HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD201800007 Application 2018-05-31Bart Svoboda
From: Davies, Ashley <adavies@williamsmullen.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2018 1:28 PM
To: Amelia McCulley
Cc: Alan Taylor (a Ian@ riverbenddev.com); Bart Svoboda; Francis MacCall; Robby Saady
Subject: RE: Pharmaceutical Processor at TMP 56A3-1
Importance: High
Hi Bart and Francis,
Hope you are well. I wanted to confirm that you received our Letter of Determination request. Is there anything else
needed from us to draft your response letter? Please let us know if there is any assistance needed, and thanks for your
help in meeting our deadline for the State permit submittal. My number is 434-951-5725.
Ashley Cooper Davies I Land Use Planner I Williams Mullen
321 East Main St. Suite 100 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902 ."3200
T -134.951.5725 1 F 434.817.0977 1 adavies;uOwilliamsmulien.com I www.wiilliamsmulien, corn
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confidentiality, if the recipient of this transmission is not the named addressee, the recipient: should immediately notify the sender- and destroy the
infoirnation transmitted without making any copy or distribution thereof.
From: Davies, Ashley
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:59 PM
To: Amelia McCulley <AMCCULLE@albemarle.org>
Cc: Alan Taylor (alan@riverbenddev.com) <alan@riverbenddev.com>; Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>;
Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Robby Saady (RBD) <robby@riverbenddev.com>
Subject: RE: Pharmaceutical Processor at TMP 56A3-1
Importance: High
Bart and Francis,
Please find attached our request for a zoning determination regarding pharmaceutical processing in the LI zoning
district. I will deliver a hard copy of the request with our application fee later today. As I mentioned, our application to
the State is due by June 8th, so we appreciate anything you can do to expedite a response. To that end, I have attached a
word version of our sample response for your use. Please call or email if there is anything else you need from us to
process our request.
Many thanks,
Ashley Cooper Davies I Land Use Planner I Williams Mullen
321 East 11,1ain St. Sute 400 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-3200
T 434.951..5725 1 F 434.817.0977 1 adavies Odwilliamsmullen.com I %vww.will lamsmullen.com
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confidentiality. If the recipient of this transmission is not the named addressee, the recipient should immediately notify the sender and destroy the
information transmitted without making any copy or distribution thereof.
From: Davies, Ashley
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 12:46 PM
To: 'Amelia McCulley' <AMCCULLE@albemarle.org>
Cc: Alan Taylor (alan@riverbenddev.com) <alan@riverbenddev.com>; Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>;
Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Pharmaceutical Processor at TMP 56A3-1
Thanks, Amelia. I will work on getting something drafted for Bart and Francis this afternoon. We appreciate your
willingness to work with us to meet this deadline.
Ashley Cooper Davies I Land Use Planner I Williams Mullen
321 East Main St. Suite 100 1 Charlottesville, VA 22902-3200
T 134.951.5725 1 F 434.817.0917 1 adavies(a)williamsmullen.com I www.williamsmullen.corn
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confidentiality. If the recipient of this transmission is not the narned addressee, the recipient should immediately notify the sender and destroy the
information transmitted without making any copy or distribution thereof.
From: Amelia McCulley [mailto:AM000LLE@albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2018 12:07 PM
To: Davies, Ashley <adavies@williamsmullen.com>
Cc: Alan Taylor (aIan@riverbenddev.com) <alan@riverbenddev.com>; Bart Svoboda <bsvoboda@albemarle.org>;
Francis MacCall <FMACCALL@albemarle.org>; Amelia McCulley <AMCCULLE@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Pharmaceutical Processor at TMP 56A3-1
Hi Ashley,
I'm under deadlines to meet before the end of the day that I may not meet. I am then out until Monday, June 41". This is
a short timeframe for what seems like an official determination request. You will want to connect with either Francis
(out until next week) or Bart. I've attached my email exchange with Alan to this email.
To help with efficiency/time in doing this, can you please provide the following:
• Draft letter that meets the requirements. (This will save us having to read through all the info).
• Description of proposed activity on this site.
• Application and fee. (This can come later)
Bart or Francis are fully authorized to render any determination that I can. Because this appears to amount to an official
determination, we need the fee/application and need to run it by the Deputy County Attorney.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend.
From: Davies, Ashley <adavies@wiiliamsmullen.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2018 3:04 PM
To: Amelia McCulley <AMCCULLE@albemarle.org>
Cc: Alan Taylor (alan@riverbenddev.com) <aIan @ rive rbenddev.com>
Subject: Pharmaceutical Processor at TMP 56A3-1
Importance: High
Hi Amelia,
I am following up on some on Alan's previous email to you regarding the establishment of a Pharmaceutical Processing
Facility for CBD oil at TMP 56A3-1. The parcel is zoned LI, and thus, processing facilities are allowed by -right. The
deadline to submit applications to the Department of Health Professions is June 8th, and we will need a written
confirmation that this use is authorized per zoning to include in our submittal package to the state. I have included a
few links with more information regarding both the RFP and the award of 5 permits throughout Virginia.
