HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900064 OSC PE Report 2019-06-27 OSE/PE Report for: Construction Permit: Certification Letter: Subdivision: X Property Location: 911 Address: {not assigned) City: Lot: Section: Subdivision: GPIN or Tax Map#: 103-70(portion of) Health Dept.ID#: Latitude: Longitude: Applicant/Client Mailing Address: Name: Clayton Homes Address: 4301 Seminole Trail City: Charlottesville,VA State: VA Zip Code: 22911 Prepared By: OSE Name: Stephen B.Vargo License#: 1940-0001113 'Address: P.O.Box 187 City: Scottsville State: VA Zip Code: 24590 PE Name: n/a License#: Address: n/a City: n/a State: n/a Zip Code: n/a Date of Report: Jun.27,2019 Date of Revision#1: OSE/PE Job#: n/a Date of Revision#2: Contents/Index of this report(e.g. Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch etc.) SOIL SUMMARY(1) WELL ADDENDUM(6) SOIL PROFILES PRIM.(2) CERT. STMNT.(7) ABBR.DESIGN(3) SAN. SURVEY(4) PLAT(5) Certification Statement: I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations(12VAC5-610),the Private Well Regulations(12 VAC5-630)and all other applicable laws,regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health.I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. X The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering,specifically the exemption in the Code of Virginia Section 54.1-402.11 I recommend that a: construction permit certification letter subdivision approval X be: issued - X denied OSE/PE Signature: Date: Jun.27,2019 Soil Summary Report 1 of; General Information Date: Jun.27,2019 Submitted to: Albemarle Health Department Applicant: Clayton Homes Phone: (434)973-1539 Address: 4301 Seminole Trail Charlottesville,VA Owner: Clayton Homes Address: 4301 Seminole Trail Charlottesville,VA Location:N.Side 795 Tax Map: 103-70(portion oJ) Subdivision: Block: Section: Lot: SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY 1. Position in landscape satisfactory YES NO Describe Open Piedmont Sloping Ridge 2. Slope 8 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata Max. 49 Min. 49 None X 4. Depth of seasonal water table(gray mottling or gray color YES inches NO 5. Free water present YES_ NO j 6. Soil percolation rate estimated YES X Texture Group III NO *Estimated Rate: 55 *All applicable regulations as well as the specific soil and site conditions(including the trench sidewalls)were taken into 7. Permeability test performed Yes account when the estimated percolation rate was assigned. No X If yes,note type of test performed and attach: Site Approved: Primary drainfield to be placed at a depth of: 30 inches at site delineated on permit If required,reserve drainfield to be placed at a depth of: 30 inches Site Disapproved Reasons for rejection: 1. _Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation 2. _Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock 3. _Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield,and/or Reserve Area 4. _Rates of absorption too slow 5. Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield,and/or Reserve Area 6. _Proposed system too close to well 7. Other,Specify (attach additional pages ijnecessary) 2of7 Soil Profile Description Report • Date of Evaluation: Jun.27,2019 Tax Map: 103-70(portion of) Where the local health department conducts the soil evaluation,the location of profile holes may be shown on the schematic drawing on the construction permit or the sketch submitted with the application.If soil evaluations are conducted by a private soil scientist,location of profile holes and sketch of the area investigated including all structural features,i.e.,sewage disposal systems,wells,etc.,within 100 feet of site(see Section 4)and reserve site shall be shown on the reverse side of this page or prepared on a separate page and attached on this form. See application sketch page See construction permit X \ See attached sketch Boring Horizon Depth Description of soil color,texture,etc. Texture Group No. 1 Ap 0-5 10YR 4/4 Loam,Friable IIB Bt 5-27 2.5YR 5/8 Silty Clay Loam,Firm III C 27-60 Multi-colored 2.5YR 5/8,4/6, 5YR 5/8, l OR 5/8 Silt Loam, III few channers 48"+,Friable 2 Ap 0-4 10YR 4/3 Loam,Friable IIB Bt 4-26 2.5YR 5/8 Silty Clay Loam,Firm III C 26-49 2.5YR 5/8,5YR 5/8,few l OR 5/8(parent)Silt Loam,channery III 49"+,auger refusal on quartz fragment 49",Friable 3 Ap 0-5 10YR 4/4,4/3 Loam,Friable IIB Bt -5-29 2.5YR 4/6,5/8 Silty Clay Loam,Firm III C 29-60 Multi-colored 2.5YR 5/8,4/6,5YR 5/6,5/8, l OR 5/8 