HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900049 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2020-01-15County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
Mitch Bowser, P.E., (Mitchell.bowserktimmons.com)
Cameron Langille — Senior Planner
Planning Services
September 17, 2019
First Revision: October 29.2019
Second Revision: January 15, 2020
Subject: SDP201900049 — Berkmar Drive Apartments — Final Site Plan
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community Development will
recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The
following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or
eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County
Applicable Comments from Initial Site Plan Action Letter (June 24, 2019):
[4.16.1] A recreation substitution request was approved as part of the initial site plan with the condition that specific items
of equipment proposed within the two outdoor tot lots, or "playgrounds" would be shown on the final site plan. The
comment response letter from the applicant states that "the detailed design of the recreation areas and amenities is
currently underway, and detailed plans reflecting the equipment shown in the previous exhibit will be provided prior to
final site plan approval. " Please provide more details on the proposed tot lots/recreation areas. This includes construction
details/cut-sheets for specific equipment items as outlined by the County Zoning Ordinance. The following facilities must
be provided in the tot lots/playgrounds:
a. The recreation substitution request allowed for a total of 8,000 square feet of tot lot recreation area to
be provided within two separate playgrounds ("Playground A" and "Playground B") in the project. Each tot lot
must contain the following equipment:
i. One (1) swing (four (4) seats); Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
ii. One (1) slide; Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
iii. Two (2) climbers; Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
iv. One (1) buckabout or whirl; Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
v. Two (2) benches. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
b. Calculations identifying the minimum recreation facilities required must be provided on the site plan. This
includes the total quantity of tot lot equipment, the pool/deck area, outdoor gathering areas, fitness center, pond
overlook and clubhouse that were approved with the recreation substitution request. Rev. 1: Comment not fully
addressed. Please state the square footage of each active recreation area in the note on the cover sheet, or the
label callouts on either Sheets C4.0-C4.3, or L5.0-L5.2. Per the approved substitution request, playground A and
B must measure a combined 8,000 sq. ft. The pool/deck must measure a total of 5,300 sq. ft.; clubhouse 5,000 sq.
ft.; fitness area 800 sq. ft.-, gathering area 2,500 sq. ft.; and pond overlook 700 sq. ft. Rev. 2: Comment not fully
addressed. Please label the dog park on the amenity plan sheets. If no permanent structures other than
fencing are proposed in the dog park, a detail of the dog park does not need to be provided.
c. The recreation areas must be shown on all applicable drawings and comply with the equipment and size standards
specified in Section 4.16.1 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. There is no detail
provided for the gathering area. The callout on Sheet C4.1 states "refer to landscape sheets for detail" while the
legend on Sheet C4.3 states "refer to amenity plan." A detail of the gathering area is not provided on either the
landscape sheets or amenity plans. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
d. Detail cut sheets for tot lot equipment must be provided in the construction details on the site plan. Rev. 1:
Comment addressed.
e. [4.16.3] The following notes must be added to the site plan, including Sheet CO.0, the amenity plan (currently not
included in plan set), and construction details sheet:
i. "Recreational equipment and facilities shall be maintained in a safe condition and replaced as necessary.
Maintenance shall be the responsibility of the property owner if rental units or a homeowners' association
if sale units." Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
ii. "Recreational facilities shall be completed when fifty (50) percent of the units have received certificates
of occupancy." Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
2. [32.5.2 (a)] Please add a note to Sheet CO.0 stating the most recent instrument numbers (deed book and pages) for all
recorded plats and deeds associated with parcels within the development. This includes the recorded instrument for the
recently approved boundary line adjustment plat (SUB201800226). Rev. 1: Comment will be addressed once sub -
comment #2b below is addressed. Rev. 2: Comment stands.
a. Sheets C2.0, 2.0, 3.0, and others still identify parcels A-D and the old TMP numbers, acreages, owners, and
zoning districts. These drawings should be updated to reflect the revised TMP 32-54 that was recorded through
the approved BLA plat (SUB201800226). Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
b. Please be aware that the easement plat referenced in comment #18 below should also be referenced on the final
site plan once it is recorded. Rev. 1: Per applicant response letter, once the easement plat is reviewed, approved,
and recorded. references will be made to the recorded instrument where applicable on the final site elan nrior to
County approval. Rev. 2: Comment stands, easement plat not vet submitted.
