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ARB201900095 Correspondence 2019-09-23
Brent Nelson From: Brent Nelson Sent: Monday, September 23, 2019 2:47 PM To: 'Philip Forsyth' Subject: RE:ARB 2019-95, Dogotopia Signs, Staff Comments Attachments: CHARLOTTESVILLE - RIVIANNA (090319).pdf Mr. Forsyth - My September 3, 2019 email to you had the following requested revision to the tenant panel in the freestanding sign • ARB Sign Guidelines and the Zoning Ordinance require that internally illuminated cabinet signs in the Entrance Corridor have a non-illuminated (opaque) background. Revise the sign drawing to include the following note:"The tenant panel sign shall have a non-illuminated background.Only the text and graphic shall illuminate." I cannot find where you have addressed that comment in the latest attached drawing you sent. Brent Brent Nelson Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development Planning Services Division 434-296-5832 ext. 3438 bnelson@albemarle.org Information contained in this e-mail does not take the place of required zoning or planning approval of your application. To locate required applications for your proposal, contact ALBEMARLE COUNTY, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . From: Philip Forsyth<philip@creativeconnectionsva.com> Sent: Monday,September 16, 2019 4:30 PM To: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org> Subject: Re: ARB 2019-95, Dogotopia Signs,Staff Comments Here it is! Let me know if you need anything else. Thank You! Philip Forsyth On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 10:43 AM Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org>wrote: 1 Mr. Forsyth—Thank you for sendini . Could you please send me the entire s_ rawing package (see attached original package) with this latest revised drawing inserted in it. Brent Brent Nelson Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development Planning Services Division 434-296-5832 ext. 3438 bnelson@albemarle.org Information contained in this e-mail does not take the place of required zoning or planning approval of your application. To locate required applications for your proposal, contact ALBEMARLE COUNTY, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . From: Philip Forsyth<philip@creativeconnectionsva.com> Sent:Tuesday, September 10,2019 10:28 AM To: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org> Subject: Re:ARB 2019-95, Dogotopia Signs, Staff Comments Brent, I have attached the requested revisions. Please let me know if there is any additional information needed. 2 Thanks! Philip Forsyth On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 8:56 AM Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org>wrote: Mr. Forsyth - I have completed my review of your above-noted ARB sign application.The following revisions are requested to make this sign proposal consistent with the Entrance Corridor Sign Guidelines. 1.Regarding the proposed tenant panel reface: • Comprehensive Sign Guidelines for the tenant panel sign require a white background. Revise the sign drawing to indicate use of a white background. Use of the Tangerine PMS 151C for the text and graphic would be considered appropriate. • ARB Sign Guidelines and the Zoning Ordinance require that internally illuminated cabinet signs in the Entrance Corridor have a non-illuminated (opaque) background. Revise the sign drawing to include the following note: "The tenant panel sign shall have a non-illuminated background. Only the text and graphic shall illuminate." 