HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201800021 Application 2019-05-15Charlottesville Waldorf School
Application for Special Use Permit
Submitted on March 5, 2019
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Table of Contents
[3] Application for Special Use
(3) Project Proposal, Public Need and Benefit
(4) Affect on Adjacent Lots
(5) Upholding Character of Zoning District
(5) Purpose and Intent of Zoning District
(5) Uses Permitted by Right
(5) Regulations per Section 5 of Zoning Ordinance
(5) Public Health Safety and General Welfare
(6) Consistency With Comprehensive Plan
(6) Impacts on Public Facilities and Infrastructure
(7) Impacts on Environmental Features
(7) Information Regarding Parking
(7) Information Regarding Outdoor Activities
(7) Information Regarding Emergency Access
[8] Existing Conditions
(9) Existing Conditions Plan
[10] Concept Plans
(11) Concept Plan
(12) Building and Grounds Diagram
(13) Access and Circulation Diagram
Application for Special Use Permit
Submitted on March 5, 2019
Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit Page 2
Vicinity (City)
Charlottesville Waldorf School
120 Waldorf School Road, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Application for Special Use Permit
Special Use Request
The Charlottesville Waldorf School would like to extend their existing
Special Use Permit to include the two adjacent parcels directly to the
north of the school campus; Tax Map #'s 61-172 and 61-172A. The
school will utilize the existing residential buildings and convert them
into additional classrooms and programmed spaces supporting the
school's operation.
The Charlottesville Waldorf School (CWS) is located on TMP 61-170 and
61-174 on the west side of Rio Road (Route 631). It is located across
the street from Pen Park, and the Charlottesville Catholic School,
and directly north of the Village Square Neighborhood. The western
boundary is created by the Meadow Creek basin and to the north of the
property resides three residential properties. The two parcels directly
north of the campus (61-172 and 61-172A) are owned by the school
(Ownership: CWF Property, LLC). The purpose of this SUP request is to
extend the current SUP onto these school owned properties.
While the site occupies frontage on Rio Road the presence of the
school campus is nondescript as the school has utilized these original
residential properties to house their Early Childhood (EC) program. The
requested extension of the current SUP will allow the school to provide
additional early childhood program space within these residential
properties fronting on Rio Road.
Per Section 33.40
Public Need or Benefit:
Charlottesville Waldorf School has created a campus that provides a
unique independent school curriculum which holds environmental
awareness and stewardship in high regard. The Charlottesville
Waldorf School has met and will continue to meet the educational
needs of many families in Albemarle County and the surrounding
communities who wish to give their children a Waldorf Education.
In addition, due to the nature and design of Waldorf Schools, the
campus provides the County with a beautiful green and open space
in the midst of one of its development zones.
Additionally, CWS has dedicated a portion of the property to the
County Greenway trail network and continues to support the natural
ecology within this area.
Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit Page
How the Special Use will not be a Substantial detriment
to Adjacent Lots
Given the nature of the existing school campus, and this planned
expansion, only one (1) adjacent property (TMP 61-171+) can
be considered a new adjacency. The school continues to be a
good neighbor to all existing adjacent lots on the East and South
Boundaries and has honored the original SUP request to locate
parking away from residential properties and has kept site -lighting
to a minimum.
Regarding the single property affected by this planned expansion:
the school intends to uphold the good -neighbor reputation and will
start by proposing to extend their existing 8'-tall opaque fence along
the remainder of the property boundary. Photo 1 and Photo 2, at
right, shows the existing fence which the school proposes to extend
along the boundary, subject to coordination with the residential
land owner.
Furthermore the school will provide additional landscaping to
create a vegetated buffer adjacent to the new fence. The school
intends to locate all outdoor activity spaces (Play Grounds, Tot Lots,
etc.) toward the center of campus and not directly adjacent to this
residential property. Refer to the Concept Plans herein for further
information regarding the outdoor activity spaces.
The school is not proposing additional parking facilities on these
adjacent lots with the current SUP concept plans. The goal is simply
to occupy the two (2) existing structures and allow these additional
spaces to supplement their educational program.
Given this low -impact approach to utilizing these properties and the
school's willingness to honor the neighbor with extending the fence
and providing additional landscaping the applicant suggests that
this SUP will not have a negative affect on the adjacent property.
Hours of Operation:
The school currently operates between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. with limited weekend and/or evening activities for the
school community. The expanded campus will operate consistent
with the existing campus schedule.
Photo 11 Existing 8' Opaque Fence. School Proposes to Extend this Fence In -Kind Along Boundary
Photo 21 Existing 8' Opaque Fence. School Proposes to Extend this Fence In -Kind Along Boundary
Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit Page 4
How the Character of the Zoning District will not be
changed by the Proposed Special Use
The presence of the Waldorf school Campus within this R4 Residential
Zoning District has enhanced the district by providing a beautiful
campus, designed in harmony with the natural surroundings and
has done so in a much less intensive way than would have otherwise
been developed by a by -right development.
