HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200200008 Review Comments 2002-08-01 Aoya
Department of Planning& Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 218
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(804) 296 - 5823
Fax (804) 972—4012
August 1, 2002
Tim Miller
Rivanna Engineering
P.O. Box 7603
Charlottesville, VA 22906
RE: ZMA 02-008 South Pantops Office Preliminary Site Plan
Dear Mr. Miller:
The staff has reviewed your recently submitted rezoning proposal referenced above. The
following paragraphs and pages provide comments that are designed to provide information and
suggestions for this rezoning.
Please be advised that this project is scheduled for a Planning Commission public hearing on
October 1, 2002. The staff would like to provide a second set of comments to you on this project
prior to your final submittal of plans for the rezoning. In order to provide a second set of
comments, staff needs to have your second submittal of plans and a first draft of proffers no later
than August 12, 2002. Staff will then comment on that second draft on August 23, 2002. The
absolute last day for you to submit new plans and proffers will be September 3, 2002.
Comments from the Planning Department are below. Comments from Building Codes and
Zoning Services, Fire and Rescue, Engineering, VDOT, and the Service Authority are provided
on the attached pages.
The following Planning Department comments are meant to inform you about what the County
expects in terms of development design and provide very detailed suggestions on how you might
be able to rethink this project and how closely it compares to the Neighborhood Model. The
following is a list of the Principles with staff suggestions underneath.
Principles of the Neighborhood Model:
Pedestrian Orientation
It is not clear how you proposed to move pedestrians throughout the site,to adjoining sites and
out to the public road.
• It would be helpful if you show and label proposed sidewalks (sidewalks which the developer
will build with this project and existing sidewalks so that staff can see how the pedestrian
system will work.
• It is strongly recommended that a pedestrian path(s)be provided which connects the two
• It is strongly recommended that you provide crosswalks at your parking lot intersections
along Hansen Road. These crosswalks will aid pedestrians to other sites within the shopping
• All sidewalks along Hansen Road should be 5'wide and concrete with a 5'planting strip
which abuts Hansen.
Neighborhood Friendly Streets and Paths
Staff sees this as a strong pedestrian orientated commercial neighborhood center. However, this
layout does not contribute to the friendliness/safety of the streets. On an aesthetic realm, the
parking layout you are proposing, with spaces next to the street makes it appear as though there is
more asphalt than green space.
• It is strongly recommended, at the very least, that the buildings be moved to the front of the
site so that their faces are along Hansen and not a parking lot.
• A planting strip along the road with sidewalks closer to the buildings is more appealing in
terms of feelings of safety to pedestrians and the streetscape. It is strongly recommended that
Hansen is shown with a 5'planting strip abutting the curb with 5' sidewalks behind. Both
buildings should be accessed by the parking lots from behind.
• A design concept which may help the streetscape is a strong, steady, and even build-to line
along all the streets. In other words, the principal orientation of the front façade of all
buildings should be parallel or nearly parallel to the streets they face.
Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks
• Staff has been investigating the possibility of building a connector road from the end of
Rolkin Drive westward across the southern end of your property. It appears that this road
would not affect the layout of your proposal. Would you be interested in conveying the land
for such a project through a proffer?
• CTS (Charlottesville Transit Service)provides service to this area. It is strongly
recommended that you provide a bus shelter for public use on this site. Consideration should
be given to a bus pull-in lane in front of the shelter so that stopped buses do not interrupt
traffic along Hansen Road.
• See recommendations from VDOT.
, ,'� .
' , '
Parks and Open Space
• The opportunities for useable open space on this parcel are extremely limited. Staff is
requesting that you provide a plan showing existing wooded areas/conditions so that we can
assess if any opportunities for meaningful open space exist.
• A good amenity to this development and future occupants/employees would be the inclusion
of some form of useable open space for either passive-recreation and/or gathering/lunching
purposes. Consider adding a shaded courtyard with tables and chairs, etc.
Neighborhood Centers
N/A- this is a neighborhood center.
Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale
It appears that the proposed building to lot ratio is very small because of the large amount of
"natural" open space. This is acceptable.
Relegated Parking
As stated earlier, it is staffs opinion that this particular proposed layout does not accomplish this
Neighborhood Model edict- all but a few of the parking spaces can be seen from internal primary
• Staffs strongest recommendation is to move the buildings closer to the street and place the
parking behind the building.