2.Include a latest revision date on the sign drawing for these requested revisions. Please respond by email within 15 days of the date of this email indicating whether you will or will not proceed with these revisions.Your decision to make the revisions will suspend the 60-day review period associated with your original submittal. If you choose to complete the revisions, please email the revised drawings to me so we can wrap this up quickly. If you choose not to proceed with these revisions, staff will be unable to approve your application. Failure to respond to this letter shall be presumed to be a request to proceed to action on the application without further revisions. If you have any questions about this action, please contact me as soon as possible. Brent Brent Nelson Senior Planner Albemarle County 3 Department of Community Dev_._rment Planning Services Division 434-296-5832 ext. 3438 bnelson@albemarle.org From: Philip Forsyth<philip@creativeconnectionsva.com> Sent:Tuesday,September 03, 2019 8:49 AM To: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org> Subject:TEST Philip B. Forsyth CCVA President 540.847.3825 CreativeConnectionsVA.com Philip B. Forsyth CCVA President 4 540.847.3825 CreativeConnectionsVA.com Philip B. Forsyth CCVA President 540.847.3825 CreativeConnectionsVA.com 5 SIGN CODE: Sign Code:Temp banners allowed. 411 • Size at landlord discretion , ' --) pia Time allowed is an aggregate 60 days per calendar year(15 days 4x yr.) with min 15 day lapse Permits required. Building Signs: 1.5sf per 1LF of establishment/tenant space structure road frontage,not to exceed 200sf Per ARB criteria channel letter faces are to be white with bronze caps and returns Colors other than white allowed in logos only. Permitting:Allow 8-10 weeks. SITE ADDRESS: CHARLOTTESVILLE - RIVIANNAil 315 Rivanna Plaza Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 LANDLORD CRITERIA: TBV • • M C 440.209.6200 V g r O U p 800.627.4460 ADDITIONAL NOTES: TBV Building Better Brands theMCgroup.com FRONT PARKING LOT FACING ELEVATION Scale:1/8'=1'-0" `v' EXISTING CONDITIONS 241NCH 80'-8" LEASE LINE t 33'-8" C/L - 1 'T�s • WWI* dogtopia C/L ±5-0" ±23-10" . _iii -:10117.-741%,,, . ....-'3 .---- w CLIENT' TICKET NO.. DA REVISION HiSTORV: TE; CLIENT SIGNATURE: 8959 Tyler Boulevard 539051 5/14/19 06/06/19 DR Updated address Mentor,Ohio 44060 O�tO p a PROJECT MANAGER' DESIGNER' ii.t1440.209.6200 DEBRAEATMON CA APPROVAL DATE: ADDRESS' PAGE NO. 800.627.4460 \\/ g r o u p CHARLOTTESNLLE-RIVANNA ELECTRONIC FILE NAME: 315 MANNA PLAZA DRIVE 2 DOGTOPIA\2019\VA\CHARLOTTESVILLE-RIVIANNA Building Better Brands theMCgroup.com CHaeurrESVILLE,VA 22901 .. -..-..- .......... ... PRReTSME THE IXCWSNE PROPERTY OF MC GROUP.TIIK MATERIAL SHALL NOT MEUSED.DUILICAIW.OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PRIOR% TN CONSENT OF NC GROUP. • <*i FACE LIT CHANNEL LETTERS Scale:1/2"=1'-0" 20.9 total boxed sq ft 24 INCH ONLY CHANNEL LETTERS ILLUMINATE 10'-11-7/8" 16-7/8•x 16-5/8'=1.9 sf 24:x15-3J4'=E.6st. 16-7/8rx165�8'=1,9sf 10'-11-1/4",'6sf .1 _.23'.x3_.1Ct'.