HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198100042 Action Letter ') · 1'''' ov~ () OF t\Lel:/\.1\ -______ VI/...' A O. ".' ,~,/,;, ~ i't.;.?1 ~ -::r-;:: -"i' iii ~y"",. "jl..'" ".>>)~"._ ',~ ~I:'~:~ r I .'\':.J~ " ot_o ";" ';. \~::,':. ".C~6- v) ~~\~' . Depa1l'trnen~ O~ Plannine ROBERT W. TUCKER. JR. DIR\;;CTOR OF PLANNING 804/2(l(j-~B23 414 EAST MAF<KET STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE. VIRGINIA 22001 September 18, 1981 RONALD S. KEELER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF PLANr',lINO R. KEITH M,\BE PRINCIPAL PLANNER NANCY MASON CAPERTON SENIOR PLANNER KATHERINE L. IMHOFF Mr. G"orge \'1. vJilliams, Di rcctor PLANNER Ri vanna Water and Sewer l\ut~Luri ty Post Office Box 18 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: SP-81-42 Rivanna Water and SeYler Authority Dear 1-1r. Viilliams: The l\.lbemarle County Board of Supervisor~; at its meeting on SeptemtJer IG, ] 981, vot.ed to approve your above-referenced petition, subject to the following condi t.ions: 1) County Engineer review in accordance with Sections and of the Zoning Ordinance; 2) No tree removal shall be permitted, except as is necessary for transmission line construrtion and maintenance of the transmission line. Construction activity shall be oonducted in such a manner as to minimizp exposure of root systcms of shoreline trees. Equipment shall not travel over, be parked on, or othen-"isc' encro~,ch on tree root systc,ms; 3) Compliance with soil erosion '::l.l1d sedimentation control ordinancp. In review of plans, the Soil ;:':rosion Committee shoul d be mindful of the conditions of apJ,iroval of this special use permit; 4) Approval of this special use permit is limited to one of the two alt:ernate route crossings, either Route l\. or Route B. If you should have any questions concerning this action and notification, please contact Mr. Ron Keeler at 29G-5823. Sincerely, JIIU"1L ---J \v. :~IlU t /f.JJv r)\i\/, rf. ,/VJJ W, 1l Stuart L. Ficbard DepartnlC'nt of PL:.wning slr cc: Mr. Layton McCann Mr. Ashley ihlliam~;, County Encrinf'er Chairm.:ln, Soil Erosio;l Commi ttccc Mr. Robert Vaughn