HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200100007 Special Exception 2019-04-29C&F BANK AT STONEFIELD SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR DRIVE -THROUGH PRESENTED BY DESIGN 4<0 DEVELOP 0412912019 3 0 5 I 7 COVER TABLE OF CONTENTS - PROJECT DESCRIPTION VICINITY MAP CODE OF DEVELOPMENT APPENDIX A EXISTING SITE PLAN PROPOSED SITE PLAN C&F BANK AT STONEFIELD ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Introduction We are seeking a Special Exception to the Stonefield Code of Development to allow for a drive -through at a bank being designed in Stonefield Block G. Currently, the Code allows financial institutions by right, however associated drive -through windows require a Special Use Permit. We would like to amend Stonefield's Code of Development to allow drive -through windows to be allowed by right in Block G in accordance with the Neighborhood Model District (NMD), which has allowed drive -through windows by right since 2016. B. Consistency with the Goals and Objectives of the Comprehensive Plan Allowing a Drive -Through window by right in the Stonefield Code of Development is consistent with the Neighborhood Model District's goal of providing "compact, mixed -use development with ... an infrastructure configuration that integrates diversified uses within close proximity to each other," by allowing the bank to develop a financial center that can satisfy customer needs through multiple means of service. This drive - through would also be in accordance with providing NMD characteristics including "interconnected streets and transportation networks," and "relegated parking" by creating a means of service that does not rely on additional parking but integrates into the existing street system in the area of development. It also meets the characteristics of contributing to "neighborhood centers," and a "mixture of uses and use types" by developing the first financial center in the Stonefield Development area. C. Does not increase the Approved Development Density or Intensity of Development The addition of a Drive -Through Window will not increase the intensity of development, but decrease the amount of parking congestion by providing customers with multiple means of utilizing the bank's services. D. Does not Adversely affect the Timing and Phasing of Development of any other Development in the Zoning District As the last plot of land to be developed in Block G of Stonefield, the request will not adversely affect any additional development in the zoning district. E. Does not Require a Special Use Permit Per a Zoning Text Amendment approved 03-02-2016, Drive -Through Windows are permitted By Right in Neighborhood Model Districts (18-20A.6 section a.12). This Special Exception requests that Stonefield's Code of Development, which currently only allows drive -through windows through a Special Use Permit, be amended to meet NMD's by right uses for drive-throughs, specifically within Block G of Stonefield. F. Is in General Accord with the Purpose and Intent of the Approved Application The proposed modification to Stonefield's Code of Development is consistent with the purpose and intent of by right uses in Neighborhood Model Districts to create a diverse mixture of uses and use types and create consistency between the NMD comprehensive plan and Stonefield's Code of Development. SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION APRIL 29, 2019 I► ♦ I ♦ / I I I I 41* /� /^ ♦♦ / � II ♦`I ♦♦ I t` VA, &F BANK AT STONEFIELD LBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 41* ♦♦ Sol ♦♦ Sol p-q SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION APRIL 29, 2019 STONEFIELD CODE OF DEVELOPMENT NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT ZONING SUPPLEMENT CODE OF DEVELOPMENT APPENDIX A — Permitted/Prohibited Uses by Block* October 15, 2003 (as revised on July 8, 2010 and approved by Board of Supervisors on August 4, 2010, and as further revised on June 3, 2013) *P-Permitted uses by block; SP-Uses that may be applied for via Special Use Permit; Blank — Uses prohibited within block. The square footages for all uses shaded in this table shall count towards the retail portion of the non-residential square footage maximum established in the Code of Development in Table I: "Uses Table" Block Group 1 2 3 Block A B C D E F G Detached single family R Semi-detached and attached single-family dwellings such as duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes, townhouses, atrium houses and patio houses, and accessory