Mixture of Uses
Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability
Redevelopment Rather Than Abandonment
Site Planning That Respects Terrain
Manmade or not, it appears that your proposal will encroach on a large area of critical slopes
which would require a waiver from the Planning Commission.
• A repositioning of the buildings might alleviate some of this encroachment. The parking lots
can be repositioned around these slopes.
Clear Edges
Additional Information Needed
Elevations: The Planning Commission has an expectation that elevations will be provided with
proposed developments accompanying a rezoning. When you decide on the building types for the
, •
parcels, please provide elevations and consider proffering characteristics of those elevations.
Cross sections will better help staff make alternate design recommendations. In addition to
elevations, this site will be highly visible from the Entrance Corridor. Staff believes that the
Commission will be concerned with the visibility of your buildings. As part of your landscaping
plan,we suggest that you provide larger trees than would normally be expected on a typical site
so that the building will not be so obvious.
Existing conditions: According to submitted application plan, you are not proposing to save any
existing environmental features. In assessing whether there are any environmental features to be
saved, it would be helpful to know what exists on the site currently. Please include a sheet which
shows the existing tree line and generally categorize the types of trees, show and identify all
individual trees over 6" in caliper.
Surrounding neighborhood: Please show and label properties (with at least tax map parcel
numbers and existing uses), topography and features for properties lying within 200' of your
property in all directions. This will help staff assess how your proposal fits into the surrounding
neighborhood and the terrain/densities/amenities/connections contained within.
Monticello Viewshed: Your project lies in the Monticello viewshed, the County is obligated,
through the Comprehensive Plan and proffers associated with the shopping center,to work with
Monticello to protect this significant historical resource. Please contact Kat Imhoff at 984-9802
so that she can review your plans and comment on whether their viewshed is affected. Again, the
use and placement of trees will be an important issue.
ARB: Staff would like advisory comments from the Architectural Review Board before we make
a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Please contact Margaret Maliszewski at 296-
5823 for advice.
Proffers: My impression from your submittal is that you are requesting this rezoning with
proffers. The plan provided with this submittal could be proffered with this rezoning. Please be
advised that the level of variation from the plan would be entirely within the purview of the
Zoning Administrator. The Planning Director could not approve variations to the plan. For that
reason, if you proffer the plan, it is important that you highlight the features that are essential to
the design and development. Proffers have traditionally been used by developers to promise
elements of the plan that are normally not allowed by right-things like variations in setback,
certain architectural details/features,public infrastructure improvements, etc.
Some standard language for proffers is provided below:
1. Development of the parcel shall be in general accord with the (application)plan entitled "xx"
dated"xx"and last revised"xx"(where applicable)herein referred to as"The Plan" Specific
features of The Plan which are proffered are:
a. spell out the feature, such as, "a central amenity", relegated parking as shown on the plan.
pedestrian access as shown, etc.
2. Conformity with the following features of the elevations entitled"xx" dated"xx".
3. Screening for the full-length of the northern boundary of the site where the parcel adjoins
with TM 91 Parcel 13 (if considered necessary by the Schools Division).
4. Sidewalks consisting of(specs - asphalt or concrete) shall be installed(where
specifically) and completed before release of the performance bond.
5. Where site grading is performed, the owner shall minimize use of slopes steeper than 3:1,
subject to approval by the Department of Engineering and Public Works. The Applicant
shall install additional low maintenance vegetation to provide stabilization for proposed
slopes steeper than 3:1 as approved by the County's Landscape Planner. Nothing
contained in these proffers shall be deemed a waiver of the Planning Commission's
review of Applicant's critical slope waiver under Section 4.2.5 of the Ordinance.
6. The Owner shall limit the number of residential units on the parcel to "xx"residential
7. (If you want to make a cash proffer or off-site improvement)By not later than(some
point in time or key event), the owner shall provide to the County(cash for a County
improvement relating to the rezoning or and off-site improvement). Should (that
improvement)not take place within the next(specific time period) from the approved
proffer date, it shall be refunded to (whom?).
Should you have any questions please call me at (434) 296-5823 ext. 3297.
