HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200900053 Approval - Agencies Health Department Approval 2010-06-02 o f t '\ .��� iPX.
In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALBEMARLE-CHARLOTTESVILLE
State Department of Health �� FLE CO NA COUNTY )
Phone(434)972-6219 P. O. Box 7546 NELSON COUNTY(LOVINGSTON)
Fax (434)972-4310
Charlottesville, Virginia 22906
June 2,2010
Elizabeth M.Marotta
Department of Planning and Community Development
Division of Zoning and Current Development
401 McIntire Road,Room 227
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for Individual
Onsite Sewage Systems as part of a division of Tax Map 86 Parcel 83 located in
Albemarle County,Virginia.
Dear Ms.Marotta:
On April 5,2010,the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of Health(via the Albemarle
County Health Department)review the proposed subdivision plat identified above.This letter is to inform you
that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved for individual Onsite Sewage Systems in
accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia,the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations,
and local ordinances.
This request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of§ 32.1-163.5 of the Code of
Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an
Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator(AOSE)or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an AOSE for
- residential development. This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's
regulations by:William J.Loth;Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator Number 237. This subdivision
approval is issued in reliance upon that certification.
Pursuant to§.360 of the Regulations this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System
Construction Permits will be issued for any lot in the subdivision identified above unless that lot is specifically
identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system,and
unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the
time of this approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage
This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances.
Josh Kirtley
Environmental Health Specialist Senior
Afton Cc r
n Soil Consulting,LLC. 4 ” `
Willia n •
j.Loth,.IV,AOSE #237 s:
222 Sycamore Lane
Afton,Virginia 22920-2425
AOSE/PE Report for
Subdivision Review
Location of Property: Lot 4(revised) Section F Subdivision Bundoran Farm,Albemarle County
GPIN or Tax Map#86-83,
Applicant or Client and address: Prepared by:
Edge Valley Preservation LLC William J.Loth,IV,AOSE#237
P.O.Box 1311 - Afton Soil Consulting,LLC
Hot Springs.VA 24445 222 Sycamore Lane
Afton,Virginia 22920-2425
( ) -
Date of Report: March 29,2010 _ Health Department ID.No.:
Revision Date:
Contents/Index of this Report
Cover Page ..: Plat
Soil Summary Report ,
Soil Profile Descriptions w/Design Basis'&Calculations
1"=100'Plat w/Soil Boring and Proposed Well Locations
I hereby certify -that the evaluations and/or designs
contained herein were conducted hi accordance with the .0N
, �1ealtb
Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VACS \\ � ° °. ��' ��i��
610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-615), and .\� ®
other applicable policies of the Virginia Department of ,,
Health. Furthermore, I certify that my evaluation:and/or i .:_
design'contained herein complies with all applicable laws, — a N r''
regulations, and policies implemented by the Virginia .3`2cAe
Department of Health.
I recommend a Subdivision be approved: //1 ®sE0,31-
Page 2 of 6
• VDH Use Only
Commonwealth of Virginia Health Department IDi#
Application for: E Sewage System ►1 Water Supply Due Date:
Owner: Edge Valley Preservation LLC Phone: ( ) -. .
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 1311 Phone: ( ) -.
Hot Springs,VA 24445. • Fax: ( ) -
Agent: Leif Riddervold,Bundoran Farm Phone: (434)295-3700
Mailing Address: Phone:: ( ) -
Fax: ( ) .
Site Address:
Directions to Property: North side of.Carpenter Rd.
Subdivision: Bundoran Farm Section: F -` Block: Lot 4
Tax Map: 86-83 Other Property Identification: Dimension/Acreage of Property: ,23.242
Sewage System - -
Type of Approval:Applicants for new construction are advised to apply for a certification Fetter to determine if land is suitable for a
sewage system and to apply fora construction permit(valid for 18 months)only when ready to build.
For New Construction: ; ❑ Certification Letter _1 ❑ Construction Permit t Subdivision Review
For Existing Construction_ i 0 Repair 1 ❑ Modification 1 0 Expansion ID Replacement
Proposed Use:
►Z1 Single Family Home umber of Bedrooms 4,) I 0 Multi-Family Dwelling(Total Number of Bedrooms )_
❑ Other(describe)
Will there be a basement: ►1 Yes 0 No If yes,will there be fixtures in the Basement? 1 Yes:❑ No
Are any conditions_proposed on this construction permit? ❑ Yes e No If yes,please check or describe all proposed
Conditions that apply: 1 ❑.Reduced Water Flow 1 0 Limited Occupancy ( 0Intermittent or seasonal use
ID Temporary use not to exceed 1 year ; ❑ Other(describe) . ` '`' �ai l ep /'/,�
Water Supply _ ^• C$'.• '.