This trend will continue by permitting the school to extend the
Current SUP onto these adjacent properties. It is noteworthy
to express that because the school intends to use the existing
residential properties as the new program space - the character
of the zoning district will continue to be harmonious and well
integrated with the surrounding R4 zoned parcels.
How the Special Use will be in Harmony with the
The Purpose and Intent of the Zoning Ordinance
Chapter 18, Zoning Section 15, Part 15,1
The CWS Campus is in harmony with the Zoning Ordinance as it
provides a valuable educational resource in an area which exhibits
continued growth, it continues to honor the land the campus
occupies by using the land in a much less intensive way than would
otherwise be permitted by -right and the nature of the school
curriculum honors the natural landscape and teaches stewardship
through environmental awareness and responsibility.
The uses permitted by right in the Zoning District
The use of `Private School' is not permitted by right within the R4
Zoning District. However: the R4 Zoning District permits Private
Schools by Special Use Permit per 15.2.2 Part 5.
However, the County has already seen the value of the campus
being present at this location by granting the original SUP.
The regulations provided in Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance
as applicable
Based on a review of Section 5 - Supplementary Regulations,
there does not appear to be any applicable supplementary
ordinances for the use of Private School.
The Public Health, Safety and General Welfare
The proposal to extend the existing SUP onto these adjacent
parcels does not pose an adverse affect on Public Health, Safety
and General Welfare.
Zoning Map. Campus and SUP Extension Parcels Fall with R4 Zoning Classification
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Density
Steep Slopes Map
Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit Page 5
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan
The campus is located in the Places 29-Rio (Neighborhood 2) Development Area and is designated Urban Density in the Future Land Use Plan.
Previous reviews of special use requests for this parcel have found that the school is consistent with the residential use designation as it is
supportive of nearby residential uses and serves as a connection within an extensive trail network along the Meadow Creek. The Places 29
Master Plan is also supportive of this use at this location as it supports infill development and re -development; this project represents more
the latter (Development Guiding Principal No 5). Furthermore the campus is well integrated within the adjacent neighbors and contributes to
a diverse and vibrant community, reflecting a varied land use in the area.
Impacts on Public Facilities and Public Infrastructure
The current SUP permits a maximum enrollment of up 350 students and 40 staff. The extension of this SUP is not intended to increase these
limits. As such, we do not anticipate any negative impacts on Public Facilities or Public Infrastructure that has not already been accounted for.
The applicant acknowledges the intended slight increase of enrolled students by virtue of this additional program space; the applicant also
acknowledges that the original enrollment numbers are not requested to increase. Moreover, the peak hour traffic associated with school drop
off and pick-up is off -set from the traditional peak hour traffic. As such, a negative impact on the transportation network is not anticipated.
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Land Use Map (Source: County of Albemarle)
Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit Page 6
Impacts of Environmental Features
No negative impacts on environmental features are proposed in
association with this SUP extension request.
It is noteworthy to express that one of the hallmarks of Waldorf
education is time spent in nature and in natural surroundings. The
current campus design has avoided unnecessary development,
created beautiful green and open spaceswithin the heartof campus.
No negative impacts on environmental features are proposed with
this SUP Extension.
Additional Information
Narrative of the Proffers Proposed to Address Impacts
No Proffers are proposed in association with this SUP extension
One or More Maps Showing the Proposed Project's regional
context and existing natural and man-made physical conditions
Please refer to the Vicinity Map, Context Map and Site Map on
Page 3.
Parking and staffing
Current staffing (all staff including after -care) currently measures
32.3 Full Time Equivalents (FTEs).
The additional classroom space will be served by the existing
parking areas on the existing campus as indicated in the
conceptual plans. As previously indicated: the current SUP
permits a maximum enrollment of 350 students and 40 staff. The
current site plan provides 47 parking spaces which is sufficient
for the day-to-day operations of the school and to provide
parking spaces for the 32-34 Full -Time Equivalent staff.
Outdoor Play Areas
The new outdoor play spaces will be located logically given
campus programming. In addition, an existing play ground
directly adjacent to the Residential Property will be moved
toward the center of campus, away from the adjacent residential
property. The proposed fence enclosing the play areas will not
permit student access behind the building adjacent to TMP 61-
Restricted and Emergency Access
The existing residential entrance for the two (2) properties
associated with this SUP extension will remain open to
Emergency Vehicle access and very limited access by the school.
Critical Resource Map (Source: County GIS)
Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit age 7
Existing Conditions Plan
Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit Page 8
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MARCH 5, 2019
PROJECT 1810100
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Charlottesville Waldorf School Application for Special Use Permit