HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201900011 Presentation Special Use Permit 2019-11-18Malloy Ford Special Use Permit for Outdoor Sales, Storage, & Display of Automobiles at former Better Living Furniture Store Property Special Use Permit Written Narrative PROJECT PROPOSAL November 18, 2018 Malloy Properties III LLC (the "Applicant", and the "Owner") is the owner of tax map parcels 45-68A and 45-112131 (collectively, the "Property"). The Owner is also the owner of tax map parcels 45-68C1 and 45-112A, although those parcels are not part of this application. The Owner operates a Ford automobile dealership on parcel 45-68C1 and has the need to expand the area of outdoor storage and display of vehicles for sale onto parcel 45-68A and a small portion of 45-112131, to provide more parking area for cars awaiting service and for employee parking. This Special Use Permit Application ("this Application") is to use parcels 45-68A and a small portion of parcel 45-112131 for the outdoor sales, service and display of automobiles. There are two existing, valid Special Use Permits that apply to two of the Applicant's parcels and that are related to this Application (hereinafter, the "Existing SUPs"). SP 2016-00011 — Outdoor Sales, Storage, & Display of Automobiles on parcel 45-68C1 SP 2018-00005 — Body Shops on parcels 45-68C1 and 45-68A (this is an amendment to SP 2016- 00018) The Applicant proposes a new SUP for Outdoor Sales, Storage, and Display of vehicles for sale at the Ford dealership. The success of the new location for the Malloy Ford dealership, which was relocated from Route 2501Richmond Road at Pantops to the current location, has far exceeded the Owners' expectations. As a result, more spaces are needed for display spaces for vehicles for sale. In addition, the large number of service bays in the service department at the dealership has resulted in even more service business than the Owner predicted, such that there is the need for more parking spaces at the dealership for vehicles awaiting service or that have just finished being serviced, but that have not yet been picked up. A number of these vehicles are commercial service vehicles such as vans, small trucks, and in some cases, large trucks, as one of the service bays can accommodate a tractor -trailer for service. The increased amount of business for both services and sales has also resulted in the need for additional employees, which has resulted in an increase in the number of employee parking spaces. The proposed conceptual plan shows 123 additional spaces, of which 13 would be for customers of the business. All of the Owners' parcels are zoned Highway Commercial and designated on the Comprehensive Plan for Commercial Mixed Use. While the existing site is not landscaped along the Entrance Corridor, the Conceptual Plan includes a number of large shade trees, interspersed ornamental trees, medium trees, and numerous shrubs interspersed that enhance the frontage and create consistency with other properties along the corridor, including the adjacent existing dealership. The landscape plan is consistent with the plan approved for SP 2016-11. Vehicle display spaces are proposed behind the layer of landscaping and within the front parking area. The proposed use is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance: Section 1.4 of the Zoning Ordinance states that the purpose of the ordinance is to promote the public health, safety, convenience and welfare, including: "(C) facilitate creating a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community... (G) encourage economic development activities that provide desirable employment and enlarge the tax base." As stated earlier, allowing the redevelopment of the parcel to be used for additional display spaces will support the continued success of the automobile dealership. The existing Malloy Ford automobile dealership greatly contributes to the tax base and it will continue to do so in its new location. The proposed use will also further the attractive redevelopment of land along the Entrance Corridor with the addition of landscaping where none exists now, and which will screen and soften the appearance of the parked vehicles. The Proposed use is in harmony with the uses permitted By -Right in the Zoning District The proposed use is complimentary and critical to an automobile dealership use, which is allowed by -right in Highway Commercial districts. The proposed use is consistent with the Public Health, Safety and General Welfare As stated earlier, the proposed use will provide an important service to the business and to the public at a convenient location adjacent to the existing dealership. Although the number of display spaces will increase, no increase to traffic is anticipated. Another benefit of the proposed use is that it will improve the orderly parking of vehicles through the Property and the dealership as a whole, and support improved circulation of vehicles throughout, including large tractor -trailers that deliver new for -sale vehicles to the site.. CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Property is designated for Commercial Mixed Use. Primary uses within this designation include: community and regional retail, commercial service, auto commercial service, and office uses. Secondary uses include: office, research & development (R&D), flex, residential, open space, and institutional uses. The Applicant's approved auto dealership is harmonious with the vision and uses intended for this commercial site within the Places 29 Masterplan, as auto commercial service is specifically identified. The use of dealership property for the outdoor sales, storage, and display of vehicles for sale is an essential component of any automobile dealership. The ability to expand the area for the display of vehicles for sale will allow for additional financial stability for the business, and enable the business to better utilize all of its property for the business and to improve internal vehicular circulation on site. The additional space will also provide additional service to the public by enabling the dealership to display a larger variety of types of vehicles for sale and a larger number, thus increasing customer choice and options. The project also is an example of sustainability through the partial redevelopment of an existing commercial site. Places 29 Frontage Condition: The Property is designated on the Places 29 Master Plan Recommended Entrance Corridor Frontage Conditions Map for "Landscaped Development," which recommends