HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP202000002 Narrative 2020-01-22Monticello United Soccer Club
Special Use Permit Amendment Application
January 21, 2020
Monticello United Soccer Club ("MonU") is a non-profit organization that provides a
competitive soccer experience for young people in the central Virginia area, including young
residents of Albemarle County and the City of Charlottesville. MonU travel teams participate in
the Virginia Soccer League and also in tournaments throughout Virginia. Most activities take
place at MonU Park located at 1313 Polo Grounds Road in Albemarle County where MonU
presently operates four fields used for practices and games.
MonU secured approval of a special use permit (SP 201000036) on September 12, 2012 to
permit use of the property located at 1313 Polo Grounds Road (and described in Albemarle
County records as Tax Map 46 Parcel 18C) for its activities (see Attachment A). The special use
permit provides for four soccer fields and associated parking. A site plan was subsequently
approved on July 18, 2014.
Project Proposal
MonU provides opportunities for young people to have affordable access to playing soccer, for
which there is much need and demand. MonU has found that to continue to meet the needs of
the youth players and community it serves, more flexibility in terms of months and hours of
operation and use of playable field space is required. MonU thus requests an amendment to its
special use permit to amend certain conditions and remove others (see Attachment B).
_Months of Operation
Presently activities are limited to the months of March through November, with restrictions on
games during July and August (see existing Condition 2). Extending the months of operations
and removing the present restrictions on games in July and August will enable MonU to better
serve participating youth and allow for more flexibility in organizing playing seasons. Getting
kids out on the fields during the warmer days of late fall, winter and early spring will promote
their health and better prepare them for playing seasons.
Hours of Operation
MonU seeks an extension of daily hours of operation primarily so practices and games can be
spread out over a longer period of time each day. This will provide more flexibility in scheduling
practices and games and will also enable better managing of traffic and parking. The present
restrictions on daily hours (see existing Conditions 3 and 4) impinge on MonU's ability to best
serve its players and their families.
1 of 3
Number of Fields
MonU seeks to the ability to maintain more than the presently permitted four fields, increasing
the number up to seven fields (see enclosed Concept Plan). Each playing field would be a
maximum of 100 yards wide by 130 yards long in keeping with international standards for full-
sized soccer fields. The ability to prepare and maintain additional fields will allow for rotation
of use of the fields and better maintenance of safe turf conditions.
No more than four fields would be in actual use at one time for practices and games. However,
sometimes each field may be used to accommodate multiple practice activities, whether for
younger children or for two teams to share one field during practice.
In order to better maintain its playing fields and ensure safe turf conditions, MonU wishes to be
able to occasionally irrigate the fields. Such irrigation is especially important in establishing
new grass when seeding the fields. Under the existing special use permit, irrigation is not
permitted (see existing Condition 7). MonU has been in contact with the Virginia Department
of Environmental Quality ("DEQ') and has been informed that irrigating the fields using water
from the Rivanna River is permissible under state law and no state permit would be required so
long as water usage remains under 10,000 gallons per day. MonU is thus requesting the ability
to water its fields in accordance with guidelines outlined by DEQ (see Attachment Q.
Removal of Other Conditions
MonU also requests removal of existing Conditions 11 and 12. Condition 11 references a Phase
I archeological survey which was determined not to be necessary at the time of site plan
approval as no significant grading or land disturbance was undertaken. No further land
disturbance will occur under this current request.
Condition 12 inappropriately imposed restrictions on MonU's activities in favor of activities held
at the Soccer Organization Charlottesville Area (SOCA) South Fork Soccer Park located to the
east on Polo Grounds Road. Road improvements to Polo Grounds Road presently underway
and reduction of traffic impacts due to more flexibility in MonU's hours of operation as
requested make this condition unnecessary.
These requested changes to the existing special use permit conditions will not have any
substantial detrimental impact on adjacent properties and will not affect the character of the
zoning district in which MonU Park is located. There will be no new physical structures added
and the existing parking lot will remain unchanged. No significant amount of additional traffic
is expected to be generated and in fact, traffic impacts will be mitigated by spreading out
operations over more daytime hours. The general appearance of MonU Park will remain
unchanged. The ongoing activities conducted by MonU under the existing special use permit
will thus continue to be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Albemarle County
zoning ordinance and its regulations, uses permitted by -right in the RA zoning district, and the
general welfare of the community.