3. 132.5.2 (a)] Per the recorded BLA plat (SUB201800226), please provide labels across all applicable drawings that identify
the R-15 and RA zoned portions of TMP 32-54. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
4. [32.5.2 (a)] The existing cemetery location has been revised and shown on site plan and appears to be consistent with the
cemetery location identified on the survey plat recorded in DB 5107 pages 617-620. Please be aware that the Code of
Virginia, Section § 57-27.1 requires owners of private property on which graves or cemeteries are located to provide an
access easement granting ingress and egress to certain parties wishing to visit the cemetery. Prior to final site plan
approval, an access easement will need to be reviewed, approved, and recorded granting ingress and egress to the
cemetery, in accordance with provisions of the Code of Virginia. Please visit the Code of Virginia using the following link
for additional information: LINK. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Layout plans show a proposed access easement. Per
annlicant response letter. this will be reviewed. aunroved. and recorded throunh an easement apblication nrior to
final site plan approval.
a. The private access easement can be created with the easement plat referenced in comment #18 below. Once the
easement plat is approved and recorded, all drawings in the site plan that label "Variable width private cemetery
easement" will need to be revised so that the recorded instrument number for the plat and any associated deeds is
referenced in the callout. Rev. 1: Comment will be addressed once the easement plat application is reviewed,
approved, and recorded and the final site plan states the updated deed book and page number in the easement
label. Rev. 2: Comment stands, easement plat not vet submitted.
132.5.2 (a)] Please state the application numbers of all approved Special Use Permit and Zoning Map Amendments
(ZMA) that apply to the development in Note 7 on Sheet CO.O.TMP 32-54 is subject to ZMA199200014 and
SP199500025. State these application numbers in Note 7. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
a. Please add all pages of the approved Action Letter from SP199500025 as an exhibit on Sheet CLO. Per applicant
response, all applicable ZMA and SP application numbers will be referenced on the final site plan prior to
approval. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
6. [32.5.2 (a)] Please identify the minimum 5' side building setback line on Sheets C4.0-4.2 in accordance with comment
#25 below. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
7. [32.5.2 (b)] Please provide a table indicating the quantity of units proposed within each building. The table should
include columns indicating how many units measuring less than 500 sq. ft., 1 bedroom, and 2 or more bedrooms are
proposed within each building. Per applicant response letter, a table with the unit count will be provided with the final
site plan. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
a. The total unit count by bedrooms should be specified so that staff can verify that adequate parking spaces are
provided in accordance with the multifamily dwelling units parking requirements specified in Section 4.12.6 of
the Zoning Ordinance. Per applicant response letter, a table with the unit count will be provided with the final site
plan. Staff will verify that the parking provided complies with the Zoning Ordinance requirements at that time.
Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The calculation used to determine the number of required parking spaces is
correct, and the total number required (489 spaces) is stated correctly in note 18 on Sheet C0.0. However, staff
only counts 423 surface parking spaces and 66 garage spaces provided on the layout drawings. Note 18 states that
428 surface spaces are provided along with 66 garage spooavv��cooes for an overall total of 494 spaces. The site is 5
surface spaces short. Please verify the total number ofgarage arage and surface spaces provided. Revise note 18 if
necessary. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
8. [32.5.2 (b)] In accordance with Section 18-4.12.19 (b), please show the dimensions for the dumpster pad and associated
improvements on Sheet C4.2. Per applicant response, compacter and enclosure details will be provided as cut -sheets on
subsequent submittal. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Pad in front of trash compactor enclosure meets minimum
standards specified in Section 18-4.12.19 (b). Per applicant response letter, the compactor and enclosure details will
be added to the plans pending final design by the architect. See comment below for additional details.
9. 14.12.19 and (a)(3)] Please provide a profile view detail with dimensions and materials of the trash compactor
enclosure to verify compliance with the screening requirements contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Please note that
fences or other constructed screening measures must be a minimum of six feet (6') in height, as specified in (e).
