HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201700038 Review Comments 2019-01-11 John Anderson
From: John Anderson
Sent: Friday,January 11, 2019 1:02 PM.
To: 'Palmore, Cameron'; Mark Hopkins; 'Nat Perkins'
Subject: RE:Boars Head Squash
Mark explained erosion issues downslope of the bioretention basin have been addressed,that silt deposits washed into the
basin have been removed. We appreciate this. I've reviewed the 26-sheet As-built record drawing received
12/5/18. (Please note this was not an initial bond reduction request,but follow-up response to request for information; see
email below:November 06,2018 12:55 PM). I regret holidays,leave, and illness delayed review of the As-built record
drawing. I propose we meet to discuss material received 12/5/18 as it relates to Construction Record Drawings(As-built)
for VSMP policy next Thursday. Engineering considers this a priority. We realize the importance of bond release. We
want to get there,too.
Please take time with this email. Please compare highlight sections of image below to As-built record drawing
submittal. Highlight items are required,yet not shown on As-built drawing, or,in case of video,not yet received(video,
4' x 4' box culvert).
We had hoped link to VSMP policy document would serve as guide(please scroll to 11/6/18 email,below). If required
items overlooked;,that is, if items appear on 26-sheet As-built/record drawing,please let me know.
Please use link to view .PDF of As-built/record drawing policy; we need jghlight items, and cannot release SWM Plan
bond without these items.
1. Please do not provide design drawings as construction record drawings. Far too many sheets(many unnecessary,
all apparently design drawings)were submitted. The initial As-built was a single sheet that did not meet As-built
requirements. Neither does current 26-sheet submittal. Please let As-built policy document guide As-built
drawing submittal. Far fewer sheets are needed.
2. As-builts typically show departure from design parameters as black or bold linework(overlay)with design shown
in grayscale, or black,on a single drawing. That does not appear to be the case with Utility Profile, C4.02, for
example. We must retrieve the approved WPO plan,and compare since design and as-built condition do not
appear to be combined as a single image. Please provide single images that combine As-built condition and
design(typical of As-built record drawings).
3. Item 12: As-built record drawing submittal includes design profile for bioretention basin;please furnish As-built
depth/elevation of each bioretention basin layer.
4. Item 10: Provide deed'bk.-pg. (label)reference to recorded SWM facility easement/s. C3.04 shows proposed
5._ Item 3: Geo-coordinates are required(approx. center of bioretention/center of detention 4' x 4' box culvert is
6. Item 6: As-built record drawing does not appear to show bioretention basin plants,location,or type.
7. Item 2:.Provide video of detention system(4' x 4' box culvert).
I am free 2:00 or 2:30pm,Thursday, 17-Jan. Please let us know if either time works;or if you prefer not to meet. Thanks.
Nat. .
OV AfJ �yt k
t ��`
® Depttrtmeot of Comiitunity,Devclopinent
Construction`Record Drawings`'(1.18A*lt),:for YSMP
'The following:;is a;list of=information`required on.:construction,record drawings?for•. .,
:stormwater facilities.(reference`,Water Protection Ordinance.11 422).:It is•pteferabl):• iar the:
construction i�ecoril;'d,oit'�gbePrepai'ed'byso iieone-oih0.than the des g er -Pie'se°do iiot
.;provide:desgn:drawings-as.".construction,record drawings. •
A:A signed and'iiated professional"seatof the preparing_engineer or'suiveyor
B.:The name:and,addressofcthe finii_and;individual'preparing the„drawings on the titlesheet.,.
C:The constructed location;of all items associated with each facility,;and the inspection>records to•verify
proper'dimensions;materials and nstallation. The".iteins include;but are not liini`ted;to'the`followii g:.:
1,, ,Inspection 1 ecords;and:photographs:for pipetrench'es:;and bedding;including:underdrd ns;
2 Video PipeInspection for any_pipes which-are:not accessible:orviewable:
"Updatei 1.4.10tion'.with geo=coordinates:ofaU facilities:
`,Verified,Drainage Areamaps:for the drainage;area`treated;and for-cirainage,to the facilities:
5 Current physical and topographic survey for all earthen`strtii ores Ponds should include a,survey.
of the,pond,bottom.;Surveys;should'verify pond`volumes are;perdesign;Corrections may,berequired.
for alterations from'the design:
6 _Plants;location•and type.`
T aPlans •
and_profiles for..all.culverts,""•Pipes;;Risers;;Weirs°ant]'Drainage.Structu"res,-Display the
y.Od: - .a . .g p py , ^.i_•.•materia .. is or end treatnient(s) ,
mstalle8`t e:of drama a structures culvert/ i.e s#ze,weirs,ma[enals,;inle
inlet and'outlet_protection,.alignments and invert elevations•compared to design.:
8. Computations for significant deviations froiri:iiesign,prove le,sealed computations:,verifyingthai.
:the asbuilt;conditio'n'is:equivalent.or<betterthan:design .
