HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200100007 Special Exception 2019-05-01APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL EXCEPTION ❑ Request for a waiver, modification, variation ® Variation to a previously approved Planned or substitution permitted by Chapter 18 = $457 Development rezoning application plan or Code of Development = $457 OR ❑ Relief from a condition of approval = $457 Provide the following ❑ 3 copies of a written .request specifying the section or sections being requested to be waived, modified, varied or substituted, and any other exhibit documents suing the' reasons for the request and addressing the applicable findings of the section authorized to be waived, modified, varied or substituted. Project Name : Stonefield Rack D2 Provide the following ® 3 copies of the existing approved plan illustrating the area where the change is requested or the applicable section(s) or the Code of Development. Provide a graphic representation of the requested change. 9 1 copy of a written request specifying the provision of the plan, code or standard for which the variation is sought, and state the reason for the requested variation. Current Assigned Application Number (SDP, SP or ZMA) SDP 2014-00070 Tag map and parcel(s): 61 W-030D2-A, 61 WO3-D2-(22-61), and (90-104) Applicant ! Contact Person. Christopher at Shu-field. LLC I Michael F. Myers, PE, CFM Address 10461 White Granite, Suite 103 City Oakton State Va Zip 22124 Daytime Phone# (434 ) 242-2866 (743) 352-09% Erniaii Miic*030scalexom Owner orRewrd Christopher at Stonefeld, l!.0 and The Towns of Stonefield Homeowners Assod%Uon, Inc - Address 10461 white Granite, Sub 103 City Oaldon State Ufa Zip 22124 Daytime Phone# (703 ) 352-5950 Fax# (703 ) 352-0960 Email Johnr@ChristopherCompanies.cor County of Albemarle Community Development 401 Mclatim Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 APPLICATION POR A SPECIAL EXCeFFIow APPLICATION SIGNATURE PAGES VERIFICATION OF THE SIGNATURE ON THE NEXT PAGE MUST HAPPEN BEFORE THE APPLICATION MAY BE DEEMED COMPLETE If ownership of the properly is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to, an LLC, a corporation, a partnership or association, or a trust, ilam a document acceptable to the County must be submitted with this application certidying that the person signing has the authority to do so. If the applicant is a eonhtaet purchaser, a document acceptable to the County crust be submitted containing the (miner's written consent to the application and mast include any applicable documents authorizing that persma to provide consent. If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. Please attach the owner's written consent. One Il gaga of the applicable ownership information, CHECK AS OWNERSHIP OF THE DOCUMENT TO BE PROVIDED FOR THIS APPLICATION APPLICABLE PROPERTY IS A Limited liability company C`LLC') The articles of organietion and when the power is delegated to someone ✓❑ other than a mans or a member, also the a ement Stock dl: Nomstook corporation El for a board of directors Stock - the articles of incorporation or a shareholders agreement may limit the board's statutory authority. Nonstock -the articles of incorporation and the by-laws, the latter of which may include a member or director agr nt, may limit the board's statutory authority for a person expressly wri. t -7 ; idence of that authorization such as a board resolution or board authorized by the board of directors minutes for a committee m action of the board of directors autborizmg the mmmittee to act, the aaticics of iwotpo-a6(); or the by -laves sway limit the statutory authority ❑ for a ompma{x effxor the by-laws or the deleting resolution of the board of directors. The statement of partnership authority, which may limit the authority of one Partnership or mop: partners_ The partnership agreement, or amendments thereto, which May limit the Limited partnership authority of one or more general partners. (1) for trustees, an autlumizing court ostler ❑ Incorporated & Urrinrorporated (2) for the corporation holding title, the appropriate corporate documents church and other ruli&us body (2) for a bishop, minister or ecclesiastical officer, the laws, rules or ecclesi- astical polity of the entity that authorizes the person to hold, improve, mortgage, sell and convey the prupe=ty. f Land trust The creed of conveyance to the trustees mad the mist instrument See for a complete list of Authorized Signatories for Land Use Applications rAPPUCATION FM A OPMAL EMPTION Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign i hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner to filing this application. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate tree, and correct to the best of my lmowledgie. By signing this application I am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifice0oos regarding this application WAS provided to me or my designated Contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written commnnica irm fmm also being sent via first class mail. E. John Regan Jr, ExearWe Mee President of CMI, Ma Print Name 0211 W019 Date 70"27-W7T Daytime phone number of Signatory FOR 0MCE USK ONLY DP&. K / • r *- aw I !t 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikeLED30scale.com March 9, 2019 Revised May 1, 2019 Mr. David Benish Chief of Planning County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE. Stone eld — Block D2 — Phase Two — Major Site Plan Amendment - Request for a Variation to the Albemarle Place Code of Development for Building Height Albemarle County TMP 51W-03-D2A, 22-61 AND 90-104 Dear David, Please find this letter and attachments our request for a variation to the Albemarle Place Code of Development (COD) to allow for an increase in the maximum