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WPO201800026 Calculations 2018-07-16
Caliber Collision Charlottesville, VA Stormwater Management Report Avon Street Extension near I-64 Charlottesville, Virginia Original Submittal: March 26, 2018 Revised: July 16, 2018 APPROVED by the Albemarle County Community Development Department Date 11/7/2019 MIA WP0201800026 FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, Inc. Engineers • Landscape Architects 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29609 Tel: 864.233.5497 INDEX Cover............................................................... i Index...............................................................ii,iii Executive Summary ............................................................ 1 II. Pre -Development Conditions.................................................... 2 Runoff Curve Number 2 Time of Concentration 3 Rainfall 4 Rate of Runoff 4 III. Post -Development Conditions .................................................. . 5 Runoff Curve Number 6 Time of Concentration 6 Rainfall 7 Rate of Runoff 7-8 IV. Detention Pond Design & Runoff Results ................................. 9-1 1 V. Stormwater Quality Mitigation...................................................12 VI. Pipe Sizing Calculations.................................................... 13 Hydraflow Storm Sewers Pipe Calculations 14-17 VII. Erosion & Sediment Control ................................................... 18 Appendix A — Maps Location Map Polaris 3G Topography Map USGS Quad Map Aerial NRCS Soil Map and Legend FEMA Flood Map Water Body Classification List Pre -Development Drainage Map Post -Development Drainage Map Appendix B — Rainfall Data Charlottesville Rainfall Data Appendix C — TR-55 Pre -Development - Sub -Area Summary Pre -Development - Land Use Curve Number Summary Pre -Development - Time of Concentration Details Post -Development - Sub -Area Summary Post -Development - Land Use Curve Number Summary Post -Development - Time of Concentration Details Appendix D — Hydraflow Hydrographs Pre -Development Routing Diagram Pre -Development 1 & 10 year hydrographs Post -Development Routing Diagram Post -Development 1 & 10 year hydrographs Combined routing 1 & 10 year hydrographs Detention Routing 1, 10, 100 year hydrographs Pond Reports with Stage/Storage Graph Pond Reports with Stage/Discharge Graph Appendix E — Channel Protection Volume Calculations Energy Balance Equation Calculations Appendix F — Pollutant Load Calculations Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheets Appendix G — Erosion Control Calculations Sediment Basin 25 year hydrographs Diversions I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report details the storm water management system for the Caliber Collision to be located at the southwestern property boundary to 1570 Avon Street Extension (formerly "Avon Motors") within Albemarle County, Virginia. The site will be developed to add a +/- 18,635 s.f. building to be used as a paint shop/office and an autobody shop building with reception office and will include all associated parking areas, driveways, utilities, storm water management systems, and landscaping. A single detention pond at the Northwest corner of the Highway Commercial zoned portion of the property will be constructed to provide storm water management for the entire project. The detention pond will be routed to via a proposed 24" RCP pipe within a private easement to an existing drainage Swale which feeds Moores Creek (this Swale receives the majority of runoff from the site) All discharge from the site (direct and piped) flows to Moores Creek. Discharge from the detention pond has been designed to meet the requirements of Albemarle County WPO ordinance. In order to provide channel protection and flood protection, the detention pond will attenuate the 1- and 10-year, 24 hour storm events to approximate pre -development flow rates. In order to provide the required Channel Protection, the energy balance has been incorporated using the pond to detain the 1-year, 24 hour event change in volume between pre and post development conditions for the entire site (to within one hundredth of a cfs). See appendix E for the energy balance equation calculations. The detention pond has been sized to safely pass the 100-year, 24-hour storm completely through the outlet control riser structure within the pond while maintaining a 12" minimum freeboard within the pond. The pond has been designed with a 20' emergency spillway above the 100-year, 24-hour storm ponding elevation. Water quality treatment alternatives have been researched for this site. However, due to buffer and space constraints, the site has not been designed to meet the Albemarle County requirements for post -construction water quality within the site. Water Quality Mitigation is proposed per 9VAC25-870-69 (Offsite compliance options). (Mitigation proposal is discussed further in Section V). Post Development Flow Rate Summary Table Storm Pre-Dev. Post-Dev. Post-Dev. Post-Dev. Post-Dev. Total Event Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Combined (24-hour Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Post - duration) (allowable from Pond from Area from Area from Area D Development release) (Area A) 6 (direct C (direct (direct discharge discharge) discharge) discharge) (cfs) 1-year 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.5 10-year 3.2 2.7 0.2 0.1 0.6 3.0 Due to elevation differentials, a small portion of the developed site at the proposed building face will continue to discharge into the swale within Avon Street Ext. /U.S. 742 (Area D). Also due to elevation differentials, Areas B & C are proposed to continue to direct discharge (sheet flow to Moores Creek). Area B receives run-on from the Southwest adjacent parcel (+/- .33 AC) which is proposed to bypass the site and continue as sheet flow as it does currently to Moores Creek. Stormwater runoff for the overall site (including the above mentioned direct discharge areas) will be attenuated to pre -developed flow rates due to the decrease in area being directly discharged and the increase in area detained within the proposed detention pond. The overall site increase in runoff will be addressed by over -attenuating within the on -site detention pond. A comparison of the pre - development and post -development combined overall runoff rate at the final outfall point from the site has been provided. The 1-year channel protection allowable release flow per the energy equation has been calculated to be less than one cfs. On site infiltration was investigated for the site to achieve a near zero flow for channel protection. Due to the flow patterns of the site and the pond proximity to the existing protected steep slope approaching Moores Creek, infiltration was not an option. In our experience, the smallest practical low flow orifice is 3" in diameter. Orifices smaller than this would constantly become clogged and inoperable. Therefore, we have provided a 3" low flow orifice at the bottom of the pond. This small orifice has been proposed in order to provide a low flow during the 1-year, 24-hour storm event in order to provide channel protection. With the proposed peak discharge at approximately one half cfs, the proposed flow is negligible and meets the intent of protecting the downstream channel. (Energy Balance equations can be found in Appendix E.) II. PRE -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS: The proposed development is situated on a ±4.38 acre tract of land, and is located on the west side of Avon Street Extension immediately adjacent to (southwest of) 1570 Avon Street Extension. The property is currently a vacant lot with a gravel pad and bare earth turn -around area that formerly served the "Avon Motors" business to the Northeast. The site currently is covered primarily by deep grass/brush in the southern portion of the site fronting Avon Street Extensions. The northern portion of the site is wooded and contains a steep slope which abuts Moores Creek to the North. The northern portion of the site is zoned as Rural Area. This portion of the site including a required 20' no disturbance buffer is proposed to remain untouched throughout the site development process. The property includes approximately 1 /3 Acre of "run-on" storm water from the Southwest. This run-on is proposed to bypass the site via a concrete flume in the post - developed condition. The majority of the site slopes from southeast to northwest in its current condition and sheet flows to Moores Creek. A portion of the site fronting Avon Street Extension sheet flows to the rights -of -way and is carried via a roadside Swale to the North and eventually feeds to Moores Creek. The drainage areas for this project are as follows: Pre -Development Area A-B-C comprises nearly 90% of the proposed development area. This area is primarily brush and grass which also contains a small utility building, gravel pad and bare earth turn -around loop. Area A-B-C sheet flows northwest to Moores Creek. Moores Creek has been chosen for the stormwater outfall study point for the site. Pre -Development Area D comprises approximately 1 /5 of an Acre which abuts Avon Street Extension. Area D sheet flows northeast to a Swale within the Avon Street Extension rights -of -way. This drainage is then reached to the study point within Moores Creek overland via a series of drainage swales off site. Runoff Calculations: TR-55 (Win TR-55, Version 1.00.00): TR-55 is used to calculate only the Runoff Curve Number and the Time of Concentration for each of the drainage basins in both the pre - and post -development condition. TR-55 allows for several distinct land -use characteristics and runoff flow properties to be considered. Hydraflow Hydrographs (2004, Version Hydraflow Hydrographs, a computer model based on the SCS Method, is used to generate the pre -development and post - development runoff hydrographs, utilizing the runoff curve number and time of concentration values generated by TR-55. Hydrographs also models the detention pond, the outlet structure, and provides the routing for each storm event through the pond detention system. A. Runoff Curve Number: The site is first analyzed to determine all different types of land use. Each land use is assigned a runoff curve number between 0 and 100. The more impervious a material is, the higher the runoff curve number. For example, pavement is almost completely impervious, and has a runoff curve number of 98. Soil type also factors into the curve number for each land use. Predominant site soils on this property are identified as 88 Udorthents, loamy, 12E Catoctin silt loam 25-45% slope, 72C3 Rabun clay 7-15% slope, severely eroded and 77 Rive ry i ew-Chewacla complex by the USDA Soil survey for Albemarle County. These soils are classified as Hydrologic Soil Group Type "B" or unclassified (88). 88 soils have been characterized as Hydrologic Soil Group Type "B" based upon the surrounding soil classifications. A weighted average of all land use curve numbers, based on the percentage of the total tract for each land use, is then calculated, so that a single curve number represents an entire drainage basin. Following are the individual components of the weighted curve number: Area ABC Impervious Area: Gravel: Brush — Good Grass — Good 0.01 Ac. 0.05 Ac. Condition: Condition: 0.46 Ac. 1.1 Ac. CN = 98 CN=85 CN=48 CN=61 Total Land Area = 1.62 Acres Weighted Runoff Curve Number = 58 Area D Impervious Area: Brush — Good 0.003 Ac. Condition: 0.213 Ac. CN = 98 CN=48 Total Land Area = 0.22 Acres Weighted Runoff Curve Number = 49 B. Time of Concentration: The times of concentration for the existing drainage basins are calculated by determining the path that runoff takes from the farthest corner of the property to the discharge location. Runoff assumes three separate flow characteristics when traversing a property, sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow, and open -channel flow. Sheet flow defines typical overland flow over open areas. Shallow concentrated flow is used for any overland flow over 100', assuming the flow has concentrated somewhat. Open -channel flow describes flow through ditches and pipes. TR-55 calculates travel times for each type of flow, given certain parameters. These parameters include slope, roughness, and velocity. The assumed Time of Concentration travel path is shown on the Pre -Development Drainage Map in Appendix A. Following are the individual components of the Time of Concentration: Area ABC Sheet Flow (100 Shallow Shallow feet at 3.6% average Concentrated flow Concentrated flow slope) through (369 feet at 1.75% (182 feet at 53% dense grass average slope), over average slope), over unpaved surface unpaved surface Tc = 10.1 min. Tc = 2.9 min. Tc = 0.2 min. Total Time of Concentration = 13.2 minutes Area D Sheet Flow (100 Shallow Shallow feet at 3.0% average Concentrated flow Concentrated flow slope) through (16 feet at 15.7% (175 feet at 3.6% dense grass average slope), over average slope), over unpaved surface unpaved surface Tc = 10.9 min. Tc = 0.95 min. Tc = 0.05 min. Total Time of Concentration = 11.9 minutes Rainfall The 24-hour precipitation amounts for the site as prescribed by the NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates are as follows: 1-year storm event: 3.04 inches 10-year storm event: 5.56 inches 100-year storm event: 9.14 inches Rate of Runoff The above curve numbers and times of concentration are parameters used to determine rate of runoff using the SCS hydrograph method. A hydrograph for the pre -development conditions of each Area can be generated showing rate of flow versus time. These hydrographs are included in Appendix D. Following are the computed peak rates of runoff for the drainage basins: Area ABC Storm Event (24- hour duration) Peak Flow Rate, Q (cfs) 1-year 0.3 10-year 3.1 Area D Storm Event (24- hour duration) Peak Flow Rate, Q (cfs) 1-year 0.0 10-year 0.2 III. POST -DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS: An above ground detention pond is proposed to be located at the northwest corner of the developed portion of the site adjacent to the parking lot. Outflow from the detention pond will be routed through an outlet riser structure and conveyed to an existing Swale to the North. This Swale drains to Moores Creek. The detention pond is designed to store and release the majority of runoff generated by the proposed development, with the exception of a small portion of the site which cannot be routed to the system due to elevation disparity (the "direct discharge" areas). All "direct discharge" areas and detention pond receiving areas have been routed to a common "stormwater outfall" point and compared to the pre -development discharge at this location. Channel protection and Flood Protection volume has been provided within the detention pond. The same area analyzed in the pre -development condition is analyzed in the post - development condition, comprising a total of 1.84 acres. This total area of analysis can be broken down into four separate drainage basins (See Appendix A for the Post - Development Drainage Map) • Area A comprises the majority of the development property which to include the parking lot, building and drive aisles. Area A sheet flows northwest to a pair of storm inlets that drain into the detention pond. The pond outflow pipe flows to an existing Swale to the north which drains into Moores Creek. Moores Creek has been chosen for the stormwater outfall study point for the site. • Area B comprises of the southwestern strip of grassed area at the top of the proposed retaining wall. Area B receives approximately 1 /3 Acre of "run-on" from the neighboring property to the Southwest. This area sheet flows to a proposed paved flume on site which bypasses the building and parking lot before sheet flowing Northwest to Moores Creek. • Area C is the portion of the Northeastern drive aisle shoulder which cannot be routed to the pond due to elevation disparities. This area is considered "direct discharge", which sheet flows to Moores Creek. • Area D comprises approximately 1 / 10 of an Acre (roughly half of it's predevelopment area) which abuts Avon Street Extension. Area D sheet flows northeast to a Swale within the Avon Street Extension rights -of -way. This drainage is then reached to the study point within Moores Creek overland via a series of drainage swales off site. The combined peak discharge for post -development basins will be less than the peak flow rate discharged from the combined pre -development basins for flood protection purposes. For channel protection, 1-year, 24 hour storm flows have been attenuated to very low flows (half cfs peak) in the post development condition. This flow is small enough to be considered negligible. Slopes across the majority of the development range between 1 % and 5%, with the proposed drive having a maximum slope of 5%. The majority of the stormwater runoff from the project will be collected by drainage inlets and routed to the proposed detention pond. The proposed detention pond will be designed and installed in accordance with Albemarle County WPO standards. The design of the detention pond meets Albemarle County WPO requirements for storm event attenuation, as the pond will detain and release design storms at approximate pre - development levels for events including the 1 and 10-year, 24-hour storms. Routing of these events are included in Appendix D of this report. Runoff Calculations: Runoff calculations are performed for each Post -Development drainage area. The combined runoff for the site has an analysis point labeled on the Post -Development Drainage Map in Appendix A. A. Runoff Curve Number: Area A Open space, grass cover Impervious: > 75% - good condition: 1.22 Ac. 0.39 Ac. CN=61 CN=98 Total Land Area = 1.61 Acres Weighted Runoff Curve Number = 89 Area B Open space, grass cover Impervious: > 75% - good condition: 0.02 Ac. 0.04 Ac. CN=61 CN=98 Total Land Area = 0.06 Acres Weighted Runoff Curve Number = 73 Area C Open space, grass cover Impervious: > 75% - good condition: 0.01 Ac. 0.04 Ac. CN=61 CN=98 Total Land Area = O.OS Acres Weighted Runoff Curve Number = 69 Area D Open space, grass cover Impervious: > 75% - good condition: 0.04 Ac. 0.08 Ac. CN=61 CN=98 Total Land Area = 0.12 Acres Weighted Runoff Curve Number = 74 B. Time of Concentration: Area A Sheet Flow (93 feet at Shallow Concentrated flow 3.1 % average slope) (304 feet at 1.4% average over paved surface slope), over paved surface Tc = 0.8 min. Tc = 2.1 min. Total Time of Concentration = 6.0 minutes Area B Sheet Flow (100 feet Shallow Concentrated flow Shallow Concentrated flow at 4.1 % average (244 feet at 0.9% average (182 feet at 53% average slope) thru dense slope), over unpaved slope), over unpaved grass surface surface Tc = 9.6 min. Tc = 2.7 min. Tc = 0.2 min. Total Time of Concentration = 12.5 minutes Area C Sheet Flow (100 feet Shallow Concentrated flow Shallow Concentrated flow at 1 % average slope) (44 feet at 6.8% average (235 feet at 40.8% thru dense grass slope), over unpaved average slope), over surface unpaved surface Tc = 16.9 min. Tc = 0.15 min. Tc = 0.35 min. Total Time of Concentration = 17.4 minutes Area D Sheet Flow (71 feet at Shallow Concentrated flow Shallow Concentrated flow 3.9% average slope) (159 feet at 2.3% average (63 feet at 3% average thru dense grass slope), over paved surface slope), over unpaved surface Tc = 7.4 min. I Tc = 0.8 min. I Tc = 0.4 min. Total Time of Concentration = 8.6 minutes C. Rainfall The 24-hour precipitation amounts for the site as prescribed by the NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates are as follows: 1-year storm event: 3.04 inches 10-year storm event: 5.56 inches 100-year storm event: 9.14 inches Rate of Runoff From this information, a hydrograph can be generated showing rate of flow versus time. Post -developed hydrographs for each storm event are included in Appendix D. Area A Storm Event (24- hour duration) Peak Flow Rate, Q (cfs) 1-year 5.4 10-year 11.5 Area B Storm Event (24- hour duration) Peak Flow Rate, Q (cfs) 1-year 0.1 10-year 0.2 Area C Storm Event (24- hour duration) Peak Flow Rate, Q (cfs) 1-year 0.0 10-year 0.1 Area D Storm Event (24- hour duration) Peak Flow Rate, Q (cfs) 1-year 0.2 10-year 0.6 IV. UNDERGROUND DETENTION DESIGN AND RUNOFF RESULTS: In the post -development condition, the majority of the developed site will be routed to the detention pond, located at the northwestern end of the property bordering the parking field. This pond has been designed to provide channel protection for the 1-year, 24 hour event via the energy balance equation, to attenuate flow from 10-year, 24-hour storm event in order to provide flood protection and to safely pass the 100-year, 24-hour storm event. Water quality requirements are proposed to be mitigated via nutrient trading (discussed further in section V). A. Peak Control For attenuation purposes, the detention pond discharges will be combined with the "direct" discharges from the site to generate a total post -development peak discharge rate, which will then be compared to the pre -development peak runoff rate at the same discharge location. Post -Development Drainage results are summarized as follows for the 1- and 10-year, 24 hour storm events: Peak Flow Rate Summary Table Storm Pre-Dev. Post-Dev. Post-Dev. Post-Dev. Post-Dev. Total Event Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Peak Flow Combined (24-hour Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Rate (cfs) Post - duration) (allowable from Pond from Area from Area from Area D Development release) (Area A) B (direct C (direct (direct discharge discharge) discharge) discharge) (cfs) 1-year 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.5 10-year 3.2 2.7 0.2 0.1 0.6 3.0 The above table illustrates that the detention pond acts to attenuate the peak flow rates from the proposed development to approximate pre -development levels for the 1-and 10- year, 24 hour storm events. B. Channel Protection The 1-year channel protection allowable release flow per the energy equation has been calculated to be less than one cfs. On site infiltration was investigated for the site to achieve a near zero flow for channel protection. Due to the flow patterns of the site and the pond proximity to the existing protected steep slope approaching Moores Creek, infiltration was not an option. In our experience, the smallest practical low flow orifice is 3" in diameter. Orifices smaller than this would constantly become clogged and inoperable. Therefore, we have provided a 3" low flow orifice at the bottom of the pond. This small orifice has been proposed in order to provide a low flow during the 1-year, 24- hour storm event in order to provide channel protection. With the proposed peak discharge at approximately one half cfs, the proposed flow is negligible and meets the intent of protecting the downstream channel. (Energy Balance equations can be found in Appendix E.) The detention pond's discharge will be regulated by a concrete outlet control structure with various orifices and weirs. The outlets incorporated into the outlet control riser are designed using the following equations. Manning's Orifice Equation: Q= 0.6 x A x� (2 x g x h) Weir Equation: Q = 3.3 x L x h^1.5 (sharp crested weir) Weir Equation: Q = 2.6 x L x h^1.5 (broad crested weir/spillway) The detention pond outlet control riser will be installed with weirs at an elevation that will provide a minimum of 12" of freeboard within the pond for the 100-year, 24-hour storm event. V. STORMWATER QUALITY MITIGATION: To meet water quality standards per Albemarle county code for the site, mitigation via nutrient trading is proposed for this project. Several BMPs were investigated in an effort to remove the load on site. Due to space and elevation constraints, BMPs were not available for nutrient removal. Roughly 60% of the parcel is a protected steep slope area and rural area zero disturbance buffer. The pollutant load requiring removal or mitigation is defined as 1.38 Ibs of phosphorus over the proposed development (see VRRM spreadsheet included within Appendix F). The site drains to Moores Creek which falls with HUC 020802040402. Moores Creek then drains eventually to James River. Mitigation is proposed for 1.38 Ibs of phosphorus via a mitigation bank within the James River watershed. A drainage area map for nutrient runoff specifically is included within Appendix F (which details Areas A,B,C,D & E). Areas A,B,C & D are identical to those evaluated within the post -development conditions section of this report (section III). Area E includes the protected steep slope area (area of site zoned as "Rural Area") and a 20' wide no disturbance buffer which borders the portion of the site zoned as "Rural Area". This area has not been evaluated in the drainage calculations comparing pre -development to post - development conditions as no changes are proposed to this Area "E". However, for purposes of determining nutrient runoff, this area has been included in order to accurately calculate existing nutrient runoff and permissible runoff per the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method. VI. PIPE SIZING CALCULATIONS: Included in this report are the pipe sizing calculations for the on -site pipes and catch basins. These are generated by the rational method, and are based on the 100-year intensity for all storm drain structures flowing to the pond. These calculations show the total flow for each pipe section, velocity, hydraulic grade elevations, and spreads at each inlet. Per Albemarle County code, the storm drain has been designed to contain HGLs within the pipes themselves rather than under surcharged conditions. The Hydraflow Storm Sewers program calculates the "Capacity Full" using the Manning's pipe equation for full flow. A post -development "inlet areas" map has been included below which details the areas draining to each inlet structure. Note that the northwest neighboring parcel has been included as an "inlet area" to structure #6. Structure #6 and pipe 6 — 9 have been sized accordingly to receive runoff in the future from the neighboring parcel (1570 Avon St Ext) in a re -developed condition. Please see the runoff calculations for the above mentioned inlet area below as well. © \ ,he 2 RCP I =46— I 1^ " 4RCP - 8486 I =Bunetl FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INC. engineers * Landscape Architects 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29609 864-233-5497 auo Q C-W \� 011 00 2 I \ I� I�11 INLET AREA Al (TO INLET 2) —_ IIII IIiII ® \ AREA: 1.1 AC IIIIIIII I \ _ - iI�II �II�IIIII�INLET A A2 0 INLET 4): \ III AREA: 0.26 A\C \ -475.0 I AV TREET El(TENSION (SAR 742) \' S / (60 bl is R gM1 or-Wa y)(DB . PG. 219) /) — ally aU�a CALIBER COLLISION ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA CROSS DEVELOPMENT CC ALBEMARLE,LLC 4336 MARSH RIDGE CARROLLTON, TX 75010 TEL: (214) 614-8252 4 ua � Z�5 A Illl��llhl�llllllll����� ft \�\\\ I \\ 6 9 �ttI INLET AREA A3 (FUTURE RE -DEVELOPMENT TO STRUCTURE 6): AREA: *--1.93 AC CMP 24 57.70 126 CMP 12" CMP Wt — i4MP eI e-- 59.}I IGCB W=45872 �5 ° 80 POST -DEVELOPMENT SCALE I" = 80 4INLET AREAS I i"IEil r",� n ri al ,E' : L- �. N I. , C'I 20S, VVootOwne Avenue. South Carolina 2OG-00 Job 9C 10 A/ job No. Date ilIVIA Or"-nvifie', _Ckli, _GOLI,I At,9rvAjOWr "()AI-ry VA Comput-e6i by — Checked. By T i3 Gate KLFEE'li'EM-E C3lGLJ'IaV;,n --or: Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® Plan 4 Outfal�3 5 Outfall �-- Outfall Project File: Caliber Collision Albemarle County VA.stm Number of lines: 5 Date: 3/15/2018 Storm Sewers 02.00 Storm Sewer Summary Report Page 1 Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No. rate Size shape length EL Dn EL Up Slope Down Up loss Junct Line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) M (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 Pipe - (7) 2.05 18 Cir 28.000 465.00 465.28 1.000 465.43 465.82 0.20 465.82 End Combination 2 Pipe - (5) 8.69 18 Cir 27.000 465.00 465.81 3.000 465.70 466.95 0.56 466.95 End Combination 3 Pipe - (11) 34.81 30 Cir 5.000 460.50 460.55 1.000 462.17 462.55 n/a 462.55 End Manhole 4 Pipe - (9) 18.86 24 Cir 110.000 460.65 461.75 1.000 462.55 463.31 n/a 463.31 j 3 Manhole 5 Pipe - (8) 18.86 24 Cir 69.000 461.85 462.54 1.000 463.31 464.10 0.80 464.10 4 Manhole Project File: Caliber Collision Albemarle County VA.stm Number of lines: 5 Run Date: 3115/2018 NOTES: Return period = 100 Yrs. ; j - Line contains hyd. jump. Storm Sewers 02.00 Inlet Report Page 1 Line No Inlet ID Q = CIA Q carry Q capt Q Byp Junc Type Curb Inlet Grate Inlet Gutter Inlet Byp Line Ht L Area L W So W SW Sx n Depth Spread Depth Spread Depr No (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (ft) (sgft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) 1 4 2.05 0.00 2.05 0.00 Comb 6.0 2.50 1.14 2.17 1.50 Sag 1.00 0.050 0.020 0.000 0.24 10.63 0.24 10.63 0.0 Off 2 2 8.69 0.00 8.69 0.00 Comb 6.0 5.00 2.29 4.33 1.50 Sag 1.00 0.050 0.020 0.000 0.49 22.90 0.49 22.90 0.0 Off 3 6 15.95* 0.00 0.00 15.95 MH 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sag 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 Off 4 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 MH 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sag 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 Off 5 8 18.86* 0.00 0.00 18.86 MH 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sag 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 Off Project File: Caliber Collision Albemarle County VA.stm Number of lines: 5 Run Date: 3/15/2018 NOTES: Inlet N-Values = 0.016; Intensity = 49.70 / (Inlet time + 9.20) ^ 0.66; Return period = 100 Yrs. ; * Indicates Known Q added. All curb inlets are throat. Storm Sewers 02.00 Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) M (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sqft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) M M (ft) (K) (ft) 1 18 2.05 465.00 465.43 0.43 0.42 4.88 0.20 465.63 0.000 28.000 465.28 465.82 0.54** 0.57 3.58 0.20 466.02 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 0.20 2 18 8.69 465.00 465.70 0.70* 0.80 10.80 0.56 466.26 0.000 27.000 465.81 466.95 1.14** 1.44 6.03 0.56 467.51 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 0.56 3 30 34.81 460.50 462.17 1.67 3.48 9.99 1.06 463.23 0.000 5.000 460.55 462.55 2.00** 4.22 8.26 1.06 463.61 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 n/a 4 24 18.86 460.65 462.55 1.90 2.63 6.11 0.80 463.35 0.000 110.00 61.75 463.31 j 1.56** 2.63 7.17 0.80 464.11 0.000 0.000 n/a 0.81 0.65 5 24 18.86 461.85 463.31 1.46 2.46 7.67 0.80 464.11 0.000 69.000 462.54 464.10 1.56** 2.63 7.17 0.80 464.90 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 0.80 Project File: Caliber Collision Albemarle County VA.stm Number of lines: 5 Run Date: 3/15/2018 Notes: * depth assumed; ** Critical depth.; j-Line contains hyd. jump ; c = cir e = ellip b = box Storm Sewers 02.00 VII. EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL: The following is the report of the sediment and erosion control devices to be used throughout construction of this project. Erosion and sedimentation will be controlled with a sediment basin & skimmer, perimeter silt fence, storm drain inlet protection, diversion ditches, and stone check dams. In addition, a stabilized stone construction entrance and temporary and permanent seeding will be utilized throughout construction. These erosion control measures will be phased appropriately, and will be implemented per Albemarle County standards. Appropriate maintenance schedules will be followed. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan and Details, as well as a generalized sequence of construction, and maintenance notes can be found in the Site Development Plans, prepared by Freeland and Kauffman, Inc. There are two proposed phases of construction. Phase I will include the installation of perimeter controls, including silt fence, the construction exit, etc., as well as a sediment basin. These perimeter controls will be installed and inspected before general clearing and grading operations can begin on the site. Phase II addresses mass grading of the site, the installation of the storm drain system, future construction of physical improvements to the property, including structures, pavements, utilities, etc. The sediment basin is designed to manage sediment loading from the entire disturbed construction area. Once the site is fully stabilized, the inlet protection can be removed from all storm drain inlets, and the sediment basin can be fully drained, cleaned out and graded to the finished grade elevation. Temporary diversions will be used to direct water to the sediment basin until the storm drainage system is in place and sufficiently operational to accept water from the construction site. Once the storm drainage system to the underground detention is constructed, with appropriate inlet protection installed, diversions will be used to direct water to the storm drainage inlets. Sediment will be cleaned out from the inlet protection and the sediment basin as necessary. Sediment basin calculations, permanent and diversion dike calculations are included in Appendix G. Appendix A (Maps) 7oz b57 Commonwealth 601 99 � vo3 Barracks 550 302 oo9 University of Virginia 29 9 859 643 t� �O ® 144 5 a�v 7b9 631 Wildwood Charlottesville JSITE IV F53� zsv _-- WOOLEN MILLS Q 9 Monticello Simeon P1 CALIBER COLLISION o 5000 FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INC. AVON STREET EXTENSION Engineers - Lo%dcQoe Architects NEAR INTERSTATE 64 209 West Stone Avenue BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA SCALE I" = 5000' Greenville, South Carolina 29609 CROSS DEVELOPMENT CC BEAUFORT, LLC 864-233-5497 4336 MARSH RIDGE LOCATION M A P CARROLLTON, TX 70510 TEL.- (214) 614-8252 Lka lk PIPPOW, •e^yz VVV �,� von �W a'U 9 4 ea y m k lds Northfie' / O ° � o au i n\If,..lesij zs i v one t rcao 0110 o�j� "14 a 8 - °14 131 Al u12 y / �\ J ae orxh�vt � I � � 2➢� � 1\�1 10 4 I 3 2e°3o� '20 '21 » avo ooarcec '23 , '24 '25 '26 zs. '2] '29 '19 '30m`TME ze^22'a0' FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INC, CALIBER COLLISION AVON STREET EXTENSION NEAR INTERSTATE 64 BEAUFORT. SOUTH CAROLINA o 5000 SCALE 1" = 5000' EW117eers x Lmcx cqw Architects 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29609 864-233-5497 CROSS DEVELOPMENT CC BEAUFORT, LLC fax 864-233-8915 4336 MARSH RIDGE CARROLLTON, TX 70610 USGS QUAD MAP TELL (214) 014-8252 Hydrologic Soil Group —Albemarle County, Virginia m N 720110 720150 720190 720230 720270 380 0' 43" N 0 0 a e 380 0' 32" N 720110 720150 720190 720230 720270 3 Map Scale: 1:1,740 if printed on A portrait (8.5" x 11") sheet. Meters N 0 25 50 100 150 Feet 0 50 100 200 300 Map projection: Web Mercator Comer coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 17N WGS84 usDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey 720310 720310 7203.50 38o 0' 43" N 0 o_ 1 38o 0' 32" N 720350 3 �i 12/12/2017 Page 1 of 4 MAP LEGEND Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons 0 A 0 A/D 0 B 0 B/D C 0 C/D 0 D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines r r A r r A/D r B B/D r r C 0 C/D r r D r r Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points 0 A 0 A/D ■ B ■ B/D Hydrologic Soil Group —Albemarle County, Virginia MAP INFORMATION p C The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:15,800. 