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ZMA200200008 Other Bond Estimate 2002-10-03
t • Name ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer) Item (tem No.,Unit Unit Cost COS! WI %comol. Cost Rem. Number (installed) Road 65+00 to 80+17 1 f.._;I aggregate base 6.0 in d 1517.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 505.67 cy $34.20 $17,293.80 115 pcf $17,293.80 blotted or prime&double seal 1517.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 3034.00 sy $6.00 $18,204.00 $16,204.00 asphalt base 3.0 in d 3.0 ft L 3.0 ft W 0.16 tons $70.00 $11.50 146 $11.50 asphalt surface 1.5 in d 3.0 ft L 3.0 ft W 0.08 tons $78.00 $6.41 146 $6.41 ,_8'" milling 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $5.65 $0.00 $0.00 ¢ curb CG-2 0.00 ft $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 Q curb CG-6 0.00 ft $13.17 $0.00 $0.00 8 sidewalk,asphalt 0.0 in d 1517.0 ft L 4.0 ft W 0.00 tons $70.00 $0.00 146 pcf $0.00 9 sidewalk,concrete 4'width 0.00 ft $11.10 $0.00 $0.00 10 ramp CG-12 0 $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 a1 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00 $65.00 traffic control sign 2 $47.00 $94.00 $94.00 .. - guardrail (or rebuild wall in right-of-v 2 ES l O /$3700 'J5Q 7 '/LG 500 ft $16.00 $15,400.00 $15,400.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,300.00only $0.00 $0.00 culvert pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 15.0 inT d 11 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 pipe,rcp(54 to 72") 54.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 pipe,pvc(4 to 10") 8.0 in d 0 ft $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 pipe,cmp(15 to 48") 15.0 In d 2 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 72 ft $22.00 $2,284.00 $2,284.00 20 pipe,cmp(54 to 72') 60.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $146.00 $0.00 $0.00 21 rip-rap,placed 0 ton $30.00 $0.00 120 pcf $0.00 modified EC-1 class 1 ditch end 0 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 E&S fabnc,EG2,3 1750 ft L 4 ft W 777.78 sy $10.00 $7,777.78 $7,777.78 23 clear and grub 1517.0 ftL 30.0 ft W 1.0 acre $10,000.00 $10,447.66 $10,447.66 24 road grading (ave.end area:W-width of cut,n-n.1 slopes,h-fill hlght) price per cy for cut or import sta W n h area fill cut 4500 30 3 0 0 ' _ �/� 4600 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 a(►A ''v/ 4675 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 �11 A 4775 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 `_ 4900 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 5050 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 500 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5200 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 ^V�.1_/✓ , E 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 c'30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 O 30 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 6450 30 3 1 33 458.3 0.0 6575 30 3 14 1008 2409.7 0.0 v 6700 30 3 0 0 2333.3 0.0 7550 30 3 2 72 1133.3 0.0 7775 30 3 0 0 300.0 0.0 7925 30 3 8 432 1200.0 0.0 8015 30 3 0 0 720.0 0.0 y 8554.72 0.0 8554.72 cy bal / $3.00) $25,664'.17 (use$14/cy for sic $25,664.17 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road 