HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200100007 Correspondence 2019-07-23Tori Kanellopoulos From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:44 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Bill Fritz; Vivian Groeschel Subject: RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Attachments: 08.7_StonefieldDrive-Thru_ResolutionSigned.pdf Here is the corrected signed copy. I just went ahead and signed the corrected copy instead of having you replace the conditions. Thanks and sorry about that. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cbor ersen albemarle.or From: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:22 PM To: Claudette Borgersen <cborgersen@albemarle.org> Cc: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>, Vivian Groeschel <vgroeschel@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Thank you, Claudette! I will use this corrected version. Tori From: Claudette Borgersen <cbor ersen albemarle.or > Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 10:46 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello ouios albemarle.or > Cc: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarle.or >; Vivian Groeschel <vsroeschel@albemarle.org> Subject: FW: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Tori, I included the wrong conditions for the signed Resolution I sent to you. Can you please replace the conditions I sent with the attached conditions. Thanks. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cbor4ersen@albemarle.or4 From: Marsha Davis <MDavis02@albemarle.or9> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 20191:59 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos@albemarle.o�r >; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarle.or >; clerk <clerk albemarle.or > Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.ore> Subject: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Please find attached the reference resolution as the Board adopted it today. This includes the changes that were adopted. Thank you, Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext.7931 marshadavis@albemarle.or Tor! Kanellopoulos From: Ton Kanellopoulos Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:25 PM To: Bob Pineo Cc: Katherine Salata Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Attachments: C + F Special Exception Approved Resolution.docx Sure! Also please see attached Resolution — the other one had a slightly incorrectly worded condition. I don't think the changes are too difficult. I actually emailed Herb White this morning clarifying our SRC discussion, and that distance of the drive-thru to the intersection is measured from the middle of the intersection, not the edge. So the drive-thru likely doesn't need to be moved. There are some other site plan issues to address, but they seem doable. Once you resubmit, we try to turn around review comments in 2 weeks (may be up to 3, especially with so many people on vacation). Tor! From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdeveloplic.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 9:08 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Cc: Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thank you so much story for all your help. We are trying to schedule a conference call with WW on necessary site plan changes. In anticipation of that conference call do you think the changes being asked for our difficult to achieve? And assuming recent mission in the next day or so how long before approval ? Thank you again for your help. BP Bob Pineo. cell phone. On Tue, Jul 23, 2019, 8:59 AM Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or > wrote: H! Bob and Katherine, Please see signed resolution, attached for your records. I'll keep a lookout for the resubmittal of the site plan. Best, Tori From: Bob Pineo <bob desi ndevelo Ilc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 4:42 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle,org> Cc: Katherine Salata <k.salata designdevelopllc.com> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonef!eld special exception) Great, Thank you Tori. We will wait to hear back from WW on next steps. Thank you again for your help and movement laterally with this last-minute hiccup! Alls well that ends well! BP On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 3:30 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkaneHo oulos albemarle.or > wrote: Good news — it got approved! I will send the approved resolution once 6 receive it, but the condition is just the one discussed —that this applies to this site only and not all of Block G. Also, I will be sending Herb White review comments shortly, but there are some site plan design changes needed per 18-5.1.60. These are required regardless of the special exception, as they are design standards for all drive-thrus. This is for the major site plan amendment SDP2019-35 that was submitted. We will be discussing with Herb at Site Review Committee tomorrow as well. Thank you for your patience with this process! Tori From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 201910:01 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob0desisndevelopllc.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Also, I did check with other staff, and this is really more of a larger policy question. So if you cannot be there, we can still answer questions. We are considering revising the resolution so that drive-thru's only apply to your development, instead of all of Block G, as that may address some of the concerns mentioned by the Board. There is a chance the Board refers this to the Planning Commission, in which case this will need to go to the PC and then back to the Board. I will let you know what the outcome is today. Staff who worked on the previously mentioned drive-thru ZTA will be at the meeting to address the Board and answer questions. From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:13 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@desiendeyeIoDIIC.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata desi ndevelo Ilc.com> Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. Is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. ! was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, ZU19 9:19 PM To: Liz Palmer <! almer albemarle.or >; Board of Supervisors members <bos albemarle.or > Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >; Greg Kam ptner <GKam the albemarle.or >; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ore> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 n allawa albemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to 7 the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulicl29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to. first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 9774090 a Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:22 PM To: Claudette Borgersen Cc. Bill Fritz; Vivian Groeschel Subject: RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution Revised Thank you, Claudette! I will use this corrected version. Tori From: Claudette Borgersen <cborgersen@albemarle.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 10:46 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Cc: Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; Vivian Groeschel <vgroeschel@albemarle.org> Subject: FW: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Tori, I included the wrong conditions for the signed Resolution I sent to you. Can you please replace the conditions I sent with the attached conditions. Thanks. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cbor ersen albemarle.or From: Marsha Davis <MDavis02 aibemarle.or > Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 20191:59 PM To: Tori Kaneilopoulos<vkanellopoulos(@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarie.or >; clerk <clerkCZDaibemarle.or > Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKam the albemarle.or > Subject: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Please find attached the reference resolution as the Board adopted it today. This includes the changes that were adopted. Thank you, Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext.7931 marshadavis@albemarle.org 10 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 10:46 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Bill Fritz; Vivian Groeschel Subject: FW: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Attachments: edb2970a-Ode2-4e34-a3e3-d3bl e028bac3.docx Tori, I included the wrong conditions for the signed Resolution I sent to you. Can you please replace the conditions I sent with the attached conditions. Thanks. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborgersen@albemarle.org From: Marsha Davis <MDavis02@albemarle.org> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 20191:59 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRIU@albemarle.org>; clerk <clerk@albemarle.org> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org> Subject: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Please find attached the reference resolution as the Board adopted it today. This includes the changes that were adopted. Thank you, Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext. 7931 marshadavisOalbemarle.or.o 11 Tor! Kanelio oulos From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 9:08 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Katherine Salata Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Attachments:-WRD000 jpg Thank you so much story for all your help. We are trying to schedule a conference call.with WW on necessary site plan changes. In anticipation of that conference call do you think the changes being asked for our difficult to achieve? And assuming recent mission in the next day or so how long before approval ? Thank you again for your help. BP Bob Pineo. cell phone. On Tue, Jul 23, 2019, 8:59 AM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.or> wrote: Hi Bob and Katherine, Please see signed resolution, attached for your records. I'll keep a lookout for the resubmittal of the site plan. Best, Tori From: Bob Pineo <bobPdesiendevelopllc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 4:42 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarie.or > Cc: Katherine Salata <ksalata desi ndevelo llc.com> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (5tonefield special exception) Great, Thank you Tori. We will wait to hear back from WW on next steps. 12 Thank you again for your help and movement laterally with this last-minute hiccup! Ails well that ends well! BP On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 3:30 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore> wrote: Good news— it got approved! I will send the approved resolution once I receive it, but the condition is just the one discussed —that this applies to this site only and not all of Block G. Also, I will be sending Herb White review comments shortly, but there are some site plan design changes needed per 18-5.1.60. These are required regardless of the special exception, as they are design standards for all drive-thrus. This is for the major site plan amendment SDP2019-35 that was submitted. We will be discussing with Herb at Site Review Committee tomorrow as well. Thank you for your patience with this process! Tori From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:01 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Also, I did check with other staff, and this is really more of a larger policy question. So if you cannot be there, we can still answer questions. We are considering revising the resolution so that drive-thru's only apply to your development, instead of all of Block G, as that may address some of the concerns mentioned by the Board. 