0 C/D 0 D Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. p Not rated or not available Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil Water Features line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of Streams and Canals contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Transportation §_§_+ Rails Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map #%-0 Interstate Highways measurements. US Routes Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Major Roads Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Local Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Background projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the ® Aerial Photography Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Albemarle County, Virginia Survey Area Data: Version 11, Oct 11, 2017 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Apr 22, 2015—Mar 10, 2017 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. UU� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/12/2017 � Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Albemarle County, Virginia Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 12E Catoctin silt loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes B 1.5 23.3% 72C3 Rabun clay, 7 to 15 percent slopes, severely eroded B 0.7 10.7% 77 Riverview-Chewacla complex B 0.4 6.5% 88 Udorthents, loamy 3.7 59.4% Totals for Area of Interest 6.3 100.0% Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long -duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (A/D, B/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink -swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (A/D, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. usDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/12/2017 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group —Albemarle County, Virginia Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff.- None Specified Tie -break Rule: Higher uSDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 12/12/2017 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 NOTES TO USERS `ssaaNaem LEGEND 1 11 1 __ ro ttpeni I�M ILl F:F I—— — i= dkzm�maamva ZIETIl d IFF11 FIRM r pu0mvosaas of trecopnor>wt >cunconaaa Be of sz. � �' � � yw> a lolm NEE` ""W '°1x+n�y z 0� 6�.ta an%&k+]' �� � rx �kn O� �ET C Ea Ill R susavea rvF�o�NPro a�vnoEalu :Iw7ae,�Z FF.iFR; M Fl— zzzz000xxryaEae e.ai e,e�muanea�ovara mw nbae/or bvcavl+�nremNa.re�0e etlmY. ���� Nyy,M,a: °I^ ° Fo�xanamarme SeauN^e¢mi4aveFioxN �IItfo U IhiR >¢a b- d Ih i E.-F.II. I. ERR- E-R r ere .,h.r". R7� unen F _Z;,4.d Ml Ill F— R�71— dl Ill 1-11 1, 1, 11— In,Fi u,,,* Xn HE �� NE, F71 -E aF g . II% ^^� ce e..a a , d. bwn ee> ��alre� FIRM. E—I o areEar=f= City of 6 Ch =Vulc o O a O 00� O O l:.�rom,a.^^.aa m_ w,^. ::e .mamemn. �..m _m m w. MNd.N FERNI prG (Independent Ci 51033 ��� ER _R', _FR. ___are_mNNma -aax�m>roa>� .m x�pkm T iN0ndon b w3 Cry XnNF ZONE X � rew .................... cN E �1 (301) 113 111. 1.., zZONE x RE. Fiwair® A. 11. FIRM dl in diiiii1i,seuwo IlR_ l promaannv d I M ft=hF=.. ,n. RF ea stream <nenn auuncae R.1 R. d. 1 1111, d1ii 1 1""11111 11 —1 h_ d • NFX ZONE i`, '.*=I I=Ml DMI ='l Ipay � Filil eurery pill R. IF— RP-1 M, xwox Albk County UnincorporEacid Areas 5100135 waNI... M., Nl . Ill .F. E 311 ME I ZONE AE EFFE- RN.. Mn NOEEKS X ONE AE ZONE E F ORES F ZONE X ZONE x Q) -CREEK ME x GQw ZONE x RI:P EC-E 1 501 El Wl FIRM 11N .E ZONE X ZONE x FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP AlbemarleCounty ALBEMARLE CO=,WRGMA AND INCORPORATED AREAS Uninwrp..tEd Areas ZONE X 5 AND THE INDEFENDENTCITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE ONE X ZONE X PANEL 288 OF 575 MAP FOR IF. _NF1 1 Haase P sum ZO.. ZOOror.Nuxm NE .1 R. Ix E X ZONE X ZONE NE X m MAP NUMBER 51003CO2880 EFFECTIVE DATE Lim] FEBRUARY 4,2005 1 1 A y : 1.62 AC ITED CN; 58 B: PAVED AREA (+-0.01 AC) CN: 98 GRAVEL (++-0.05 AC) CN: 85 BRUSH, GOOD COND. (++0.46 AC) CN: 48 GRASS, GOOD COND. (+-I.I AC) CN: 61 __— o bhe \ RCP 1^' I =665.89 I P IDVoHa l dings, LLC 0]]00-00-00-011E0 DB. 2812 Pu. 510 Zone'. P D n Ba ass ®\ \\ M \�\1 '\\�\ OrG B) II u I (D \\ 0 I��--- III I I �Illil�l IIIII I FLOW FOR 100' o 3.6% SLOPE + IIIIIIIIII� W CONC. FLOW FOR 369' 1,75% SLOPE + IIIIII W C..C)N(. R C1W Fnl? IR?' ® 53X SI OPF III 0.22 AC ITED CN: 49 B: BRUSH, GOOD COND. (+0.213 AC) CN: 48 PAVED AREA (+-0.003 AC) CN: 98 FLOW FOR 100' o 3.0% SLOPE + W CONC. FLOW FOR 16' @ 15.7% SLOPE W CONC. FLOW FOR 175' o 3.6% SLOPE FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INC. Engineers * Landscape Architects 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29609 864-233-5497 t j AV D TREET EX EN ON (SARI 742) \' gM1tlOf-Way)(DB 4 . PG. scs# aun ayo n 8tr--t BUeiness PID O]]E1-00-00-0O1c0 DB. fill. PG. 680 Zone: PUD M Willoughby Property Oxner's iatlon, Inc. 0/OAft 07 Property. Inc. PID: 0]6M2-01-00-0OOBO DB, 34 8n1. PUD PG. 198 Zoe: RO NNE — SITE DISCHARGE POINT u1 38°00' 40.9"N 78"29' 30.3"W —� W— D GltzgeralU PI D80198 �PG, 280DD PUD IIIII II III I II������ \ARMIN � A � JJJ I 1) 77yBAl l<n PID. 0]]00-00-00 01100 DB, 2798, PG Zone: C / I Imo' .Pe —1. m. CALIBER COLLISION ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA CROSS DEVELOPMENT CC ALBEMARLE,LLC 4336 MARSH RIDGE CARROLLTON, TX 75010 TEL: (214) 614-8252 \� \AREA D REACH 26' CMP\ 1z6cMP 2' cMv de.6o aer�ea - � e MP 1-459 59.31 CLCB G= 61.46 nv NW448.96 © f Inv = 58 ]2 ° 80 PEE -DEVELOPMENT SCALE I" = 80' DQAINAGE MAP AGE AREA B: : 0.06 AC ITED CN: 73 B: GRASS, GOOD COND. (+-0.04 AC) CN: 61 PAVED AREA, (+-0.02) CN:98 FLOW FOR 100' ® 4.1% SLOPE + W CONC. FLOW FOR 244' o 0.9% SLOPE W CONC. FLOW FOR 182' o 53% SLOPE I!`: J bhe 12 nv RCP 12' I =685.89 I : 1.61 AC ITED CN: 89 B; PAVED AREA (+-1.22 AC) CN; 98 GRASS, GOOD COND. (+-0.39 AC) CN: 61 FLOW FOR 93' @ 3.1% SLOPE + W CONC. FLOW FOR 304' ® 1.4% n SOL sm 61 AMA 1pNf P IDVoHalb q e, LLC 0]]00-00-00-011E0 DB. 2872, Pu. 510 Zone '. P D M Willoughby Property Oxner's iatlon, Inc. C/OAfteal Proper tY. In<. PID: 0]8M2-01-00-0OOBO DB. 381I. PUD PG. 193 Zone: is, M 4 MM - gg \\ \\ �- � �276 I SITE DISCHARGE UN \ �� \�\�� � \ �� k POINT u1 ����_ 38°00' 40.9"N 78°29' 30.3"W i \ \ 8_MAI PIGrD. ]]00-OOp 0001300 +h I(Iry�lrl1 \ DB. io B., H W IIII o G IOIE� LLC II \ \ \`� 1 .00-DD-00-01IEO i I I I� C\A�IBER \ \\ \\ \ one 2 510 °° I \ COLL SLQN \ PROTO 186 \ \ \ I I 18,635 S.F. \ I I I I1111475.0 TI DRAINAGE AREA D: AREA: 0.12 AC WEIGHTED CN: 74 GROUNDCOVER SOIL B: PAVED AREA (++-0.04 AC) CN: 98 GRASS, GOOD COND. (+-0.08 AC) CN: 61 Tc: 8.6 MIN. SHEET FLOW FOR 71' o 3.9% SLOPE + SHALLOW CONC. FLOW FOR 159' ® 2.3% SLOPE + SHALLOW CONC. FLOW FOR 63' o 3% SLOPE FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INC. engineers * Landscape Architects 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29609 864-233-5497 c aMir- LA I w AV TREET El(TENSION (S.R� 742) \' S / (60 bl is R gM1t Of-Way)(DB PG. 219) aul aU�a n St, e/'BUeiM PID1 O]]E1-00-o lc0 DB. fill. PG. 680 Zone: PUD CALIBER COLLISION ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA CROSS DEVELOPMENT CC ALBEMARLE,LLC 4336 MARSH RIDGE CARROLLTON, TX 75010 TEL: (214) 614-8252 Q D PltzgeralB PIDDB I]gg OOP -GOD 28 ODD IIIIN O]=one: PUD AREA D REACH : 0.05 AC aTED CN: 69 B: PAVED AREA (++-0.01 AC) CN: 98 GRASS, GOOD COND. (++-0.04 AC) CN: 61 =T FLOW FOR 100' o 1% SLOPE + LLOW CONC. FLOW FOR 44' ® 6.8% SLOPE + LLOW CONC, FLOW FOR 235' o 40.8% SLOPE s 4 1 -59.}I TGCB 61.46 nv W=458,7 N Inv = 58 ]2 �12' CMP _ Wt 5 ° 80 POST -DEVELOPMENT SCALE I" = 80' 4 DQAINAGE MAP o` 0 E E Jz 1 c HH-H53 ¢o am�o�r•aesm s 6�. ffi= W h ti Nw 3 o E m � u a a r 10 F/// � MMON/// �7//- Ns -"I Iqs R Appendix 6 (Rainfall Data) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 ' Location name: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA* Latitude: 38.0105°, Longitude:-78.4904* Elevation: 459.37 ft- * source: ESRI Maps source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF araohical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)' recurrence interval 10 11 25 11 50 11 100 11 200 11 500 11 1000 0.352 0.419 0.491 0.552 0.622 0.676 0.725 0.772 0.828 0.873 5-min (0.317-0.392) (0.378-0.466) (0.442-0.544) (0.496-0.612) (0.556-0.686 (0.601-0.745) (0.642-0.800) (0.679-0.851) (0.721-0.915) (0.754-0.969 0.563 0.671 0.786 0.883 0.991 1.08 1.15 1.22 1.31 1.38 10-min (0.507-0.626) (0.605-0.745) (0.708-0.872) (0.793-0.978) (0.886-1.09) (0.958-1.19) 1 (1.02-1.27) 1 (1.14-1.45) (1.19-1.53) 0.704 0.843 0.995 1.12 1.26 1.36 1.46 1.54 1.65 1.73 15-min (0.634-0.782) (0.760-0.936) (0.895-1.10) 1 (1.00-1.24) 1 (1.12-1.39) 1 (1.21-1.50) 1 (1.29-1.61) 1 (1.44-1.82) (1.49-1.91) 0.965 1.16 1.41 1.62 1.86 2.05 2.23 2.40 2.62 2.80 30-min 0.869-1.07) 1 (1.05-1.29) 1 (1.27-1.57) 1 (1.45-1.79) 1 (1.66-2.05) 1 (1.83-2.26) 1.98-2.46) 1 (2.12-2.65) 2.28-2.90 2.41-3.10) 1.20 1.46 1.81 2.11 2.48 2.78 3.07 3.37 3.76 4.08 60-min (1.08-1.34) 1 (1.32-1.62) 1 (1.63-2.01) 1 (1.89-2.34) (2.22-2.74) (2.48-3.07) 1 (2.72-3.39) 1 (3.28-4.16) (3.52-4.53) 1.45 1.75 2.19 2.57 3.06 3.47 3.89 4.33 4.93 5.43 2-hr (1.27-1.66) 1 (1.54-2.00) 1 (1.92-2.50) 1 (2.26-2.92) (2.67-3.47) (3.01-3.94) 1 (3.36-4.41) 1 (3.70-4.89) 1 (4.17-5.58) 1 (4.55-6.16) 1.58 1.92 2.39 2.81 3.35 3.80 4.26 4.74 5.40 5.96 3-hr (1.39-1.82) (1.67-2.20) (2.09-2.76) (2.44-3.22) (2.90-3.83) (3.27-4.33) (3.65-4.86) (4.03-5.41) (4.53-6.17) (4.95-6.82) 2.02 2.44 3.03 3.57 4.28 4.91 5.57 6.28 7.28 8.16 6-hr (1.79-2.29) (2.15-2.76) (2.66-3.43) (3.12-4.03) (3.73-4.84) (4.25-5.53) (4.77-6.27) 1 (5.32-7.07) (6.08-8.20) (6.72-9.20) 2.54 3.06 3.82 4.52 5.50 6.38 7.32 8.35 9.87 11.2 12-hr (2.24-2.91) 1 (2.70-3.51) (3.36-4.37) 1 (3.96-5.17) (4.78-6.26) (5.48-7.24) (6.22-8.30) (7.00-9.46) (8.12-11.2) (9.10-12.8) 3.04 3.68 4.70 5.56 6.84 7.93 9.14 10.5 12.5 14.2 24-hr (2.73-3.41) 1 (3.31-4.13) (4.22-5.27) 1 (4.97-6.22) (6.07-7.61) (6.99-8.81) (7.98-10.1) (9.05-11.6) (10.6-13.8) (11.9-15.7) 3.59 4.35 5.53 6.51 7.92 9.11 10.4 11.8 13.8 15.6 2-day (3.22-4.01) (3.90-4.86) (4.95-6.18) (5.81-7.25) (7.02-8.81) (8.01-10.1) 1 (9.07-11.5) 1 (10.2-13.1) 1 (11.8-15.5) 1 (13.1-17.4) 3.82 4.63 5.88 6.91 8.41 9.66 11.0 F 14.7 16.5 3-day (3.47-4.23) (4.20-5.12) (5.33-6.51) (6.25-7.63) (7.55-9.27) (8.62-10.6) 1 (9.76-12.1) 1 (12.7-16.2) (14.1-18.2) 4-day 4.05 4.91 6.23 7.32 8.90 10.2 11.6 13.2 15.5 17.4 (3.72-4.45) (4.50-5.38) (5.71-6.84) (6.69-8.02) (8.09-9.74) 1 (9.24-11.2) 1 (10.5-12.8) 1 (13.6-17.0) (15.1-19.1) 8.7 7-day 4.335012 (5.22 6717 6.51-07871 7.56 8598 9. 5-10.8 10.3-12.3 11.b--13.9 1219-15.7 14.17---18.3 16.13- 0.5 10-day 5.33 6.40 7.91 9.13 10.9 12.3 13.8 15.3F 17.6 19.4 (4.93-576) 1 (5.93-6.91) 1 (7.31-8.53) 1 (8.41-9.85) 1 (9.96-11.7) 1 (11.2-13.2) 1 (12.5-14.9) 1 (15.7-19.1) (17.2-21.1) 20-day 7.00 8.35 10.1 11.5 --j F 14.8 16.3 --j F 19.9 21.5 (6.57-748) 1 (7.84-8.93) 1 (9.45-10.8) 1 (10.7-12.2) 1 (13.7-15.8) (15.0-17.4) 1 (18.1-21.3) (19.5-23.1) 30-day 8.59 10.2 12.1 13.5 15.3 16.7 18.1 19.4 21.2 22.6 (8.09-914) 1 (9.60-10.8) 1 (11.3-12.8) 1 (12.7-14.3) (14.4-16.3) 1 (15.6-17.8) 1 (16.9-19.2) (18.1-20.7) 1 (19.6-22.7) 1 (20.8-24.1) 45-day 10.7 12.7 14.8 16.4 F 20.0 21.5 F 24.7 26.1 (101-11.4) (12.0-13.4) 1 (14.0-15.7) 1 (15.5-17.4) 1 (18.8-21.2) (20.1-22.7) 1 (23.0-26.3) (24.1-27.8) 7.1 8.8 22.6 7.4 60-day (11.9--13.3) (14.10- 5.6) (16 2-18.0) (17.18-19.8) (19.8- 2.1) (21 3-23.8) (22274 5.5) (24.0- 2.0) (25?7- 9.1) (26 88 0.5) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). umbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90 % confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not iecked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. lease refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 ' Location name: Charlottesville, Virginia, USA* Latitude: 38.0105°, Longitude:-78.4904* Elevation: 459.37 ft- * source: ESRI Maps source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches/hour)' Average recurrence interval (years) uration �1��2��5�� 1F 25 0��0��50��0 4.22 5.03 5.89 6.62 7.46 8.11 8.70 9.26 9.94 10.5 5-min (3.80-4.70) (4.54-5.59) (5.30-6.53) (5.95-7.34) (6.67-8.23) (7.21-8.94) (7.70-9.60) 1 (8.15-10.2) 1 (8.65-11.0) 1 (9.05-11.6) 3.38 4.03 4.72 5.30 5.95 6.46 6.91 7.34 7.86 8.25 10-min (3.04-3.76) (3.63-4.47) (4.25-5.23) (4.76-5.87) (5.32-6.56) (5.75-7.12) (6.12-7.63) 1 (6.84-8.69) (7.12-9.15) 2.82 3.37 3.98 4.47 5.02 5.45 5.83 6.18 6.59 6.90 15-min (2.54-3.13) 1 (3.04-3.74) 1 (3.58-4.41) 1 (4.01-4.95) 1 (4.49-5.55) 1 (4.85-6.01) 1 (5.16-6.42) 1 (5.44-6.81) 1 (5.74-7.29) (5.96-7.66) 30-min 1.74--2314 (2. 0 2359 2. 48313 (2.91 3459) 3. 3�4.11 3. 5 4053 3. 5 4692) (4. 35�30) 4.57 5 80 4.83 6..20 1.20 1.46 1.81 2.11 2.48 2.78 3.07 3.37 3.76 4.08 60-min (1.08-1.34) 1 (1.32-1.62) 1 (1.63-2.01) 1 (1.89-2.34) 1 (2.22-2.74) 1 (2.48-3.07) 1 (2.72-3.39) 1 (3.28-4.16) (3.52-4.53) 0.723 0.876 1.09 1.29 F 1.74 1.95 2.16 2.46 2.72 2-hr (0.634-0.828) (0.768-1.00) (0.960-1.25) 1 (1.13-1.46) 1 (1.51-1.97) (1.68-2.20) 1 (1.85-2.45) 1 (2.08-2.79) 1 (2.27-3.08) 0.527 0.638 0.797 0.935 1.11 1.26 1.42 1.58 1.80 1.99 3-hr (0.462-0.607) (0.557-0.734) (0.695-0.917) (0.814-1.07) (0.966-1.27) (1.09-1.44) 1(1.22-1.62) 1 (1.34-1.80) 1 (1.51-2.05) 1 (1.65-2.27) 0.338 0.407 0.506 0.596 0.715 0.820 0.930 1.05 1.22 1.36 6-hr (0.298-0.383) (0.359-0.461) (0.445-0.572) (0.522-0.673) (0.623-0.808 (0.709-0.923) (0.797-1.05) (0.889-1.18) 1 (1.01-1.37) 1 (1.12-1.54) 0.211 0.254 0.317 0.375 0.457 0.529 0.607 0.693 0.819 0.933 12-hr (0.186-0.242) (0.224-0.291) (0.278-0.363) (0.329-0.429) (0.397-0.519 (0.455-0.601) (0.516-0.689) (0.581-0.785) (0.674-0.929) (0.755-1.06) 0.127 0.153 0.196 0.232 0.285 0.330 0.381 0.437 0.520 0.591 24-hr (0.114-0.142) (0.138-0.172) (0.176-0.220) (0.207-0.259) (0.253-0.317) (0.291-0.367) (0.333-0.422) (0.377-0.483) (0.442-0.575) (0.495-0.654) 0.075 0.091 0.115 0.136 0.165 0.190 0.217 0.246 0.288 0.324 2-day (0.067-0.083) (0.081-0.101) (0.103-0.129) 0.121-0.151) (0.146-0.184) (0.167-0.211) (0.189-0.240) (0.213-0.273) 0.246-0.322) (0.274-0.362) 0.053 0.064 0.082 0.096 0.117 0.134 0.153 0.174 0.204 0.229 3-day (0.048-0.059) (0.058-0.071) (0.074-0.090) 0.087-0.106) (0.105-0.129) (0.120-0.148) (0.136-0.169) (0.152-0.191) 0.177-0.225) (0.196-0.253) 4-day 0.042 0.051 0.065 0.076 0.093 0.106 0.121 0.137 0.161 0.181 (0.039-0.046) (0.047-0.056) (0.059-0.071) 0.070-0.083) (0.084-0.101) (0.096-0.116) (0.109-0.133) (0.122-0.151) 0.142-0.177) (0.157-0.199) 7-day 0.026-0 030 (0.031--0 037 0.039-0 046 0.04 -0 053) 0.054-0 064 0. 610-0 073 0. 69-0 083) 0.077--0 093 0. 88-0.0109 0. 97-0 122 10-day 0.022 0.027 0.033 0.038 0.045 0.051 0.057 0.064 0.073 0.081 (0.021-0024) (0.025-0.029) (0.030-0.036) 0.035-0.041) (0.041-0.049) (0.047-0.055) (0.052-0.062) (0.058-0.069) 0.065-0.079) (0.071-0.088) 20-day 0.015 0.017 0.021 0.024 0.028 0.031 0.034 0.037 0.041 0.045 (0.014-0016) (0.016-0.019) (0.020-0.022) 0.022-0.026) (0.026-0.030) (0.029-0.033) (0.031-0.036) (0.034-0.040) 0.038-0.044) (0.041-0.048) 30-day 0.012 0.014 0.017 0.019 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.027 0.029 0.031 (0.011-0013) (0.013-0.015) (0.016-0.018) 0.018-0.020) (0.020-0.023) (0.022-0.025) (0.023-0.027) (0.025-0.029) 0.027-0.031) (0.029-0.034) 45-day 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.017 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.023 0.024 (0.009-0011) (0.011-0.012) (0.013-0.015) 0.014-0.016) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.020) (0.019-0.021) (0.020-0.022) 0.021-0.024) (0.022-0.026) 60-day 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.016 6.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 (0.008-0009) (0.010-0.011) (0.011-0.013) 0.012-0.014) (0.014-0.015) (0.015-0.017) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.019) 0.018-0.020) (0.019-0.021) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90 % confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top Appendix C (TR-55) Caliber Collision Pre -Development Albemarle County, Virginia Sub -Area Summary Table Sub -Area Drainage Time of Curve Receiving Sub -Area Identifier Area Concentration Number Reach Description (ac) (hr) ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Area ABC 1.62 0.220 58 Area D .22 0.198 49 Total Area: 1.84 (ac) WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 3/9/2018 11:36:33 AM Caliber Collision Pre -Development Albemarle County, Virginia Sub -Area Time of Concentration Details Sub -Area Flow Mannings's End Wetted Travel Identifier/ Length Slope n Area Perimeter Velocity Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) Area ABC SHEET 100 0.0360 0.240 0.168 SHALLOW 369 0.0175 0.050 0.048 SHALLOW 182 0.5300 0.050 0.004 Area D SHEET 100 0.0300 0.240 SHALLOW 16 0.1565 0.050 SHALLOW 175 0.0360 0.050 Time of Concentration 0.220 0.181 0.001 0.016 Time of Concentration 0.198 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 3/9/2018 11:36:33 AM Caliber Collision Pre -Development Albemarle County, Virginia Sub -Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub -Area Hydrologic Sub -Area Curve Identifier Land Use Soil Area Number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group (ac) Area ABC Open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B 1.1 61 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B .005 98 Gravel (w/ right-of-way) B .05 85 Brush - brush, weed, grass mix (good) B .46 48 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 1.62 58 Area D Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B .003 98 Brush - brush, weed, grass mix (good) B .213 48 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .22 49 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 3/9/2018 11:36:33 AM Caliber Collision Post -Development Albemarle County, Virginia Sub -Area Summary Table Sub -Area Drainage Time of Curve Receiving Sub -Area Identifier Area Concentration Number Reach Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ac) (hr) Area B .06 0.209 73 Area C .05 0.290 69 Area D .12 0.144 74 Area A 1.61 0.100 89 Total Area: 1.84 (ac) WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 3/9/2018 11:36:47 AM Caliber Collision Post -Development Albemarle County, Virginia Sub -Area Time of Concentration Details Sub -Area Flow Mannings's End Wetted Travel Identifier/ Length Slope n Area Perimeter Velocity Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (ft) (ft/ft) (sq ft) (ft) (ft/sec) (hr) Area B SHEET 100 0.0406 0.240 0.160 SHALLOW 244 0.0086 0.050 0.045 SHALLOW 182 0.5300 0.050 0.004 Area C SHEET SHALLOW SHALLOW Area D SHEET SHALLOW SHALLOW Area A SHEET SHALLOW Time of Concentration 0.209 100 0.0100 0.240 0.281 44 0.0680 0.050 0.003 235 0.4080 0.050 0.006 Time of Concentration 0.290 71 0.0390 0.240 159 0.0234 0.025 63 0.0300 0.050 93 0.0310 0.011 304 0.0138 0.025 0.124 0.014 0.006 Time of Concentration 0.144 0.014 0.035 Time of Concentration 0.100 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 3/9/2018 11:36:48 AM Caliber Collision Post -Development Albemarle County, Virginia Sub -Area Land Use and Curve Number Details Sub -Area Hydrologic Sub -Area Curve Identifier Land Use Soil Area Number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group (ac) Area B Open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B .041 61 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B .02 98 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .06 73 Area C Open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B .042 61 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B .011 98 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .05 69 Area D Open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B .076 61 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B .043 98 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number .12 74 Area A Open space; grass cover > 75% (good) B .384 61 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways B 1.221 98 Total Area / Weighted Curve Number 1.61 89 WinTR-55, Version 1.00.00 Page 1 3/9/2018 11:36:48 AM Appendix D (Hydraflow Hydrographs) �qg> (25S l Pre Dev AreABC Pre Derea D 24R Re to Moores Creek 23L Pre Dev Site Outfall Moores Creek Subca Reach and Link Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Development 2018 0315 Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 2 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Area Listing (selected nodes) Area (acres) CN Description (subcats 0.220 49 (25S) 1.620 58 (24S) M Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 3 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Subcatchment 24S: Pre Dev Area ABC Runoff = 0.32 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.039 af, Depth= 0.29" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Area (ac) CN Description 1.620 58 1.620 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.2 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 24S: Pre Dev Area ABC Hydrograph 0.36 0.34 ' ,' ■ Runoff 2 4-r�0.32 pr-24--hr ---- ' 0.3 ----------------------i --- ------------------� — -- „fa0.28R6inll --14 0.26 Ru no#--Aren=F'&2©--qc---- 0.24 ----- 0.22 ' � ! '-------- ----- RunofVolu �- .039af i rnOff-Oe'pt1h=O.29" 4 0.2 ' R 3 0.18 A o ------'.