HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP198100058 Action Letter e . ~'l .. \\",,\ \. OV () e OF AL8J2:vt /!: __ '1 ~.., ^ :'\.' Fc'\ l/;) ," . f11"( /L l" ' " . ~ ;..',' \~, ......, \/.~ . ./.,j'i'" '\~ ' 8f>.~;r ?~_':~')~ ,~~:;{t"'~' ~? \,'",tf/ :>.i':--:..!.. .k...", / - "I;~t\~;y -~--- DIReCTOR OF rLANNrNG Department of Planni.ng X~~;}~x.:x-XX'\,,'i! ~"l. m\ IT7\ c~']I;'lfY',Y7{<r'[\n;T'i'T\":-W vyy,' >{H}:<,11bb:: \v. '",., .,;,.... ,.,.'\', \-01\V\::l"v .A.J'ct~= . .J..\ltt.'Q..~~(~\L.';, \~\/,\~"-,:>\I',:JJA.\:;~"(fv-J.\. COUN1Y OFFICE BUI LnI\'C; 401 McIntjrc Road Charlottesville, VirginL<l 22901 -cJ.596 RONALD S. KCE-LE"F/ ROBERT W. TUCKER, JR. ASSISTANT OIRECTO:? OF pl-ANNrNG R, KEITH MALlL PRINCIPAL Pl ANr-J~-r~ NANCY MASON CAPERTON SENIOR PLANNEH KATHERINE L. IMI-'OFF December 18, 1981 PLANNER Mr. Fr,mk Mil tOll !'>hles, Jr. 4025 Rampart Street Virgini.J Beach, Virginia 23455 RE: SP-81-58 Dear ~:r. Mil es: TIle Albemarle County BOclrd of Supervisors, at its meeting of December ]6, 108], approved your .Jbove-rcferenced applicCttion for a special use penllit, subject to the [011e'.\'i]1'2: condi tions : 1. Subc1 L\'isiol1 .shall be limited to eight (8) r13rcel.s Ctncl shall be in gene:':I! accord h1th the plat by William Morris Foster, File Nlmlber 6:;8, dated September 15, 1981; 2. County Attorney approval of deed restrictions limiting tree rcmov.Jl to the fo11owing Clre:1S: a. desigmted building sites as required by 4.2 or tIle Zoning (n.-dinance; b. access casements as sho\\11 on referenced plat dated 12-16-81; c. any area tI)at is graded or disturbed is to be st3bilizcd and seedell as soon as work is completed; d. gradinf; to be Jone pursucmt ~o a plan approved by the Watershed i'lan:1gcmcnt Official with respect to the grCtding and removal of vegetation. If YOll shcuJcl have any questions concennng this action cmc1 nob fication, p]e(]sc call Mr. Ron Keeler at 296-582~. Sincerely, )}tt(O}~~- i. ~ttffil Stuart L. lhch:lnl nl'p~Jrtlllcnt of PI mmi ng sIr cc: ~lr. r;corge B. t.1cCal1Lull, 111