Micha es a 'ra arante
Albemarle County Development Departments ZMA-2002-008
SPIN Submission and Comments South Pantops Office
Engineering ZMA 02-08 revision 1
reviewer received reviewed decision
Glenn Brooks 6/24/02 7/17/02 requested changes
TO: Michael Barnes, Planner (to be in SPIN)
FROM: Glenn E. Brooks, Senior Engineer
DATE: 17 July 2002
RE: South Pantops Office, rezoning, ZMA-2002-008
(received 8 July 2002)
The Engineering Department will recommend approval when the following items have been satisfactorily
1. It is unclear how fill will be placed without erosion control measures encroaching on abutting property.
Please provide a conceptual plan showing how this is to be accomplished.
2. Please have the traffic study updated to indicate the levels of service at the intersections of Hansen
Road with the entrance and access road, and with Rt. 250. The need for turn lanes into the site or the
access road opposite should be analyzed. Please find attached the applicable summary sheets from the
traffic study of Apr 1998.
VDOT approval will also be required for plans which affect right-of-way. Please contact me if you have
Copy: file 1821
File: Pantops PDMC office zma (1).doc
7/30/02 01:17 PM Page 1 of 1
July 17, 2002
Special Use Permit Submittals
August 2002
Mr. David Benish
Dept. of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Dear Mr. Benish:
Please find our comments for the August Review Meeting:
SP-2002-038: Lone Oak LLC, Route 626 (Joan McDowell)
No Comments.
SP-2002-039: John Griffin, Route 665 (Joan McDowell)
No Comments
ZMA-02-08: South Pantops, Route 250 (Micheal Barnes)
To encourage the use of travel by modes other than the Single Occupancy Vehicle we recommend the following
amenities and incentives be provided:
1. Bicycle Racks
2. Showers and lockers or similar changing facilities, possibly included in designated rest rooms.
3. Priority parking for carpools and van pools.
4. Bus Shelter, or improvements to the existing or proposed bus shelter if one exists.
5. Transit/Vanpool Incentives such as free bus passes or vanpool subsidies
6. SOV disincentives such as higher fees for SOV parking.
In addition, full frontage improvements must be provided, which will extend the full width lane to the boundary
with TMP 78, Parcel 13A. This will require the adjustment of a drop inlet.
ZMA-2002-009: Lloyd F. Wood, Route 250 (Scott Clark)
No Comments
SP-2002-040: Central Telephone Company of Virginia—Ailtei, Route 631 (Stephen Waller)
No Comments
SP-2002-041: Mountainwood Executive Center, Route 631 (Susan Thomas)
To encourage the use of travel by modes other than the Single Occupancy Vehicle we recommend the following
amenities and incentives be provided:
1. Bicycle Racks
2. Showers and lockers or similar changing facilities, possibly included in designated rest rooms.
3. Priority parking for carpools and van pools.
4. Bus Shelter, or improvements to the existing or proposed bus shelter if one exists.
5. Transit/Vanpool Incentives such as free bus passes or vanpool subsidies
6. SOV disincentives such as higher fees for SOV parking.
SP and ZMA Comments
' . Page 2 of 2
ZMA 02-01: Fontaine Condos,Route 702
Based on our field review of Route 702, we recommend the developer trench widen the shoulders 5 feet where
possible from the site to the eastern ramps. The widening should remove the shoulder material to a depth of 6
inches and replace with 4 inches of base asphalt (BM-25) and 2 inches of surface asphalt (SM-9.5A).
Bycicle and pedestrian facilities crossing Morey Creek, such as a separate bridge or improvements to the
existing structure, should be provided. Bicycle racks should be provided.
The site should be designed to accommodate bus service.
If there are any questions or concerns, please advise.
Matthew C. Grimes, EIT
Transportation Engineer
cc via email: Karen Kilby
Marshall Barron
Jim Kesterson
Joan McDowell
Scott Clark
Michael Barnes
Stephen Waller
Yadira Amarante
Susan Thomas
Albemarle County Development Departments ZMA-2002-008
SPIN Submission and Comments South Pantops Office
Zoning ZMA 02-08 revision 2
reviewer received reviewed decision
Jan Sprinkle 6/24/02 7/29/02
This department has no objections to the requested change on the application plan "Area#7"from a 100-
room hotel to two 2-story office buildings. A condition of approval should be, "No building permits for
these office buildings shall be issued until an amended application plan is received in the Building Code
and Zoning Services Department." The plan may remain exactly as it currently is with the exception of
the wording in the area "bubble" changed from "Hotel, #7 - 100 rooms" to"Office space#7 - max
If other departments request an application plan change to reflect the existing conditions (gas
station/convenience store/restaurant/office and food store/shell retail), this department has no objection,
but the plan should be reviewed and approved by all concerned departments to insure that the"as is"
condition is reflected accurately prior to being submitted as part of the building permit application.
