HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDP202000001 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Calculations 2020-02-20Worksheet 3: Time of concentration (Tc) or travel time (Tt) Project By 144 Date Location Checked Date a Circle one: Present Developed Circle one: Tt through subarea NOTES; Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used For each worksheet. Include a map, schematic, or description of flow segments. Sheet flow (Applicable to Tc only) Segment ID ;6 I. Surface description (table 3-1) ............ 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (table 3-1) .. 3. Flow length, L (total L C 300 ft) .......... ft 4. Two—yr 24—hr rainfall, P. .. in 5. Land slope, s ft/ft 6. Tt — 0.0075(nL0)0.8 Compute Tt hr P2 s - Shallow concentrated flow Segment ID 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) - 8. Flow length, L....................ft 9. Watercourse slope, s .. ft/ft 10. Average velocity, V (figure 3-1) ........... ft/s 11. T - L t 3600 V Compute Tt ...... hr y A•im c� ,- t Channel flow Segment ID Ka 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ............... ft2 13. :letted perimeter, Pw ....................... ft 14. Hydraulic radius, r - pA Compute r ft w i 15. Channel slope, s ft/ftl.Q 16. Manning's roughness coeff., n 0. 149 r2/3 s112 17. V — •— Compute V ft/s n IS. Flow length, L ............................. ft 19. Tt - 36L V Compute T hr (a,5� �- hf. t C6 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt (add Tt in steps 6, 11,• and 19) ..�...� hr (210-VI-TR-66, Second Ed, June 198M D-3 Y1 OrIESIICCL :.: AO*U11U11 CUI-YC 1111111UC1' WIU 1"L111ULL tsyi T-A /B4kIX2k Uy 16d Data (%$ ��0 Location r4T Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed 1 . Rtinaf F cttrve nttmhr_r (rN) Soil natne Cover description 1� Area Product and CN -- of hydrologic (cover type, treatment, and ra CN x area group hydrologic condition; ry Qacres percent impervious; m ❑mi2 unconnected/connected impervious p ❑ % (appendix A) area ratio) �, M a Q 7 Use only one CN source per line. Totals„ CN (weighted) s tota1_ernduct a _ _ Use CN L� total area ; 2. ' Runoff Storm pi Storm B2 Storm §3 Frequency .............................. yr It:rinrall, 11 (24-huur•) .................. in Runoff, Q ............r................• in (Use V and CN with table 2--1, fig. 2-I, or cqs. 2-3 and 24.) D-Z (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., Jule 1986) ` • • 1/71202D Web Sal Survey CanTpet Us I Su)Istriise Archived Snii 8vrveys Sail survey S4aius Gfessa,y 1 Ara#arer:tas Link I togou± x A' Area of Interest AOI Soli Edxrs Soil Date Explores Downh�ad Solis Dam ShoeeEne Carr n i search Map Urst Legend Albemarle County, Virginia (VA003) Albemarle County, Virginia (VA003) Map unit Map llnie Name SVmboi Acres in AOi Percent ar AOs 1 3 E Catoctin slit 77.5 8.9% loam, 25 to 45 percent slopes, very stony 23B Yadkin day 7.3 0.8% loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes 23C Yadkin clay 1.0 0.1% loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 58B Myersville sift 16.3 1.9% loam, 2 to 7 percent slopes 58C Myersville silt 0.1 0.0% :loam, 7 to 15 percent slopes 58D Myersville silt 31.7 3.6% loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 58E Myersville silt 16.6 1.9% loam, 25 to 45 Pdntabla varsioni Add fa Sell Map ' 2NMAa .fin U+r .b1 ]A S-1- 1(norto scale) r FOIA I Accessibility Statement I Privacy policy I Non -Discrimination Statement I Tnkffnation Quality I USA.gov I White House 1 i� +J R ?3 hfips:/Mebsollsurvey sc egovusda.gov/App/WGbS0llSurvey aspx 111 Worksheet 4: Graphical Peak Discharge method Project * By Date Location itrr Checked Date Circle one: Present Developed 1. Data: Drainage area .......... Am - A mil (acres/640) Runoff curve number .... CN - ___71 _ (From worksheet 2) Time of concentration .. Tc = Q .'I$-, hr (From worksheet 3) Rainfall distribution type - 3., (1, IA, i�I IlI) Pond and swamp areas spread throughout watershed percent of AM { acres or mil covered) 2. Frequency ............................... 