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ZMA200200008 Staff Report 2003-02-12 (2)
STAFF PERSON: MICHAEL BARNES PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: JANUARY 14, 2003 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2003 ZMA 02-08 SOUTH PANTOPS OFFICE/DENNIS ENTERPRISES SP 02-13 DENNIS ENTERPRISES—OUTDOOR DISPLAY SDP 02-34 DENNIS ENTERPRISES—MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT CRITICAL SLOPES WAIVER FOR DENNIS ENTERPRISES(SDP 02-84) APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: There are two applicants associated with this rezoning request. The first applicant,the Virginia Land Company; is requesting a rezoning amendment to the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center's PD-MC (Planned Development—Mixed Commercial) Application Plan to allow for an office use instead of the previously approved hotel use on Tax Map 78 Parcel 73 (see hatched area"1" on the vicinity map—Attachment A-2). The Virginia Land Company is also requesting a reduction from 45,000 square feet to 20,000 square feet for the office space shown in the northeast corner of the intersection of Hansen Road and Rolkin Road on (see hatched area"2" on the vicinity map—Attachment A-2). The second applicant, Dennis Enterprises, is requesting a rezoning from PD-MC to HC (Highway Commercial)to allow for automobile display(see hatched area"3" on the vicinity map—Attachment A-2). Proffers have been offered by the two applicants (Attachment E-2). BACKGROUND: The Planned Development—Shopping Center(PD-SC) zoning district that created the Rivanna Ridge shopping center(ZMA 98-20—Attachment B-2) is reason that these two applications are linked together. The PD-SC district designated the area under consideration(the hatched areas 1 and 3 on Attachment A-2) for a 100-room hotel. Therefore, the owners must apply for a zoning amendment in order to execute the requested uses. On October 22, 2002, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the zoning amendment request(ZMA 02-08) (Attachment C-2). At that time, the Commission was unwilling to grant approval of the request due to the following issues raised by staff(see Attachment F-2 for the Staff Report for the October 22nd public hearing): 1. Inability of the proposal to meet the principles of the Neighborhood Model. 2. Inability of the proposal to demonstrate an effective grading plan on either parcel or across the two parcels. 3. Inability of the proposal to demonstrate the potential traffic impacts. 4. Lack of an Architectural Review Board(ARB) recommendation on the Special Use Permit Application. 5. Lack of an ARB recommendation on the ZMA request. After the applications were discussed by the Commission, the applicants, the Virginia Land Company and Dennis Enterprises,accepted deferral so that they could resolve the outstanding issues. At this time, the applicants have worked through all of staff concerns (except traffic)related to the zoning amendment, the special use permit for outdoor display(SP 02-13), the minor site plan amendment for the Dennis Enterprises' expansion(SDP 02-34), and the critical slopes waiver South Pantops Office—2nd Staff Report 1 request for the Dennis Enterprises' expansion. If the rezoning application is approved, the Virginia Land Company will proceed with an administrative approval of the site plan for two office buildings (SDP 02-84). PETITION FOR REZONING: The applicants have submitted a request to rezone 24.07 acres from PD-MC (Planned District- Mixed Commercial)to PD-MC (Planned District-Mixed Commercial) and HC (Highway Commercial)to amend a proffered plan to allow for an office use instead of a hotel use and to allow for an expansion of Dennis Enterprises car dealership. The properties, described as Tax Map 78 Parcel 73A and Parcel 13, are located in the Rivanna Magisterial District in Pantops on Hansen Road in the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center at Pantops and on Route 250.The Comprehensive Plan designates these properties as Regional Service. ANALYSIS OF THE REZONING: Staff does not object to the proposed uses nor were the proposed uses of concern to staff at the previous Commission hearing. Instead, staff had five principle concerns with how the proposed uses would affect the site and the Entrance Corridor. These concerns were: 1. Inability of the proposal to meet key principles of the Neighborhood Model. 2. Inability of the proposal to demonstrate an effective grading plan on either parcel or across the two parcels. 3. Inability of the proposal to demonstrate the potential traffic impacts. 4. Lack of an Architectural Review Board(ARB) recommendation on the Special Use Permit Application. 5. Lack of an ARB recommendation on the ZMA request. Since the October 22nd public hearing, the applicants have addressed these five concerns in the following manner with the most recent submission(Attachment D-2): The focus of the first two concerns was the previous proposal's inability to provide a suitable frontage along Hansen Road,work with the existing grades, and provide for the future extension of Rolkin Drive (Attachment C-2). The latest proposal (Attachment D-2)provides an appropriate frontage along Hansen. It situates both buildings adjacent to Hansen Drive,provides a sidewalk along Hansen, a bus stop, and relegates the parking away from the road. The latest proposal also works better with the existing grades. The previous proposal (Attachment C-2) created a large 2:1 fill slope that obliterated the existing vegetation on the site. The latest proposal retains the trees downhill from the office complex and requires considerably less fill. The tree protection is important because they will serve to protect the Entrance Corridor by breaking up the development on Pantops. Additionally, the Architecture Review Board(ARB) required significant landscaping on the hill during the Dennis Enterprises minor site plan amendment review. This required landscaping will greatly mitigate visual impact resulting from the proposed grading. Finally, the Virginia Land Company's landscaping plan will have to undergo ARB scrutiny during the site plan review process for the offices. Staff feels comfortable that the ARB will be able to require additional plantings, which will further protect the Entrance Corridor. Finally, the applicants have proffered to not build any buildings at the rear of their properties for ten years (Attachment E-2). This will enable the extension of Rolkin Drive if the County and VDOT decide to close the median on Route 250, expand Route 250 to six lanes, and/ or provide additional access to the rear of these property in conjunction with the Route 250 improvements (Attachment A-2),because the land acquisition costs associated with a road paralleling Route 250 to the south will be greatly reduced. South Pantops Office—2nd Staff Report 2 As for the traffic impacts, the applicant still needs to provide information that documents that the changes resulting from