HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200200008 Study 2003-01-30 LrU-Ir c.s rILLI 9 flJJul.L I u I 1-,1 , un-vv-.w-..... . 2. RECEIVED IN PLANNING JAN 30,2003 4 ..43,44...4_ro raper Aden Associates-- — - — Lnonee►ing•sow.yinr:Environmental services 8090 Villa Park Drive • Richmond,Virginia 23228 (804)264-2228•Fax:(804)264-8773 January 30,2003 daa@daa.com•www.daa.com Mr.Katurah Roell Virginia Land Company 195 River Bend Drive P.O.Box 8147 Charlottesville,VA.•22906 Re: South Pantops Traffic Analysis -REVISED Dear Mr.Roell: Per our conversation, we have performed an alternative analysis of the South Pantops Traffic Assessment set forth in our January 9, 2003 letter to you. Specifically, this letter analyses the geometric requirements, including the need for turning lanes, at the proposed site entrance at Hansen and Abbey Roads, within the South Pantops development. This assessment is based on the assumed revision in the drive-in bank land use development assumption. Results of this analysis are enclosed. For ease of review, attached are some of the directly relevant tables and figures, and those tables and figures which have been revised. Starting with attached Table 1—REVISED, note that the proposed general office use of 68,000 sf remains, but the drive-in bank land use assumption has changed from 7,000 sf to 3,500 sf. This results in a halving of the bank traffic, and a significant reduction in overall proposed total traffic, as depicted in Table 1. • Figure 6 is from the earlier report, and includes the background Pantops traffic assumed in the analysis. That is, this is total development site traffic excluding in Tableuth Pantops— REVISED. comprised of the drive-in bank and general office spaceset forthFigure 7, also from the earlier submittal, depicts the assumed onsite traffic distribution of South Pantops traffic. Table 8—REVISED depicts site traffic assigned to the road network,based on the Figure 7 distribution and the Table 1 Trip Generation. Finally,Figure 9—REVISED depicts revised South Pantops and total Pantops traffic within h These analysis e numbers ea and, are considerably ally, tthe Hansen Road, Abbey Road, and site entrance intersection. lower than those in the January 9 submittal, again, due to the halving of the square footage and associated traffic for the proposed drive-in bank. The initial study concluded that a separate left-turn lane, exiting the site, opposite Abbey Road,would be desirable,based on traffic capacity analyses. This lane is depicted in Figure 10 —REVISED. We have not recalculated the Level of Service (LOS) for this approach since the traffic demand obviously is less than the initial analysis,and you have agreed to provide this left- turn lane. • •r __ - _" - . - - _ • 131acicsburg,VA•Charlottesville,VA•Richmond,VA•Raleigh/Durham,NC • a Mr.Katurah Roell January 30, 2003 -------------gages---- --------- -----------------------------=----------- Figure 10 — REVISED is different from the initial Figure 10 in that the revised plan depicts southbound Hansen Road, at Abbey Road, as a separate left and through/right-turn lane- The earlier study depicted this approach as a through/left and right-turn only. The right-turn only lane was based on the right-turn lane analysis. Attached Table 3 —REVISED summarizes the analysis of this southbound Hansen Road right-turn lane based on the updated numbers. Whereas a full right-turn lane was concluded to be warranted in the initial study,this analysis, as shown in Table 3 —REVISED, concludes that this right-turn lane is marginally warranted as a taper only (see also attached Figure C-1-8). That is,the point of demand lies within the shaded "taper required area",but very close to the adjacent"radius required" area. We believe your suggestion of the southbound approach of Hansen's Road, as depicted in Figure 10—REVISED and your functional plan(see attached Figure 11)wherein a separate left and through/right are provided, is more appropriate. Referring to Figure 9 - REVISED, note that the greatest demand on the southbound Hansen Road approach is the left turn onto Abbey