----------------------------------.---------------------------------- Te^ / u 0.16 ---------------!- 2-min----- 0.14 --- ----- ----- 68 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 , 0.04 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 4 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Subcatchment 25S: Pre Dev Area D Runoff = 0.00 cfs @ 13.42 hrs, Volume= 0.001 af, Depth= 0.08" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Area (ac) CN Description 0.220 49 0.220 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 11.9 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 25S: Pre Dev Area D Hydrograph 0.002------ '--------- 'r------- ---------'r----------------- ----------r----------------- ;--------- r-------- ;--------- r--------- 'r--------- 'r 0.002 0.00 cfs 0.002 0.002 ' - 4--h ----- - - - - - ---+-- - r 0.002 -- R lnfall 3.D4 0.002 — � -------- 22� a 0.002 l�u�o Area:=Q'� f 0.002 r ! -''r ----- --- d1-�---- --- 0.001 " uhoF V _-MrOQ --- 0.001 -----------------------''----------------------------R 0-e-p �#= II$' _-4,F 0.001 Ut14f ?� 3 0.001 - ---- -- ,' -----'------------------'t--------------------------'r----------------'t r l c-r 1 � 0.001 '" � �.0 0.001 ---- -- - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ 0.001 ' - -- -- r . . 4t 0.001 ' .-------- --- 0.001 ' --------- ----- 0.000 ----- 'r 0.000----------------- -------- -------------- ------------------------------------------------ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) ■ Runoff Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 5 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Reach 24R: Reach to Moores Creek Inflow Area = 0.220 ac, Inflow Depth = 0.08" for 1 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 0.00 cfs @ 13.42 hrs, Volume= 0.001 of Outflow = 0.00 cfs @ 13.99 hrs, Volume= 0.001 af, Atten= 6%, Lag= 34.2 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 0.51 fps, Min. Travel Time= 33.4 min Avg. Velocity = 0.44 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 38.6 min Peak Storage= 4 cf @ 13.99 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.01' Bank -Full Depth= 0.50', Capacity at Bank -Full= 5.58 cfs 0.50' x 0.50' deep channel, n= 0.035 Earth, dense weeds Side Slope Z-value= 3.07' Top Width= 3.50' Length= 1,025.0' Slope= 0.0976 '/' Inlet Invert= 479.00', Outlet Invert= 379.00' Reach 24R: Reach to Moores Creek ..... �. OR . • - ! s ° i Di 0 i ---------------------- 0.001-: 0.001 0.001z • • 0 0 000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 6 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Link 23L: Pre Dev Site Outfall Moores Creek Inflow Area = 1.840 ac, Inflow Depth = 0.26" for 1 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 0.32 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.040 of Primary = 0.32 cfs @ 12.10 hrs, Volume= 0.040 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Link 23L: Pre Dev Site Outfall Moores Creek Hydrograph -------- ----- ---- - - -- -- - -- -- --r-- -- -- r- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- --r-- -- -- r- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- 0 Inflow 0.36 -- 0.34 0.32 cfs -- ■ Primary 32cfsr-inflow-Area=840--ac-- 0.32 0.3 - -- -- -- -- 0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.2 ; 3 0.18 - LL 0.16 ; 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 7 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Subcatchment 24S: Pre Dev Area ABC Runoff = 3.10 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.201 af, Depth= 1.49" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Area (ac) CN Description 1.620 58 1.620 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 13.2 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 24S: Pre Dev Area ABC Hydrograph ■ Runoff 3.10 cfs 3 ---------- ,--------- fiYl�e--il--2 4 -r 10--- r h X 4 hr R'ai nfal'I=5.56" Runoff Area=1'.620 ac - - - ---- Runoff -Volu me=0:201--af N `L Ru nOff', Depth=1', .49" LL Tc=13.2' min CN=68 ------------------------ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 8 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Subcatchment 25S: Pre Dev Area D Runoff = 0.21 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.016 af, Depth= 0.87" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Type II 24-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Area (ac) CN Description 0.220 49 0.220 Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 11.9 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 25S: Pre Dev Area D Hydrograph --------- ----- - ------------------------ 0.23 ' 0.21 cfs-- - - - -', --- - - - - -- - T- - - --- - - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - - - -----------�--------- 0.22 ---------------r ------------ Runoff 0.21--------------- T e--1 2�#wh -10 j: 24 --h ---- 0.2 .. -------�i 0.19 afn ----- 0.18 ' .---------'r---------'r---------'r ------------- i U Hoff- Area-0 '0- a ----------------- - --- ----- --- - - 0.17 --- 0.16 - :-------- — r i r 11� ? �L, 0.15-----,------ 1 Yl e-0.0'� 0 --af ---- --------- u --------------------------- -- - -- - - ----------- Run¢ff- th-=O8" --------- - 0 13 3 0.12 ---- - 0 0.11 - - n 0.09 - 0.08----------�---49----- 0.07 = .----------------'r 0.06 ' :------- 'F ----- 0.05 - - - --------- --------- 0.04 ' .-------- ''r ---- 0.03 ' .-------- '---- ---- 0.01 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 9 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Reach 24R: Reach to Moores Creek Inflow Area = 0.220 ac, Inflow Depth = 0.87" for 10 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 0.21 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.016 of Outflow = 0.15 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 0.016 af, Atten= 29%, Lag= 5.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Max. Velocity= 2.16 fps, Min. Travel Time= 7.9 min Avg. Velocity = 0.85 fps, Avg. Travel Time= 20.1 min Peak Storage= 72 cf @ 12.15 hrs, Average Depth at Peak Storage= 0.09' Bank -Full Depth= 0.50', Capacity at Bank -Full= 5.58 cfs 0.50' x 0.50' deep channel, n= 0.035 Earth, dense weeds Side Slope Z-value= 3.07' Top Width= 3.50' Length= 1,025.0' Slope= 0.0976 '/' Inlet Invert= 479.00', Outlet Invert= 379.00' Reach 24R: Reach to Moores Creek Hydrograph -------- - cfs--------- nn 0.21 V -- 220-- a I�flwv �wre�- 0.22 i- --- - �' 0.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - Avg a;epfh=Q�-09V fp'0.18 -- -- --r-- -- -- -- -- --, - -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- - - M V 2. 0.16 15 cfs fix' I 5 y 0.14 -- -- --'-- -- --' - -- - - -- -- -' -- -- --'-- -- --' n-: 0_.0 35 - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- A n 0.12 25. Ow LL-S=O.-097 �r� 0.1 - 0.08 - r paciyc 0.06 0.04 l ------ -- -- ---1 r 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) ■ Inflow ❑ Outflow Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 10 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Link 23L: Pre Dev Site Outfall Moores Creek Inflow Area = 1.840 ac, Inflow Depth = 1.42" for 10 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 3.21 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.217 of Primary = 3.21 cfs @ 12.07 hrs, Volume= 0.217 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs N V 3 0 LL Link 23L: Pre Dev Site Outfall Moores Creek Hydrograph 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) ■ Inflow ❑ Primary 16S 19S 23S C Post D v Area C Post ev Area D Post Dev rea B Post Dev Ar a A 23P 25R Re to Moores Creek Detention P d 22L Site Outfall Moores Creek Su bca Reach Ond Link Drainage Diagram for Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Development 2018 0315 Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. 3/15/2018 HydroCAD® 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Development 2018 0315 Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 1 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Area Listing (selected nodes) Area (acres) CN Description (subcats 0.050 69 (19S) 0.060 73 (16S) 0.120 74 (23S) 1.610 89 (18S) M Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 2 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 0.07 0.065 0.06 0.055 0.05 H 0.045 3 0.04 LL 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 N 3 3 0 LL 0 Subcatchment 16S: Post Dev Area B Hydrograph 0.07 cfs i T_pe' ll4 r 241r Rain'faII 3.04" --Ru--- --- -Area=O' ,0--a ------------------------------------------------------- off ---Runoff-V0111me=0.00 ' Runoff bepth=0.8$" Tc-F_12.5' mi'n CN=73 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Subcatchment 18S: Post Dev Area A Hydrograph 5.44 cfs Type ll .24 4--fir-24--hr R'ainfal'1=3.04" --------------runoff Area=1.610- ac Runoff Volume=0.260 of --------- --------- --------- ----------------- R:u n Off De,ptft=' .9', T'c=6.0'min 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) ❑ Runoff ■ Runoff Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 3 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Subcatchment 19S: Post Dev Area C Hydrograph 0.04-------' ---, 0.038 ' ,.' 0.04 cfs ----'---------L-------- L---------L--------L 0.036 Type:--[[--24 �4---yr--24--hr 0.034------------------'r--------- r------ r r h� 'r REnfal1-3 04 -- ---- - --- 0.032 " 0.03 ------- - ---- ----- L ---- ---Ru -- aif Area=O'.0 0.028 - -------- 5,0--aG ---- Ra noff-Volum0=Q�043---of 0.026 0.024 ' ., 0.022------- ----- A n p .6 ----- --------- Tc 1 .4 mfn LL o.o1s 0.016 g 0.014 ,. ,. V 0.012 0.01 0.008------------------- 0.006 r 0.004 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Subcatchment 23S: Post Dev Area D Hydrograph 0.19 0.18 cfs } -------- T ' a 11- 4*h r', ------ 1r4 hr 0.18 0.17 ' ' �7, p 0.16 --------- Rainfall 3 -04" 0.15 ----- -------------------------------- --------------------; - - 0--a -- 0.14 ', ', unaf# Are� 0' � 0.13------------------------------- - h - -- - - - - - - -- -- 0.12 ----- Ru Off_ �/� Iume-=�.QD9 f Run: -Dep lh_O-- 0.11 - # 3 0.1 - 0.09 -------- T=8.' r1�Fn 0.08--------- - -!------7 ------- 0.07 0.06 - -------------- 'r ---------- 0.05 + F-----------------+----------------- 0.04--------- 'r 0.03 ------------------------- 0.02 0.01 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) ❑ Runoff ■ Runoff Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 4 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Reach 25R: Reach to Moores Creek Hydrograph . . Inflow 0.18 cfs — ❑outflow 0.19 0.16 - * ` A/ p41_l-Qy_' 0.15 ' 0.13 cfs ,' -- -- --' - - 11�[ax1� - 5 0.14 0.13 - 0.12 - r-----I - n t G.-03 0.11 3 0.1 {L v" 0.08 -- 0.07 0.06 Capa �rJ Cfi CI- 0.04 i 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Link 22L: Site Outfall Moores Creek Hydrograph 0.6 --0.54 0.55 cf 1n low Area- 84 % SCfS 4 a 0.5 .. 0.45 0.4 - - - y 0.35 - - - -- -- -- -- 0.3 0 u 0.25 - -- 0.2 - - - 0.15 i-- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - i-- -- -- - -- -- -- -- t 0.1 i r i t r i � i r 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) ■ Inflow ❑ Primary Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 5 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Subcatchment 16S: Post Dev Area B Hydrograph ❑Runoff 0.24 0.23 cfs - - Type- 11- 2:-h�'i �0--yr- �24 hr Rain 0.2 - a1-I-=5-. 6------ -------- 0 a 0.18 I I I I I I I I I Ru Hoff Area=O'06' c Runoff Volu- me.01 � 4 of 0.16 - 0.14 ; Runoff Vie' th=2,.73" - - - - - - ---- - p LL 0.12 " Tc' 1 2.5 min----- D1=73----- 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Subcatchment 18S: Post Dev Area A Hydrograph ■ Runoff 12 11.55 cfs Ty: - 1- 0 y�-24--hr---- 11 ." a 4=i�r 1' -------- ----- R'a i ry a f,i=5.56,.---- 10 9 ----- Hoff Area=1'.61' 0 ac me-0.57 - - - - - - - - - ol� _- - -- 8--af - - - - - - - - -Hoff V` -- -- Runoff --------- 7------'.-------- -- Runoff .DTe,pthc=4.31 "-- 0 6 ------ '--------- --------- '--------- '--------- --------- '------------------- '----------------- ----- l.'c_=_67 0 - min 5 w'- --------- h--------- 'r - 4 3 2 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 6 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 Subcatchment 19S: Post Dev Area C Hydrograph 0.14' I � Runoff 0.15 ' Cf5 ' -� � � � � � � ❑ ---------- ------- T e �,� -2, 1'-'�',�o - )/hr--24 ----- 0.14 vvMM 4-�i YO 0.13 --- ain'f1 -5 - 6------ 0.12 OO�Oacun rep 0.11 Roff A 0.1 ----- � i-u m U nOf# �/' _ ©1 Runoff -ie th=2.3,. 0.09 0.08 ----- � -- ---- ---------+--------- 0.07 Tc;-1 7.4'', mi'',n CIS;69----- 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 1"', 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Subcatchment 23S: Post Dev Area D Hydrograph ■ Runoff 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by Freeland & Kauffman, Inc. Page 7 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 3/15/2018 2 Reach 25R: Reach to Moores Creek ■• -Inflow_ 1 1 _ • a=• o • 1 035 1 1 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Link 22L: Site Outfall Moores Creek Hydrograph / 0 scfs ❑ Primary 3A5 Inflow Area=1.840 ad 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 11 24-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 1 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Inflow Area = 1.610 ac, Inflow Depth = 1.94" for 1 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 5.44 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.260 of Outflow = 0.33 cfs @ 12.78 hrs, Volume= 0.260 af, Atten= 94%, Lag= 48.5 min Primary = 0.33 cfs @ 12.78 hrs, Volume= 0.260 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 467.04' @ 12.78 hrs Surf.Area= 3,557 sf Storage= 5,815 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 218.7 min calculated for 0.260 of (100% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 218.6 min ( 1,028.7 - 810.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 465.00' 19,598 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 0 466.00 2,827 2,494 2,494 467.00 3,528 3,178 5,671 468.00 4,255 3,892 9,563 469.00 5,012 4,634 14,196 470.00 5,791 5,402 19,598 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 462.54' 24.0" x 179.0' long Culvert RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 460.75' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 #2 Device 1 467.25' Custom Weir/Orifice, C= 2.62 Head (feet) 0.00 1.25 1.25 2.75 Width (feet) 0.33 0.33 16.00 16.00 #3 Device 1 465.00' 3.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 467.25' 4.