=.,es! c� 1.677/8'x.14-1/4'=1.:7i/ Jr`22-7/8'x 15-3,/4•=2.5sf :. 3'-7/8" © II © it © © • a I 9'x71' !,4s1 d=4-7/8" ' daycare • boarding • spa , 9" °" OM 29.1/2.x1$1/8'=3.74(.•/ . " r DK Ktivalst BACKER PANEL TO BE INSTALLED BEHIND DOGTOPIA LETTERS: CHANNEL LETTER;"p"DESCENDER TO OVERLAP IttrALMEELWALUKUMMUM LETTER FACES: 3/16"#7328 white acrylic `...".."...." TRIMCAP: 1"jewelite trimcap-Duranodic Bronze Raceway with RETURNS: 5"deep.040 alum.pre-finished White inside;Duranodic Bronze Exterior access lid Trim cap Non-corrosive Il ace ELECTRICAL BRIDGE: 2•'deep.040 alum.pre-painted white inside;Painted to match wall on outside Thrubolted` fastener; Aluminum backs P P All thread boned Angle Iron Stringer t1�� 1 Aluminum backs BACKS: .050 alum.-pre finished White inside or Wood Blocking _0 I( as needed • I 1 t I` ILLUM.: White LED's as required by manufacturer Seatlite conduit 11a+a 4 for pass-through_ , tv w ilhitrll 2 volt jacketed INSTALL: 6"x 6"Fab'd alum.Raceway-to house all electrical Painted to match wall; v-minimum _ COLOR PALETTE Thru bolted flush to wall surface using min.3/8"all thread fasteners - Non •o0 lot © Electronic power with wood blocking as required • RETURNS Quick Bog or • a supply expansion — LED illumination Duranodic Bronze / lag/shield bolt' a k Greenfield Conduct Weep holes 1/4"dia. BACKER PANEL: .063 Flat aluminum panel;Painted to match colors shown 0 whde Y exterior locaaonsony i to Primary electrical CONSTRUCTION: 1/2"Thick acrylic letters Faces&Returns painted White source Rat acrylic cut our • Pentane 431 Grey INSTALL: Letters drilled&tapped to accept for stud installation flush to sign band;Backer panel / to be flush mounted to wall thru same holes as FC0s;Construction grade adhesive •RACEWAY&BRIDGE - Aluminum Backer around perimeter as required;Penetrations filled with silicone TO MATCH WALL COLOR/ MOUNTINGQUANTITY: (1)One set required for Front Parking Lot Facing elevation p,,, ,, :,,,., --W=- _ ALL PAINT FINISHES TO BE HIGH GLOSS o.w.,r•,.rar.�..a 4"1.F..rp m-_ s__ UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED! - ,�� 44�11 rya - REVISION HISTORY: CLIENT: TICKET NOa DATE CLIENT SIGNATURE: 8959 Tyler Boulevard d O l.}O p I 539051 5/14/19 OB/06/190R updated address Mentor,Ohio 44060 O8/14/19JH Boxedsgftpertetter or PPO3ECT MANAGER; DESIGNER: 109/03/19 MO Added note to top lett corner about 0LS only to illuminate ,e.‘ M C 440.209.6200 DEBRA EATMON CA ADDRESS: PAGE NO. APPROVAL DATE: V ry et p 800.627.4460 CHARLOTTESVILLE-RIVANNA ELECTRONIC FILE NAME' Building Better Brans E theMCgroup.com CHARLOT SVIIVANNALLE VA2 901 DOGTOP AR8,HE119\VA\YE PROOTPTESVERTY OP MC GROUP.THIS MATERIAL SHALL NOT ME PRREPSa tII�1Be CONSENT OF MC GROUP. REAR STREET FACING ELEVATION Scale:1/8'=1'-0' �v� EXISTING CONDITIONS 36 INCH _ - ONLY CHANNEL LETTERS ILLUMINATE "'"-^P , - 1r s ±38'-1• ±18'-9" ±17'-10" ±20'-6" ±20'6" O/L (WI- C/t CAL NIB 3 ��....._._.. 2744274217. 