HomeMy WebLinkAboutHO201900031 Application 2019-12-16VOR {)f t M,1: t Su ()\'t l ttt) toOU v ( .. . .... T_u 0 C. Application for ►t Class A Home Occupation Clearance {trot 0CCUaation Class A Cleall-ancc = S27.00 Home OccuJratii�n, C.luss .-1_ An occupation, not expressl} prohibited by section 5.2. conducted for profit within a cf%Nelling snit solely by one or more members of the family residing within the dkselhng unit, provided that notltine herein prohibits the Decoration from engaging other persons who ��ork off=site and do not come to the doweling unit to engage in the occupation. Name. of Bminess: rf 0n i,,m Type of Business: �CC �d1y� -- I"a.ti wrap and parcel: Zoning: Contact Person ( Mho should sNe call.'tiArite cor.ceming, rhik; tiro ect" )_ V 0.iM1 hgbvv4( YY\. ja,_,L Address ( Vt ✓\f'--_�_t C`�tt /Y14v+�Q���i...t��� St.'c 1i{. �Q�0Z -- VL✓�_t — _.. t)avurm° Phone ( 1 J � �rl (3 1�,�,. -= � F •mail � MQ C/-'\i.._. 4•���^G� G �.. � 1cf1!vt Owner of Record �i�h/l(!A 5 _C0 "WI —AC Address DaYtIme Pholic t 01.' Stale Lip _.. Fax i ( ) -.. E-mail His certtftc'aie_ in conjunction AN 01 a business +tce:nse. repre's"Ills zoning aPPItrval to conduct the Class A horse C)ccupatioll identified ,.ibove Mach home occupation is subjCet to the folloNN ing; PLEASE CHECK EACH BOX SO THAT Ii' IS CLEAR THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RI'}UIREMENTS FOR-1-111S CLI1 A ArNCF LOCATION& AREA %Q0 4-,;l 44Ue.5 �lwC4-- 6In ((�_ (fir p The home occupation shall be conducted entireIN within the cfuelling unit; provided that not mare tftan tssent;ine (25) percent ofthe gross floor area of the dwelling unit shall be used for the home Occupation and further provided that the gross floor area used for the 1101TIC occupation shall not exceed one thousand five hundred (1500) square feet. --�ISection 5.2 (b) ])I G2 E TERIOR APPEARANCE There shall be no Change in the exterior appearance ol'a dsselling unit or other visible esidence of the conduct of a home t.tecupation. (Section 5.2 (c) 1)] P1 'S 1,E' No Dome occupation shall sell "cods to a customer oho cc,rftes to the site ex;:ent for goods th"It are band-crodied on - site and goods sold that are directly related to a heant}shop Or a one-c hjir barber shop home occupation. [Section 5.2 (d)) Courtly t.l AIlterimi-le Dcpat-tntettt € f'("`olli r)trtaiti' I3e�cloprnent f)I �'Ic(ntire ko<t(l C"17t11•lottes;ille. VA 22902 Voice, W34) 296-5,832 IFa!t : (43:1) 9724126 j 1, , Pw ,t _ 1 -RAFFIC 7 he traffic -enertit ,i }�. a ]tome o CU-)ati0rr shall net: exec-eCI the VOIur11e chat Nvoidd normally be expected bN a dwellutg unit in a tcsidcn!iol nciol.borhood. ISection 5.2 (e)1 PARKING All vehiCes used in a home occupation arxf all N-clticles of, c;u5torners, clients or- students shall be parked on -site. ISection 5.2 (f)1 L'ERFORMA NCE STANDARDS The !tome occupation sha111 comply with the- performance standards In section 4,14. ISection 5.2A (k)I Does the use involve procedures, machinery or chemicals that may cause the followinw? NOISE VIBRATION GLARE HEAT AIR POLLUTION NVATER POLLUTION RADIOACTIVITY ELECTRICAL DISTURBANCE ?SON -DOMESTIC WASTE DISCHARGED TO A SEPTIC FIELD OR SEWER YES NO ,.,�If YES, then applicable standards must be addressed m,ith a: Certified Engineer's Report (available from staff). Ly" PROHIBITED USES The following ttses are expressly prohibited as home. occultations: ( I ) tourist lodloing; (2) nursing homes: (3) nursery schools; (4) clay care Centers: and (5) private schools. (Section 5.2 (h)] t'F:11�'I>RS .#h�I) ?11OD7FICA"110�4: "bite above �t�inc3tarda are chgit?le for �tai�e-r or moliiic�ation h�the I'Ianning Commission. Ask staff fotmore information about applicable lees and process. Isection 35 and section 5.11 Owner/Applicant Must Rear) an(] Sign I hereby apple I'or approval to conduct the f iome Occupation identified above. nand certif' that this address is im legal residence. I also certif\� that I have read the restrictions on Ilonte O(xupations. that 1 understand there, and that I Gv-lit abide bti them, ign hire of Onner/Applicant Print Name _ ___ -- Date Dtttirne p'10111e nurnher Of- SiUnaIOr' Date I-'.NGlNI`I-'R-S REPORT ATTACHED: ITS NO ('ONDI-I IONS: _y N° Gcetp_t_S_�__l��t-e