HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP202000003 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2020-01-28COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
To: Michael Myers, PE, CFM f mikek30scale.com / (434)-242-2866] — Primary Contact
ANG Holdings, LLC [aesaathoffk=ail.com/ (434)-989-69731 — Applicant/Owner
From: Tim Padalino, AICP — Senior Planner [Wadalino(a-)albemarle.org / (434)-296-5832 x 3088]
Division: Planning Services
Date: January 28, 2020
Subject: SDP-2020-00003 "Albemarle Limousine / 1895 Avon Street Extended" — Final Site Plan (1/6/2020)
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Community Development Department (CDD) will approve the
plan referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. The following comments are those
that have been identified at this time; additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further
review. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
Albemarle County Planning Services (Planner)
Reviewer Contact: Tim Padalino / ipadalino@albemarle.org
Review Status: Requested Changes
1. [Z.O. Sections 32.6.2.a, 32.5.2.i, 32.5.2.j, 32.5.2.k,]: Please show all existing easements (with deed
book and page number references) and all proposed easements.
2. [Z.O. Sections 32.6.2.a, 32.5.2.n, and; and Concept Plan and Conditions of Approval —
SP201800008, SP201800008, and Special Exception]: The proposed 5' sidewalk within the Avon Street
Extended right of way may need to be modified to provide safer, more convenient pedestrian access along the
property's frontage. The following issues (below, A—C) require additional discussion and review with staff in
CDD-Planning, CDD-Engineering, CDD-Transportation Planning, and VDOT — and based on that additional
coordination, one or more revision(s) to the proposed pedestrian infrastructure may be required.
A. The proposed sidewalk only provides infrastructure for safe, convenient pedestrian connectivity for less
than 50% of the property's frontage, which may not be sufficient to satisfy conditions of approval #1.c
and #2.
B. The proposed sidewalk does not extend to either property line. In particular, no infrastructure (sidewalk,
crosswalk, and/or landing) is proposed on the southern half of the property's frontage, where a
pedestrian connection with the pending Spring Hill development is expected and required.
C. The proposed sidewalk appears to have a landing (located immediately north of the vehicular entrance)
which directs pedestrians away from the sidewalk and into Avon Street Extended.
D. The specifications for the proposed sidewalk (including width and materials) need to be evaluated
relative to the final site plan for Spring Hill Village (SDP201900155) in order for staff to determine if
the proposed specifications are "consistent with any planned or existing sidewalk on adjoining
properties." (Note: Final Site Plan SDP201900115 is currently under review by CDD staff.)
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3. [Z.O.]: Proposed "Island #2" is identified as 238 SF in size. The Landscape Plan (Sheet 6) specifies
that one existing plant in this location will be maintained; staff research shows that this one existing plant is a
small dogwood which equals less than 238 SF of landscaping. Please modify the proposed landscaping in
"Island #2" to include one additional understory tree and/or shrubs in this area identified as 238 SF of
"landscaping within a parking area."
4. [Z.O.]: Proposed "Island #5" is identified as 283 SF in size. The Landscape Plan (Sheet 6) proposes 3
shrubs in this island, which would equal less than 283 SF of landscaping. Please modify the proposed
landscaping in "Island #5" to include additional shrubs and/or understory trees in this area identified as 283 SF
of "landscaping within a parking area."
5. [Z.O.]: Please add the "verification of compliance note" contained in Z.O. Section to the
Landscape Plan (Sheet 6); and please include the following standard plant health note: "All site plantings of
trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of trees is
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant."
6. [Z.O. Section 32.6.2.k and 4.17.21: Staff acknowledges Site Plan Note #6 on the Layout Plan (Sheet 4), which
explains the applicant's intention to not install any outdoor lights which emit 3,000 or more lumens. If the
applicant intends to install outdoor lighting involving any luminaries which emit 3,000 or more lumens, then an
approved photometric plan will be required prior to installation of any such outdoor lighting.
7. [Z.O. Section 32.6.2.a, 32.5.2.d, 32.6.2.c, 32.6.2.e,, and]: Staff acknowledges Site Plan
Notes #1-3 on the Layout Plan (Sheet 4), and the information contained on the Grading Plan (Sheet 5), which
explain how the project's limits of clearing and grading will include 4,843 SF of land disturbance. CDD-
Planning staff relies on CDD-Engineering staff to evaluate these project -specific grading details and determine
what, if any, VSMP and WPO requirements are applicable to this project. (Note: Staff acknowledges CDD-
Engineering review status of "No Objection.")
