HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198100037 Action Letter e ~'l \)~ (.;0 OF ALer:-1'I . -lt~1.A (If AJ,:/ " 4/~( '1.,c~""" u "! "l'f,,;;;>\:~~ ~~ ~:,'~~'\~ji~~'.i~ ":),i.llitili ~;0f Depsf'h'nc'nt of PlCirl!ning RO!::ll"~RT \IV. TUCf<Ef<. JR. DIRECTOR OF PL.ANNING 804/296-5823 414 EAST MAPK~T STRi~ET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22901 Septenilier 18, 1981 RONALD S. KEELER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING R. KEITH MABE PRINCIPAL PLAI'.~NER NANCY MASON C/,PER10N SENl0R PLANNER KATHERINE L. IMHOFF PLANNER Boddie-Noell EnterpriseR, Inc. Post Office Box 1908 Rocky t1ount., North Carolina 27801 RE: SP-8l-37 Boddie-Noell Enterprises, Inc. 'Gen'..:.l c,'11en: 'rhe ]\lb~marlc County BOurd or Supervisors at i t.s mee'ting on Sept,c;rnber Ie, 1981, voted to approve your above-referenced petit.ion to locate a Hardee's Restaurant on 1.10 acres zoned C-l on the south side of Route 250 East, County Tax Map 78, I'arc",l 17G (part), s\lbj,~ct t.o the following conc:i j-,ion: 1) ncccss shall be in accordance with 'l'r(l'1sportation's lel.ter of August 24, 1981. shall be pel:'ni t ted. Virginia Department of Highways and No direct access to Route 250 East If you should have any questions concerning tllis action and notification, please contact Mr. ~on Keeler ill 296-5823. Sincerely, J1JJOJJ t. tA{!rJJJ4 Stuart L. Rlchar~ . Department of Planning slr cc: Dr. Cl1<1rles H. Hurt: !1r. Byron Coburn, 'JDHT Mr. R~)ert Vaughn