HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900075 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2020-01-21COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
January 21, 2020
Mr. Scott Collins, PE — Collins Engineering
200 Garrett Street, Suite K, Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434)-293-3719 / scottncollins-en ing eering com
Mr. Alan Taylor — Riverbend Development
435 21 Street SE, Suite 400, Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434)-245-4970 / alan@_riverbenddev.com
RE: Site Review Committee (SRC) Comment Letter for SDP-2019-00075
(Martha Jefferson Hospital Presidio Apartments — Initial Site Plan dated 11/25/2019)
Dear Mr. Collins and Mr. Taylor:
The Planner for the Planning Division of the Albemarle County Community Development Department (CDD) has
reviewed the development proposal referenced above, as have the following members of the Site Review
Committee (SRC):
Albemarle County Community Development Department — Architectural Review Board staff (ARB)
Albemarle County Community Development Department — Engineering Services (Engineer) — PENDING
Albemarle County Community Development Department — Information Services (E911)
Albemarle County Community Development Department — Inspections
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue — PENDING
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) — PENDING
Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to Chapter 18 of the Albemarle County Code (Zoning
Ordinance / Z.O.), unless otherwise specified. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this
time; additional comments may be added or eliminated based on further review.)
The Planner will either approve with conditions or deny the Initial Site Plan within 15 days of the SRC meeting.
Please contact me at your convenience if you have questions or require additional information or assistance.
' �
Tim Pad mo, AICP
Senior Planner / tpadalino e,albemarle.org / (434)-296-5832 x 3088
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Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner)
Contact: Tim Padalino, ttpadalino&albemarle.org
Review Status: Requested Changes
1. [ZMA200100015]: The development appears to be in general accord with the approved ZMA-2001-00015
(including Exhibit B — Application Plan, sheets AP1-AP6): the residential use and number of dwelling units are
in general accord with what is shown as Parcel I containing 250 residential units on AP-4; and the open space,
trails, and pedestrian connectivity are in general accord with what is shown as Parcel J on AP-4 and AP-5, and
as Anticipated Pedestrian Route — Connection to Gateway on AP-6.
2. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(a)]: The title on the Cover Sheet (Sheet IA) incorrectly states that this application is a
"Final Site Plan." This application has been submitted, processed, and reviewed as an "Initial Site Plan."
3. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(a)] : If the Open Space contained in the recently -created Special Lot (approximately 4.5
acres, identified as Tax Map/Parcel #78-20M5) is included in the calculations for this site plan, then please add
this Tax Map/Parcel number and acreage to the "Tax Map No." and "Total Project Area" information in the
General Notes on the Cover Sheet (Sheet IA). Please also correct any density calculations that may change
based on revisions to the project area acreage.
4. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(a)]: Please identify Tax Map/Parcel #78-20M5 on the Overall Layout Sheet (Sheet 3) and
include a note identifying it as Open Space reserved for future dedication to the County for public use.
5. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(i), 0), (k), (1)1: Please ensure all existing and all proposed public and private easements
are shown and labeled.
6. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(i), 0), (k), (1)1: Please ensure Deed Book/Page references are included for existing easements.
7. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(a), (b), (n), and (s)]: Please ensure that all portions of the subject property are included
on each applicable Sheet.
Staff acknowledges the Matchlines on Sheets 2 and 3 (shown at a scale of 1' = 50'). However, other sheets
(shown at a scale of 1" = 30') do not include all portions of the subject property; for example, the Layout Plan
(Sheets 4 and 5), the Utility Plan (Sheets 6 and 7), and the Grading & Drainage Plan (Sheets 8 and 9) exclude
the northwestern and southwestern portions of the property.
8. [Z.O. Sections and 4.12.61: (Advisory Review Comment) — Based on the proposed number and
types of units, a minimum of 425 parking spaces are required. Staff acknowledges that the "Parking
Required" and "Parking Provided" sections of the "General Notes" on the Cover Sheet (Sheet 1A) indicate
that 426 spaces are provided, including 406 surface parking spaces and 20 garage spaces. Staff further
acknowledges that 14 parking spaces appear to provide universal access towards meeting ADA requirements.