Consistency with Comprehensive Plan
MonU Park is sited on property that has been long designated as Rural Area in the County's
Comprehensive Plan. MonU's use of the property was found to be consistent with the County's
Comprehensive Plan at the time of the approval of its special use permit in 2012. The current
Comprehensive Plan recognizes that "[o]utdoor recreational activities are one of the ways local
residents and visitors enjoy the Rural Area." (Albemarle Comprehensive Plan page 7.30).
Molds continued use of the property for soccer facilities remains compatible with the goals of
the County's comprehensive plan for the Rural Area. It has no negative impact on natural,
cultural or historical resources in the area, and it does not conflict with any nearby agricultural
or forestal uses. The use as soccer fields is easily reversible so that in the future the property
can be used for farming or other rural uses. Little demand for public services is created and
there will be little discernable difference in traffic patterns.
Impacts on Public Facilities and Public Infrastructure
MonU's use of the property has no impact on public facilities other than roads. MonU's traffic
generation has not significantly grown since it began operations, and the request to expand
hours of operation will actually enable MonU to better manage the flow of traffic into and out
of the site reducing traffic peaks. Also, improvements to Polo Grounds Road (Route 643)
presently underway will improve traffic flow along Polo Grounds Road to Seminole Trail (Route
Impacts on Environmental Features
MonU's use of the property has very minimal environmental impacts. MonLI's request to
irrigate will be conducted in accord with guidelines outlined by DEQ and incorporated into the
proposed new special use condition, (see proposed Condition 7) and will thus have a negligible
environmental impact
Monti 's operations meet a real need in the community by providing affordable opportunities
to area youth to participate in competitive soccer. The requested revisions and changes to the
existing special use permit conditions will enable MonU to provide safe, quality fields and
facilities and better serve youth players and their families generally. MonU looks forward to
approval of its request.
enclosure: Illustrated Concept Plan
attachments: Attachment A Existing SUP Conditions
Attachment B Proposed Changes to SUP Conditions
Attachment C Email from DEQ
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596
Phone 434 296-5832 Fax 434)972-4126
September 25, 2012
Monticello United Soccer Club
P.O. Box 7214
Charlottesville, Va. 22906
RE: SP201000036 MofnU Park (signs 49 & 52)
To whom it may concern:
On September 12, 2012, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on SP #201000036 to
allow Creation of an athletic club with 4 soccer fields and 96 parking spaces on Tax Map 46 Panel 18C in
the Rivanna District This special use permit was approved based on the following conditions:
'[. Development of the use shall be in general accord with the conceptual plan entitled "Concept
Plan for Special Use Permit Application for MonU Park" prepared by Meridian Planning Group
LLC, and dated 04-25-12. To be in general accord with the plan, development shall reflect the
following ceritral features essential to the design of the development
a) Number of fields
b) Number and location of parking spaces
c) Absence of structures
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to
ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance.
2. Games and practice sessions shall only be held during the months of March, April, May, June,
September, October, and November. In addition, during July and August, no games shall be held,
but practice sessions solely for club members are permitted. Portable toilets are permitted on site
doring all months when soccer -activity is permitted.
Hours of operation for events on Saturdays and Sundays shall be no earlier than 11:00 a.m. and
no later than 6:00 p.m.
4. Hours of operation for events Monday through Friday shall be no earlier than 4:00 p.m. and no
later than sunset.
5. No overnight parking shall be permitted on the site. The entrance to the property shall be closed
by a locked gate when the fields are not in use.
6. No outdoor lighting shall be installed for this use.
7_ No artificial irrigation shall be used or installed for the soccer fields.
There shall be no temporary or permanent amplified sound system permitted for this use.
9. No fill shall be placed within the poff16n of the property within the Flood Hazard Overlay District
10. The driveway and parking area shall be a pervious surface unless otherwise required by the
County Engineer pursuant to §4.12.15(a) of the Zoning Ordinance. Upon termination of the
soccer -field use, the surfacing of the driveway and parking area shall be removed and the
previously -disturbed land surface shall be returned to vegetated cover or an unpaved accessway.
11. A Phase I archaeological survey shall be completed for areas to be graded far this use, followed
by appropriate mitigation measures as approved by the Planning Director, prior to issuance of a
grading permit.
12. No games or practice sessions shall be held at MonU Paris on the same dates that the following
tournaments and tryouts are held at the SOCA sports complex on Palo Grounds Road:
a) U111U12 (combined) tryouts and U131U14 (combined) tryouts, which are currently held at
the end of April or during the month of May.
b) The Spring recreational toumament, which is currently called the Sunburn and which is
currently held on one weekend in .tune.
c) The Labor Day weekend toumament, which is currently called the College Showcase and
which is currently held on the Saturday and Sunday of Labor Day weekend.
d) The Fall recreational tournament, which is currently called the Frostbite and which is
typically held on one weekend in late November or early December.