a landscaped buffer between the back of the sidewalk and the parking lot. A sidewalk already exists along the entire frontage of the Property, but there is not gany landscaping in existence. As recommended by the Design Guidelines for the Places 29 Area, the proposed Concept Plan shows a landscape buffer that extends to a maximum of 26' in depth at the northwest portion of the buffer and in areas where contiguous parking islands extend out from the landscape area that is shown as planted with a double staggered row of shrubs. This planted area is comprised of a variety of trees and shrubs that will function to soften the visual impact of the parking lot and vehicles from the Entrance Corridor, while at the same time recognizing and accommodating the economic development and business needs for the sales vehicles to be visible from the road and sidewalk. The landscape buffer will also serve to physically separate the space between the parking lot and the area shown on the Plan for the tractor trailer unloading area. While the need for the tractor trailer unloading area requires the landscape buffer to be further back from the Entrance Corridor than might normally be recommended, the unloading area is a critical safety and operational need of the automobile dealership, and the landscape buffer as a result extends further onto the Property than would otherwise be necessary. As such, it maintains the recommended depth of buffer while also accommodating the operational and safety needs of the business. In addition, given the absence of any existing plantings on the Property, the proposed buffer and overall landscape plan will be a significant and dramatic improvement over the existing condition. As shown on the Concept Plan, additional landscaping is shown throughout the parking lot and adjacent to the portion of the building that will remain, all to help soften the visual appearance of both from the Entrance Corridor. In addition, the building is proposed to be painted gray to match the color of the existing Ford dealership. Finally, the landscape plan is consistent with the plan that was approved for SP 2016-11 for the adjacent parcel, creating a harmonious extension of the existing buffer. Consistency with the Neighborhood Model Principles: The proposed project is consistent with the applicable Neighborhood Model Principles as follows: Pedestrian Orientation: A sidewalk already exists along the entire frontage of the Property adjacent to the Entrance Corridor. Although the proposed use is supportive of the existing auto -centric automobile dealership use, the proposed project is designed to support pedestrian circulation as well as vehicular circulation moving through the lot. In addition, the short block lengths along the frontage of the Property makes the pedestrian experience more comfortable. The existing sidewalk along the frontage of the Property and on adjacent parcels under common ownership provide a pedestrian connection to an extensive pedestrian network surrounding the Property, and a pedestrian connection to the adjacent Rivanna Plaza Shopping Center, which functions as a Neighborhood Center with its restaurants, services, and recreational areas. Just a short walk further provides a connection to the Rio Hill Shopping Center, an even larger Neighborhood Center with a larger variety of uses and services, including a large grocery store. Mixture of Uses: While this proposal does not introduce a mixture of uses to the existing business, but rather functions as an expansion of the existing automobile dealership, the Property is nevertheless in close proximity to other mixed -use properties, as mentioned above. In addition, the Property is directly across the street from the existing Carrsbrook residential Neighborhood 3 Neighborhood Center: As discussed herein, the Property is in close, walkable distance to existing Neighborhood Centers. In addition to the Rivanna Plaza and Rio Hill Shopping Centers, it is across the street from the Northtown Center with a variety of services, retail stores, restaurants, and now a recreational facility in the form of a gymnastics studio. Mixture of Housinq Types and Affordabilit : Not applicable. Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks: While there are no new streets proposed with this application, it is important to note that the long existing access road along the front of the Property is connected to the parking area of the adjacent Schewel's Furniture Store, which is likewise connected to the Rivanna Plaza Shopping Center, which includes the Kegler's Bowling Alley. This system of interconnected streets and "non -street connections" allows vehicles to travel among the various businesses without having to access Route 29, as expressly recommended in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project continues that existing interconnected street network and system of non -street connections. Multi -Model Transportation Opportunities: The application continues existing multi -model transportation opportunities in that people can continue to travel to the Property by vehicle, on foot, or by bicycle. It may also be accessed via public transit, for the #12 CAT bus provides service to Rio Hill Shopping Center, which is a short walk from the Property. Parks Recreational Amenities and Open Space: While the project does not add new open space, by adding landscaping and other plantings where none exists today, it is nevertheless enhancing the Property significantly as compared to the existing conditions. Buildin s and Spaces of Human Scale: While the application is a partial redevelopment of the Property, and involves removing a portion of the existing building, the project does not preclude the future redevelopment of the parking lot with buildings closer to the road. Future building(s) can relatively easily replace the proposed surface parking lot in the future. In the meantime, the height of the existing building that will remain is proportional to the height of the existing buildings that comprise the dealership building, and will be painted to match the color of the existing dealership building, which will enhance that sense of proportion. Most importantly, the project will enable the existing successful business to expand in location and improve the orderly nature of the property by providing much -needed additional display vehicle spaces. Furthermore, the proposed landscape buffer to help soften the visual impact of the display spaces and remaining building, as the existing landscape buffer does at