a switch between a hotel use and the office uses will be minimal. While staff does not believe that the traffic impacts will be significant, we must wait until this information has been provided before we can make a final arialysis. Hopefully, we will have an answer for the Commission by January 14th Regarding the ARB recommendations, the ARB has made a recommendation and provided a list of conditions for the special use permit(See the following section). With respect to the rezoning request, the ARB reviewed the application just prior to the Commission's October meeting. While the ARB has not reviewed the latest submission, ARB staff have been closely involved with the review of the most recent plans. Staff believes that the ARB's basic concerns with the offices have been mitigated with the revised grading plan and the retention of the trees on the site. Furthermore, the ARB will have an opportunity to review the site plan at a later date and require additional modifications to the latest proposal. CONCLUSION FOR THE REZONING ANALYSIS For all of the reasons listed above(and with the assumption that the traffic concerns will be resolved), staff will be in a position to recommend approval with the acceptance of the proffers and implementation of the conditions recommended below. South Pantops Office—2nd Staff Report 3 ANALYSIS OF THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT Below, staff has provided and analysis of the special use permit (SP 02-13) (Attachment F-2) applicant for the Dennis Enterprises automobile expansion request(See vicinity map— Attachment A-2). APPLICANTS PROPOSAL: The applicant proposes to expand the existing outdoor storage and display of automobiles for sale on Tax Map 78-13. (See Vicinity Map—Attachment A-2). The plan calls for additional 160 parking spaces for display vehicles in the rear of the parcel(See Plan—Attachment G-2) PETITION FOR THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT: The applicant requests a special use permit to expand an existing use of outdoor storage and display in the Entrance Corridor overlay district on 3.748 acres, in accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The property, described as Tax Map 78 Parcel 13, zoned HC, Highway Commercial and EC, Entrance Corridor Overlay District, is located in the Rivanna Magisterial District on Richmond Road(U.S. Route 250 East). The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Regional Service in Neighborhood 3. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL ANALYSIS: Requests for special use permits in the Development Areas are assessed for conformity with the Neighborhood Model and the Land Use Plan. The Land Use Plan shows this area as Regional Service in Neighborhood 1. The ways in which the proposed project(Attachment F-2)meets the twelve principles for development in accordance with the Neighborhood Model are provided below. Staff recognizes many of the Neighborhood Model Principle will not apply in the Special Use Permit Requestt because this is an existing business that existed prior to the adoption of the Neighborhood Model and the proposed use is not significantly redevelopment. However, staff has still provided an assessment of the principles below: Pedestrian Orientation Other than sidewalks there is nothing else that this site presents to be pedestrian oriented. Neighborhood No new streets are proposed with this request. Friendly Streets and Paths I nterconnected Streets The applicant has proffered to keep any buildings 120 away from the rear and Transportation property line in case the County and/or VDOT decide that an extension of Networks Rolkin Drive to South Pantops Drive would be advisable in conjunction with an expansion of Route 250. This proffer will leave the door open to this possibility for 10 years. Parks and Open Space There are no parks or open space to consider on this site. Neighborhood Centers This proposal does not meet the definition of a neighborhood center. Buildings and Spaces This principle is not applicable to this proposal. of Human Scale Relegated Parking The new parking proposed is to the rear of the property and there will be some landscaping installed to soften the expansion. South Pantops Office—2nd Staff Report 4 Mixture of Uses Currently the applicant is not envisioning a mixture of uses onsite Mixture of Housing This principle is not applicable to this proposal. Types and Affordability Redevelopment This principle is not applicable to this proposal. However, if the Rolkin Drive is extended,the redevelopment and infill possibilities are increased for the rear of this property. Site Planning that The applicant has to cut significantly into the hill in order to create the parking Respects Terrain lot for the expansion. Clear Boundaries with This site is located entirely within the Development Area and is not adjacent to the Rural Areas the Rural Areas. STAFF COMMENT ON THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Section of the Zoning Ordinance below requires that special use permits be assessed as follows: Will the use be of substantial detriment to adjacent property? It is anticipated that the expansion of the automobile display will have no negative impact on the surrounding uses or on the site itself, and should not propose any detriment to adjacent properties. Will the character of the zoning district change with this use? The primary concern with regard to the character of the district is the potential impact on the Entrance Corridor. The ARB has expressed no objection to the proposed expansion; however, the ARB did provide a list of conditions for a Certificate of Approval. Staff has incorporated the ARB recommendations into the recommended conditions for Planning Commission. Will the use be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance? Staff believes the proposal is generally in keeping with the intentions of the Comprehensive Plan and the applicable sections of the Zoning Ordinance. Will the use be in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the district? The proposed expansion of the use will not restrict permitted uses on adjacent property. Will the use comply with the additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance? There are no additional regulations for outdoor display provided in Section 5.0. Will the public health, safety and general welfare of the community be protected if the use is approved? There is nothing unusually hazardous or objectionable about this proposal. Architectural Review Board Review: A submittal for review by the ARB was made in March 2002 and the item was reviewed by the ARB on April 15, 2002 and October 7, 2002 (Attachment G-2). The Board offered no objections South Pantops Office—2"d Staff Report 5 • to the special use permit and recommend approval with the conditions. (Seethe staff recommend conditions at the end of this report.) CRITICAL SLOPE WAIVER FOR THE DENNIS ENTERPRISES MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth-disturbing