3. Rainfall, P (24-hour) ................... 4. Initial. abstraction, I ................. (Use CN with table 4-1.) 5. Compute Ia/P .............. ............. Storm #1 1 Storm #2 Storm 3 yr 10 in 6. Unit peak discharge, qu ................. cam/in L -4,ao L (Use Tc and Ia/P with exhibit 4-'1K) 7. Runoff, Q ................ ............... ...... (From worksheet 2). 8. Pond and swagip adjustment factor, Fp (Use percent pond and swamp area with table 4-2. Factor is 1.0 for zero percent pond and swamp area.) 9. Peak discharge, qp ........... (Where qp - quAmQFp) D-4 in +!� .. .,... cfs 7 Q = 7©+ t'Qn Q f- a, p fire" A = A=� �--- 3 .. (210-VI-TR-55, Second Ed., June"1986) '141TA k., Allok o maw_ v -J m c ;3 7= t _I = t 75 . Gt-ter ve, W &A �V- 'Ed IIA- 1- 25 7 V:?- 9 . zs C--O. C� sa g. 169 •r,� ,�.�. „�'„� ,Z5 4 CONTECH ALBC DYOB PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONBTWJCTION .. w,.., �= "'�""""'� ;�a ......�-... `•ems C�NTECH' srnaNee�m �oumorts ttc �• srnueru ruts oYOB ALBC 18, 11'-11" Span x 3'-7" Rise Shell Designation = C8 g Gloeckner Engineering Project Al6emarfe County, Virginia voz+savo +omnnie ° ora era tr a eme4snv ease45-M eIWS-ft FPX COVER SHEET note r�nwcwcesa�vnoK FLOW pEA J Z STRUMRE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 'c=; .-«.r•:s T= ECH• V i06anam 11c •^•efflftdfig*� 60}6 Crntra Pa•1. 4., AYk 10d, Wrl Clmrr, OH466BB �' WMUCV RALPu*e MY� ALBC 16, 11r-11" Span x T-7" Rise Shell Desl nation = C6 $ Gloeckner Engineering Project Aiben�erle County, Vlrgmia 90 OMM16 DYO oro DYO wlertxD.i OYO tl66 M41n 61"W78M 6IMW7666FA% INLET ENO ELEVATION o— "4 x OUTLET ENO E, LEVATIQ :a� PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUMN TECH*Ummm SO, MM U.0 � 9MCO-P&Mo,,e�w. 4w.MC+ww,owMW CONTEM +� P+�*c °Y., B ALBC 16, 11'-11" S n x 3'-7" Rise Shall Designation = CB oec Glkner Engineering Project Albemarle County, Virginia O2 6M �±anim' m oro ovo MM1122 5iM4 "W 51"4&7MF,� SBCFION A -A " a u e k■ ad PRELIMINARY NCT FOR CONS"UCFION '� ALBC 16, 1 V-11" Span x T-7" Rise OMM Im1m+s WN>fTECH' w, rsTavcrusu wn*e Shell besignatlon = C6 ova oro ,.WmIUOKWGkmkner Englneering Project ^^ ww.+y.w.�:r 9011 Orp. PWmd. &Ne �Gfi, Wul66+ttx.aM l"OEi DYD D1'o Albemarle County, Mrginla ■6• ,wr r..:rrr. 70F5161iZ1 617$167vG0 113bISAi9 Ph7f TRENCH CONDITION MIN,9 FRET - TRENCH WAIL NAVURAL UROIBTUMED EM9ANMENT REINFORCED COINCRETE FOOTING. (OPfWNAL) CONCRETE NNVERT (oN'rlaFLaLI aE1,1!CY6yVRILAR B7AUCTUML MCIWLL LIMIT& NRML LIFT60dai 7IR CRCMI OF UM)07MIR A9 NCICAI®O BY 9IIAOEO AREA1O96 COMPACTED TO REg1RRli0 OeNaRY W ITH N.IID CPE FNTED EOII l'IAeNT OR WITH UGHTNgpNryO.N ORL9aHTERIECIAPAENT. NO1a6 t. ALL aeriGTWWImARRAGFel7PNNAcm MAmINIGO Feen9N w Tlml IFTed' LOaeE TTIT.tILYI Aw RMewaTm TP w Fomeer E9rrRlrr pRR AAexrG Tam A Ww1lTe NO.etlNIM40MRwwi Tow ALOn'" MeawT e1NPEarRr-0IpWygmHNALLR1mLFLLNOtlFiE RMmRIIF, !