) to Buck Mountain Road (SR 665)."] Therefore, the existing "30' private street easement" must be used to access proposed Parcel G2, per S.O. Section 14-404. Update 9/12: Addressed / no further revision required. Page 1 of 3 4. [S.O. Sections 14-311, 14-401.(F), and 14-412.(A).21: Parcel G2's use of the existing "30' private street easement" (as required per Sections 14-207.(E) and 14-404) results in a total of three parcels being accessed by the existing 30' private street easement. Therefore, information must be submitted to the County for review by CDD-Engineering staff to document how the existing private street will be physically upgraded to meet all applicable minimum standards, or to demonstrate that the private street's existing conditions already meet the applicable minimum standards. This also appears to trigger the requirement to prepare and submit an updated private street maintenance agreement pursuant to S.O. Sections 14-235(A) and 14-317 (see review comment #5, below). Update: Not addressed. Staff acknowledges information provided on August 19 via email regarding the existing private street. ("The portion of the private street serving the three lots is a 20' paved street.") However, additional information must be provided to the satisfaction of CDD-Engineering in order to determine the adequacy of the existing private street relative to applicable "standards" and "minimum design requirements" for private streets in the rural areas serving three to five lots (see CDD-Engineering review comment #6, attached). Updated Comment 10/25: Not addressed. Staff acknowledges the additional detailed information provided on October 1 via email regarding the existing private street. However, per the CDD-Engineering review comments dated 10/25/2019, CDD staff are currently unable to determine the adequacy of the existing private street relative to applicable "standards" and "minimum design requirements" for private streets in the rural areas serving three to five lots. (Please see the attached CDD-Engineering review comments.) 5. [S.O. Sections 14-235(A) and 14-3171: Please prepare and submit an updated road maintenance agreement for review and approval by the County Attorney's Office prior to County approval of the final plat. Staff acknowledges that a copy of an existing private street maintenance agreement was provided with this application; however, that agreement relates to a 30' private street easement serving two lots only, and review of an updated agreement is necessary for proposed Parcels G2's use of the existing 30' private street easement. Update: Not addressed. Staff acknowledges correspondence regarding the maintenance agreement with Mr. Forbes Reback, Esq., attorney for Lick Mountain, LLC, during the month of August. However, Staff is currently unable to determine the adequacy of the existing private street maintenance agreement, which will be (partially) determined by the applicants' responses to CDD-Planning review comment #4 (above), CDD-Engineering review comment #6 (see attached), and Fire -Rescue review comment (see attached). If improvements to the existing private street are necessary in order to meet applicable "standards" and "minimum design requirements" (to be determined, per CDD-Engineering review of pending resubmittal materials in response to CDD-Engineering review comment #6) and/or applicable Fire Code requirements (to be determined, per Fire -Rescue review of pending resubmittal materials in response to Fire -Rescue review comments), then this maintenance agreement would have to be revised to "describe the condition of the improvement" pursuant to S.O. 14-317.(A).5 and to clearly identify the "standards" and "minimum design requirements" for this private street in the rural areas serving three to five lots pursuant to S.O. 14-412.(A).2. Updated Comment 10/25: Pending. Please see original CDD-Planning comment #5 and "Update" (above). Resolution of comment to be determined through CDD-Engineering's determination of the adequacy of the existing private street relative to applicable "standards" and "minimum design requirements" for private streets in the rural areas serving three to five lots. 6. [S.O. Sections 14-202 and 14-209.131: All other applicable SRC members must indicate their tentative approval of this final plat SUB201900116 prior to County approval. Update 9/12: Not addressed — additional revision(s) required; see page 3. Staff acknowledges approvals from VDOT and VDH. CDD-Engineering review status is "Requested Changes" (see attached comments from David James, CDD- Engineering, dated 9/11/2019). Additionally, Albemarle County Fire — Rescue has reviewed the resubmitted plat (revised 8/19/2019) and has indicated their review status is "Requested Changes." Updated Comment 10/25: Partially addressed — additional revision(s) required; see page 3. Staff acknowledges the recent review comments and updated review status of "No Objection" from Fire -Rescue (see attached comments from Shawn Maddox, Deputy Fire Marshal, dated 10/18/2019). However, CDD- Engineering provided updated review comments (dated 10/25/2019) and review status of "Requested Page 2 of 3 Changes." Please continue to coordinate with CDD-Engineering to address and resolve outstanding issues. Thank you. Advisory/No Revision