7/30/02 01:19 PM Page 1 of 1
Albemarle County Development Departments ZMA-2002-008
SPIN Submission and Comments South Pantops Office
Building ZMA 02-08 revision 1
reviewer received reviewed decision
Jay Schlothauer 6/24/02 7/12/02 approved
Based on information submitted June 24, 2002.
No comments or conditions concerning this zoning map amendment. Comments will be forthcoming
when detailed site plans are developed.
r.. 1 ••• r
7/30/02 01:17 PM Page 1 of 1
Albemarle County Development Departments ZMA-2002-008
SPIN Submission and Comments South Pantops Office
Fire/Rescue ZMA 02-08 revision 1
reviewer received reviewed decision
Jay Schlothauer 6/24/02 7/12/02 approved
Based on information submitted June 24, 2002.
No comments or conditions concerning this zoning map amendment. Comments will be forthcoming
when detailed site plans are developed.
7/30/02 01:18 PM Page 1 of 1
Albemarle County Development Departments ZMA-2002-008
SPIN Submission and Comments South Pantops Office
Architectural Review Board revision 1
reviewer received reviewed decision
Margaret Maliszewski 7/11/02 7/11/02
This site falls within the Route 250 East Entrance Corridor. ARB review will be required.
7/30/02 01:17 PM Page 1 of 1
i e
Albemarle County
Service Auth èrit
Serving Conserving
TO: Michael Barnes & Yadira Amarante, Planners
FROM: Chris Stephan, Senior Civil Engineer
DATE: July 25, 2002
RE: Site Plan Technical Review for: South Pantops
South Pantops Office
The below checked items apply to this site. ZMA-02-08
X 1 . This site plan is within the Authority' s
jurisdictional area for:
X A. Water and sewer
B. Water only
C. Water only to existing structure
D. Limited service
X 2 . An 8 inch water line is located along Hanson Rd.
3 . Fire flow from nearest public hydrant, located
distant from this site plan, is gpm + at 20 psi
residual .
X 4 . An 8 inch sewer line is located onsite .
5 . An Industrial Waste Ordinance survey form must be
X 6 . No improvements or obstructions shall be placed
within existing or future easements.
7 . and plans are currently under review.
8 . and plans have been received and
9 . No plans are required.
X 10 . Final water and sewer plans are required for our
review and approval prior to granting tentative
approval .
11 . Final site plan may not be signed.
12 . RWSA approval for water and/or sewer connections .
Comments :Final dedication of the White House sewer extension
and the Joseph Wright offsite sewer line projects has not
been completed. Tentative approval will not be granted until
all outstanding projects have been dedicated.
The site plan does not show or incorrectly shows :
meter locations waterline size
waterline locations sewer line size
sewer line locations expected wastewater flows
easements expected water demands
168 Spotnap Road • P.O. Box 2738 • Charlottesville, VA 22902 • Tel (434) 977-4511 • Fax (434) 979-0698
• • ,t CR AL
Department of Engineering&Public Works
TO: Michael Barnes, Planner (to be in SPIN)
FROM: Glenn E. Brooks, Senior Engineer
DATE: 17 July 2002
RE: South Pantops Office, rezoning, ZMA-2002-008
(received 8 July 2002)
The Engineering Department will recommend approval when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed:
1. It is unclear how fill will be placed without erosion control measures encroaching on
abutting property. Please provide a conceptual plan showing how this is to be
2. Please have the traffic study updated to indicate the levels of service at the intersections of
Hansen Road with the entrance and access road, and with Rt. 250. The need for turn lanes
into the site or the access road opposite should be analyzed. Please find attached the
applicable summary sheets from the traffic study of Apr 1998.
VDOT approval will also be required for plans which affect right-of-way. Please contact me if
you have questions.
