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SDP201700025 Plan - Approved Initial Site Plan 2017-09-15
1 f33 wC x 125 TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION r> x 125 SPOT ELEVATION 1,3", i"•a$' x 125 TW TOP OF WALL ELEVATION I r,;' 8,i> x 125 BW BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION 1 BENCHMARK ,r--• .,-,,.. --�- STORM SEWER w. ;; .. .. RD ROOF DRAIN SEWER LINE _....,, F ._. ".. s" w WATER LINE GAS GAS LINE __--; -- OHE OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE ;c< UGE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - - •^•^• C4"i------- OHT OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE -DGT UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE I ~ I DRAIN INLET (DI) µe: .ixw? f O TORM/SANITARY MANHOLE ,�...... ,:f r� PLUG •f WATER VALVE & BOX r l• -�. FIRE HYDRANT WM IFd � WATER METER LIGHT POLE - UTILITY POLE PROPERTY LINE - - - - ADJACENT PROPERTY LINE VACATED PROPERTY LINE _0 BUILDING SETBACK PARKING SETBACK SANITARY EASEMENT -^_•.._^_ - ^^ `� "� GRADING EASEMENT _ DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~- UTILITY EASEMENT - -- - ^-- - WATER EASEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT w� TREE LINE FENCE STREAM 12 -- INTERVAL CONTOUR oo -- INDEX CONTOUR CG-2 STANDARD 6" CURB (IG-6 CG-6 COMBINATION 6" CURB & GUTTER INITIAL 5ITF Df VELOPMf NT FLAN fOR rl[fLD 5CHOOL Of CHARLOTTE5VILLE TMP OGOOO-00-00-OG800 JACK JOUETT DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OWNER/ DEVELOPER PARKING SCHEDULEw Owner: Aguilera, LLC. Proposed Use: Required: W 1408 Crozet Avenue Crozet, VA 22932 Soccer Field: 24 Spaces Per Field N Developer: The Field School of Charlottesville Total Number of Spaces Provided: 24 10' x 18' Spaces 1 18' x 60' Bus Space 1408 Crozet Avenue SCALE: "� ® Charlottesville, VA 22932 25 Spaces Total Provided VIC NNITY MAP � i WATER & SANITARY SERVICES pL TH op ZONINGPotable water services are to be provided by the Albemarle County Service Authority. A private sanitary sewer system will be installed with Phase 2. Sanitary RA - Rural Areas sewer and water service is not proposed for Phase 1. At such time when sanitary p EC - Entrance Corridor sewer service is proposed for this site, Virginia Department of Health permitting U JUSTIN MP > SP 201500024 was approved on March 8„ and approvals shall be required. Lie. 183 2017 permitting a private school use on the If bathroom facilities are provided they must be serviced by subsurface drainfieldAm s.'' site. / G INVAL LEGAL REFERENCE If feasible, all new service lines for electricity, telephone and cable TV are to be installed underground. Care is to be taken to assure their location does not conflict with any other TMP 06000-00-00-06800 aspects of the proposed site plan amendment. - DB 4111 PG 186 - DB 2493 PG 534 LANDSCAPING CANOPY BENCHMARK Proposed landscaping will be shown with the final site plan submittal. See additional USGS NAVD88 lonscaping and screening requirements on Sheet C2. OF CRITICALSOURCE Critical slopes disturbances were authorized in conjunction with SP201500024. See sheet C2 for location of critical slopes disturbances authorized with SP201500024. (1) Boundary survey information compuked from plats WATERSHED of record. Topographic survey provided by Commonwealth Surveying, Inc. (2) A boundary line adjustment plat will) be submitted This site is located within the Ivy Creek Watershed. prior to final site plan approval. The boundary line This site is located