HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800091 Easements 2018-07-25- 201800008650.001 Instrument Control Number RECORDEDIN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA JON R. ZUG Commonwealth of Virginia CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Land Record Instruments FILED Aug 02, 2018 Cover Sheet - Form A AT 09.08 am BOOK 05079 [ILS VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.66] START PAGE 0379 END PAGE 0388 T C Date of Instrument: [7/24/2018 ] INST # 201800008650 A X O R Instrument Type: [DE-PL ] TOTAL NUM PAGES 0010 E P Number of Parcels [ 11 MEB X Number of Pages [ 8] - -- --- --- ---- -- - - --- --- - E M City ❑ County x❑ (Box for Deed Stamp Only) [Albemarle County J P First and Second Grantors T Last Name First Name Middle Name or Initial Suffix [Riverrun Property Owner] [ ] [ ] [ ] First and Second Grantees Last Name First Name Middle Name or Initial Suffix ®❑ [County of Albemarle, Vir ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Grantee Address (Name) [County of Albemarle, Virginia ] (Address 1) [401 McIntire Road ] (Address 2) [ j (City, State, Zip) [Charlottesville ] [VA J [22902 J Consideration [10.00 ] Existing Debt [0.00 ] Assumption Balance [0.00 ] Prior Instr. Recorded at: City ❑ County FX1 [Albemarle County J Percent. in this Juris. [ 100] Book [2663 ] Page [516 ] Instr. No [200300032011 ] Parcel Identification No (PIN) [062D1-02-00-00100 ] Tax Map Num. (if different than PIN) [62D1-2-1 ] Short Property Description [Permanent Draingage Maintenance Easement, TMP-62D1-2-1 ] [ 1 Current Property Address (Address 1) [ ] (Address 2) [ j (City, State, Zip) [ J [ ] [ ] Instrument Prepared by Recording Paid for by Return Recording to (Name) (Address 1) (Address 2) (City, State, Zip) Customer Case ID Cover Sheet Page # 1 of 1 [Albemarle County Attorney [Albemarle County Attorney's Office [Albemarle County Attorney's Office [401 McIntire Road [Rm. 325 [Charlottesville I I ------ ------ ] [VA ] [22902 201800008650.002 "Phis dc,cuntc 11 was IM-Cpa -ed by.. Albemarle Come- Amm-nea colincy of Alberuarle to N[c•Intire Road, Spite ;3` .5 Charlottesville. Virginia 22902 Parcel 1D 062D 1 -02-00-00 100 This deed is exencl,t front taxation under ijir,;irria C."od• ss' .59.1-811 CAW) and front the Circuit Court Clerk's fires Ruder F'irgirrrr Code ss' 17.1-266. DEED OF DEDICATION AND EASEMENT THIS DEED OF DEDICATION AND EASEMENT is made this ?da\- of ��S?CLON, 20-1K— by and bete peen RIVERRUN PROPERTY OWNERS INC., it Virginia non -stock corporation, Grantor, and the COUNTY OF ALBEMARL , VIRGWIA, a polltical snbdl\'lsloll of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Grantee. WITNESS: WHEREAS, the Grantor is the owner of that certain real property (hereinafter the "Property") Iodated in Albemarle County, Virginia, more particularly described as follows: Thar certain real property shown and clesigilated as "Variable \Vidtb Permanent Dralllitre N,laintenance Easement," shown oil the plat of Lincoln SuI-veving, dated April 27, 2018 and rev"I June 4, 2018, entitled "Plat Shoving it New Variable NA''idth Permanent Drainage N\lairlterlance Easement on it Portion of Tilt'N[ap Parcel 62D 1-2-1, Located off Exton Cot►rt, Albemarle County, Virginia," a Cop\' of Which is attached hereto to bC recorded With this deed (ilerCinaftel-, the "F.aselnent" and the "Plat"). Reference is made to the Plat tin- it more partiCtIlill• dCSCI•lptloll of LhC CilSCnlCllt ('oil\VC\'Cd hercill. WHEREAS, the Property'is described fiialicr as it portion of that certain lot or parc•cl of land situated in the Rio N[agistcrial DISLI-ICT of the County of Alberliarlc, Virginia, clesigllated as it Common ;area of Riveri-tin sul)(116sion on that certain plat of Gloeckner & Osborne, 111c., dated N14av 20, 1992, and recorded in the Clerk's Off We of the Circuit Court of Albemarle Count\•, Virginia III Deed Book 1246, pages 365-382, as revised by that certain plat of Gloeckner Engineering\Survevinn, Inc., datecl.1tine 10, 1997, and recorded in said Clerk's Oflice in Dccd Book 1639, passes 92- l l t , also being the sank property conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed of Gercke Development Company, Inc., recorded in said Clerk's O111ce in Deed Book 2663, pages :i 16-15 19; and WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of the Grantor to dedicate, grant and conyev the Easement tor public use in accortl:uue with this Deed of Dedication and Easement; and 201800008650.003 WHEREAS, it is the desire and intent of' the GIalltOI- Lo dedicate, gralit anti convey all rights, title and interest in all ditches, pipes and other Improvements and appurtCliaiices \within the Easement established 101- the purpose of- conveying stornlwater (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Improvements," whether referring to existing Improvements or those to be established in the ILlture by the Grantee), excluding building connection lines. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and TEN DOLLARS (,� 1 U.UU), cash ill hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of' which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby GRANT, COINTIVEY, and DEDICATE to public use mth GENERAL \VARRANTY and ENGLISi-I COVENANTS OF "I'iTL.E unto the Gralitee, its sl.l(•('essO1,5 il11Cl ilsShllS, a perpetual exC•lusive easement as shown OIl the Flint and its referred tO llerelll as the Easement. FURTHER, pursuant to the Consideration described herein, the Grantor does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, and DEDICATE to publiC• LISe the Illll)I-O\•elllelltS. The Easement shall be sui)ject to the f011O\\ing: 1. Right to construct, reconstruct. install, maintain, 1-epalr, cliaiwx, alter and rel)lace rile Improvement~. The Grantee shall have the i-Ight tO cOilStl-Litt, reconstruct, install, maintain, repair, change, alter, and replace present or filture. Improvements (hereinafter referred to as '`inspecting, nrlintaining and c)peraLing" or derivations thereof) fen tie pu poses of collecting storrll \yatcr and trallsnlitting it through and across the Subdivision, protecting property from flooding, protecting water clualit.y. and othcl-wise Controlling st.orlllwater runoff. 2. Ownership of the Ii1lproycnient-s. All Iii'lproveinciiLs \yltlllll tic Eascinclli., whether the\• were installed by the Grantee orally predecessor in interest, shall be and rcnlairl the ln-ol)crt}' of tle Grantee. 3. Ri(0ht of in'l-ess and QO-css. The Grantee shall have the right and cascillcllt Of IllgTess and egress over any lands of the Grantor adjacent to the F.ascnlent bet\ycen any l)ul>lic or Private roads and the Easement, to inspect, maintain and operate the Improvements. 4. Ril:-lit to insl)ect, maintain and operate the Limi-ovements. 'File Grantee may enter the Easement to inspect, maintain and operate the. Improvements. J. Rildit of, Grantee to disturb and maintain the Easement premises. The Grantee shall have the right within the Easement to trine, cut or remove anv trees, brush or shrubbery, remove tences, structlu-es OI- Otllel- ObSt1-LICCIOIiS, and take other similar action reasonably necessary to provide 2 201800008650.004 adequate and faille- tinictionlrlg Improvements; provided, however, that the Grantee, at its owrn expense, ;hall restore as nearly as possible, the premises to their original condition. This restoration Shall include the backfilling of• trencines, the replacement of lences and shrubber , the reseeditlg or resodding of lawns or pasture areas, and the repair or replacement of structtu-cs and other facilities located outside of the Easement that "were damaged or destroyed by the Grantee. I-Io« ever, the Grantee shall not be required to repair or replace any structures, trees, or other facilities located «-ithin the Easement, but be required only to repair or replace g-roundcover «ithitl the Lasement that was disturbed, damaged or removed as a result of installing or maintaining Inv of the Improvements. Ill addition, the Grantee shall remove fi-om the Easement all trash and other debris resulting from the installation, maintenance or operation of an Improvement, and shall restore the surface tllereot to its ongpinal condition as nearly as reasonably possible. Aotmthstanding the foregoing, the Grantee shall not be required to repair or replace anything identified in this section it to do so would he inconsistent «ith the proper maintenance or operation of the Improvements. In addition, neither the Grantee nor any other public agencV, including the Virg'I rla Department of Transp<n tanon, shall be responsible for conducting routine