HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201500001 Agreement - Nutrient Credits 2019-12-17 (3)AGREEMENT ,. HA 1 BALL.; OF NUTRIENT OFFSETCREDITS THIS AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE AND SALE OF NUTRIENT OFFSET CREDITS"Agreement".i dated this 11 " day of Nye b r, 19, b and etw �� R&J Investinent, LC, a Virginia limited liability company "Seller" and Larry. Hall. "P r er"). REiCITALS Seller has established ffie Hunts Creek Nutrient Bank. (the µ+ ank") on approx.1mate 15 1, 0 0 acres located 1n B uc kin m Bonn $, V irgtnia'in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations of the Virginia Department f Environmental Quality ('"DEQ)and the Virginia.Department of Consenration and Recreation (`` :" '')* . , The Bank h&s obtained all necessary permits and taken all necessary actions to create nutrient reductions such that the Bank, has nutrient offsets transferable to those entitle re q-uiring offsets 'n acc rdanc rith the C he sapeake B ay Watershed Nntri ent C relit Ff are P r gram, DCR's Stoirmwater Offset Program, and the Virginia i t d Water Conservation Board * s Guidance Document and Stonnwater Nonpoint'Nutrient Offsets approved on. July 23, 20 09, Lo thaw regulated entitie q uatify inn for nutrient offsets. C. Purchaser desires to purchase from Seller and Seller desiries to sell to Purchaser nutrient offsets measured in pounds of nilMgeD or phosphorus one pound of nitrogen or phosphonts equals one nitrogen or ph s horus nutrient offset credit, as the case may ,, pursuant to the tenns and conditions set forth here i rl AGREEMENT In consideration of the purchase n'ec paid by Purchaser to Seller., and other good aaicl val uable considerat ton. the recei pt and s u fi c i c nt o f whi c hary he r� ii o�� l ed g, the a rtz s r as. follows: I . Agyeement to Sell and Purchase. Setler shall sell to Purchaser or its assigns. and Purchaser or its assignees shall purebase from Seller 0.81 phosphorus nutrient offiset credits (the "Credits"), Seller acknowledges and agrees that, notwithstanding tannin the pays t of the : urchas Price defined Below) contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of this Agreement., PUrchaser may be purchasing the Credits for use on future proj ts, and the Credits phased lie rein shall be conveyed by B III of Sale to Purchaser, 'its successors or assigns in accordance with Section 3 here4, when and as Purchaser directs from time to time in writing to Seller. Upon pad nit of the Purchase 11 ri c e , P u rb a s e r sha I l have u ch rights as permitted by later to re -convey all r a portion its interest i the Credits t 'its successors fir, interest r assignees for use on future projmts, and Seller consents to such re -conveyances and agrees to cooperate with and assist Purchaser in the documentation of such re-convevifmces. including deliver o notices u f such re-conve- anew t the D Q# C and any other ov i rig u . with Jurisdiction ver the transfer of nutfient offsets. 11urchase Price and Execution of Avareement. 'rhe purchaseprice for the Credits h 1l 1 .00. 00 pe r I b. [ o fni tro g en an d or ph osphorus I #o r each C relit foT a to to l E-1 urc h as of 4100. 00 for the Cn its. The Purchase Price shall be pal d 1 n coII c cte d Fund s on the date of execution of this ; eeme nt bar both parties. This Agreement shall he executed by both parties and the flurchase Price 'Iv the Purchaser within days of the date thisAgreement, unless Seller agrees in writing to a later date, Upon Payment of the 111ureha a Price in full., neither Purchaser, nor its r. nor assigns shall e liable for the paymcnt ofany other considcration or fee to Seller in C 1111ection with the conveyance or assignment and/or re- onvevanfthe Credits, . Dplivery of Credits, Ulpon pa,° ment of the Purchase Price, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser, its successonsi. or assignees the following documents to evidencie the conveyajice of 1 he Credits: its: (a) affidavit I*n substantiallythe same f o nn as Exhibit attached hereto, with the Pr j ect n umber f i 11 e i ., are d vdiich s h l 1 al so be de 1 i v erect to the DEQ an d, if appro pri ate, DC R, by Seller. berm. (b) A Bill of Sale for the Credits in substantially the same fon-n as :E hibit B attached Seller acknok0edges and agrees that Purchaser may request the conveN,-ance of up to the total amount f Credits purchased by Purchaser in one or more t ransa ti ons to satisfy the