9. =Ditcfi Lines.-'Displayth constructed=location of all.ditcli roes a nd:channels;,inc1'udit g,'typical
sections;an_ •wings::
10:Easements _Show=all:platted easements•with dead'9ook references labeled;_1~acilit4 and
must:be within• platted easements Provide copies of recorded'documents
11.0tardrail,fences or other safety provisions 'Display;the,constructed location of all safety'
,provisions,fences,guardriul,including'the type,length'and applied end;treatments,compared to..
design: :.:
I.2:`Material layers.—'biofilter-media,stone.layers,sand layers;keyways,and cores inust'be verified_as.,to_ E
materialves:and depths: _Include,inspection,reports,Boring or test'pit reports and materials
certifications: Biofilter media must be'anappro�ed state mix:,,
13: Access roads:-`show location.of acce s roads,surface trea`tinent,drainage,etc,as applicable:.
14 compaction::reports;are required to;verify fill.compactiion in dams:
:15.Manufacturers certifications'for propnetary'BMP's'certiifying;proper:installation:andrfunctioning.:.
From:John Anderson
Sent: Friday, November 30,2018 3:56 PM
To: 'Palmore, Cameron'<cpalmore@Dewberry.com>; Mark Hopkins<mhopkins@albemarle.org>; 'Nat Perkins'
Subject: RE: Boars Head Squash
Nat, Cameron,
It was nice to meet you at our office,yesterday, and helpful to discuss SWM approach to proposed UVA Foundation
tennis courts(Boar's Head Inn). As follow-up to squash facility bond reduction email,below, slope wash(sediment)in
the biofilter should be removed via low impact means(square-tip shovel); photos are available. Sediment is distinctly
clay-colored in contrast to the darker(biofilter)media mix. This sediment will blind and short-circuit the
biofilter. Thanks and have a nice weekend.
J.Anderson 434.296-5832-x3069
Fi'Sm:John Anderson
Sent:Tuesday, November 06, 2018 12:55 PM
To: 'Palmore,Cameron'<cpalmore@Dewberry.com>; Mark Hopkins<mhopkins@albemarle.org>; Nat Perkins
Subject: RE: Boars Head Squash
I had hoped to get to this sooner, and appreciate Mark's support with bonds. As explained,below,I've been assigned the
SWM plan bond inspection. Tomorrow,I plan to inspect facilities with Mark. In a moment,I will send three emails with
large size single-sheet scans(WPO201700038). These sheets list descriptive design information for bioretention basins
#1 and#2, including surface area, and planting schematics. With this email,Engineering requests Dewberry review all
relevant design information(surface area,volume, SWM facility profile depths,plan,plantings, SWM retention pipe),and
revise or supplement construction record drawings. An As-built needs to include relevant design sheets,Title sheet, and
as-built condition/dimensions of each design parameter,type/number of plantings,retention pipe data(inverts-length-
slope), etc. Although ECS reports d. 7/10/18 and 7/11/18 are PE-sealed certifications that as-built bioretention basins
match design,construction record drawings need to show/confirm as-built conditions are consistent with(each) design
parameter. Record drawings collect as-built data in a single document; construction reports corroborate
data. Construction record drawings must also reflect as-built condition of the storm water retention pipe(compare to
design). Negligible departure of pipe slope(0.005 ft/ft; 0.5%),or invert/weir plate elevation(0.01')from design will
require routings to show that retention system, as installed,performs consistent with design(storm water runoff)quantity
calculations. Please ref. Construction Record Drawings Policy for requirements for SWM facilities; link,below.
Last, since ECS reports appear not to include the storm water retention pipe,please provide PE-seal certification letter
for this element of design/aspect of as-built condition; Item A. Construction Record Drawings (As-built)for VSMP.
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community Development/forms/Engineering and
WPO_Forms/WPO_VSMP_ConstructionRecord Drawings_Policy_23May2014.pdf
Thanks for your help and patience, Cameron.
J. Anderson
We'd like to float idea of 2-year warranty letter(similar to attached),which Albemarle may rely on for plant survival
rather than withhold a portion of the SWM Plan bond any longer than necessary. Would UVA Foundation be comfortable
preparing a letter for the WPO file, similar to attached? Also,to limit surprise,I should forewarn that since photos show
un-stabilized slopes above bioretention facility#1 during construction, Engineering will check for sediment in this SWM
facility. Typically,bioretention basin installation is delayed until all contributing upslope drainage areas are
stabilized. We'll check on that,tomorrow. Please let us know about the warranty letter. Thanks,Nat.