• � w'ilwPeq NLCYIeemYFr YMITFgwi.ANTNRH �. TRBR:Xw>]RIORINiRMwINReTMLLme LYpNwCllwlaT116 bi9e19FRR kaCOAP. f. exil{'a1TOMWpeeuwalaerlAAwW4LNFM NrMNNL IFr: THE IIIRaLe p TN! � W MCN IRMVI, HIFAUN LMM OF COMPACTED BP3ECT GRANULAR BTRUCTURAL BACNFU BEE NOTE 96 FOP Na PAD OR FULL MTRI APorcICNAL 0M=GRANULAR gMUCTURAL L%MftL NCTEe: ODN0ACTTGNAREIRY TIE MKLTR LIATERML CAUSE HARD ae PAEE OP ROCKa, FROmER LWIPq AND FOREIGN BE� �D R TINTMEELrMTHDM"EEMIDfM OFAAN1Tp M44 FOR aOILClA9aiRCA7IDNlaM. MRN.ABa,ORAJMODFIFg, ILIA WLL NUET N PIAx EymWMI11 MLYYOOII w711E Pi7RLN:7IIRE N rLOO9E UFM UO"LRr MToBe OOMpiwMTOAWA M1 OFai0% MWrY PMAARNTOT.18% ANOH PERCENTAO9 OF SILT OR FNE SAND NTHa IMTIVEagL9 BUOOE9T8 TFiENelP FOR A WHL GRAD90 WIANIRM EACLNLLMATBIML ro FREV9TIrEOR MIORARON. E 711E PR0-0M gD GRILLn NOTA W7LL-0IIMEO MATTgiML.AHPNaVOVEN GEOTlNfia4 FLTiAT FABRIC BIl41eE %AC@DaeTYEH1711E mFL9CT 9ACIO•aLAHOIHE N 911U AIR79 LI OURNG 9ACHFLL,CNLV MGHiWEMTTRW=V9HIC1RapN OR WHMq E,,ton BE NEW THE BTRIIOTUIN AS FILL PPAXM9EBAODYE THE CROWFIANDTO T1R "No GRAO9. THe ENOMMANE CPNIW Q TCR ARECNTHON90THATTIR MM" DOM AW NEED TO 9B NCNIEAffiO rolIAhOLe TeWORMY CONwrRUCTIPH V91pOL9 LOADS pNLAVRR THIN 041 9TRUCRVW PLA7E BACNFLLGROUPCI WErATION,RERC AAW90*,Aa GROUPCLANIFICATION AJ� A4.0 AQJ A-M Ap BNr. Aw.y.b PlmdPaWm NI, 1ppAp6 mmp w,N„• _ _ Na, EryAls aRnl Enpe, p9msc N,.r,. Na. 90O WA1l mmI {ewr. 96mr. wmr, Nmr. le mrm. MISMgUmmfw Fntllen Pulp N., N (aA9a Rw4 Ikwn Lbils Nenws, Almb, PbWeNybbw amm, 9Ww.. 19br. 1pmulL NenpWNe UwlulMulrlW arw,N entl amul Gm nfimtl�amd >t�wd .Wr.4iawda.wlWdWml..dA CAdmwnwpeWedr,dr,•m„ wd�ewvk%-Wkd pow. dwift* GrNMtl eYAA9NTON•tw u AO mWml.dmddndee r.tL Rulwriwa.mrtamM w.Nm dA1pTM W197, amndw r,.mw W CIrNArtlatdBal.I.rtViBmewq PYryar tuda.d ad gwNIWIo apbny, brwmprwb mp 9ra,p., 1A eA 1.1 eTANDAROs-gNwdrdarwwblM amnlNAmTM'MENN.d1Rn obrdhswlNnRmd. 1.1.1 ABTM BeM'&and.tl MCwrWemNAYmn,un Bw CYhenN' pA9NP0 Oa epmlwi RI.4f 1� 1.13 AAaNTO aWmd.d ep.NLraen, b•ley�,l�a,y�Z gAhion I.Orbl AA511TO 11iF0 �/�9.�p�,� 9eallo 1s, 1.13 AAallrp fpmd.m aP.rleolllan fw addp.e•B.wbn20 CHbbn e-Cenrwml4V AAwRO �Cemlvriho IIpNAoelai. •Bedlm 9p. ABTN e7ee• Pmdrbr hRle,ew CwraWhdAAOYmn s!"mRn Plrn Floe. it yE 1.9,1 OMTw• Ntlmr IPeNLm9Vm tlrwwp'OAR.r ehd.11en 1.95 laglyyer-b9mr.prMlcNN,"Ym wWidmBamw-ehep nbr a.9Vtphm.dRemd m 0�wmiyerNynpba enpyrrygnpNenylw. 1.13 mrMectrer•N4mNep�dL�ppw Nm9 mrnCdTTBtJ{EH®I�P80lUIIONe 179 1.21 Cwtr.,Nw •N N.r ep.cbrlww lM eYVd'CmergrNr9 emn h rtw wmya�q,andeAWNy L,. eF.FWm dmy NeWMknMwlcugr urfimm dMlr gwdt'kMkrr. 1,2E ApgPM•bfmw epedkatlwnlmwaN NWIMwb dbappprNdlM aabwweb Erldm}drgmwmwl 1JA Ae Dhp•bd•bHl sp.dNmdmedw d. aldmNM'WNmhr b 90 dL.mn,. b em Omm.a'brhem a.Owmra Wb deehpmhd rep.Nn ft. sa 9.1 Arwhw%1mpedenrprweeuhe11Nehm be.Rtlonq by Em Nle.pmrNnhlan we p.mmN ey1, BnYemM. Am wo 9.9 The ON&.epr.IwKR.NW wbWw, m.wld sYd .d Op�wm�Ys�ftmrw�p Ym�b.�Ig=='A A ey►. Oww. lm,=1Q.,l11hq, wm wy rm..wtlw Yin wmped9n, 9minpm eiwxm lm Ohm rd m 4abw tloM, 7ide,ye,R Ii,IL dwwhl d.1 maWYhmm d'No., n9mdWlp, IRnhVB, ehlppNp,wmruldedMNsnrmNul mYre.eewwom ft d, ddm W,Tdb heRbA BmpolM bid, Ypoft rdemiem.lrfww wdA0-0NNywek Rlmlw►b amrpbl. amvwM db. uA atd W eme.bwnNm wah ew *ft vhr w ebpeA wd ep.dLae9nae, Thh wwh b b W. rmny4l.d mdw eeeo.11Fntltlm OwM[af hh tl4r19n.,1d ummeeabLra ?A FNwbNddnpMw.1; ON Cmwlb wN some, N"rlp.le ow lnlped em aarouudvi IAe r m tlb wAn end bwbndbpwak, eln pw p.nwul end balawdNara ulwe wnWudan.Ne, NnFbdmenTEsm Rn1b11RT, hdtwaobrdwnLw wevb.uNlaem,NLb,m mn ahul.dm m he..nwwe.md m wd wdAW lti aanapullnn eapwddem mil" R NLiemgdNm rwom ybrow pmmeq go dnw aimamNow", dgearretltrr ew Cwmaelw, Bm Oewm ehNl W.naNlr N.e.dbldy. The mlbHMwhM am CmY.gwh.l.rwbhe ■ nhena.l prndY.n "M "who dbeehtl w e1M Uf a aw+mr om NwmOd. tlm wrilFpr. 9.4 7W mmRndlsi NmlW.psbmW nq.rbe dhmlgldtlm enplwr. 9A AY dNe epumre d.N9n entl Nbb,wRY,NygNp bwdRtlm., wa1lN, wd RMnwtlF rm gows.yaeewamtltl.m9an Nalhe pdwn.tl hyam Hnplrw. MMUNINabilnumm 3.1 9.Ye mdmN•hiwwhnn b9w bpNmmnbdMTMA•80T WWW AETMAJNM Tim Wm ammR ehe9We rwrlW N ewwdtl .mr9wpb*kM PuYmeE tyG. mNmladmMwnpRYwnmmduMuc fi mmimnn"Wwi gab uli.T6etlp,Y.ren uNny m appkdw"pdEeNrtm - wd 79pR..be. 99 TheeMpeuahm104hekwm91NInR MftwwLh9.pbm A49HYC Bmnl.d 9peclANlpr Npi��y � ?8 Dahbfl L-CoeemmAeNAAARD OiFa wo NlpedL,Reaiy •aN9en 96 3,9 YIwi.Nlrrwlgqm,u.Wm0 1pe meylN wM0menI naWdfidm awwgow w•PeergENW1h.1AV WeirF*Ma AululwWRwulM NIInlard mtl m�Dhh�mtltl rM NLYIphRrM wtlYNmtl hlrOm EnWwr. 