requirements obi one o r more permits issued by the 1 EQ* DC R and/or any otherover nin age all in accordance with the provisions of this roe re nt. 4. Re re n tati on ., Warranties and Covenants. Seller hereby i ts, mpr sents to and cove ants w ith Purchaser as foIIows: (a) The matters set forth in Reciials A and.and.B above; provided!, however, Seller makes no warranty or representation with respect to the el igibility of the Credits Wid hereunder to satisfy the PcnnIt requirements of any DEQ, DCR or ether pennittee. b Seller has and will maintain sufficient number f credits ire the Bank to consummate the transactions contemplated herein. Se l ter shall follow and comply. with all the requirements for maintenance of the 13 ank as required by the D .; Q. DC R and any other age ncy having sd i c Lion over the Bank (d) To the best of Seller's knowledge, there is no pending or threatened action or proceeding affecting Belled before anv court. govermental agency or arbitrator that would adversely affect Seller's ability to comply. with itsobligations hereunder. ( Seller shall be solely responsible, at its sole cast and expense, for compliance it the requirements of with all federal, state and local statutes, r u t i n. and other re q u irem e ac s applicable to the operation, management and maintenance of the Baitk (collectively the. Bank W u try.Requirements""). (f) That the execution and delivery of this regiment tin behalf of Seller has been duly authorized and such execution and deliver} shall constitute .the valid and binding agreement with Seller and 'is enforceable in accordance with its terms. I o f Seller's representations., warranti es and covest herein s ball survive (he sale of Credits under this Agreement and the delivery of the Bill of Sale pursuant to this Agreement. 5. Miscellaneous (a) Notices. Anv notice. demand or request hit h is required or permitted hereunder shall be deemed effective ivhen hand delivered. sent by a receipled overnight deliverY service, or mailed, via certified mail... return receipt requested to the follow n � l re : -4- Seller: R&-,Investment.. LC i cif Ronald ltn 15961 Goodes Bridge Road P.O. Box 559 Amelia Court House. VA23002, Purchaser: Larry l--lall 1949 l orth id Drive 'arltvill,Y9 l l 1"he Parties may change the adc1ress for notices by defivery of a change of address to the other part' in accordance with the requirements set forth above. (b) Brokerage Commission. Seller warrants to Purchaser that Seller shall pair a % brokerage fee to R.G. LC. (-"Broker"); and also a % water quafiq,, enhwicement fee to the Virginia Department of tr nmental Qualit%.' "EQ" in connection with this transaction. (c) Entire AgLeement: Modification. There are no other agreements or understandings, written or oral* between the parties with regard to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement all not he modified or amended e pt by a written document executed by both parties. d) ovenin Law, The va i i t v � int r tation and enf` r rent this ,A,greement dull be Lovem d and construed in accordance with the laws of the C ommunweaIth of 'Virginia. except to the extent that any a p I ic-f-ible federal L aw r regulation shall supersede Virginia law in r la i-n to the ratter set forth in the Agreernent. in w4lvh case Federal Law shall apple . Jun di Lion and � for any litl at ion brought pursuant to this Agreement steal Z lie exclust'vely in the state courts of Buckingham County, Virginia or the United States District -5- Court for the Eastern District of Virginia to the express exclusion of any otherjun"sdiction or venue. (e) iahle La Both pies shall comptv Wig all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules., regulations and orders in the conduct of their obligations hereunder. (f) Severability, 'rhe provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severable and. if any terms herein s hal I he h e I d I n vafi d, itlegal or unenforceable* the remainder of this Agreement shall confinue to he effective and Hinding on the parties. (g) Additional Assurances. Both of the parties awe to execute and deliver any -other document or documents that m av requested from t i e to time m by the other party necessary to perform such party'party's obligations tinder this Agreement. (h) Mature of Credits. The sale and conveyance of the Credits pursuant to this Agreeinem shall not constitute the convevance or transfer of am fight interest or ownership o real p ro pertN- or the B an k, nor shall s u h conveyan ce f m p o se upon P urc ha se r ,tny obligation, dote r 11abi t riasing from or incident - o r hip f an intere st i fin real property 0i AssigLigbill Pur has r may assign its ri his and hli atio n hereunder t anv person car er�tit �. Seller shall not assign its l i ar i on h r nd r e p t in � nn �:t i n } with a sale or transfer € f the real estate on which the ark is located, without pr' or T' tt n consent of Purchaser, which may not he unrea.