VA DEQ Stormwater Design Specification No. 9/p. 34; link: https://www.swbmp.vwrrc.vt.edu/wp-
content/uploads/2017/11/BMP-Spec-No-9_BIORETENTION_vl-9_03012011.pdf (future ref)
Ver.411: 9,.March,10.01,1 :Pag0,:0 4'
?8 2 .8iorete.rition Installation
The::following'is a:typical'eon'`struction sequence to properly='iiistall a'bio"retention'basin<:(also see
Fignre"91'6� The;coi strict on`se"uence;fo micro-bioretent'ion,°is,more;sim'lified These ste s
maybe modified,to reflect different bioretention.applications or expected site,c..onditions:;
Step :4, Construction;of'theF bioretention;�area;.:;fnay -.only-_begin after the entire contributing
drainage area has,been stabilized'wifl vegetation Ittnay:be necessary,tn block`:certain^curb or
other inlets while.the bioretenti011•:area>is-being`constructed:The proposed-.sitesliould.be checked
for existill&tilititiitidilto si`y";;tk avafionk
Thanks for your help and patience.
-best •
J.Anderson 434.296-5832 -x3069
John Anderson, PE,Civil Engineer II • (434)296-5832-x3069
Community Development Dept. I Engineering Division
County of Albemarle 1401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
From: Palmore,Cameron<cpalmore@Dewberry.com>
Sent:Tuesday, November 06, 2018 10:24 AM
To: Mark Hopkins<mhopkins@albemarle.org>; Nat Perkins<nperkins@uvafoundation.com>
Cc:John Anderson<janderson2@albemarle.org>;Ana Kilmer<akilmer@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Boars Head Squash •
Thanks Mark. I was starting to worry it hadn't gotten there.
F.Cameron Palmore,P.E.,L.S. •
Associate,Senior Project Manager
4805 Lake Brook Drive
Suite 200
Glen Allen,VA 23060
804.205.3356 direct
804.908.4116 mobile
804.290.7928 fax -
From: Mark Hopkins [mailto:mhopkins@albemarle.org]
Sent:Tuesday, November 6, 2018 10:11 AM
1 Tad: Palmore,Cameron<cpalmore@Dewberry.com>; Nat Perkins<nperkins@uvafoundation.com>
Cc:John Anderson<janderson2@albemarle.org>;Ana Kilmer<akilmer@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Boars Head Squash
This message originated from outside your organization
I remember my communications with you about this project, but with you not being listed on
any of the material I received I did not make the connection.
Apparently while I was out for a few days last week when this came in, they switched reviewers
on me and it is now in the office of John Anderson. I have the original file and E&S Bond
Inspection Request. John has the SWM Bond Inspection Request, the As Builts, and the Notice of
Termination. Now that I have put all of the pieces together, we will try to get this processed as
quickly as possible.
Nat, I will hold off my processing for a few days and work with Contour and John to see if we
can do a release.
From: Palmore,Cameron<cpalmore@Dewberry.com>
Sent:Tuesday, November 06, 2018 9:10 AM
To: Nat Perkins<nperkins@uvafoundation.com>; Mark Hopkins<mhopkins@albemarle.org>
Cc: David James<diames@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Boars Head Squash
A signed copy of the attached was submitted with our as-built plan of the BMPs.
F.Cameron Palmore,P.E.,L.S.
Associate,Senior Project Manager
4805 Lake Brook Drive
Suite 200
Glen Allen,VA 23060
804.205.3356 direct
804.908.4116 mobile
804.290.7928 fax
From: Nat Perkins [mailto:nperkins@uvafoundation.com]
Sent:Tuesday, November 6, 2018 9:00 AM
To: Mark Hopkins<mhopkins@albemarle.org>
Cc: David James<djames@albemarle.org>; Palmore, Cameron <cpalmore@Dewberry.com>
Subject: RE: Boars Head Squash
This message originated from outside your organization
K&L/Contour are handling item #1 below. Should have that done this week.
Item #2-Dewberry submitted the as-builts. Is there something else you need?
Item #3-I will submit that in today to you.
My preference is to have the bond released, but let me get back with you by the end of the day...
From: Mark Hopkins [mailto:mhopkins@albemarle.org]
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2018 2:07 PM
To: Nat Perkins<nperkins@uvafoundation.com>
Cc: David James<diames@albemarle.org>
Subject: Boars Head Squash
Nat, I received the bond inspection request for the Squash Facility and while the site is "done",
there are some things that need to be done to be finished.
1. The larger biofilter at the bottom of the slope has a wash that needs to be repaired (as of
my last inspection) and the sediment cleaned out of the biofilter.
2. As builts need to be submitted for all SWM facilities.
3. A DEQ termination request needs to be submitted (Attached).
A reduction of the E&S can be processed but a release is not possible until the SWM portion of
the bond can be released. Please let me know if you would like a to pursue a reduction at this
time or try to complete the above listed requirements to secure a release of.the entire bond.
Visit Dewberry's website at www.dewberry.com
If you've received this email even though it's intended for someone else, then please delete the email, don't share its
contents with others, and don't read its attachments. Thank you. •