structure height from five stories to six stories. This letter is organized into the following sections: I. Background information 11. Narrative on Consistency with 18- III. Narrative on Roof Deck IV. Narrative on Screening I. Background Information The applicant is pursuing approval of a Major Site Plan Amendment of Block D2 — Phase 2 for a six (6)- story mixed -use building with 20,000 GSF of office space on the basement level and five stories of multifamily above, consisting of 160 apartments (approximate 50/50 mix of 1-BR and 2-BR). The 20,000 GSF of office area is on the Inglewood Drive (east) side of the building with underground parking on the Kober Way (west) side as shown in Figure 1 on page 2. Please note that the applicant agreed to provide this 20,000-sf office footprint to fulfill a need identified by Planning Director Andrew IIPag 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22463 Ph. 434.242.2866 miked230scale.com Gast -Bray and Economic Development Coordinator Roger Johnson, who were able to connect the applicant with a software company that wanted to move their business to Albemarle County. There is a single garage entrance at the northwestern corner of the building for vehicular access. An approximate 6,000-sf lobby for the multi -family units is also located on the basement level (south side). Direct access to the lobby and office is to be provided for those who park in the underground garage. Also, the lobby and office will have at -grade entrances along the eastern edge of the building with the main entrance to the lobby located at the southeast corner. Note, lobby access will be limited to multi- family residents. An elevator, small cafe and fitness center are located in the lobby. There will also be an outside sitting/gathering/fire pit area just outside of the main entrance (southeast corner). / PEDESMAN/61KE RAMP `7 CONNEMON DUPLEXES I DMFIMG Cf � 1 KOBER WAY � rrtw�[E PARK.. 1 M ' j M UNDERGROUND PARKING R I a PHASE— , LINE 1 20,QQD GSF OFFICE 6,00 LOBBY rt , J A u"Of=`9.,.. A. ••5005: INGLEWOOQDRIVE Figure 1- Basement Level Schematic Site Plan The basement level will be constructed with poured concrete walls as a "podium". On the level above the podium, there will be a one -level parking deck and five stories of multifamily as shown in Figure 2 on the following page. The parking deck is accessed via �i ramp on the southwestern corner of the deck as shown. Located to the west of the subject property is a row of existing duplex homes that access via a frontage road that connects to Commonwealth Drive. The applicant has paid special attention to the height of the Phase 2 building as it relates to the viewshed from the point of view of the duplexes. To soften the viewshed, the applicant is proposing the following measures: 2 1 P a g e 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikeIR30scale.com 1) Providing a screen yard in the buffer area at the western edge of the property. Refer to IV. Narrative on Screening for additional information. 2) Constructing a retaining wall (maximum 17'-high), which in effect, "drops" Kober Way. This topographical relationship at the least obscures, but for the most part, blocks the view of Kober Way and the parking deck from the duplexes. 3) Constructing a pedestrian stairwell with a bicycle ramp that will provide more direct access for the duplex residents to access the Stonefield Shopping Center. EXISTWG DUPLEXES PEDESTRMN/BIKE RAMP CONNECTION PAWLP PAN" of XaSER NAY 11 toot FARK iF PARKING DECK (ONE MVEL) 0 LINE; W 7]-FAMILY - IM UNITS (FIVE STORIES) A fi INGLEWOOD OHM O Figure 2 -Multi-Family Schematic Site Plan Please also refer to the Special Exception Exhibit, which contains site cross -sections and views from the point of view of the Commonwealth Drive duplexes il. Narrative on Consistency with 18- In accordance with Ordinance Section 18- The director of planning is authorized to grant a variation upon a determination that the variation: 3 1 P a g e 30 Scale, LLC� 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mike@30scale.com (1) is consistent with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan, The Comprehensive Plan designation for this parcel per the Places29 Master Plan is a) Destination Center, b) Urban Mixed Use (in Centers); and c) Urban Mixed Use (in areas around Centers). The comprehensive plan also sets guidelines for the guiding Neighborhood Model District. The project is consistent with the goals of these designations as follows: a) Destination Center The parcel is part of the overall Stonefleld Shopping Center (formerly known as Albemarle Place), which is one of the five Destination Centers referenced in the Places29 Master Plan. The Master Plan states that "...Destination Centers provide regional -scale destinations for retail, entertainment, service and employment uses..." The Stonefield Shopping Center has been developed with a variety of consistent regional -scale uses such as a movie theater, restaurants, boutique retail, and big -box retail to meet the Master Plan concept of a Destination Center, The Master Plan further states that "...Destination Centers should include residential or employment uses on upper floors and be designed with multiple connections to surrounding areas..." The proposal includes a residential use (160 apartments) on the upper floors of the proposed building. 