HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900123 Correspondence 2020-02-070 ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. a A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION S P LAND SURVEYING Serving Wilinira Since I956 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ENG[NEER1NU DEPAICIAIEN-r St. RVEY'DLR-%RTMENT 172 S01S711 PANTOPS DRIVE. srE. A 914 MO ti 17('E1.1.{) ROAD MM L.. TAW ARE: P.L. CIIARLOTITSVILLF. VA 22411 CI ]ARL[71-I]{SV 11.1.1;' Y.A 22902 N ILLIAM J. E. -,1)8F 1'1'EiR. L.S. DON FRANCO. P.E. PHONE (434) 979-8121 P11014L (434) 9774I205 BR1AN D. J:Y:�11SOti. L.S. DAVID M. ROBINSON. RE. FAX (434) 479-1681 FAY (434j 296-522q [ti [i15'fOPE INR C'- Y>,' IN'1'GRS- L.S. A_V1.VIY M. GI:ORGI . PLA INFO-WAOI DABVS1 [.CO\1 NK l OL AS A Ill TC I INSON. L.5. Transmittal Cover Sheet To: Albemarle County Community Development Date: 2/7/2020 Attn: Cameron Langille Address: 401 McIntire Road Transmitted: By Mail Charlottesville, VA 22902 �X By Hand From: Bethany Velasquez By Email Application: SU8201900123 Project: SUBDIVISION OF TAX MAP PARCEL 4$-18 ED For Pick-up Project #: 8587 Delivered by: r—x 1 RGA F—lClient Received By: Other Date: For Pick-up: Belmont Office cc: E:]Pantops Office ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. B 0---, A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION TANDSURVR ING Serving Virgin& Since 1956 ENGINEEMG LAND PLANNING ENGINEERING DEPARI'M ENT SI'R%'LY DEPARI'MENr IT? SOL1nI PAN roPS DRIVE. STE. A 914 M ONIK E110 ROAD JIM L. TAGGAWK P.E. CI IARLCf rTESVILLE. VA 22911 CI IARLOTTI_S1iILLE. VA 22902 WILLIAM1 J. LEDBETTER, L.S. DON 1-RANCO. P.E. PHONE. f434M y79-8121 PHONE 1434) 977-0205 BR1AN D. JAMISON. L.S. A.MMiY M. GEORGE. PLA FAX (434) 979-1681 FAX (434) 296-5220 %10IOLAS M. E 11 -11I UNSON. L.S- INW,'itROI` ABLUSILCOM February 7, 2020 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Attn.: Cameron Langille, Senior Planner Re: SUB201900123 Brookhill -- Subdivision of Tax Map Parcel 46-18 Dear Mr. Langille, We have reviewed your comments provided on October 14, 2019 and ACSA comments dated November 6, 2019, and provide the following responses: 1. [General Comment] A boundary line adjustment plat (SUB201900063) was approved by Albemarle County on May 22, 2019. This was a boundary line adjustment to TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2. The parcel boundaries and acreages shown on the current plat under review do not match the adjustments that were approved with SUB201900063. Please address the following: c. If SUB201900063 was recorded, the parcel boundaries of TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2 shown on the existing boundary conditions (Sheets V2 and V3) should match the recorded instrument. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Per applicant's response letter, the labels for these properties have been left blank with the assumption that SUB201900117 will be recorded prior to this plat. Once SUB201900117 is approved and recorded, please update the property labels with the recorded instrument as necessary. Response: DBIPG reference has been added. d. If SUB201900063 was recorded, the recorded instrument number should be stated in the property labels of TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2 on Sheets V2 and V3. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Per applicant's response letter, the labels for these properties have been left blank with the assumption that SUB201900117 will be recorded prior to this plat. Once SUB201900117 is approved and recorded, please update the property labels with the recorded instrument as necessary. Response: DBIPG reference has been added. ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. $ 0--1 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION L.� P LANs SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since 1956 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING LNGMEERING DEPARIM! NT St RV Y DEP.ARI'MEM 172 so 'riI PAN rOPS DRIVE. STE. A 914 MOM ICELI-O ROAD JIM L.IMGAWL RL- CI IARLUI'TESVILLE. VA2_911 CI LARLOTTESVILLE. VA 22902 WILLIAM J. LEDBI TTER, L.5- DON FRANCO. P.E. PRONE (4341979-8121 PHONE 1434) 977-M05 FAX (434) 979-1681 � 522 BRIARS Fi JAMISON. L.S. A11YlY' M. CiEORCiN.1'LA 1'AX f434) _9h-_.._0 NICEIOLAw M. Hll'l'['lII\SO\. L.S. INFO''iM UDABI'SII.CO\1 e. If SUB201900063 was recorded, the acreages stated in the property labels of TMPs 46-19A1 and 46-19A2 should match the recorded instrument on Sheets V2 and V3. Rev.1: Comment not fully addressed. Per applicant's response letter, the labels for these properties have been left blank with the assumption that SUB201900117 will be recorded prior to this plat. Once SUB201900117 is approved and recorded, please update the property labels with the recorded instrument as necessary. Response: DB/PG reference has been added. 