9A A1VnhWmewM'MCr4lmn�egq�AN�,e.amV/ImR a9meln aNlh..9p Pr...en dNARp PNLLR..rhwNe N1I*R"1" w T!"d.ean bA*W dd dWNaNbepnrlAadpdpl9fNndl.Pj.rx w w Rw.b Rills Ltln rYhwrdlnmiNNlti 1 IseneM.r WY.d -n ■-w-46.lnNe.h eadlLL Lm d pIh, wldehNlw eewlirtl, AengrNwgTephatl 6 R.Meebd.NW.Yhwmp.Yul RmRemL7d..petlfed.do denarmsr mw4w meTe.n.dleed Ry ViPAnppce pYgNemo�.�eplm90 nNfalwtlhy„yelbn r d•dPwd aV' ■ y�av�nwl Camech oemwrFaredeNenN Ynvnmlmeonmtl Sa 4M,m.meW bmulNlanhurq tlm Nlar�,qrepuM■ nYlmwn da hiulmadlww 9remW mul.MedhamumRvn Pmrl. elwdw. W.Tb.wmwNwdWM, 11n PmPe'Rldb at �e�mRb�binRieed NW a.Abr,nblM p%htl pow rnl�WodNp N�matlb6�eae m�lfan 1 .new nil ww% beats dulwpw. ft mymmbwdwNm wy k.N bid 00" Nm YwdnxYbr.tler, praWutlaq nleiw, emr amps m*, w dhw bmypn mmmraw mlywue Iet.prNRNawnrN. 9A TMelwd.edm9 eeeNVm kres.MnwMhpie L1w.drY.pre ewaw9mr.A1 d11N.Ua16R VRb.drdeTd hrtlNeNTHh nwamM rar.. FbNe ulW cults mbtl ertapped lV.d d�jeN. dieLt9 ebmmWwM Inw�pn WedMp� watlr TpmnYulbaed m ■ N NNnwm9wdEN modulo pRdArplmhb dNeNwrl .remiq ptle q.l Fi1a111mtlawmhwR Rtl. Uwmhruil ermaRm ulwll wM91. rrrYbtrpd9. FmtlOd �PwWN�M �Rhr� rYm9eNm. NlMFmr baaq.LJmehINwM, Wm..m&004wd,W,Osmms� .hem dtlmlmkSwehRpVlmE+Mm dmWedCnrpYNm hA,p� Gpedpblr d.11lmelrrmly tlbmnWenvwhm VbAW 9Wm� N�mQ� 61*4* 9.1 7M Mtraretlwl6e OmANetl wNp ulrnwpl9rd.d 9rarN,. A-0J, mule", d d mole M mpA.wwm IN SamallWpaebw A•1, A.9fi.wAG magp.d tlwAAB11T0 M•1/E, 8r9m phrlVbRal pbm 6etltlN pop derNar9an11hl. m9N.dmeL �n W pphhoaR�a1 y meeeh"artM MA4wb9bahbRr� aMpImamlp mWmum dpl PerawN dwrlq PIrM9HTOT 199,"■ 8A ammb hwom be gwrC wMlMswdait tl�ien�nwfpm W I RlaheddBetlewnpl.Nlyaq pa.rnrm b N pbaa TheadeRwdb.pwwy.W br hWF=*Dft IQMI.W RM" wP"*dNe brAluliNym 9w OAt W EV6,IU,6 %M ehQ*M"*dWh1 hl ropadpmrVwftJNbml jNr •twee beds. IHeV9 mwWepanbem dvM1•.wetl tlW dpb perMwlw O weAa,ji 4P 4wime ml anAlwh Lm GA LmabldomAtwdwep wmlwwMpwN�-w�,-.�^.,•.•b T•dbd, on NbppwmW ehueaeulLrLR Ltldmw.r Won PaNGa Wiped. awwm,etlwhwe Not d 9l. En9emwLulN mFarI bo npseLa w tlladrtim Ne hhe NTECK � ALBC 16, 1 i t-1 r Span x T-7" Rise Shell Designation = C6 �w..ww...,r.�.,y. NVOINElEEO IOUIRONE L6C 5iN11C'/INIAL PUTS Gioeckner Engineering Project �� :.��,,::,�, 9ll19CrmaPaerDr•adbNpE,wwTawlw,GH1TWN DATE REvmRTNpE9CR9'71DN eY Albemarle County, Virginia MVIN m0.9e•Y199 619JN4}apO E1f61&1wiFAf[ ALUIeSNUM SOX CULVERT i6 LAP SPLICE RARE IN TOP G BOTTOM EITHER SIDE OF JOINT FOR LCNOITUOBIAL BARS y :, 111•. EXPRESS FOUNCATIGN (TYP} I'4r cryn DETAIL ' SECTIO A INUr PROJBC I CIA CONCRETE STRUCTURE LIMITS tSTRUCTURE INSIDE FACE OF ALLWIKUM BOX CULVERT EIROIn REINFORCING BAR (TYP) PRECAST CONCRETE 4l"" � N°a 1j4"x6K' KEYWAY(TYP.) I BLOCKOUT IN PRECAST OAOSS �- MEMBER FOR CIP CONCRETE c PASSAGE BETY.EEN CELLS d-, a AB BARS CONTINUOUS TOP BOTTOM +" THICK GRANULAR SUB room FO,ING1117NTN yROTH DETAIL , (NOT PROJECT aPEC M) CIPCOWRETE (TYPI j, JCRIT MEMBER CR099 MEMBERrrvPI L SAMPLE PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN (NOT PR0.fECT SPEUFIC) EXPRESS FOUNDATIONS • F • �,-.. .+.r �M. Ai",NTE'M • Nrsc. Pdrh 6•,B� 4W, WWO w WCIH4= OT'Rua++�"L� �--� C. .J ALBC 16, 11'-11" Span x 3'-7" Rise Shell Desl nation = Ce g Gloackner Engineering Project Albemarle County, Virginia aBIBeeB ,ort,ra6+ Oro �'" OrG — aro G'o 0"W11= 51944NOW 613M6Tw9FAX 5 d 6 DATE REvmoNogCRIP1,ON gy ' -' -.+i . � rMw l■Mf■74' iilixM#1.ww■rifrfwx■rrt+r■ir■rrCCNCRETS (i■r LI rxxMMw 1101 r■Mr...-Rr[Y■■I- wiiw#x■it [IxlrIoaxMi■rrMxY■MriMMrwii#iff■M■ff■rrfiMttihri■■Mr■iri[■wrrti[■[trwfllnlwMlifrrEf[tYtrwrMM#xw[#MrwM■wrxErYM■rt#iMY■trxM#MfxMwRrri■r■1frrIllulwlrlrr#rtrw■[#1i■■r# CONCRETE .