20,000 GSF of office on the basement level is consistent with the provision of employment uses in Destination Centers. The applicant is providing sidewalk connections to Inglewood Drive at the Kober Way/Houston Drive intersection. Furthermore, the applicant is providing a stairwell connection with bicycle ramp for the benefit of the residents on Commonwealth Drive, Turtle Creek and beyond to access the shopping center. The proposal is further consistent with the Development Center designation in that it is visible and accessible from the two major roads, Seminole Trail and Hydraulic Road, and is providing an open park area in the middle of block D2 that will serve as a compact, urban open space, which is at a pedestrian -friendly scale with benches, sitting area and grassy space. Please note that this compact space is not intended to meet the central open space area requirement for the Stonefield Shopping Center. Note this is further addressed in section 3) of this summary. b) Urban Mixed Use (in Centers) The mixed -use proposal is consistent with the Residential and Office Uses as described in Table LU-1 in the Places29 Master Plan in the Destination Center category as follows: 4 t P a g e 30 Scale, I.I.0 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikeL130scale.com� Residential Uses: • Single-family attached and multifamily are recommended. Block D2 provides a mix of attached townhouses (Phase 1) and multifamily units (Phase 2). A density of 6.01— 60 units/acre is recommended. Residential density in Block D2 is 38.1 DU/AC (209 units/5.49 acres). Block D2.- Phase 2 considered alone is just at the maximum recommended density with 60.2 DU/AC. (Block D2 - Phase 1 alone is at a density of 17.3 DU/AC). It should be noted that the overall density of the Stonefield development is governed by the Code of Development. Currently, the residential and office density is well below the maximums prescribed by the Code Note this is discussed further under section 2) of this summary. The maximum recommended building height is 5 stories. This section is not applicable because the Code of Development has provisions that allow the building heights in the adjacent Phase E to be 90-foot maximum, or 8 stories to facilitate "multi -family buildings." Office Uses: • Maximum Single building footprint is 20,OOO SF The proposed office use is 20,000 SF. it should be noted however that the building footprint is larger than 20,000 sf, which is governed by the approved Code of Development. Open Space._ The proposed land use does include two small park areas, the 6,000-sf central park area and an approximate 5,300-sf open space/tot lot area in Phase 1. The multifamily use will also have a fitness center for its residents. The proposed land use does not include the central green space/amenity for the Stonefield Development. c) Urban Mixed Use (in areas around Centers) 5 1 P a g e 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikeLID30scale.com The mixed -use proposal is consistent with the Residential and Office Uses as described in Table LU-2 in the Places29 Master Plan for areas around centers as follows: Residential Uses: • Density 3 34 DU/AC in areas that are not in the center. Not applicable, the parcel is in the Center and density is governed by the Code of Development. Currently, the residential and office density is well below the maximums prescribed by the Code Note this is discussed further in section 2) of this summary. 0 Minimum 25% of urban mixed -use development should be residential. The parcel achieves this threshold. However, the overall mix of uses is governed by the Code of Development. • Residential may be mixed vertically or horizontally. The proposal meets this requirement with a variety of housing types to include townhomes (three -level living) and multifamily units (one level living). Office Uses: • Minimum 20 percent of development in this designation should be office. The parcel is governed by a Code of Development that governs the mix of uses. Open Spaces: 0 Public/privately owned parks, greens, commons, plazas to serve businesses, employees, customers The parcel has a privately maintained compact park that will serve this need. • Nearest Open space should be within '/< mile of businesses or residences. 61 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mike@)30scale.com This requirement is met with the onsite park and the available amenities in the Stonefield shopping center. a Tot lots or active recreation areas should be provided with residential use. There is an existing tot lot in Phase 1. The multifamily will provide a fitness center for residents in Phase 2. d) The proposal is consistent with the underlying guiding principles of the Neighborhood Model in accordance with the following: Pedestrian orientation -- The proposed building is designed with a clear separating line between the lower level and the upper residential levels to provide a distinct pedestrian orientation to the building. The building elevation, captioned below in Figure 3, creates a "storefront" appearance along Inglewood Drive. A 5'-wide sidewalk running along the building frontage with Inglewood Drive contributes to the pedestrian orientation. Figure 3 - "Storefront" Elevation along Inglewood Drive ii. The main entrance to the building will be located at the intersection of Inglewood Drive with Bond Street and will be oriented for the pedestrian experience. An outdoor sitting/gathering/fire pit area will be provided at the main entrance (southwest corner of building). There will be a 10'-wide sidewalk and tree grates along Bond Street opposite from the main entrance. Sidewalk will connect Inglewood Drive to the building and to the expanded central park area. From there, sidewalk and crosswalk are provided to the proposed stairwell/bike ramp connection to the adjacent shopping center parcel to the north. 