within a water supply protection area. adjustment plat will create a contiguous parcel 60-68 as LIGHTING shown on sheet C3. (3) A title report was not provided. All easements and Lighting is not proposed with this site plan submittal. encumbrances may not be shown on this plan. L IMAGE PROVIDED BY GOGGLE MAPS L1 EXISTING Area Maximum structure height = 35' Building 0 SF 0.0% Pavement 0 SF 0.0% S H E E'r I IN =10' E ) Cr Sidewalk 0 Impervious area 0 SF 0.0% SF 0.0% Front: 75' Side: 25' Open space Total= 1,071,140 SF 100.0% 1,071 140 SF (24.59 ac.) j Rear: 35' PROPOSED Area Submittal Type � Building 2,500 SF 0.2% Reviewed and Approved by the COVER j H E Pavement 5,640 SF 0.5% CommiI it' Del i pment Department Sidewalk 0 SF 0.0% Date �� 5 F APPLICATION PLAN AND CONDITION 5 Vacant Land Impervious area 8,140 SF 0.7% File# - BOU N DAf�Y LINE ADJ USTM ENT - PP.OPOSED Open space 1,0, 40 SF 9.3% Total= 1,071 ,10 SF (24.59 ac.) gnature PROPOSED USE SIGNS EX 15T I N G CONDITIONS * DEMO PLAN Private School Ballfield 67 YD x 107 YD ciet ( ) All signs shall conform with the MUTCD Guidelines. - PHASE I BALLEIELD PLAN Of DEVELOPMENT as er SP2015500024. For Field School of Charlottesville sporting ITE TRIP GENERATION - ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS PER 51`20 1500024 event use only. C:autho:rized:by ds are for Field School of Charlottesville private school sporting events use only, as - PHASE 1 5 I T E DETAILS Special Use Permit SP201500024. h I t• C t ' t 1 ... . _.._......... t,f CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK RIPRAP �?T ASPHALT GRASS iCURRENT DEVELOPMENT PLANNER EC-2 MATTING EC-3 MATTING CURRENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER WETLAND 10 PARKING COUNT ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY ®10 ■ CROSSWALK HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE AISLE (FIRE OFFICIAL ---fi � CG-12 HANDICAP PARKING ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD NOTE: BUILDING OFFICIAL 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM WHAT IS SHOWN. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT TRANSPORATION It is onticipated that the ball field will be used for intersc o as is spot ing even s approxima e y one time per week. The ball field use will generate 15-20 vehicles, arriving at the site between According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, 4:15 and 4:30 on a weekday and 15-20 vehicles departing the site between 6:00 and 6:30 on effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel the same day. Phase 2, when submitted, will include the academic school use, five days per 51003CO237D), this property does not lie within the Zone week, with a capacity of 150 students. ITE Trip generations and site design will be adjusted to AE 100-year flood plain. accomodate this additional use when the Phase 2 site plan is submitted. GENERACONSTRUCTION MATERIAL USE SELECT F ILL AND BK FILL MATERIALPARKING V SURFACES; USE COMMON FILL MATERIAL OR GENERASITE GRADING. ROADS, SIDEWA KS, ANDOTHER CONCRETE AND PAVED SURFACES; 1. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN ANY EXISTING PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, INCLUDING CONNECTION TO ANY PLACE MATERIAL IN 6" LIFTS. EXISTING ROAD, A PERMIT SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT). THIS PLAN AS DRAWN MAY NOT ACCURATELY REFLECT THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT. WHERE ANY DISCREPANCIES 1 CT LAYERS OF FILL TO 95 PERCENT BY MODIFIED PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 1557 BENEATH AND WITHIN 15 FEET 2• COMPACT LA S L OCCUR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE PERMIT SHALL GOVERN. OF BUILDINGS AND BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 698 BENEATH AND WITHIN DETENTION POND EMBANKMENTS, PAVEMENTS, WALKS, AND ROAD SHOULDERS, INCLUDING AREAS THAT MAY BE USED FOR FUTURE CONSTRUCTION. IN OTHER 2. ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS SHALL CONFORM TO CURRENT SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF UNPAVED AREAS, COMPACT 90 PERCENT BY STANDARD PROCTOR METHOD PER ASTM D 698. IF THE DENSITY OF THE ADJACENT VDOT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SOIL IS MORE THAN THE DENSITY SPECIFIED, THEN COMPACT TO A DENSITY NOT LESS THAN THE DENSITY OF THE ADJACENT SOIL. 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION 1.3. AREAS ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE PLACED SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED, AND STRIPPED OF TOPSOIL. SOIL MATERIALS SHALL CONTROL PLAN AND SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION. BiE FREE OF DEBRIS, ROOTS, WOOD, SCRAP MATERIAL, VEGETATION, REFUSE, SOFT UNSOUND PARTICLES, AND FROZEN DELETERIOUS 0)R OBJECTIONAL MATERIALS. THE MAXIMUM PARTICLE DIAMETER SHALL BE ONE-HALF THE LIFT THICKNESS. COMMON FILL MATERIAL 4. ALL SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS ARE TO BE FERTILIZED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. SHALL BE UNCLASSIFIED SOIL MATERIAL WITH THE CHARACTERISTICS REQUIRED TO COMPACT TO THE SOIL DENSITY SPECIFIED FOR THE INTENDED LOCATION. BACKFILL AND FILL MATERIAL: ASTM D 2487. CLASSIFICATION GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, SC WITH A 5. THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IS 2:1 (HORIZONTAL: VERTICAL). WHERE REASONABLY OBTAINABLE, LESSER MAXIMUM ASTM D 4318 LIQUID LIMIT OF 35, MAXIMUM ASTM D 4318 PLASTICITY INDEX OF 12, AND MAXIMUM OF 25 PERCENT BY SLOPES OF 3:1 OR BETTER ARE TO BE ACHIEVED. WEIGHT PASSING ASTM D 1140, NO. 200 SIEVE. SELECT MATERIAL: ASTM D 2487, CLASSIFICATION GW, GP, SW, SP WITH A MAXIMUM OF 10 PERCENT BY WEIGHT PASSING ASTM D 1140, NO. 200 SIEVE. 6. PAVED, RIP -RAP OR STABILIZATION MAT LINED DITCH MAY BE REQUIRED WHEN IN THE OPINION OF THE COUNTY 14. ALL FINISHED GRADING, SEEDING AND SODDING SHALL BE DONE IN SUCH A MANNER TO PRECLUDE THE PONDING OF THE ENGINEER, OR DESIGNEE, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY IN ORDER TO STABILIZE A DRAINAGE CHANNEL. WATER ON THE SITE, PARTICULARLY ADJACENT TO THE BUILDINGS OR STORM INLETS. 7. ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE VIRGINIA MANUAL FOR UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL 15. CUT AND PATCH WORK IN EXISITING PUBLIC STREETS MUST BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VDOT AND ALBEMARLE DEVICES. COUNTY STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 8. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE - CLASS III. 116. ALL EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER ALONG THE FRONTAGE OF THIS SITE IN POOR CONDITION OR DAMAGED DURING 9. ALL EXCAVATION FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE INSTALLATION MUST COMPLY WITH OSHA STANDARDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED TO THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY. CONTRUCTION INDUSTRY (29 CFR PART 1926). 