HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900069 Review Comments Minor Amendment 2020-01-17ALg�,�9�r vIRGiN1P County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Tom Thorpe (tthorpe(a�aftonscientific.com) From: Paty Saternye — Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: January 17, 2020 Subject: SDP201900069 (Afton Scientific — Minor Site Plan Amendment) The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] [Comment] Revise the coversheet to including the following information in reference to the previous and current review project numbers. a. Under "Minor Site Plan Amendment" in the title add "SDP201900069", which is the project number for this project. b. Add a note on the site plan cover sheet that specifies the previously approved site plans (SDP2000-77 & SDP1993-23) and all four of the LORs. 2. [LOR #2 & #4] The proposed minor site plan amendment appears to not match the LORs that have been previously approved. Address the following: a. [LOR #2] The concrete slab approved in LOR #2 appears to be approximately 7.5' wider than that as shown on the approved LOR. The "New Slab" on the approved LOR was only supposed to be 14.5' in width and not 22'. Address the following: i. Clarify if the slab shown on the site plan is accurately drawn. If the slab is not as approved additional comments may be required. ii. Add dimensions to the two concrete slabs (LOR #1 & 2) on the north end of the building. b. [LOR #4] The site plan does not show all of the improvements approved in LOR #4. Address the following: i. A handrail was approved on the stairs from the parking lot to the terrace. Revise the site plan to show this handrail or specify that it was never built. If it was never built additional comments may be required. ii. The trellis shown on the LOR #4 drawings is not shown on the site plan. From the original request letter for the LOR it appear there was not the intention to build the trellis at that time. If it is not to be built, then it does not need to be shown included in the site plan. If it may be built in the future more comments may be required. iii. There is an existing waterline shown in the LOR #4 submission documents that is shown in a different location on this site plan, and this site plan has it labeled as "Approximate waterline, not marked in field." Clarify which of these locations is more accurate and use that location on site plan. 3. [Comment] A list of requested changes is needed for a Minor Amendment. The "Scope of Work" note on the coversheet partially addresses this requirement. Address the following: a. Revise "Scope of Work:" to be "Minor Amendment changes to SDP2000-77:" b. Under "Minor Amendment changes to SDP2000-77:" List all previously approved LOR separately in a bulleted list. A brief description of the changes approved with each LOR is important. c. In the bulleted list mentioned above, individually list the two changes already specified under "Scope of Work:". d. Include in that bulleted list all other changes, not approved in the 4 previous LORs, that where not approved with SDP2000-77 (see attached PDF of approved site plan). Any and all changes not already approved must be listed here. They include (but may not be limited to): i. The removal of street trees and their replacement with shrubs along Avon Street Extended. Including a very brief description on why that change was made and allowed would be helpful. ii. Specify that the landscaping has been revised. Trees and shrubs have been removed around the site. New trees and shrubs will be added with this site plan amendment in order to compensate for those previous changes from the approved site plan. See comments on landscaping below. iii. The addition of a dumpster enclosure and pad. Although the hatching on sheet C2.0 appears to be showing the dumpster pad as being approved with a LOR it does not appear to be included in four LORs. iv. Changes to the parking layout, striping, removal or addition of stop blocks. v. Changes to the parking calculations and requirements. e. There is a phase line in SDP2000-77. It is a requested change to the site plan to no longer include this phasing in the site plan? If so, list it as one of the changes with the minor amendment. 4. [Comment] There are items shown on the site plan that were not approved with the original site plan or with LORs 1 through 4. Address the following: a. Provide any documentation on the approval for the dumpster enclosure and pad to the reviewer. Also, show it and list it in this site plan amendment as a change being proposed with the amendment. b. In sheet C2.0 cloud all areas of changes (proposed or already existing) since SDP2000-77 that was not approved on the LORs (see comment #3 above for more detail on changes). LORs are fine hatched as long as the dumpster, which does not appear to have been approved by LOR, is no longer part of that hatched area. c. Many of the parking spaces, especially along Avon Street Extended, do not appear to meet the dimensions specified on the approved site plan (SDP2000-77) or the current ordinance. Ensure the spaces are as approved or meet current requirements. Although the lines shown on the proposed amendment may be as they are currently painted (as built) those paint lines will need to be revised, to meet this site plan amendment once it is approved. Address the following: i. Revise the parking space width and depth to meet the previously approved size or the current zoning ordinance. SDP2000-77 shows both 9'x18' spaces and 9'x16' spaces (when there is at least 2' of open space (without shrubs or trees) in front of the space). There are many spaces that do not appear to be either 9' wide or 16' deep. ii. Any area that is not the correct width or depth should be painted with stripes to specify that it is not a parking space. iii. The hatched areas between two rows of 16' deep parking spaces must be at least 4' in depth. Add this dimension in both areas in which this hatching has been added between spaces. iv. Provide the required parking space typical dimensions. Ensure that each section of parking, and any time the space depth is different, are separately