7 1 P - 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph.434.242.2966 mikeLM30scale.com iii. Neighborhood friendly streets and paths —The one-way street pattern of Bond Street with compact (12' radius) curb returns, and a compact (40' centerline radius) curve in Kober Way will serve to slow down vehicular traffic on the parcel, giving it a neighborhood feel. Also, parallel parking along the west face of the building will have a traffic calming influence and add to the neighborhood appeal of the development. iv. Interconnected streets and transportation networks —The proposal will connect Kober Way to Inglewood Drive and complete the sidewalk along Inglewood Drive thereby completing the street connectivity of Block D2 to the rest of Stonefield. The pedestrian/bike ramp connection to the north will provide a more direct connection with Commonwealth Drive, which will be even more beneficial to bikers and pedestrians when the Zan Road flyover connection is completed and the east and west sides of Seminole Trail are connected. v. Parks and open space as amenities —The proposal includes expansion to the existing central park area to 6,000-sf that includes benches, tables and sitting areas in addition to a green space area. The development also has an approximate 5,300-sf open space area with a tot -lot in Phase 1. vi. Neighborhood centers —The Stonefield development is an existing neighborhood center. The proposal contributes to the overall neighborhood feel of the development. vii. Buildings and spaces of human scale — The building architecture demonstrates very well how a large building can be designed to incorporate the human scale. As described under a) above, the lower level is broken up vertically from the upper levels, thereby creating the human scale on the ground level. A variety of glass and transom window details intermingled with brick on the ground level, integrated with sidewalk and landscaping, along with canopies at the entry points all serve to break up the massing on the first level. As the eyes move up the building, there are sections of varying color, material, height and depth. Architectural details including windows, balconies and doorways contribute to the human scale of the building. Refer to Figures 4 and 5 on the following page below for a building elevation. viii. Relegated parking - The majority of onsite parking will be provided with structured parking, including one level of underground garage and one level of parking deck above the garage. ix. Mixture of uses and use types —Residential and Office Uses are proposed 81Page 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikeLS30scale.com x. Mixture of housing types and affordability— The property will have an approximate 50/50 mix of 1BR and 21311 apartments for rent which will serve to provide affordability to a broader range of citizens. A. Redevelopment —The proposal includes the provision of a sanitary sewer outfall to the neighboring shopping center owner, which may facilitate future redevelopment of that property. Figure 4 — Building Elevation Showing Human Scale (zoom view) 9 1 P a g e 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikegD30scale.com \O Figure 5 - Building Elevation Showing Human Scale (wide view) xii. Site planning that respects terrain - to the maximum extent possible, the site plan honors the terrain in accordance with the Conceptual Grading Plan in the underlying Code of Development xiii. Clear boundaries with the rural areas— The site is not located in the vicinity of the rural areas. (2) does not increase the approved development density or intensity of development, The proposal does not increase the approved density or intensity of the project. Following approval of the application, the Stonefield Development will still be well below its maximum build -out numbers. Following approval, there will be approximately 410„000 sf of leasable non - retail space and 319 residential units remaining that may be approved. (3) does not adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the zoning district; The proposal does not adversely affect the timing and phasing of development of any other development in the zoning district. Although the applicant does not control the timing of the submission of other applications yet to be approved for Block Di and the C Block, the overall office square footage and number of residential units continues to be coordinated between the applicant and the developer of the shopping center. During the design development of the Block D2 proposal, staff had raised the issue of a central open space element that would need to be provided with the final parcels that were being developed, namely, Block D1 and Block C (aka Hyatt #2 on the "grassy knoll'). It was 101 Page 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mike@30scale.com determined at meetings with County staff that the central open space was controlled by the developer and not the Block D2 applicant. Further, it was not appropriate or in line with the Code of Development to provide the central open space in Block 02, a residential/office mix on the perimeter of the shopping center. It was determined that the location for the central open space would be coordinated between staff and the developer prior to approval of the final undeveloped parcel, presumably the mixed -use project envisioned for Block D1. However, please note that this issue is outside of the control of the applicant and therefore approval of this variation would not have any impact on the remaining parcels. (4) does not require a special use permit; and The use does not require a special use permit. (5) is in general accord with the purpose and intent of the approved application. The variation request is in conformance with the application plan approved with ZMA 2013- 009, and the Code of Development (COD) from ZMA 2001-007. To indicate the general accord, the analysis is broken into five main categories as follows: A) The Built Form One of the underlying themes in the COD is that the "... principal architectural objective is to create structures