} • rYMi[if■lfxMlllrrt:#iwixtr■■■rRrJ■rrr[l �61' -$ __ il ����•�,, w� .�f} MATIA"s l _r^: - PARMORFLEX .r GEOT- l L1 I _ A�JACKS PARTIAL INVERT PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN ARMCIRFLEX STRUCTURE TERMWATION,�. � *i*1■i�twwfi■i■if■[xrMwruSITESM4WIC TERMINATION,D rllwr#■ xurrwMwt[n#rYMxwx: BACKFILLA3 SPECIFIED r MATTRESS • . • nl[Yirr#MMrMMww■nnr --[Yii 4 ■rr Mxx lift ]Itrxf wf■t.1#x■ � �� —.` �� �-,,`�/'�/'%'i'•/�i�il/�/!i �1!'�l r/r/�. AIAM ARMORFLEX PARTIAL INVERT STANDARD TERMINATIONe Uj PARTIAL LAYOUT PLAN KTA AIACKB BE MELLY BAND WTHICK BEDDING LAYER IYER NAME PRGMT SOILS *ITM a _ ..dq\J�a\�Jl\\�Jl\\rJh\\�!/r`%�!/r\1�Jli\\�Jlr\1�!!i\\�/lam SITESPEctm A -JACKS STRUCTURE 411\�JA-JACKS PARTIAL INVERT TERMINATION _ •PARTIAL Shell Designation ��_GloecknerEngineering Coordinates for Aluminum Box CuIverb # San Rise Area Dw . # 1 # San Rise Area Dw # 8 =9" 2'-6" 18.4 1 9 19'^10" T-8" 127.1 100973. 9'-2" 3' 3" 25.4 1009690 20'-3" 8' 5" 142.6 1009734 4'-1" 32.6 1009691 4' 2" 63.3 10097 10'-0" 4'-10" 40.2 1009692 19'-5" 4'41" 78.3 100973f 10'-6" 5'-T' 48.1 r009693 1919" 51-819 93.6 1009733 6 10'-11" 6'-4" 56.4 10096% 20'-1" 6'-6" 109.2 1009738 ;Z 5 1OW95 20'-6" 7'-3" 125 1009739 8 10'-2" 2'-8" 23 1009696 20'40" 8'-1" 141.2 1009740 10-7„ 3'- lC.l. 1009697 21'2" 8'-10" 157.6 1009741 10 10'-11" 1 4'-3" 39.5-V 1009698 20'4" 4'-6" 73.1 1009742 100%99 ��. +„ °,. '- ' - .2 1:40 12 1 P-8" 5'-9" 57.2 1009700 20'-I1" 6'-I" 105.5 1009744 6'-7" 66 4 1009701 21'-3" 6%10" 122.1 IGM745 14 12'-5" 7'-4" 76 1009702 219-6" 7'-8" 139 1009746 1009703 21'-.10" 8'-5" 156 1009747 11'-I 1" 3'-7" 37.4 1009704 22'-1" 9 -3" 173.3 1009748 21'-7" 4'-11" 83.8 1009749 I2'-T' S' -2" 56.6 1009706 21'-10" 5'-8" 101.1 1009750 � 12'-11" W-0" 66.6 1009707 22 n .1 . ff � 8.4 13'-3" 6'-9" 76.9 1009708 - 22' 3" 7'-3" 135.9 1009752 13'-0" 3'-t)" 33.8 1009709 22'-6" 8'-1" 153.7. 1009753 22 13'4" 3'-10" 44.2 1009710 22'-9" 8'-10" 171.E 1009754 13' 4,-"' 'S4:$`' 1'O09711 23'-0" 9'-8" 189.8 1009755 24 13'40" 5'-5" 65.6 1009712 s_ 22' 9" 5'-V" 95.5 1009756 'fl -1:3 23'-0" 6'-1" 113.7 1009757 26 14' S" 3'4" 40 1009714 23' 2" 6'-11" 132.1 1009758 1009715 23'-4" T-8" 150.6 1009759 28 14'-10" 4'-10" 63.2 1009716 23'-6" 8'-6" 169.3 1009760 23'-8" 91-3!. 188.1 I009761 r' 15'-4" 6'-5" 87.2 1009718 23'-10" 10'-1" 207 1009762 1009719 24'-0" 5'-9" 1081 1009763 - 15'9" 8'-0°' 1g1�1.8 10/0�(9��72y0 2,/4�'-1" 6'-6" 127.5 "= +b" , J.Y.-, ' f9 . 1'�4/,7y.J • �t'T 2'' ..i'y �'6. fI009764 i QOg7 65 =_ l 16'-0" 4'-3" 59.5 1009722 24'-4" 8' 2" 1 166.2 1009766 16'-2" 5'-1 " 72.3 1009723 10� # 8'-11- 195.7 1009767 161-4, 5'-11" 85.2 10097724 24' 7" 9'-9" 205.3 1009768 98.3 1009725 24l,819 10'-6" 225 1009769 T-6" 111.5 1009726 25' 2" 6' 2" 122 1009770 16'-1T 8'.3" 1.:.4.8 1009727 25! 2T, R42.2 17'-9" 3'-10" 54.5 1009728 25'-3" 7'-9" 162.4 1009772 25'-4" 8'-7" 182.6 1009773 18'-T' 5'-4" 82.5 1009730 86 25'-4" 1 9'-5" 202.9 1009774 97.1 1009731 25'-5" 10'-2" 223.3 1009775 19'-5" 6'-11" 111.9 1009732 STRUCTURAL PLATE TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO.2 FOUNDATION BEARING STRENGTH AND SETTLEMENT I Z wA i u�rxe 1 VfStfGr =x� zone 8 Faudaffm i ZawA i BarJm i 1lidtlr = x f ZWOH i 'oo` far,, .lave C forfoundation QonMV&DEM B RIB _ Cr+AvW Area farrmvwa qn aDaw rayms rrgure r —,Areas or conslaeratron shapes with invert RrAhed Grade ZmeA I i sauna VNm4tl,ax r r IIi,, lmUXARU n 8K 1 CoWmi Ante for Figure 2 — Areas of consideration arch shapes Foundations for Structural Plate I Zone A I socidw r t19'aVNr=x II Foundation considerations for CONTECH Structural Plate are analogous to those for other structures of similar size and application. CONTECH is not a design firm and makes no