17. IN THE EVENT THAT SUSPECTED CONTAMINATED SOIL, GROUNDWATER, AND OTHER MEDIA ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES BASED ON VISUAL, OLFACTORY, OR OTHER EVIDENCE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STOP 10. WORK WITHIN THE LOCAL RIGHTS -OF -WAY SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL MUNICIPAL STANDARDS. WORK WITHIN WORK IN THE VICINITY OF THE SUSPECT MATERIAL TO AVOID FURTHER SPREADING OF THE MATERIAL, AND SHALL NOTIFY THE STATE RIGHTS -OF -WAY SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OWNER IMMEDIATELY SO THAT THE APPROPRIATE TESTING AND SUBSEQUENT ACTION CAN BE TAKEN. STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 2017-24 THE FIELD SCHOOL OF CHARLOTTESVILLE v' submitted application for a s ecial use permit to WHEREAS The Field School of Charlottesville s bin tted an P construct a new private school on Tax Map Parcel Numbers 06000-00-00-06800 and 06000-00-00-068E0, and the application is identified as SP201500024 The Field School of Charlottesville ("SP 2015-24); and WHEREAS, on December 13, 2016, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County Planning Commission recommended approval of SP 2015-24 with conditions; and WHEREAS, on March 8, 2017, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public hearing on SP 2015-24. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, upon consideration of the foregoing, the staff report prepared for SP 2015-24 and all of its attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code § 18-33.8, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 2015-24, subject to the conditions attached hereto. * * * I, Claudette K. Borgersen, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a Resolution d the oCounty,V - is b a vote of to as duly adopted by Board f Supervisors of Albemarle Virginia, y recorded below, at a regular meeting held on Aye Nay Mr. Dill Ms. Mallek Ms. IWIcKeel Ms. Palmer Mr. Randolph Mr. Sheffield Clerk, Board of County Supervisors SP-2015-24 The Field School of Charlottesville Special Use Permit Conditions 1. Development of the use shall be in general accord with sheet four (4) of the concept plan entitled "Special Use Concept Plan and Exhibits for Field School of Charlottesville" prepared by Shimp Engineering, P.C., revision #5, dated October 27, 2016, as determined by the Director of Planning and the Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord with the concept plan, the development and use shall reflect the following major elements as shown on the concept plan: a. Locations of buildings and sports fields within the indicated envelopes b. Maximum total building footprint of thirty thousand (30,000) square feet c. Maximum footprint of twelve thousand (12,000) square feet for any single building d. Preservation and installation of tree buffers as indicated e. Preservation of wooded areas and slopes outside of building and sports field envelopes as indicated Minor modifications to the plan which are in general accord with the elements above may be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance. Modifications are to be considered in terms of minimizing or improving impacts on adjoining properties and roadways. Buildings and parking may be developed in phases. 2. The maximum enrollment shall be one hundred fifty (150) students. 3. Classroom instruction shall not begin before eight o'clock a.m. (8:00 a.m.) and shall not continue later than five o'clock p.m. (5:00 p.m.). These hours shall not apply to sports events. Classes shall not be held on Saturday or Sunday. 