activity on critical slopes and Section allows the Planning Commission to waive the restriction upon finding that a strict application of this provision would not forward the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has submitted a waiver request and justification that address the five health, safety, and welfare concerns set forth in the Ordinance(Attachment H-2). Critical slopes cover approximately 1.41 acres of the site's 3.748 acres, or 38%percent of the site area; of those slopes, approximately 1.07 acres or 75.9%percent are proposed for disturbance. Most of the critical slopes are covered with some tree and underbrush growth. The Planning Department's review of this request concentrates on the concern for a possible loss of aesthetic resources. Staff recognizes that none of the critical slopes to be disturbed are delineated on the Open Space Plan Composite Map, and that none of the other Open Space resources recommended for protection are present in the areas where critical slopes disturbance is proposed. The Engineering Department has addressed the remaining concerns for health, safety, and welfare provisions of Section 4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, has found no conflict with this request and recommends approval of the waiver(Attachment I-2). With Planning Commission approval of the waiver request, and Board approval of the rezoning request staff may administratively approve the site plan amendment RECOMMENDATIONS Three items are before the Planning Commission: the Zoning Map Amendment 02-08, Special Use Permit 02-13, and a critical slopes wavier for the Dennis Enterprises Minor Site Plan Amendment SDP 02-34. Staff makes the following recommendations for action by the Commission. RECOMMENDED ACTION FOR ZONING MAP AMENDMENT(ZMA 02-08) Staff cannot recommends approval of Zoning Map Amendment(ZMA 02-08)without additional traffic information to be provided by the applicant. If the applicant can provide the necessary information and the Engineering Department is satisfied that the impacts to traffic will be minimal, then staff recommends approval of the ZMA application with the acceptance of the attached proffers. RECOMMENDED ACTION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT(SP 02-13) Staff recommends approval of Special Use Permit(SP 02-13)with the following conditions: 1. Vehicles shall not be elevated. 2. Vehicles shall be displayed only in the areas indicated for display shown on the plan. 3. The use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the ARB, including landscape and lighting plans. 4. Provide screening trees to the east, south and west of the proposed parking area to reduce the impact of the loss of trees and to soften the appearance of the expanse of proposed pavement. Provide a mixture of screening trees, ornamental trees, and shrubs throughout the slope of the grading easement to the east of the site. A landscape easement will be required for off-site planting. South Pantops Office—2"d Staff Report 5. Provide the planting bed with the seven(7) Eastern Red Cedars in the central portion of the parking area as shown on the Minor Site Plan Amendment(SDP 02-34) dated March 8, 2002,revised November 4, 2002. 6. Rather than alternate the screening trees along the eastern property line, cluster the same species in groups and alternate groups of screening trees to create a more informal and naturalistic landscape. 7. Submit a landscape easement for off-site planting. 8. Provide screening trees that will grow to a height that will sufficiently screen the proposed parking area. This will require a wider planting area, which will necessitate the removal of most, if not all, of the 11 display parking spaces in the first row. RECOMMENDED ACTION FOR CRITICAL SLOPES WAIVER: Staff recommends approval of the request to disturb the critical slopes with the following condition: 1. The proposed 3:1 slopes must be stabilized with low maintenance vegetative ground cover. The vegetative cover must be a variety selected from Table 3.37-C on page III- 391 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or an equal approved by the Engineering Depatliuent. ATTACHMENTS A-2 Vicinity Map B-2 Application Plan for ZMA 98-20 C-2 Concept Plan review by the PC on October 22nd D-2 Current Concept Plan for the offices E-2 Proffers F-2 Staff report for the October 22nd Planning Commission Meeting G-2 Plan for the Minor Site Amendment H-2 ARB Action Letter for the Special Use Permit I-2 Critical Slopes Waiver Request J-2 Engineering Depaituuent Analysis South Pantops Office—2"d Staff Report 7 • ATTACHMENT B—2 6. , • �I?ii.G...Y::i.:.'."::;:;.: .R.:':„ ;::;:°..,.,„ ° :a z:i E's�i::i,� x°°°,r 1� ALL INTERNAL'ROaM'i05 BE"PRIVATE. s 1 y,IST ISE ENIN:'"E TO'3'Pfa,i66MO V V o Cl O TO • • ,yam 1 V .._'po 0._--_ � T - f , V _--_ ". .-_ \ E. .G• - -R__ _- .-_.+O .. .. i.GIC Si GINI .rrn r,r. 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OESCRIPUON DATE % F-P Tli'~ti A ;PIN CUNMENN 8/12/02 /3' ;-i /�'VV��i N fifill CONCEPTUAL PLAN 6 ARP COMNENTC'I/7/03 0,, 11 30 0 30 CO 90 \2 Oi 2 - t�TIMOTHY R.MILLER Y• • • • �1 of CERTIFICATE Na" SCALE: 1 = 30'• Sole:AS SHOWN Drrwr lay -MS Fie Name: GSA-S2 �',,. 2G65 r% - • Dole: 01.03.03 Checked Op AN Project tle.1006 'f I:O j i ATTACHMENT E-� Original Proffer 1/7/02 Amended Proffer_1/7/02 (Amendment# 2 ) PROFFER FORM (For South Pantops Office) Date: January 7,2003 ZMA# 2002-008 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s)_78-73A 6.96+ Acre to be rezoned from PDMC to PDMC Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance,the owner, or its duly authorized agent,hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property,if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1)the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2)such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. (1) The Owner hereby proffers not to construct any building within 120 feet of the common property line with Carriage Gate(TMP 78-20NN)for the purposes of the possibility of extending a road through that portion of the property for a period of TEN years. After such time this proffer will expire. (2) The development on Tax Map 78Parcels 73A shall be in general accord with the plan produced by Rivanna Engineering,dated January 3,2002 and revised January 7,2003,entitled"Preliminary Site Development Plans for Office at South Pantops." Signatures of All Owners Printed Names of All Owners Date OR Signature of Attorney-in-Fact Printed Name of Attorney-in-Fact (Attach Proper Power of Attorney) Original Proffer 1/7/02 Amended Proffer 1/7/02 (Amendment# 2 ) PROFFER FORM (For Dennis Enterprises) Date:January 7,2003_ ZMA# 2002-008 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) 78-13 1 + Acre to be rezoned from PDMC to_HC Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance,the owner,or its duly authorized agent,hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property,if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1)the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions;and (2)such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. (1) The Owner hereby proffers not to construct any building within 120 feet of the common property line with Carriage Gate(TMP 78-20NN)for the purposes of the possibility of extending a road through that portion of the property for a period of TEN years. After such time this proffer will expire. Signatures of All Owners Printed Names of All Owners Date Signature of Attorney-in-Fact Printed Name of Attorney-in-Fact (Attach Proper Power of Attorney) 13 ATTACHMENT F-Z. STAFF PERSON: MICHAEL BARNES PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 22,2002 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2002 ZMA 02-08 SOUTH PANTOPS OFFICE/DENNIS ENTERPRISES SP 02-13 DENNIS ENTERPRISES—OUTDOOR DISPLAY SDP 02-34 DENNIS ENTERPRISES—MINOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT SDP 02-84 SOUTH PANTOPS OFFICE PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Applicant's Proposal: There are two applicants associated with this rezoning request. The first applicant, the Virginia Land Company, is requesting a rezoning amendment to the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center's PD-MC (Planned Development—Mixed Commercial) Application Plan to allow for an office use instead of the previously approved hotel use on Tax Map 78 Parcel 73 (see hatched area"1" on the vicinity map—Attachment A). The Virginia Land Company is also requesting a reduction from 45,000 square feet to 20,000 square feet for the office space shown in the northeast corner of the intersection of Hansen Road and Rolkin Road on(see hatched area"2" on the vicinity map —Attachment A). The second applicant, Dennis Enterprises, is requesting a rezoning from PD- MC to HC (Highway Commercial)to allow for automobile display(see hatched area"3"on the vicinity map—Attachment A). No proffers have been offered to date. Petition for Rezoning: The applicants have submitted a request to rezone 24.07 acres from PD-MC (Planned District- Mixed Commercial) to PD-MC (Planned District-Mixed Commercial) and HC (Highway Commercial)to amend a proffered plan to allow for an office use instead of a hotel use and to allow for an expansion of Dennis Enterprises car dealership. The properties, described as Tax Map 78 Parcel 73A and Parcel 13, are located in the Rivanna Magisterial District in Pantops on Hansen Road in the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center at Pantops and on Route 250. The Comprehensive Plan designates these properties as Regional Service. Petition for Special Use Permit: The applicant has submitted a request for special use permit to allow additional vehicle display parking in accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance which allows for outdoor storage and display. The property, described as Tax Map 78 Parcel 13, contains 3.748 acres, and is located in the Rivanna Magisterial District on Richmond Road [Route#250] approximately 1 mile from the intersection of Richmond Road and Stony Point Road. The property is zoned HC (Highway Commercial), PD-MC (Planned District-Mixed Commercial) and EC (Entrance Corridor). The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Regional Service in Pantops. Character of the Area: Parcel 73A is the portion of land that remains undeveloped in the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center. It starts behind the Giant store and wraps eastward around the Giant and abutts Route 250 (Attachment A). Currently, this parcel has a large sediment trap (located immediately adjacent to Route 250) and a cleared area next to the basin that contains a soil stockpile. The developer intends to put the offices in the cleared area and fill the basin in with the stockpiled 1 ATTACHMENT soil so that another commercial use,potentially a bank, can be put at the corner of Route 250 and Hansen Road. The parcel also contains a steep,wooded slope that drops down towards Parcel 13 (Dennis Enterprises) and Parcel 13A(Michael Spooners vacant parcel) (See Environmental Constraints Map—Attachment B). The Dennis Enterprises car dealership comprises front half of Parcel 13. The rear of the property is a wooded, undeveloped slope. Both properties drain towards the Brown Auto Dealership to the west and eventually under South Pantops Drive to the Rivanna River. A large percentage of the area under rezoning consideration contains critical slopes and will require a critical slopes waiver. Zoning and Subdivision History: In 1980, during the County's effort to comprehensively rezone the entire county, the County rezoned the area that became the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center to PD-SC. In 1998, The Virginia Land Company submitted an Application Plan for the shopping center(ZMA 98-20— see Attachment C). At the time ZMA 98-20 was reviewed, staff,the Commission, and theBoard primarily focused on the proposal's traffic impacts, visual impacts to Monticello, loss of tree cover, and stormwater management issues. There is specific mention in the ZMA 98-20 staff report that the focus of the rezoning was not the uses per se,but on the impacts caused by those uses. For this reason, staff's review of this rezoning application has and will focus more on this proposal's impacts and compliance with the Neighborhood Model. In short, the proposed change in use in this ZMA is not a large concern to staff per se. The ZMA 98-20 Application Plan was specific as to the uses and layout of the uses in and around the Giant Shopping Center; however, the outparcels along Route 250 and the area under consideration were left relatively vague(Attachment C). The outparcels along Route 250 call for"high volume retail with drive thru." The hatched areas 1 and 2 on Attachment A were listed as "100-room hotel" and"45,000 square feet of office"respectively. Area 3 on Attachment A was not given a specified use,but was labeled as a"tree conservation area." Last year,Area 3 on Attachment A was subdivided off from the remainder of The Virginia Land Company's shopping center parcel (Parcel 73A) and added to the Dennis Enterprises' parcel (Parcel 13) in a boundary adjustment(SUB 01- ). Area 3 is still zoned as part of the Planned Development District(i.e., it is still considered a tree conservation area). Thus, it will need to be rezoned to allow for the proposed expansion of Dennis Enterprises and the special use permit for outdoor display of the cars (SDP 02-34 and SP 02-13). Staff made the proceedural recommendation to the applicant that they propose that Area 3 should be taken out of the Planned District and zoned HC instead of amending the Application Plan to allow for automobile sales. By-right Use of the Property: Parcel 13 is zoned HC on the front half of the property and has no restrictions on any of the by- right uses in an HC district. However, the rear of the property remains a part of the tree conservation area in the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center's PD-MC Application Plan. Therefore, it has no development potential. Development on Parcel 73A is still governed by the ZMA 98-20 Application Plan. Therefore, the areas under consideration, Areas 1 and 2 on Attachment A,have only the uses shown on the ZMA 98-20 Application Plan, 100-room hotel and 45,000 square feet of office, respectively. (‘. ATTACHMENT F-2 Applicant's Justification for the Request: The Virginia Land Company currently has a buyer that want to develop an office use on this portion of the Planned Development. Dennis Enterprises wants to expand their business. Recommendation: The Applicant did not wish to defer the public hearing so that several outstanding issues with the site's development could be resolved. As a result of the following outstanding issues, staff cannot recommend approval of the rezoning at this time: 1. Inability of the proposal to meet the principles of the Neighborhood Model. 