[Z.O. Section] : (Advisory Review Comment) — Staff acknowledges that a 5' wide concrete sidewalk
is proposed in multiple locations throughout the development, including along Peter Jefferson Parkway between
the (proposed) eastern entrance and the northwestern property boundary, in order to establish a safe and
convenient pedestrian connection to adjoining properties and adjacent employment centers. Please note that this
connection must be designed and constructed to the standards established in the Albemarle County Design
Standards Manual, provided that all ramps for persons with mobility impairments shall be designed and
constructed to the standards of VDOT.
10. [Z.O. Section] : (Advisory Review Comment) — Staff acknowledges that a direct "pedestrian
walkway" or pedestrian connection is proposed across Peter Jefferson Parkway, in order to enable safe,
convenient pedestrian access between the subject property and the Martha Jefferson Hospital property. Please
note that this connection must be designed and constructed to the standards established in the Albemarle County
Design Standards Manual, provided that all ramps for persons with mobility impairments shall be designed and
constructed to the standards of VDOT.
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Please also note that this proposed "pedestrian walkway" or pedestrian connection is subject to VDOT
acceptance of a "justification report" as outlined in previous review comments provided by Mr. Adam Moore,
PE (dated 5/16/2018). Community Development staff remain available to assist with the coordination of this
"pedestrian walkway" at an unsignalized location. And CDD staff strongly support this proposed pedestrian
crossing at an unsignalized location in order to: a.) proactively address the likelihood of frequent pedestrian
crossings of Peter Jefferson Parkway at a location that would otherwise be unprotected and unsafe, and b.) to
facilitate safe, convenient pedestrian mobility between places of residence and a major place of employment.
More specifically, it can be reasonably anticipated that a relatively large number of pedestrian trips will occur
on a daily basis between the two hundred fifty (250) dwelling units and Martha Jefferson Hospital. Even
factoring in the provision of a new sidewalk along Peter Jefferson Parkway (as required pursuant to Zoning
Ordinance §, and as acknowledged above in Planner review comment #9), if no such pedestrian
walkway is provided across Peter Jefferson Parkway then residents of the proposed apartment complex who
want to walk from the apartments to the hospital would have to choose to walk approximately 3,000 linear feet
on sidewalks, crosswalks, and walking paths in order to safely access the hospital — and would have to choose
not to exit the development, cross Peter Jefferson Parkway (without any safe pedestrian infrastructure), and
access the hospital via a much more direct route that is approximately 550 linear feet in length. A diagrammatic
exhibit illustrating this issue is provided with this SRC review comment letter packet for reference.
11. [Z.O. Sections and 25A.51: Staff acknowledges the provision of safe, convenient on -site pedestrian
connections in many locations throughout this proposed development. However, staff have identified
strategically important locations where additional safe and convenient on -site pedestrian connections are
necessary. These connections must be designed and constructed to the standards established in the Albemarle
County Design Standards Manual, provided that all ramps for persons with mobility impairments shall be
designed and constructed to the standards of VDOT.
Specifically, such safe, convenient pedestrian connections are required in the following general locations, as
described below (listed a-d) and as conceptuallX shown below (in pink):
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a) Between the Clubhouse and Building #1
b) Between the Clubhouse and Building #2
c) Between Building #3 and Building #2
d) Between Building #3 and Building #4
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12. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(b)]: Please revise the sub -heading for the "Critical Slopes" section within the General
Notes on the Cover Sheet (Sheet 1A) to "Steep Slopes Overlay District." Technically, there are no "Critical
Slopes" within the Development Area; and Steep Slopes are technically an overlay zoning district.
13. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(n)]: Show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers. Staff acknowledges that
the "Trash Receptacles" section within the General Notes on the Cover Sheet (Sheet IA) references the
proposed provision of a dumpster and trash compacter. Please also provide additional waste and recycling
containers in the developed recreation areas and within other areas of the proposed development, and show
these on the final site plan.
14. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(n)]: Show the proposed location(s) of outdoor lighting. Staff acknowledge that the
"Lighting" section within the General Notes on the Cover Sheet (Sheet IA) indicates that "Parking lot and
building lighting is included with this final site plan." However, no such lighting information appears to be
provided. Please note that a Lighting Plan that demonstrates compliance with Z.O. Sections 32.6.21 and 4.17 is
required with the Final Site Plan application.
