HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201900047 Correspondence Final Site Plan and Comps. 2020-02-14TIMMONS GROUP
February 14, 2020
Tori Kanellopoulos
County of Albemarle
Dept of Community Development
401 McIntire Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22902
608 Preston Avenue P 434.295.5624
Suite 200 F 434.295.8317
Charlottesville, VA 22903 wwwAimmons.com
RE: UVA Encompass Rehabilitation Hospital — Final Site Plan Review — SDP-2019-00047 -
Comment Response Letter
Dear Ms. Kanellopoulos:
We have reviewed all of your comments from January 16, 2020 (REV.2) and made the
necessary revisions. Please find our responses to the comments below in bold lettering.
Required Prior to Final Site Plan Approve:
Planning (Tori Kanellopoulos):
1. 18-4.6.1 Frontage: A new parcel for this proposal is needed, which will have required
frontage on Loop Road. Approval of the road plan for Loop Road (SUB201900106) is
needed before the final site plan can be approved.
Acknowledged. SUB201900106 approval will be obtained prior to SDP201900047 approval.
a. Rev. 2: SUB201900049 is currently under review by John Anderson (Engineering) and
Tim Padalino (Planning).
2. 18-4.20 and ZMA2005-3 Setbacks: Reference how setbacks are being determined. Are
they per 18-4.20, or from an application plan from a rezoning?
Setbacks were determined per 18-4.20, for an industrial district. Maximum setback from Loop
Road and side setbacks have been removed.
a. Rev. 2: Addressed. Zoning has determined setbacks are per 18-4.20, per the
requirement for 18-29 PDIP zoning district.
3. 18-4.20 Building height: Include the maximum permitted building height in this district,
which is 65 feet.
Maximum permitted building height has been added to cover sheet. See Sheet C0.0
a. Rev. 2: Addressed.
4. 18-4.11 Structures and easements: Some trees appear to be conflicting with utilities
Reference ARB comments as well.
Tree locations have been revised.
a. Rev. 2: On Sheet L2.0, one TIL GRE in the parking lot island could potentially
conflict with the storm pipe. Reference ARB comment also.
Tree has been shifted to avoid storm pipe.
5. 18-4.12.16 Parking spaces: I count 159 spaces, instead of 160 spaces. Please revise.
Parking lot has been revised to include 160 spaces. See Sheets C4.1 & C4.2.
a. Rev. 2: Addressed.
6. 18-32.5.2 Contents of an initial site plan and 18-32.6.2 Contents of a final site plan:
d. RUV,se the title for the Final Site Plan to "SDP201900047". SDP2019-23 is the
application number for the initial site plan.
Application number has been revised. See Sheet C0.0.
i. Rev. 2: Addressed.
b. Revise sheet number references on Sheet 1— Number 5 is labeled as'C0.0'.
Sheet numbers have been revised accordingly.
i. Rev. 2: Addressed.
c. Include the Deed Book/Page Number for TMP 32-18B or clarify why there is
none listed.
Deed book and page number are listed on the cover sheet in the Tax Map Parcel data.
i. Rev. 2: Other Sheets (such as C6.3) provide DB 2712 PG 325 as the most recent
record for TMP 32-18B. This should also be listed on the cover sheet, instead of
The cover sheet has been updated accordingly.
d. Note: Ensure boundary lines match those approved with the subdivision plat and
road plan.
Acknowledged. Site boundary lines have been revised to reflect the subdivision plat.
i. Rev. 2: Subdivision plat (SUB2019-106) and road plan (SUB2019-49) are in
progress. The new DB PG for the parcel will need to be listed once the
subdivision plat is approved.
Acknowledged. The DB and PG will be listed following recordation.
e. Phasing: On Sheet k-4.z, eitner:
i. Remove the reference to the future building expansion and remove the
dotted area shown, and submit a Letter of Revision or Minor Site Plan
Amendment in the future for this later phase, OR
ii. Label as Phase 2, and create a new sheet showing the demolition plan
(removing the sidewalk down, which would be within the building in
Phase 2) and the proposed site plan for Phase 2.
Acknowledged. Reference to the future building expansion on Sheet
C4.2 has been removed. Future building expansions will be captured in
a L.O.R. or Minor S.P.A.
iii. Rev. 2: Addressed. Will be shown later with LOR or Minor Amendment.
f. Label Loop Road as a private street and include the proposed ROW.