2. Inability of the proposal to demonstrate an effective grading plan on either parcel or across the two parcels. 3. Inability of the proposal to demonstrate the potential traffic impacts. 4. Lack of an Architectural Review Board(ARB) recommendation on the Special Use Permit Application. (Note: the Applicant has receive a recommendation on the office portion of the proposal,but did not have enough information to make a recommendation). If the applicant will not accept deferral of ZMA 02-08 South Pantops Office/Dennis Enterprises and SP 02-13 Dennis Enterprises—Outdoor Display to resolve the issues, staff's recommends denial of applications. Background On These Applications: Two complications will make the review of this application difficult for thie Commission. The first issue is the number of applications being reviewed. At the time The Virginia Land Company submitted the rezoning (ZMA 02-08) and site plan(SDP 02-84) applications for the offices three months ago,they stated that they were unaware that the portion of land that was sold to Dennis Enterprises last year needed to be rezoned to allow for the car dealership's expansion. Four weeks ago, Dennis Enterprises was added to this rezoning application. Staff supports the inclusion of Dennis Enterprises because we believe that these two properties can be developed more effectively if planned together. However,the applicants have not been able to deliver all the necessary materials for review the two properties either individually or together. This has lead to a second and more difficult complication. The only plan showing the two adjacent proposal neither has grading nor property lines match up (Attachment ID). This makes any review of the grading between the two parcels impossible. Additionally, the applicant has provided different two sets of site plans for the office park. Both of these plans are unacceptable to staff for various reasons. The first plan shows parking lots situated between Hansen Road and the offices (Attachment E). While this plan provides the proposed grading, it does not meet enough of the Neighborhood Model principles. In response to staff comments,the applicant submitted a second plan which shows one of the offices adjacent to Hansen Road(Attachment F);however, this plan does not show any proposed grading. The lack of grading on the later plan and a continued inability to meet the principles of the Neighborhood Model are the major reasons that staff has made the above recommendation. Staff believes that the Commission's public hearing can remain effective if applicant accepts deferral, and the Commission focuses on the design issues related to the office complex. Staff believes that the Applicant's primary reason for requesting the public hearing is so that they can 16 ATTACHMENT F-7 resolve their differences with staff over how the Neighborhood Model should be applied to the proposed office buildings. Proposal's Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan designates this area as Regional Service in Neighborhood 3 (Pantops). The proposal for a offices and automobile sales would be consistent with the uses envisioned under this designation. The Comprehensive Plan does not directly address the property under consideration. It does, however,make several general recommendations for the commercial area along Route 250. The pertainent recommendations are underlined below: 1. Development in Pantops should be designed in a manner that is sensitive to its location within Monticello's viewshed. Unlike the remainer of the Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center, this portion of Parcel 73A is on the otherside of the hill from Monticello. Dennis Enterprises is even further down the hill. Therefore, the visual impacts to Monticello have been deemed minimal to non-existant. 2. Commercial Areas along Route 250 are to be developed in a manner which limits access points, uses internal (possibly grided)road neworks, and/or parallel roads, as well as use alternative transportation systems. Development should have an orientation toward the internal road system as opposed to a linear orientation towards the frontage of Route 250. Staff is in the early stages of developing a concept of roads parallelling Route 250 (Attachment G). Part of the staff initiated concept extends the recently constructed Rolkin Road across Hansen Road and across the portions of the properties under consideration(the black dashed box on Attachment G). Staff views these rezoning as an opportunity to keep the development of these parcels from foreclosing on the possibility of the parallel road. The extension of Rolkin Road has many difficulties. The terrain slopes steeply and would require extensive fill. The road would also require the cooperation or condimation of several properties. Therefore, it would be an expensive road to build. However, the extension of Rolkin Road could also provide a significant benefit. If Rolkin Extended were constructed as part of a Route 250 widening program, this paralell road could reduce the need to widen Route 250 from 8-lanes down to 6-lanes. The cost savings from reducing the number of lanes needed on Route 250 could be used towards the construction of the parallel roads. Additionally, the reduction in the number of lanes on Route 250 will keep Richmond Road a more"neighborhood friendly street." Thus, staff recommends that the applicants offer to either provide the necessary right-of-way in the future or promise not to build structures in the possible right-of-way. Staff must qualify this recommendation with a caveat. This road concepts in Attachment G_ have no standing in the Comprehensive Plan or any other offical County document While some of these concepts could prove to be useful alternative to widening of Route 250, the concept plan is only a concept. Therefore, the County cannot compell the applicants to reserve right-of-way and/or restrict their development out of the areas where a parallel road could be situated. 