Additionally, because the subject property is within the Entrance Corridor Overlay District, this proposed
project (including the Lighting Plan) is subject to review by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) and ARB
staff, and approval/issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness by the ARB is required. Staff acknowledges that
application ARB-2019-00145 was submitted for review on 11/25/2019, and was then deferred indefinitely by
the applicant(s) on 12/30/2019.
15. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(p)]: Staff acknowledges the Landscape Plan sheets (Sheets 12, 13, and 14).
Because the subject property is within the Entrance Corridor Overlay District, this proposed project (including
the Landscape Plan) is subject to review by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) and ARB staff, and
approval/issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness by the ARB is required. Staff acknowledges that
application ARB-2019-00145 was submitted for review on 11/25/2019, and was then deferred indefinitely by
the applicant(s) on 12/30/2019.
16. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(n) and 4.161: The proposed development does not contain all of the required developed
recreation areas and minimum facilities. Specifically, Z.O. 4.16.2 ("Minimum Facilities") requires the following:
• Z.O. One (1) tot lot (2,000 SF minimum) shall be provided for the first thirty (30) units and
for each additional fifty (50) units
• As applied to SDP201900075: (250 units = Five (5) tot lots / minimum 10,000 SF total; see
for full details of this requirement)
• Z.O. One-half (1/2) court for basketball shall be provided for each one hundred (100) units
• As applied to SDP201800018: (250 units = Two (2) half -courts or one (1) full -court; see for
full details of this requirement)
However, pursuant to Z.O. 4.16, the planning director has some discretionary authority to consider proposed
substitutions for the facilities that are required by this section of the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed provision
of "trails/walking paths" which "shall be available for public use to access the Rivanna River trails" in lieu of
some of the minimum required facilities would likely be partially acceptable and partially unacceptable. Please
revise as follows:
A. Provide the correct calculations (SF) of the required recreation facilities (info summarized above) by
revising the "Recreation" section within the "General Notes" on the Cover Sheet (Sheet 1A).
B. Clarify the proposed recreation facilities; the General Notes on the Cover Sheet (Sheet IA) indicate
that the proposed total area for recreation would be 51,200 SF (in the "Recreation" section), but the
General Notes also indicate that the recreational areas equal 0.83 acres (in the "Land Area" section).
C. Provide a recreation facilities proposal for review by the Planning Director and Chief of Planning
that includes the calculations requested in comments #14-A, and which describes any and all
requested substitutions from the required minimum facilities (such as trails/walking paths, clubhouse
and pool, dog park, etc.) with supporting explanations/rationale.
D. Please review the proposed locations, alignments, material specifications, and "Classification" of the
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"proposed primitive trailway," and any other proposed or potential trail or park infrastructure, in
collaboration with Mr. Dan Mahon in the Albemarle County Parks & Recreation Department (ACPR).
17. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(b) and 32.5.2(i)]: In consideration of this subject property's strategic location relative to
the Rivanna River, the Old Mills Trail, and the County's Rivanna Greenway and Blueway System, and
following the extensive coordination between the applicant team and County staff in 2019, CDD-Planning staff
believe additional coordination with Mr. Dan Mahon in ACPR is necessary. The purpose of this additional
coordination would be to revisit the previous collaborative efforts related to park planning and trail planning
efforts, and to review and (potentially) refine the proposed public access and publicly -accessible amenities that
are shown and annotated on this site plan.
Please note that ACPR staff have provided written review comments (dated 1/17/2020), which are attached to
this comment letter. Please also note that Mr. Mahon intends to attend the 1/23 SRC meeting to represent ACPR
and discuss these issues with the applicant team in person.
18. [Advisory / For Future Reference]: Please note that the following approvals will be required prior to
County approval (as may be applicable) of a final site plan for this proposed project:
A. [Z.O. Sections and Architectural Review Board Certificate of
Appropriateness / ARB-2019-00145
B. [Z.O. Section]: Water Protection Ordinance Plan (and corresponding legal
documents) / WPO-2018-00027
C. [Z.O. Sections and Easement Plat(s) (and corresponding legal documents) /
SUB-2019-00084 and SUB-2019-00118
D. [Z.O. Section] : Special Lot Plat / Note: Staff acknowledges approval and recordation
of Special Lot Plat SUB-2019-00034
E. [Z.O. Section and]: Tentative approvals (review status of "No
Objection") from all applicable SRC members for final site plan.