Copy: file 1821
File:Pantops PDMC office zma(1).doc
Department of Engineering&Public Works
TO: Michael Barnes, Planner (to be in SPIN)
FROM: Glenn E. Brooks, Senior Engineer
DATE: 17 July 2002
RE: South Pantops Office, preliminary site plan, SDP-2002-084
(received 8 July 2002)
The Engineering Depar lament will recommend approval when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed:
1. Provide complete boundary dimensions on the plat. Please included proposed boundary
dimensions or lease lot lines as well. [18-32.5.6a]
2. Please indicate the amount of impervious cover on the plan, in relation to area bounded by
the proposed lot lines. This should be compared with the figures used in the assumption for
the stormwater management facility. [18-32.5.6b]
3. Existing topography does not appear to represent actual site topography in places. Please
update the topography. [18-32.5.6d]
The following items must reviewed and approved by the Engineering Department before
tentative approval of the final site plan can be granted. A completed submittal form and
application, available at the Engineering Department, must accompany all submittals. The
required number of copies and the required fees are indicated on the form and application.
A. An erosion control plan, narrative and computations. It is unclear how fill will be placed
without erosion control measures encroaching on abutting property. It is recommended that
consideration be given to this early in the process. [18-, 17-203]
B. Drainage computations. [18-32.7.4, Policy]
VDOT approval will also be required for final site plans which affect right-of-way. Please
contact me if you have questions.
Copy: file 1821
File:Pantops PDMC office psp(1).doc
Pantops Traffic Impact Study IA
INTERSECTION TYPE OF MOVEMENT Level of Delay Level of Delay Level of Delay Level of Delay
NAME CONTROL APPROACH Service (seconds) Service jseconds) Service (seconds) Service (seconds)
Rt. 250/State Farm Blvd. Signalized EB B 7.1 B 14.8 B 8.0 D 34 4
WB B 5.6 A 3.7 B 6.5 B 6.2
NB B 14.6 C 19.3 B 13.8 D 34.0
Overall B 6.5 C 11.6 B 7.5 C 23.3
Rt. 250/Rolkin Dr. Signalized EB B 6.2 C 23.5 B 12.8 D 33.6
WB B 9.1 B 10.2 C 21.5 C 20.1
NB C 18.6 C 18.3 C 22.0 D 29.5
SB C 17.3 C 19.0 C 20.2 C 23.4
Overall B 8.2 C 17.6 C 18.1 D 27.9
Rt. 250/Hansen Rd. Unsignalized WB Left E 37.6 F '
NB Right B 7.7 D 21.7
State Farm Blvd./Hickman Rd. Unsignalized EB C 12.4 C 11.8 E 41.7 E 38.0
WB C 13.4 B 5.2 C 15.8 B 5.3
NB Left A 5.0 A 2.8 B 5.4 A 3.1
SB Left A 2.8 A 4.8 A 3.1 B 5.1
State Farm Blvd./S. Pantops Dr. Unsignalized EB Left B 8.4 E 35.4 C 10.2 E 40.8
WB B 5.6 C 11.9 B 5.7 C 14.0
NB Left A 3.6 A 2.6 A 3.7 A 2.9
SB Left A 2.2 A 3.0 A 2.2 A 3.0
S. Pantops Dr./Site Apartments Access Unsignalized NB B 8.9 B 8.6
SB B 7.9 B 9.0
EB Left A 2.8 A 3.4
WB Left A 3.3 A 3.0
Hansen Rd./Site Rd. Unsignalized EB B 5.1 B 7.2
WB A 3.7 A 3.5
NB Left A 2.5 A 2.4
SB Left A 2.3 A 2.6
Rolkin Ct./Site Rd. Unsignalized EB Left B 8.2 E 36.3
WB A 3.3 C 4.0
NB Left A 2.6 A 2.8
SB Left A 2.4 A 3.0
(1).-Existing roadway geometries shown in Figure 6.
(2)-Recommended roadway geometries shown in Figure 6.
(3)-'-HCM software does not account for platooning of EB Route 250, due to signal at Riverbend/Route 250.
Experience suggests this platooning wil provide an acceptable number of gaps the vast majority of time.