4. Occasional non -sporting school -related events may occur on and after five o'clock p.m. (5:00 p.m.) on Monday through Friday and at any hours on Saturday and Sunday. Occasional community events may occur on and after six o'clock p.m. (6:00 p.m.) on Monday through Friday and at any hours on Saturday and Sunday. 5. No construction for the use shall begin without written approval of the proposed septic facilities from the Virginia Department of Health 6. No outdoor lighting of sports fields shall be installed for this use 7. There shall be no outdoor amplified sound associated with this use. 8. Any new outdoor lighting shall be only full cut-off fixtures and shielded to reflect light away from all abutting properties. A lighting plan limiting light levels at the property lines to no greater than 0.3 foot candles shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or her designee for approval. 9. If the construction of the private school for which this Special Use Permit is issued is not commenced by February 28, 2022, the permit shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted there under shall thereupon terminate. 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''� �, 1 - / 7RA FOR , _ _ sr -- : , y / (J+ f eT f' MAINT�NANCE?URPOSfS t`., Yx -- _ 1-f ��� �.t _ i? J_ _ -.- I +/--3.,0-AC F - -' --- 1 1 II - �I p 11 fir' a, - 'l I /' 1 1 I. `'f> I t _ ' �MULT7-PURPOSE I 1 t �, r i ' j EXISTING TR£ELINE / * 4 ;;vvtt SALLMLV AJZfii i 1 j, - fl V ., _ T ,n ', ` ' �' I EYIS77NO 7`REE BUFFER :• t n..� . r I _ 1. F; , 4 ,r; ) i \ .•:`s..�r. ;4rk 'tA OXIMAT>:'A £AO -'i 1 I I - t-..1 - k`?' =r f, APR R F 1 I +4Pf'kOxlMArfAREAOF= -r r ::", n{'. ; :1' PROPOSED RIrICAL' 1 ' 1 T.M.,BOdpFi .<,, r- SLO�S'DIST%1'RBANCE ' 1 I OPOSLt? CRZ7TCA[ 1 t { - _ LY:,TO (pRYU dOHA1VG 4Y �' �„ ' !W���:,. I I - - (\�SLO`i'ES �11SJ2[RBANC£ - - �,,-�.,, - _ -z_93Mq I-4��-� I; �I I'f� Ei-!I , � �- ,-Ai. I ; ! �I -�!�I;S� :.1� � ,�I�,�I ;I,, � II .I'L d -�I1I . �-; �,I � ,-!;� I; ,. , �I ,- 1- ,:�-;II, ." 1!� ,", .,� ,I,I -I.,--i . , �1��I ;-,-, � � �� --", ,i I- ,I�1 I i:-W� ,-:i .-! -- ;, i�S', �II O� I�- ;���: � � �t,�II I -. 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I CRIrICEAL 2.; ?RESEOTP l < Y PROPu'S£D F :,, �, f `4t na y I `SLO?ES arSTL(R6ANCE' ` 1 Cy �' S o.�' ._-_ ---- 1 R1' - �. 1 \ , I f 1: s .r 1' ) 7fiLE£LZNf -- ,6 .Pn ° , ,M _,\ Y "w F I _ _Y*1 , -_ :4 - w- w. -� -0,. 4 EXISTING TREELINE , �I'' �. -1: _PROPOSErJ - ,; t_~ il,. l ,TWIN fpR� Uf,P IMIC'.. /: iREELIN£' Y ,,, • \, - - {- _ - 74M , ,; �S ED RURAL q tEA5 J '�i , ' 20N I �a� f V� Limits of S ecial Use Permit s p � ?i --- of ZCAr a Thus coal use ermd: a ,ca , hmRed t +'- t a tons o the 25 , acres dehnea ed on this sheet as i P P P'I '1 - {� `/ t � 4 Parcel b ___ 6O 6B r osed A ounda hne ad ustment lot is included •ith this a t tr to (P oP ) b rY ) P n PP ca on L, �' 1 'r - - . TI iLxiTr '`i , , ' create the 25-acre contiguous parcel. .l /• PICNIC ,PAVILION � � - �� �', .: ' f NERAt «# r �� ?41STTA* WOOVEID c� � tf1CATI _ _ _ Er fO• Landscaprng along Barracks Road Frontage shall include the SLerI 7)2 S, xISiTNG f B aR£5£RVEDI following: . : x , ' £xrsrrN ltic3t a F GRITIC4L a) Large shade trees shall be, planted parallel to the Entrance Candor SAreet. such trees shall be - _ O 7E3 - s -_ �:` :6TREis at least 3 112' caliper (measured 6' above the round) and shall be of a lant 5 ecies ' Sd i''7,'PR$Sf'RVfrD' Sk1�£S - P 9 P P I i x .