HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201700010 Project Proposal 2018-03-19 UVA Outdoor Tennis Facility, Permanent Connector Road, and Par 3 Short Course Golf Course Special Use Permit Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Submittal#2 March 19, 2018 Albemarle County,VA Project Proposal On behalf of the University of Virginia Foundation (the "Foundation"), we would like to request the approval of a Special Use Permit Amendment for Tax Map Parcel 07500-00-00-06300(the "Birdwood Golf Course Parcel") and a Zoning Map Amendment for Tax Map Parcel 059D2-01-00-01500(the "Boar's Head Parcel") for a proposed Outdoor Tennis Facility, Permanent Connector Road and Par 3 Short Course Golf Course. The Outdoor Tennis Facility and Par 3 Short Course Golf Course will be located entirely on the Birdwood Golf Course Parcel and only a small portion of the Permanent Connector Road will be located on the Boar's Head Parcel. Currently,the Boar's Head Parcel is governed by ZMA 2004-00015 and the Birdwood Golf Course Parcel is governed by SP 96-53, as amended by SP 2015-19,SP 2017-09 and SP 2017-23,which each apply to the current amendment as follows: • SP 96-53 allows for existing golf uses, but requires an amended special use permit for any new construction. • SP 2015-19 allows for an Indoor Golf Practice Facility, and minor amendments to the building location were approved as part of SP 2017-09 (the "Indoor Golf Practice Facility"). • SP 2017-23 allows for the construction of a temporary connector road linking Berwick Road and Golf Course Drive (the "Connector Road"). We are proposing the Connector Road be allowed to remain as a permanent access way. With this submittal, we propose that the existing approvals for the Birdwood Golf Course Parcel be consolidated into one Special Use Permit approval. As such, for SP 2017-00032,we have included an overall Conceptual Plan to be referenced,as well as detail sheets for each of the previously approved elements. An Illustrative detail sheet has been provided to give a better sense of the tennis area, although the design will be determined during the site plan process. We have also provided a draft of proposed conditions that would apply to this new Special Use Permit covering all uses of Birdwood Golf Course Parcel. Existing Uses: The Birdwood Golf Course Parcel consists of 544.078 acres, is zoned R-1, and is designated for Institutional use in the Comprehensive Plan. The Birdwood Golf Course consists of: the golf course, numerous streams and ponds (partially wooded),the Birdwood Clubhouse, and dependent maintenance and storage structures as well as the Birdwood Mansion and dependent structures, including four 1 buildings currently rented for residential purposes. The property will soon include the Indoor Golf Practice Facility and the temporary Connector Road. The Boar's Head Parcel consists of 12.14 acres, is zoned Highway Commercial, and is designated for Neighborhood Mixed Use in the Comprehensive Plan. The Boar's Head Parcel consists of:the Boar's Head Inn and Restaurant with patio and pool, indoor tennis facilities, and a fitness center.The property will soon include portions of the temporary Connector Road. Proposed Uses: The primary elements of the proposed UVA Outdoor Tennis Facility include a maximum of 15 tennis courts and a two-story Tennis Pavilion housing locker rooms,training rooms, and coaches' offices(the "Tennis Facility").The Tennis Facility will be located immediately east of the adjacent Boar's Head Sports Club and the McArthur Squash Center. Due to the removal of existing tennis courts on the Boar's Head Parcel,the result is a net increase of 8 tennis courts. See the attached Conceptual Plan (Exhibit A), which shows the general location of improvements on the Birdwood and Boar's Head properties. Renderings of the Tennis Facility have also been included for reference purposes, but are subject to change (Exhibit J). Parking for the Tennis Facility will be accommodated through the potential expansion/rearrangement of the existing parking for the golf course,as well as new parking that is located to the south of the Tennis Facility (see the attached Exhibit B, which shows the Tennis Facility and Parking Options Detail,for reference only).The primary function of the Tennis Facility is to provide practice courts and tournament/match space for the University of Virginia Men's and Women's Tennis Teams.The courts will be open to the general membership of Boar's Head Sports Club and guests of the Boar's Head Inn when not in use by UVA. High mast option full cut-off LED lighting, which has very little light spillage, is proposed for the hard courts, and the clay courts would be lit by low mast full cut-off LED lighting. General lighting information is included with the submittal to demonstrate the type of lighting we anticipate for the Tennis Courts. High mast lighting is required for the 12-court battery to allow for televised matches, and thus a lighting waiver Special Exception is also included to allow for pole heights of up to 70 feet (Exhibit I). Appropriate lighting provides safe conditions for student-athletes and members who may be using the facility after dark and allows for matches to be televised,an important consideration for the University. This newer lighting technology allows the area to be sufficiently lighted while substantially reducing spillover. State of the art digital scoreboard technology will be specified.This system utilizes one main scoreboard, with individual fence mounted scoreboards on each court. In addition,the Foundation proposes a condition of the special use permit be that