The Loop Road label has been revised. See Sheet C4.0.
i. Rev. 2: Addressed.
7. Lighting:
a. Include the following standard note: "Each outdoor luminaire equipped with a
lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and
shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential
The proposed fixtures are BUG (Backlight Uplight Glare) rating to address light
pollution issues. All fixtures close to the property line will have shielding to
limit light spill.
i. Rev. 2: The note (typed out) must be included on the site plan.
Recommended to include on Sheet E1 (Lighting Plan).
Requested note has been added to Sheet E1 and Sheets C4.1-C4.3.
b. The Light Loss Factor must be 1.
i RP%/, 2: Addressed.
c. Include cut sheets for all proposed light types. All lights that emit 3,000 or more
lumens must be full cutoff.
Cut sheets have been provided. See Sheets C1.4 — C1.6
i. Rev. 2: There is no cutsheet for LA24, which must be provided. Also, light
LA25 is shown on Sheet E1, however it is not included in the light list on
E1, and there is no cutsheet provided.
Cut Sheets for LA24 and LA25 have been added. See Sheets C1.7 & C1.8.
8. 18-32.7.9 Landscape Plan:
a. 18- Contents of a Landscape Plan:
i. The table on L3.0 lists 1 BET RIV, however 1 count 0 on L2.0/2.1.
ii. The table on L3.0 lists 1 NYS SYL, however 1 count 0 on L2.0/2.1.
iii. The table on L3.0 lists 9 QUE BIC, however 1 count 8 on L2.0/2.1.
iv. The table on L3.0 lists 2 AME ARB, however 1 count 0 on L2.0/2.1.
v. The table on L3.0 lists 2 CAR CAR, however 1 count 0 on L2.0/2.1.
vi. The table on L3.0 lists 7 MAG VIR, however 1 count 5 on L2.0/2.1.
vii. The table on L3.0 lists 3 ARO MEL, however 1 count 0 on L2.0/2.1.
viii. The table on L3.0 lists 37 ILE VER, however 1 count 43 on L2.0/2.1.
ix. The table on L3.0 lists 46 ITE VIR, however 1 count 43 on L2.0/2.1.
x. Nyssa Sylvatica/Sour Gum does not appear to be on the County's
approved planting list
The proposed landscape plan has been updated accordingly.
xi. Rev. 2: Addressed. Plant counts are now accurate, and all plants are on
the approved plant list.
b. 18- Landscaping along streets: The street tree requirement will need to
be shown on the Road Plan for new private street Loop Road.
Acknowledged. The Loop Road planting plan has been reviewed and approved via
separate submittal.
i. Rev. 2: Addressed.
c. 18- Tree canopy: Include canopy calculations for each plant listed in the
table (that is, the canopy for one (1) of each type of plant). See example from a
different site plan below:
Calculations have been provided accordingly.
i. Rev. 2: Canopy calculations are now provided.
9. 18-32.5.2(k): Easements:
a. Verify that all necessary easements for proposed water, sewer, and any drainage
facilities have been shown on the plan.
A 20 ft ACSA waterline easement has been shown on thaat C4.1. ACSA has not
required any additional easements as this time.
i. Rev. 2: Addressed
b. Label easements as either proposed or existing. Include the Deed Book/Page
Number for existing easements.
Easements have been labeled accordingly.
i. Rev. 2: Include the DB/PG for the ACSA easement around the SAN lateral, as this
is labeled as 'existing'.
Callout has been revised. All ACSA easements are proposed at this time.
ii. Label all easements on each sheet when the easement is visible within the
scope of that sheet. For example, public drainage easements, SWM easements,
and existing ACSA easements are shown on C6.3 but are not shown on C4.2.
Labels have been provided on Sheets C4.1-C4.3 accordingly.
c. Any proposed private easements and non-ACSA easements need to be approved
with an easement plat prior to final site plan approval.
Acknowledged. SWM Access Easements shall be recorded prior to final approval.
Rev. 2: The DB/PG for all new non-ACSA easements will need to be provided on
the site plan, once the easements have been recorded.
Acknowledged. Following the recordation of all stormwater easements, the
site plan will be updated to reflect DB and PG numbers.
Deeds will be required for the public drainage and SWM easements. These will
be required with the easement plat.