dimensioned. d. Revise the parking calculations as follows: i. The number of spaces provided does not appear to be correct. After updating the parking space dimensions and linework as specified above and removing any parking spaces that do not meet the requirements, update then number of spaces listed as provided in the "Project Summary". ii. The office parking calculations should be shown (ex. "5,148 GFA x 0.8=4,118 NFA" and "4,118 NFA/200 SF=21 Spaces") in the "Parking Required:" portion of the "Project Summary". iii. The parking required for the office portion of the building appears to have been calculated based on the Gross Floor Area (GFA) versus the Net Floor Area (NFA). If this is the wish of the applicant than please discuss how to correctly state that on the site plan. Otherwise revised the calculation to be for the NFA as the requirements state. iv. The parking required for the industrial portion of the building does not include the required spaces for the customers/public. There is supposed to be 1 space for every 500 SF of area open to the public, but there is also a minimum of 2 customer spaces. Include this as part of the calculation for the industrial parking requirements and ensure the customer parking requirement is met. e. Wheel stops were provided on many parking spaces in the approved site plan. No wheel stops are shown on this site plan. Two areas of parking have been revised (since the site plan) to have what appears to be a 4' hatched area between the spaces. So, wheel stops are not required there. However, some of the wheel stops are still required. Address the following: i. For the parking spaces along Avon Street Extended show wheel stops. There does not appear to be any curb and gutter and the hill down to the road creates a safety issue. Wheels stops were also shown in this area of the approved site plan. ii. The sidewalk, on either side of the proposed building addition, is only 5' wide therefore wheel stops are required for those parking spaces. Wheels stops were also shown in this area of the approved site plan. iii. Include a wheel stop detail on sheet C2.1. iv. The sidewalk, on west side of the building, is only 5' wide therefore wheel stops are required for those parking spaces. Wheels stops were also shown in this area of the approved site plan. f. A dimension is required for the width of the access way that wraps around the northern side of the building, at the point of least width. This dimension was shown as 20' on the approved site plan. g. See Inspections comment on the number of handicapped spaces provided in the plan. h. The landscaping plan has changed from the approved site plan. Address the following: i. Provide a landscape schedule that specifies at least the information specified on the approves site plan (SDP2000-77: Tree species, quantity, caliper and symbol). ii. Ensure that the labeling for each tree type is specified in the landscape schedule so that it can be determined the tree species the labels on the existing trees are representing. iii. Ensure that all existing or proposed tree or shrub has a label, for the tree type, that is referenced in the landscape schedule. iv. Show the tree line for the existing trees in the slope going down to Moore's Creek. v. The tree canopy provided is specified on the site plan. However, it specifies "existing tree coverage preserved". However, no trees are shown as preserved on the site plan. If this is referring to the existing tree cover, going down the hill to Moore's Creek, address the comment above and then: 1. Clearly label the trees as "Existing and to be Preserved". 2. Include in that label if they are "deciduous", "evergreen" or a "deciduous/evergreen" mix. 3. Ensure that the area enclosed in the tree line (see comment above) is the area that is listed in the "Tree Canopy Cover" note or clarify if the individual trees on the site are included in area specified. vi. Show the shrubs along Avon Street Extended that were planted in place of the street trees. It is noted that zoning had accepted this change as not being a violation since it was to address concerns from VDOT. However, the landscaping that replaced those trees still must be shown on the site plan. vii. In the approved plan there were three additional trees (pines) along the Avon Court road frontage. If they are not to be replanted, then plant two more Large Shade Trees along Avon Court to meet the current street tree requirement. These should be parallel to the road, line up with the existing tree that is about 30' from the travel lane (which may be a willow oak) and within the parcel. These must be at viii. In the approved plan there were 3 Japanese Yews and three Red or Austrian Pines along the Avon Court parcel boundary. These evergreens were meeting a requirement for mitigation the view of the parking lot. If they are not to be replanted, then at a minimum shrub should be planted between Avon Court and the parking lot at 5' on center and at a height of 12' at time of planting. ix. Provide additional landscaping within the parking area. Less large or medium shade trees are provided within parking islands, or in close to the parking spaces, than on the approved site plan as well as in the current regulations. For the number of parking spaces currently shown there should be a total of 8 large or medium shade trees in the parking area. Street trees are not to be counted towards meeting this requirement. Also, there is no key or legend that identifies the trees that are in the parking lots. Until a key is provided it cannot be determined if the trees still shown are the correct species. x. Ensure that all existing landscaping on the parcel, and in the VDOT right of way, is shown and labeled. It is possible that some of the existing landscaping may be able to meet some of the requirement mentioned above. i. The free standing light poles, and light fixtures, were not shown on the approved site plans and therefore should be listed as being added to this site plan. j. There is an area shown on the approved site plan, going down to Moore's Creek, that is no longer being shown on this site plan amendment. Address the following: i. Show the whole parcel, down to Moore's Creek on this site plan. If it is necessary to show an inset to accomplish that it would be appropriate to do so. ii. Show and label the 100 year Flood Plain limits. iii. Show and label the Dam Inundation Area line and specify if it is state or federal. iv. Show the full extents of the Steep Slopes overlay district. Address the following: 1. The site plan shows "Critical Slopes (Per County GIS)". However, Critical Slopes are now only in the RA zoned areas of the County. In the Development Areas they are now designated as "Steep Slopes" and are specifically "Managed" or "Preserved" Steep Slopes. Revise all labels accordingly. 