This condition shall no longer apply_ if the Planning Director determines in writing that road
improvements or other -changes to the existing traffic conditions on Polo Grounds Road, including
its intersection at U.S. Route 29, make this condition unnecessary.
Please be advised that although the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors took action on the
project noted above, no uses on the property as approved above may lawfully begin until all
applicable approvals have been received and conditions have been met. This includes:
• compHance:with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT;
• approval of and compliance with a SITE PLAN amendment; and
In the event that the use, structure or activity fior which this special use permit is issued is not commenced
within twenty-four (24) months from the date of Hoard approval, it shall be deemed abandoned and the
permit terminated. The term "commenced" means "construction of any structure necessary to the use of
the permit"
If you have questions or comments regarding the above -noted action, 15iease do not hesitate to contact
Rebecca Ragsdale at 296-5832.
David Benish
--Chiefaf Planning
Cc: Crockett Corporation
435 Park St
Charlottesville, Va. 22901
Email CC: Tex Weaver, Rebecca Ragsdale, Elise Hackett
Proposed Amendments to Conditions for SP201000036
Amendment of Condition 1 with new language:
"1. Development of the use shall be in general accord with the conceptual plan entitled
"Concept Plan for Special Use Permit Application for MonU Park" prepared by Meridian
Planning Group LLC, dated 04-25-12. To be in general accord with the plan, development shall
reflect the following features essential to the design of the development:
a) number and location of parking spaces
b) absence of permanent structures
The number of fields permitted will be up to seven located in general accordance with the
Concept Illustration dated January 2020.
Minor modifications to the plan which do not conflict with the elements above may be made to
ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance."
Replacement of Condition 2 with new language:
"2. Games and practice sessions may be held year-round."
Replacement of Condition 3 with new language:
"3. Hours of operation for events shall be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than dark,
seven days per week."
Remove Condition 4.
Replacement of Condition 7 with new language:
"7. Temporary Irrigation may be used for the soccer fields in accordance with the following
limitations set by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality:
(a) water may be withdrawn from the Rivanna River utilizing a temporary over -the -bank
(b) any hose used shall be fitted with a 1 milimeter screen (or as close as practically
possible) with an intake velocity no faster than 0.25 feet per second to protect aquatic species;
(b) water withdrawal shall be less than 10,000 gallons per day;
(c) water usage will be regularly reported to DEQ; and
(d) no permanent changes shall be made to the riverbank and no existing trees shall be
removed along the riverbank.
Remove Condition 11.
Remove Condition 12.
From: "shana rnoore" <shana.moore@deq.virginia.gov>
To: "MonU Soccer Club" <monusc@embargmail.com>, "Jordan Sara jjv65379"
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 12:31:45 PM Subject: Re: surface water withdrawal
Thanks for your time on the phone today. Based on our discussions I am noting the following:
Sara Jordan, the Water Supply Planner for your area, is copied on this email, and she should be
able to help you get set up for online water usage reporting.
It is my understanding that:
you will be utilizing a temporary, as needed, over the bank hose to withdraw water from the
Rivanna River for the purposes of irrigating your soccer fields.
You do not expect to use every day in any given month, and you will not be using anywhere
near to the 10,000 gpd required for permitting
you are willing to voluntarily report your usage, to help our water usage modeling and
understanding of water in your area be more accurate for the benefit of the region
We discussed the need to consult with Fluvanna County and the US Army Corp, in case
wetlands might be impacted by your actions
We also discussed my recommendation that the intake on your hose be fitted with a 1 mm
screen (or as close as practically possible) with an intake velocity no faster than 0.25 feet per
second to protect aquatic species (fish, larvae, eggs, etc.)
You advised that you would not be cutting down any trees, making permanent changes to the
riverbank, etc.
Please let me know if any of this is inaccurate. Based on the above discussions, your withdrawal
is not expected to be large enough or cause any negative impacts to the Rivanna River and does
not need a water withdrawal permit, at this time. Thank you.
Shana Moore
Shana Moore
Water Withdrawal Permit Writer
Department of Environmental Quality
Office Of Water Supply
1111 East Main Street
Suite 1400
Richmond, VA 23219
Water Usage Reports Should be sent to:
Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality, Central Office
Attn: Groundwater Withdrawal Permitting Program
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, Virginia 23218