with a distinctly human scale, mass and texture" (COD, Page 12) for Blocks A-E. The mixed -use ,building has been presented at a human scale as covered in the Neighborhood Model section of this summary. As with other buildings on the Application Plan, the mixed -use building will need to obtain formal approval from the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board prior to Site Plan Approval and may undergo additional modifications to ensure conformance with the COD and County standards. B) Conformance with the Elements of Block Group "1" and Flexibility in the Block Group The COD and Application plan groups Blocks A, B, C and D into Block Group "1". The COD stipulates several elements to be included within Block Group 1. The proposed mixed -use building adheres to the elements that are applicable, such as conformance in size and location for the building, open space, street network, sidewalks, green space and hardscape area, and also meets two elements which have not yet been met with the current development, a mixed -use building and structured parking. 111Page 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mike@30scale.com in addition to the above elements to be included in Block Group 1, the proposal incorporates a mixed -use building with "first floorspecialty retail and office and/or residential spaces above" (COD, Page 9 - highlighted for emphasis). The proposal also provides "On -street and structured parking facilities with close pedestrian access to commercial and residential uses..." (COD, Page 9). The COD envisioned the flexibility to provide the mixed use buildings and parking structure in any one of the blocks in Block Group 1 with the following statement: "The uses and amenities as described for each block group ... may be transferred between blocks within each block group without the need for an Application plan change... provided that the total residential dwelling units and gross leasable area for all land uses at full development within each of the three block groups do not fall short of the Minimum Block Intensity, nor exceed the Maximum Blok Intensity." (COD, Page 8). C) Western Property Line Landscaping The Code of Development stipulates that a "...mixed coniferous and deciduous screening buffer shall be employed along the western property line common with the duplex residential units that front on Commonwealth Drive" (COD, Page 18). The proposal provides a landscape buffer as described and as is shown on the site plan, cross-section and rendered view from the point of view of the duplex units. Also refer to IV. Narrative on Screening for additional information. D) Adjusted Block Areas The Code of Development on Page 8 allows for flexibility in Block Geometry to account for architectural and engineering changes. As can be seen on the overlay in Figure 6 on the next page, the block boundary between Blocks D and E was changed to allow for this flexibility. It should be noted that the proposed location of the mixed -use building straddles the original block boundary between Blocks D and E. This is an important consideration since the Code of Development prescribes a maximum building height in Block E of 8 stories (or maximum 90-feet high) to "accommodate a multi -family building". As discussed in earlier sections of this summary, the height guidelines increase as the plan moves further down in 12 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikeLZD30scale.com elevation along the western property line. Please also refer to the attached cross -sections and View Renderings. E) Shared Parking The proposal has received approval of a 35% parking reduction as a result of the offsetting of the peak parking demand for the residential and office uses. The parking reduction was made in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Code of Development and the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. 1 awa.n u �t Tr-" ldlYMO [UMENFIKO"V !eoana w orucahu scot« E CURUNT KM HtLh'fAMr n� - �' BLOCK I ism I 4 f r Figure 6 - Overlay of Block D2 Development on Application Plan III. Narrative on Screening The applicant is providing a vegetative buffer varying in width from 10 to 15 feet along the western property line. The overall length of the buffer is approximately 550 feet. The majority of this distance, 430 feet, is located adjacent to the existing duplexes on Commonwealth Drive. As prescribed by the Code of Development, the applicant is providing a mix of coniferous and deciduous landscaping screening along the entire length of the buffer, with a denser mix adjacent to the duplexes. 13JP -ge 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mike 0830scale.com It should be noted that the grade from the duplex units to the common property line drops by 24' to 10' moving south to north. There will be a staggered row of groups of 3, 4 or 5 of coniferous or deciduous trees in the 430-foot buffer yard as shown in Figure 7 below. The trees will be selected by a landscape architect to ensure adequate screening is achieved and that the trees will not adversely impact the retaining wall below. a 0 a � a GREENING PLANTINGS IN BUFFER g° KOBER WAY RETA1Ni r a-� * - Figure 7- Screening Plantings adjacent to Duplexes It should be noted that the existing grade drop from the duplex buildings to the common property line provides a more effective screen than landscaping since the view of the parking deck and Kober Way from the duplex units is highly obscured, or completely blocked. The screening trees will provide a more effective screen as they grow taller over the years. They will also provide an excellent screen to the view of the mixed -use building from the point of view of someone standing on the duplex units closer to the common property line. Also, the parking