Per applicant response, compacter and enclosure details will be provided as cut -sheets on subsequent submittal. Rev. 1:
Comment not fully addressed. Per applicant response letter, the enclosure around the trash compactor will be provided on
a future set of the final site plan once the design is finalized by the architect. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
10. [32.5.2 (n) and A sidewalk (and staircase if necessary) should be installed to provide access to buildings 3 and 4
from the four (4) parking spaces north of the structures. Additionally, a sidewalk (and staircase if necessary) should be
installed to provide access from the 13 parking spaces north of building 2 to the sidewalk on the east side of building 2.
Rev. 1: Pending Engineering review, if Engineering does not recommend either sidewalk, this comment will be addressed.
Upon further review by Planning staff, it appears that there is adequate pedestrian access and routes through the
breezeway of building 2 to allow movement from the parking area to the recreation area. No further revisions are needed
for the building 2 sidewalk. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
11. There are four locations where ADA compliant striping is provided across within travel ways to connect
handicap parking spaces to sidewalks on both sides of the travel way. In these four locations, only one side of the
sidewalk has CG-12 ramps where sidewalks terminate at drive aisles. CG-12 ramps should be provided where sidewalks
terminate at drive aisles on both sides. Locations are as follows:
a. Sidewalk on east side of travel way between buildings 2 and 10. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
b. Sidewalk on east side of travel way between buildings 2 and 10. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
c. Sidewalk on south side of travel way north of building 3. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
d. Sidewalk on south side of travel way north of building 4. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
12. [32.5.2 (n)] Please state the height of all proposed fences and retaining walls in the labels used on the drawings. Per
applicant response, profile view/plan view construction details of all proposed fences, retaining walls, and constructed
screening measures will be provided on a subsequent submittal showing materials and dimensions. Rev. 1: Per applicant
response letter, wall and fence heights have been labeled on the plans. However, full wall design is pending by others and
will be provided prior to final site plan approval. Once the full designs have been provided, this comment will be
addressed. Rev. 2: Comment stands, see Engineering Division comments.
a. See Engineering Division and Inspections Division comments for additional details on retaining wall
requirements. Rev. 1: Pending completion of reviews by Engineering and Inspections, this comment may be
addressed. Rev. 2: Comment stands, see Engineering Division comments.
13. [4.7 (d)] All proposed open space areas that will be privately owned shall be subject to a legal instrument ensuring the
maintenance and preservation of the open space that is approved by the agent and the county attorney in conjunction with
the approval of the subdivision plat or site plan. Per applicant response, the instrument for privately owned open space
will be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to final site plan approval. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Per
applicant response letter. a maintenance agreement will be provided to Albemarle Countv for review and approval and
will then be recorded prior to final site plan approval. Staff suggests providing the maintenance agreement as part of the
easement plat application. The agreement and plat can be recorded together . prior to final site plan approval. Rev. 2:
Comment stands, no maintenance agreements have been submitted to the County for review.
a. Prior to final site plan approval, an easement or maintenance agreement must be resubmitted, reviewed, and
approved by the County that demonstrates that private open space areas (including the tree save areas that will be
used to earn the density bonus, and recreational open space areas) meet this requirement for maintenance and
preservation. Per response noted above, the instrument ensuring maintenance of privately -owned open space will
be submitted during review of the final site plan. This can be accomplished through a subdivision easement
application. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Per applicant response letter, a maintenance agreement will be
provided to Albemarle County for review and approval and will then be recorded prior to final site plan approval.
Staff suggests providing the maintenance agreement as part of the easement plat application. The agreement and
plat can be recorded together prior to final site plan approval. Rev. 2: Comment stands, no maintenance
agreements have been submitted to the County for review.
14. 132.5.2 (e)] Please provide more details about the existing landscape features as described in Section 18-
a. The Albemarle County Conservation Plan Checklist and Chapter 3.38 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment
Control handbook. The Conservation Plan Checklist will need to be signed by the owners and provided as an
exhibit on major amendment prior to approval. The checklist will need to be provided as an exhibit on the final
site plan and signed by the owners. Some of the existing tree canopy on the north side of the development is being
retained in order to satisfy minimum landscaping requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not
fullv addressed. The checklist is not included on the plans. but it needs to be included and sinned by the owner
since some of the existing trees are being preserved to meet County canopy requirements. Once this is added to
the plans as an exhibit and is signed by the owner, this comment will be addressed. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
b. [ (c)] In both tree save areas, please identify the locations of all existing vegetation types that will be
preserved. Use callout to identify the species of each vegetation type. Add a table to the Landscape Plans that
identify the quantities, caliper, and height of all vegetation within these areas that will be saved. The landscape
plan identifies existing wooded areas to be preserved, but specific information on types of vegetation, including
species, quantity, caliper, height are not noted. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
c. The grading drawings and landscape plans should show the tree and vegetation protection measures that will be
installed to protect existing vegetation from disturbance. The limits of disturbance should be labeled on both
drawings and symbology should be added for the fences or other protection measures that will be installed. Rev.