%)na l y wiffilield by Purchaser. 0) Counterparts. This Agreement may he executed in counteTpafts, each of which shall constitute an original, and all f 'w h 1 c h shall together constitute one and the same Agreement. WITNESS the following authorized sigimtures: SELLER: R&J Investment, LC •a Virginia limited liability companv its PURCHASFR: La f • y . s: -7� G XHI IT A 1411 DAVIT OF NUTRIENT CREDITS I, Ronald Pembelton, certify that I a j now. and at all tip s mentioned herein have been. the Manager r R&J Inve tm nt; LC, a Virginia limited liability company (the-Company' .)* which i the o . r of the Hunts i reek t nt t o ate i n B u lei n a ou ntV it and as such I hereby: certify the following. Pursuant to that certain Acquisition and Sale Agmm rat dated Nve ni b e r 1, 20 I, *�T'hAgr t"), bet F n Company a Seller) and Care# *- Acquirer"")., the Company. for the benefit of the Acquirer, agrees to sell 0. and of phosphorus offsets and retire pounds of nitrogen (representing the ratio of nitrogen offsets to the phosphorus affsets at the offset generating facility) offsets to Acquirer: ? ]"he one p anv and the Acquirer. as of the date hereof. have l e the transaction contemplated by the Agreement and the Company has sold to Acquirer phosphorus offsets and retired 2.71 pounds of nitrogen (representing the ratio of . i ro ff tto the phosphorus ff t at the offset generatingfacility) offsets - The execution and delivery of this Affidavit has been duly authorized and is not in violation of the Operating Agteem nt of the C om pane or any other agreemcnt, document or obligation to I i h the Company is bound. V IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have duly executed this Affidavit as ofthy day of U&tb& ......... . 19. &J Investment, LC, Virginia limited liability v w Name T'Ifle: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, of 14L to -wit: AhahL.__ - company Pembelton om to and subscribed before this d o I' 1 * the i Noll; Public for and in the tion -tfore aid, by Ronald mbelt n, the Mana&fer of RAJ Investment., LC. a Virginia limited liability comp �F. N oM-y Pub] is My conimission expires: 0 9 154 la2ooZi) Reg +strain N o.: 11 Ito Acquirer: L qn� liall Name of Project: Northside Material RecovcLv Facility WPO Number: W-1 -00 l :event 1 W4 .. . .............. wic . �v .ram � •�$�:� .41 w? *# �'' •# �r •ter �,.' � OF of Tax PSI N o-: 03 2 00 - -00- 0 700 0 t. 0 � -00-00"I00 _0720 P� �100_0 - - 11 030---0 SMP Penn'lt : Pain Bank Sponsor H Cf 800-3 P r sect HU Co&}02080204 + Phos,ph r offsets: 0.81 Nitrogen offsets: 2.71 EXHIBIT BILL L OF SALE THIS 1 1 I-J., OF BALD is made as of the day f4 r11bt�� 1 , J Investment, C, Virginia limited liability company("Seller")� and 1.. I..1 1. (%:� r hasW"). Seller and Purchaser have entered into that certain Agreement for Purchase and Sale of Nugent Offset Credits dated November 1 .2012, the `'Purchase Agreement"). the terms o which are incorporated herein reference and made a part hereof, ith respect to the sale by Se l l er and the p urchase by P r= h ascr o f n utri e n t o ffset creel i is generated by S e l le r# H ants C reeR trlent Bank I ocated in B uck in gham C tv, Virginia. In consideration o f4 the payment of the Purchase Price $8,100,W and defined 'in the Purchase Agreement) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and f� i ienvy o hick are mutually acknowledged, Seller hereby sells, transfers, assigns, conveys, delivers, an sets over to Purchaser, its u rs or as -signs the fo llo 6ng nutrient offset credits :ineel *111 the Purchase gx ment): Phosphorus: 0.81 lbs. and Nitrogen: 2,71.... lbs. Project: Northside Material 1 c y Facillix WPO Number: WPO-2015-00001 Amendment L Tax Map No: 03 2 0 0-00 00- 0 7 000i 00- - 000 7100. -3 -00-- MI' Permit : fiend in . a Pr t H C+ 4 Bank Sponsor HUC 203 W11 ESS the following authorized signature: R&J Investment, LC, a Virginia limited liability manor : i)V� Z::- Names 1d Pembelton Title: Manager _1-