Will the water supply be El Public or El Private Is the Water supply El Existing or Or Proposed .c•s'a
If proposed,is this a replacement well? ❑ Yes ® No Will the oldwell be abandoned❑ Yes ❑ NO vrr
Have any buildings within 100'of the proposed well been termite treated?0 Yes No _ �_ ; •
_ All A plicants. �_- _ ///��,9�OSE9itS? N.
Is this an AOSE/PE application. CI Yes ❑ No If yes,is the AOSE/PE package attached. ► Yes ❑ No
In order for VDH to process your application you must attach a site sketch and plat of the property.The site sketch should show your property lines,-
actual and/or proposed buildings and the desired location of your well and/or sewage system.When the site evaluation is conducted the property lines,
building location and the proposed well and sewage system sites must be clearly marked and the property sufficiently visible to see the topography,
otherwise this application will be denied
I give permission to the Virginia Department of Health(VDH)to enter onto the property described during normal business hours for the purpose of
processing this application and to perform quality assurance checks of evaluations and designs certified by an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator' . -
(AOSE)or a Professional Engineer(PE)as necessary until the sewage disposal system has been constructed and approved. . .
Signature of Owner/Agent Dale ..
Page 3 of 6
Soil Summary Report
General Information
Date:6/6/6 = ` Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department
Applicant: Leif Riddervold,Bundoran Farm Telephone: (434)295-3700
Owner. Edge Valley Preservation LLC: ; Address: P.O.Box 1311,Hot Springs,VA 24445
_ Location: North side of Carpenter Rd. T
Tax Map: 86-83 I Subdivision:Bundoran Farm
Block/Section: F: ¢ Lot: 4
Soil Information Summary •
1. Position in landscape satisfactory? Yes ►� No ❑
Describe: footslope
2., Slope 17
3. Depth to Rock or impervious strata: Max. in. I Min.60+in.
4. Depth to seasonal water table(gray mottling or gray color).No /i/ Yes ❑ Inches
5. Free water present No !:t Yes 0 range in inches -- T
Yes Texture Group I ❑ lI ❑ III /1 IV ❑
6. Soil percolation rate estimated? — ----
No 0 . ; Estimated rate 55 min/inch.
7.Permeability test performed Yes. ❑ No /11
If yes,note type of test performed and attach
Drainfield to be placed at 18-48"depth at site designated on plat and
utilizing a pretreatment unit with current general approval from VDH
capable of providing Secondary Effluent to the drainfield in accordance
®Site Approved with 12 VAC 5-610-594.and 12 VAC 5-610-596,and drip dispersal. Drip
dispersal design and installation shall adhere to the requirements of GMP
#107. •
Site Disapproved
Reason for Rejection
1. j ❑ Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation
2. ❑ I Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock
3. Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seasonal water table _
U1111 Rates of absorption too slow.
5. ❑Tlnsufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield,and or reserve area `xticntrttrrr����/
6. ❑_l_Proposed system too close to well ......-_ � ea Oi' i,
7. 0 1 Other Specify I �. gip,••
.. .. ... - u a n P
�1 �e iM1naa It 9 •
"11/ /�SEi#'Z�t‘`.
Page 4 of 6
Bundoran Farm,Lot F-4
Albemarle County
Soil Profile
Hole Horizon Depth(in) L Material Description : Txt.Grp.
1 Ap 0-9 5yr3/3 dark reddish brown Silt Loam 3
BtC 9-60 -2.5yr3I6 dark red Light Silty Clay Loam with common highly weathered gneiss : 3
2 Ap 0-3 5yr3/3 reddish brown Silt Loam 3
AE 3-9 7.5yr4/4 brown Fine Sandy Loam: 2
BC 9-60 5yr4/6 yellowish red Clay Loam with common fine mica flakes and common: 3
highly weathered gneiss fragments
3 Ap 0-5 5yr3/3 dark reddish brown Silt Loam 3 .
BC 5-60 5yr3/4 dark reddish brown Clay Loam with common fine mica flakes and 3
common highly weathered gneiss fragments
Design Basis
A. Estimated Percolation Rate 55 U 18-48 in.
B. Trench bottom square feet required per bedroom 309(LPD)
C. Number of bedrooms 4
Area.Calculations for Drip Dispersal
A. Length of run(R.) Length of run ranges from 60'to 80'
B. Length of available area(ft.) Length of available area ranges from 60'to 80'
C. Width of available area(ft.) Width of available area ranges from 102'to 115'
D. Total footprint required for drip dispersal 3708
(309112 x 4 bedrooms x 3,as per GMP 107)
E. Square footage provided 7595
F. Is a Reserve Area required? Yes, a 100%Reserve Area is included.
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