Required: When the use of an existing private street is expanded to include three (or more) parcels, County policy requires that a private street name be established. When final plat SUB201900116 is revised and resubmitted, E911 staff in the Community Development Department will coordinate with you to establish a private street name. Update 9/12: Addressed. Staff acknowledges the recent coordination with CDD-E911 staff and the resulting approved road name (Markwood Farm Lane). Community Development Department — Engineering: Contact: David James / diames2galbemarle.org Review Status: Requested Changes (10/25/2019) — see attached comment letter Albemarle County Fire — Rescue: Contact: Shawn Maddox, CFO, EFO / smaddox(&albemarle.org Review Status: No Objection (10/18/2019) — see attached comment letter Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT): Contact: Adam Moore, P.E. / Adam.Mooregvdot.vir ig nia.gov Review Status: No Objection (7/25/2019) — see attached comment (approval) letter Virginia Health Department (VDH): Contact: Josh Kirtley / joshua.kirtleygvdh.vir ig nia.goy Review Status: Approved (7/17/2019) — see attached comment (approval) letter Please contact Tim Padalino at 434-296-5832, ext. 3088 or tpadalinokalbemarle.org for further information about any of the comments above and/or any other issues relating to SUB201900116. Thank you. Page 3 of 3 Tim Padalino From: Brian Ray <brian@raysurveying.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2019 3:45 PM To: Tim Padalino; Gwen Lacy; Mark Lyons Cc: Forbes R Reback Esq Subject: Re: review comments: Lick Mountain LLC Final Plat / SUB201900116 Attachments: 14632C-092519.pdf CAUTION: This message originated outside the County of Albemarle email system. DO NOT CLICK on links or open attachments unless you are sure the content is safe. Hi Tim, Thanks for sending those comments along. I've attached a revised version of the plat. I think some of the comments are a result of not realizing the extent of the 3 lot portion of the private street. We've added some information to clarify that. On the attached plat, I've highlighted in pink the portion of the street that serves the 3 lots. You'll see the driveway to TM 18-34F2 (Parcel G1) leaves the street at approximately 50'. Beyond that point the street only serves Parcel G2 and the residue of Parcel G. So, the portion of the road that serves the 3 lots is at least 20' wide and is paved. We've added the grade of that portion also (5%). 1 believe this meets Fire/Rescue's requirements and since it's less than 150' will not require an emergency apparatus turn around. Also, I believe this meets the County's requirements for a 3-5 lot private street. It exceeds the width requirement of 14', the 6+' of additional pavement width provides the necessary 3' shoulder requirement and although less than 7% grade, it is already paved. Again, we've added the existing driveway to Parcel G1 for clarity on the extents of the 3 lot portion of the private street. Buildings are only required to be shown if within 50' of the new division line. The health department has approved the drain field locations for these lots and their locations are shown on the information submitted. Driveways are reviewed with building permits regarding Sec. 18-4.6.6 and aren't required to be shown on a subdivision plat. Please follow up with Forbes Reback regarding the road maintenance agreement if any changes are required after this updated information. The 3 lot private street already exists, so no further construction or bonding should be required. We've also added the new street name and revised date. Please let me know if you have any questions. thank you, Brian Ray, L.S. Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. 663 Berkmar Court Charlottesville, VA 22901 434-293-3195 tel. 434-293-4202 fax brian@raysurveying.com Tim Padalino From: David James Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 11:30 AM To: Tim Padalino Subject: RE: review comments: Lick Mountain LLC Final Plat / SUB201900116 Tim, See comments below, requested changes. Also, in CV. 1. Provide name of existing private street if available. 14-302A3 [OK] 2. Provide owner information for the private street. 14-302A4 [OK] 3. Show location of proposed water, sewer lines; proposed drainage and SWM facilities. 14-302A13 [OK] 4. Provide a site area calculation. 14-303D [Comment withdrawn] Not provided, but adds up. 30.22 (total) = 2.71 (G2) + 27.51 (G, Residue) 5. May need to show entire plat at 100 scale, or show detail views of easements at 100 scale or larger. [OK] 6. [New] Please show/submit information that the street still meets private road standards, DSM, pg 19: Private Street Standards for Albemarle County * Street Deslg Min. Max. Mitt Min Min. 'kiln. Mitt. ruin. Source n CL Grad . K- . K- 5toppin try vehm ROW or dioulde s Speed radlu a cres Sag g Sight } Avidth easemen r width mph s [L t Dist. Ft. ft. t width rural 2-lot (no siandard) 30 n/a 14- 412A ] ruml3-5 lots 15 40 20% 15 100 14 30 3 14- 412A2. 410, 415 41ots or same as FOOT standards. see Detail 5 14- mote 412A3. 415 multifamily. W'a 40 10% 5 1 100 20 (curb 30 n/a 14- nonresidtyntta to curb) 412B i ** Alleys ala Wa 20% Wa nia 100 12*** 20 n/a 14-410 'where standards are not specified (for guardrail or drainage for example) standards are to be as required by VDOT or 24' next to perpendicular parking spaces ( Zoning Ordinance parking lot requirements. 