attempt to confirm site specific soil conditions. Exhaustive sub- surface exploration is not always required and the Engineer of Record may choose to use practical based design information. However, foundation related issues should be considered by the Engineer of Record. Limiting Settlement C 9W11rea tar than the backfill beside it. This condition is particularly evident for arch shapes on pile foundations but also applies to structures with inverts supported by a granular bed. Careful investigation and proper detailing of the structural bockfill zone eliminates drag down forces that can develop when the backfill settles more than the structure. Bearing Strength and Settlement if a higher allowable bearing is achieved by prelooding the soil under the foundation or the site is prone to consolidation, the structural plate should be designed to settle more, relative to the backfill around it. As a practical matter, settlement of the completed structure, including the structural backfill zone, must be limited to maintain line, grade, clearance, structure shape, eliminate drag down forces and minimize cracking in the footings. In summary, the backfill zone needs to be stiffer than the structural plate. Critical Foundation Design Areas The foundation design must consider the soil directly below the foundation and the backfill zone extending beyond the spring line to a distance "H' shown in Figures i and 2. Controlling settlement of the bockfill and embankment in this area helps to ensure adequate backfill support. 2_ 3. Consolidation or settlement analysis should be performed by the Engineer responsible for the geotechnical portion of the project. Often, settlement concerns are limited to the structural plate or 4. its footings only. Settlement of the backfill into the supporting soil layers may be a more important consideration. If settlement occurs the structural plate should be designed to settle more Settlement of the structure and the backfill within Zone A should be minimal. Differential settlement between the structure and the backfill should be limited to 1 inch. Settlement along a concrete footing must be limited considering cracking of the concrete, shear capacity and slope. Differential settlement between footings or across the structure adversely affects the shape and symmetry of the structural plate. For long -span shapes AASHTO requires differential settlement (A) to be c 0.01 x (span)z/rise. Excessively large footings, pile supports, or foundation improvement below!the footings are indicators that the lower soil layer may be inadequate to support the backfill. ' of 2 STRUCTURAL PLATE TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO.2 Structures with Full inverts Footing Design The foundation bedding immediately below the invert (Zone q is generally not a concern. Ideally the bedding is softer than the critical areas beside it supporting the haunch (Zone B). The bedding should not be more Firm than the haunch area. Typically if the bedding can support construction activities, it is adequate. The haunch and backfill beside the structure are most critical. The foundation in these areas must support the radiat pressure against the backfill which develops at the smaller radius side plates as a function of the column load of the backfill (H). Radial pressures at the foundation level can be evaluated by referring to AASHTO Section Aluminum box culverts with full inverts are treated similar to arches on spread footers except that the structure bears on the bedding foundation using a portion of the invert. if required, the portion of the invert directly below each box culvert leg (or side plate) is stiffened using supplemental plates placed on top of the full invert. This system