1517.0 ft 3.034 inc of 500' 4 $150.00 $615.00 $615.00 25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 1517.0 ft L 0.287 ml. 3 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 ml.) 1517.0 ft L 0.287 mi. 3 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 27 mobilization 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 28 VDOT surety(2 In rd) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 29 VDOT maintenance fee(2 In rd,1 yr 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 b (private roads only) cost sum 4104,863.31 30%min.reduction $31,458.99 cost remaining $104,863.31 contigency Q._5_% $26,215.83 $26,215.83 Total $131,080 Total remaining $131,080 80%min.bond amt $104,870 '-WI ' \ 10/3/02 • v / 4,t/ O /9,1 1 / JQ� /I I L�s ir 24 VAC 30-90-380 TABLE 1 - GEOMETRIC DESIGN GUIDE FOR SUBDMSON STREETS FUNC ENGLISH MEASUREMENTS TIONALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOCAL �07 N., ALL UNITS ARE IN ROADWAY SECTION CRITERIA FEET,MPH,OR DEGREES HORIZONTAL&VERTICAL CONTROL SHOULDER&DITCH ROADWAYS CURB AND CUTTER ROADWAYS Maximum Cut or Fill Slope■2:1 RESIDENTIAL NON-RESIDENTIAL SLOPE OF DITCH AND MINIMUM WIDTH MINIMUM ROADWAY(c-c)AND RIGHT-OF-WAY(ROW)WIDTHS C SHALL BE BASED ON SLOPES OF SMALL BE BASED ON THE LENGTH OF STREET AND SPECIAL 3:1 TO PROVIDE A WIDTH OF 4 FEET OR REQUIREMENTS REGARDING OFF-STREET PARKING,SEE 24 VAC o0• MORE. ] PROJECTED 30-90-130 0.3.g.AND 24 VAC 30-90-280 TRAFFIC DESGN SIGHT DISTANCE PAVEMENT RIGHT OF VOLUME SPEED CURVE DATA SHOULDER WIDTH LENGTH UNDER LENGTH 'o TERRAIN SUGGESTED MINIMUM WIDTH WAY p' %GRADE (MINIMUM) 0.5 MILES OR MILES LENGTH NOT A FACTOR = (MPH) RADIUS DEG SUPER- STOPPING @INTER- (MINIMUM) WIDTH FILL CUT OR OR MORE (ADT) (MIN.) (MIN.) MAX ELEVATION PARKING SECTIONS (MIN.) W/GR FILL W/0 GR PARKING PARKING C LEVEL 120 48° ALLOWED RESTRICTED ALLOWED :' 7 � UP TO 250 ROLLING 20 120 48° NONE 10co 125 200 18 40 7 = MOUNTAINOUS4 cc 28 cc=30 =24 95 60° 16 cc=30 ti LEVEL 120 48° ROW=40 ROW=40 ROW=40 ROW=40 7 a 251-400 ROLLING 20 120 48° NONE 10 125 200 20 50 7 q n MOUNTAINOUS 95 60• -28 =30 cc=24 cc=30 16 Cl) LEVEL ROW=40 ROW=40 ROW=40 Q' 7 22 ROW=40 _a 40.1-1000 ROLLING 25 180 32' NONE 10 150 250 22 50 7 MOUNTAINOUS 4 °36 cc=36 16 20 N/A cc=38 ROW=44 �^' LEVEL 7 ROW=44 ROW=46 22CD 1001-2000 ROLLING 30 300 19' NONE 10 200 300 22 50 9 6 = fD _ cc=36 Cc MOUNTAINOUS 14 20 ROW=44 ROW=44 ROW=46 B LEVEL 717, 20014000 ROLLING 30 300 NONE 10 0 200 300 22 50 9 6 - cc=38 cc=40 MOUNTAINOUS 14 ROW=46 ROW=46 7 275 400 ROW=48 LEVEL 40 535 10.5' RATE= c:rj OVER 4000 ROLLING 40 535 10.5' STD. 9 275 400 24 50 9 6 MOUNTAINOUS 30 250 23° CROWN 14 200 300 x= cc 7-40 cc=40 ROW=48 ROW=48 ROW=48 /C 1/44 tic-- S /ea gO DL S/Gti A'l1fl u Ac' 01/ .': ;-:!-- ' — . .-''.. -,.. ;.', -''.. ' ', ' : '. .: - 44 ' Cm* iiiiiAl ILE . . .... . .._ . . ue urn Name ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer) Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost Wt. %comol. Cost Rem. Number (installed) Road 65+00to 80+17 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 933.33 cy $34.20 $31,920.00 115 pcf $31,920.00 2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 asphalt base 3.