1: Comment addressed.
15. [ A double staggered row with 3 PIN TAE trees are shown at the southwest corner of the site. In order to meet
the Ordinance screening requirements, shrubs and/or evergreen trees must be provided in the gaps between the three trees
and the rest of buffer landscaping. The buffer should extend all the way south to the corner of the site. Rev. 1: Comment
a. [ (c) and (d)] Update the Plant Schedule on Sheet L2.0 once the additional landscaping is added
to Sheet L1.0 Update the individual canopy totals, quantity, and overall canopy provided columns/rows. Rev. 1:
Comment addressed.
b. Update the "Calculations" and "provided" columns of the Parking Screening Requirements table on Sheet L2.0
once the additional vegetation is added to the plans. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
16. Update the "Tree Cover Calculations" table on Sheet L2.0 so that the total canopy coverage provided on site
reflects the added vegetation required in the previous comment. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
17. [32.7.8 and 4.17] Please revise the lighting plan sheets as follows:
a. [4.17.4 (a)] The luminaire schedule on Sheet L3.0 does not include a column stating the lumens emission for each
luminaire type. This information must be provided so that staff can verify which luminaires must be full cutoff
fixtures. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. The lumens are not listed in the schedule on Sheet L3.0. Please
provide this on a future submission. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
b. [4.17.4 (a)] Please provide documentation from the manufacturer that all proposed outdoor luminaries exceeding
3,000 lumens are full -cutoff fixtures. The cut -sheets on L3.1-3.4 are the entire manufacturer cut -sheets that do not
clearly identify which options are being selected for the five luminaires proposed within the development. Staff
cannot verify which, if any, luminaires will be equipped with full -cutoff fixtures. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
c. [4.17.4 (b)(2)] The manufacturer cut -sheets do not clearly verify that all luminaires will be shielded to reflect
light away from adjoining residential and rural area districts. This information must be provided for applicable
luminaires. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
d. [4.17.4] The Calculations Summary table on Sheet L3.0 does not identify what maintenance factor has been used
to calculate the footcandle measurements shown on the photometric plan. Albemarle County requires the
maintenance factor must be 1.0 for photometric plans. Please provide this information on a subsequent submittal
and revise the photometric plan if footcandles exceed 0.5 at the property lines adjacent to public roads and
residential or rural area zoning. Rev 1: Comment not fully addressed. It appears that the maximum footcandle at
the entrance along Berkmar Drive now exceeds the 0.5 footcandles permitted. Footcandle measurements shown
on Sheet L3.0 measure as high as 1.1 in the Berkmar Drive right-of-way. Please move the luminaires or revise
the lighting plan as necessary to comply with this requirement. Rev. 2: Comment addressed.
e. The fixture symbols used in the Luminaire Schedule on Sheet L3.0 are identical for different luminaires types.
Each luminaire should be identified by a unique symbol. Please revise. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
18. [32.6.2 (d) and Chapter 141 Please submit an easement plat and application to the County that shows all new easements
proposed by the site plan. This includes all new drainage, stormwater, public access easements, etc. The easement plat
must be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to approval of the final site plan. Per applicant response, an easement plat
application will be submitted to the County for review, approval, and recordation prior to final site plan approval. Rev. 1:
Per applicant response letter, an easement plat will be submitted for review and approval. All new easements created will
be shown on the final site plan and labeled by type, width, and recorded instrument prior to final site plan approval. Rev.
2: Comment not fully addressed. Easement plat application not vet submitted.