^ 11, . , , . ,, :, ' BE EREsfP1221!I'D) - - - - y common to the area. 5uch trees, where not currently existinon the site, shall be located at i + }.,•-.. '.•o' + 1,'b; F .. '.. 7,gff i5U 1Y , -- - ? - - - least 35 feet on center. g - I -, �; I -I -"I Y � �,� '^c .� -, " _ _ �;�`";�s -w' } „r. x _;.yam ': b) Fla^ven ornamental trees of a s eaes common to the area shall be interspersed amon the . _ _ . '1 r �,.: ,.d, \.,x'�:\ , . .�. .'?a : x" '.,,,,. . ' - ur, ; ...w �.;ice :, .. , ^^k " t 1 ti •.� ng P P 9 - SqX :. �J .. 1S 1. _, r ..y \ m. "4: \ d: n r,: fi trees re cored b the recedm an ra h. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for ,� - , -.t ,.,z ? �,_ t , �� .:,c .x, . ::,5. ,,,.. g Y P 9 P 9 P . -, - - _ - - � -'\ \ ..'r i\6 -a.. >, +: ..: y�,. . i- , '\�,, . -¢Y. _.� -: ,i•Y . ^.,�•, -nI - _-. ...., s- . ,. . one with the lar a shade trees. They may be lanted amon the lar to shade trees m a less - - --_-- ._-_ � �,\/� . > r ..,,,�, , �_., yn. �, ' _,\„ . , - ;r . ?F�, , - ,;+n q t � � :4 ', ' ^"'; %""" 9 e7 P 9 9 qyw is 7� w r- ,Y,'- a:s�, .^ >�dy �y.., '. { v� ^'; , .v , regular spac,nq pattern. _._i`. _. _�rr-_. - ;� .�.� '<';r ,'i.r.%%r5�,a r •i .,�v\y3 ;: ,'4a. }i'��j+(:%.. r�ra,.`..;'rig.t %::i('. ':5. - '__ _ c A three or four board fence or a luw stone wall, t cal of the area. may ah n the frontage of l -E- --` <'] \? � f •, -�" . �` `, ," J'r._ _ T•M'� ;I L,11�" - OF the Entranu Comdor street. '` t T.M. f,OC-OE$ ur ^+ . - \ - , - 1-.- _ . , `L �� ' R a/I d) An area of sufhcien width to accommodate the foregang plantings and Penang shall be WILLIAA180N, BL/tIR K TRUST f � ( I `� „ ..-- I 1�, ( 1 8'73 ACRE$... reserved parallel to Barracks Poad, and exGoslve of the road nght of •way and utility easements. p,BgAtx2E$ TM &1C.M4 : I i _�'d.,,, :\-, _ - ZONED�RURALEIREAS j ZONED RURAL AREAS MUMPHAIS, ROalrr R R GIRARLOTTE Y . ( \ "-I T'µ'A�' * BUIIdmgS: ' L,' ' DB. a3az/7a7 '•. 2`aa ACRES .•� collr rlYII ALT14 DO IR t TONED RURAL AR EAS 1'i - a) The maximum square footage (footprint) for the entire site is 30.000 sf, I 1 2� , , Ir D-B. 15(i6/17d t Z Ei� RURIit b) The maxmum square footage (footprint) for any mdividual buildmg is 12,000 sf. -, ) I . -' r c) Maximum budding height is 35 ft. In accordance with 5ection ) 0.4 of the Zonmg Ordinance. , I (l , I I I , , ) L r- d) The proposed picnic pavilion shall be located as close to the treelme (and away from the - ,-' " f ' l existing pond) as possible. ,lo fill shall be placed within the 100' stream buffer. ( Tree Buffer/ Preservation Areas: a) The area Iabel&l tree buffer area 'A' shall include supplemental plantings to provide the equivalent of two staggered rows of mixed native deciduous and evergreen trees planted at 25 feet on center along with interspersed shrubs. b) Existing trees over A, in diameter shall not be removed in the area labeled tree buffer area 'B". AnY trees aver 6' in diameter that might ,"un- removal for the installation of a dramfield shall replanted, in the ratio of two new trees per one tree removed. u\ the same location to prewde a buffer for adjoining land owners. y The equivalent of two staggered rows of mixed native deciduous and evergreen trees planted at 25 feet on center along with mtemper5ed Shrubs shall be planted in the area labeled as tree bufferarea Y."' tDIVKMWAItKMANAGtMt-W i"AULIIY 8,500 square feet landscaped deter lon area 50 60 12� 180 Graph r: i::nle: =.... z 0 Z �:: ILJ E 2 Z 0- 00 7 :�w (Y C) Lt.1 LL. Lo .�t� ,Z Q . q� Z 4 a_ S ro -U O 7 O j --4 U 0 W li li -.