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=0.33 cfs @ 12.78 hrs HW=467.04' (Free Discharge) L1=Culvert (Passes 0.33 cfs of 28.30 cfs potential flow) 2=Custom Weir/Orifice ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.33 cfs @ 6.66 fps) =Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 1124-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 2 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Hydrograph ■ Inflow 6 5.44 cfs ❑ Primary fl rea . � ', vv � I.C1q ac 5 Peak' Elev=467'',.04' - - - - - - - - - - fora 0 a-5 c 4 3 3 0 LL 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.33 cfs w 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Pond 23P: Detention Pond Stage -Discharge 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Discharge (cfs) O Primary Culvert Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 11 24-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 3 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Stage -Area -Storage Surface/Horizontal/wetted Area (sq-ft) 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Storage (cubic -feet) Surface ❑ Storage Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 11 24-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 4 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 465.00 0.00 465.05 0.01 465.10 0.02 465.15 0.04 465.20 0.06 465.25 0.08 465.30 0.10 465.35 0.11 465.40 0.12 465.45 0.13 465.50 0.14 465.55 0.15 465.60 0.16 465.65 0.17 465.70 0.18 465.75 0.19 465.80 0.19 465.85 0.20 465.90 0.21 465.95 0.21 466.00 0.22 466.05 0.23 466.10 0.23 466.15 0.24 466.20 0.25 466.25 0.25 466.30 0.26 466.35 0.26 466.40 0.27 466.45 0.27 466.50 0.28 466.55 0.28 466.60 0.29 466.65 0.29 466.70 0.30 466.75 0.30 466.80 0.31 466.85 0.31 466.90 0.31 466.95 0.32 467.00 0.32 467.05 0.33 467.10 0.33 467.15 0.34 467.20 0.34 467.25 0.34 467.30 0.37 467.35 0.41 467.40 0.47 467.45 0.54 467.50 0.62 467.55 0.70 467.60 0.78 467.65 0.85 Stage -Discharge for Pond 23P: Detention Pond Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 467.70 0.93 467.75 1.01 467.80 1.09 467.85 1.17 467.90 1.25 467.95 1.34 468.00 1.42 468.05 1.51 468.10 1.60 468.15 1.69 468.20 1.79 468.25 1.88 468.30 1.98 468.35 2.08 468.40 2.18 468.45 2.28 468.50 2.38 468.55 3.06 468.60 4.22 468.65 5.68 468.70 7.40 468.75 9.34 468.80 11.47 468.85 13.77 468.90 16.24 468.95 18.87 469.00 21.64 469.05 24.55 469.10 27.59 469.15 30.75 469.20 34.04 469.25 34.85 469.30 34.99 469.35 35.12 469.40 35.25 469.45 35.39 469.50 35.52 469.55 35.65 469.60 35.78 469.65 35.91 469.70 36.04 469.75 36.17 469.80 36.30 469.85 36.43 469.90 36.56 469.95 36.68 470.00 36.81 Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Developm Type 11 24-hr 1 yr 24 hr Rainfall=3.04" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 5 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 23P: Detention Pond Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 465.05 2,193 109 465.10 2,227 219 465.15 2,260 332 465.20 2,293 445 465.25 2,327 561 465.30 2,360 678 465.35 2,393 797 465.40 2,427 917 465.45 2,460 1,040 465.50 2,494 1,163 465.55 2,527 1,289 465.60 2,560 1,416 465.65 2,594 1,545 465.70 2,627 1,675 465.75 2,660 1,808 465.80 2,694 1,941 465.85 2,727 2,077 465.90 2,760 2,214 465.95 2,794 2,353 466.00 2,827 2,494 466.05 2,862 2,636 466.10 2,897 2,780 466.15 2,932 2,925 466.20 2,967 3,073 466.25 3,002 3,222 466.30 3,037 3,373 466.35 3,072 3,526 466.40 3,107 3,680 466.45 3,142 3,837 466.50 3,178 3,995 466.55 3,213 4,154 466.60 3,248 4,316 466.65 3,283 4,479 466.70 3,318 4,644 466.75 3,353 4,811 466.80 3,388 4,979 466.85 3,423 5,150 466.90 3,458 5,322 466.95 3,493 5,495 467.00 3,528 5,671 467.05 3,564 5,848 467.10 3,601 6,027 467.15 3,637 6,208 467.20 3,673 6,391 467.25 3,710 6,576 467.30 3,746 6,762 467.35 3,782 6,950 467.40 3,819 7,140 467.45 3,855 7,332 467.50 3,892 7,526 467.55 3,928 7,721 467.60 3,964 7,919 467.65 4,001 8,118 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 467.70 4,037 8,319 467.75 4,073 8,521 467.80 4,110 8,726 467.85 4,146 8,932 467.90 4,182 9,141 467.95 4,219 9,351 468.00 4,255 9,563 468.05 4,293 9,776 468.10 4,331 9,992 468.15 4,369 10,209 468.20 4,406 10,429 468.25 4,444 10,650 468.30 4,482 10,873 468.35 4,520 11,098 468.40 4,558 11,325 468.45 4,596 11,554 468.50 4,634 11,785 468.55 4,671 12,017 468.60 4,709 12,252 468.65 4,747 12,488 468.70 4,785 12,726 468.75 4,823 12,967 468.80 4,861 13,209 468.85 4,898 13,453 468.90 4,936 13,699 468.95 4,974 13,946 469.00 5,012 14,196 469.05 5,051 14,448 469.10 5,090 14,701 469.15 5,129 14,957 469.20 5,168 15,214 469.25 5,207 15,473 469.30 5,246 15,735 469.35 5,285 15,998 469.40 5,324 16,263 469.45 5,363 16,530 469.50 5,402 16,799 469.55 5,440 17,070 469.60 5,479 17,343 469.65 5,518 17,618 469.70 5,557 17,895 469.75 5,596 18,174 469.80 5,635 18,455 469.85 5,674 18,738 469.90 5,713 19,022 469.95 5,752 19,309 470.00 5,791 19,598 Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 6 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Inflow Area = 1.610 ac, Inflow Depth = 4.31" for 10 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 11.55 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.578 of Outflow = 2.31 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.578 af, Atten= 80%, Lag= 9.8 min Primary = 2.31 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.578 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 468.46' @ 12.13 hrs Surf.Area= 4,607 sf Storage= 11,623 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 184.9 min calculated for 0.578 of (100% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 184.8 min ( 972.3 - 787.5 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 465.00' 19,598 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 0 466.00 2,827 2,494 2,494 467.00 3,528 3,178 5,671 468.00 4,255 3,892 9,563 469.00 5,012 4,634 14,196 470.00 5,791 5,402 19,598 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 462.54' 24.0" x 179.0' long Culvert RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 460.75' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 #2 Device 1 467.25' Custom Weir/Orifice, C= 2.62 Head (feet) 0.00 1.25 1.25 2.75 Width (feet) 0.33 0.33 16.00 16.00 #3 Device 1 465.00' 3.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 467.25' 4.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=2.31 cfs @ 12.13 hrs HW=468.46' (Free Discharge) L1=Culvert (Passes 2.31 cfs of 32.68 cfs potential flow) 2=Custom Weir/Orifice (Weir Controls 1.45 cfs @ 3.61 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.43 cfs @ 8.80 fps) =Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.43 cfs @ 4.93 fps) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 7 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Hydrograph FE 11.55 Cfs ❑ Primary 12 ----- �nfl— -i�►re�a ------ -- - r 11 Peak EI'ev^488':46' 10 ' - - 9#OPage= 6 -c - 8 -- N u7 ------ 0 6 - -- -- -- - 5 q - 3 2.31 cfs F w 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Pond 23P: Detention Pond Stage -Discharge 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Discharge (cfs) ❑ Primary Culvert Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 8 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Stage -Area -Storage Surface/Horizontal/wetted Area (sq-ft) 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Storage (cubic -feet) Surface ❑ Storage Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 9 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 465.00 0.00 465.05 0.01 465.10 0.02 465.15 0.04 465.20 0.06 465.25 0.08 465.30 0.10 465.35 0.11 465.40 0.12 465.45 0.13 465.50 0.14 465.55 0.15 465.60 0.16 465.65 0.17 465.70 0.18 465.75 0.19 465.80 0.19 465.85 0.20 465.90 0.21 465.95 0.21 466.00 0.22 466.05 0.23 466.10 0.23 466.15 0.24 466.20 0.25 466.25 0.25 466.30 0.26 466.35 0.26 466.40 0.27 466.45 0.27 466.50 0.28 466.55 0.28 466.60 0.29 466.65 0.29 466.70 0.30 466.75 0.30 466.80 0.31 466.85 0.31 466.90 0.31 466.95 0.32 467.00 0.32 467.05 0.33 467.10 0.33 467.15 0.34 467.20 0.34 467.25 0.34 467.30 0.37 467.35 0.41 467.40 0.47 467.45 0.54 467.50 0.62 467.55 0.70 467.60 0.78 467.65 0.85 Stage -Discharge for Pond 23P: Detention Pond Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 467.70 0.93 467.75 1.01 467.80 1.09 467.85 1.17 467.90 1.25 467.95 1.34 468.00 1.42 468.05 1.51 468.10 1.60 468.15 1.69 468.20 1.79 468.25 1.88 468.30 1.98 468.35 2.08 468.40 2.18 468.45 2.28 468.50 2.38 468.55 3.06 468.60 4.22 468.65 5.68 468.70 7.40 468.75 9.34 468.80 11.47 468.85 13.77 468.90 16.24 468.95 18.87 469.00 21.64 469.05 24.55 469.10 27.59 469.15 30.75 469.20 34.04 469.25 34.85 469.30 34.99 469.35 35.12 469.40 35.25 469.45 35.39 469.50 35.52 469.55 35.65 469.60 35.78 469.65 35.91 469.70 36.04 469.75 36.17 469.80 36.30 469.85 36.43 469.90 36.56 469.95 36.68 470.00 36.81 Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 10 yr 24 hr Rainfall=5.56" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 10 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 23P: Detention Pond Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 465.05 2,193 109 465.10 2,227 219 465.15 2,260 332 465.20 2,293 445 465.25 2,327 561 465.30 2,360 678 465.35 2,393 797 465.40 2,427 917 465.45 2,460 1,040 465.50 2,494 1,163 465.55 2,527 1,289 465.60 2,560 1,416 465.65 2,594 1,545 465.70 2,627 1,675 465.75 2,660 1,808 465.80 2,694 1,941 465.85 2,727 2,077 465.90 2,760 2,214 465.95 2,794 2,353 466.00 2,827 2,494 466.05 2,862 2,636 466.10 2,897 2,780 466.15 2,932 2,925 466.20 2,967 3,073 466.25 3,002 3,222 466.30 3,037 3,373 466.35 3,072 3,526 466.40 3,107 3,680 466.45 3,142 3,837 466.50 3,178 3,995 466.55 3,213 4,154 466.60 3,248 4,316 466.65 3,283 4,479 466.70 3,318 4,644 466.75 3,353 4,811 466.80 3,388 4,979 466.85 3,423 5,150 466.90 3,458 5,322 466.95 3,493 5,495 467.00 3,528 5,671 467.05 3,564 5,848 467.10 3,601 6,027 467.15 3,637 6,208 467.20 3,673 6,391 467.25 3,710 6,576 467.30 3,746 6,762 467.35 3,782 6,950 467.40 3,819 7,140 467.45 3,855 7,332 467.50 3,892 7,526 467.55 3,928 7,721 467.60 3,964 7,919 467.65 4,001 8,118 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 467.70 4,037 8,319 467.75 4,073 8,521 467.80 4,110 8,726 467.85 4,146 8,932 467.90 4,182 9,141 467.95 4,219 9,351 468.00 4,255 9,563 468.05 4,293 9,776 468.10 4,331 9,992 468.15 4,369 10,209 468.20 4,406 10,429 468.25 4,444 10,650 468.30 4,482 10,873 468.35 4,520 11,098 468.40 4,558 11,325 468.45 4,596 11,554 468.50 4,634 11,785 468.55 4,671 12,017 468.60 4,709 12,252 468.65 4,747 12,488 468.70 4,785 12,726 468.75 4,823 12,967 468.80 4,861 13,209 468.85 4,898 13,453 468.90 4,936 13,699 468.95 4,974 13,946 469.00 5,012 14,196 469.05 5,051 14,448 469.10 5,090 14,701 469.15 5,129 14,957 469.20 5,168 15,214 469.25 5,207 15,473 469.30 5,246 15,735 469.35 5,285 15,998 469.40 5,324 16,263 469.45 5,363 16,530 469.50 5,402 16,799 469.55 5,440 17,070 469.60 5,479 17,343 469.65 5,518 17,618 469.70 5,557 17,895 469.75 5,596 18,174 469.80 5,635 18,455 469.85 5,674 18,738 469.90 5,713 19,022 469.95 5,752 19,309 470.00 5,791 19,598 Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develo Type 11 24-hr 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall=9.14" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 11 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Inflow Area = 1.610 ac, Inflow Depth = 7.81" for 100 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 20.11 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 1.048 of Outflow = 18.86 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 1.048 af, Atten= 6%, Lag= 1.6 min Primary = 18.86 cfs @ 12.00 hrs, Volume= 1.048 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 468.95' @ 12.00 hrs Surf.Area= 4,974 sf Storage= 13,946 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 140.2 min calculated for 1.047 of (100% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 140.4 min ( 912.1 - 771.6 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 465.00' 19,598 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 0 466.00 2,827 2,494 2,494 467.00 3,528 3,178 5,671 468.00 4,255 3,892 9,563 469.00 5,012 4,634 14,196 470.00 5,791 5,402 19,598 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 462.54' 24.0" x 179.0' long Culvert RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 460.75' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 #2 Device 1 467.25' Custom Weir/Orifice, C= 2.62 Head (feet) 0.00 1.25 1.25 2.75 Width (feet) 0.33 0.33 16.00 16.00 #3 Device 1 465.00' 3.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 467.25' 4.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=18.82 cfs @ 12.00 hrs HW=468.95' (Free Discharge) L1=Culvert (Passes 18.82 cfs of 34.04 cfs potential flow) 2=Custom Weir/Orifice (Weir Controls 17.84 cfs @ 2.35 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.46 cfs @ 9.42 fps) =Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.52 cfs @ 5.96 fps) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develo Type // 24-hr 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall=9.14" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 12 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 @ 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Hydrograph 22 20.11 cfs 21 8 -- -- -- --- I -------- I --------- I -------- --------- : --------- 1 --------- -------- 1 ---------- r M ------ -- -- -- �---100*Ar =1.410--- 20 18.cfs - 77 Iff 19 -- -- -- -- -- -- ----- -- - 18 ------ - ------- --------- -------- -------- P e___ -a- k::, Elev 9*5 17 -------------- 16 :::-s -br : : :ge=: -------------------------------------- 7 15 --------- --------- --------- -------- 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1 3 ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ _2 12 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- 0 FL 10 9 ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------4 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 8 ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ------ -- -- -- : -- -- ----- -- -- ------ --------- -------- 7 - - --------- 6 - ----- -- ---------- ------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- •------• -- -- --•-- -- -- -- -- -- •------ ------• -- -- --•-- -- -- -- -- -- 4 r 1 k r 0 LU 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) Pond 23P: Detention Pond Stage -Discharge 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Discharge (cfs) FE Inflow _ 10 Primary I ❑ Primary Culvert Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develo Type 11 24-hr 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall=9.14" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 13 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Detention Pond Stage -Area -Storage Surface/Horizontal/wetted Area (sq-ft) 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Storage (cubic -feet) Surface ❑ Storage Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develo Type 11 24-hr 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall=9.14" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 14 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 465.00 0.00 465.05 0.01 465.10 0.02 465.15 0.04 465.20 0.06 465.25 0.08 465.30 0.10 465.35 0.11 465.40 0.12 465.45 0.13 465.50 0.14 465.55 0.15 465.60 0.16 465.65 0.17 465.70 0.18 465.75 0.19 465.80 0.19 465.85 0.20 465.90 0.21 465.95 0.21 466.00 0.22 466.05 0.23 466.10 0.23 466.15 0.24 466.20 0.25 466.25 0.25 466.30 0.26 466.35 0.26 466.40 0.27 466.45 0.27 466.50 0.28 466.55 0.28 466.60 0.29 466.65 0.29 466.70 0.30 466.75 0.30 466.80 0.31 466.85 0.31 466.90 0.31 466.95 0.32 467.00 0.32 467.05 0.33 467.10 0.33 467.15 0.34 467.20 0.34 467.25 0.34 467.30 0.37 467.35 0.41 467.40 0.47 467.45 0.54 467.50 0.62 467.55 0.70 467.60 0.78 467.65 0.85 Stage -Discharge for Pond 23P: Detention Pond Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 467.70 0.93 467.75 1.01 467.80 1.09 467.85 1.17 467.90 1.25 467.95 1.34 468.00 1.42 468.05 1.51 468.10 1.60 468.15 1.69 468.20 1.79 468.25 1.88 468.30 1.98 468.35 2.08 468.40 2.18 468.45 2.28 468.50 2.38 468.55 3.06 468.60 4.22 468.65 5.68 468.70 7.40 468.75 9.34 468.80 11.47 468.85 13.77 468.90 16.24 468.95 18.87 469.00 21.64 469.05 24.55 469.10 27.59 469.15 30.75 469.20 34.04 469.25 34.85 469.30 34.99 469.35 35.12 469.40 35.25 469.45 35.39 469.50 35.52 469.55 35.65 469.60 35.78 469.65 35.91 469.70 36.04 469.75 36.17 469.80 36.30 469.85 36.43 469.90 36.56 469.95 36.68 470.00 36.81 Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develo Type 11 24-hr 100 yr 24 hr Rainfall=9.14" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 15 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 23P: Detention Pond Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 465.05 2,193 109 465.10 2,227 219 465.15 2,260 332 465.20 2,293 445 465.25 2,327 561 465.30 2,360 678 465.35 2,393 797 465.40 2,427 917 465.45 2,460 1,040 465.50 2,494 1,163 465.55 2,527 1,289 465.60 2,560 1,416 465.65 2,594 1,545 465.70 2,627 1,675 465.75 2,660 1,808 465.80 2,694 1,941 465.85 2,727 2,077 465.90 2,760 2,214 465.95 2,794 2,353 466.00 2,827 2,494 466.05 2,862 2,636 466.10 2,897 2,780 466.15 2,932 2,925 466.20 2,967 3,073 466.25 3,002 3,222 466.30 3,037 3,373 466.35 3,072 3,526 466.40 3,107 3,680 466.45 3,142 3,837 466.50 3,178 3,995 466.55 3,213 4,154 466.60 3,248 4,316 466.65 3,283 4,479 466.70 3,318 4,644 466.75 3,353 4,811 466.80 3,388 4,979 466.85 3,423 5,150 466.90 3,458 5,322 466.95 3,493 5,495 467.00 3,528 5,671 467.05 3,564 5,848 467.10 3,601 6,027 467.15 3,637 6,208 467.20 3,673 6,391 467.25 3,710 6,576 467.30 3,746 6,762 467.35 3,782 6,950 467.40 3,819 7,140 467.45 3,855 7,332 467.50 3,892 7,526 467.55 3,928 7,721 467.60 3,964 7,919 467.65 4,001 8,118 Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 467.70 4,037 8,319 467.75 4,073 8,521 467.80 4,110 8,726 467.85 4,146 8,932 467.90 4,182 9,141 467.95 4,219 9,351 468.00 4,255 9,563 468.05 4,293 9,776 468.10 4,331 9,992 468.15 4,369 10,209 468.20 4,406 10,429 468.25 4,444 10,650 468.30 4,482 10,873 468.35 4,520 11,098 468.40 4,558 11,325 468.45 4,596 11,554 468.50 4,634 11,785 468.55 4,671 12,017 468.60 4,709 12,252 468.65 4,747 12,488 468.70 4,785 12,726 468.75 4,823 12,967 468.80 4,861 13,209 468.85 4,898 13,453 468.90 4,936 13,699 468.95 4,974 13,946 469.00 5,012 14,196 469.05 5,051 14,448 469.10 5,090 14,701 469.15 5,129 14,957 469.20 5,168 15,214 469.25 5,207 15,473 469.30 5,246 15,735 469.35 5,285 15,998 469.40 5,324 16,263 469.45 5,363 16,530 469.50 5,402 16,799 469.55 5,440 17,070 469.60 5,479 17,343 469.65 5,518 17,618 469.70 5,557 17,895 469.75 5,596 18,174 469.80 5,635 18,455 469.85 5,674 18,738 469.90 5,713 19,022 469.95 5,752 19,309 470.00 5,791 19,598 Appendix E (Channel Protection Calculations) CALIBER COLLISION ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA Energy Balance Equation (Channel Protection for 1 year event) Runoff Coefficients (Rv - per VRRM) A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Forest/Open 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Space Managed Turf 0.15 0.20 0.22 0.25 Impervious 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Cover Curve Numbers (CN - per VRRM) A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Forest/Open 30.00 55.00 70.00 77.00 Space Managed Turf 39.00 61.00 74.00 80.00 Impervious 98.00 98.00 98.00 98.00 Cover Enter design storm rainfall depths (in) = P: 1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm 3.04 3.68 5.56 Per NOAA Atlas 14 RVPRE-DEV