2. Provide labels or a legend for the hatched areas of the steep slopes to specify if they are managed or preserved. It appears that the hatches on the site plan already show two different hatches for managed and preserved steep slopes but there is no key or legend clarifying what the two different hatches represent. 5. [Comment] Clearly show all changes to the site not previously approved as changes in this minor amendment. Address the following: a. Show all proposed changes in darker/thicker lines than the "existing". Please note that any change not approved with a previous site plan (SDP2000-77) or LORs is considered a "proposed" change for this minor amendment even if it has already been built. This minor amendment is to request not only the changes you are about to make but to bring the site plan into compliance with what has been done without receiving approval from the County. b. Put revision clouds around all of changes mentioned in "a." above. If it appears that this clouding may be too extensive to be helpful, please discuss this with the planning reviewer prior to resubmission. 4 6. [32.5.2(a) & 32.6.2(a)] Address the following in reference to general information on the site plan: a. Revise the zoning information to also specify that this parcel is in the: i. Airport Impact Area ii. Dam Inundation Area iii. Flood Hazard Area (and include FEMA note) iv. Steep Slopes: Managed and Steep Slopes: Preserved overlay district. b. Revise the setbacks to fully and accurately specify the setback requirements. i. The streets that the parcel is located on are Avon Street Extended and Avon Court. Reference to "Seminole Lane" is not correct. ii. The minimum front setback is stated correctly as 10' but expand upon that to state "...from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right- of-way." And note that it applies to both streets and not just one. iii. The maximum front setback is stated correctly as none. But please note the front setback requirements (both minimum and maximum) apply to both road frontages. The way it is shown on the site plan it appears the minimum applies to only one road and the maximum applies only to the other one. iv. Side and rear setbacks for buildings are the same, so could be stated together. However, the description of the setback needs to be expanded. "None Required" is not complete. There is a 50' setback for buildings if the adjoining lot is zoned residential, rural areas, or Monticello Historic District. Although the adjoining lots to not currently fall into that category this information should be included. v. Side and rear setbacks for parking are the same, so could be stated together. However, the description of the setback needs to be expanded. "None Required" is not complete. There is a 30' setback for buildings if the adjoining lot is zoned residential, rural areas, or Monticello Historic District. Although the adjoining lots to not currently fall into that category this information should be included. vi. It should also be stated that if the abutting property is zoned commercial or industrial, any primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code." c. For two of the adjoining lots, expand upon the labels for the adjoining lots to include the zoning district and the present use. d. For the adjoining parcels adjoining within the City of Charlottesville provide the names of the owners, zoning district, tax map and parcel number and present use. e. List the "proposed uses" in the "Project Information" on the cover sheet. 7. [Comment] See the attached comments from the other reviewers. The site plan will not be approved without the approval of the other reviewers. Staff has provided references to provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. The Code is kept up to date by the County Attorney's office. The Code may be found on the County Attorney's website which may be found under "Departments" at Albemarle.org. In accord with the provisions of Section of Chapter 18 of the Code if the developer fails to submit a revised final site plan to address all of the requirements within six (6) months after the date of this letter the application shall be deemed to have been voluntarily withdrawn by the developer. Please contact Paty Saternye in the Planning Division by using Psaternye(aD-albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3250 for further information. Review Comments for SDP201900069 MinorAmendment Project Name: Afton Scientific - Minor Date Completed: Monday, December 09, 2019 DepartmentIDivisionfAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections El Requested Changes (4) accessible parking spaces required_ Add the following to the general notes page: All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to carise a priblic nriisance and not over sidewalks_ Add the following note to the general notes page: Briilding or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a permit_ ,asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such from Albemarle County and VDOLI_ Contact VDOLI for additional requirements and permits for demolition projects_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: O'I1'151 2020 Review Comments for SDP201900069 MinorAmendment Project Name: Afton Scientific - Minor Date Completed: Monday, December 02, 2019 DepartmentlDivisionfAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Matthew Wantland CDD Engineering No Obje-:tion Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: O'I1'151 2020