8. [Z.O. Sections and]: Please note that the Final Site Plan cannot be approved unless and
until each applicable SRC member reviews the Final Site Plan and indicates in writing their tentative approval
prior to final approval (as may be applicable) by the agent in CDD-Planning.
■ (Advisory): Staff acknowledges the revision to locate the screening gate in a location that is in general accord
with the Application Plan. Thank you.
■ (Advisory): Staff acknowledges the addition of Site Plan Note #10 on the Layout Plan (Sheet 4), and the
Landscape Note #10 on the Landscape Plan (sheet 6), which include the requested language involving the
protection of existing trees within the side yard setback area during construction as well as the maintenance of
those trees to increase and preserve their health. Thank you.
■ (Advisory / For Future Reference): Please note that the Final Site Plan cannot be approved unless and until the
owner/developer dedicates to the Albemarle County Service Authority for public use all water and sewer
facilities required by this chapter that are designed, constructed and approved to be dedicated as public water
supply and public sewage systems, and to establish an easement on the land appurtenant thereto and extending
to any abutting property identified by the agent easements, as required per Z.O. (and as may be
applicable to this specific project).
■ (Advisory / For Future Reference): Per Z.O. Sections 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(1), and 32.5.2(o), it will be necessary
prior to County approval of the Final Site Plan (as may be appropriate) to obtain County approval of a plat
showing all proposed easements as well as all areas intended for reservation or dedication to the County for
public use (as may be applicable). The platting of proposed easements and lands to be reserved for dedication to
the County for public use (as may be applicable) can all be processed together in one plat application, or
separately, however the applicant prefers.
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Albemarle County Engineering Services (CDD-Engineering)
Reviewer Contact: Matthew Wentland, mwentlandgalbemarle.org
Review Status: No Objection (1/28/2020)
Albemarle County Building Inspections (CDD-Inspections)
Reviewer Contact: Michael Dellinger, mdellingergalbemarle.org
Review Status: No Objection (1/24/2020)
Albemarle County Information Services (CDD-E911)
Reviewer Contact: Brian Becker, bbeckergalbemarle.org
Review Status: No Objection (1/9/2020)
Albemarle County Department of Fire & Rescue (Fire -Rescue)
Reviewer Contact: Shawn Maddox, smaddox&albemarle.org
Review Status: No Objection (1/27/2020)
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)
Reviewer Contact: Richard Nelson, rnelsonnserviceauthority.org
Review Status: Pending; ACSA review comments will be forwarded upon receipt
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
Reviewer Contact: Adam Moore, Adam.Moorekvdot.vir ig nia.gov
Review Status: Pending; VDOT review comments will be forwarded upon receipt
All pending review comments will be forwarded upon receipt. Please contact Principal Planner Megan
Nedostup at the Department of Community Development at (434)-296-5832 ext. 3004 or
mnedostupgalbemarle.org for further information or assistance. Thank you.
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Review Comments for SDP202000003 IFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name: 1896 Avon Street Extended - Final
Date Completed: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 DepartmentlDivisionfAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Matthew Wantland CDD Engineering No Obje-:tion
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: O'11281 0020
Review Comments for SDP202000003 IFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name: 1896 Avon Street Extended - Final
Date Completed: Friday, January 24, 2020 DepartmentIDivisionfAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections No Obje-:tion
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10112712020
Review Comments for SDP202000003 IFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name: 1896 Avon Street Extended - Final
Date Completed: Thursday, January 09, 2020 DepartmentIDivisionfAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer: Brian Becker CDD E911 No Objection
No objection_
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10112712020
Review Comments for SDP202000003 IFinal Site Development Plan
Project Name: 1896 Avon Street Extended - Final
Date Completed: Monday, January 27, 2020 DepartmentIDivisionfAgency: Review sus:
Reviewer: Shawn Maddox Fire Rescue I No Objection
Thank you for addressing previous comments, Fire Rescue has no objections_ S.NM
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 10112712020