Acknowledged. Easement plat to be provided and recorded prior to final site
plan approval.
iii. Engineering staff has commented on easements needed on the WPO. Planning
Staff acknowledges that easements may change as applicant addresses WPO
comments. Ensure the final site plan matches the WPO and the future easement
plat submittal.
Acknowledged. Easements have been updated to match the WPO plan.
d. See proffer comments below on sewer extensions.
i. Rev. 2: Will be addressed with comments on proffer below.
10. ZMA2005-3 Proffers: Compliance with the following proffers per SMA2005-3 is needed
prior to final site plan approval:
a. Proffer 7.1: Landscaping and roads: All roads in the project must be landscaped
according to "Exhibit D: UREF's North Fork Street Tree Master Plan", filed with
Albemarle County on November 1, 1994. Ensure that the road plan for Loop
Road meets these landscaping standards.
Acknowledged. Loop Road shall meet landscape requirements. Refer to Loop Road
plans, under separate submission, for further details.
Rev. 2: Will be addressed with road plan
b. Proffer 8: Fire Station
Proffer 8.1(D): The septic drainage field that was serving the Fire Station
must be closed and removed once the Fire Station is connected to public
Acknowledged. Septic drainage field shall be closed and removed once
the fire station is connected to public sewer.
Proffer 8.4: Prior to final plat or plan approval in this section of zoning per
ZMA2005-3 (Tracts 1 and 2 on Exhibit J): "the applicant shall design and
construct at its sole expense, or provide sufficient bond or other form of
surety to the County in an amount sufficient to assure construction and
acceptance by the appropriate authority, a public sewer to serve the Fire
Station Parcel and, in conjunction with such construction and upon
request by the developer of the Fire Station Parcel, shall install a lateral
from the public sewer that connects the Fire Station to the public sewer.
If such a request is made, the developer of the Fire Station Parcel shall
reimburse the Applicant for its costs to design and install the lateral and
shall pay all fees required for connecting the Fire Station to the public
sewer system."
1. Labe the SAN Lateral connection to the Fire Station as "Future
Proposed SAN Lateral" on any sheet where this is shown. This
connection has not yet been made.
A label has been provided for the future SAN lateral servicing
the Fire Station. See Sheet C4.0.
iii. Proffer 8.5: Once the Fire Station is connected to public sewer, the
applicant shall dedicate the Fire Station Parcel to the County within 90
days. This area is approximately 2.55 acres and is shown on Exhibit B with
the proffers approved with ZMA2005-2.
iv. Rev. 2: Planning staff and Zoning Administrator have determined that his
final site plan can be approved prior to completion of this proffer. The
site plan shows the required improvements per the proffers. Applicant
must follow proffer requirements once the utility connection has been
v. Proffer 8.6: Road connection: Coordinate with Plan reviewers on the
Road Plan to ensure this connection is satisfactorily made.
Acknowledged. Coordination with the Road plan review shall be made
Rev. 2: Addressed. Applicable to Innovation Drive, but not to Loop Road.
Will be addressed with other plans.
11. Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan (CCP) Application:
a. Per LOD2019-14, it was determined that this proposal is considered a 'public
use". Staff also determined that a CCP application was needed. Approval of the
CCP is required prior to final site plan approval. CCP201900003 has been
submitted, is under review, and is scheduled for a Planning Commission work
session on October 15, 2019.
b. Rev. 2: Addressed. CCP2019-3 was found to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan
by the Planning Commission on October 15t", 2019.
12. Additional application: The following applications and approvals are required prior to
final site plan approval:
a. 18- and 18- Easement Plats: Any non-ACSA or private easements
must be included on an easement plat.
Acknowledged. Non-ACSA and private easements shall be recorded prior to
final site plan approval.
i. Rev. 2: This includes deeds and easements for the proposed public
drainage and SWM easements.
Acknowledged. All DB and PG numbers for required public drainage and
SWM easements will be included on the final site plan following
Rev. 2: All offsite easements (which will be offsite due to the subdivision
plat submittal) must be included on the easement plat. Engineering staff
has made this comment on the WPO.
b. 18-32 and 14 Subdivision Plat: A subdivision plat is needed prior to final site plan
approval. This plat has been submitted and is under review.
i. Rev. 2: SUB201900106 is under review.
c. 18- and 14 Road Plans: Approval of road plans is required prior to final
site plan approval. SUB2019-106 is currently under review.
i. Rev. 2: SUB201900049 is under review.
d. 18- VSMP: Approval of VSMP Plans is required prior to final site plan
i. Rev. 2: WPO201900021 is under review.