Road. Specifically note the PM peak hour wherein this left turn is 225 vehicles, the through is 52, and the right turn into the site is 55. •These numbers suggest that a separate left-turn lane with a combination through/right would provide better overall intersection operation than the previously analyzed through/right and separate right-turn lane. Regardless, either configuration should work satisfactorily. We trust you find this analysis helpful in finalizing traffic operation within the South Pantops site,and that you will not hesitate to give us a call should you have any further questions or needs. Sincerely, DRAPER ADEN ASSOCIATES Thomas E. Flynn,P.E.,PTOE • Transportation Program Manager attachments , ; 1 ' . 1 Table I (REVISED) . C . 2 SITE TRIP GENERATION ; r South Pantops 1 7 - 2 C • r ONE-WAY VEHICLE TRIPS ..- LAND USE AMOUNT TTE 24-HOUR AM PEAK PM PEAK c c CODE VOLUME ENTER 1 EXIT i TOTAL I ENTER 1 EXTr TOTAL c c : F . i I General Office 1 68,000 d 710 751 93 13 106 I 17 1 84 10I l 17 c Drive-in Bank 3,500 sf 912 927 2A 20 '14 I 95. i 96 1 1921 • i . i : i ., . c TOTAL TRIPS 1,678 117 1 • 33 i 150 I 113 I 1801 29.9! --' 4 t A . , • 1 ( i I 1 • 1 . . 1 I . . i I 11 1 1 . 1 . I 1 , VKHVU< HlltN HJJUl.1H I to r ctx•ou4zo4o I i J ,u.. - -- • �184 Cs�q Route 250 \37 (asa) o- • • c5oo AA sk �-. (•c)c _ ?I r k cr. Abbey Road Ih SauTt-t tASTOy ? G) SITE _ �o Rolkin Road 1 . ii>ow•h-oTS 54 i00:4-' bt5v- --r . Rom. Aso Dale: JAN-2003 Ca a► Draper Aden Associates Sale: NTS Figure: .I•7. +Environmental Services 8080 Villa Pads Drive eta 1,°�,VA T A 1.YV o 7 Richmond,VA23228 CnarlottesVille,VA l�Cr\-k 7V� SOv k 804-264-2228 Fax:804464-8773 Rat®IghUurham,NC UKHrLK HllCIN r1 Ul..1ri I CO rah•ou4L04o I I..' - - -- --- • g _ yki ._._.__ --..-..---- -....---..-..--- ...-.---.....--.---.-..---..-.---,--.......---....--.--.- -...---- Route 250 (sa°/ ) • r>CD%-- 'ec-ce,4 e,\-e1;N,-.3 Coo.%) --fe.c-<.e,--t etc‘i-`h3 41% Abbey Road • SITE CO czeK • i <---,20%, Rolkin Road <3% -1, • -stela Draper Date: JAN•soo3 Figure. ra er AdenAssociatesscale: NTS t Baginecing + Surveying+Environmental Services scx.) \•p.A.) s's s 11'e• 8090 Villa Pad(Drive 'Blacksburg,VA Richmond,VA 23228 Charlottesville,VA ' •�-R A t-r t ��s`t R`�uT V)N 804-264 2228 Fax:804-264 TT9 Raleigh-Durham,NC WHVt< HUtN HJul,11-1 1 t r ax•L5u zo o r f J .10.1 I vs" �.- • - -• __4\1 —_— ___ _ __—______ ____. ___. _ -_ __ _ ____— __ _ -- Route 250 ssCs --, r . 0 cr.. CO CQ --•A N\3 Ext ive- (c)cr;) - VI . p¢ ,1x, 0 14 3s( s)- Abbey Road / 0 °QV la, (0-7)-->• . SITE _ ce 3�� 3( � Rolkin Road o (6) -4, n • v �• Draper Aden Associates °�° JAN-2003 Figure: c�� ,�, Scale: ITS �.. ...� . sue'En" `s so � �� �A.0.1-o r s 8090 Villa Park Drive 'Blacksburg,VA 1 Richmond,VA 29228 Charlottesville,VA S l T 804-264,2228 Fax:804-2648773 RalelghOurham,NC w w .-------4--- ... .___ __<,___-__;,..„_,p. 7__ f_i_._(....?7 a 19') _____ _____ ___ ._ _..______ — Route 250 160tS(A z ($3 1 o v 1- c-.),c) - I P ?€ -k. re im Pi-t.-. S C7 1231c,k, c► )) iOam ~� i I G- �S0i�. o $ (�% ,$�i t', S t.� 1 co (6o1 . 41 � IS-c'S5a Abbey Road A 0(ga ' C�7 --', . c SITE c o r Ct (---"a ( -.h-) Rolkin Road a(ec,)-� n d . d" a Dra er Aden Associates ° l J�".2003 L Figure: 9(ye.\). Scale: NTS imposit + Surveying+Environmental Services 8090 Villa Pa*Urtva 'Blacksburg,VA • I O�} L ,BACK PQnn0 b aO4 1 Richmond,VA 23228 Charlottesville,VA .� 'PLO. s t`C". rAC r PI G 804,264-2228 Fax:804-2645773 RaleIyhd)utham,NC IKHI'tK HULN HSSULIH I LS fax:8042648773 Jan 30 '03 15:34 P. 13 • • k ... .,,, _ ,. /• , . . . d 1itil8r • t • • Y`i A. • 1• • 1 ' . .:., ‘. .. • ,• ... • • 1 • / �• �11 • \�\ ��; i 1 I. \� I\ \\ ce. \0 1 r \' - \ \% I r . ....' \ . \lin \1"Zy o \� l ' r •\\ �� 1 ( 1 \\ • 0. ...,......— 1 ( .. 'v �Qy/ii, \\.., • \Z \' ./ / I y> • b „,- \` - / 1 // . 1 *\it 11 , . �I . •\\ __ 1i ���' — M' • I\ • • I ► ►• . - • . \ Nlicallif ''' la \‘‘‘ .. . _...----- • e.r. ...---- : . .• 1( •,:r. ---7 ' • 1 ,.....,..- ..-• -----1 '', .% A . st/..1 .. I 1 .= 3 Obi!' I ' `` ,` 1 / l � ,)'•'‘). I..I .I 1 p� I / 09 . 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