18A.12-15) •' with 14' wide stone base 1. Aggie of uueiseciion shall be SO decrees iuulmunn 2- Temaporaiv ranisrotuxt shall be pw%iJed out pleased streets awe than 3000 in length. Oul-de-sacs nytisl W proi ided for pemmfflseni surer ends. See the graphic below. 3. Reserved x spiie Stl'il s are prohibite 4- In the development areas. czub and gutter. sidemM (5'rninj. and plautit)g strips (&' ruin0 are rigttkyd Show the road will meet requirements of Sec. 14 - 412A.2(a). The road may need to be surfaced. Show the grade of the road (Show contours, profile & stationing). The private street easement appears to be about 300 ft long. I cannot determine from the plat if this length of road meets private street requirements. Road geometry, profile/cross-section of ROW, road ditch drainage for entire road not given. Additional documentation/drawings needed. 7. [New] Show existing driveways or accessways, buildings, drainfields. [OK] 8. [New] Show that each new driveway meets Sec. 18 - 4.6.6 lot access requirements. [OK, must meet requirements prior to building permit issuance.] 9. [New] Submit the instrument evidencing the perpetual maintenance of the road. [14-317] [Did not read if this is adequate for this road serving 3-5 lots.] 10. [New] Note: The road improvements will need to be built or bonded prior to plat approval. 11. [New] Cannot determine from plat that the road meets private road standards. Additional documentation needed. Confirm street address sign installed. Confirm entrance will not flood during 25-yr storm event. Is current drainage adequate? (14-410 F, G) Thanks, David James County of Albemarle (434) 296-5832 x3273 Review Comments for SUB201900116 Final Plat Project Name: Lick Mountain_ LLD - Final Date Completed: Friday, October 18, 2019 DepartmentIDivisionfAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Shawn Maddox Fire Rescue No Objection [Note= This is a review of the revised final plat (revision date 91 51 019, provided via email/PDF on 1011, distributed via email/PDF on 1012)_] "Based on the email provided by the applicant and review of the plat submitted Fire Rescue doesn't have any objections to the application_ The length doesn't exceed the requirement for a turn around_" Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 101181 1919 COMMONWEALTH of VJIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper, Virginia 22701 Stephen C. Brich, P.B. Commissioner July 25, 2019 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Tim Padalino Re: SUB-2019-00116- Lick Mountain LLC- Subdivision Plat & 30'Private Street Easement. Review# 1 Dear Mr. Padalino The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section has reviewed the Lick Mountain LLC, Subdivision Plat & 30'Private Street Easement, dated June 26, 2019 as submitted by Roger W. Ray & Associate Inc., and find it to be generally acceptable. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If you have further questions, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. Sincerely, Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer VDOT - Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING N, COMMONWEALTH of VIRCiINIA In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Phone (434) 972-6200 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Fax (434) 9724310 July 17, 2019 Tim Padalin , Department of Community Development Division of Zoning and Current Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 ALDEM LE. CHARLOTTESVILLE ,LUVANNA COUNTY Iiv,imy A OREENE COUNTY (STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY (LOUISA) NELSON COUNTY nWINGS ON) RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for Individual Onsite Sewage Systems as part of a division of Tax Map 18 Parcel 34F1 located in Albemarle County, Virginia. Dear Mr. Padalino: On July 9 & 16, 2019, the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of Health (via the Albemarle County Health Department) review the proposed subdivision plat identified above. This letter is to inform you that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved for individual Onsite Sewage Systems in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, and local ordinances. This request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of § of the Code of Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for residential development. This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's Regulations by Steve Gooch; Desire Soil Evaluator Number 1940001284. This subdivision approval is issued in reliance upon that certification. Pursuant to § 360 of the Regulations this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System Construction Permits will be issued for any lot in the subdivision identified above unless that lot is specifically identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system, and unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the time ofthis approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage systems. This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances. Sincerely, Jbsh Kitley Environmental Health Technical Consultant Thomas Jefferson Health District