mallateniance as described in Section 6 except as expressly prodded in this section. G. Ril:ht of Grantor to maintain the Easement premises. The Grantor shall have the right to l>erl<n-nl routine maintenance of the Easement premises, including the removal of trash and landscaping debris, turning and manicuring la«ais and �,,1-oundcoyers. and nl;aking <ulN- other aesthetic iniprove►nents desired by the Grantor that are not inconsistent mth the rights herein convcyccl, and which do not adversely affect the proper operation orally Inlproyclnlent. The right to maintain the Easement premises does not include the light to maintain the Improvements. %. Temporary construction casement. The Grantee shall have a temporal-- construction casement on tine lot on .which the Easement is located in order to construct, install, maintain, repair, change, alter, or replace an Improvement. This temporary const ructloll casement shall expire upon completion of the work. 8. Exclusivity; restrictions. The Easement conveved herein is an exclusive easetllent. \'either the Grantor nor any person acting under the Grantor's express or implied consent shall modify, alter, reconstruct, interfere with, disturb or other ise change in any way the land within the Easement or ally Improvement located .within the Easement; and further provided that such persons shall not consmct or maintain any roadway, or erect any building, fence, retaining wall or other structure 3 201800008650605 «'ltlE the Elsenient. 9. Grantee's ri1 ,:'ht to assloi. The Grantee shall have the fight to assign this Easci11on as its interests Illay re(JUlre. 10. Mndhy effect. The L isenlent and the rights and obligations established herein shall run with the land in pei'petllit)', and shall be binding upon the Grailtor, the Grantee, mid their successors and assigns. All references herein to the "Grantor" and the ` (Sunee" include their respective SUC'CeSSM'S and assiglis. All references to the "Grantee", when e\cl'clslllg any right or obligation herein, IiIC'llldes the Grantee's officers, employees and agents. The Grantee, acting by and through its County Executive, duly authorized by resolution Adopted by the Board of Supa isol's of the County ol' Albeinarle, Virginia, accepts the ccmyeyallce of this property ptu'suallt CO r'ir,inr! C'(ule S 1124 80% as evidenced by the Cot.inty Becutive's sigiume hereto and the recordacion (d this Deed. WITNESS the follo«ingsignatures. 201800008650.006 GRANTOR: COMMONNNTAUM O L-�l CITY/COUNTTY OF RIVERRUN PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. BN? ------- --- Patrick NVood, President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day- of W4 by Patrick Wood, President on behalf of Rivcnlun Property Owners Association nc., Grantor. 12- l� ---- N— -------------------- ote ' Public '1\4v Commission Exfrires:31 4 Registration number: — �' —� ----- ,,,��� N„� FF �Q NOTARY ✓ 2 J PUBLIC to W REG.#7618901 0 - MY COMMISSION. p EXPIRES 2 ` �� '• 12/31 /2018 O,t, '...... ..... ' tk 5 20`1800008650.007 GRANTEE: COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA By*eIrIfirexy / _______ ichardson, County ExectttiVe CO,I'kIONN,NT-ALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE: Tlie r0regoing instrument 11T;Ls acknow-ledged beton-e nle this 2�clay of by Jell -rev B. Richardson, Comm- ESeetttlVe, on bellalf of the Count• of Albel axle. Virginia, Grantee. ----------------- --- �-------'ola1�- Public kly Commission Expires:__ — `3-�-- Registration nurllbel:_\A LEF 1/011. .......... Q ' NOTARY A > n-o�-cd as to form: 11 ;� VUBuc N J : REG-#7618901 ' W : N1Y COMMISSION ; a _ ' pjRES _ � EX 'O�' 1213112018.�0 Al e l� - e L nl v Attonlev .,� O �'� %VEALTVA 0� �.•�```` 0 PLAT SHOWING A NEW VARIABLE WIDTH PERMANENT DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT ON A PORTION OF TAX MAP PARCEL 62D1-2-1 LOCATED OFF EXTON COURT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TITLE REFERENCES: ATMP 62D1-2-1 RIVERRUN PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 182 SPOTNAP RD STE Al CHARLOTTESVILLE VA, 22911-8661 APRIL 27, 2018 REVISED: JUNE 4, 2018 D.B. 2663 P. 516 SHEET 1 OF 2 D.B. 1639 P. 92 PLAT D.B. 1445 P. 422 PLAT D.B. 1246 P. 365 PLAT D.B. 1639 P. 88 SDCR D.B. 1246 P. 361 SDCR D.B. 790 P. 725 SDCR D,B. 753 P. 715 DCR OWNER'S APPROVAL: THE PLATTING OR DEDICATION OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND, NEW VARIABLE WIDTH PERMANENT MAINTENANCE EASEMENT ON A PORTION OF TAX MAP PARCEL 62D1-2-1 LOCATED OFF EXTON COURT ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IS WITH FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRE OF THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS, PROPRIETORS AND TRUSTEES, IF ANY. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS EASEMENT PLAT, TO THE BEST OF MY PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, IS CORRECT AND COMPLIES WITH THE MINIMUM PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE VIRGINIA STATE BOARD OF ARCHITECTS, PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS, LAND SURVEYORS, CERTIFIED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS AND INTERIOR DESIGNERS. I ALSO CERTIFY THAT THE BOUNDARY SHOWN HEREON IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. THE EASEMENT PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY LIES IN AN AREA DESIGNATED AS ZONE X (UNSHADED) AREA OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD e��'�AZ;4/�/� AS SHOWN ON MAPS BY THE FEDERAL RIVE RUN PROPERTY DATE ``�,rrrerrr,���', EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. OWNERS ASSOCI TION, INC. LEF DATED: FEBRUARY 4, 2005 NOTARY ✓�2 NOTARY PUBLIC: I/f� ���• P �B6�1g901• �(P STATE OF Val CITY/COUNTY OF �� ' w I PAY COMMiSSlB $2Di-2-1 IS WITHIN UPPER RIVANNA RIVER THE FOREGOING WAS ACKNOWLED p EXPIRES W}��PSHED AND NOT AN AGRICULTURAL -FOREST t� 12131f2018DtrF6CT. BETE ME THI AY OF 1,••••............. .•• 20 BY ONVjv OM1, 62D1-2-1 IS ZONED: R6 ATMP 62D1-2-1 IS IN THE RIO DISTRICT N TARY PUBLIC ANY STREAM BUFFER(S) SHOWN HEREON SHALL E MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: i2 MANAGED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WATER PROTECTION ORDINANCE OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY. SOME EASEMENTS OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN HEREON MAY EXIST. TH VICINITY MAP 1" = 2000' KEY WEST ITE � AFN A AFN Aq '9� COUNTY APPROVAL: "4m=,"r4ff 7/� Ile AGENT OF THE BOARD OF DATE SUPERVISORS J y CHRISTOPHER B. KEAN SIC. NO. 2378 LINc H LN SURVEYING Innovation. Integrity. vision. 632 BERKMAR CIRCLE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22901 OFFICE: 434-974-1417 118001700-EP-ALB 18155.PRO 118-0017-00 Ins50�IP I � I �O�O� I ' C9S w`' S° I �,pPQ I I I I I I IF IF IN CONC. MON. N48„ I 7T" 147 CID OD62-18A i ^p I PEN PARK ROAD, LLC I I LU Q I D.B. 3371 P. 422 I--0 D.B. 563 P. 112 PLAT cc IF I 0Q -- -- IF Lu a I I W I ATMP 62-18 Qo- I SUSAN M. NORFLEET I I I-- D.B. 3974 P. 464 I I 07 D.B. 503 P. 574 PLAT I I I I I I i i I lIFC m Q I I I 1 1 I I I 1 L7 STEEP SLOPES �: •:. PRESERVED APPROXIMATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT D.B. 790 P. 730 N3908221.33 E11496267 06 N390833`5.60 ATMP 62D1-2-1 COMMON AREA -------- --�.. VA ------ RA - - y - ------ L3 r N3907872. L15 N49°16'20" E E11496067.97 v STEEP SLOPES <�' IFS 4 11.08 8 ALBEM 2RLE COUNTY 1 MANAGED IF PF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE VARIABLE WIDTH PERMANENT DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT PORTION IN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE LEGEND: IF = IRON FOUND MON = MONUMENT PF = PIPE FOUND STEEP SLOPES PRESERVED CTMP 48B-1 PARCEL A CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE D.B. 507 P. 427, 432 PLAT SCALE: 1" = 100' APRIL 27, 2018 REVISED: JUNE 4, 2018 SHEET 2 OF 21 PPP G DPP 361� P�NP p,6 kBL-E WIDT PERMANENT 17 E MAIN NANCE EASEMEN 0.493 RES DEDICATED O AL8EM_ARLE_g-OJJNTY FOR PUE0C USE N3908185.31 E11496423.06 1218.09 TOTAL 1691.37' N48°36'49"E NEW VARIABLE WIDTH PERMANENT MAINTENANCE EASEMENT LINE BEARING . DISTANCE Li N48°36'49"E 17.20' L2 S09"57'59"E 75.22' L3 S38°43'00"W 99.02' L4 S15°36'41"E 54.35' L5 N20°28'50"W 61.53' L6 N44059'59"W 32.41' L7 S40°01'47"W 45.35' L8 S49*08'41"E 67.94' L9 S54°55'34"E 39.88' 1-10 S58°28'26"E 52.40' Lii S40009'03"E 38.52' L12 S33013'55"E 32.38' L13 S48°36'49"W 92.74' L14 N59004'20"W 68,92' L15 L16 N40°23'15"E N10002'49"W 91.71' 61.51' ?� ! 118001700-FP-ALB 18155.PRO 118-0017-00 201800008650.010 01gp0001*50 � 1NSIRVg OFF1Gfc MENG RGUR GaVRT G1� GO 0g am REG�RpE� AL6 � 2,ZgRMEB Ap�( d0N0GGPAGE031g-0p3g9 g0OK79