apartments. P P P P P E Multiple -family dwellings P P P P P S Rental of permitted residential uses P P P P P Homes for developmentally disabled persons reference 5.1.07 P P P P P U Boarding houses P P P P P S Tourist lodgings reference 5.1.17 P P P P P E Home occupation, Class A reference 5.2 P P P P P S Home occupation, Class B reference 5.2 SP SP SP SP SP Accessory uses and buildings, including storage buildings P P P P P P P Assisted living P P P P P P P Rest home, nursing homes, or convalescent homes P P P P P P P Administrative, business and professional offices P P P P P P P Antique, gift, jewelry, notion and craft shops P P P P P P P Auction houses P P P P P P N Automobile laundries P P P P P P O Automobile, truck repair shop excluding body shop P N Automobile service stations (reference 5.1.20) P Barber, beauty shops P P P P P P P R Body Shop SP SP SP SP SP SP E Building materials sales P P P P P P S Tier I personal wireless service facilities reference. 5.1.40 P P P P P P P I Tier II personal wireless service facilities reference 5.1.40 P P P P P P P D Tier III personal wireless service facilities reference 5.1.40 SP SP SP SP SP SP SP E Cemeteries N T Churches P P P P P P P I Clothing, apparel and shoe shops P P P P P P P A Clubs, lodges, civic, fraternal, patriotic reference 5.1.2 P P P P P P P L Commercial kennels — indoor only reference 5.1.11 P P P P P P U Commercial recreation establishments including but not limited to amusement centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls P P P P P P P S Community center P P P P P P P E Contractors' office and equipment storage yard P P P P P P P S Convenience stores P P P P P P P Day care, child care, or nursery facility reference 5.1.06 P P P P P P P Department store P P P P P P P Drive-in theaters Drive-in windows serving or associated with permitted uses SP SP SP SP SP SP SP Drug store, pharmacy P P P P P P P Eating establishment not including fast food restaurant P P P P P P P C&F BANK AT STONEFIELD ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 20A.6 VERMITTED 11SES The following uses shall be permitted in an NM D, subject to the regulations in this section and section S, the approved application plan and code ofdcvclopment, and the accepted proffers: a. By Fight Lases. The following uses arc permitted by right if the use is expressly ident ificd as a by right use in the code of development or if the use is permitted in a detcrn-tinatifln by the zoning administrator pursuant to subsection 1, Each use allowed by right or by special use permit in any other zoning district, except for those uses a]lowed only by special use permit delineated in subsections 20AA(b)(2) and (b)(3); provided that the use is identified in the approved code of development. 2. Water, sewer, energy and communications distribution facilities_ 3, Acecssory uses and buildings including storage buildings, 18-20A-3 inning Supplrrnrnt 4104, 10-1 1-17 4. Home occupation, Class A, where the district includes residential uses. 5. Temporary construction headquarters and temporary construction storage yards (reference 5.1.18)_ 6. Public uses (reference 5.1.12). 7. Tc uri st lodgings, whixe the district includes residential uses. 8, Group homes, where the distriel includes residential uses_ 9. Tier I and Tier II persona] wireless service facilities (reference 5_1.40)_ 10. Farmers' markets (rcfi, rcnoc 5.1.47). 11 _ Family day homes (reference 5.1.56). (Added 9-11-13) 12_ Drive -through %indows (referencc 5.1.60)_ (Added 3-2-16) lx. By special rise permit. The following uses arc permittcd by special use prrnut if the use is expressly identified as use permitted by spacial use permit in the code of development: 1, Each use allowcd by right or by special use perrtut in any other zoning district _ 2. (Repealed 3.2-16) 3. Outdoor storage, display andlor sales serving or assbciarcd with a by right permitted use, if any portion of the use would be visible from a travclway_ (Ord. 03-18(2).3-19-03; Ord 04-1H(2), 10-13-04; Ord. 09-18(9), 10-14-09; Ord, 10-1H(4), 5-5-10; Ord. 13- 18(2), 4-3-13; Ord. 13-18(5), 9-11-13; Ord. 16-18(2), 3-2-16) CODE OF DEVELOPMENT SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION APRIL 29, 2019 BLACKBIRD LN -> STONERIDGE AVE C&F BANK AT STONEFIELD ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 0 0 00 N EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION APRIL 29, 2019 It B LAC ATao I �aa�ba C&F BANK AT STONEFIELD PROPOSED SITE PLAN SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA APRIL 29, 2019