HomeMy WebLinkAboutZTA201200005 Action Letter Zoning Text Amendment 1977-12-14• Planning Depat ent E041206.5623 414 EAST MARKET STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRG INIA 22901 ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. RONALD R' KKKF.KR DIRECTOR Of PLANNING A6615TANT DIRECTOR OF PLAW"#"e MEMORANDUM MART JOT RCALA RKNION ►LANNKR CARLO6 M ' MONTKNMORO ►LAR14RA TO: FILE //�� FROM: Julie Anderson, Planning Department(, DATE: December 14, 1977 RE: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION - REPEAL OF SECTIONS 2-1-27, 3-1-15, 2-1-14, 5-1-17 and 6-1-22 OF THE ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE AS THEY PERTAIN TO ACCESSORY TOURIST LODGING, AS WELL AS SECTION 16-2-1 ACCESSORY TOURIST LODGING (DEFINITION) The Albemarle County Planning Commission at their meeting on December 13, 1977 voted 7-2 not to repeal the above mentioned sections of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Upon staff recommendation, the Commission voted 6-3 to waive the yearly review of these provisions. ja/ cc: Lettie Neher, Clerk to Board December 13, 1977 STAFF REPORT L 1 ACCESSORY Review for Possible Repealer In spring, 1976, the Zoning Ordinance was amended to provide for accessroy in all residential zones. The primary purpose at hat time was to assist in the accommodation of an expected 2,000,000 tourists during the Bicentennial Celebration. The amendments were reviewed in December,1976 for possible repealer. The decision at that time was to review this use again in December, 1977. The Zoning Administrator has indicated that this use has not been a problem and that he has received no complaints. Likewise there has been little demand to establish this use. Should the Planning Commission determine not to recommend repealer of this use, staff would recommend discontinuance of annual review. Charlottesville and Albemarle county Chamber of Commerce December 12, 1977 Gerald Fisher, Chairman Albemarle County Board of Supervisors David W. Carr, Chairman Albemarle County Planning Commission Dear Messrs Fisher and Carr: RE: Guesthouses Reservation Service During this last year or so, the Albemarle community has been fortunate to have a service which has proven to be of value to residents and guests of this community. This service provided by Guesthouses Reservation Service is designed to be a liaison and contact between guests to this community and residents who would like to open their homes for overnight visitors. Conceived during the Bicentennial year, it was originally set up to provide additional accommodations during peak or over- loaded conditions. This it has done, but a much greater service has been provided. . .that of catering to a different type of visitor who would wish to see the real Virginia countryside and travel in a much more leisurely fashion. Operating as an information center and one who works with tourists, I can say this service is one worth keeping. I would encourage you to do as much as possible to assist and promote this business. Best re ds, Fre d E. Ferguson Executive Vice President cc: Sally Reger P. O. BOX 1564 PRESTON AVENUE AND MCINTIRE ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22902 TEL. 804/295-3141 Western Virginia Bicentennial Center Post Office Box 550 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Telephone 804/977-1783 December 13, 1977 Mr. Robert Tucker Albemarle County Planning Department C 414 East Market Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mr. Tucker: Mrs. Reger requested I write you and relay to you what we have observed at the Information Center concerning Guesthouse Reservation Services. Guesthouse Reservation Services has offered another dimension to lodg- ing in the Albemarle/Charlottesville area. There have been occasions where the visitor to our Information Center has preferred this type of accommodation instead of motels. There have also been occasions where all motels were filled and we placed visitors with the Guesthouse Service, thus keeping them in the area. Many communities that are involved in tourism offer some type of guest- house situation in addition, and as an alternative to motels. At the Information Center we maintain a policy of strict impartiality in directing the visitor toward overnight accommodations. Our staff shows the visitor what is available and then assists in making the arrangements once the visitor has selected a preference. Our feedback indicates such a service as Guesthouses is desirable in a community that attracts as many tourists as Albemarle and Charlottesville. Sincerely, .�y} Betty W. McLemore Manager cc: Cole Hendrix, City Manager Mrs. Sally Reger 1 F AL �y0PALCP Planning Department 804/296-5823 414 EAST MARKET STRMWP CHARLOTTESVILLB. VIRGINIA 22901 ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. ROMNLQ it. X;;FEI,SY.. OIRRCTOR OF PLANP41NQ Ai610TANT DIR: =-M 0a 1LAPl?fW;, December 1, 1977 MARY toy sf-46.4 GENIOR f'LAWNIAN CARLOS M. 1W0NTEVCt*-[t'a PLANNER Mrs. Sally Reger 147 Georgetown Green Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 Dear Mrs. Reger: For you information, the Albemarle County Planning Commission at its meeting Tuesday, December 13, 1977, 7:30 p.m., Board Room, County Office Building, Charlottesville, Virginia, will review Sections 2-1-27, 3-1-15, 4-1-14, 5-1-17, and 6-1-22 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance as they pertain to Accessory Tourist Lodging, as well as Section 16-2-1 ACCESSORY TOURIST LODGING (definition) for possible repeal. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Mr. Keeler at 296-5823. Sincerely, Jane Gloeckner Planning Department ]g/ CC: file