HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201900144 Application 2019-12-31rch itec#u ral Review Board Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist ParC A, A pp]i qa rxi 011 LacZ and Pla `CAI lrr crrnaliGh Project name: Crozet Flow Equalization Tank and Pumping Station Upgrade Tax map and parcel #: 05700-00-00-03500 Physical street address (if assigned): 4466 Rockfish Gap Tumpike Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other): RWSA Crozet Pump Station No. 4 Contact person: Scott Schiller Business name: Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Address: 695 Moores Creek Lane Daytime phone: 434.977.2970-206 Fax: City: Charlottesville State: VA Zip: 22902 Email: sschilier@dvanna.org P64 $: P p.kMlp� ry Site aevogprtt il-t Plan - f� 'Yemenis Checklisl a Important Note: Submittal packages must contain (8) collated copies of all information unless otherwise Indicated. A. Written description of the proposal See Part C of the AmbitaottAral Review Board �] Provide a general description of all proposed work. ® Explain how the proposal is compatible with the surrounding area and the Entrance Corridor. B. Site plan showing the following (drawn to the scale of 1 =20', clearly legible and folded): ® Location(s) of proposed buildings) on the site. See ATTACHMENT A DWG C2 Site Plan ® Schematic layout of parking, travelways, and other improvements. DWG C2 ® Location of existing and proposed tree lines. Individually identify trees of a 6-inch caliper or greater. DWG C2 ® Existing and proposed topography drawn with contour intervals of 2-feet, and with sufficient off�site topography to describe prominent and pertinent off -site features and physical characteristics, but in no case less than 50-feet outside of the site. DWG C2 ® Location and size of existing and proposed utilities and easements. Identify type of utility and extent of easement. See ATTACHMENT A DWG C4 Pibina Plan ® Conceptual stormwater management plan, DWG C4 ❑ Conceptual landscaping that meets or exceeds the requirements outlined in the ARB guidelines. Not Proposed ® Sheet number, total number of sheets, date of the drawing, date and description of the latest revision. and contact information for the firm preparing the drawings in the title block on all drawings. See ATTACHMENT A _ DWG G3 E&S Control Plan 1 Revised 7128110 C. Appearance of the proposed building(s) ® Show a representation of the appearance of the proposed building(s). This must Include architectural elevations drawn to the scale of at least 1116A=1'-0" This may also include perspective sketches, or photos of the proposed building(s). These documents should provide a basic understanding of- ® The size, form, and scale of the building. See ATTACHMENT A DWG M5 PET Sectional and Detail ® The architectural style of the building. Circular Tank ® The proposed building materials and color(s). Dark Green Concrete D. Additional material ® Provide labeled, color, 8-W x 11' Photocraphs of the site as seen from both directions on the Entrance Corridor. See ATTACHMENT 8: Photographs of the Site from Both Direction on Route 250;, Site not Visible from Road ❑ The applicant is welcome w suomn any aaanionai matenai inat imii maKe me prenmrnary review more productive. drawings or other submittal items that clarify topography, visibility, utilities, landscaping, or other unique or unusual conditions are welcome. ❑ Site sections may be useful. Par# 0- ApplrcanT 4greement — Applicant must read and sign • Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only (1) set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files. • All information in this checklist is required, unless specifically waived by the ARB, prior to processing a preliminary site development plan review by the ARB. Additional submittal materials may be required, depending on the proposal. • Only complete application packages wit! be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without this checklist comoleted, signed. and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist. In representing the above referenced firm submitting this application for review, I hereby state that the information provided on this application, and all accompanying information, is accurate, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached plans contain all information required by this checidist. Signatureof person completing checklist Date Scott Schiller, Engineering Manager 434-977 2970 Ext. 206 Printed Name / Title Daytime phone number of Signatory County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 (434) 296-5832 Tel, (434) 972-4126 Fax www.albemarte.ort[ 2 Revised 7i28110 Architectural Review Board Application r t A: Applicant, Contact and Parcel Information ProjectNa>me: Crozet Flow Equalization Tank and Pumping Station Upgrade Tax map and pareel(s): 06700-00-00-03500 Physical street Address: 4466 Rockfish Gap Turnpike Contract Person: Scott Schiller Business -Name: Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Address 695 Moores Creek Lane —� City Charlottesville State VA ZiP 22902 . � - Daytime Phone (�34) 977.2970 Ext. 206 Fax # L } y - E-mail ssehiller@rivanna.org — owner of Record: Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Address 695 Moores Creek Lane City Charlottesville _ stare VA — zip 22902 Daytime Phone (_) 434.977.2970 Fax # C E-mail Part B: Review Type and Fee Select review type Review by the Architectural Review Board. Conceptual Plan/Advisory Review (for a Special Use Permit or a No Fee Rezoning) Preliminary/initial Review of a Site Development Plan No Fee Final Review of a Site Development Plan Amendment to an approved Certificate of Appropriateness $1075.00 $ 242.00 Building Permit Review County -wide Certifleate of Appropriateness S 634.00 Structures 750' or more from the EC, no taller than 5 stories No Fee Structures located behind a structure that fronts the EC Personal wireless service facilities No Fee Fencing or Equipment or Lighting No Fee Additions to ARB-approved buildings No Fee Minor amendments to site or architectural plans No Fee Building permits where the change is 50% or less of the altered elevation No Fee No Fee NOTE: For SIGNS, use the combined APPLICATION AND CHFR7.1<CT Rnu crr�ue FOR GMCE ❑SE ONLY BP# ` _ ARB# Fee Amount S -• .. __ Date Paid — ---.— By who? Receipt # Check # Coenty of Albemarle Dept of Community Development, 401 McIntire Rd, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Yoke: (434) z'%-M2 Fax: (434) 972-41Z6 IOQOI5 Page I of t OVER —s Pad C: Description of Proposal Descr*e your proposal. Attach a separate sheet if necessary. Installation of a circular above -grade 1.0 million gallon enclosed flow equalization tank (68 ft. In diameter and 40 ft. in height) by RWSA located northwest and adjacent to the existing Crozet Pumping Station #4 for sanitary sewer wet weather flow equalization. As concluded in the RWSA Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer Model Study (2018), this project Is required to Increase the wet weather conveyance capacities of the interceptors owned by RWSA that receive flows from ACSA sanitary sewer collection system in the Crozet Service Area to prevent Sanitary Sewer Overflow from occurring. The project also includes upgrades to the existing interceptor and PS. As shown In the attached site plan, the existing PS and the proposed enclosed flow equalization tank are about 260' and 410' from Route 250. respectively, and are not visible from the Entrance Corridor. Part D: Applicant Agreement Applicant must read and sign • Each application package must contain (8) folded copies of all plans and documents being submitted. Only (1) set of building material samples is required. All submittal items, including building material samples, become the property of Albemarle County. Applicants are encouraged to maintain duplicate copies of all submittal items in their own files. • Only complete application packages will be scheduled for ARB review. The application package is not complete without the appropriate checklist, completed, signed, and included with the required submittal materials indicated on the checklist I hereby certify that I own the subject property or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in filing this application. *See submittal requirements below. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the attached Plans cant ' 11 information required by the appropriate checklist. aA5 9 Signature of owner, owner's representative Date or contract purchaser Scott Schiller, Engineering Manager 434-977-2970 Ext. 206 Printed name, Title Daytime phone number of Signatory *Ownership Information: If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization includi, but not Limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or ngassociation, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious name, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing above has the authority to do so. If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application. ' If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and sco of the rencv. Attach the owner's written enncP„r I IP-010 Page 2 of 2 OVER —►