19. [General Comment] Prior to final site plan approval, a WPO plan must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the
Engineering Division. Please see Engineering comments below for additional information. Rev. 1: Comment stands,
gpplicant has submitted a WPO plan for review and approval and is aware that this must be complete prior to final site
plan. Rev. 2: Comment stands, WPO not vet approved. See Enineerin2 Division comments for further
20. [General Comment] The Existing Conditions drawing identifies an "Existing 35' R/W per plat in DB 569, page 32"
running across the site. The BLA plat (SUB201800226) vacated a segment of that feature. Please remove it from the
existing conditions drawing, per the recorded plat. Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
New Comments Final Site Plan:
21. [General Comment] On Sheet C4.3, the legend refers to an "Amenity Plan" for pavement/surfacing within the
designated playground areas. However, an "Amenity Plan" sheet is not listed on the Index and staff cannot find any
exhibits titled "Amenity Plan." Please advise. Rev. 1: Comment addressed, amenity plan has been provided.
22. [4.16.1] On all applicable sheets, please label the two playground areas as "Playground A" and "Playground B." Rev. 1:
Comment addressed.
23. Please add the Site Review Committee signature panel (attached) to County Approval panel on Sheet C0.0. Rev. 1:
Comment addressed.
24. [32.5.2 (a)] Under Note 16 on Sheet CO.0, state the minimum stepback requirements for the R-15 District height
regulations, in accordance with Section 18.8 of the Zoning Ordinance:
a. "Non-infill stepbacks - Front: For each story that begins above forty (40) feet in height or for each story above the
third story, whichever is less, in height shall be 15 feet." Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
25. [32.5.2 (a)] The Zoning Ordinance was amended on July 17, 2019 and the minimum side setback requirements have
changed for the R-15 Zoning District. Please make the following revisions:
a. Under Note 23 on Sheet C0.0, please revise the minimum side setback requirement so that it states: "5 feet, unless
the building shares a common wall; provided that (a) in the R-10 and R-15 districts if the abutting lot is zoned
residential other than R-10 and R-15, Rural Areas, or the Monticello Historic district, any dwelling unit that
exceeds 35 feet in height shall be set back 5 feetplus one foot for each foot the dwelling unit exceeds 35 feet in
height; and (b) any minimum side setback otherwise required by this section may be reduced in accordance with
section 4.11.3. " Rev. 1: Comment addressed.
a. On Sheet C4.0-4.3, please show and label the 5' minimum side setback lines on the layout. Rev. 1: Comment
Please contact Cameron Langille at the Department of Community Development at blan ig lle(&albemarle.org or 296-5832
ext. 3432 for further information.
Albemarle County Engineering Services —David James, diames2galbemarle.org —Requested changes, see attached.
Albemarle County E911 Services — Brian Becker, bbeckerkalbemarle.org — Requested changes, see attached.
Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson, rnelson(aserviceauthority.org — Review not yet complete,
comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
Virginia Department of Transportation — Willis Bedsaul — willis.bedsaul(&vdot.vir ig nia.gov — Review not yet
complete, comments or approvals will be forwarded to the applicant upon receipt.
Berkmar Drive Apartments — Final
Engineering Comments (David James):
1. [John A., ISP comment] Obtain and furnish copy of wetland delineation coordination with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers. Provide copy or evidence of permit coordination with the USACE for impacts to
waters of the U.S., or wetlands, consistent with federal and state law.
Response: Wetland delineation coordination is underway and will be provided prior to final site plan
(Rev.1/2) Comment still valid.
2. Submit a VSMP application for review. The VSMP plan must be approved prior to FSP approval.
(Rev.1/2) Acknowledged.
3. Remove sheets C3.0 — C3.4 (E&SC plan related).
(Rev.1) Addressed.
4. Show any improvements outside of VDOT ROW in an easement (landscape, sidewalk, drainage,
etc) and easements to be dedicated to the public.
Response: No public improvements are proposed outside VDOT ROW for this project.
(Rev.1) Acknowledged.
5. Show any offsite work in an easement (outside of property line). A letter of permission from an
off -site property owner will suffice for the purposes of plan review or record a plat.
Response: Private easements for offsite work have been added to the utility and grading plans.
These private easements have been recorded under a pirate easement plat.
(Rev.1) Acknowledged.
6. Sheet 2.0/3.0: Verify drain inlet location near proposed entrance installation.
Response: Proposed inlet information based on design plans for Berkmar Drive Extension.
(Rev.1) Are plans approved, already installed? It appears, based upon the profiles, that the
existing inlet will need to be raised to match the proposed site grading.