1111311111 ±5'-10" c/L d o 9 to p i a daycareIP BOTTOM ±qLg• ni ALIGNED i k1iIT.. I REVISION HISTORY: CI ,NT' /� TICKET NO.: DATE: CLIENT SIGNATURE: 8959 Tyler Boulevard dogtopia 1539051 5/14/19 06/06/19DR Updated address 1 Mentor,Ohio 44060 PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNER. 440.209.6200 I DEBRA EATMON CA ADDRESS' Ir PAGE NO. - APPROVAL DATE: g r o w p 800.627.4460 CHARLOTTESVILLE-RNANNA J ELECTRONIC FILE NAME t 315RNANNA PLAZA DRNE 4 DOGTOPIA\2019\VA,CHARLOTTESVILLE-RIVIANNA - - - - -- BuildingBetterBrands !i the M Cg rou p.com CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22901 PRINTS ARE THE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF MC GROUP.THIS MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE USED.DUPLICATED.OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF MC GROUP. FACE LIT CHANNEL LETTERS Scale:1/2"=1'-0" ) 37.4 total boxed sq It 36 INCH ONLY CHANNEL LETTERS ILLUMINATE 25-3/8'x24-7/8'=4.4s/ 25-3/8'x 24-7/8'=4.4 Sf 36-1/8'x 23-3/4"=6 s/ 16'-5" 34-1/2'x 14-3/4'=3.5 s/ 3418'x 571/.47.=1.3 sf 25-1/4'x 21-1/2'=3.8 sf • 36" € 4'-5-1/2" C1117 PVC WALL WALL ---7\-0 0 0 . 34-1/4'x 23 3/4'=5.6 s/.• .ids mnsarerareessmisatemen 44-1/8'x 27-1/4'=8.4 sf--- Raceway with aIIcess lid Trim cap Non-corrosive - All thread fastener; r.----Acrylic face Thru bolted* LETTER FACES: 3/16"#7328 white acrylic Aluminum backs Angle Iron SMnger or Wood Blocking, - TRIMCAP: 1"jewelite trimcap-Duranodic Bronze as needed Sulfite conduit 'l� t 2 volt jacketed RETURNS: 5"deep.040 alum.pre finished White inside;Duranodic Bronze Exterior for pass-through t tr. i cable V'minimum ELECTRICAL BRIDGE: 2"deep.040 alum.pre-painted white inside;Painted to match wall on outside Non-corrosive ;;oI I li Electronic power COLOR PALETTE Quick Bolt or supply BACKS: .050 alum.-pre finished White inside lag bolt LED illumination RETURNS: ILLUM.: White LED's as required by manufacturer • Duranodic Bronze Greenfield Conduit Weep holes 1/4'dia. '� to Primary electrical 11 exterior locations only INSTALL: 8"x 8"Fab'd alum.Raceway-to house all electrical Painted to match wall; 0 White sonroe Flat acrylic cot outs Thru bolted flush to wall surface using min.3/8"all thread fasteners RACEWAY&BRIDGE Aluminum Backer with wood blocking as required ,mil. TO MATCH WALL COLOR f QUANTITY: (1)One set required for Rear Street Facing elevation ALL PAINT FINISHES TO BE HIGH GLOSS , _,, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED! ru ���we vk �� � WW1 TICKET NO.: DATE: REVISION HISTORY: CLIENT SIGNATURE: 8959 Tyler Boulevard gp i a 539051 5/14/19 06/06/19 DR Updated address 06/14/19 JH Boxed sq ft per letter Mentor, .2O9.620 44060 PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNER.MC ADDRESS. PAGE NO. DEBRA EATMON CA APPROVAL DATE:a 800"627'4460 CHARLOTTESVILLE-RNANNAV)I' g r o U p ELECTRONIC FILE NAME 315 RIVANNA PLAZA DRIVE 5 DOGTOPIA\2019\VA\CHARLOTTESVILLE-RIVIANNA - - _-- _- yr Building Better Brands the MCgroup.GOm CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22901 PRIM SARETNE EXCLUSIVE PROPERTY OF MC GROUP.TINS MATERIAL SHAU.NOT BE USED,DUPLICATED.OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OFMC GROUP. • .' Scale:3/8"=1'-0' `' 56.1 TOTAL SQUARE FEET ONLY CHANNEL LETTERS ILLUMINATE 8'-2-3/4" 9'-2-3/8°— 3'-2-1/2" e r-10" ..a reeuive r-10-1/2• I e 0 24" S -i♦1 ■1. 