HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900079 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2020-02-04 (2)PROJECT: SDP201900079 Belvedere Phase 3 (Part 1) — Initial Engineering comments (David James): 1. The VSMP plan would have to be reviewed & approved prior to FSP approval. [17-302] 2. Submit a road plan for review. Approval required prior to FSP approval. 3. Include County's'General Construction Notes' on the FSP. 4. Indicate and show all existing managed & preserved slopes. Areas of steep slope shown appear to extend less than what is shown on the County's GIS overlay. S. Sheet 2: a. Show all existing and proposed utilities and easements. [18-32.5.21]. b. Show name(s) of watercourses in and adjacent to site. [18-32.5.2 f] 6. Sheet 4: Provide date of field verified topography & existing conditions. 7. Sheet 7: a. Show offsite grading in an easement. b. Grading/Contours proposed for the secondary access (NE boundary) are not shown how/where they will tie in. c. Steep slopes — Round off contours to eliminate any sharp angles. 8. Sheet 7 & 8: Proposed grading in the preserved slope areas does not appear to be allowed under Ch. 18, Sec. 30.7.5 b. 9. Sheet 8: a. Need to show proposed contours at least five (5) foot intervals. [18-32.5.1 c] b. Need to show existing topography at least five (5) foot intervals. [18-32.5.2 d] c. Provide CG-12 access on opposite side of street (Detail 3). 10. Sheet 2 & 9: Show existing tree line. [18- c] 11. Grading — Constructed slopes steeper than 3:1 must be permanently stabilized with vegetation hardier than grass, which will not require mowing. [DSM, pg. 22] Links/refs: https://www.deg.virginia.gov/Portals/0/DEQ/Water/StormwaterManagement/Erosion Sediment C ontrol Handbook/Chapter%203/020-%203.32.pdf www.deg.virginia.gov/Portals/0/DEO,/Water/StormwaterManagement/Erosion Sediment Control Handbook/Chapter%203%20-%203.37.pdf Invasive Non -Native Species Akemative Virginia Native Common Name Common Name Scientific Name Common Reed Great bulrush Schoenoptectus ta6errtaemarrmrtr Common Cattail Typha laucoa Chinese Lespedeza Birdsfoot Trefoil Orchard Grass Redtop Weep ingLovegrass Roundheaded busholover Lespedeza capdata Patrid e a Chamaecdsta fascicuiata Butterry d Ascfepfas tuberosa Joe-pye weed Eutrochium duhfum Black-eyed Susan Rudheckia fulglda Big blue stem Andropogongerardil Indian grass Sorghostrum nutans Side oats grama Bouteloua cumpendula Crownretch Roundheaded busholover Lespedeza capdata Patridge pea Chamaecrista fasciculata Big blue stem Andropogangerardif Llttle blue stem Schizachyrfum scopedum Indlan grass Somhostrum nutans Switchgrass panicum vfrgatum Tall Fescue Big blue stem Andropogan gerardif Little blue stem Schizachyrfum scopenum Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans Switchgrass parrlcum vfrgatum Brwrnsedge Andropogan wMfrricus Deertongue DkharWteflum clandesNrrum Slide oats grams Sautefaua cumpendula Canadian vAldrye Eymus canadensis Botdebrush grass My—hystrfx Virginia wildrye Eymus virglrricus 12. Proposed secondary access road and SWM facility is not allowed in preserved slopes and should be located outside of them. [18-30.7.5 b] 13. You must show all future road connections within the development and extend streets to property line. Show (callout) as a temporary turnaround within the development. [18- d & e] 14. Provide road information for unnamed road that connects to 'Road D' and extend to property line. 15. Max. height of retaining wall in the steep slope areas is 6 feet & must be broken into a stepped wall design with a min. 3 horiz. feet between separations with landscaping screening spaced 10 foot on center. [18-30.7.5 a] 16. Show angle of intersection. 17. A flood development permit will be needed for the proposed sewer connection in the floodplain.