AREA ABC ACRES = 1.62 Weighted CN = 58 (Reference Included TR-55 Land Cover Calcs) S=(1000/CN)-10 7.24 Abstraction, la= 0.2*S = 1AS RVPRE-DEVA = Q = (P-0.2S)^2 / (P+0.8S) = 0.02 FT AREA D ACRES = 0.22 Weighted CN = 49 (Reference Included TR-55 Land Cover Calcs) S=(1000/CN)-10 10.41 Abstraction, la= 0.2*S = 2.08 RVPRE-DEVA = Q = (P-0.2S)^2 / (P+0.8S) = 0.01 FT TOTAL RVPRE-DEV = (AREA ABC*RVABJ+(AREA D*RVD) 0.040 Acre -FT 1751.25 Cubic FT 3/16/2018 COMPUTED: BJH CHECKED: TMB RVPOST-DEV AREA A ACRES = 1.61 Weighted CN = 89 (Reference Included TR-55 Land Cover Calcs) S=(1000/CN)-10 1.24 Abstraction, la= 0.2*S = 0.25 RVPOST-DEV A = Q = (P-0.2S)^2 / (P+0.8S) = 0.16 FT AREA B ACRES = 0.06 Weighted CN = 73 (Reference Included TR-55 Land Cover Calcs) S=(1000/CN)-10 3.70 Abstraction, la= 0.2*S = 0.74 RVPOST-DEV B = Q = (P-0.2S)A2 / (P+0.8S) = 0.07 FT AREA C ACRES = 0.05 Weighted CN = 69 (Reference Included TR-55 Land Cover Calcs) S=(1000/CN)-10 4.49 Abstraction, la= 0.2*S = 0.90 RVPOST-DEV C = Q = (P-0.2S)^2 / (P+0.8S) = 0.06 FT AREA D ACRES = 0.12 Weighted CN = 74 (Reference Included TR-55 Land Cover Calcs) S=(1000/CN)-10 3.51 Abstraction, la= 0.2*S = 0.70 RVPOST-DEV D = Q = (P-0.2S)A2 / (P+0.8S) = 0.08 FT TOTAL RVPOST-DEV= (AREA A*RVA)+ (AREA B*RVB)+ (AREA C*RVc)+(AREA D*RVD) 0.276 Acre -FT 12038.99 Cubic FT AREA ABC LAND COVER Hydrologic Soil Group C Area (AC.) Brush B 0.03 0.46 Grass B 0.2 1.1 Gravel jB 1 0.6 0.05 Paved Area 113 1 0.95 0.005 Weighted C = 0.17 1.62 PEAK DISCHARGE, QAREA-ABC (1 year - 24 hour event) Pre -Development Area ABC Intensity = 3.02 in/hr Pre -Development Area ABC C value = 0.17 Pre -Development Area ABC Area = 1.62 AC. QPEAK PRE-DEV ABC = CIA = 0.83 CFS AREA D LAND COVER Hydrologic Soil Group C Area (AC.) Brush B 0.03 0.217 Paved Area B 0.95 0.003 Weighted C = 0.041 0.22 PEAK DISCHARGE, QAREA-D (1 year - 24 hour event) Pre -Development Area D Intensity = 3.02 in/hr Pre -Development Area D C value = 0.04 Pre -Development Area D Area = 0.22 AC. QPEAK PRE-DEV D = CIA = 0.03 CFS TOTAL QPEAK PRE-DEV = QPEAK PRE-DEV ABC +QPEAK PRE-DEV D 0.86 CFS ENERGY BALANCE EQUATION (1 year - 24 hour event) (QPEAK POST-DEV * RV POST-DE01YR MUST BE < OR = (QPEAK PRE-DEV * RV PRE-DE01YR * 0•8 (QPEAK POST-DEV )1YR MUST BE < OR = (QPEAK PRE-DEV * RV PRE-DEV)1YR * 0.8 / (RV POST-DEV)1YR (QPEAK POST-DEV )1YR MUST BE < OR = 0.1 cfs Pre -developed Forest Condition Check (Minimum permissible release) (QFOREST PRE-DEV * RVFOREST PRE-DEV)1YR / (RV POST-DEV)1' 0.08 cfs Maximum channel protection release is greater than minimum. Appendix F (Pollutant Load Calculations) n sa ws rWilloughby Pop—y Ovmer's °tton, Inc. C/0 fteal'Property. In<. PID: 076-1-0080 AREA E: Mq Iorof DB zone PUD 198 AREA: 2.68 AC � RFs �RF \\\\\ Fk WEIGHTED CND 55 GROUNDCOVER SOIL B UNDISTURBED FOREST/OPEN SPACE. (-2.68 AC) CN: 55 EK UM RN PIoVOo]ioo°a goo-LLC \\\ \\\� �\\\ DB. 28Jz, \ \\ \\\ \ \�\�\\\��\�\\\\� Yv \\\�\\�� �`\ �\\\\\ \\\\ % \\ \ Lori D Gl tz9er altl AREA B �� — \ ���� o�� \ \\�\ 1 �l I I �\ P oB 1496. PD 26] AREA: 0.06 AC \ \ 1 �� I I lI �\ \ D D]]DD_DD-DD-DIDDD WEIGHTED CN 73 ��I \ ��� «s®\\�\�\�����\�111111��1111I 1jI IIIIIIIIII\�\�\�� �� one PUD GROUNDCOVER ��III� SOIL BGRASS, GOOD COND. (++-0.04 AC) CN 61 III �j ' 0 PAVED AREA, (*0.02) CN:98 X IF " I AREA A \Oox \\� AREA: 1.61 AC WEIGHTED CN: 89 I \ I I GROUNDCOVER I III \ SOIL B I IIIII \ \ \ \ e9ory NAl l<n §43 P1D. 0]Oc0000 0 �DG PAVED AREA (-1.22+ AC) CN: 98 III II \ \ . \ % Z H AREA C DB ] PG GRASS, GOOD COND. (tO.39 AC) CN: 61 i I I IIII ) o — — \ \ �\ AREA: 0.05 AC I WEIGHTED CN: 69 IIIII \ \N ee _7 a r ;�m GROUNDCOVER I — \ DBO. SOIL B "I PIDVOJJ00-o_0o-- C PAVED AREA (+0.01 AC) CN: 98 do ZonPUD \ LL ON \ \ \ \ GRASS, GOOD COND. (+-0.04 AC) CN: 61 I I I \ 18,8J5 S.F. \ \ \ \ �I III \ 1475.0 AREA D © AREA: 0.12 — WEIGHTED CN: 74 � 244 DMP v= 8J JO \ GROUNDCOVER \ SOIL B — — —_— T J — _ _ ,2 DMP \ < — — — — — — \ \ \ C— — — —_ — 08.60 Inv=BurieU ) ) J �Q PAVED AREA (++-0.04 AC) CN: 98 """'''��,''' \ °h /// \——` 1 AVt�IyFP'7EET E7(TENSYO DB S R� P42)19) � e i� GRASS, GOOD COND. (++-0.08 AC) CN: 61 / / / 60Po bl /t / !� ( =—a — —\ wzz as b h e CMP 59.31 CLDB I — 12' RCP rl2" RCP 12' CMP 12" CMP = Inv=485.89 Inv-48486 Inv=Bunetl 1-4 82.64 MG 54638 ]2 O r' I I P ID1n Street Business —E-0-01co DB. fill. PG. 480 Zone: PUD FREELAND and KAUFFMAN, INC. CALIBER COLLISION o 80 POST -DEVELOPMENT engineers * Landscape Architects ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA 209 West Stone Avenue Greenville, South Carolina 29609 CROSS DEVELOPMENT CC EMARLE, LLC NUT I E N T M A P 864-233-5497 4336 MARSH RIDGE SCALE I" = 80' CARROLLTON, TX 75010 TEL: (214) 614-8252 DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method New Development Compliance Spreadsheet -Version 3.0 2011 BMP Standards and Specifications _ O 2013 Draft BMP Standards and Specifications I Project Name: Caliber Collision Date: 3/12/2018 BMP Design Specifications list: 2013 Draft Stds & Specs Site Information Post -Development Project (Treatment Volume and Loads) I and ('nvnr tarr-1 A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals Forest/Open Space (acres) -- undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land 0.00 2.68 0.00 0.00 2.68 Managed Turf (acres) -- disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.54 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 1.30 * Forest/Open Space areas must be protected in accordance with the Virginia Runoff Reduction Method 4.52 Constants Runoff Coefficients (Rv) Annual Rainfall (inches) 43 A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Target Rainfall Event (inches) 1.00 �®restnp Space 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 Total Phosphorus (TP) EMC (mg/L) 0.26 urf 0.15 0.20 0.22 0.25 Total Nitrogen (TN) EMC (mg/L) 1.86 Cover 1 0.95 0.95 1 0.95 0.95 Target TP Load (lb/acre/yr) 0.41 Pj (unitless correction factor) 0.90 Land Cover Summary Treatment Volume and Nutrient Loads Treatment Volume0.1183 (acre-ft) Treatment Volume (cubic feet) 5,152 TP Load (lb/yr) 3.24 TN Load (Ib/yr) 23.16 Informational Purses Onl Forest/Open Space Cover (acres) 2.68 Weighted Rv (forest) 0.03 % Forest 59% Managed Turf Cover (acres) 0.54 Weighted Rv (turf) 0.20 %Managed Turf 12% Impervious Cover (acres) 1.30 Rv (impervious) 0.95 %Impervious 29% Site Area (acres) 4.52 Site Rv 0.31 M Drainage Area A n--norm A- A I and rnvar tacrad A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals Land Cover Rv Forest/Open Space (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.38 0.20 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 1.22 0.95 Total 1.61 Stnrmwater Rest Management Practices IRR = Runoff RE•ductinnl VRRM_New_Compliance_ Spreadsheet_v3_20180312Rxlsm D.A. A Total Phosphorus Available for Removal in D.A.A(lb/yr) 2.82 Post Development Treatment Volume in D.A. A (fta) 1 4,489 rimrrsrrterrrrr. rnrn ItTtsrl Runoff Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining Total BMP eated Phosphorus Pii;i Phosphorus Remaining Practice Reduction Turf Credit Cover Credit Upstream Reduction Runoff Treatment Removal 'ifhorus Removed By Phosphorus Downstream Practice to be Credit (%) Area (acres) Area (acres) Practice (fta) (fta) Volume (ft') Volume (ft3) Efficiency (%) d Practice fib) Load (lb) Employed Pce (Ib) (l La. Vegetated Roof #1 (Spec g5) 45 0 0 0 00 0.00 0.0071 1.6. Vegetated Roof U2 (Spec g5) 60 0 0 0 0 .00 0.00 0.00 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 2a. Simple Disconnection to A/B Soils 2.1a. Simple Disconnection to C/D Soils 2.c. To Soil Amended Fi�ter Path as per 2 A. To Dry Well or French Drain #1, 2R. To Rain Garden #2, . Permeable Pavement (RR) Is. Permeable Pavement #1 (Spec #7) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 4a. Grass Channel A/8 Soils (Spec #3) 6. Bioretention (RR) Nitrogen Nitrogen Load Untreated Nitrogen Remaining Removal from Upstream Nitrogen Load to Removed By Nitrogen Efficiency (%) Practices (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Load (Ibs) 0 0.00 0.!r000 0 0.00 0.0 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 3. Permeable Pavement (RR) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 5. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) 3/1212018 1 of 3 10:17 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_Spreadsheet _J3_20180312RA.. D.A. A 7. Infiltration (RR) 7.b. Infiltration #2 (Spec 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 19. Sheetflow, to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. A (ft') 0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A.A(Ib/yr) 2.82 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. A (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. A (Ib/yr) 2.82 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 110. Wet Swale (no RR) 111. Filtering Practices (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds (no RR) 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7. Infiltration (RR) 8. Extended Detention 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. Sheetflow to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. A (ft) 0 NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. A (lb/yr) 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCULATIONS (Information Only) 10. Wet Swale Plain) RR) (Coastal (no 11. Filtering Practices RR) (no 12. Constructed Wetland (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds RR) (no 3/1212018 2 of 3 10:17 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_ Spreadsheet_J3_20180312RA.. D.A. A 114. Manufactured Treatment Devices RR) (no TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ac) 0.00 AR EA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE (lb/yr) 1.38 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. A (Ib/yr) 2.82 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. A (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. A' 16/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED IN D.A. A (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN D.A. A (Ib/yr) 2.82 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A.A(Ib/yr) 0.00 NITROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. AA (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. A (lb/yr)l 0.00 14. Manufactured BMP (no RR) 3/1212018 3 of 3 10:17 AM Drainage Area B n-moon A- A l and rnvar tarrad A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals Land Cover Rv Forest/Open Space (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.20 Impervious Cover (aces) 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.95 Total 0.06 Stormwater Best Management Practices (RR = Runoff Reduction) VRRM_New_Compliance_ Spreadsheet_v3_20180312Rxlsm D.A. B Total Phosphorus Available for Removal in D.A. B (lb/yr) 0.06 Post Development Treatment Volume in D.A. B (fta) 99 �rc�.nr. srrter. rrrr. rnrn l�l Runoff Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining Total BMP Phosphorus Untreated Phosphorus Phosphorus Remaining Practice Reduction Turf Credit Cover Credit Upstream Reduction Runoff Treatment Removal Load from Phosphorus Removed By Phosphorus Downstream Practice to be Credit (%) Area (acres) Area (acres) Practice (fta) (fta) Volume (fta) Volume (ft3) Efficiency (%) Upstream Load to Practice fib) Load (lb) Employed Practices (lb) Practice (lb) La. Vegetated Roof #1 (Spec g5) 45 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.0071 1.b. Vegetated Roof U2 (Spec g5) 60 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 2.a. Simple Disconnection to A/B Soil, 2.b. Simple Disconnection to C/D Soils 2.c. To Soil Amended Fi�ter Path as per specifications (existing C/D soils) (Spec #4) 2 A. To Dry Well or French Drain #1, 2g. To Rain Garden #2, . Permeable Pavement (RR) Is. Permeable Pavement #1 (Spec #7) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 4.a. Grass Channel A/8 Soils (Spec #3) 4.b. Grass Channel C/D Soils (Spec #3) 6. Bioretention (RR) Nitrogen Nitrogen Load Untreated Nitrogen Remaining Removal from Upstream Nitrogen Load to Removed By Nitrogen Efficiency (%) Practices (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Load (Ibs) 0 0.00 IF 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 3. Permeable Pavement (RR) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 5. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) 3/1212018 1 of 3 10:18 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_Spreadsheet _J3_20180312RA.. D.A. B 7. Infiltration (RR) 7.b. Infiltration #2 (Spec 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 19. Sheetflow, to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. B (ft') 0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.06 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A'" (Ib/yr) 0.06 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 110. Wet Swale (no RR) 111. Filtering Practices (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds (no RR) 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7. Infiltration (RR) 8. Extended Detention 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. Sheetflow to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. B (ft) 0 NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. B (lb/yr) 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCULATIONS (Information Only) 10. Wet Swale Plain) RR) (Coastal (no 11. Filtering Practices RR) (no 12. Constructed Wetland (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds RR) (no 3/1212018 2 of 3 10:18 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_Spreadsh-t_J3_20180312RA.. D.A. B 114. Manufactured Treatment Devices RR) (no TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 1 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE (lb/yr) 1.38 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.06 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.DC TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN D.A. B (lb/yr) 0.06 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.00 NITROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. B (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. B (lb/yr) 0.00 14. Manufactured BMP (no RR) 3/1212018 3 of 3 10:18 AM Drainage Area C n-moon A- A I and rnvar tacrad A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals Land Cover Rv Forest/Open Space (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.20 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.95 Total 0.05 Stormwater Rest Management Practices (RR = Runoff Reduction) VRRM_New_Compliance_ Spreadsheet_v3_20180312Rxlsm D.A. C Total Phosphorus Available for Removal in D.A. C (lb/yr) 0.04 Post Development Treatment Volume in D.A. C (fta) 68 �rc�.nr. srrter. rrrr. rnrn ICI Runoff Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining Total BMP ated Phosphorus Pii;i Phosphorus Remaining Practice Reduction Turf Credit Cover Credit Upstream Reduction Runoff Treatment Removal horus Removed By Phosphorus Downstream Practice to be Credit (%) Area (acres) Area (acres) Practice (fta) (fta) Volume (fta) Volume (ft3) Efficiency (%) d to Practice fib) Load (lb) Employed Pce (lb) La. Vegetated Roof #1 (Spec g5) 45 0 0 0 00 0.00 0.0071 1.b. Vegetated Roof U2 (Spec g5) 60 0 0 0 0 00 0.00 0.00 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 2a. Simple Disconnection to A/B Soils 2.1b. Simple Disconnection to C/D Soils 2.c. To Soil Amended Fi�ter Path as per 2 A To Dry Well or French Drain #1, 2R. To Rain Garden #2, . Permeable Pavement (RR) Is. Permeable Pavement #1 (Spec #7) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 4a. Grass Channel A/8 Soils (Spec #3) 6. Bioretention (RR) Nitrogen Nitrogen Load Untreated Nitrogen Remaining Removal from Upstream Nitrogen Load to Removed By Nitrogen Efficiency (%) Practices (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Load (Ibs) 0 0.00 0.!r000 0 0.00 0.0 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 3. Permeable Pavement (RR) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 5. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) 3/1212018 1 of 3 10:18 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_Spreadsheet _J3_20180312RA.. D.A. C 7. Infiltration (RR) 7.b. Infiltration #2 (Spec 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 19. Sheetflow, to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. C (ft') 0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.04 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 110. Wet Swale (no RR) 111. Filtering Practices (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds (no RR) 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7. Infiltration (RR) 8. Extended Detention 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. Sheetflow to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. C (ft) 0 NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C (lb/yr)l 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCULATIONS (Information Only) 10. Wet Swale Plain) RR) (Coastal (no 11. Filtering Practices RR) (no 12. Constructed Wetland (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds RR) (no 3/1212018 2 of 3 10:18 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_ Spreadsheet_J3_20180312RA.. D.A. C 114. Manufactured Treatment Devices RR) (no TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 1 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE (lb/yr) 1.38 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.04 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.04 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.00 NITROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. C (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. C (lb/yr) 1 0.00 14. Manufactured BMP (no RR) 3/12I2018 3 of 3 10:18 AM Drainage Area D n-inane A- A I and rnvar tacrad A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals Land Cover Rv Forest/Open Space (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.20 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.95 Total 0.12 Stnrmwater Rest Management Practices (RR = Runoff Reductinnl VRRM_New_Compliance_ Spreadsheet_v3_20180312Rxlsm D.A. D Total Phosphorus Available for Removal in D.A. D (lb/yr) 0.13 Post Development Treatment Volume in D.A. D (fta) 203 rim rr. srrter. rrrr. rnrn It: tsrl Runoff Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining TotaIBMP Phosphorus Phosphorus UntreatedPhosphorus Remaining Practice Reduction Turf Credit Cover Credit Upstream Reduction Runoff Treatment Removal Load from Phosphorus Removed By Phosphorus Downstream dice to be Credit % ( ) (acres) Area acres Area acres Practice fta a (acres) ( ) (ft) Volume ft (') ( a) Volume ft cY( ) Upstream Load to Efficien % Practice fib) oy ( ) Employed Load Ib practices (lb) Practice (lb) La. Vegetated Roof #1 (Spec g5) 45 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.6. Vegetated Roof U2 (Spec g5) 60 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 2a. Simple Disconnection to A/B Soils 2.1a. Simple Disconnection to C/D Soils 2.c. To Soil Amended Fi�ter Path as per 2 A. To Dry Well or French Drain #1, 2R. To Rain Garden #2, . Permeable Pavement (RR) Is. Permeable Pavement #1 (Spec #7) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 4a. Grass Channel A/8 Soils (Spec #3) 6. Bioretention (RR) Nitrogen Nitrogen Load Untreated Nitrogen Remaining Removal from Upstream Nitrogen Load to Removed By Nitrogen Efficiency (%) Practices (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Load (Ibs) 0 0.00 0.00!ro 0 0.00 0.00 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 3. Permeable Pavement (RR) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 5. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) 3/1212018 1 of 3 10:18 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_Spreadsheet _J3_20180312RA.. D.A. D 7. Infiltration (RR) 7.b. Infiltration #2 (Spec 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 19. Sheetflow, to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. D (ft') 0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. D (Ib/yr) 0.13 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D (I 'Jr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D (Ib/yr) 0.13 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 110. Wet Swale (no RR) 111. Filtering Practices (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds (no RR) 60 0.00 0.00 0.. 0Do 7. Infiltration (RR) 8. Extended Detention 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. Sheetflow to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. D (ft) 0 NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D (lb/yr) 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCULATIONS (Information Only) 10. Wet Swale Plain) RR) (Coastal (no 11. Filtering Practices RR) (no 12. Constructed Wetland (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds RR) (no 3/1212018 2 of 3 10:18 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_ Spreadsheet_J3_20180312RA.. D.A. D 114. Manufactured Treatment Devices RR) (no TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 1 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE (lb/yr) 1.38 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. D (Ib/yr) 0.13 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D (16/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED IN D.A. D (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN D.A. D (16/yr) 0.13 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D (16/yr) 0.00 NITROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. D (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. D (lb/yr) 0.00 14. Manufactured BMP (no RR) 3/1212018 3 of 3 10:18 AM Drainage Area E n-inane A- A l and rnvar tanrad A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals Land Cover Rv Forest/Open Space (acres) 0.00 2.68 0.00 0.00 2.68 0.03 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Impervious Cover (aces) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 2.68 Stnrmwater Rest Management Practices IRR = Runoff Reductinnl VRRM_New_ Compliance _ Spreadsheet_v3_20180312Rxlsm D.A. E Total Phosphorus Available for Removal in D.A. E (lb/yr) 0.00 Post Development Treatment Volume in D.A. E (fta) 0 �rc�.nr. srrter. rrrr. rnrn l�l Runoff Managed Impervious Volumefrom Runoff Remaining Total BMP eated Phosphorus Pii;i Phosphorus Remaining Practice Reduction Turf Credit Cover Credit Upstream Reduction Runoff Treatment Removal horus Removed By Phosphorus Downstream Practice to be Credit (%) Area (acres) Area (acres) Practice (fta) (fta) Volume (ft') Volume (ft3) Efficiency (%) d Practice fib) Load (lb) Employed Pce (Ib) (l La. Vegetated Roof #1 (Spec g5) 45 0 0 0 00 0.00 0.0071 1.b. Vegetated Roof U2 (Spec g5) 60 0 0 0 0 .00 0.00 0.00 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 2.a. Simple Disconnection to A/B Soils 2.1b. Simple Disconnection to C/D Soils 2.c. To Soil Amended Fi�ter Path as per specifications (existing C/D soils) (Spec #4) 2 A To Dry Well or French Drain #1, 2R. To Rain Garden #2, . Permeable Pavement (RR) Is. Permeable Pavement #1 (Spec #7) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 4.a. Grass Channel A/8 Soils (Spec #3) 6. Bioretention (RR) Nitrogen Nitrogen Load Untreated Nitrogen Remaining Removal from Upstream Nitrogen Load to Removed By Nitrogen Efficiency (%) Practices (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Practice (Ibs) Load (Ibs) 0 0.00 0.!r000 0 0.00 0.0 2. Rooftop Disconnection (RR) 3. Permeable Pavement (RR) 4. Grass Channel (RR) 5. Dry Swale (RR) 6. Bioretention (RR) 3/1212018 1 of 3 10:19 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_Spreadsheet _J3_20180312RA.. D.A. E 7. Infiltration (RR) 7.b. Infiltration #2 (Spec 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 19. Sheetflow, to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. E (ft') 0 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. E (lb/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E (Ib/yr) 1 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E (lb/yr) 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS 110. Wet Swale (no RR) 111. Filtering Practices (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds (no RR) 60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ration (RR) F 8. Extended Detention 8. Extended Detention Pond (RR) 9. Sheetflow to Filter/Open Space (RR) TOTAL RUNOFF REDUCTION IN D.A. E (ft) 0 NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E (lb/yr) 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE CALCULATIONS (Information Only) 10. Wet Swale Plain) RR) (Coastal (no 11. Filtering Practices RR) (no 12. Constructed Wetland (no RR) 13. Wet Ponds RR) (no 3/1212018 2 of 3 10:19 AM VRRM_N— Compliance_ Spreadsheet_J3_20180312RA.. D.A. E 114. Manufactured Treatment Devices RR) (no TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED(ac) 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac) 1 0.00 AREA CHECK: OK. TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL REQUIRED ON SITE (lb/yr) 1.38 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL IN D.A. E (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED IN D.A. E (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL PHOSPHORUS REMAINING AFTER APPLYING BMP LOAD REDUCTIONS IN D.A. E (Ib/yr) 0.00 SEE WATER QUALITY COMPLIANCE TAB FOR SITE COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS NITROGEN REMOVED WITH RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E (16/yr) 0.00 NITROGEN REMOVED WITHOUT RUNOFF REDUCTION PRACTICES IN D.A. E (Ib/yr) 0.00 TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED IN D.A. E (lb/yr) 0.00 14. Manufactured BMP (no RR) 3/1212018 3 of 3 10:19 AM Site Results (Water Quality Compliance) Area Checks D.A. A D.A. B D.A. C D.A. D D.A. E AREA CHECK FOREST/OPEN SPACE (ac) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.68 OK. IMPERVIOUS COVER (ac) 1.22 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.00 OK. IMPERVIOUS COVER TREATED (ac) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OK. MANAGED TURF AREA (ac) 0.38 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.00 OK. MANAGED TURF AREA TREATED (ac)l 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 OK. AREA CHECK IOK. OK. OK. OK. OK. Site Treatment Volume (ft3) 5,152 Runoff Reduction Volume and TP By Drainage Area D.A. A RUNOFF REDUCTION VOLUME ACHIEVED (ft3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 TP LOAD AVAILABLE FOR REMOVAL (Ib/yr) 2.82 0.06 0.04 0.13 0.00 3.05 TP LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED (Ib/yr) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TP LOAD REMAINING (Ib/yr) 2.82 0.06 0.04 0.13 0.00 3.05 NITROGEN LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED (Ib/yr) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Phosphorus FINAL POST -DEVELOPMENT TP LOAD (Ib/yr) 3.24 TP LOAD REDUCTION REQUIRED (Ib/yr) 1.38 TP LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED (Ib/yr) 0.00 TP LOAD REMAINING (Ib/yr): 3.24 REMAINING TP LOAD REDUCTION REQUIRED (Ib/yr): 1.38 Total Nitrogen (For Information Purposes) POST -DEVELOPMENT LOAD (Ib/yr) 23.16 NITROGEN LOAD REDUCTION ACHIEVED (Ib/yr) 0.00 REMAINING POST -DEVELOPMENT NITROGEN LOAD (Ib/yr) 23.16 Runoff Volume and Curve Number Calculations Enter design storm rainfall depths (in): 1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm E773.04=3.68 5.56 Use NOAAAtios 14(http://hdscnws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfd,l) *Notes (see below): [I] The curve numbers and runoff volumes computed in this spreadsheet for each drainage area are limited in their applicability for determining and demonstrating compliance with water quantity requirements. See VRRM User's Guide and Documentation for additional information. [2) Runoff Volume (RV) for pre- and post -development drainage areas must be in volumetric units (e.g., acre-feet or cubic feet) when using the Energy Balance Equation. Runoff measured in watershed - inches and shown in the spreadsheet as RV(watershed-inch) can only be used in the Energy Balance Equation when the pre- and post -development drainage areas are equal. Otherwise RV(watershed-inch) must be multiplied by the drainage area. [3] Adjusted CNs are based on runoff reduction volumes as calculated in D.A. tabs. An alternative CN adjustment calculation for Vegetated Roofs is included in BMP specification No. 5. Drainage Area Curve Numbers and Runoff Depths* Curve numbers (CN, CNadj) and runoff depths (RV oe*ew d) are computed with and without reduction practices. Drainage Area A A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total Area (acres): 1.61 Forest/Open Space -- undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land Area (acres) CN 0.00 30 0.00 55 0.00 70 M0.00M 77 Runoff Reduction Volume (ka): 0 Managed Turf --disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed Area (acres) CN 0.00 39 0.38 61 0.00 74 0.00 80 Impervious Cover Area (acres) CN 0.00 98 1.22 98 0.00 98 0.00 98 CN(D.A. Ai 89 1-yearstorm 2-year storm 30-yearstorm RVceveloped (watershed -inch) with no Runoff Reduction* RVDeveloped (watershed -inch) with Runoff Reduction* 1.94 2.52 4.31VF 1.94 2.52 4.31 Adjusted CN* 89 89 89 *See Notes above Drainage Area B A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total Area (acres): 0.06 Forest/Open Space -- undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land Area (acres) CN 0.00 30 0.00 55 0.00 70 0.00 77 Runoff Reduction Volume Managed Turf --disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed Area (acres) CN 0.00 39 0.04 61 0.00 74 0.00 80 Impervious Cover Area (acres) CN 0.00 98 0.02 98 0.00 98 0.00 98 CN(D.A. B) 73 1-yearstorm 2-year storm 30-yearstorm RVDveloped (watershed -inch) with no Runoff Reduction* 0.88 1.30 2.73 RVDe-Ie,d (watershed -inch) with Runoff Reduction* Adjusted CN* 0.88 1.30 2.73 73 73 73 *See Notes above Drainage Area C A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total Area (acres): 0.05 _ Forest/Open Space -- undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land Area (acres) CN 0.00 30 0.00 55 0.00 70 0.00 77 K. Reduction Ru Volume fta : 0 Managed Turf --disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed Area (acres) CN 0.00 39 0.04 61 0.00 74 0.00 80 Impervious Cover Area (acres) CN 0.00 98 0.01 98 0.00 98 0.00 98 RVp_loped (watershed -inch) with no Runoff Reduction* "Developed (watershed -inch) with Runoff Reduction* Adjusted CN* CN(D.A. q 69 1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm 0.69 1.06 2.37 0.69 1 1.06 2.37 69 69 69 *See Notes above Drainage Area D A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total Area (acres): 0.12 Forest/Open Space -- undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land Area (acres) CN 0.00 30 0.00 55 0.00 70 0.00 77 Runoff Reduction Volume (k): 0 Managed Turf --disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed Area (acres) CN 0.00 39 0.08 61 0.00 74 0.00 80 Impervious Cover Area (acres) CN 0.00 98 0.04 98 0.00 98 0.00 98 CN o.A. D 74 RVD_loped (watershed -inch) with no Runoff Reduction* 1-yearstorm 2-year storm 10-yearstorm 0.93 1.37 2.82 RVDeveloped (watershed -inch) with Runoff Reduction* 0.93 1.37 2.82 Adjusted CN* 74 74 74 *See Notes above Drainage Area E A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total Area (acres): 2.68 Forest/Open Space -- undisturbed, protected forest/open space or reforested land Area (acres) CN 0.00 30 2.68 SS 0.00 70 0.00 77 Runoff Reduction Volume (fta): 0 Managed Turf --disturbed, graded for yards or other turf to be mowed/managed Area (acres) CN 0.00 39 0.00 61 0.00 74 0.00 80 Impervious Cover Area (acres) CN 0.00 98 0.00 98 0.00 98 0.00 98 _ 1-year storm 2-year storm 10-year storm RVo_loped (watersheddnch) with no Runoff Reduction* 0.21 0.41 1.27 RV, loped (watershed -inch) with Runoff Reduction* 0.21 0.41 1.27 Adjusted CN* 55 55 55 CN(D.A. E) 55 *See Notes above Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet DEQ Virginia Runoff Reduction Method New Development Compliance Spreadsheet - Version 3.0 BMP Design Specifications List: 2013 Draft Stds & Specs Site Summary Project Title: Caliber Collision Date:43171 Total Rainfall = 43 inches Site Land Cover Summary A soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Totals % of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 2.68 0.00 0.00 2.68 59 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.54 12 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 1.30 29 4.52 100 Site Tv and Land Cover Nutrient Loads Site Rv 0.31 Treatment Volume (ft) 5,152 TP Load (lb/yr) 3.24 TN Load (lb/yr) 23.16 Total TP Load Reduction Required (lb/yr) 1.38 Site Compliance Summary Total Runoff Volume Reduction (ft) 0 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved (lb/yr) 0.00 Remaining Post Development TP Load 3.24 (lb/yr) Remaining TP Load Reduction (lb/yr) Required 1.38 Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Drainage Area Summary D.A. A D.A. B D.A. C D.A. D D.A. E Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.68 2.68 Managed Turf (acres) 0.38 0.04 0.04 0.08 0.00 0.54 Impervious Cover (acres) 1.22 0.02 0.01 0.04 0.00 1.30 Total Area (acres) 1.61 0.06 0.05 0.12 2.68 4.52 Drainage Area Compliance Summary D.A. A D.A. B D.A. C D.A. D D.A. E Total TP Load Reduced (lb/yr) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TN Load Reduced (lb/yr) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Drainage Area A Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.38 0.00 0.00 0.38 24 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 1.22 0.00 0.00 1.22 76 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area Cover Credit I 3 Volume (ft) Upstream to Practice (Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) Treatment to be (acres) Area (acres) Practices (Ibs) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Drainage Area B Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 67 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.02 33 1 0.06 1 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area Cover Credit I 3 Volume (ft) Upstream to Practice (Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) Treatment to be (acres) Area (acres) Practices (Ibs) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Drainage Area C Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 79 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 21 0.05 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area Cover Credit I a Volume (ft) Upstream to Practice (Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) Treatment to be (acres) Area (acres) Practices (Ibs) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. (lb/yr) 0.00 Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Drainage Area D Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.08 64 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.04 36 0.12 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area Cover Credit I a Volume (ft) Upstream to Practice (Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) Treatment to be (acres) Area (acres) Practices (Ibs) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0.00 (lb/yr) Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0.00 (lb/yr) Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet Drainage Area E Summary Land Cover Summary A Soils B Soils C Soils D Soils Total % of Total Forest/Open (acres) 0.00 2.68 0.00 0.00 2.68 100 Managed Turf (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 Impervious Cover (acres) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 2.68 1 BMP Selections Managed Turf Impervious BMP Treatment TP Load from Untreated TP Load TP Removed TP Remaining Downstream Practice Credit Area Cover Credit I a Volume (ft) Upstream to Practice (Ibs) (Ib/yr) (Ib/yr) Treatment to be (acres) Area (acres) Practices (Ibs) Employed Total Impervious Cover Treated (acres) 0.00 Total Turf Area Treated (acres) 0.00 Total TP Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0.00 (lb/yr) Total TN Load Reduction Achieved in D.A. 0.00 (lb/yr) Summary Print Virginia Runoff Reduction Method Worksheet ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Runoff Volume and CN Calculations 1-year storm 2-year storm 30-year storm Target Rainfall Event (in) 1 3.04 3.68 5.56 Drainage Areas RV & CN Drainage Area A Drainage Area B Drainage Area C Drainage Area D Drainage Area E CN 89 73 69 74 55 RR (ft) 0 0 0 0 0 1-year return period RV wo RR (ws-in) 1.94 0.88 0.69 0.93 0.21 RV w RR (ws-in) 1.94 0.88 0.69 0.93 0.21 CN adjusted 89 73 69 74 55 2-year return period RV wo RR (ws-in) 2.52 1.30 1.06 1.37 0.41 RVwRR(ws-in) 2.52 1.30 1.06 1.37 0.41 CN adjusted 89 73 69 74 55 10-year return period RV wo RR (ws-in) 4.31 2.73 2.37 2.82 1.27 RV w RR (ws-in) 4.31 2.73 2.37 2.82 1.27 CN adjusted 89 73 69 74 55 Summary Print Appendix G (Erosion Control Calculations) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 25 yr 24 hr Rainfall=6.84" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 1 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Sediment Pond Inflow Area = 1.610 ac, Inflow Depth = 5.55" for 25 yr 24 hr event Inflow = 14.63 cfs @ 11.97 hrs, Volume= 0.745 of Outflow = 12.52 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 0.671 af, Atten= 14%, Lag= 2.5 min Primary = 12.52 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 0.671 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-100.