1 1/a•2a• — 24" O = _ _� 23.3 square feet 26.4 square feet 6.4 square feet zx Raceway with I ,,, �4� y access lid /1 ��P�! ' �. - Trim cap "Ili 2M. g Noncorrosive +a° ii:—r "'"°` "� TAll threadhe bolt fastener; ._---Acrylic face �' �. Thru bolted' � LETTER FACES: 3/16"#7328 white acrylic ,®, / Angle Iron Aluminum backs g e ro Stenger i or Wood Blocking ' • TRIMCAP: 1"jewelite trimcap-Duranodic Bronze as needed I ` `` Sealtite conduit ,IIIii i 2 volt jacketed RETURNS: 5"deep.040 alum.pre finished White inside;Duranodic Bronze Exterior pass-throughfor „.. cable 1/2"minimum ELECTRICAL BRIDGE: 2"deep.040 alum.pre-painted white inside;Painted to match wall on outside COLOR PALETTE Electronic power NQuick oBouick Boott sor ire I•O supply BACKS: .050 alum.-pre-finished White inside • RETURNS: expansion n .��___LED illumination a Duranodic Bronze / lag/shield bolt' -$ ILLUM.: White LED's as required by manufacturer Greenfield Conduit 1 Weep holes 1/4"die. OWhite to Primary electrical I_ exterior locations only INSTALL: 6"x 6"Fab'd alum.Raceway-to house all electrical Painted to match wall; source '. Flat acrylic cut Dols RACEWAY 8 BRIDGE 1 -r Thru bolted flush to wall surface using min.3/8"all thread fasteners '®TO MATCH WALL COLOR with wood blocking as required Aluminum Backer • RACEWAY&BRIDGE z QUANTITY: (1)One set of each required for Rear Street Facing elevation '\ TO MATCH WALL COLOR,i "NounnNC ME11100. _�,,., ALL PAINT FINISHES TO BE HIGH GLOSS r'a,'°Frr""d.•`�0ar "'E°'�ed It .. a.,.�,Ymo "r.a.., 8 :. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED! - R,.w 4-,r4ya��li1„ -- �_ ---v�._ - I CLIENT' TICKET NO.: DATE: REVISION HISTORY: CLIENT SIGNATURE: 8959 Tyler Boulevard d O9iT o p I a 539051 5/14/19 06/06/19 DR Updated address Mentor,Ohio 44060 • ♦ 440.209.6200 ` PROJECT MANAGER: DESIGNER: ADDRESS' PAGE NO DEBRA EATMON CA -"- APPROVAL DATE: 800.527.4460 I `/ r o U CHAflIATfESNLLE•RNANNA ELECTRONIC FILE NAME: 315RNANNAPLA7.ADRN `E 4 6 00GTOPIA\2019\VA\CHARLOTTESVILLE•RIVIANNA Building Better Brands the M Cg rou p.com CHARLOTTESNLLE,VA 22901 i 1- PINTS ARUM EXCLUSIVE PROPER1YOF MCGROUP.'MS MA-----------------�- TFJWLL SHALL HOT BE USER.DUPLICATED,OR OTHERWISE REPRODUCED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF MC GROUP. • • <> FACE REPLACEMENTS Scale:l-1/2"=1'-0' 7.9 square feet 4'-0"FACE TRIM `DOLOR PALETTE....... • PMS 151 C 3M 230-84 TANGERINE./ • 7-1/2" FACE TRIM9 to p 1 PROPOSED MONUMENT N _izwig I trimr V0: 21-1/4'x 3'-10' EXISTING CONDITIONS +�^ ar« do topic 1 CABINET: Existing cabinet to remain with retainers÷rs to remain FACE: .150 Flat white polycarbonate faces GRAPHICS: Surface applied vinyl to match color shown - QUANTITY: (2)TWO replacement panels as required REVISION HISTORY: CLIENT. ��tt TICKET NO: Doi T.L CLIENT SIGNATURE 8959 Tyler Boulevard d O\.[to p I a 539051 5/14/19 06/06/19 DR dated address Mentor,Ohio 44060 �JJ 8/9/19Viv confirmed face sae PROTECT MANAGER: DESIGNER. 09/03/19 MD Switched color placement per city requirements ♦Vgroup ♦ IM C 440.209.6200 D --_ DEBRA EATMON CA APPROVAL°ATE ADDRESS: PAGE NO 800.627.4460 CHARLOTTESVILLE-RNANNA 7 CT ELERONIC FILE NAME: 315 RNANNA PLAZA DRNE DOGTOPIA\2019\VA\CHARLOTTESVILLE-RIVIANNA • Building Better Brands theMCgroup.com CHARLOTTESVILLE.VA 22901 ___._._.—_------___ _-.. --.. MrnSAREINEDZW51VIMMIIITYNIKSNOW.1Nt1WYNL9INLN°r RUSID,OUPLIC°a0.011 Ona11M511 1PROOK:E°1NFM UTTNI Mr°RNRariINCOIISia'OPMCGROUP$,y