the existing dealership property. Relegated Parking — The application provides sales vehicle display parking that is relegated to the side of the existing dealership building. In addition, the Comprehensive Plan expressly recommends that all loading and service drives should be deep enough to prevent loading and service vehicles from obstructing the sidewalk and roadway. The project maintains that condition with regard to the existing service/access road along the front of the Property, which is critical to the safety and operational requirements of the care dealership, which involves the delivery by large tractor trailers of vehicles to the Property at all hours of the day and night, and typically without notice. As such a separated vehicle drop off area is critical. The existing loading area and service drive will continue to avoid obstructing the sidewalk and roadway. Redevelopment: This application involves a partial redevelopment of the Property. Most significantly, the project proposes an extensive landscape plan where literally no plantings exist today, which would be a dramatic improvement over existing conditions. The landscape plan is consistent with the plan approved by the ARB and Board of Supervisors in connection with SP 2016-11 for the adjacent dealership parcel. 4 Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Re -grading: because the Property is already developed, very minimal grading is required. Clear Boundaries with the Rural Area: Not applicable IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES & PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE The proposed project has no negative impact on public facilities and public infrastructure. This application does not request additional service bays and therefore no traffic will be generated that is in addition to the existing business. However, this proposed use would significantly increase the appearance of this Property from the Entrance Corridor by adding substantial landscaping where none exists now, and by providing additional sales vehicle display space, to reduce the existing crowding of vehicles at the existing dealership property. IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The proposed project has no negative impacts on environmental features, as the project involves the partial redevelopment of an existing commercial property. In fact, with the additional proposed landscaping around the display spaces, the amount of total impervious may actually decrease. SUMMARY: The proposed use of the Property for an expansion of the Malloy Ford dealership is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan designations and the applicable recommendations for this property and this auto - centric use. The success of the Malloy Ford dealership on the adjacent parcel has far exceeded the expectations of the owners, resulting in the urgent need for additional, permitted sales vehicle storage and display area. The expansion of the number of vehicle service bays at the dealership has dramatically increased the vehicle service business, requiring additional permitted spaces for vehicles awaiting repair and those that were recently repaired but have not yet been retrieved by their owners. Because the new service bays include those for large commercial vehicles, including fully loaded tractor trailers, many of the vehicles awaiting repair are these larger service vehicles that take up more space than standard automobiles. By freeing up more space on the existing dealership lot for these service vehicles, the new display lot will enable this existing business to more effectively, efficiently, and safely accommodate its existing and future customers. In addition, the expanded vehicle display areas will enable the vehicles to be spread out across the existing and expanded dealership property in a way that is more attractive from the Entrance Corridor and thus consistent with design guidelines. The proposed use of the Property for this use, in addition to enabling the business to better support its customers, does not preclude the future redevelopment of the Property with new structures adjacent to the Entrance Corridor. This is merely a partial redevelopment of the Property to accommodate the businesses' immediate needs. With a carefully designed landscape plan that provides a landscape buffer as recommended by the Frontage Conditions Map from the Places 29 Master Plan, and additional landscaping throughout the parking lot and against the remaining building, the proposed project will dramatically improve the conditions along the Entrance Corridor and soften the visual impact of the display vehicles and remaining building. In addition, the proposed landscape plan is consistent with the plan approved by the ARB and Board of Supervisors in connection with SP 2016-11 This consistency of the landscape conditions and plan will further the connection between the parcels and visually demonstrate that the Property is now an extension of the existing dealership. Other positive attributes of the proposal include the following: - The project allows an existing, successful business to expand in place, and important component of the County's Economic Development Plan. - Result in a more orderly use of the property and orderly distribution of vehicles throughout this property and the existing dealership property. - Provides more room for tractor trailers delivering vehicles to the dealership, by establishing a dedicated drop off area in a location where the tractor trailers can safely and convenient return to Route 29 without having the enter into the interior of the dealership property, where access and circulation and currently quite constrained. - The project does not propose any new entrances onto Route 29, only the maintenance of existing approved entrances that have existed for many decades at this Property. The access road / service road is particularly critical to the safe and orderly operation of the current business, just as it was for the prior furniture store and lumber yard businesses that existed at the Property for many decades prior to its sale to Malloy Ford. The Property and adjacent dealership parcel involve the historic use of tractor trailers at this property — they have been delivering furniture, lumber, and other building supplies here for six and four decades, respectively, since the furniture store building was constructed in 1955 as a warehouse, and the adjacent building was constructed as a lumber yard and building supply in the early 1980s. 41411300 3.docx 414713311 C