Engineering (Matt Wentland):
Rev. 2 Comments:
1. The UVA Research Park Loop Road Plans VSMP and Road Plans will need to be approved
before the Final Site Plan can be approved and both will need to be bonded prior to
issuance of a grading permit for this plan.
2. The VSMP plans will need to be approved before Final Site Plan approval.
3. New: The drainage easement will need to be revised to cover the proposed pipe near
the pond (Sheet C6.3).Also, any storm pipe runs carrying or planned to carry off -site
stormwater will need to be in a public easement. Structure 224 is located offsite and
structures 310 and 806 pick up runoff from the proposed ROW.
VDOT (Adam Moore):
1. No Objection. See attached letter dated August 20, 2019.
Fire/Rescue (Shawn Maddox):
1. Pending
ACSA (Richard Nelson):
1. Pending
RWSA (Dyon Vega):
1. Pending
Health Department (Alan Mazurowski):
1. No objection — see attached letter dated August 27, 2019.
Inspections (Michael Dellinger):
1. Please add the following general notes to the site plan:
a. Add the following note to the general notes page:
b. Retaining walls greater than 3 feet in height require a separate building permit.
Walls exceeding 4 feet in height require a stamped engineered design also. Walls
require inspections as outlined in the USBC.
See note #10 under "Albemarle County Engineering General Construction
Notes" on Sheet C1.0.
2. Add the following note to the general notes page:
a. Accessible parking spaces and access isles shall not have a surface slope greater
than 1:48. Access isles shall be at the same level as the parking space they serve.
See note #11 under "Albemarle County Engineering General Construction
Notes" on Sheet C1.0.
3. Add the following note to the general notes page:
a. ALL water lines, sewer lines, and fire lines from the main to the structure MUST
have a visual inspection performed by the building department.
See note #12 under "Albemarle County Engineering General Construction
Notes" on Sheet C1.0.
4. Add the following to the general notes page:
a. All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not
over sidewalks.
See note #13 under "Albemarle County Engineering General Construction
Notes" on Sheet C1.0.
5. Rev. 2: No objections.
Architectural Review Board (Margaret Maliszewski):
Rev. 2: Comments:
An ARB application/submittal for a Countywide Certificate of Appropriateness is required. A
Certificate of Appropriateness is required prior to final site plan approval. The following items
and all items on the ARB Final Site Plan Checklist must be addressed in the ARB Application:
1. Provide large shade trees, 2 %" caliper at planting, 40' on center along the loop road.
The proposed landscape plan has been updated accordingly.
2. Provide large shade trees, 2 %" caliper at planting, 40' on center at all parking lot
The proposed landscape plan has been updated accordingly.
3. Some trees are shown very close to underground pipes. Ensure pipes are at least 7' from
The proposed landscape plan has been updated accordingly.
4. Add the standard plant health note to the site plan: All site plantings of trees and shrubs
shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping of tree is
prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall
health of the plant.
The standard plant health note has been added to the landscape plan.
5. A single shrub type is proposed (78 Ilex Verticillata). Limit the number of proposed
plants for any one species to 25% of the total proposed for that plant type (tree or
The proposed landscape plan has been updated accordingly.
6. Show tree protection fencing on the landscape and grading plans. Include a
conservation checklist in the plan.
The plans have been updated accordingly.
Zoning (Kevin McCollum):
Zoning has no objection and approves the applicant's proposed parking minimum of 160
In Accordance with Section 4.12.6 of the Zoning Ordinance the Zoning Administrator shall
approve or determine the total required parking spaces for a hospital. Given that the
Encompass Health operates 131 physical rehabilitation hospitals across the United States (see
letter titled "RE: UVA Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital Parking Requirements" dated
July 3, 2018) and has an understanding of the parking demand these types of facilities generate,
Zoning has no objection to their standard calculations and recommendation of the total parking
requirement for 80 beds being 160 required parking spaces.
If this number or calculation significantly changes Zoning asks that the applicant re -submit a
parking request for Zoning approval.
Acknowledged. No changes to the parking counts have been proposed at this time.
E911 (Andy Slack):
1. No objections.
We have included PDF copies of the plans and calculations for your review. If you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to give me a call at 434.295.5624.
Andrew Allison, PE
Project Engineer