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 919.80 tons $70.00 $64,386.00 146 $84,388.00 4 asphalt surface 1.5 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 459.90 tons $78.00 $35,872.20 146 835,872.20 / 5 milling 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $5.65 $0.00 $0.00 /vJ_ 6 curb CG-2 0.00 ft $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 I 7 curb CG-6 2800 1 --,1r,l ,p(r:'•ft $13.17 $0.00 $0.00 (lvwl 8 sidewalk,asphalt / 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 4.0 ft W 0.00 tons $70.00 $0.00 146 pcf $0.00''// 9 sidewalk,concrete( 1400 ,.ya 0.00 ft $11.10 1"14�W $0.00 I�f�?j7/ $0.00..41 0 yL 06 ramp CG-124.Y' $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 O. 11 street name sign $65.00 $130.00 $130.00 ',.A )O 12 traffic control sign 2 $47.00 $94.00 $94.00 �� 13 guardrail(or rebuild wall in right-of-w A ES lt$3700 500 ft $16.00 $15,400.00 $15,400.00 Q I. th manhole or drop inlet /l/k. 1 144.4i4 IQ-, $1,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 l of 16 culvert pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d i ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 ft 1 l� $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 17 . pipe,rcp(54 to 72") 54.0 in d ` ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 -2:cetft 5150.00 $0.00 $0.00 18 pipe,pvc(4 to 10") 8.0 in d 0 ft $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 pipe,cmp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d S-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 JYft $22.00 $2,284.00 $2,284.00 20 pipe,cmp(54 to 72") 60.0 in d ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 6 0 ft $146.00 $0.00 $0.00 21 rip-rap,placed 0 ton $30.00 $0.00 120 pcf $0.00 modified EC-1 class 1 ditch end toy OJ 0 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 E&S fabnc,EC-2,3 1350 ft L 4 ft W 777.78 sy $10.00 $7,777.78 $7,777.78 clear and grub 1517.0 ft L 30.0 ft W 1.0 acre $10,000.00 $10,447.66 $10,447.66 4 road grading (ave.end area:W-w th of cut,n-n:1 slopesInSSight) price per cy for cut or import only sta n h area fill cut 0 30 3 0 r / n� ) 50 30di_1 3 168 155.6 0.0 4 4g $ c ? I i. S _ W s- r 100 3047 2 432 555.6 0.0 1 150 30 2 500 863.0 0.0 } r 200 30 2 432 863.0 0.0 250 30 2 368 740.7 0.0 3 4�' $ tS L T 1 VY� 300 30 2 152 481.5 0.0 350 30 2 900 974.1 0.0 400 30 2 1400 2129.6 0.0 450 30 2 2700 3796.3 0.0 500 30 2 2552 4863.0 0.0 550 30 2 1400 3659.3 0.0 600 30 12 500 1759.3 0.0 650 30ln 3 0 463.0 0.0 700 30 i 3 -792 0.0 -733.3 750 30 3 -357 0.0 -1063.9 800 30 3 -225 0.0 -538.9 0 30 3 -432 0.0 - .3 iNi,s ILL/ 900 30 3 -693 0.0 -1041041.7 L 90 900 30 3 -792 0.0 -1514.6 11 + /1 .Yh, 1000 30 3 -843.8 0.0 -1514.E OLP---•j4tvø �(/V$ .(...i 111 ��• L1050 30 3 -1444 0.0 -2118.1 1100 30 3 -1312 0.0 -2551.4 1150 30 3 -1125 0.0 -2256.3 1200 30 3 -432 0.0 -1441.7 1250 30 3 -168 0.0 -555.6 1300 30 3 -168 0.0 -311.1 1350 30 3 -93.75 0.0 -242.4 1400 30�••• 3 0 0.0 -86.8 1450 30 3 0 0.0 0.0 (1{(4)111 k9/\i�ihl**114t -16438.9 4864.81 cy bat $3.00 $63,911.11 (use$14/cy for sig $63.911.11 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per mad) 1517.0 ft L 3.034 inc of 500' 4 $150.00 $615.00 $615.00 25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 1517.0 ft L 