Response: Existing inlet location shown is based off design plans for the Berkmar Drive ext. Per
the Berkmar Drive plans, the top of this structure is 512.00. The proposed plans call for this inlet
top to be raised to 515.00. The grading, profiles, and storm schedule have been updated
(Rev.2) Acknowledged.
7. Ensure 100% capture at entrance so no site runoff flow runs out entrance into street travel
lanes. [VDOT DM,] Will proposed entrance require culvert(s)?
(Rev.1) Addressed.
8. Show accurate wall thickness & batter on the plan view sheets.
Response: Wall thicknesses shown on the plans have been revised to reflect the assumed wall
block size (11") and batter (4 degrees).
(Rev.1/2) Acknowledged.
9. Show retaining wall locations and footer depth on the utility profile sheets.
Response: Retaining walls and footers have been added to the utility and storm profiles.
(Rev.2) Addressed.
10. Structural design plans will be required for walls over 4' high.
Response: Structural plans for all proposed retaining walls are being developed under separate
(Rev.1/2) Acknowledged.
11. Show safety railing for walls over 30" high on the plans where next to vehicle or pedestrian
travelways. [DSM, pg. 22]
(Rev.1) Addressed.
12. Sheet 6.2: Tie in grading along roadway.
(Rev.1) Addressed.
13. Grading — Constructed slopes steeper than 3:1 must be permanently stabilized with vegetation
hardier than grass, which will not require mowing. Low maintenance is key. Highlight/Shade
areas where required. [DSM, pg. 22]
Li n ks/refs:
https://www.deg.virginia.gov/Portals/0/DEQ/Water/StormwaterManagement/Erosion Sediment C
ontrol Handbook/Chapter%203%20-%203.32.pdf
www.deg.virginia.gov/Portals/0/DEQ/Water/StormwaterManagement/Erosion Sediment Control
Invasive Non -Native Species
A Itemative Virginia Native
Common Name
Common Name
Scientf is Name
Common Read
Great bulrush
Schoenooeclus tabernaemonfam
Common Cattail
Typha latifofia
Chinese Lespedaza
Birdsfoot Trefoil
Orchard Grass
Weeping Lovegrass
Roundheaded hushclover
Lespedem capitata
Patrid a pea
Chamaecnsta fasoculata
Butlerfl eed
Asc+epeas tuberosa
Joe-pye weed
Eutrochium dubeum
Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckja Ugida
Big blue stem
Andropogan geraro'ie
Indian grass
Sorghastrurn nulans
Side oats grams
8ouleloua curnpendula
Roundheaded hushclover
Lespedeza capitata
Patridge pea
Chamaecnsta fasciculata
Big blue stem
Andropogon gerardie
Little blue stem
Schfzachyrium scoparnurrm
Indian grass
Sorghastrum nutans
Swntchgra ss
Panicum vergatum
Tali Fescue
Big blue stem
Andropogon geraro'ie
Little blue stem
Schizachyrfum scopanum
Indian grass
Sorghastrurn nulans
Panicum vergatum
Andropogon virginicus
Oichanthehum clandestrnum
Side oats grams
Bouleloua curtpendula
Canadian vwldrye
E7ymus canadensrs
Bottlebmsh grass
E7ymus hyslnx
Virginia wildrye
Bymus virgrnicus
(Rev.1/2) Not addressed. You can show these areas on the landscaping or grading plan. Please
label slopes 3:1 and steeper.
14. Sheet 4.0 - 4.2:
a. Label/callout the inner parking lot curbing with VDOT designations. If no curb required,
label the EOP.
b. Label/callout CG-12.
c. Label all sidewalk widths.
d. Callout where any transitions occur.
(Rev.1) Addressed.
15. Sheet 6.1/etc:
a. Add drain inlet before curb bumpout and gutter along parking near buildings 1 & 3.
b. Correct the grading near Mail Kiosk. The slope appears to exceed 2:1. [DSM, pg. 22]
(Rev.1) Addressed.
c. (Rev.2) Correct the arrow pointing to the HD separator.
