HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201800019 Proffers 2019-07-03Original proffers
ZMA Number: 01 -o 01
Tax Map and Parcel Number: o-o -0 - 3 o
Date of Proffer Signature:
Albemarle Land Development LL
June 26, 2019
Rezone 3.198 acres from -1 t -1
ALBEMARLELAND DEVELOPMENT LLC is the owner (the "Owner") of Tax Map and
Parcel Number r 0- 0-00-0 0 (the "Property") hick is the subject o rezoning application
ZMA No. 20 1 -o 01 , a pr i ect known n aS L`32 26 Prnffit Roads' the `{Project' ).
Pursuant to Secti"on 33 of the Albemarle County Zoning rdi"nance (Chapter 19 of the Albemarle
County Code), the Owner hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions li t d below which shall b
apphed to the Property if ZMA 2018-00019is approved. These conditions are proffered as a part
of the requested rezoning and the Owner acl n owl edges that tie conditions are reasonable. Each
signatory below signing on behalf of the owner covenants and warrants that they are an
authOT17,Cd Signatory € f the Owner for this Proffer Statem nt.
1. CONCEPT PLAN: The property shall be developed in general accord with the plans
titled '-;Zoning Map Concept Plan Proff�it Road" (the "concept plan'" prepared b
lei P Engineering P.C., dated December 17, 2018 and last revised ,furze 24, 2019 and
shall reflect the following major elements as drown and noted on the Plans
• RiAt of Way Dedication: Concurrent With recordation of the first subdivision
Plat of the parcel, the property owner shall dedicate a portion of the property
along Pr ffi t load as shown on the on '-AIan, t F public rlo1it of w4 .
• Right of Way Improvements: Within 120 dais off. issuance off, certificate of
occupancy of the " dwelling unit on the property, the owner shall provide
improvements within the right of way dedication in accordance with the ` R ' ght of
Way Dedication Section" shown on the concept Plan.
49 ParkinParkin2 Standards:
if Sig► l F rill F Detached nd Sint l Famfl tt l���l: The front �a ade
of single family detached and single family attached units shall face
ProffXt load. No individual lot driveway shall enter directly onto Pr ffit
Road; driveways steal1 only enter onto the 1nt m l road network.
11 , Multi -Family: Off street parking serving multi-farnfly structures shall b
relegated to the side or rear of buildings adjacent. to Pr fflit Road and steal
be accessed from the intemal. road network.
Residential. Units: A maximumof forty 4 dwelling units shall be built on the
Upon demand by the County, tli e property owner shall prepare and record, at 'Its l
expense, a deed or other instrument (collectively, The {"deed"') estabil'shing are access
easement for the purpose off. providing interpareel int rcoii n e tivit . The access easement
shall be for the benefit it of Tax Parcel 03200-00-00-029DO and Tax Parcel 046B4-00-00-
005AO and its owners and users and shall be located to provide access froln Tax Parcel
03200-00-00-03500 to any future road on Tax Parcel 03200-00-00-029DO or Tax parcel
046B4-00-00-OOSAO. Before the deed is recorded, the property owner and the County
shall agree to the terms of the deed, including the access easement its location, width, and
Albemarle Land Development LL
By Albernarle Land Development LL,
Title.- LLC I embtr
Tax Map and Parcel umber: 0-00-00-0 0
Th e urn d r i fined Own er h ereby proffers that the u s o and devel opment of the property sh a1I be in
conformance with the proffers and conditions herein above. This docuincnt shall supersede all
other agreements, proffers or conditions that may he found to be 1n conflict. The Owner agrees
that all proffers shall be binding to the property, which means the proffers shall be transferred to
all future property successors of the land.
WITNESS the fol.towing signature:
Albemarle, Land Djev110&QWt LL
�-�/couNrY OF �16�.�n�.r�e , to Wit:
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged fore me thisI-A
day of 201
by Albemarle Land Development LL .
My Commission expires: mare-h 310 C2 b-Q0
Notary Public
Barbars U * Churnl
Commonwealth of Virginia
Reg. 187406
March 31,, 2020