Table 1
(164 .6 60-, •6 S.3 s{
Pantops Development - Charlottesville, Virginia jjcif Ililer APT Al tom`
1) DMV 731 9,000 Square Feet 1,594 89 89 96 96
2) General Office 710 20,000 Square Feet 386 46 6 17 84
3) Specialty Retail Center 820 10,000 Square Feet 1,206 25 16 66 71
4) General Office 710 45,000 Square Feet 719 87 12 22 108
5) General Office 710 45,000 Square Feet 719 87 12 22 108
6) Shopping Center (Kroger) 820 90,000 Square Feet 4,955 92 59 281 305
7) Business Hotel 312 100 Occupied Rooms 727 34 24 37 25
8) Specialty Retail Center 820 7,000_ Square Feet 959 20 13 52 56
9) Fast Food w/ Drive Thru 834 3,000 Square Feet 1,488 76 73 52 48
10) Video Rental Store# 896 5,000 Square Feet 1,065 - - 46 54
11) Fast Food w/ Drive Thru_ 834 3,000 Square Feet 1,488 76 73 52 48
12) Video Rental Store# 896 5,000 Square Feet 1,065 - - 46 54
Non-Residential Total: 16,370 632 377 789 1,057
Residential(Cannot access Non-Residential roads;Access via S. Pantops Dr. to Riverbend Dr. or State Farm Blvd.):
Apartments 220 90 Dwelling Units 674 15 38 43 27
Low-Rise Apartments 221 200 Dwelling Units 1,412 21 84 86 46
Residential Subtotal: 290 Dwelling Units 2,086 36 122 128 74
Site Total: 18,456 667 499 918 1,130
SOURCE: "Trip Generation Handbook, 6th ed;" Institute of Transportation Engineers
NOTE: (#) ADT trips not given . Assumed ADT=1,500. Because video store is not open between 7-9 AM, no AM peak hour is given.
Because of high weekday PM peak fluctuation, the highest average rate of 20.15 is assumed for the PM peak hour.
July 17, 2002
Special Use Permit Submittals
August 2002
Mr. David Benish
Dept. of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Dear Mr. Benish:
Please find our comments for the August Review Meeting:
SP-2002-038: Lone Oak LLC, Route 626 (Joan McDowell)
No Comments.
SP-2002-039: John Griffin, Route 665 (Joan McDowell)
No Comments
ZMA-02-08: South Pantops, Route 250 (Micheal Barnes)
To encourage the use of travel by modes other than the Single Occupancy Vehicle we recommend the following
amenities and incentives be provided:
1. Bicycle Racks
2. Showers and lockers or similar changing facilities, possibly included in designated rest rooms.
3. Priority parking for carpools and van pools.
4. Bus Shelter, or improvements to the existing or proposed bus shelter if one exists.
5. Transit/Vanpool Incentives such as free bus passes or vanpool subsidies
6. SOV disincentives such as higher fees for SOV parking.
In addition, u ron age improveTTL'hts must be provided, which will extend the full width lane to the boundary
with TMP 78, Parcel 13A. This will require the adjustment of a drop inlet.
ZMA-2002-009: Lloyd F. Wood, Route 250 (Scott Clark)
No Comments
SP-2002-040: Central Telephone Company of Virginia—Ailtei, Route 631 (Stephen Wailer)
No Comments
SP-2002-041: Mountainwood Executive Center, Route 631 (Susan Thomas)
To encourage the use of travel by modes other than the Single Occupancy Vehicle we recommend the following
amenities and incentives be provided:
1. Bicycle Racks
2. Showers and lockers or similar changing facilities, possibly included in designated rest rooms.
3. Priority parking for carpools and van pools.
4. Bus Shelter, or improvements to the existing or proposed bus shelter if one exists.
5. Transit/Vanpool Incentives such as free bus passes or vanpool subsidies
6. SOV disincentives such as higher fees for SOV parking.
Sp and ZMA Comments
• f
ZMA 02-01: Fontaine Condos,Route 702
Based on our field review of Route 702, we recommend the developer trench widen the shoulders 5 feet where
possible from the site to the eastern ramps. The widening should remove the shoulder material to a depth of 6
inches and replace with 4 inches of base asphalt (BM-25)and 2 inches of surface asphalt (SM-9.5A).
Bycicle and pedestrian facilities crossing Morey Creek, such as a separate bridge or improvements to the
existing structure, should be provided. Bicycle racks should be provided.
The site should be designed to accommodate bus service.
If there are any questions or concerns, please advise.
Matthew C. Grimes, EIT
Transportation Engineer
cc via email: Karen Kilby
Marshall Barron
Jim Kesterson
Joan McDowell
Scott Clark
Michael Barnes
Stephen Waller
Yadira Amarante
Susan Thomas