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)
Contact: John Anderson, janderson2&albemarle.org
Review Status: PENDING (as of 1/21/2020); CDD-Engineering comments to be forwarded upon receipt
Albemarle County Information Services (E911)
Contact: Brian Becker, bbeckergalbemarle.org
Review Status: Requested Changes (12/17/19); see attached comments
Albemarle County Building Inspections
Contact: Michael Dellinger, mdellinger@albemarle.org
Review Status: No Objection (1/3/2020); see attached comments
Albemarle County Department of Fire -Rescue
Contact: Shawn Maddox, smaddox@albemarle.org
Review Status: PENDING (as of 1/21/2020); Fire -Rescue comments to be forwarded upon receipt
Albemarle County Service Authority
Contact: Richard Nelson, melson@serviceauthoriiy.oriz
Review Status: See Recommendations (1/20/2020); see attached comments
Virginia Department of Transportation
Contact: Adam Moore, Adam.MooreAvdot.vir ig nia.gov
Review Status: PENDING (as of 1/21/2020); VDOT comments to be forwarded upon receipt
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"Sidewalks and Other Pedestrian Ways" requirements for SDP201900075 [per Z.O.]
(see CDD-Planning Review Comments in SRC Comment Letterdated1/21/2020)
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Geographic Data Services
May 4, 2018
Department of Parks and Recreation
401 McIntire Road, Room 118
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(434) 296 - 5844
Fax (434) 293-0299
TO: Tim Padilino
FROM: Dan Mahon, Greenways Supervisor
Department of Parks and Recreation
SUBJECT: Martha Jefferson Hospital Presidio Apartments
DATE: 1 /17/2020
The County of Albemarle along with the City of Charlottesville are making progress with its efforts to define and
establish a river corridor plan for the Rivanna From 164 upstream to Pen Park to include and enhance the
current existing Rivanna Greenway corridor passing below the site of this project. In addition this, and worth
noting here are plans under study for a future pedestrian bridge to link Woolen Mills to Pantops. The future
Presidio Apartments may benefit from where this final bridge alignment is located and will overlook an area of
great natural/cultural and recreational value.
The Department of Parks and Recreation, has reviewed this plan and offer the following comments, concerns
and suggestions:
1. Include Parks and Recreation in discussions and decisions made with The Thomas Jefferson
Memorial Foundation regarding access to landlocked properties and greenway easement areas
directly downstream of the site.
2. Reconsider a shared road access down to the existing greenway property where a reservation
might be granted until needed funding can be applied.
3. Work with County Park staff to locate other possible suitable trailhead locations.
4. Work with County Park staff to discuss the primitive path shown in the current plan.
Review Comments for SDP201900075 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Tuesday, December 31, 201 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Margaret Maliszewski CDD ARB Requested Changes
The applicant has requested indefinite deferral of the ARB review of this plan, previously scheduled for January 6, 00_
Comments from previous ARB reviews can be found at ARB-2018-61 and ARB-2019-73_
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 01121 20020
Review Comments for SDP201900075 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review sus:
Reviewer: Brian Becker CDD E911 I Requested Changes
The proposed street name 'Appleton Street" is not acceptable, per Part I, Section 4-i of the County's Road Naming and
Property Numbering Manual (page 6 of the PDF):
'No proposed road name shall be approved which begins with a word that appears as the first word in five or more official road
The word'Apple' is currently used by at least free other official County road names_ The Albemarle County Master Road Names
Directory can be accessed at the link below_ Please provide this office at least three alternative road names for review, in case
your first choices are also not acceptable_
http:llwww-aIbemarle_orglalbemarle/upload/images/ ebapps/roads.+
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 01121 20020
Review Comments for SDP201900075 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Fnday, January 03, 2020 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections No Objection
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 01121 20020
Review Comments for SDP201900075 11nitial Site Plan
Date Completed: Monday, January 20, 2020 DepartmentlaivisionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Richard Nelson ACSA I See Recommendations 1
I recommend SDP 01900075 Martha Jefferson Hospital Presidio Apartments — Initial for approval with the following conditions:
Submit 3 copies to ACAfor review_
RW A sewer capacity certification will be required prior to final approval.
Confirm with DEQ what class pumps are needed for structures near the river
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 01121 20020