Silt Loam, III Friable L 3 of 7 Abbreviated Design Form 103-70(portion o) Aqua Safe system/Reserve Drainfield Design Basis 1. A. Estimated Percolation Rate(minutes per inch) 55 B. Recommended trench bottom(inches) 30 C. Depth to restrictive feature or to limit of evaluation if none encountered(inches) 49 D. Minimum separation distance required(may be impacted by perc rate) 12 E. Separation distance in inches provided in design(1C-1B) 19 F. Minimum trench bottom is 10 inches,unless slope is>10%,then 10„ [(%slope x.01 x trench width in inches)+10 inch minimum] G. Is the slope greater than 10%? no H. If slope is greater than 10%,does greater than 24"to rock exist below trench bottom? n/a I. If slope is greater than 10%,and there is greater than 24"to trench bottom, add I'to minimum center to center spacing,beginning at 20%slope and continue for each 10%slope increase above 20%. If trench bottom is less than 24"above n/a rock,add l'to the minimum center to center spacing beginning at 10%slope and continue for each 10%slope increase above 10%. (For center to center spacing increase above the minimum,see the box at right.) 2. Square feet required: Loading rate: 0.81 gpd/sq.ft. 185 Square footage required per bedroom: (150 gpd/bedroom)/( 0.81 gpd/sq.ft.) 3. Number of bedrooms 3 Area Calculations 4. Trench length 90 Length of available area 90 5. Trench width 3 6. Number of trenches 3 7. Center-to-center spacing 9 8. A. Width required[(#of trenches-1)*(center spacing)]+(trench width) 21 B. Width of available area 21 9. Total square footage required(trench bottom s.f./bedroom)*(# of bedrooms) 556 10. Square footage in design(trench length)*(trench width)*(#of trenches) I 810 11. Is a reserve area required? X Yes n/a No Percent required: 100% Percent available: 100% •zr SUMO" vARGO COMMOSIMOU OP WWI Thf 103-70 OW NA, Nio-apatus NA.:fa ads 13, - G HOUS P/ EXISTIN r.31 N Ih'r^4 rt1/4.0) mrs1,4, b%La 9T co 4'S 1011.4 C./ EX WELT, ON AND OINNIIN Irgainn PROPGINVONANGONG AND'NU ANN ORM ON INN MA Nal&G MUNN ROINPV"GGZ he 4d ADM=ION ONAINFICAN,ROIE /\\\\ 1406,42-EGGO • N - 4- o , t Mr P. K 3E713.73;7I2. ~--. THE:SVEN*SUFFER'SEVICI.13l MO WAIL BE MAN ` ¢• P 1i0SEiCUDM-.0RMANCE. rd' 1 , 103-3114 -.may , •?fI ) • e -4. LOT 1 ► W. MO ACRES , _ _ I. . - /` a. ft 'jib. -f--- / / U r�� morose)int TMP .103-7Q- . TO LOT 1 UV190-71 ' ?�7 5 /�{.SE51DtlE _ MAW:htit MERE 1 'CUP 143-64 * F. LK G J SILT, 4 _ . ux+ Zip t *� $ n. '�,`,. �i a.96i.4so-... to y°�a '1.,4 4 „ 0. 1. 4•.a Cl -' ,� 1 F.!. - T2G85 .i.r_ s:3721Va .72 .a? 5 _# L= as.aa• far • kou.vi�`1!I[aA@ a1 11nr ---- A _' • ,,/ v..„ 1t= 934..1Ie 1 S7.1W 1.= ll<le SOS-- 25' Iwo tar SUEOVIT21014 some - -MP .103-70 CREATING LOT i T� ����p�rss` f�rry 2 COON. VZ I v;lil4 �fas. L LC GALE: 1 *. ice- APRIL 15. .20 i3EVISED MAY 31. 201S 6 of 7 Addendum to AOSE/PE Certification Statement For Private Well Construction Permit Instructions: Please check one box in 1-3 below. Statement templates for item#2 and#3 are on the following pages. The proposed well site shown herein, El1.Is located a minimum of 50 feet from all property lines. �X 2.Is located within 50 feet of the adjacent property line(s)but I have determined that the adjacent property is not used for an agricultural operation. Di. Written affirmation from the adjacent property owner(s)that their property is not used for an agricultural operation. Mil. Other confirmation that land use is not an agricultural operation,please describe: This lot and the adjoining lots are residential in nature. O 3.Is located within 50 feet of an adjacent property line where the property is used for an agricultural operation.For confirmation,I have attached the appropriate documentation pursuant to § 32.1-176.5:2 of the Code of Virginia. (check one below) ❑i. Written permission from the adjacent property owner(s)for the well construction. ▪ I certify that no other site on the property complies with the Board's Regulations for the construction of a private well. 7 of 7 Certification Statement County: Albemarle. Property Identification: 103-70(portion of) Submitted by: Stephen B. Vargo,OSE N_o 1940-0001113 This is to certify according to subsection 32.1-163.5 of the Code of Virginia that work submitted for the referred property is in accordance to and complies with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations of the Virginia Department of Health. I recommend a Subdivision be approved(Aaki— Date: Jun.27,2019 Stephen B. Vargo, VA OSE N9 1940 0001113