3. Provide landscaping along Route 250 to enhance the roadway as an Entrance Corridor. The ARB review both of these projects for their potiential impacts to the Entrance Corridor. The staff members, who are reviewing the rezoning and site plan applications, are working • ATTACHMENT F- closely with the ARB staff to ensure that the eventually proposed grading plans will compliment efforts to provide an appropriate landscaping plan. Staff's chief concern is the large 2:1 fill slope shown on the first plan submitted for South Pantops Office. If built, as proposed on Attachment E, staff is concerned that the slope will be unsightly and denuded. Staff would prefer that the applicant terrace the development down the slope and incorporate larger landscaping islands within the development. Staff believes that terracing the site and incorporating the landscaping within the parking lots that the visual impacts resulting from the development will be masked, especially when seen from the Entrance Corridor and points farther down the hill. Proposal's Compliance with the Neighborhood Model: Staff has review the two projects for compliance with the Neighborhood Model. Pedestrian The office park proposal shows sidewalks along Hansen Road and leading into Orientation the site. These are positive attributes of the plan. Dennis Enterprises currrently has a sidewalk across its frontage with Route 250. Neighborhood No new streets are proposed with either proposal. Within the office Friendly Streets development, the applicant is proposing street trees and landscaping. and Paths Interconnected As mentioned above, staff would like the applicants to provide interparcel Streets and access to the Spooner property with the development of their proposals, if Transportation • possible. Additionally, staff would like to see the applicants reserve the right- Networks of-way for road across the rears of their properties upon demand by the County. Parks and Open The possibilities for park space is extremely limited on these sites due to the Space slope and the nature of the proposals. Staff would like to protect as many of the large trees on the site as is possible. The trees along the common boundary with the Carriage Hill Apatlijients are the most critical to be saved because they separate the commercial and residential development and aid in the protection of Monticello's viewshed. Neighborhood The Shopping Center is a neighborhood center. Staff feels strongly that the Centers office proposal should develop the best possible streetscape along Hansen Road. This will be especially important when future development or redevelopment is situated across Hansen Road from the subject site. Buildings and The ARB is review the building architecture for the offices (Attachment H). Spaces of Human The ARB met on October 7th and provided the applicant with comments Scale (Attachment I). In general, the ARB was satisfied with the buildings as long as the applicant was willing to make the suggested changes. The ARB was unable to comment on the landscaping because they wished to see major changes in the grading of the site. ATTACHMENT F Relegated Parking Since all parking is shown in front of the buildings, staff believes it does not meet this principle of the Neighborhood Model. Furthermore, staff believes that the applicant can move the buildings adjacent to the street and terrace the parking down the slope. The Dennis Enterprises' proposal is in the rear of the existing business. ARB staff has recommend that the applicant provide screening trees within the display area to break up the long parking area as seen from Route 250. Mixture of Uses The office proposal is part of the shopping center and adjacent to Carriage Hill Apartments. The proposed offices will compliment the these existing uses. The Dennis Enterprises' proposal represents the expansion of an existing use that would not compliment a mixture of other uses easily. Mixture of Housing Neither project proposed residential uses. Types and Affordability Redevelopment Not applicable. Site Planning that Lack of clear information on grading is one of the proposals' greatest Respects Terrain weaknesses. Staff is unable to clearly understand how the cut proposed with the Dennis Enterprises proposal will relate to the fill on the South Pantops proposal. Nor is it clear what the net effect of the proposed grading will be on the Spooner parcel. However, it is clear that the applicants intend to regrade most of the site including its critical slopes. While staff has concluded that significant disturbance will be required to develop these two site, we remain unconvienced that the applicant has devised the best manner to grade the site. We strongly recommend the applicants provide a plan that coordinates the grading of their two sites as well as the eventual grading Spooner property. We further recommend that the applicants terrace the development down the slope. Clear Boundaries Not applicable—the property doesn't border Rural Areas with the Rural Areas Other Staff Comments Analysis of the Rezoning Relationship between the application and the purpose and intent of the requested zoning district The PD-MC district was established to support a broad range of commercial uses under a unified,planned approach with access oriented to an internal road system. The office uses will work well within the current PD-MC district as long as the issues of visual and traffic impacts can be resolved and as long as the project can met the principles of the Neighborhood model. The HC district was establish to support commercial establishments along major highways other than shopping center. The Dennis Enterprises car dealership meets this criteria. ATTACHMENT F-Z. Public need and justification for the change Staff sees no public justification for the zoning change. The applicant has not provided any indications on the concept plan or written comments that would provide for the extension of Rolkin Road or provide access to the Spooner Property. These improvement could aid in the eleviation of traffic congestion along Route 250. Anticipated impact on public facilities and services Water and Sewer—Public utilities already exist either on-site or nearby and capacity is sufficient. Extending service to the site is not a serious issue. Roads—The applicant has failed provide updated information on the traffic impacts that result from the change in land use from the 100-room hotel to the 45,000 square feet of office. Stormwater management—The project site appears capable of handling stormwater management issues. Anticipated impact on natural, cultural, and historic resources No impact is expected on natural, cultural or historic resources. This includes any viewshed impacts to Monticello. Anticipated impact on nearby and surrounding properties As eluded to above, it is unclear how the ulitmate grading plan could affect adjoining properties. Fiscal impact to public facilities A fiscal impact analysis is provided as Attachment J. SUMMARY: There are two applicants. The