2. [General Comment] Due to the number of plats and deeds that are being recorded with the Albemarle County Clerk's office, it is difficult to track what plats and deeds apply to each parcel. Please provide a note for each parcel that lists all recorded instruments (plats, deeds, etc.) for TMPs 46-18, 46-18A, 46- 19A1, 46-19A2, and 46-19B3. a. Please be aware that there is currently another Brookhill plat under review, SUB201900117. This plat will need to be updated prior to approval to incorporate updated instrument references, acreages, etc. assuming that SUB201900117 is approved and recorded first. Rev.1: Comment stands, instrument references will need to be updated once SUB201900117 is approved and recorded. Response: DB/PG reference has been added. 3. [General Comment] Per previous conversations between Alan Taylor (Brookhill developer) and County staff, the developer has indicated that the road names of Stella Lane and Archer Avenue need to be switched. Staff' informed the developer that this can be done so long as the names are shown on the plat dedicating the right-of-way to the County. Staff has noticed that the road names have not been switched on this plat. If Stella Lane right-of-way is dedicated, the names can't be switched at a later date. Please work with the developer to ensure that the road names shown on this plat reflect the names the developer wants. a. Assuming SUB201900117 is approved and recorded first, the labels for Salamander Street, Stella Lane, and Archer Avenue will need to be updated on all applicable sheets so that it states the deed book and page number of the recorded plat that created the right-of-way. Rev.1: Comment not fully addressed. Per applicant's response letter, the labels for these ROWS have been left blank with the assumption that SUB201900117 will be recorded prior to this plat approval. Road labels will need to be updated as necessary. Response_ DB/PG reference has been added. b. Rev.1: Staff has noticed that the labels for the streets have mixed the road name endings. The street named Archer should end in "Avenue" and the street named Stella should end in "Lane." Please update the ROW labels as necessary. Response: Labels have been updated. k, M, ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. AE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION /SIVP\ LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since 1950' ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING E:NGINEERIN6 DE AKIME:N" L SURVEY MPARTMEN'1' 172 SOL`�CII PAN IOPS DRIVE. 97'E. A 914 MONTICELLO ROAD JI'41 L. 7AGOAW1'. Y.L. C11ARL0'CTESVILLE. VA22911 U [ARLOUrESV1L.LE:, VA 22911E WILLIAM J. LEDBETTER.1..5. DON FRANCO. P.E. 111IONE (434) 979-8121 PHONE (434) 977-11205 BRIAK D. JA1411SON. L.S. AMMY M. GEORGE. PLA FAX (434) 979-1681 }AX (434) 296-5220 Nl('110L.AS M. I Il:'C('111NSON. l,,S. INF04 ROUDABUSILCOM 7. [14-302 (A)(11)] Per Comment #2a, please revise the statement of title on Sheet V 1 so that it references the most recently recorded instrument for TMP 46-18 assuming SUB201900117 is approved and recorded first. Rev. 1: Per applicant response, the statement of title will be updated once SUB201900117 is recorded. Response: DB/PG reference has been added. 8. [14-302 A)(11)] Per Comment #2a, please revise the parcel labels so that they include the recorded instrument deed book and page number for the most recently recorded instruments for all of the visible parcels. Rev. 1: Per applicant response, parcel labels will be updated once SUB201900117 is recorded. Response: DB/PG reference has been added. 11. 114-302 (A)(11)1 In the property labels on all drawings, please state the most recently recorded instrument that applies to each property. Rev. 1: Per applicant response, parcel labels will be updated once SUB201900117 is recorded. Response: DB/PG reference has been added. 12. [14-302 (B)(1)] Please add a date of last revision to each sheet. Rev. 1: Comment stands. Response: Revision date added. 14.c. Please verify whether the new manor house lot will contain portions of the Managed Steep Slopes, Preserved Steep Slopes, or Flood Hazard Overlay Districts. Based on staffs review of Albemarle County GIS, it appears the new lot may contain areas within the Managed Steep Slopes overlay district. Rev. 1: If applicant has determined that the new lot will contain areas of Managed Steep Slopes, please state the source used to make this determination on the plat. Response: This is based solely on GIS. Note has been updated to reflect source. ACSA Comments: V2 - Vacate existing sewer easement on 46-18. The approved alignment has changed. Response: A separate easement plat is being prepared vacating the existing sewer easement and creating all of the new easements on the residue parcel of TMP 46-18. Thank you for taking the time to review this plat. Please let me know if you have any questions. Best regards, Bethany Velasquez