13 There is a chance the Board refers this to the Planning Commission, in which case this will need to go to the PC and then back to the Board. I will let you know what the outcome is today. Staff who worked on the previously mentioned drive-thru ZTA will be at the meeting to address the Board and answer questions. From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:13 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob desi$ndeveIoPIIC.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata _ designdevelopllc.com> Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is schecluled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. Is someone for your team able to be there today? i will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. I was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <lpalmer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos albemarle.ore> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarie.ore>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarig.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned 14 Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 n allawa albemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Serrt: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 15 From: Morgan Butler < m butler@ seIcva.or > Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic/29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 16 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butter Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 17 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2019 8:59 AM To: Bob Pineo Cc: Katherine Salata Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Attachments: 08.7_StonefieldDrive-Thru_Reso!ution5igned.pdf Hi Bob and Katherine, Please see signed resolution, attached for your records. I'll keep a lookout for the resubmittal of the site plan. Best, Tor! From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 4:42 PM To: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Cc: Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Great, Thank you Tori. We will wait to hear back from WW on next steps. Thank you again for your help and movement laterally with this last-minute hiccup! Ails well that ends well! BP On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 3:30 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> wrote: Good news — it got approved! 1 will send the approved resolution once I receive it, but the condition is just the one discussed —that this applies to this site only and not all of Block G. Also, I will be sending Herb White review comments shortly, but there are some site plan design changes needed per 18-5.1.60. These are required regardless of the special exception, as they are design standards for all drive-thrus. This is 18 for the major site plan amendment SDP2019-35 that was submitted. We will be discussing with Herb at Site Review Committee tomorrow as well. Thank you for your patience with this processl Tori From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 201910:01 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@desiendevelonllc.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Also, I did check with other staff, and this is really more of a larger policy question. So if you cannot be there, we can still answer questions. We are considering revising the resolution so that drive-thru's only apply to your development, instead of all of Block G, as that may address some of the concerns mentioned by the Board. There is a chance the Board refers this to the Planning Commission, in which case this will need to go to the PC and then back to the Board. I will let you know what the outcome is today. Staff who worked on the previously mentioned drive-thru ZTA will be at the meeting to address the Board and answer questions. From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:13 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob desi ndevelo Ilc.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata desi ndevela Ilc.com> Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefieid special exception) Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (1_ane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 Mcintire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. I was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. 19 Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.ors>; Board of Supervisors members <bos albemarle.or > Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello ouios albemarle.or >; Greg Kamptner <GKam the albemarle.or >; Andy Herrick <aherrick albemarle.or >; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarle.or > Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 n allawa albemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 20 Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefreld special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive- 21 through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 22 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 23 Tori Kanello oulos From: Claudette Borgersen on behalf of clerk Sent: Monday, July 22, 2019 11:34 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Travis Morris Subject: Stonefield Drive-Thru Signed Resolution Attachments: 08.7_StonefieldDrive-Thru_ResoIutionSigned. pdf Attached for your records. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborgersen@albemarle.org 24 Tor! Kanellopoulos From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 4:42 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Katherine Salata Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Great, Thank you Tori. We will wait to hear back from WW on next steps. Thank you again for your help and movement laterally with this last-minute hiccup! Ails well that ends well! BP IN On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 3:30 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> wrote: Good news — it got approved! I will send the approved resolution once I receive it, but the condition is just the one discussed — that this applies to this site only and not all of Block G. Also, I will be sending Herb White review comments shortly, but there are some site plan design changes needed per 18-5.1.60. These are required regardless of the special exception, as they are design standards for all drive-thrus. This is for the major site plan amendment SDP2019-35 that was submitted. We will bediscussing with Herb at Site Review Committee tomorrow as well. Thank you for your patience with this process! Tor! From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:01 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata desi ndevelo Ilc.com> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 25 Also, I did check with other staff, and this is really more of a larger policy question. So if you cannot be there, we can still answer questions. We are considering revising the resolution so that drive-thru's only apply to your development, instead of all of Block G, as that may address some of the concerns mentioned by the Board. There is a chance the Board refers this to the Planning Commission, in which case this will need to go to the PC and then back to the Board. I will let you know what the outcome is today. Staff who worked on the previously mentioned drive-thru ZTA will be at the meeting to address the Board and answer questions. From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:13 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. Is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. I was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. Best, Tor! From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <I almer albemarle.or >; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org> Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick albemarle.or >; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz . noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. 26 Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 ngallaway@albemarle.org From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 27 From: Morgan Butler <mbutler selcva.or > Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive - through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go. to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. 28 We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic/29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 29 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 3:30 PM To: Bob Pineo; Katherine Salata Subject. RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Good news —it got approved! I will send the approved resolution once I receive it, but the condition is just the one discussed —that this applies to this site only and not all of Block G. Also, I will be sending Herb White review comments shortly, but there are some site plan design changes needed per 18- 5.1.60. These are required regardless of the special exception, as they are design standards for all drive-thrus. This is for the major site plan amendment SDP2019-35 that was submitted. We will be discussing with Herb at Site Review Committee tomorrow as well. Thank you for your patience with this process! Tor! From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 201910:01 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Also, I did check with other staff, and this is really more of a larger policy question. So it you cannot be there, we can still answer questions. We are considering revising the resolution so that drive-thru's only apply to your development, instead of all of Block G, as that may address some of the concerns mentioned by the Board. There is a chance the Board refers this to the Planning Commission, in which case this will need to go to the PC and then back to the Board. I will let you know what the outcome is today. Staff who worked on the previously mentioned drive- thru ZTA will be at the meeting to address the Board and answer questions. From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 B:13 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@desiendeveloplic.com>; Katherine Salata <k.saiata@desiendevelop!lc.com> Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. I was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. 30 Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.o>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.ore> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne(&albemarle.ore>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.ore>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 naallawav(&albemarle.ore From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Sill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. 