Can you advise us on any other information that is needed for you to confirm this use? My apologies that we are or
somewhat of a short timeframe, but we would very much like to meet the June 81h deadline and have this site in the
running for the first round of permits. Thanks!
VA State Application: https://urldefense. proof poi nt.com/v2/url?u=https-
3A www.dhp.virginia.gov pharmacy dots BOPRFA-
SFPharmaceuticalProcessors. pdf&d=DwIGaQ&c=EV4eW6FyiuP3VQxHFMnsZcjQYJ1SR4w9HsYx4wFXyJk&r=b2FGuglhvYt
6LdeE6XmHdFbLIXm8Q6z-Aiu8h dNTn8&m=ZihEr4CNw-
Wy1aDh2ZIWDDBVnog49DPHTw4SowM9XnY&s=LVrA6h0OLMviXZZFHD91lihF 6-AV 4iwUhliKb-VkA&e=
Other info: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-
3A www.dhp.virginia.gov pharmacy PharmaceuticalProcessors.htm&d=DwIGaQ&c=Ey4eW6FyjuP3VQxHFMnsZciQYJ1
SR4w9HsYx4wFXVJ1<&r=b2FGuglhvYt6LdeE6XmHdFbLIXm8Q6z-Aju8h dNTn8&m=ZihEr4CNw-
Wy1aDh2ZIWDDBVnog49DPHTw4SowM9XnY&s=uWSilznisvUEVEdgA6Hq-YdvCQ2AUon9iiswf33 2gs&e=
Ashley Cooper Davies I Land Use Planner I Williams Mullen
321 East Main St. Suite 400 I Charlottesville, VA 22902 3200
T 434.951.5725 1 F 434.817,0977 1 adavies@wiHiamsmullen.com I www.williamsmuilen.com
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confidentiality. If the recipient of this transmission is not the named addressee, the recipient should immediately notify the sender and destroy the
information transrnitted without making any copy or distribution thereof.
May _, 2018
Ashley Davies
Williams Mullen
321 East Main St., Suite 400
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-3200
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of Williams Mullen, we have examined our records with respect to that
certain real property owned by Route 240 LLC (the "Owner") and lying in Albemarle County,
Virginia (the "County"), situated on Tax Map Parcel Nos. 056A3-00-00-00100 and 056A2-01-
00-05800 (the "Property"). We have examined your request for an official letter of zoning
determination letter regarding the use of the Property for a pharmaceutical processing facility.
We are pleased to advise you that:
1. The Property is currently zoned Light Industry LI (Chapter 18, Sections 26 and 27 of
Albemarle County's Zoning Ordinance).
2. The intent of the Industrial Zoning Districts is established as follows:
Industrial districts are intended to be for the purpose of providing places of employment
and strengthening the local economic base in furtherance of the economic development
policy of the comprehensive plan. To this end, the following shall be encouraged: (i) the
establishment and continuation of industrial uses and their supporting uses in the
locations and at the levels of intensity designated for those uses in the comprehensive
plan; (ii) the establishment of new industrial uses that are appropriate for the character
of the industrial districts; and (iii) the enlargement and expansion of existing industrial
3. According to the Commonwealth of Virginia and Virginia Department of Health
Professions Request for Applications for Pharmaceutical Processors (full copy attached),
A pharmaceutical processor is a facility that is authorized to: cultivate Cannabis plants
intended only for the production and dispensing of cannabidiol (CBD) oil or THC A oil;
produce cannabidiol oil or THC A oil; and, dispense cannabidiol oil or THC-A oil to
patients for treatment or to alleviate the symptoms of any diagnosed condition or disease
determined by a practitioner to benefit from such use. With the exception of delivering
dispensed oils under certain conditions, the cultivation, production, and dispensing will
occur on -site at the address of record of the facility.
4. Pursuant to Section 26.2, Manufacturing/Processing/Assembly/Fabrication/Recycling are
allowed as by -right uses within the LI district. A pharmaceutical processing facility
would be considered under this use category, and thus is a by -right use in the LI district
and on the Property.
5. Subordinate retail sales for any use permitted by right are also a by -right use in the LI
district, provided the use does not exceed 25% of the gross floor area of the primary
industrial use.
6. The Property is not subject to a special exception, special use permit or variance
7. There are no known violations, exceptions, variances or nonconforming uses on the
subject property.
Very truly yours,
Zoning Administrator of Albemarle County,