lot shade trees will provide a visual screen at such time they begin to grow taller over the years. IV. Narrative on Roof Deck The roof deck is at elevation 574.9, or 70.9' above the basement floor elevation of 504.0. The roof deck will be utilized for mechanical equipment only. It is anticipated that individual HVAC units will be provided for each unit. There will be a "penthouse" access to the roof deck for maintenance purposes. There will be no living space on the roof deck. The mechanical equipment will not be visible from the duplex units. A roof parapet will be provided to block the view of mechanical equipment. In an elevation analysis, a 24"-high parapet was able to block 141 P -ge 30 Scale, LLC 872 Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 434.242.2866 mikeLW30scale.com the view of hypothetical 6'-8' high mechanical equipment from the duplex units. Since the individual HVAC units will be on the order of 3'-4' tall, the view will be blocked. Also, the building design includes bumpout "hats" that will extend higher than the parapet in regular locations along the building facade. These will assist in providing additional screening. The applicant does not propose any livable space above the fifth floor. We thank you for taking the time to review this request and look forward to your favorable response. Based on the information provided, the 6-story proposal is difficult to distinguish from the 5-story option when viewed in context. The relatively long distance from the duplexes to the mixed -use building provide a viewing angle where one additional story has a negligible effect on the viewshed. Please feel free to call me at any time if you have any questions or would like additional information. Sincerely, M Cc: John Regan, The Christopher Companies Randy Steck, The Christopher Companies attachments 151: age OVERVIEW MAP �r SHEET INDEX 1. KEY PLAN 2, BIRD'S EYE VIEW 3. VIEW FROM COMMONWEALTH DUPLEXES 4. SITE CROSS -SECTIONS SEE SHEET3 FOR VIEW THROUGH - �® LbMMmy*EACTHMLT roi i m •µ� � �s nan • I?�I?r# ?16r I C -- SEESHEET4 FOR CROWSECTIONS s.LL x ]G n uj Lu W w r -- a I ; KE� Y PIAN e KEY PLAN �+. � �'✓ J, .14 '�5/1/3019 NOTE: IMAGE OF PROPOSED MIXED -USE BUILDING ON THIS SHEET 15 CONCEPTUAL FORACIUAL BUILDING APPEARANCE, REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS SUBMITTED WITH THE ARS APPUCATION. SHOPPINGI HYDRAULIC PH ITOWNS INGLEWOOD DRIVE SHOPPING CENTER HYDRAULIC ROAD PH 1 TOWNS INGLEWOOD DRIVE PROPOSED MIXED -USE BUILDING STONEFIELD COMMONS COMMONWEALTH DRIVE" DUPLEXES _ - i" _ ti GALCINEMA BIRD'S EYE VIEW G-STORY PROPOSAL (POSED MIXED -USE BUILDING rSTONEFIELD COMMONS f BIRD'S EYE VIEW 5-STORY COMPARISON NORT}RIaP awwor. BIRDS EYE VIEW 2 OF4 w N.TA 5/1/2019 PHOTOGRAPH EXfSDNG DUPLEX ON COMMONWEALTH DRIVE EXISTING DUPLERON — COMMONWEALTH DRIVE PROPOSED MIXED -USE BUILDING VIEW FROM COMMONWEALTH 6-STORY PROPOSAL PROPOSED MIXED -USE BUILDING vIEW FROM COMMONWEALTH NOTE: IMAGE OF PROPOSED MIXED -USE DUPLEXES BUILDING ON THIS SHEET 15 CONCEPTUAL AND IS SHOWN TO DISPLAYVIEW FROM VIEW FROM COMMONWEALTH COMMONWEALTH DRIVE DUPLEX LOTS, 5-STORY COMPARISON 3 OF4 FORACTUAL BUILDING APPEARANCE, 3 REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS SUBMITTED WITH THE ARB APPLICATION. 5/1/Z019 ODD S40 1 �niar 1 4 asmn '--- — o.aai aia x 520 560 -- .i.. _ - .. _ ..._.. - ...... .... ...... .. .. ._ ... .. --_ =_ -- 460 CRMS 5MMN A Goo SIM ®,a aw e I 666540 CL Son .a I} 4fi0 ._ _ _._ r _ _ _ _ .._— _ }.. —. —._. _ I I � pm tam ]W6 3�m MO Sam s.m — pw 41GL41F['I191�} 606 _ —T—. 6W T Sao SIM axw JE. i i 540 :a AI -_ --__+_ — 600 sW -_I _ 1 � _ �. _. _ _. -- _ 4B0 _ ._ a - _ _ — - -- _ .. {.E0565l.7 I6� 460 - - -- --� - --� - - - Yllk I6jA.IrjYll..114Q}gYYI I.Y. +rill+Ir'�4wN�+r IH #tir�ll OF4 �� Inlr'Y�T 3�j�2m! 519 1! 111MUOMIZ UP ®R low] N I W.rWINNIM-2i L j o U� c-I ZMA Code of DeveCopment Albemarfe Place rffe County of.AC6emar(z, Virginia 0 Submitted by 2& Landonomics Group • owners and Deverop w rllie Cox Company • !Pl�imhW rmd Uv pja Consultants KA, Inc. • A.rmiteas Oetober .I5, ?pd_i• CONE OF DEVELOPMENT APPENDIX A — Permitted/Prohibited Uses by Block* October 15, 2f143 (revised F••'•' Q 21ii0 *P Permitted uses by block; SP-Uses that may be applied for via Special Use Permit, Blank-- Uses prohibited within b ck. The square footages for all uses shaded in this table sliall count towards tha retail portion of the non - maximum square established in the Code of Development in Table I: "Uses Table" Block Group 1 2 3 Block A B C D E F G Detached single fami] Semi-detached and attached single-family dwellings such as duplexes, triplexes, quadmplexes, townhouses, atrium houses and R patio houses, and access2g a artments. P P P P P H Multiple-limilly dwellings P P I P P P S Rental of permitted residential uses P P P P P Homes for developmentally disabled 2ersons reference 5.1.0 P P P P .P U Boarding houses P P P P P S Tourist lodgings referenCe 5.1.17 P P P P P E Home occu anon Class A reference 5.2 P P P P P S Home occu Lion, Class B reference 5.2 SP SP SP SP SP Accessory uses and buildhigsincluding storage. buildings P P P P P P P Assisted living P P P P P P P Rest home nursing homes, or convalescent homes P P P P P P P Administrative business and professional offices P P P P P P P Antique, gift, jewelry, notion and craft shops P P P P P P P Auction houses P P P P P P N Automobile laundries P P P P P P G AutomobilS, truck repair shop excludiM bak shop P N Automobile service stations reference 5.1.20 Barim beauty shops P P P P P P P R Body Shop SP SP SP SP I SP SP E Building materials sales P P P P P P S Tier I personal Nvlreless service facilities reference. 