31 Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler @selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. 32 We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the HydraulicJ29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 33 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Bill Fritz Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 2:09 PM To: Greg Kamptner; Marsha Davis; Tori Kanellopoulos; clerk Subject: RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Attachments: resolution for special exception for ZMA2001_7 stonefield.docx Revised resolution. I also have a brief presentation I can show the BOS so they can understand the change and see the area we are talking about. William D. Fritz, AICP Development Process Manager/ombudsman 434-296-5823 ext 3242 From: Greg Kamptner Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 2:04 PM To: Marsha Davis <MDavis02@albemarle.org>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; clerk <clerk@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Ail - I think the condition would be more clear if it said that the special exception "applies only to the area shown on instead of that the "special exception must apply to the area shown on " Greg Kamptner County Attorney County of Albemarle ekamntner[cDaibemarle.ore 434-972-4067 ext. 3268 From: Marsha Davis Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 1:59 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; clerk <clerk@albemarle.org> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org> Subject: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Please find attached the reference resolution as the Board adopted it today. This includes the changes that were adopted. Thank you, Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Offrce 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext.7931 34 marshadavis@albemarle.ora 35 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Bill Fritz Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 2:04 PM To: Greg Kamptner; Marsha Davis; Tori Kanellopoulos; clerk Subject. RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised I will make the change. Thanks William D. Fritz, AICP Development Process Manager/Ombudsman 434-296-5823 ext 3242 From: Greg Kamptner Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 2:04 PM To: Marsha Davis <MDavis02@albemarle.org>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; clerk <clerk@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised All - I think the condition would be more clear if it said that the special exception "applies only to the area shown on instead of that the "special exception must apply to the area shown on ..." Greg Kamptner County Attorney County of Albemarle ekamotner@albemarle.org 434-972-4067 ext. 3268 From: Marsha Davis Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 1:59 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarle.or >; clerk <clerk@albemarle.org> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamgtne@albemarie.ore> Subject: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Please find attached the reference resolution as the Board adopted it today. This includes the changes that were adopted. Thank you, Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext.7931 marshadavis albemarle.or 36 37 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Greg Kamptner Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 2:04 PM To: Marsha Davis; Tori Kanellopoulos; Bill Fritz; clerk Subject: RE: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution Revised All - I think the condition would be more clear if it said that the special exception "applies only to the area shown on instead of that the "special exception must apply to the area shown on ..." Greg Kamptner County Attorney County of Albemarle ekamotner@albemarle.org 434-972-4067 ext. 3268 From: Marsha Davis Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 1:Sy wive To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org>; clerk <clerk@aIbemarle.org> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org> Subject: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Please find attached the reference resolution as the Board adopted it today. This includes the changes that were adopted. Thank you, Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext.7931 mars hadavisCcD-albemarle.org 38 Tod Kanellopoulos From: Marsha Davis Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 1:59 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos; Bill Fritz; clerk Cc Greg Kamptner Subject: July 17 Stonefield Special Exception Resolution - Revised Attachments: edb2970a-Ode2-4e34-a3e3-d3bl e028bac3.docx Please find attached the reference resolution as the Board adopted it today. This includes the changes that were adopted. Thank you, Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext. 7931 marshadavis@albemarle.ora 39 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 1:38 PM To: Bob Pineo Subject: RE: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Bob, Great! I just stepped out fora minute and talked with Bill Fritz (who did the ZTA) and am now back sitting up front behind Mark. We may need to go to the PC, which we could do on/before Aug 6 it seems. We would schedule the Board date as soon as possible. If the PC also recommend approval, we can go back to consent agenda for approval. The site plan comments are due tomorrow for Site Review Committee, and revisions will be needed, so hopefully this does not add too much time to the process (since the site plan will need to be revised and resubmitted, as is typical with site plans). Tori From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 20191:30 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Tori, I am here right behind ne!I Williamson if you need me. BP Bob Pineo. cell phone. On Wed, Jul 17, 2019, 8:13 AM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellogoulos@albemarle.org> wrote: Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. I was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. 40 Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <lpalmer@albemarle.orp- Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.ore>; Andy Herrick <aherrick albemarle.or >; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarle.or > Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 ngallaway@albemarle.org From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 41 Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva,ore> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive- 42 through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic/29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 43 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 44 Tod Kanellopoulos From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 1.30 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: Re: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Tori, I am here right behind neil Williamson if you need me. BP Bob Pineo. cell phone. On Wed, Jul 17, 2019, 8:13 AM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.o > wrote: Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. Is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. 6 was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.o> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. 45 Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 ngailaway@albemarle.org From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6.:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 46 From: Morgan Butler <mbutler „selcva.ore> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefleld special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive - through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the 47 applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 48 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:56 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Just spoke with Ned and he thinks we may just deal with it at the time of the adoption of the consent agenda .... I guess just play it by ear and you already have a good plan. Thanks! Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborciersennalbemarle.org From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:16 AM To: Claudette Borgersen <cborgersen@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) No worries! Bill and I will both be there. We were under the impression it would be right before closed, but either way we are planning to be there at 1 PM for Mark. So we will stay for the meeting) The fire didn't help with this day being busy lol. From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:15 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Based on Ms. Palmer's e-mail below, it looks like they will discuss it right before closed session. I will clarify/confirm with the Chair, but it may not be until later. If you don't hear from me by 12:30ish, can you follow up with me? My day is going to be super busy, so I don't want to forget..... Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cbor.gersenCa-aibemarle.org From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:39 AM To: Claudette Borgersen <cbo[gersen@aibemarle.ore> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 49 Hi Claudette, Just to clarify, does my consent agenda item (now for discussion) go before the closed session? Or during it? I will plan to be there at 1 PM anyway for Mark's recognition, and will certainly stay for my item. Bill or David will be there as well. Thank you! Tori From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:26 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Tori, I am sure you have looked at the agenda, but just wanted to send it to you and let you know that we plan to go into closed session around 2:45. Please plan to come a little early just in case we move through the agenda a little quicker than anticipated. More than likely we will run late, but better to be on the safe side. It is hard to predict and once the meeting starts, I don't have any control over the timing. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborgersen(@-albemarle.orq From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:16 AM To: Ned Gallaway <neallaway@albemarle.org>; Liz Palmer <Ipaimer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos albemarle.or > Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.orp; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarie.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi All, I am the staff reviewer for this special exception, and 1 will be at the Board meeting today to discuss and answer questions. I have contacted the applicant as well. I will look into the background on drive-throughs in NMD's as well. Best, Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 50 From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.or9>; Board of Supervisors members <bosCCOaibemarie.ore> Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or >; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarie.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrlck@albemarle.ore>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ore> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefleld special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 neallawavCcDalbemarle.ore From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Lori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefieid special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, 51 Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting --is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy 52 emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 53 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 .11:42 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Tori. You are right, the fire didn't help....: Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborpersen (aal bem arle.org From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:16 AM To: Claudette Borgersen <cborgersen@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) No worries! Bill and I will both be there. We were under the impression it would be right before closed, but either way we are planning to be there at i PM for Mark. So we will stay for the meeting! The fire didn't help with this day being busy lol. From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:15 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkaneilopoulos@aibemarle.ore> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Based on Ms. Palmer's e-mail below, it looks like they will discuss it right before closed session. I will clarify/confirm with the Chair, but it may not be until later. If you don't hear from me by 12:30ish, can you follow up with me? My day is going to be super busy, so I don't want to forget..... Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborgersen0albemarle.org From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:39 AM To: Claudette Borgersen <cborgersen@albemarle.00r > Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Claudette, 54 Just to clarify, does my consent agenda item (now for discussion) go before the closed session? or during it? I will plan to be there at 1 PM anyway for Mark's recognition, and will certainly stay for my item. Bill or David will be there as well. Thank youl Tori From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:26 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanello oulos albemarle.or > Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefreld special exception) Hi Tori, I am sure you have looked at the agenda, but just wanted to send it to you and let you know that we plan to go into closed session around 2:45. Please plan to come a little early just in case we move through the agenda a little quicker than anticipated. More than likely we will run late, but better to be on the safe side. It is hard to predict and once the meeting starts, I don't have any control over the timing. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 coorgersen _ albemarle.orp From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:16 AM To: Ned Gallaway <ngallaway@albemarle.ore>; Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.ore>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@aibemarle.ors> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarle.or > Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi All, I am the staff reviewer for this special exception, and a will be at the Board meeting today to discuss and answer questions. I have contacted the applicant as well. I will look into the background on drive-throughs in NMD's as well. Best, Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 55 From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@aibemarle.org Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.or�> Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellogoulos@albemarle.org>; Greg Kamptner <GKam the albemarle.or >; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.ore>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.o> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 n allawa albemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, 56 Liz Palmer (434)964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butter <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tod Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy 57 emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 58 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:41 AM To: Bill Fritz Subject: PPT for special exception Attachments: Stonefield PPT 07-17-19.pptx Hi Bill, Please see attached PPT for today. Hope this is helpful and what you were looking for!! Claudette is confirming but is pretty sure they are discussing right before the closed session. Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 59 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 11:16 AM To: Claudette Borgersen Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) No worries! Bill and I will both be there. We were under the impression it would be right before closed, but either way we are planning to be there at 1 PM for Mark. So we will stay for the meeting! The fire didn't help with this day being busy lol. From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 201910:15 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Based on Ms. Palmer's e-mail below, it looks like they will discuss it right before closed session. I will clarify/confirm with the Chair, but it may not be until later. if you don't hear from me by 12:30ish, can you follow up with me? My day is going to be super busy, so I don't want to forget..... Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cboraersena-albemarle.org From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:39 AM To: Claudette Borgersen <cborgersen@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Claudette, Just to clarify, does my consent agenda item (now for discussion) go before the closed session? Or during it? I will plan to be there at 1 PM anyway for Mark's recognition, and will certainly stay for my item. Bill or David will be there as well. Thank you! Tori From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:26 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Tori, 60 I am sure you have looked at the agenda, but just wanted to send it to you and let you know that we plan to go into closed session around 2:45. Please plan to come a little early just in case we move through the agenda a little quicker than anticipated. More than likely we will run late, but better to be on the safe side. It is hard to predict and once the meeting starts, I don't have any control over the timing. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborciersenO-al bemarle.org From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:16 AM To: Ned Gallaway <ngallaway@albemarle.org>; Liz Palmer <I almer albemarle.or >; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.ore> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.ora>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.ore>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.o> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi All, am the staff reviewer for this special exception, and I will be at the Board meeting today to discuss and answer questions. i have contacted the applicant as well. I will look into the background on drive-throughs in NMD's as well. Best, Tori Tor! Kanellopoulos, AlcP candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <lpalmer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos albemarle.or > Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@aibemarle.ore>; Greg Kamptner<GKamptne@albemarle.ore>; Andy Herrick <aherrick albemarle.or >; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ albemarle.or > Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned 61 Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 n allawa albemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefleld special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: 62 On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic/29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. 63 Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 �' Tori Kanellopoulos From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:15 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Based on Ms. Palmer's e-mail below, it looks like they will discuss it right before closed session. I will clarify/confirm with the Chair, but it may not be until later. If you don't hear from me by 12:30ish, can you follow up with me? My day is going to be super busy, so I don't want to forget..... Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cbor ersen albemarle.or From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:39 AM To: Claudette Borgersen <cborgersen@albemarle.orga Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Claudette, Just to clarify, does my consent agenda item (now for discussion) go before the closed session? Or during it? I will plan to be there at 1 PM anyway for Mark's recognition, and will certainly stay for my item. Bill or David will be there as well. Thankyoul Tori From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:26 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulosC@albemarle.ore> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Tori, I am sure you have looked at the agenda, but just wanted to send it to you and let you know that we plan to go into closed session around 2:45. Please plan to come a little early just in case we move through the agenda a little quicker than anticipated. More than likely we will run late, but better to be on the safe side. It is hard to predict and once the meeting starts, I don't have any control over the timing. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 65 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cboraersenO-albemarle.ora From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:16 AM To: Ned Gallaway <neallawav@albemarle.ore>; Liz Palmer <Ivalmer@albemarle.ore>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.orp Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarie.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi All, I am the staff reviewer for this special exception, and I will be at the Board meeting today to discuss and answer questions. I have contacted the applicant as well. I will look into the background on drive-throughs in NMD's as well. Best, Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarie.ors>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.ore> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.ore>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Hoard Chair Supervisor, Rio District 66 Albemarle County 434-326-3834 ngallaway@albemarle.org From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.ore> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. 