� Q J Ut L J I Q -JJ/):-)/LOV" Sale Sheet '," o- 5 llc Va. ' t.osz z -' z nLL ova L 7 14 Y J o �_- z O" �a 1--LL coo 6 ��tiN,LTH op fO O N U JITSTIN IMP a Lic. 1 3 r0 10 E w s �� sroNAL iiie llllllllllllll�llllllllllll� --------------------------------------------- 9 11( r - } 1$, I T.M. 60-681 LL ST DAVID'S ANGLICAN CHURCH I 2.19 ACRES 1 1' ZONED RURAL AREAS Y } Iv D.B. 2493/543 I< v [, I o � yN i � I l I l t i Chi --- c;l _ , t 1, i Ln11 s i 11 1 1 1 i' 1 1 � 1 �r t t 1 9 1 i 1 i �i i i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Scale: 1"!! ---------------------------- T.M. 60-68H LY, HA TO OR YU HUA CHANG LY 2.03 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS D.B. 4003/058 -------------- 1 T.M. 60-68F PATEL, VIPUL N OR MANISHA V 2.84 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS D.B. 2612/270 , l T.M. 60-68C JURICK, GREGORY OR MELISSA K 3.81 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS D.B. 2829/378 T.M. 60C—OE-8 WILLIAMSON, BLAIR K TRUST / 2.99 ACRES / T.M. 60C—OE-3 ZONED RURAL AREAS ` GILLIES, GEORGE T OR MELANIE B D.B. 3382/737 / 2.76 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS D.B. 1795/639 , / 1 1.3' FT TO INTERSECTION DRIVE (S.Fi. 1001) 538.33' \ T.M. 60C-OE-9 HUMPHRIS, ROBERT R & CHARLOTTE Y \ 2.43 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS D.B. 15816/174 r- 0.42 ACRES INCLUDE4 IN APPROVAL OF SP201500024 ---------------------------------------------------------- i __.___ --___--....,.__--.,_._.__— -.- - - ---- 676.52' r �d 75' FRONT SETBACK / / / s / l T.M. 60-68B / TWIN GROUP INC 14.79 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS D.B. 725/441 / T.M. 60-68E (EAST PORTIONI) j AGUILERA LLC 6.42 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS �— 1 D.B. 4578/519"- i 150.13 rrrr �h - Vi r'r ti ^O / T.M. 60-68C 'jF-------------- r fir' l SHREVE, CHARLES DAVID OR LESLIE S �I 1.05 ACRES NI ZONED RURAL AREAS li i LO \ D.B. 1840/570 30,000 SF ; CDo r BUILDING a T.M. 60-68D yI SITE � TWIN GROUP INC II I r ^c� ,) 0.16 ACRES cv r-----� ZONED RURAL AREAS o �I i D.B. 725/437 r j M II i hr� t I ram, IL ---------- � \T r `Y �k �, O� O � T.M. 60-68B S 48°46'20" � TWIN GROUP INC •----- -- 14.79 ACRES �\ 1, ZONED RURAL AREAS D.B. 725/4-41 53°12 38' W ` T.M. 60-668 OF N 544.52' COMMONWEALTH VIRGINIA 9.73 ACRES ZONED RURAL 1 T.M. 60C—OE-10 AREAS COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA 2.78 ACRES ZONED RURAL AREAS LINE TABLE COURSE BEARING DISTANCE L I N 480532 1" E 28.23' L2 N 3801 5'04" E I G .00' L3 N IGOI I'IG" W G.9IS, L4 N 27` 1 5'48" E 39.99' L5 N 12032'22" E 47.3G' CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH DELTA CHORD CHORD BEARING cl G86.20 20.19' 1041'08" 20.19' S 4705020" E 00 ���ALIH OF �O v JUSTIN Imp Lic. 83 WSSIONAL E�O� Ilia, w H 5d I Tw- : IM , woli P I - ON P11,11 so F4 0 U3 1 IiN 15 Uc.t ttv_ - L-1 0 • 77' 14 v jurA, FA Em . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,4 0 U311IN IN Lic.t htv- - 4 Wam I i 6 i -------------------------- -- - --- 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -y� p- y�_ _ /�- -}� _ _ _ LANDSCAPING ALONG,�ARRA KS ROAD FRONTAGE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NOTES - _ ----------------------------_____--B l�-R l� /-� Ct"�0 /�,�— -- — U�, �f�0------------------------ ----�- �---)------------ ----------___ - - - - A-D ON THIS SHEET AS PER SP201500024 -77 LEGEND: CRITICAL SLOPES CRITICAL SLOPES DISTURBANCE PER SP201500024 APPROVED POTENTIAL FUTURE