0.287 mi. 3 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1517.0 ft L 0.287 mi. 3 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 27 mobilization 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 28 VDOT surety(2 In rd) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 29 VDOT maintenance fee(2 In rd,1 yr) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 (private roads only) cost sum $239,837.75 30%min.reduction $71,951.32 cost remaining $239,837.75 contigency 25% $59,959.44 $59,959.44 Total $299,800 Total remaining $299,800 80%min-bond amt $239,840 10/4/02 17 t 3 14, 171I `C1 r91/31w -2;\"ceiscvtAvv, jt\ 'dc! Name ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer) Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost Wt. %comp!. Cost Rem. Number (installed) Road 65+00 to 80+17 1 (aggregate base 6.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 S W 933.33 cy $34.20 $31,920.00 115 pcf $31,920.00 2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0 00 sy $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 lasphall base 3.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 919.80 tons $70.00 $64,386.00 146 $64,386.00 4 --asphalt surface 1.5 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 459.90 tons $78.00 $35,872.20 146 $35,872.20 5 milling 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $5.65 $0.00 $0.00 6 curb CG-2 0.00 ft $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 curb CG-6 2800 1 0.00 ft $13.17 $0.00 $0.00 8 sidewalk,asphalt 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 4.0 ft W 0.00 tons $70.00 $0.00 146 pcf $0.00 9 sidewalk,concrete 4'width 1400 0.00 ft $11.10 $0.00 $0.00 10 ramp CG-12 0 $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 11 street name sign 2 $55,00 $13000 $130.00 12 traffic control sign -2 $47,00 $94.00. $94.00 13 guardrail(or rebuild wall in dght•of•w 2 ES $3700 500 ft $18.00 $15,400 00 $15;400.00 1 14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 VM1,_pJ� 17 pipe,rcp(54 to 72") 54.0 in d 16 culvert pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 18 pipe,pvc(4 to 10") 8.0 in d 0 ft $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 Ifjp 19 pipe,cmp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 2 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 72 ft $22.00 $2,284.00 $2,284.00 20 pipe,cmp(54 to 72") 60.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $146.00 $0.00 $0.00 21 rip-rap,placed 0 ton $30.00 $0.00 120 pcf $0.00 modified EC-1 class 1 ditch end 0 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 E&S fabric,EC-2,3 1750 ft L 4 ft W 777.78 sy $10.00 $7,777.78 $7,777.78 23 clear and grub 1517.0 ft L 30.0 ft W 1.0 acre $10,000.00 $10,447.66 $10,447.66 24 road grading (ave.end area:W-width of cut,n-n:1 slopes,h-fill Night) price per cy for cut or import only sta W n h area fill cut 0 30 3 0 50 30 3 168 155.6 0.0 100 30 2 432 555.6 0.0 150 30 2 500 863.0 0.0 200 30 2 432 863.0 0.0 250 30 2 368 740.7 0.0 300 30 2 152 481.5 0.0 350 30 2 900 974.1 0.0 400 30 2 1400 2129.6 0.0 450 30 2 2700 3796.3 0.0 500 30 2 2552 4863.0 0.0 550 30 2 1400 3659.3 0.0 600 30 2 500 1759.3 0.0 650 30 3 0 463.0 0.0 700 30 3 -792 0.0 -733.3 750 30 3 -357 0.0 -1063.9 800 30 