HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201900045 Review Comments 2019-08-26 August 26, 2019 David James Civil Engineer Community Development County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Rd. Charlottesville,VA 22902 RE: Liberty Hall WPO201900045 David: The following is a response to your review comments dated August 12, 2019: A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain(1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP, and(4) any TMDL measures necessary. 1. Submit the SWPPP. Refer to County template 2. Complete the new DEQ Registration Statement form. A Single-Family SWPPP for is included in this submittal C. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Show any proposed clearing/grading activities,paving operations, landscaping operations, E&S controls, staging, stockpile,borrow, fueling, waste disposal, vehicle/equipment washing, concrete washout locations on the PPP. Also, show locations where concentrated stormwater discharges. The PPP measures are now shown on the plan. D. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) 1. Show drainage area maps and computations for sizing of drainage. The drainage maps and computations are on the plans. 2. Provide channel/ditch lining needed. Ditch lining is provided. B.Clark Gathright,LLC 100 10th St NE Suite 200 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-987-0294 cgathright@dgarchs.com 3. The County requires permanent level spreader design to meet VADEQ SW Design guidance under BMP Spec. No. 2. See ELS key design elements on page 14-15. The Level spreaders are sized to meet the 1-year storm per DEQ. 4. Show level spreader in a SWM facility easement. Nutrient credits will be purchased. 5. Provide maintenance requirements for the level spreader. Notes for maintenance are provided. 6. Complete&record the SWM Maintenance Agreement. Nutrient credits will be purchased. 7. Provide letter of availability from the nutrient bank. The nutrient credit purchase is underway and will be sent to Ana Kilmer. • 8.Nutrient credit purchase& agreement required prior to VSMP plan approval. Please contact Ana Kilmer about the agreement. See Item 7 above. 9. See email - Update the disturbed area. Provide VRRM spreadsheet(email is fine). The updated spreadsheet is now on the plans. 10. Show Forest/Open space to be dedicated in an easement. Submit an easement plat for review. This process will take longer than purchase of Nutrient Credits and must be done before we can approve the VSMP plan(see John A. email). Nutrient credits will be purchased. B. Clark Gathright,LLC 100 10th St NE Suite 200 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-987-0294 cgathright@dgarchs.com • E. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) 1. Please show the critical slopes overlay. Critical slopes are now shown on the plans. 2. Please show the WPO buffer. Nutrient credits will be purchased. 3. Show location of all existing and proposed utilities and easements with deed book references. No existing utilities or easements are on-site. • 4. Show limits of disturbance to include any clearing, grading, excavating, transporting and filling activities. The limits of disturbance are noted on the drawings. 5. Show a descriptive legend for E&SC used. A legend is now provided on the plans. 6. Sheet 3 — a. Controls shown are not adequate to contain site runoff. Additional controls are needed to capture runoff(i.e. silt fence, sed. trap). Show controls mentioned on the cover on the E&SC plan. The erosion and sediment control measures are now shown on the plans and reflect the actual as-built conditions on-site. b. The roof drain outlet may require outlet protection if the velocity is high enough to cause erosion. Outlet protection is shown on the larger roof drain discharge point. c. A paved construction entrance is required. Locate it at the beginning of the project. Use detail from the County's design standards manual (DSM,pg. 8). The detail is added to the plan in case the inspector requires it. B. Clark Gathright,LLC 100 10th St NE Suite 200 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-987-0294 cgathright@dgarchs.com • 7. Provide low maintenance(not grass) ground cover specified on the plans where grades are steeper than 3:1. [DSM,pg. 22] Generally, sod will be installed on all yard areas. An extensive landscaping plan includes mulched planting beds in many areas throughout the site. The only area where 3:1 or steeper slopes occur in the project area is adjacent to the steps between the garage and driveway near the culvert and it is in a planting bed. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me. Best regards, • Clark Gathright, P.E. • B. Clark Gathright,LLC 100 10th St NE Suite 200 Charlottesville,VA 22902 434-987-0294 cathright@dgarchs.com