Virginia Land Company is requesting permission to amend their PD-MC Application Plan to remove a 100-room hotel and add in 45,000 square feet of office space in the new Rivanna Ridge Shopping Center. The second applicant, Dennis Enterprises, is seeking to remove a portion from PD-MC district, rezone it to HC, and expand their display area for their car dealership. The staff does not have major concerns of the proposed changes in use. However, staff feels that the applicant must further define their impacts on traffic, to the Entrance Corridor,provide a unified grading plan, and meet the Neighborhood Model principles in order to gain our support. Staff has identified the following factors that are favorable to this request: 1. The uses are compatible with the area. 2. The portions of the properties farthest from Route 250 could provide for an extension of Rolkin Road. A Rolkin Road extension could provide for a meaniful reduction in congestion on Route 250 East. 3. The applicant is willing to provide for a public bus stop on the office site. Staff has identified the following factors that are unfavorable to this request: 1. The applicants have not provided a unified grading plan. 2. The office proposal does not front Hansen Road with buildings. ATTACHMENT F-? 3. Neither proposal works with the existing terrain. The applicant should terrace the project down the hill and incorporate landscaping into the parking lots. 4. The applicant has not provided revisions to the traffic study requested by staff 5. The Architectural Review Board has outstanding issues with both projects. RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff cannot recommend approval of the rezoning (ZMA 02-08), the special use permit(SP 02- 13), the preliminary site plan(SDP 02-84), or the minor site plan amendment(SDP 02-34) at this time as a result of too many outstanding issues. If the applicant is unwilling to accept deferral to work out the issues with staff, then staff recommends denial of the requests. Attachments: A—Vicinity/Tax Map B—Environmental Constraints Map C—ZMA 98-20 Application Plan D—Grading plan for both the Dennis Enterprises and South Pantops Office proposals E—Earlier Plan for South Pantops Office with grading shown. F—Revised Plan for South Pantops without proposed grading G—Concept plan for parallel roads in the Pantops Neighborhood H—Building Elevations for South Pantops Office I—ARB report for South Pantops Office J—Fiscal Impact Statement 2-t . ' . - ' AN iic.CAir C,.':j:)!J..L• . „... .. a..ri ATTACHMENT G- LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS ; ,_ . PS , INTERIOR LANDSCAPIND: 7REE . ROTANICAL gr 1 tf.NIYAITA i 4 ..„,. .-d„ANTIT.f,t. E,4Y CANOPY REOUIRFO. 0.05.86,902 SF=4,345 SF,I I(F.' C..7 . CF,007,0,cN,N,A:E f CALIPE,R ,4'I N rED,lc,•TA.Rs, QUANTITY REQUIRED: I SEE PER 10 cA...'4GP: • 1 .-. 1 I 1 PARKING SPACES i T-1 f 1 2 1/2'-i-- _ , :0 1 424 sf I 4,24o of I f=4 • Ki . • ! Sweetgum -] '.._____ _ __ ____ . ' - 6-7. 31 1 "3 of 3669 of 330/10=33 TREES 1 I - : CANOPY PROVIDED: 14,645 SF QUANTITY PROVIDED:109 TREES i T-2 1 Pious Strobus I-11, 1 (PS) I Eastern YM1te Pine / -- 1 1 I TOTAL CANOPY: Querus roars Z Z T-3 - I 2 1/2- 1 - 8 I 335 sf 2.680 sf Es3 f-= E ' REQUIRED:0.10°163,263 SF=16,326 SF Red Oak it- --i . I 1 T-4 Froxinus Arnerfcona , ' W CANOPY PROVIDED BY MP-02-34: 14,645 SF 2 1/2' I - 2 I 413 sf 626 sf I • CANOPY PROVIDED BY SDP-00-115: 7.98,5 sf :(FAA)I Autumn Purple Ash TOTAL: 22,631 SF Sassafras Albiaurn . • 2 1/2" - 8 i IRO of I 1,552 of Sassafras GRAOUND COVER SHALL BE PERIWINKLE,AND 1 r ! r=4 g -6: SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL SLOPES 3:1 OR flex Opoca . I T-6 I 2 1/2' - 22 55 sf 11,210 sf GREATER. • American Holly I'rff d . I -IseiPeNs V4-910mri. 2/72- - 25 16 st 448 st • 1 T-7 i I i Eastern Red Cedar -T-- -- - S-1 1 Aza;eas.Evergreen I - 24" 28 t - 1 - I 1:.4,TIMOTHY R.MILLER;-.. 1 Total Canon./ 14.045 of CERTIFICATE No. 4?, 30542 q. ,<& HAYNE W. DOMINICK, JR. ,-- _ Revisions: . TAW 78-1 4 \ • NO. DESCRIPTION DATE DB 565 P 532 \ . 1 SPIN 4 L5_0, ' 2_ ARE)Comments 5.07.02 ZONING: HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL Ccroments 2 3 SPIN Comments 7.18.02 \ . •-..„ S. ‘VANCY W. DOWNING • 4 Add 13kIP ae.m.oz ----- , 5 ARB Comments 11.0402 • , TMP-78-1 4A - __________-_______... , . , DB 1 405 P 748 ' ..„,.. „ ' ) ____.- .,,,,,-_,,,,,,-.'-'...1.J. .,'''' ,• ; ',. .'' -,.:. -‘-'`,. •..L DB 420 P 155 PLAT 4 R S ''S: + ' -- .' I 0 . ZONING: HIGHWAY COAIM,sE F,R_AC ylA,L ____--- ,...,. ,1 .,,,,,„*._,_, i..„...„„ -,--4.!-4, 7 ,,,,, ,,, \ • 7 c,, ' • g? `--1'- • ..;14-02:11VA'. 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SPOONER FOR 0.1•00S ENIERPRIRRS ! • Z -.-3 :„1'..-2-:'''..'....31S.i.....3.45,''; ','.. ..i.cSTi!:•:'4.'?•:,;;Z:Z*ZE. ...ti-I.i5ti'.'::71:' ...1•Erf'S'a .. -:-/„....,_..,__,..-- "r±'...35- ..... ...'''''-'",--3......'''..-';'''''': ;‘'.'5.'-':'-'4 ,- • I.. ..6Z ;.4 CF.] TMP 78-13A , i if.:1 .1:5 <--,,,-„,%.„1-,..:*,,,,,--A,,..... • •,-....:7?!cc.'c'4:;-,:.-;:.:.,,„'",,E-1.41-i,g,,-4.-,3..;_:',1,,,,Y-Ak..;:-;,6,-.•,-, N, DB 1 376 P 67 9 • - '''-- '.',1"''•'z•-it4Ni N.,:-'7.--- -.I. ,:-",feo ..9',...4; . l';...prvery'-'1--14tserrent---4",-:.:n •-1:1,,,,:."',..,--fAt-iT,T4,411:,-,,,-14. 4=i,e-',1144,-,T ZON/ArG: HICHWA Y COMMERCIAL ., , Z Z • "st --.1 - - :2:-"- •- ---- -.,.. :=K,-1,...,;RA'0.4r-z,,,:-:.--.-;,.•_-_.--I'. ....x.....t.c.,...2........-71.,1-1 .-., .• .. .......--•-... ...,"j,. , , - - 'Ai.c4 , . ' . ,-• --_- __-- '. 71:"P-'1';,:-',:,-sti)it,.'.5-.,7::'*.i.t.k,g'.',Fi-7,-,;7.t,',7-4=.. ....,.4 . . ; --.. 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I 2 o" ,1 2.7 , L., I '-1 ZONING: nor ATTACHMENT W litliiN - ��r COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning&Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 218 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 (434)296-5823 Fax(434)972-4012 October 10, 2002 Paul Tschiderer Rivanna Engineering & Surveying P O Box 7603 Charlottesville, VA 22901 RE: ARB-2002-99: Dennis Enterprises, Tax Map 78, Parcel 13 Dear Mr. Tschiderer: The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board, at its meeting on October 7, 2002, completed a preliminary review of a site development plan associated with a request for outdoor storage/sales/display in the Entrance Corridor. The Board offered no objection to the special use permit for ARB-2002-99 outdoor storage, sales, and display with the following conditions: 1. Vehicles shall not be elevated. 2. Vehicles shall be displayed only in the areas indicated for display shown on the plan. 3. The use shall not commence until a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued by the ARB, including landscape and lighting plans. 4. Provide screening trees to the east, south and west of the proposed parking area to reduce the impact of the loss of trees and to soften the appearance of the expanse of proposed pavement. Provide a mixture of screening trees, ornamental trees and shrubs throughout the slope of the grading easement to the east of the site. A landscape easement will be required for off-site planting. 