effectively transfers live load and dead load directly to the supporting soil. Because of this and the lack of lower haunches in the box culvert shape, radial pressure is not a consideration, Foundation improvement Foundation improvement methods that show a good track record with Structural Plate include: i _ Surcharging the site to remove excessive settlements before assembly of the structural plate 2. Over excavation of the soft soil and replacement with properly compacted fill to limit settlement 3. Thick deposits of poorly densified granular soil can be excavated and replaced in properly compacted lifts. In cases where settlement is not a concern but over excavation is required to improve the allowable beating, the use of layered geogrids can minimize the depth of excavation and volume of select fill material required 4. Vibratory or other consolidation of poorly densified granular materials_ 5. Use of flowable fill or controlled low strength material (CLSM) - which is relatively lighter and stronger than in -situ soil — in the backfill zone to reduce soil pressure to acceptable levels. 6. Immediate settlement occurring during construction activities prior to assembly of the structural plate may not be a concern. Proper design of footings for arch structures requires site specific knowledge of bearing strength, settlement and scour. A general discussion of footing design is presented in Technical Bulletin #3, "Footings for Arch Structures". Proper foundation conditions should be considered by the Engineer of Record. CONTECH provides footing reactions and pertinent pressures developed between the plate and the backfill in the haunch and side plate areas. Scour and Hydraulic Considerations For arch structures in hydraulic applications, footings must be set at a depth to avoid scouring and undercutting. If such a depth cannot be provided, countermeasures such as sheeting, hard armor revetment protection, paved channel inverts or riprop should be considered. Proper design requires detailed information including design water velocity, channel geometry and the physical properties of the foundation soils. Footing scour considerations are similar to those for bridge abutments and pile caps. Foundation scour, bedding and bockFill permeability must be considered in the design of hydraulic structures. This is especially important with structures with full or paved inverts. Uplift pressures from saturated foundation soils can be significant. Additional considerations are presented in Technical Bulletin #5, "End Treatment". For arch structures founded on piles, consideration must be given to scour potential of the soil zones between the pile and necessary scour countermeasures that are installed. The AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges and other publications address these considerations in greater detail. This bulletin reviews some of the general engineering and design considerations applicable to CONTECH Structural Plate structures. This bulletin is not intended to address all considerotions or to provide detailed design methods. Because projects differ, the considerations presented may or may not apply to a specific protect. Additional considerations or an alteration of those discussed here may be necessary for a specific site, application or structure. Only the Engineer of Record can determine the suitability of these and other necessary considerations. CONTECH Structural Plate is a product of Contech Engineered Sotutions.4 112oi4 912014 Contech Engineered Solutions U.0 2of2 STRUCTURAL PLATE TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO.4 BACKFILL REQUIREMENTS Supporting Flexible Structures All flexible structures depend on the envelope of soil around them for a