16. Sheet 6.3/6.4:
a. Show profile for pipes & structures shown on Sheet 6.2, Inset 1-2.
b. Show pipe runs: Storm 5 to 3, 3 to 1, 61 to 3.
c. Show HGL, Label pipe crossing's separation distance, ensure 1' min.
d. Provide 2.0' or% D minimum cover (whichever is greater). Ensure cover is adequate for
pipes 6 - 12.
(Rev.1) Partially addressed. It looks like some of the pipe are operating under pressure under
design flow HGL. The network should operate under open channel flow where no pressure
situations exist. {DSM, section 61. The HGL is near the surface for str. 37 & 39 and the top inlets
should be raised. All other pipes should be made water tight double walled/sealed where HGL
above them.
(Rev.2) Use of 18" pipe instead of 15" to lower the HGL some is recommended.
17. Sheet 6.5/etc:
a. Access hole spacing is 50' (max) for 12" dia. pipe or less.
b. Show tables for pipes & structures shown on Sheet 6.2, Inset 1-2.
(Rev.1) Addressed.
18. Sheet 7.0/7.1: Label/show TOC line, LOD.
Response: Sheets 7.0 & 7.1 have been removed from this plan set and moved to the WPO plan
(Rev.1) Acknowledged.
19. Sheet 7.2: Label/show catchment areas, TOC, Q for the inlet structures. Provide inlet design
Response: The Inlet Drainage Area Map has been renumbered as sheet C6.8. Catchment areas
and runoff coefficients are labeled on this sheet, and corresponding inlet design calculations are
found on sheet C6.9.
(Rev.1) Addressed.
20. Label d-fite-heS -R, r-hannel-r. Previde design eales. Show geeFnetFy and adeqUate lining
21. Show culverts are designed adequately (calcs).
(Rev.1) Addressed.
22. Show storm drain pipes are designed adequately (calcs).
(Rev.1) Addressed.
23. Show entrances with a VDOT designation (PE-1, CG-9a, etc).
(Rev.1/2) Not addressed.
27. Show street address sign at entrance & at opposite side from stop sign.
(Rev.1) Addressed.
28. Show 10' wide (min) vehicle maintenance access to the SWM facility's forebay & riser structure.
(DSM, pg. 121
Response: SWM access easement will be finalized upon revised VSMP plan pending comments
from County review.
(Rev.1) Acknowledged.
29. Provide estimate of cut/fill volumes for the entrance road & for the total site.
(Rev.1/2) Please provide this estimate on the VSMP plan.
30. (Rev.1) Sheet 6.2: Adjust grading at entrance to be 2:1 or under. The slope there appears to be
as much as 70%.
(Rev.2) Addressed.
31. (Rev.1) Sheets 6.3-6.6: Add note that safety slabs (SL-1) are required in any structure taller than
(Rev.2) Addressed.
32 (Rev.!) Add guardrail -,IORg the t--.rp 9f r ght9Wt I-...,,
(Rev.2) Comment withdrawn.
33 (Rev.!) Add gFiPpiAgail F„r ci.J. .A.9aIL- At Co% „ eateF .,rage
(Rev.2) Comment withdrawn.
Note: There is some disagreement between the drawing and GIS where existing site features are
shown. For example, the existing stream to the north and pond is shown inside the property
line. On GIS it's outside.
Note: Stormwater management / Drainage design will be reviewed for local/state compliance
with the VSMP plan.
Review Comments for SDP201900049 lFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name: Berkmar Drive Apartments - Final
Date Completed: Monday, December 23, 201 DepartmentlaivisionfAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Brian Becker ADD E911 Requested changes
Critical Issues
Access road off Berkmar Dr_ 1 State Road 1403 requires a road name_
The access road into the apartment complex serves 10 buildings and will require a road name, per the Albemarle County Road
Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance, Sec_ i-200, Part B (page 2 of the PDF)=
'It is intended by this article that all roads within the county which serve or are designed to serve three (3) or more dwelling
units or business structures shall be named...'
Please provide this office at least three alternative road names for review, in case your first choices are not acceptable_ The
Albemarle County Master Road Names Directory can be accessed at the link in the Resources section_
A PDF version of the Ordinance and Manual can be found here:
Albemarle County Master Road Names Directory_ http:llwwuv_albemarle_orglalbemarleluploadlimageslwebappslroadsl_
Parcel and mapping information can be found here: http:llgis eb_albemarle_orgl
If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office_
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: O'I1'151 2020