5. Remove the first row of 11 spaces and replace the spaces in the asphalt with screening trees. A ' wider swath of planting bed to be a minimum width of 15 feet shall be provided. Parallel parking can be provided if there is appropriate width. 6. Rather than alternate the screening trees along the eastern property line, cluster the same species in groups and alternate groups of screening trees to create a more informal and naturalistic landscape. 7. Submit a landscape easement for off-site planting. 8. Provide screening trees that will grow to a height that will sufficiently screen the proposed parking area. This will require a wider planting area, which will necessitate the removal of most, if not all, of the 11 display parking spaces in the first row. The board, by a vote of 4:0, approved a Certificate of Appropriateness for the site plan, pending staff administrative approval of the following conditions: 1. Indicate on the plan that groundcover will be provided on all slopes 3:1 or greater. Include the groundcover in the Landscape Schedule. 2. Replace 6 Eastern Redbud with a tree that has greater urban tolerance and is drought tolerant. Indicate a 21/" caliper for the proposed tree in the Landscape Schedule. 3. Rather than alternate the screening trees along the eastern property line, cluster the same species in groups and alternate groups of screening trees to create a more informal and ATTACHMENT H- L naturalistic landscape. Provide additional screening trees around the south and west of the perimeter of the parking area. 4. Submit a landscape easement for off-site planting. 5. Incorporate a signed tree conservation checklist into the landscape or erosion and sediment control plan. Include the information on the plan as required by the checklist. 6. Show existing vegetation to remain on the plan. Coordinate the limits of disturbance with the undisturbed buffer area. 7. Relocate the 2 Eastern Redbuds (along the western property line) out of the area where existing vegetation is to remain. • 8. Resolve the pipe/tree conflict in the planting island along the western property line. 9. Clearly label the screening trees in the southern corner. 10. Revise the plan to show screening trees 15' on-center. 11. Remove the first row of 11 spaces and replace the spaces in the asphalt with screening trees. A wider swath of planting bed to be a minimum width of 15 feet shall be provided. Parallel parking can be provided if there is appropriate width. 12. Correct the common name for Azalea. 13. Remove caliper from Ilex opaca and Juniperus virginiana. Indicate height rather than caliper. 6- 7' is appropriate. 14. Consider another selection for Pin Oak. Pin Oaks branch to the ground and may create a conflict with cars. 15. Proposed mounting height of the lights shall match the 20' height of the existing pole lights. Provide a pole detail that matches the existing poles. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. / Sipcerely, Janet Miller Lndscape Planner • Cc: File `n /' 24P- • ATTACHMENT I-- Post Office Box 7603 RIVANNA ENGINEERING 434.984.1599 Charlottesville,VA 22906 (F)434.984.8863 &.SURVEYING,PLC RESI@cstone.net April 24,2002 Karl Guiler Planner County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SDP-02-34 Dennis Enterprises Dear Mr. Guiler: This is to request a waiver for the requirements of Section 4.2. The Site Development plans show there are areas with 25% or greater slopes that will have to be graded as part of this project. 1. The proposed grading is not significant enough to require rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock. The material removed from this site will be used as fill material on the Brown Auto site. 2. The drainage area for this project is less than 3 acres so excessive stormwater run-off will not occur. 3. A sediment trap will provide erosion protection for all natural and man-made bodies of water. 4. There are no aesthetic resources associated with this project 5. There are no septic systems or flood plains near this property. The reasons given above demonstrate that the grading of critical slopes on this project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and/or welfare of the public. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, , /%0101/ Timothy Miller, P.E., P.L.S. President Zg • ATTACHMENT J'. �OFlPirmo COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Engineering&Public Works MEMORANDUM TO: Francis MacCall, Planner(to be in SPIN) FROM: Kim Cameron, Senior Engineer DATE: January 7, 2003 RE: Dennis Enterprises Minor Amendment, Critical Slope Waiver Request The critical slope waiver request for Dennis Enterprises received on December 6, 2002 and amended on January 7, 2003 has been reviewed. The critical slope areas are located on the south side of the site. Critical slopes makeup 1.41 acres of the site's 3.74 acres, or 37.7% of the site area. The plan shows 75.9% of the critical slopes as being disturbed, or 1.07 acres. The disturbance is in the form of grading for the display parking, stormwater management facility, and constructed slopes at the edge of the display parking area. Below, each of the concerns of Zoning Ordinance section 18-4.2 is addressed: "movement of soil and rock" Grading is not significant enough that rapid or large-scale movement of soil is a concern. The material removed from this site will be used as fill material on the Brown Auto site. Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. "excessive stormwater runoff' Stormwater runoff will not change significantly in this area, and runoff will be controlled by the stormwater management facility proposed. "siltation" A sediment trap will provide erosion protection. Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. Proper stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. "loss of aesthetic resource" This site is visible from Route 250. However, the proposed grading of the critical slopes is in the back of the site and not readily visible from Route 250. The re- graded critical slopes will be attractively landscaped in a similar fashion to those of the surrounding area. "septic effluent" There are no existing or proposed septic systems in the vicinity of this property. 24' i ATTACHMENT J Dennis Enterprises, Inc. Minor Amendment, Critical Slope Waiver Request Comments January 7, 2003 Page 2 Based on the review above, there are no engineering concerns that prohibit the disturbance of the critical slopes as shown. The Engineering staff recommends approval of the request to disturb the critical slopes with the following condition: 1. The proposed 2:1 slopes must be stabilized with low maintenance vegetative ground cover. The vegetative cover must be a variety selected from Table 3.37-C on Page III-391 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook or an equal approved by the Engineering Department. Copy: file 1782