all lighting on the property comply with the Albemarle County lighting ordinance, except as modified or waived by the Board of Supervisors through the approval of a Special Exception request. The Foundation's proposed conditions of approval are attached as Exhibit H. The Tennis Facility will be utilized for both dual matches with competing programs, and possibly for tournament play. In either scenario,the noise levels created would be minimal compared to other collegiate athletic programs. For a typical college-level dual tennis match,there may be music played prior to the match over a public address system as fans filter into the stadium,at levels adequate to 2 project within the seating area. After the match begins, noise would be limited to the cheering coming from the spectators, and sounds created by the tennis match. In college play, match umpires are typically not broadcasting the score of each match over the public address system, as scores would be visible on the individual court scoreboards. As addressed in the draft conditions of approval, all acoustic equipment associated with the proposed Tennis Facility shall comply with the Albemarle County noise ordinance. Sound studies that demonstrate compliance, as determined by the Director of Planning or his designee, shall be required prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Tennis Facility. Currently,the UVA tennis teams utilize the Boar's Head Sports Club indoor tennis courts, which were constructed primarily for the UVA tennis teams for their indoor matches and practices. The existing indoor tennis facility at the Boar's Head Sports Club includes 12 indoor hard courts, team locker rooms, training rooms, coaches' offices, and a spectator area that seats approximately 1,000 spectators.The student athletes will continue to drive and/or ride-share to the existing indoor tennis facility location, so it is anticipated that traffic created by students at the proposed Tennis Facility will follow the existing routes. The proposed Tennis Facility can also accommodate the same number of approximately 1,000 spectators. However,there will likely be no substantial additional traffic, even with the addition of the proposed Tennis Facility, because the UVA Tennis teams are the substantive users of the facilities and they will not be using both indoor and outdoor facilities simultaneously for matches. Therefore,the proposed Tennis Facility is complimentary to what is already offered at Boar's Head and will not result in any substantial increase to traffic from existing conditions. The UVA Tennis teams will have both indoor and outdoor facilities at one location. Just to the north of the Tennis Facility, a small section of roadway will be constructed that will link the existing Berwick Road and Golf Course Drive to provide a much-needed interconnection between the Boar's Head and Birdwood properties. The Connector Road, recently approved by the Board of Supervisors as a temporary road to accommodate the 2018 WSF World Masters Squash Championships in 2018, will create better functionality in traffic flow for both properties, as well as the surrounding neighborhoods, especially during special events. This application proposes the conversion from temporary road to a permanent private road that would be open at all times. The Connector Road information is included for your reference (Exhibit D), with the only change to the road design being the removal of any gates or similar features that would restrict access to the Connector Road. The Connector Road serves to unify Birdwood and Boar's Head into a single, immersive experience for visitors, members and guests of the various facilities on site.The enhancement of traffic flow will also be beneficial in emergency situations. Emergency vehicles and trucks will be able to use the Connector Road as an alternative access way to both the Birdwood Golf Course Parcel and the surrounding neighborhoods, such as Ednam, Ednam Village, and Ednam Forest. Currently, such neighborhoods have only one entrance/exit from Route 250,through Ednam Drive. Creating a second access point and a better network of streets and pedestrian paths will allow for traffic to dissipate during peak hours and events. The connection also keeps certain resort and neighborhood traffic internal to the site that currently must use Route 250 because of the lack of access to the golf course. This application also proposes a six-hole par 3 short course to be located on approximately 10.5 acres of Birdwood where holes#4 and #5 are currently (the "Short Course"). These types of courses are becoming more popular at large golf resorts with the goal to offer a fun and easier course for beginners that can be played in about an hour. The proposed short course is comparable to the East Course 3 renovation at Farmington. Timing of construction of the Short Course would be coordinated with the by-right renovation of the existing 18-hole golf course. The property surrounding Birdwood and Boar's Head consists of multiple neighborhoods, such as Bel-Air to the east, White Gables and Kenridge to the north, Ednam and Ednam Village to the west, and Ednam Forest to the south. The Foundation meets regularly with representatives of the property owners' association for each of these neighborhoods to update them on proposals involving the Boar's Head Inn, the Sports Club, and Birdwood. Traffic Analysis: As part of the previous submittal package, a Traffic Impact Analysis(the "TIA")was provided by Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. ("VHB"),to study the existing conditions of the Boar's Head and Birdwood properties as