3 -225 0.0 -538.9 850 30 3 -432 0.0 -608.3 900 30 3 -693 0.0 -1041.7 950 30 3 -792 0.0 -1375.0 1000 30 3 -843.8 0.0 -1514.6 1050 30 3 -1444 0.0 -2118.1 1100 30 3 -1312 0.0 -2551.4 1150 30 3 -1125 0.0 -2256.3 1200 30 3 -432 0.0 -1441.7 1250 30 3 -168 0.0 -555.6 1300 30 3 -168 0.0 -311.1 1350 30 3 -93.75 0.0 -242.4 1400 30 3 0 0.0 -86.8 1450 30 3 0 0.0 0.0 #t # -16438.9 4864.81 cy bal $3.00 $63,911.11 (use$14/cy for sig $63,911.11 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1517.0 ft L 3.034 inc of 500' 4 $150.00 $615.00 $615.00 25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 1517.0 ft L 0.287 mi. 3 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1517.0 ft L 0.287 mi. 3 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 27 mobilization 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 28 VDOT surety(2 In rd) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 29 VDOT maintenance fee(2 In rd,1 yr) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 (private roads only) cost sum $239,837.75 30%min.reduction $71,951.32 cost remaining $239,837.75 contigency 25% $59,959.44 $59,959.44 Total $299,800 Total remaining $299,800 80%min.bond amt $239,840 10/4/02 I Name ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer) Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost Wt. %comol. Cost Rem. Number (installed) Road 65+00to 80+17 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 S W 933.33 cy $34.20 $31,920.00 115 pcf $31,920.00 2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 asphalt base 3.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 919.80 tons $70.00 $64,386.00 146 $64,386.00 4 asphalt surface 1.5 In d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 459.90 tons $78.00 $35,872.20 146 Atjaimus, $35,872.20 5 milling 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $5.65 $0.00 $0.00 6 curb CG-2 0.00 ft $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 curb CG-6 2800 1 2800.00 ft $13.17 $36 876 t $36,876.00 8 sidewalk,asphalt 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 4.0 ft W 0.00 tons $70.00 $0.00 146 pcf $0.00 9 Sidewalk,concrete 5' sidewalk,cor 1400 0.00 ft $13.88 $0.00 $19,425.00 10 ramp CG-12 2 $300.00 $600.00 $600.00 11 street name sign 2 $65.00 $130.00 $130.00 12 traffic control sign 2 $47.00 $94.00 $94.00 13 guardrail(or rebuild wall in rightof-w; 2 ES 0$3700 500 ft $16.00 $15,400.00 $15,400.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 18 $1,300.00 $23,400.00 $23,400.00 16 culvert pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 1400 ft $22.00 $31,050.00 $31,050.00 17 pipe,rcp(54 to 72") 54.0 in d 2 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 200 ft $150.00 $30,500.00 $30,500.00 18 pipe,pvc(4 to 10") 8.0 in d 0 ft $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 pipe,cmp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 pipe,cmp(54 to 72") 60.