DRAINFIELD/SEPTIC LOCATIONS (AS PER SP201500024) GENERAL LIMITS OF SCHOOL AND BALLFIELD USE AS PER SP201500024 ASPHALT ENTRANCE GRAVEL ROAD LANDSCAPING, BUFFER, AND DESIGN NOTES PER SP 201500024: Landscaping along Barracks Road Frontage shall include the following: a) Large shade trees shall be planted parallel to the Entrance Corridor Street. Such trees shall be at least 3 1/2 caliper (measured 6" above the ground) and shall be of a plant species common to the area. Such trees, where not currently existing on the site, shall be located at least 35 feet on center. b) Flowering ornamental trees of a species common to the area shall be interspersed among the trees required by the preceding paragraph. The ornamental trees need not alternate one for one with the large shade trees. They may be planted among the largte shade trees in a less regular spacing pattern. c) A three or four board fence or a low stone wall, typical of the area, may align the frontage of the Entrance Corridor street. d) An area of sufficient width to accommodate the foregoing plantings and fencing shall be reserved parallel to Barracks Road, and exclusive of the road right—of—way and utility easements. •• • •• 120 184 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Scale: •• Q'I gzc O 2 ro 0 O 0 CO I Z oaf N W W z It v W W a 0 :2 Z I a z F W N O N N W I- Q 5) > N W � J � J J Z_ W Q �- 0 W J Q N 0 ALTH O���� O v JUSTIN IMP a Lic.1�v183 Buildings: a) The maximum square footage (footprint) for the entire site is 30,000 sf. b) The maximum square footage (footprint) for any individual building is 12,000 sf. c) Maximum building height is 35 ft. in accordance with Section 10.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. d) The proposed picnic pavilion shall be located as close to the treeline (and away from the existing pond) as possible. No fill shall be placed within the 100' stream buffer. Tree Buffer / Preservation Areas: a) The area labeled tree buffer area "A" shall include supplemental plantings to provide the equivalent of two staggered rows of mixed native deciduous and evergreen trees planted at 25 feet on center along with interspersed shrubs. b) Existing trees over 4" in diameter shall not be removed in the area labeled tree buffer area "B". Any trees over 6" in diameter that might require removal for the installation of a drainfield shall replanted, in the ratio of two new trees per one tree removed, in the same location to provide a buffer for adjoining land owners. c) The equivalent of two staggered rows of mixed native deciduous and evergreen trees planted at 25 feet on center along with interspersed shrubs shall be planted in the area labeled as tCvr buffer area "C". S1pNAL ECG 0Z a z (7 g 0., > WNW aOz °o W 'i U oUJ W � o� Nq� Qwm Q Date 04/24/17 Scale 1 " = 601 Sheet No. C6 OF 7 Fe No. 15.032 2.0' Min. Sheet Flow Gravel Parking Lot Section 2"-4" Drop 1.0' Woven Clean Washed Filter Fabric 1' Min. w/ 1:1 Side Slopes Gravel GRAVEL DIAPHRAGM SECTION "1— 1.25' Engineered Soil — 3" Choker Stone 1' Stone Reservoir • m max-! ax 4.1 Slo e 4.50' 9.25' FTI Mok Depth Varies 0.5' 3'� Sao e to 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + f++++++++++++++++\++++++++++++++++++++ 2 DRY SWALE SECTION D ETAI L C7 1 "=2' 3 PRIVATE ROAD SECTION C7 1' 42 44 -'- I\ mm I �- 0 u<.. .... 10'1o' «� \ H� PA KING SI NSe �e I E t 1 � - e �\ \ BU� i \ �AR ' IN SIGNS � 5�e 4 GRAVEL PARKING LOT DETAIL C% 1 "=5' 0 0 R 2 5' — R 2 5' crave 11 OP v JUMN ��yAmpy Lic. + 183 s8I01VAL