well as any impact of the proposed uses of this special use permit request. In general,the TIA concludes that both proposed uses have peak activity times that occur outside the peak traffic periods. Because of the distribution of trips across a 24-hour timespan and the off-peak nature of both tennis and golf,the addition of these uses does not have a noticeable impact on the existing intersections at Golf Course Drive and Ednam Road. The TIA also analyzes the addition of the new uses both with and without the Connector Road. Even with no Connector Road, each intersection operates at the same high functioning level of service as the existing conditions.The inclusion of the Connector Road allows for better dispersal of traffic, especially during special events. As noted previously,the connection also keeps certain resort and neighborhood traffic internal to the site that currently must use Route 250 because of the lack of access to the golf course. Coordinated signal control is also studied as a measure that would enhance the function and flow of Route 250 in the area near the site. The Foundation acknowledges VDOT's preference for a more-ideal signal spacing along the US 250 corridor.The Foundation appreciates and shares VDOT's desire for a future condition with improved progression of traffic and improved access to the corridor for our neighbors on the north side of US 250. The TIA concludes that the proposed improvements within the Foundation's property are not anticipated to adversely impact the existing conditions at any of the intersections along US 250.The TIA further demonstrates that the existing intersection control at the two intersections will continue to operate at very similar, or even improved, levels of service, after the addition of the inter-parcel connector road. Moreover,the proposed improvements are not anticipated to significantly alter the approach volumes at either intersection to merit any change in control at either intersection. The Foundation recognizes that these findings are based in good faith on the expert opinion of the Foundation's consultant, and appreciates the fact that there are factors that could change the future operating conditions. In keeping with VDOT Culpeper District general protocol of basing decisions regarding signal installation (or removal) on actual volumes post development,the Foundation will continue to monitor traffic and safety operations at both the Ednam Drive/ US 250 and Golf Course Drive/ US 250 intersections following the opening of the inter-parcel connector road and construction of the additional recreational facilities. Specifically,the Foundation's traffic consultant will perform signal warrant analysis within twelve months, and again within 24 months,following the opening of the Connector Road to determine if traffic volumes have changed such that intersection control at either Golf Course Drive or at Ednam Drive is should be re-examined (i.e., if volumes suggest that a signal is 4 now warranted or no longer warranted at either intersection).Although not anticipated per the findings of the traffic analysis provided in conjunction with this submittal, if either scenario is demonstrated using traffic volumes collected per VDOT procedure at that twelve-month interval,the Foundation's consultant will prepare the requisite Signal Justification Report evaluating alternative intersection control; and at that time, the Foundation and its consultant will re-engage VDOT and the County in discussion about the appropriate measures to be taken at either intersection. See condition 8 of the proposed conditions of approval, Exhibit H. Conclusion: The submittal package also includes a comprehensive list of events at the Boar's Head Property to demonstrate their capacity for handling a variety of types and sizes of events that are sometimes occurring simultaneously. An event management plan is included (Exhibit K) demonstrating the coordinated measures followed for each tier of events to ensure safety and flow of traffic as well as provision for parking options throughout the site. In many cases, events are held during off-peak hours including evenings, weekends and Holidays. The event management plan would be updated as needed to accommodate the proposed uses. The additional Tennis Facility and Short Course are consistent with the ongoing usage of the site as a swim,golf and tennis facility and are complimentary to the resort and sports club usage of the adjacent Boar's Head Property, creating amenities that can be enjoyed by the community, resort guests and club members. The proposed Tennis Facility will provide a tournament quality venue for the UVA Tennis program. The Short Course will be located on portions of the property that have already been utilized for the existing golf course. The Connector Road will provide connections to enhance traffic flow and increase safety for the property and surrounding neighborhoods. These proposed uses also allow the Foundation to keep greater areas of land in open space and undeveloped, contributing to the enjoyment of this bucolic landscape. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan The Southern and Western Neighborhoods Master Plan land use plan classifies the Birdwood Golf Course and Mansion properties as institutional land uses and the Boar's Head Parcel as Neighborhood Mixed Use. Institutional uses include areas and uses which serve a public function and include parks, schools, universities and ancillary facilities. Neighborhood mixed uses include neighborhood serving retail and service uses for nearby residential neighborhoods and office uses.The plan calls for the historic mansion and important dependencies to be retained with future development. This proposal for outdoor Tennis Facilities for the UVA Tennis Team is consistent with an Institutional and Neighborhood Mixed Use Designation.The Short Course and Tennis Facilities will be located entirely on the Birdwood Golf Course Parcel and only a portion of the Connector Road will be located on the Boar's Head Parcel. The Birdwood Golf Course Parcel is governed by SP 96-53, SP 2015-19,SP 2017-09 and SP 2017-23 for swim,tennis and golf clubs. The addition of this proposed Tennis Facility and Short Course, which are 5 ,.,iRd` _!�`_� both institutional and recreational, is in keeping with the r,11)♦ Comprehensive Plan and the uses already established in ♦I ,,,s .•�� the vicinity and the uses contemplated for a swim,golf and s s.f•.. ')0":"' ��N. tennis club. `#44 ��� C '��, The Master Plan also calls for an interconnection between `7� ii���� the Birdwood Golf Course and the Boar's Head Property, 1'rrj�� as proposed to be completed prior to the issuance of a ', 4 ���` 1 , Certificate of Occupancy for the Tennis Facility. The Board I 44Om \ of Supervisors, in approving SP 2017-23 for a Temporary -, '� Connector Road, have confirmed that this connection is �4i indeed desirable. ,{ ° ,S The Comprehensive Plan also addresses the potential iii, ��/��►i►r / future development of the Birdwood property to more •■'Ai ` intensive uses that are not consistent with the Institutional land use designation, including a mixed-use center near the property entrance and a residential development on the rear portions of the property that are currently vacant. We recognize that a Comprehensive Plan Amendment will be required for future development that is like those referenced types of uses that are arguably less consistent with the Institutional land use designation of the property. However,given that the proposed Tennis Facility and Short Course are entirely consistent with the recreational and institutional uses already in place at the property and in the surrounding area, and equally consistent with the uses contemplated at a swim,golf and tennis facility, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is not warranted with this application. Representatives of the Foundation and Albemarle County staff have been meeting consistently to determine the appropriate steps forward to create and process a Master Plan for the Birdwood and Boar's Head properties, which is part of Area B of the Three-Party Agreement between the University, Albemarle County, and the City of Charlottesville. The Foundation has agreed to begin the Master Planning process in 2018,with the goal of presenting a conceptual plan of the Property that could be incorporated into the Albemarle County Land Use Plan map and narrative for added clarity with regards to future development. Staff has confirmed that planning process can proceed separately with no impact to this Special Use Permit request. The full text of the most applicable section of the Albemarle Comprehensive Plan is included below for your reference: The Birdwood property(Figure 27),currently owned by the UVA Foundation,is the University's golf course. It is shown for Institutional uses. It is affiliated with the adjacent Boar's Head Resort, which is also owned by the UVA Foundation. Encompassing over 500 acres, the property is in Area B and includes an 18-hole golf course as well as a historic mansion. Dependencies are present near the entrance to the property. The golf course is available to students,faculty, and the general public. The mansion provides a venue for small University related events. In the future, this large property may serve a more intensive function than it does presently. Possible considerations include,but are not limited to,a mixed-use area near the entrance and residential uses for other parts of the property not designated as a part of the Parks and Green Systems. Before further development of the property occurs,an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan for the Southern and Western Neighborhoods will be needed. 6 The historic mansion and important dependencies should be retained in any future development.An interconnection to the Boar's Head property should be provided. Pedestrian connections to nearby residential developments should also be considered. Source:Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan,Southern and Western Urban Neighborhoods Master Plan,pages 44&45 The uses proposed with this application were presented to PACC Tech on Thursday, October 19th, 2017. The group was supportive and complimentary of the proposed enhancements to the Property and the new facilities that will support UVA's athletic programs. Impacts on Public Facilities & Public Infrastructure The proposed project will connect to public water and sewer,which is available on site. Impacts on Environmental Features No known impacts. 7 List of Exhibits A. Birdwood SP 2017-00032 Conceptual Plan B. Birdwood SP 2017-00032 Tennis Facility and Illustrative Parking Options Detail C. Birdwood SP 2017-00032 Golf Practice Facility Detail D. Birdwood SP 2017-00032 Connector Road Detail E. Application Plan (for ZMA 2017-00010) F. Intentionally Omitted G. Boar's Head Sports Club ZMA 2017-00010 Proffer Statement H. DRAFT Proposed Conditions of Approval (for SP 2017-00032) I. University of Virginia Outdoor Tennis Facility—Special Exception Request: Project Lighting Waiver J. Conceptual Architectural Renderings/Layout(for general reference only) K. Event Parking Management Plan—Boar's Head Sports Club (Amended 3-15-18) L. Boar's Head Event List 34792384_6 8