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $146.00 $0.00 $0.00 21 rip-rap,placed 0 ton $30.00 $0.00 120 pcf $0.00 modified EC-1 class 1 ditch end 0 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 E&S fabric,EC-2,3 1400 ft L 4 ft W 622.22 sy $10.00 $6,222.22 $6,222.22 23 clear and grub 1400.0 ft L 60.0 ft W 1.9 acre $10,000.00 $19,283.75 $19,283.75 24 road grading (ave.end area:W-width of cut,n-n:1 slopes,h-fill hight) price per cy for cut or import only sta W n h area fill cut 0 49 3 0 0 50 49 3 4 244 225.9 0.0 100 55 3 9 738 909.3 0.0 150 55 3 10 850 1470.4 0.0 200 55 3 9 738 1470.4 0.0 250 55 3 8 632 1268.5 0.0 300 55 3 4 268 833.3 0.0 350 55 3 15 1500 1637.0 0.0 400 55 3 20 2300 3518.5 0.0 450 55 3 30 4350 6157.4 0.0 500 55 3 29 4118 7840.7 0.0 550 55 3 20 2300 5942.6 0.0 600 55 3 10 850 2916.7 0.0 650 49 3 0 0 787.0 0.0 700 49 3 -12 -1020 0.0 -944.4 750 49 3 -7 -490 0.0 -1398.1 800 49 3 -5 -320 0.0 -750.0 850 49 3 -8 -584 0.0 -837.0 900 49 3 -11 -902 0.0 -1375.9 950 49 3 -12 -1020 0.0 -1779.6 1000 180 3-12.5 -2719 0.0 -3461.8 1050 300 3-17.5 -6169 0.0 -8229.2 1100 300 3-16.5 -5767 0.0 -11051.4 1150 300 3 -15 -5175 0.0 -10131.3 1200 225 3 -8 -1992 0.0 -6636.1 1250 225 3 -4 -948 0.0 -2722.2 1300 49 3 -4 -244 0.0 -1103.7 1350 49 3 -2.5 -141.3 0.0 -356.7 1400 49 3 0 0 0.0 -130.8 1450 49 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 34977.78 -50908.3-15930.56 cy bal $3.00 $152,725.00 (use$14/cy for sig $152,725.00 24 CBR tests(1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1400.0 ft L 2.8 inc of 500' 4 $150.00 $570.00 $570.00 25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 I 1400.0 ft L 0.265 mi. 3 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1400.0 ft L 0.265 mi. 3 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 27 mobilization 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 28 VDOT surety(2 In rd) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 29 VDOT maintenance fee(2 In rd,1 yr) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 (private roads only) Cost sum $456,029.17 30%min.reduction $136,808.75 cost remaining $475,454.17 contigency 25% $114,007.29 $118,863.54 Total $570,040 __'I Total remaining 80%min.bond amt , 10/8/2002 Name ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer) Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost Wt. %comol. Cost Rem. Number (installed) Road 65+00 to 80+17 1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 933.33 cy $34.20 $31,920.00 115 pcf $31,920.00 2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 3 asphalt base 3.0 in d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 919.80 tons $70.00 $64,386.00 146 $64,386.00 4 asphalt surface 1.5 In d 1400.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 459.90 tons $78.00 $35,872.20 146 $35,872.20 5 milling 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.00 sy $5.65 $0.00 $0.00 6 curb CG-2 0.00 ft $8.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 curb CG-e 2800 1 2800.00 ft $13.17 $36,876.00 $36,876,00 8 sidewalk,asphalt 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 4.0 ft W 0.00 tons $70.00 $0.00 146 pcf $0.00 9 Sidewalk,concrete 5' sidewalk,cor 1400 0.00 ft $13.88 $0.00 $19,425.00 10 ramp CG-12 2 S300.00 S600.00 $600.00 11 street name sign 2 $65.00 S130.00 $130.00 12 traffic control sign 2 $47.00 $94.00 $94.00 13 guardrail(or rebuild wall In right-of-w: 2 ES @I$3700 500 ft $16.00 $15,400.00 $15,400.00 14 manhole or drop inlet 18 $1,300.00 $23,400.00 $23,400.00 16 culvert pipe,rcp(15 to 481 15.