5.1.40) P P P P P P P I Tier II personal wireless service facilities (reference 5.1.44 P P P P P P P D Tier III ersonal wireless service facilities Oyference 5.I ,40 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP E Cemeteries N Churches P P P P P P P r Clothi apparel and slice shops 1 P P P P P P P A Clubs, !od es civic fraternal, patriotic reference 5.1.2 P I P P P P P P Conrrnei-cial kennels —indoor only refisrence 5.I.11) , P P P P P P Commercial recreation establishments including but not limited to amusement centers bowling alloys, pool haf]s and dance halls P P P P P P P Comtmmity center P P P P P P P g Contractors' 3 , or nursery tacnntyLretr Department store Drive-in theaters wine or associated with. rd P I P P P P P P P P P 5.1.0 P P P P P P P P P P led uses SP SP SP SP SP P I P P P P mrantl I P I P I P P I P P Exhibit C P CODE OF DEVE4 LOPME4 NT APPENDIX A— Permitted/Prohibited Uses !3 oc1 October 15, 2003 (revised 'J 2010 *P-Permitted uses by block; SP-Uses that maybe applied for via Special Use Pan -nit; BIank-- Uses prohibited within b oc . The square footages for all uses shaded in this table shall count towards the retail portion of the non-residential square footage maximum established in the Code of Development in Table I: "Uses Table" Block Group 1 2 3 Block A H C D E F Electric, gas, oil and communication facilities, excluding tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by it public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations and appurtenances owned slid operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Cade of Albemarle and all other a licable law. P P P P P P Fagory outlet sales — clothing and fabric P P P P P P Farmers' market reference 5136 P P P P P P Fast food restaurant P P P P P P Feed and seed stores reference 5.1.22 P P P P P P Financial institutions P I P P P P P Fire and rescue squad stations Leftence 5.1,09 P P P I P P P Fire extin uisher and security oduc sales and service P P P P P P Florist P P P P P P Food and grocery stores including such specialty shops as bakery, candy, milk, dispenaffy and wine and cheese shops P P P P P P Funeral homes P I P P P P Furniture and home a liances sales and servico P P P I P P P Hardware store P P P P P P Health club or spa P P P P P P Heating oil sales and distribution Qnfarence 5.1.20 P P P P P P Home and business service such as grounds care, clearing, exterminators. Iandscapin and otluir xe air and maintenance P P P P P P H itals SP SP SP SP SP SF ,lotels motels and inns P P P P P P ndoor athletic facilities P P P P P P indoor theaters P. P P P P P ries medical or pharmaceutical P P P P .P P ,auncMes cky cleaners P P P P P P that an attendant shall be on duty at all hours during operation) P P P P P P Libraries museums P P P P P P LightwardLousing P P P P P P Livestock sales I equipment sales service and rental P P P P P P Medical center P P P P P P me and trailer sales and service Modular building sales :hicle sales, service and rental SP SP SP SP SP 3P lusical instrument sales P P P P P P w automotive sales P P I P I P-1 P I P Jews a er publishing P P I P I P I P I P naaazines. nine and tobacco shone i P I P I P I P I P I P 2 P P P P P CODE OFDEVELOPMENT APPENDIX A-- Perinitted/Prohibited Uses b Dlock October 15, 2003 (revised .Iulv_8.201f? *P-Pennitted uses by block; SP-Uses that may be applied for via Special Use Permit; Blank — Uses prohibited within block. The square footages for all uses shaded in this table Mail count towards the retail portion of the non-residential square footage maximum established in the Code of Development in Table 1: "Uses Table" Block Group 1 2 3 Block A I B C D E F I G Office and business machines sales and service P P P P P P P Optical goods sales P P P P P P P Outdoor Amphitheatre with no fixed seats and limited operation such as no loudspeakers after 1 D m weekends on! , etc. P Outdoor eating.establishment or card P P P P P P I P Outdoor storage, display and/or sales serving or associated with a by right permitted use, if any portion of the use would be visible from a travelwa SP SP SP SP SP SP SP Parks, playgrounds and civics aces P P P P P P P Photographic goods sales P P P P P P P Private schools P P P P P P P Professional offices, including medical dental and o tical P P P P P P P Public and r%vate utilities and infrastructure P P P P P P P Public uses and buildings, including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state, or federal agencies, public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment I'acillties, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rlvanna Water and Sewer Authority P P P P P P P Research and development activities including experimental testing P P P P P P P Retail nurseries and greenhouses. P P P P P P P Sales & Service of goods associated with principal use P P P P P P P Sales ofma"or recreational equipment and vehicles P P School of special irustrnciion P P P P P P P Seasonal and periodic events such as holiday festivals, community fairs, artisan and public open markets, and other pedestrian related events to be conducted on adjacent private streets P P P P P P P Temporary Events SP SP SP SP SP SP SP Septic lank sales and related services S orthi oods sales P P P P P P P Stand alone parking and pa*ing structures reference 4.12, 5.1.41 P P P P P P P Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site tan or subdivisionplat P P P P P P P, Swim golftennis or athletic facility P P P P P P P Tailor. seamstress P P P P P P P Tem construction uses reference 5.1,18 P P P P P P P Tew2Mnrnuresidential mobile homes (reference 5.8) P P P P P P P Veterinary Office and Hospital P P P P P P P Visual and audio appliances sales P I P P P P P P Warehouse facilities not permitted under section 24.2.1 (reference 9.0) Wayside stands -- vegetables and agricultural produce (reference 5.I.19 P P P P P P P Whnlessle-Distrihution Sia