HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198000002 Action Letter .. .....:T~,{ ~f.,." \. .-,\) \ ~ C '%.J .. ....' OF (1,\ ,I r~~ f,,,-, e 'f ... K.ol.~" 5~ '~ t' 611 /1 '.':> .... '~~'\'~~; J"M <f.~ "..'" K If .,,,,10..... -" Ec..t{.fr~ t;:,,, :J . (~, ... " - J. ../ J, ' . ~ \ ..... ''''- Dqnn: bncnt of Fi.rnming ROBERT W. TUCt<EF/, JR. PIHECi"OR OF f~LANNrN:J. 004/2Q6-!'\0:2:'! 414 EAST M/.fll{ET STf'/FET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VlnGINIA 22001 Hor-.JALD S. l<r':U.Ci'< ,t..S!:lISTANT D,r--(ECTor~ or' PlJ.,.f.JhIIN(;. DOUGLAS \.'0/ C:CI-(E'L CENIOi, PL/,~-..(rJ~ f.. NANCY r"'1/"SON C.,r-'CI<TC.)N Hardl 21, 1980 ....LANi~En: IDeTTE CHARUI-- 1<lrv~~Jl::Y PL.t>.!,~.",~Cj:~ Shenando~h Valley T~levision SystUllS, Inc. Post Office Box TV-3 HarrisonLurg, Virginia 22801 Re: Request fo~ SP-80-02 BOARD OF SUI'EKIlISO.R.S ]lCTIClN Deilr Sir: This is t.O advise you that the ]'llbemar1e Count.y Board of Supervisors at its meeting Harch 19, 1980, approved your request for the replacement of non- confonr,inq Lrans'll.i.t...Linq to\'icr anu expano'ion of non-ronfouni JH! C'quip;':icnt builuin<j subj ect to t...he follovving conditions: 1. Virgi nia Department of Hi<.Jhways and Transf'ortation apI_Jroval of access; 2. Old' LO\'ier to bc~ removed wi thin 30 days of locilt...ion of new to\',Jcr. Sincerely, jgj cc: 1{'l'~<" , JdlK, Gloec};llcl: \ ]'lannj IHJ Dopa l.'l~Il1Cllt '- Y' .::).U ({. /'i '" '--.......-' File