HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201400069 Plan - Revision 2014-11-19in
Mr. Max Greene
County of Albemarle
Department of Planning and
Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
Dear Mr. Greene:
November 19, 2014
Re: Revised Erosion and Sediment
Control Plan and Stormwater
Management Plan
North and South Rivanna WTPs
WPO201400069, WPO201400073
The Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority is proposing upgrades to the North Rivanna and the
South Rivanna Water Treatment Plants (WTP). In response to review comments by the County
of Albemarle, we hereby offer revised erosion and sediment control and stormwater
management plans for both the North Rivanna WTP and South Rivanna WTP additions.
Previous submittals to the County entered total parcel area in the "Site Data° tab of the Virginia
Runoff Reduction Method (VA RRM) worksheet used to determine pollutant reduction required.
Comments received from the County in a letter dated November 12, 2014 informed us,
however, the area disturbed by construction activities is to be entered in this place on the
worksheet. As the disturbed area is less than the parcel area for both sites, the required
pollutant removal has been reduced at both the North Rivanna WTP and the South Rivanna
WTP by 0.17 Ib/yr and 1.07 Ib/yr, respectively (Table 1, below). As such, the stormwater
requirements at each site have decreased, and a change in stormwater management has
Because of the relatively small change in pollutant reduction required at North Rivanna, no
changes to the proposed stormwater management BMP is proposed. As a result, North
Rivanna has an excess 0.19 Ib/yr nutrient removal credit, as calculated by the VA RRM
worksheet. Communication with the County, as well as reference to the Code of Virginia
(§ 62.1-44.19:18) have determined the excess credit is transferable between projects located
within the same tributary, as the North and South Rivanna WTPs are.
The excess pollutant removal credit thereby resulting from the North Rivanna WTP bioretention
area, along with the decreased removal requirements at both sites, has allowed for the removal
of one of the original two bioretention cells and the sand filter originally proposed for the South
Rivanna WTP. The decrease in site area at the South Rivanna site means the removal
requirement drops from 2.02 Ib/yr of pollutant to 0.95 Ib/yr of pollutant. As shown in Table 1,
0.08 Ib/yr of the excess credit generated at North Rivanna WTP will be transferred to South
Rivanna WTP to offset the remaining pollutant removal and obtain compliance for the site.
Table 1: Pollutant Removal Requirements
North Rivanna WTP
South Rivanna WTP
Pollutant Removal
Required Ib/
Pollutant Removal
Achieved lb/
Pollutant Removal
Required Ib/
0 38
Pollutant Removal
Achieved Ib/ r
Excess Credit
Please find attached two (2) copies of drawings illustrating the additional work to the North
Rivanna WTP, two (2) copies of drawings illustrating the additional work to the South Rivanna
WTP, two (2) copies of a descriptive Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Stormwater
Management Plan for each site, two (2) copies of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for
each site, and a Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) application for each site.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require any additional information or have any
Corinne E. Wilson, EIT
Assistant Engineer
November 19, 2014
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596
Attn: Max Greene
Re: North Rivanna WTP Improvements —
W PO201400069
Response to comments
Dear Mr. Greene:
Please find below response to comments made for the North Rivanna Water Treatment Plant. Also
attached in this submittal are updated drawings, updated stormwater and E&S calculations, and figures.
In response to comments made by the Albemarle County Department of Community Development in a
letter dated November 12, 2014, Hazen and Sawyer offers the following on behalf of the Rivanna Water
and Sewer Authority.
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Max Greene
1. Please have the owner fill out the required forms for the SWPPP for plan approval. The owner is the
Operator until the plan is approved, the "Operator" can be transferred to additional personnel at any
time during the duration of the project, see transfer forms in SWPPP. The link to the Albemarle
County preferred SWPPP form is:
http://www.al bemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Commu nity_Developm ent/forms/
Engineering_and WPO_Forms/Stormwater_Pollution_Prevention_Plan_SWPPP template.doc
Response: The owner has filled out the required forms for the SWPPP and the forms have
been included within the SWPPP included in this submittal.
B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) Max Greene
1. Appears adequately addressed at this time.
Response: Comment noted.
C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) Max Greene
1. VRRM updated spread sheet appears to be for 5.2 acres of disturbance. The VRRM spreadsheet
should be for the proposed new construction/ disturbed area. The drainage area to the water quality
structure appears to be @ % of an acre. Please Correct the VRRM Spreadsheet and show the
drainage areas on the plan for conformation.
Response: The VRRM spreadsheet has been adiusted to the area of disturbance rather than
the parcel area. As a result, the stormwater results have been adiusted as detailed in the
D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Max Greene
1. The Variance for the Modified Mud Traps is approved for this project due to the confined space on
site and proximity to the flood plain.
Response: Comment noted.
2. Narrativelintroduction is incorrect.
a. It is impossible for the North Fork Rivanna Treatment plant to source water from the South Fork
Rivanna River Reservoir.
b. Adjacent areas are incorrect. This parcel does not have boundaries with the South Fork Rivanna
C. The property does not slope towards the South Fork Rivanna Reservoir.
d. Off -site stormwater issues are to protect the North Fork Rivanna River from sediment laden
e. The permanent measures proposed will need to include the bio-retention basin.
Response: The narrative has been updated to reflect the correct conditions of the North
Rivanna Water Treatment Plant.
Two (2) copies of the revised plans, calculations, narrative, and SWPPP have been provided,
illustrating the responses above. We trust this information will allow you to complete your review for
this application. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Corinne E. Wilson, EIT
Assistant Engineer