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 468.83' @ 12.01 hrs Surf.Area= 4,883 sf Storage= 13,352 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 248.5 min calculated for 0.671 of (90% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 197.3 min ( 977.9 - 780.6 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 465.00' 19,598 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 0 466.00 2,827 2,494 2,494 467.00 3,528 3,178 5,671 468.00 4,255 3,892 9,563 469.00 5,012 4,634 14,196 470.00 5,791 5,402 19,598 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 462.54' 24.0" x 179.0' long Culvert RCP, sq.cut end projecting, Ke= 0.500 Outlet Invert= 460.75' S= 0.0100 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.012 #2 Device 1 467.25' Custom Weir/Orifice, C= 2.62 Head (feet) 0.00 1.25 1.25 3.00 Width (feet) 0.33 0.33 16.00 16.00 #3 Device 1 466.25' 2.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 467.25' 4.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=12.50 cfs @ 12.01 hrs HW=468.83' (Free Discharge) L1=Culvert (Passes 12.50 cfs of 33.71 cfs potential flow) 2=Custom Weir/Orifice (Weir Controls 11.83 cfs @ 2.08 fps) 3=Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.17 cfs @ 7.61 fps) =Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.50 cfs @ 5.72 fps) Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 1124-hr 25 yr 24 hr Rainfall=6.84" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 2 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Sediment Pond Hydrograph 14.63 ------ ------ ----- - ---- 16 ; cfs of o Are` _�1 ,� a" -- - - -------hi a 15 14 12. ---- '-k ----- 468:8 ' 13 52 cfs �- �- - - �- ' - 12 rage: = 3,3�2 -cf - 10 0 9 ,. -------- -- -- -- ---- 3 8 0 5 -- -- ---- -- --i-- -- --'-- -- -- i- -- -- -- -- --' -- -- --'-- -- -- i- -- -- '- -- -- -' . 4 " i 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time (hours) 470 469 m w 468 c 0 m _m w 467 466 465 0 5 10 Pond 23P: Sediment Pond Stage -Discharge 15 20 25 30 35 Discharge (cfs) ■ Inflow ❑ Primary ❑ Primary Culvert Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 25 yr 24 hr Rainfall=6.84" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 3 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Pond 23P: Sediment Pond Stage -Area -Storage Surface/HorizontaiMetted Area (sq-ft) 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 Storage (cubic -feet) Surface ❑ Storage Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 25 yr 24 hr Rainfall=6.84" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 4 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 465.00 0.00 465.04 0.00 465.08 0.00 465.12 0.00 465.16 0.00 465.20 0.00 465.24 0.00 465.28 0.00 465.32 0.00 465.36 0.00 465.40 0.00 465.44 0.00 465.48 0.00 465.52 0.00 465.56 0.00 465.60 0.00 465.64 0.00 465.68 0.00 465.72 0.00 465.76 0.00 465.80 0.00 465.84 0.00 465.88 0.00 465.92 0.00 465.96 0.00 466.00 0.00 466.04 0.00 466.08 0.00 466.12 0.00 466.16 0.00 466.20 0.00 466.24 0.00 466.28 0.00 466.32 0.01 466.36 0.02 466.40 0.03 466.44 0.03 466.48 0.04 466.52 0.05 466.56 0.05 466.60 0.05 466.64 0.06 466.68 0.06 466.72 0.07 466.76 0.07 466.80 0.07 466.84 0.07 466.88 0.08 466.92 0.08 466.96 0.08 467.00 0.09 467.04 0.09 467.08 0.09 467.12 0.09 Stage -Discharge for Pond 23P: Sediment Pond Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 467.16 0.10 467.20 0.10 467.24 0.10 467.28 0.11 467.32 0.14 467.36 0.17 467.40 0.22 467.44 0.28 467.48 0.34 467.52 0.40 467.56 0.46 467.60 0.52 467.64 0.58 467.68 0.64 467.72 0.70 467.76 0.77 467.80 0.83 467.84 0.89 467.88 0.96 467.92 1.02 467.96 1.09 468.00 1.16 468.04 1.23 468.08 1.30 468.12 1.37 468.16 1.44 468.20 1.52 468.24 1.59 468.28 1.67 468.32 1.74 468.36 1.82 468.40 1.90 468.44 1.98 468.48 2.06 468.52 2.29 468.56 2.98 468.60 3.93 468.64 5.08 468.68 6.40 468.72 7.86 468.76 9.46 468.80 11.18 468.84 13.01 468.88 14.95 468.92 16.99 468.96 19.12 469.00 21.35 469.04 23.66 469.08 26.06 469.12 28.54 469.16 31.10 469.20 33.74 469.24 34.83 469.28 34.93 Elevation Primary (feet) (cfs) 469.32 35.04 469.36 35.15 469.40 35.25 469.44 35.36 469.48 35.47 469.52 35.57 469.56 35.68 469.60 35.78 469.64 35.88 469.68 35.99 469.72 36.09 469.76 36.20 469.80 36.30 469.84 36.40 469.88 36.50 469.92 36.61 469.96 36.71 470.00 36.81 470.04 36.91 470.08 37.01 470.12 37.11 470.16 37.21 470.20 37.31 470.24 37.41 Caliber Collission Albemarle Co VA Pre Post Develop Type 11 24-hr 25 yr 24 hr Rainfall=6.84" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 5 HydroCADO 8.00 s/n 004485 © 2006 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 6/15/2018 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 23P: Sediment Pond Elevation Surface Storage (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic -feet) 465.00 2,160 0 465.10 2,227 219 465.20 2,293 445 465.30 2,360 678 465.40 2,427 917 465.50 2,494 1,163 465.60 2,560 1,416 465.70 2,627 1,675 465.80 2,694 1,941 465.90 2,760 2,214 466.00 2,827 2,494 466.10 2,897 2,780 466.20 2,967 3,073 466.30 3,037 3,373 466.40 3,107 3,680 466.50 3,178 3,995 466.60 3,248 4,316 466.70 3,318 4,644 466.80 3,388 4,979 466.90 3,458 5,322 467.00 3,528 5,671 467.10 3,601 6,027 467.20 3,673 6,391 467.30 3,746 6,762 467.40 3,819 7,140 467.50 3,892 7,526 467.60 3,964 7,919 467.70 4,037 8,319 467.80 4,110 8,726 467.90 4,182 9,141 468.00 4,255 9,563 468.10 4,331 9,992 468.20 4,406 10,429 468.30 4,482 10,873 468.40 4,558 11,325 468.50 4,634 11,785 468.60 4,709 12,252 468.70 4,785 12,726 468.80 4,861 13,209 468.90 4,936 13,699 469.00 5,012 14,196 469.10 5,090 14,701 469.20 5,168 15,214 469.30 5,246 15,735 469.40 5,324 16,263 469.50 5,402 16,799 469.60 5,479 17,343 469.70 5,557 17,895 469.80 5,635 18,455 469.90 5,713 19,022 470.00 5,791 19,598 470.10 5,791 19,598 470.20 5,791 19,598 Worksheet for Diversion A Section 1 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.01000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 3.45 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.49 ft Flow Area 0.73 ftz Wetted Perimeter 3.13 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.23 ft Top Width 2.97 ft Critical Depth 0.61 ft Critical Slope 0.00335 ft/ft Velocity 4.71 ft/s Velocity Head 0.34 ft Specific Energy 0.84 ft Froude Number 1.67 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.49 ft Critical Depth 0.61 ft Channel Slope 0.01000 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotlegdHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:40:01 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion A Section 1 0.00335 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:40:01 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion A Section 2 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 3.45 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.43 ft Flow Area 0.56 ftz Wetted Perimeter 2.74 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.21 ft Top Width 2.60 ft Critical Depth 0.61 ft Critical Slope 0.00335 ft/ft Velocity 6.11 ft/s Velocity Head 0.58 ft Specific Energy 1.01 ft Froude Number 2.31 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.43 ft Critical Depth 0.61 ft Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:40:28 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion A Section 2 0.00335 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:40:28 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion A Section 3 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.09000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 3.45 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.33 ft Flow Area 0.32 ftz Wetted Perimeter 2.07 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.16 ft Top Width 1.96 ft Critical Depth 0.60 ft Critical Slope 0.00335 ft/ft Velocity 10.73 ft/s Velocity Head 1.79 ft Specific Energy 2.12 ft Froude Number 4.68 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.33 ft Critical Depth 0.60 ft Channel Slope 0.09000 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotlegdHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 5:23:35 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion A Section 3 0.00335 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 5:23:35 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion A Section 4 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.012 Channel Slope 0.01600 ft/ft Left Side Slope 8.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 8.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 3.45 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.31 ft Flow Area 0.77 ftz Wetted Perimeter 4.99 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.15 ft Top Width 4.96 ft Critical Depth 0.41 ft Critical Slope 0.00360 ft/ft Velocity 4.49 ft/s Velocity Head 0.31 ft Specific Energy 0.62 ft Froude Number 2.01 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.31 ft Critical Depth 0.41 ft Channel Slope 0.01600 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 5:22:47 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion A Section 4 0.00360 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 5:22:47 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion B Section 1 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.03400 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 1.00 ft Discharge 1.43 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.27 ft Flow Area 0.49 ftz Wetted Perimeter 2.71 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.18 ft Top Width 2.62 ft Critical Depth 0.30 ft Critical Slope 0.02340 ft/ft Velocity 2.92 ft/s Velocity Head 0.13 ft Specific Energy 0.40 ft Froude Number 1.19 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.27 ft Critical Depth 0.30 ft Channel Slope 0.03400 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:38 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion B Section 1 0.02340 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:38 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion B Section 2 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.00800 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 1.00 ft Discharge 1.43 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.39 ft Flow Area 0.83 ftz Wetted Perimeter 3.44 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.24 ft Top Width 3.31 ft Critical Depth 0.30 ft Critical Slope 0.02340 ft/ft Velocity 1.72 ft/s Velocity Head 0.05 ft Specific Energy 0.43 ft Froude Number 0.61 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.39 ft Critical Depth 0.30 ft Channel Slope 0.00800 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotlegdHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:53 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion B Section 2 0.02340 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:53 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion C Section 1 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.01000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 2.95 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.66 ft Flow Area 1.30 ftz Wetted Perimeter 4.16 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.31 ft Top Width 3.94 ft Critical Depth 0.57 ft Critical Slope 0.02138 ft/ft Velocity 2.28 ft/s Velocity Head 0.08 ft Specific Energy 0.74 ft Froude Number 0.70 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.66 ft Critical Depth 0.57 ft Channel Slope 0.01000 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:40:44 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion C Section 1 0.02138 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:40:44 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion C Section 2 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 2.95 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.58 ft Flow Area 1.00 ftz Wetted Perimeter 3.65 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.27 ft Top Width 3.46 ft Critical Depth 0.57 ft Critical Slope 0.02138 ft/ft Velocity 2.95 ft/s Velocity Head 0.14 ft Specific Energy 0.71 ft Froude Number 0.97 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.58 ft Critical Depth 0.57 ft Channel Slope 0.02000 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:01 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion C Section 2 0.02138 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:01 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion C Section 3 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.09000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 2.95 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.43 ft Flow Area 0.57 ftz Wetted Perimeter 2.75 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.21 ft Top Width 2.61 ft Critical Depth 0.57 ft Critical Slope 0.02138 ft/ft Velocity 5.19 ft/s Velocity Head 0.42 ft Specific Energy 0.85 ft Froude Number 1.96 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.43 ft Critical Depth 0.57 ft Channel Slope 0.09000 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotlegdHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:14 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion C Section 3 0.02138 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:14 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion C Section 4 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.01600 ft/ft Left Side Slope 8.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 8.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 0.01 ft Discharge 2.95 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.41 ft Flow Area 1.36 ftz Wetted Perimeter 6.64 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.20 ft Top Width 6.59 ft Critical Depth 0.38 ft Critical Slope 0.02295 ft/ft Velocity 2.17 ft/s Velocity Head 0.07 ft Specific Energy 0.48 ft Froude Number 0.84 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.41 ft Critical Depth 0.38 ft Channel Slope 0.01600 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:26 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion C Section 4 0.02295 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotleQdHtwMaster V8i (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:41:26 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion D Section 1 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 1.00 ft Discharge 3.27 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.63 ft Flow Area 1.83 ftz Wetted Perimeter 4.99 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.37 ft Top Width 4.79 ft Critical Depth 0.45 ft Critical Slope 0.02091 ft/ft Velocity 1.79 ft/s Velocity Head 0.05 ft Specific Energy 0.68 ft Froude Number 0.51 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.63 ft Critical Depth 0.45 ft Channel Slope 0.00500 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:42:07 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion D Section 1 0.02091 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:42:07 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion D Section 2 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.00330 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 1.00 ft Discharge 3.27 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.69 ft Flow Area 2.13 ftz Wetted Perimeter 5.38 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.40 ft Top Width 5.16 ft Critical Depth 0.45 ft Critical Slope 0.02091 ft/ft Velocity 1.53 ft/s Velocity Head 0.04 ft Specific Energy 0.73 ft Froude Number 0.42 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.69 ft Critical Depth 0.45 ft Channel Slope 0.00330 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotlegdHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:42:19 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion D Section 2 0.02091 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:42:19 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Diversion D Section 3 Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Roughness Coefficient 0.030 Channel Slope 0.10000 ft/ft Left Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Right Side Slope 3.00 ft/ft (H:V) Bottom Width 1.00 ft Discharge 3.27 ft3/s Results Normal Depth 0.31 ft Flow Area 0.60 ftz Wetted Perimeter 2.97 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.20 ft Top Width 2.87 ft Critical Depth 0.45 ft Critical Slope 0.02091 ft/ft Velocity 5.41 ft/s Velocity Head 0.46 ft Specific Energy 0.77 ft Froude Number 2.08 Flow Type Supercritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 0.31 ft Critical Depth 0.45 ft Channel Slope 0.10000 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:42:31 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 GVF Output Data Critical Slope Worksheet for Diversion D Section 3 0.02091 ft/ft Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods SolBtiotle?dHbwMaster V81 (SELECTseries 1) [] 3/12/2018 6:42:31 PM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2