67 Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 68 (434) 977-4090 69 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 10:01 AM To: Bob Pineo; Katherine Salata Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Also, I did check with other staff, and this is really more of a larger policy question. So if you cannot be there, we can still answer questions. We are considering revising the resolution so that drive-thru's only apply to your development, instead of all of Block G, as that may address some of the concerns mentioned by the Board. There is a chance the Board refers this to the Planning Commission, in which case this will need to go to the PC and then back to the Board. I will let you know what the outcome is today. Staff who worked on the previously mentioned drive- thru ZTA will be at the meeting to address the Board and answer questions. From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:13 AM To: Bob Pineo <bob@designdeveloplic.com>; Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. Is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. I was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <I almer albemarle.or >; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org>. Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Greg Kamptner <GKam the albemarle.or >; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, 70 Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 neallawav(Malbemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434)964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 71 Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. 72 Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 73 Tor! Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:53 AM To: Bill Fritz Subject: Stonefield Special Exception Hi Bill, Please see current condition for this special exception, and proposed: CURRENT: 1. The special exception must apply to Block Gas depicted on the application plan of ZMA201300009 entitled "Amended Application Plan — Full Build, Exhibit A," prepared by W/W Associates, dated October 21, 2013. PROPOSED: 1. The special exception must apply to the area shown on the application plan for this Variation Request entitled "C&F Bank at Stonefield: Special Exception for Drive -Through", prepared by Design Develop, dated April 29, 2019. Tori Kanellopoulos, AiCP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 74 Tor! Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:39 AM To: Claudette Borgersen Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Claudette, Just to clarify, does my consent agenda item (now for discussion) go before the closed session? Or during it? I will plan to be there at 1 PM anyway for Mark's recognition, and will certainly stay for my item. Bill or David will be there as well. Thank yowl Tori From:'Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:26 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Tori, I am sure you have looked at the agenda, but just wanted to send it to you and let you know that we plan to go into closed session around 2:45. Please plan to come a little early just in case we move through the agenda a little quicker than anticipated. More than likely we will run late, but better to be on the safe side. It is hard to predict and once the meeting starts, I don't have any control over the timing. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cbor ersen@albemarle.org From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:16 AM To: Ned Gallaway <ngallaway@albemarle.ore>; Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.ore>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.or > Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.ore> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi All, I am the staff reviewer for this special exception, and I will be at the Board meeting today to discuss and answer questions-1 have contacted the applicant as well. I will look into the background on drive-throughs in NMD's as well. 75 Best, Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-SB32 ext. 3270 From: Ned Gallaway Seat: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.org>; Hoard of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.orp Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.ori=>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.orp; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 neallawav(@albemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 76 Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects --as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows 77 may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 78 Tor! Kanellopoulos From: Claudette Borgersen Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:26 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Attachments: 00_Agenda.pdf Hi Tori, I am sure you have looked at the agenda, but just wanted to send it to you and let you know that we plan to go into closed session around 2:45. Please plan to come a little early just in case we move through the agenda a little quicker than anticipated. More than likely we will run late, but better to be on the safe side. It is hard to predict and once the meeting starts, I don't have any control over the timing. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cborgersen -_albemarle.org From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:16 AM To: Ned Gallaway <ngallaway@albemarle.org>; Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org> Cc: Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi All, am the staff reviewer for this special exception, and U will be at the Board meeting today to discuss and answer questions. I have contacted the applicant as well. I will look into the background on drive-throughs in NMD's as well. Best, Tor! Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <IPalmer@albemarle.ore>; Board of Supervisors members <bos albemarle.or > Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos<vkanellopoulos@albemarleM>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick 79 <aherrick@al_bemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 neallawavPalbemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 80 From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects --as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning 81 Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 82 Tor! Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:16 AM To: Ned Gallaway; Liz Palmer, Board of Supervisors members Cc: Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject RE: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi All, I am the staff reviewer for this special exception, and I will be at the Board meeting today to discuss and answer questions. I have contacted the applicant as well. I will look into the background on drive-throughs in NMD's as well. Best, Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org> Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 83 ngailawav@albemarle.org From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick;. Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 20.16 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use 84 for reviewing special exception requests We this one. in instances in Which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulict29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 85 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:13 AM To: Bob Pineo; Katherine Salata Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Hi Bob and Katherine, The special exception is scheduled for the Board today at 1 PM (Lane Auditorium, County Office Building, 401 McIntire Road, 22902). It appears it will be pulled off consent for approval and for discussion. Is someone for your team able to be there today? I will be as well, but it may be helpful. Apologies for the late notice. I was not aware of previous 2016 discussions. Also, perhaps we can change the resolution to allow for drive-thrus only for this particular use or development in Block G, instead of allowing drive-thrus in all of Block G. I will see if I can get ahold of the County Attorney's Office to make these changes. Best, Tori From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <Ipalmer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 86 ngallaway@albemarle.or From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <m butler@ selcva.or > Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use 87 for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville. VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 88 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2019 8:10 AM To: David Benish; Megan Nedostup (mnedostup@albemarle.org) Subject: FW: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) This is my item today FYI: From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer <lpalmer@albemarle.org>; Board of Supervisors members <bos@albemarle.org> Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org>; Greg Kamptner <GKamptne@albemarle.org>; Andy Herrick <aherrick@albemarle.org>; Bill Fritz <BFRITZ@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 neallawavPalbemarle.org From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 89 Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.ore> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff:, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows 90 may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic/29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977- 090 91 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Ned Gallaway Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 9:39 PM To: Liz Palmer; Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Thanks Liz - noted. I will pause for your change prior to adoption of the final agenda. Kindly, Ned Ned Gallaway Board Chair Supervisor, Rio District Albemarle County 434-326-3834 ngallaway@albemarle.org From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36:17 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selnra.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) 92 Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulicl29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. 93 Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434)977-4090 94 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Liz Palmer Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:36 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tod Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner, Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject Re: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Ned, I will request that we move 8.7 from the consent agenda for discussion during the unscheduled time before we go into closed session Hopefully someone from staff will be available to explain further and to address SELC concerns. I am assuming we still have the time. Thank you, Liz Palmer (434) 964-7876 Samuel Miller District Representative Albemarle County Board of Supervisors From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:03 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tor! Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject: Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning 95 Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that.there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic129 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 96 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Morgan Butler <mbutler@selcva.org> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2019 6:04 PM To: Board of Supervisors members Cc: Tori Kanellopoulos; Greg Kamptner; Andy Herrick; Bill Fritz Subject Consent Agenda Item 8.7 (Stonefield special exception) Attachments: BOS Minutes Excerpt 3-2-16.pdf Dear Members of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors: On behalf of the Southern Environmental Law Center, I am writing to raise concerns with one of the items included on your Consent Agenda tomorrow, with a primary concern being the fact that the request has been included on your Consent Agenda in the first place. Item 8.7 concerns a request for a special exception to vary the Stonefield Code of Development to allow drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G of that development. Of direct relevance here, when the Board of Supervisors adopted a change to the zoning ordinance on March 2, 2016 to allow drive -through windows to potentially be a by -right use in the Neighborhood Model District (provided they are expressly identified as a by -right use in a project's code of development), the Board simultaneously adopted a policy, and gave corresponding direction to staff, about the process to use for reviewing special exception requests like this one. In instances in which a proposal located in the NMD zoning district was originally approved without drive -through windows allowed by -right, and that proposal subsequently seeks a special exception to allow drive -through windows by -right (which is exactly the situation we have with item 8.7), the Board directed that the special exception request must first go to the Planning Commission for review and a recommendation prior to the Board's review and action. (Please see the highlighted portions in the attached excerpt from the minutes of the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting.) The concern this policy reflects —as referenced by Supervisor Randolph at the Board's March 2, 2016 meeting —is that there are instances in which drive -through windows may not be appropriate uses in some NMD developments or portions thereof since one of the primary characteristics sought to be encouraged in that zoning district is pedestrian orientation, and the Planning Commission's expertise and recommendation on such requests would be particularly valuable to the Board before it must make a decision. We are not necessarily opposed to allowing a drive -through window for the bank that the applicant is proposing for Block G. However, the special exception request the applicant has submitted would go much further than that by allowing drive -through windows throughout the entirety of Block G. That gives us pause in light of the heavy emphasis that both the Hydraulic/29 Small Area Plan and the Places29 Master Plan place on transforming the existing auto -dominated landscape along the Route 29 corridor into something that is more inviting to, and more oriented toward, pedestrians. The request at hand is just the type of situation in which the Planning Commission's expertise is needed, and that's precisely why the Board adopted the policy that intentionally involves the Commission in the review of requests like this one. Please remove this item from the consent agenda tomorrow and ask staff to first schedule a review with the Planning Commission, consistent with the policy the Board deliberately adopted for this type of request. We believe the Commission's review will be beneficial for the Board as well as for the general public. Indeed, we would recommend you request the Commission's review of this special exception request pursuant to your authority under County Code §18-33.47(B) even if your policy did not already require it. 97 Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Morgan Butler Morgan Butler Senior Attorney Southern Environmental Law Center 201 West Main Street, Suite 14 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 977-4090 98 Tort Kanellopoulos From: DoNotReply@Granicus.com Sent: Monday, July 8, 2019 10:31 AM To: Tod Kanellopoulos Subject Approval Sequence Completed Notice Tori Kanellopoulos The proposed Special Exception, Number 19-397, which you submitted to one or more persons for review and/or approval has successfully completed the Approval process. The current status of this item is Agenda Ready. This email is an automatic email notice from your I_egistar® Approval Tracking System. Please do not 'Reply' to this email, but use the links above. Thank you. 99 Tod Kanellopoulos From: Marsha Davis Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 9:32 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: clerk Subject: July 17 Stonefield SE Ni Toril just forwarded your materials on to Travis in Granicus. We made some very minor tweaks to the TS (mostly replacing "per" with more exact language in a couple of places), and we revised the Resolution (changed "Tax Map Parcel Number" to "Tax Parcel". removed reference of County Code § 18- 33.5, and in the condition, we changed "must apply" to "applies Only"). Thank you! Marsha Marsha A. Davis Legal Services Coordinator Albemarle County Attorney's Office 401 McIntire Road, Suite 325 Charlottesville, VA 22902 (434) 972-4067 ext.7931 marshadavis(cDalbemarle.or4 100 Tori Kanellopoulos From: DoNotReply@Granicus.com Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 9:27 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: Approval Sequence Restarted Approval Sequence Restarted Tori Kanellopoulos The proposed Special Exception, Number 19-3y7, which you submitted to one or more persons for review and/or approval and which had been PAUSED has now been RESTARTED by Marsha Davis. The current status of this item is Approval Review. This email is an automatic email notice from your Legistar* Approval Tracking System. Please do not'Reply'to this email, but use the links above. Thank you. 101 Tod Kanellopoulos From: DoNotReply@Granicus.com Sent: Monday, July 1, 2019 10:08 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: Approval Sequence Paused Approval Sequence Paused Tod Kanellopoulos The proposed Special Exception, Number 19-397, which you submitted to one or more persons for review and/or approval has been PAUSED by Marsha Davis prior to completing the Approval process. The current status of this item is Approval Paused. This email is an automatic email notice from your Legistar® Approval Tracking System. Please do not `Reply' to this email, but use the links above. Thank you. 102 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc_com> Sena: Friday, June 28, 2019 9:24 AM To: Tod Kanellopoulos Cc: Katherine Salata Subject: Re: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Great, Thanks Toril You have been great to work through in this process, so thank you! BP On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 9:03 AM Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore> wrote: Hi Bob, There is nothing else needed for this special exception! It will go to the Board July 1-ph and will be on consent agenda for approval. I will let you know how the Board votes, but I expect it will be for approval, given that drive-thrus are now by right in Neighborhood Model Districts. Best, Tor! From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 7:40 PM To: Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore> Cc: Katherine Salata <k.salata@desisndevelopllc.com> Subject: Re: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Thank you for your help Tor!. We understand the special exemption would be for block G. Makes sense. Is there anything else you need from us in regards to this item? 103 Best regards Bob Pineo. cell phone. On Tue, Jun 25, 2019, 2:33 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.ore> wrote: Hi Katherine and Bob, Please see attached documents for the drive-thru special exception. This is still on consent agenda for the Board of Supervisors for Wednesday, July 17t'. There is only one condition, which is just that this special exception only applies to Block G, as requested in the application. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Tori From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 11:59 AM To: Katherine Salata<k.saiata@desiendeveloplic.com>; Bob Pineo <bob@desiendevelopllc.com> Subject: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Hi Katherine and Bob, I received your special exception application for a drive-thru for the proposed bank in stonetield. I have tentatively scheduled the request for Wednesday, July 1711' at 1 PM on the consent agenda for the Board of Supervisor's approval. I will let you know once the clerk has confirmed this is on the schedule. Consent agenda items are approved all together in one motion (it is not a public hearing), and are only discussed if the Board pulls them off the agenda (which I do not see happening here, given drive-thrus are now by -right in NMD). I likely do not need any additional materials from you all for this application. I will write a short report (required for all special exceptions) and upload all materials for review before the Board date. 104 I also received your site plan, which I will be the lead reviewer on. That Site Review Committee date will be Thursday, July 18'h, and review comments will be due to you by that Monday the 151h. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best, Tor, Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 105 Tor! Kanellopoulos From: Cheryl Skeen Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 9:00 AM To: Christopher Perez; Kevin McDermott; Greg Harper; Rachel Falkenstein; Scott Clark; Tim Padalino; David Benish; Rebecca Ragsdale; Tori Kanellopoulos; Blake Abplanalp; Howard Lagomarsino; Stephanie Banton; Carolyn Shaffer, Sid Russell Cc: Marsha Davis; clerk Subject: Legal Deadline Approaching for July 17th Agenda Just a friendly reminder that you have an item on the July 171 BOS meeting agenda. If your item requires legal review it was due in the system by the end of the day on Friday, June 28t'. If your item does not require legal review, please keep in mind that all executive summaries are due to the Deputy/Assistant County Executive by Wednesday, July 31d Cheryl Skeen, Executive Assistant County of Albemarle County Executive's Office 434-296-5841 ext. 3383 cskeen0-albemarle. ors 106 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2019 7.40 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Katherine Salata Subject: Re: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Thank you for your help Tori. We understand the special exemption would be for block G. Makes sense. Is there anything else you need from us in regards to this item? Best regards Bob Pineo. cell phone. On Tue, Jun 25, 2019, 2:33 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> wrote: Hi Katherine and Bob, Please see attached documents for the drive-thru special exception. This is still on consent agenda for the Board of Supervisors for Wednesday, July 17". There is only one condition, which is just that this special exception only applies to Block G, as requested in the application. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Tori From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 11:59 AM To: Katherine Salata<k.salata@designdeveloollc.com>; Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Hi Katherine and Bob, I received your special exception application for a drive-thru for the proposed bank in Stonefield. I have tentatively scheduled the request for Wednesday, July 17"h at 1 PM on the consent agenda for the Board of Supervisor's approval. 107 I will let you know once the clerk has confirmed this is on the schedule. Consent agenda items are approved all together in one motion (it is not a public hearing), and are only discussed if the Board pulls them off the agenda (which I do not see happening here, given drive-thrus are now by -right in NMD). I likely do not need any additional materials from you all for this application. I will write a short report (required for all special exceptions) and upload all materials for review before the Board date. I also received your site plan, which I will be the lead reviewer on. That Site Review Committee date will be Thursday, July 181h, and review comments will be due to you by that Monday the 151h. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best, Tori Tor! Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 108 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent Tuesday, June 25, 2019 2:34 PM To: Katherine Salata; Bob Pineo Subject: RE: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Attachments: Attach B Staff Analysis.docx; Attach C Resolution.docx; Cover Memo Stonefield Block G Special Exception.docx Hi Katherine and Bob, Please see attached documents for the drive-thru special exception. This is still on consent agenda for the Board of Supervisors for Wednesday, July 17". There is only one condition, which is just that this special exception only applies to Block G, as requested in the application. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best, Tori From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Thursday, May 30, 201911:59 AM To: Katherine Salata<k.salata@designdevelopllc.com>; Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Hi Katherine and Bob, I received your special exception application for a drive-thru for the proposed bank in Stonefield. t have tentatively scheduled the request for Wednesday, July 17a` at 1 PM on the consent agenda for the Board of Supervisor's approval. I will let you know once the clerk has confirmed this is on the schedule. Consent agenda items are approved all together in one motion (it is not a public hearing), and are only discussed if the Board pulls them off the agenda (which I do not see happening here, given drive-thrus are now by -right in NMD). I likely do not need any additional materials from you all for this application. I will write a short report (required for all special exceptions) and upload all materials for review before the Board date. I also received your site plan, which I will be the lead reviewer on. That Site Review Committee date will be Thursday, July Ir, and review comments will be due to you by that Monday the 151. Please let me know if you have any questionsl Best, Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 109 Tori Kanell000ulos From: Megan Nedostup Sent: Monday, June 24, 2019 3:38 PM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Subject: RE: Special Exception Stonefield Block G - allow drive-thrus by -right Attachments: Cover Memo Stonefield Block G Special Exception-mnedits.docx; Attach B Staff Analysis- mnedits.docx See attached. I think I would use 2 for this one: Changes to the arrangement of buildings and uses shown on the plan, provided that the major elements shown on the plan and their relationships remain the same They are changing the arrangement of uses shown on the plan/COD. I didn't have any other changes. Thanks! Megan Nedostup, AICP (pronounced nuh-DAHST-up) Principal Planner Community Development Department Planning Services ph: 434.296.5832 ext. 3004 From: Tor! Kanellopoulos Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 9:58 AM To: Megan Nedostup <mnedostup@albemarle.org> Subject: Special Exception Stonefield Block G - allow drive-thrus by -right Hi Megan, Please see attached documents for the special exception request for Stonefield Block G to allow drive -through windows by -right. I know David had coordinated with the applicant and said they could do a special exception, since drive - through windows are now allowed by -right in NMD since 2016 (but are still SP in Stonefield's COD). However, I can't figure out where this request fits under in 18-8 (see my comments in the attached docs). This is scheduled to go July 17th on consent for approval, so my documents are due in Granicus June 28th (next Friday). Thanks and hope you're enjoying the time off!! Tori Tor! Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 110 Tori Kaneil000ulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Friday, June 21, 2019 9:58 AM To: Megan Nedostup (mnedostup@albemarle.org) Subject: Special Exception Stonefield Block G - allow drive-thrus by -right Attachments: Attach B Staff Analysis.docx; Attach C Resolution.docx; Cover Memo Stonefield Block G Special Exception.docx Hi Megan, Please see attached documents for the special exception request for Stonefield Block G to allow drive through windows by -right. I know David had coordinated with the applicant and said they could do a special exception, since drive - through windows are now allowed by -right in NMD since 2016 (but are still SP in Stonefield's COD). However, I can't figure out where this request fits under in 18-8 (see my comments in the attached docs). This is scheduled to go July 17th on consent for approval, so my documents are due in Granicus June 28th (next Friday). Thanks and hope you're enjoying the time off!! Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 111 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Claudette Borgersen on behalf of clerk Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 1:18 PM To: Alyssa Mezzoni; Ana Kilmer; Andrew Knuppel; Andy Reitelbach; Bill Fritz; Blake Abplanalp; Brent Nelson; Carla Harris - CDD; Carolyn Shaffer; Cheryl Skeen; Ches Goodall; Christopher Perez; Claudette Borgersen; County Attorney, David Benish; Elise Kiewra; Greg Harper; Jack Kelsey; Jennifer Johnston; Johnathan Newberry; Kevin McDermott; Lea Brumfield; Leadership Council; Lisa Breeden; Margaret Maliszewski; Megan Nedostup; Michaela Accardi; OMB; Pam Shifflett; Peter Lynch; Phil Giaramita; Rachel Falkenstein; Rebecca Ragsdale; Roclo Lamb; Ruth Emerick; Scott Clark, Sherry Short; Siri Russell; Stacy Pethia; Stephanie Banton; Steven Allshouse; Tex Weaver, Tia Mitchell; Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Travis Morris Subject: July Agenda's Attachments: 0d Agenda_Staff.pdf, 00 Agenda_Staff.pdf Good Afternoon, Attached are the tentative agendas for the July 3 and June 17 Board of Supervisor's meetings. If you have any changes or deletions, please e-mail clerk(d-)albemarle.org by Wednesday, June 12. Please note the due dates for Executive Summaries and Agenda Material: JULY 3: EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES DUE TO COUNTY ATTORNEY NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JUNE 14. ALL AGENDA MATERIAL DUE TO CLERK NO LATER THAN MONDAY, JUNE 24. JULY 17: EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES DUE TO COUNTY ATTORNEY NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JUNE 28. ALL AGENDA MATERIAL DUE TO CLERK NO LATER THAN TUESDAY, JULY 9. Please be sure to make agenda requests and changes to any items that have been entered into the Agenda Item Request Form. You will need to sign in with your AC credentials. Executive Summary Deadlines for agenda items can be found here. The deadlines for requesting agenda items for the 2019 meetings can be found on the here. Please be advised that requests made after these dates will be placed on the next available agenda. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best Regards, Claudette K. Borgersen Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434) 296-5843 ext. 3405 cbor ersen albemarle.or 112 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Office of the Clerk < no-reply@sharepointonline.com > Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 4:42 PM To: Claudette Borgersen; Travis Morris; Mark Graham; Tori Kanellopoulos; Claudette Borgersen; Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Cheryl Skeen; Sid Russell Subject: Claudette Borgersen made a change to Special Exception to vary Stonefield Code of Development ZMA2001-7 to allow for drive-thru per 18- Please do not reply to this message as it was sent from an unmonitored account. If you have questions about this e- mail or the board agenda item request process, contact the Office of the Clerk. Claudette Borgersen has changed this agenda item: Change made: Approved for 7/17/2019. Deadline to legal for review is 6/28. Agenda item title: Special Exception to vary Stonefield Code of Development ZMA2001-7 to allow for drive-thru per 18- Board mtg date: 7/17/2019 12:00:00 AM Board action/outcome: Consent agenda for approval Urgent? No Agenda category: Consent AgendaTor Approval Time needed: 0 mins (e.g., consent item) ES required? No TS required? Yes Special Exception Memorandum required? Yes Legal review required? Yes Primary author: Tori Kanellopoulos Name(s) of contributing author(s): ; ; ; ; Primary presenter: Tori Kanellopoulos 113 Name of additional presenter: Dept bead: Mark Graham CE lead: Doug Walker Item requested by: Tod Kanellopoulos Note to Clerk: Special exception on consent agenda with recommendation for approval My Board Agenda Items 114 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent Thursday, May 30, 2019 11:59 AM To: Katherine Salata; Bob Pineo Subject: Special Exception Application: C+F Bank Hi Katherine and Bob, I received your special exception application for a drive-thru for the proposed bank in Stonefield. I have tentatively scheduled the request for Wednesday, July 171 at 1 PM on the consent agenda for the Board of Supervisor's approval. I will let you know once the clerk has confirmed this is on the schedule. Consent agenda items are approved all together in one motion (it is not a public hearing), and are only discussed if the Board pulls them off the agenda (which I do not see happening here, given drive-thrus are now by -right in NMD). I likely do not need any additional materials from you all for this application. I will write a short report (required for all special exceptions) and upload all materials for review before the Board date. I also received your site plan, which I will be the lead reviewer on. That Site Review Committee date will be Thursday, July le, and review comments will be due to you by that Monday the 151. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best, Tori Tor! Kanellopoulos, AICP candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 115 Tori KanelloDoulos From: Office of the Clerk <no-reply@sharepointonline.com> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 11:42 AM To: Mark Graham; Tori Kanellopoulos; Doug Walker; Tori Kanellopoulos; Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Claudette Borgersen; Travis Morris, Siri Russell; Cheryl Skeen Subject: Tori Kanellopoulos has requested Special Exception to vary Stonefield Code of Development ZMA2001-7 to allow for drive-thru per 18- as a future Board agenda item Please do not reply to this message as it was sent from an unmonitored account. If you have questions about this e- mail or the board agenda item request process, contact the Office of the Clerk. Agenda item title: Special Exception to vary Stonefield Code of Development ZMA2001-7 to allow for drive-thru per 18- Board mtg date: 7/17/201912:0000 AM Board action/outcome: Consent agenda for approval Urgent? No Agenda category: Consent Agenda:For Approval Time needed: 0 mins (e.g., consent item) ES required? No TS required? Yes Special Exception Memorandum required? Yes Legal review required? Yes Primary author: Tor! Kanellopoulos Name(s) of contributing author(s): ; ; ; ; Primary presenter: Tori Kanellopoulos Name of additional presenter: Dept head: Mark Graham CE lead: Doug Walker Item requested by: Tori Kanellopoulos Board action/outcome: Consent agenda for approval 116 Note to Clerk: Special exception on consent agenda with recommendation for approval My Board Agenda Items 117 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Tori Kanellopoulos Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 2:40 PM To: Katherine Salata Cc: Bob Pineo Subject: RE: Applying for a Special Exception Hi Katherine, Thank you for your draft application. It looks good to me — I don't see anything missing there. One thing to note is that the property owner's signature will be required on the application (that is, whoever owns parcels in Block G). It looks like it may all be one parcel at the moment. Ideally the Code of Development would be changed for all Blocks in Stonefield, however that would require the signatures of all parcel owners in the development, which would be an extra burden for you all. If you want to check with the owner of some of the larger portions of Stonefield and see if they are interested in extending this special exception to other Blocks, you may do so, but this is not a requirement. This is a straightforward special exception that can go on the Board's consent agenda. This means there is no public hearing or discussion, unless the Board decides to pull the item (this is rare). Given that drive-thru's are by -right in NMD zoning, this is really a formality/technicality to do the special exception. Once you submit your application, I will get it scheduled as soon as possible. [ will still need to write a summary but it is a simple review. Best, Tori From: Katherine Salata <ksalata@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 201910:56 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Cc: Bob Pineo <bob@designdevelopllc.com> Subject: Re: Applying for a Special Exception Hello Tori, Thank you for walking us through the application process for a Special Exception. We have put together a booklet that believe meets all the criteria for the application. Would it be possible for you to glance through it to see if there are any issues that might slow the approval down before we send in our final submission? If you are able to do so, the booklet is linked below. Thanks! 2019-04-30 Special Exception Booklet Best, Katherine On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 3:28 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <ykanellopoulos@albemarle.ore> wrote: Hi Katherine, 118 My name is Tori, and I will likely be the Planning Reviewer for your application. After talking with David, it sounds like he checked with Zoning and that you would need a Special Exception to Stonefield's Code of Development ZMA2001- 7). The special exception application can be found here. I am not sure if someone else already got back to you all, but here is the process: The Special Exception is scheduled for the Board of Supervisors within 90 days of submittal. Assuming Staff recommends approval, it is scheduled on the consent agenda and is approved at the beginning of the meeting (and is not a public hearing). This seems like a straightforward request, as drive-thrus are now by -right, and this is really just an amendment to the Code of Development for Stonefield. Staff writes a brief report which analyzes the request and makes a recommendation. See an example attached (which is also a variation to the Code of Development, like your application). You would need to submit an application that addresses the criteria under Zoning Ordinance 18- (variations from approved codes). There are five (5) criteria listed under section c. You do not need a long narrative, however you do need to specifically address those requirements. Most are very brief (e.g. #4 a special use permit is not required). Please also reference Page 37 (Page 52 out of 62 in PDF) of the Code of Development to show where the Code is being varied. You may submit the special exception at any time in the process, including concurrently with the site plan. The special exception must be approved before the site plan may be approved, however we can begin reviewing the site plan at any time. It could even be ready for approval and just wait for the special exception to be approved. Therefore, you would also need either a Major Site Plan Amendment or an Initial and then Final Site Plan for the bank. They are fairly similar processes and timelines, although the Major is just one application. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best, Tor! Tori Kanellopoulos, AICP Candidate Planner Community Development Department 119 Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 From: Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdeveloollc.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:19 AM To: David Benish <DBENISH albemarle.or >; Tor! Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarle.org> Cc: Bob Pineo <bob@desiendevelopllc.com> Subject: Applying for a Special Exception Hello David and Tod, I am with the architecture firm Design Develop and we are working on a new C&F Bank to be located in Block G of Stonefield. .The Code of Development allows for tinanc[al institutions in this location; however we have an associated drive-thru window which requires a special use permit. Following the zoning text amendment that was approved in 2016 to make a drive thru window by right, death McMahon mentioned that we may request a Special Exception to revise the use table in the Code of Development, rather than apply for a Special Use Permit for this drive-thru window. The ARB voted in favor of allowing a drive thru window at this location at their meeting this past Monday. Could you please explain the process to apply for this Special Exception moving forward? Thanks! Best, Katherine 120 121 Tori Kanellopoulos From: Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelopllc.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 10:56 AM To: Tori Kanellopoulos Cc: Bob Pineo Subject: Re: Applying for a Special Exception Hello Tori, Thank you for walking us through the application process for a Special Exception. We have put together a booklet that I believe meets all the criteria for the application. Would it be possible for you to glance through it to see if there are any issues that might slow the approval down before we send in our final submission? If you are able to do so, the booklet is linked below. Thanks! 2019-04-30 Special Exception Booklet Best, Katherine On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 3:28 PM Tori Kanellopoulos <vkanellopoulos@albemarie.org> wrote: Hi Katherine, My name is Tod, and i will likely be the Planning Reviewer for your application. After talking with David, it sounds like he checked with Zoning and that you would need a Special Exception to Stonefield's Code of Development (ZMA2001- 7). The special exception application can be found here. I am not sure if someone else already got back to you all, but here is. the process: The Special Exception is scheduled for the Board of Supervisors within 90 days of submittal. Assuming Staff recommends approval, it is scheduled on the consent agenda and is approved at the beginning of the meeting (and is not a public hearing). This seems like a straightforward request, as drive-thrus are now by -right, and this is really just an amendment to the Code of Development for Stonefield. Staff writes a brief report which analyzes the request and makes a recommendation. See an example attached (which is also a variation to the Code of Development, like your application). You would need to submit an application that addresses the criteria under Zoning Ordinance 18- (variations from approved codes). There are five (5) criteria listed under section c. You do not need a long narrative, however you do need to specifically address those requirements. Most are very brief (e.g. #4 a special use permit is not required). Please also reference Page 37 (Page 52 out of 62 in PDF) of the Code of Development to show where the Code is being varied. You may submit the special exception at any time in the process, including concurrently with the site plan. The special 122 exception must be approved before the site plan may be approved, however we can begin reviewing the site plan at any time. It could even be ready for approval and just wait for the special exception to be approved. Therefore, you would also need either a Major Site Plan Amendment or an Initial and then Final Site Plan for the bank. They are fairly similar processes and timelines, although the Major is just one application. Please let me know if you have any questions! Best, Tori Tori Kanellopoulos, AiCP Candidate Planner Community Development Department Phone: 434-296-5832 ext. 3270 From: Katherine Salata <k.salata@designdevelop] lc.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2019 10:19 AM To: David Benish <DBENISH@albemarle.org>; Tori Kanellopoulos <vkane!lopoulos@albemarle.org> Cc: Bob Pineo <bob@designdeveloplic.com> Subject: Applying for a Special Exception Hello David and Tori, 123 I am with the architecture firm Design Develop and we are working on a new C&F Bank to be located in Block G of Stonefield. Code of Development allows for financial institutions in this location; however we have an associated drive-thru window which requires a special use permit. Following the zoning text amendment that was approved in 2016 to make a drive thru window by right, Heath McMahon mentioned that we may request a Special Exception to revise the use table in the Code of Development, rather than apply for a Special Use Permit for this drive-thru window. The ARB voted in favor of allowing a drive thru window at this location at their meeting this past Monday. Could you please explain the process to apply for this Special Exception moving forward? Thanks! Best, Katherine 124 n 125