SP &P sP SP 1% &U �sQs9ss agooc 3 L r. so scale, u e On,uUM OdUk +tom, VA ZZ Ph. O4Ze22M mike@30scale.com March 4, 2019 Mr. Andrew Gast -Bray Assistant Director of Community Development/Director of Planning County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Mneff%Jd — Nock 02 — Phase Two — Major Site Plan Amendment - Request for a Varladon to the Albemarle Place Code of Development for Building Height Albemarle County Tmp 6iw403-D2A, 22-61 AND W104 Dear Andrew, Please find this letter and aMchments our request for a variation to the Albemarle Place Code of Development (CUD) to. allow a six -story mixed -use building In Block D2 -- Phase Two.. The ownerlapplicant~ Christopher Companies,, is pursuing approval of a Major Site Plan Amendment to SDP 2014-0W70 to construct a six W-story mixed -use building consisting of 160 apartment units and 20,000 GSf of commercial office space in lieu of the fifty-five (55) proposed townhouses. The 20,000 GSF of commercial space is located an the dement level with five stories of apartments above. The Major Site Plan Amendment is being submitted concurrently with this Variation Request. Block D2 — Phase Two is located to the east of a row of existing residential duplex lots on Commonwealth Drive. The basement level of the .six story building is buried on the high (commonwealth) side, so the effective height as viewed from the east is closer to five stories with more of the basement level being revealed as the grade falls towards the east. IlPage 30 Scale, LLC In Justin Drive, Palmyra, VA 22963 Ph. 4342U2M mlke Wscale.com Also, the proposed building location is approximately 30 feet further away and downhill from the common property line than the approved townhouses. Please refierto the attached Composite Cross Sections that Illustrate the existing and proposed topography and sight lines. Page 22 of the CAD (attached herein) states that buildings in Block D shall be between two (2) and five (5) stories. It should also be noted that Page 22 further allows eight (8) stories to accommodate a "potential multi -family structure" In Block E, which is located directly adjacent and to the north of Block D. in fact, the boundary of Block D was previously adjusted (as permitted by the COD), as indicated on Exhibit A below. The location of the proposed mixed - use building on Block D2 — Phase Two straddles the original Block D/Block E boundary line from the COD. This is additional justification to allow a one-story increase in this "transition" zone to Block E, where a maximum 904aot tall building was contemplated. s ��q t�rVnrr BLGIX s°�:i• BOUNDARY PHASE CM is ou DT t WU IBIT A - BLM D2 DEMLOPMENT OVERLAID ON CODE OF DEVELOPMENT Bi.00K PLAN (SHEET SP3 OF COD) in addition to the amwrsectlons attached to this letter, Exhibit B on the following page shows a schematic view of a portion of Block D and E, and an aerial photo for comparlson. As can be seen on this exhibit, there is a significant amount of existing tree cover screening on the rear yards of the Commonwealth lots, particularly the six buildings located adjacent to Phase Two. The applicant Is also providing additional screening comprised of a mix of coniferous and deciduous screening trees in accordance with the COD. For comparison, Exhibit B also illustrates the size of a six -story building in context since the existing six -story Hyatt Hotel is located directly adjacent to the west of the Phase Two building. 21Page So Scale, LLC 871 losft Drhee, Pahnyray VA nM Ph. 43U4LZW mlke@30scafe.com As a show of good faith to the neighbors on Commonwealth, the applicant Is proposing to construct a pedestrian stair/bike ramp connection to the adjacent shopping strip center at Tmp 61W 3 21A. This will provide an access for the Commonwealth residents to visit the Shops at Stonefreld, a quicker rouge to public transportation, and a more convenient way to facilltate bicycle travel, and will help with connections to future improvements, including more transit and when the Zan Road connection is made. Rendered Schematic View DIHIBIT B Aerial Photo from Google Maps We thank you for taking the time to rmeiew this request. Please feel free to tali me at any time if you have any questions or would like additional Iiilbi nnation. Sincerely, ;FM Cr: John Repro The Chrb opher Campaniles Randy Shr4 The Chdssopher Compar+ies W: - menu 3JPage 3-4-201.9 - SPECIAL EXCEPTION REQUEST FOR VARIATION TO THE CODE OF DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW A SIX -STORY BUILDING IN BLOCK D2 design prods, the Director of Pimming and Community D"opment could grant an exception allowing for a plaza area that would set the building facade back farther than 20 feet from the street curb_ Minimum Yard Dimensions (20A.5j.4) There shall be no minimum or maximum lot width axW depth requirements. Building Heights (20A.53.5) The maAmum building height for retail buildings shall be seventy five (75) fleet; with a ninety (90) ,foot limitation fw residential and mixed -use strneam s. SockkCmu'p L Buildings within Blocks A, B, and D shall range in hdght from one to five stories taL Buildings in Block C will range in bwght fire two to +, ; stm ies tall. BuildbW less than two sues in heightwithin this block group shall, be restricted to include arty those devoted to restaurants, outdoor cafe's and ratan idnaks in general a foradty.with the Application Plan. i3 urou_ 2: Buildirw within Block E shall range in height from two to as many as eight stones ball to accommodate a potential muttifarnily structure. 131ockGmup 3 Buuldin gs within Blocks F and G shall range in height hom cm to three stories tall. Sidewalk and Pedestria tt Patths (20A.5.1.6) See Section 31): aStueetscape Standards of this Code. 0 ZMA Code of DeveCupwnt ° %i e c'mmiy tf? Affv rzrfe 22