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 1400 ft $22.00 $31,050.00 $31,050.00 17 pipe,rcp(54 to 72") 54.0 In d 2 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 200 ft $150.00 $30,500.00 $30,500.00 18 pipe,pvc(4 to 10") 8.0 in d 0 ft $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 pipe,crop(15 to 48") 15.0 In d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 20 pipe,crop(54 to 72") 60.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0 ft $146.00 $0.00 $0.00 21 rip-rap,placed 0 ton $30.00 $0.00 120 pcf $0.00 modified EC-1 class 1 ditch end 0 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 22 E&Sfabric,EC-2,3 1400 ft L 4 ft W 622.22 sy $10.00 $6,222.22 $6,222.22 23 clear and grub 1400.0 ft L 60.0 ft W 1.9 acre $10,000.00 $19,283.75 $19,283.75 24 road grading (ave.end area:W-width of cut,n-n:1 slopes,h-fill hight) price per cy for cut or import only sta W n h area fill cut 0 49 3 0 0 50 49 3 4 244 225.9 0.0 100 55 3 9 738 909.3 0.0 150 55 3 10 850 1470.4 0.0 200 55 3 9 738 1470.4 0.0 250 55 3 8 632 1268.5 0.0 300 55 3 4 268 833.3 0.0 350 55 3 15 1500 1637.0 0.0 400 55 3 20 2300 3518.5 0.0 450 55 3 30 4350 6157.4 0.0 500 55 3 29 4118 7840.7 0.0 550 55 3 20 2300 5942.6 0.0 600 55 3 10 850 2916.7 0.0 650 49 3 0 0 787.0 0.0 700 49 3 -12 -1020 0.0 -944.4 750 49 3 -7 -490 0.0 -1398.1 800 49 3 -5 -320 0.0 -750.0 850 49 3 -8 -584 0.0 -837.0 900 49 3 -11 -902 0.0 -1375.9 950 49 3 -12 -1020 0.0 -1779.6 1000 180 3-12.5 -2719 0.0 -3461.8 1050 300 3-17.5 -6169 0.0 -8229.2 1100 300 3-16.5 -5767 0.0 -11051.4 1150 300 3 -15 -5175 0.0 -10131.3 1200 225 3 -8 -1992 0.0 -6636.1 1250 225 3 -4 -948 0.0 -2722.2 1300 49 3 -4 -244 0.0 -1103.7 1350 49 3 -2.5 -141.3 0.0 -356.7 1400 49 3 0 0 0.0 -130.8 1450 49 3 0 0 0.0 0.0 34977.78 -50908.3-15930.56 cy bal $3.00 $152,725.00 (use$14/cy for sig $152,725.00 24 CBR tests(1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1400.0 E L 2.8 inc of 500' 4 $150.00 $570.00 $570.00 25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 I 1400.0 ft L 0.265 mi. 3 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1400.0 EL 0.265 mi. 3 $500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 27 mobilization 1 $500.00 $500.00 $500.00 28 VDOT surety(2 In rd) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 29 VDOT maintenance fee(2 In rd,1 yr) 0.0 ft L 0 mi. $0.00 $0.00 (private roads only) Cost sum $456,029.17 30%min.reduction $136,808.75 cost remaining $475,454.17 contigency 25% $114,007.29 $118,863.54 Total 8570,040 Total remaining $594,320 80%min.bond amt 8456,040 10/8/2002 a _ \ ( V4/ p 1 4 N ' \(6.? $\H s 1 STA n o N, W. n I I 0 -f- 00 5c 0 ` 0 ± 50 zi ' 5?7 -07c q 4 -f-0O 9 ' 1-15-48"6 9 -i- Sb — ID ' fie• q?s. c '0 Z107 I 0 '1-7 Ci -A-7 1 S 3 e00 i ' I /' /41 = 34-6-0 19, op1 i,5--( 1 i 4- 50 0:N 54- 06 - 27 ` �q - d-e) , 1 54-5-0 I 2.0 9,--- ' 6 i-0o I d Y 3D ilett (0 61-50 0 yam' -q -- I2- 7 rOO — 12— I <36 - `t37 - 7 74-50 — 7 47'' $-f -.c iS_-:51) - 51 q4-00 - i 1 ' 9-t<60 - 1 101-00 I S6 1 varAs.- ---\2S cf u .t; -42,cl ----- -- \2_.. / 0 -1--57) 30') - 0 ‘ .._ 1-:5,c-ps- 4-tiL,_______h I0 f0a b - !6-S c34-sr) _ Z.s , - I i 1'6-6 .07). e_ v( rwo c) I - fao Zap - 1 iii rq , Q) f Z 'I-56 2 2-- v. 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