majority of their design strength as well as providing the necessary support to maintain shape. After the structure is supported on a competent foundation, the soil envelope becomes the primary strength consideration. Soil envelope considerations include the structural backfill material, the extents of the structural backfill zone and the procedures used to place and compact the backfill. Structural Backfill Material In general, well graded, granular material is used within the structural backfill zone (sometimes called the critical backfill zone). Appropriate granular materials are selected based on structure shape, live load, cover and other site conditions. Granular materials that meet the AA5HTO M-145 Classification for Soil -Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction are normally acceptable. These materials can be processed quarry stone or on -site borrow approved by the Engineer of Record and meeting the requirements herein. Table I lists the generally accepted materials used as structural backfill with Structural Plate shapes including round, pipe arch, single radius arch, horizontal ellipse, aluminum box culverts and other basic shapes. Table 2 lists the generally accepted materials used for structural backfill with Structural Plate shapes including long -span and large aluminum box culverts. Other materials such as lean concrete, cemented sand mixtures, grout, CLSM or flowable fill may be used as allowed by local construction practice and as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. As a flexible soil -interaction structure, the backfill beside and over a structural plate provides a major portion of the strength and stability. Backfill material type, gradation, compaction and moisture are all factors that should be considered by the Engineer of Record. Backfill material requirements vary with application, finished cover height and structure shape and gauge. CONTECH can provide site specific guidance in selecting and specifying backfill material. Minimum Structural Backfill Requirements In all cases, balanced lifts should be placed on either side of the structure according to AASHTO Section 26. It is common to place 6 to 8 inches of loose material then compact using light roller or walls -behind equipment. • �c -1 v w'- "W-J — 1VWTerlals Tor KOUnd, Pipe Arch, Single Radius Arch, Horizontal Ellipse, Underpass, Aluminum Box Culverts and other basic structures. i of 4 STRUCTURAL PLATE A-1 A-2(+1NodI"* GROUP CLASSiFICA'ffON A-1-a A-1-b A-2-4 A-2-5 Sieve Analysis, Percent Passing: No. 10 (2.00 mm) 50 Max.No. 40 (0.425 mm) 30 Max. 50 Max. --- No. 100 (0.150 mm) --- --- 50 Max- 50 Max. No. 200 10.075 mm) 15 Max. 25 Max. 20 Max. 20 Max. Characteristics of Fraction Passing No. 40 (0.425 mm) Liquid Limit --- 40 Max. 41 Min. Plasticity Index 6 Max. 10 Max. 10 Max Usual Types of Significant g Constituent Materials Stone Fragments, Gravel and Sand Gravel or Sand with Silt or Cloy Adapted from AASHTO M-145 * Modified to provide primarily granular, non -plastic materials Additional Requirements: Materials must be dense graded. Open graded or gap graded materials are not allowed_ Fine beach sands, windblown sands, stream deposited sands, etc., exhibiting fine, rounded particles and typically classified by AASHTO M-145 as A-3 materials are not allowed for long span structures. NOTE: On -site mixing or blending to achieve specified gradation is not allowed unless these materials are regularly tested and certified by a geotechnical firm as meeting the specified gradation. CONTECH recommends s ec' in A-1-a backfill material for lor ge structures that are not listed in the SPI7G Table 2. AASHTO M-145 (Modified for Long -Span and Large Aluminum Box Culverts) 1. For structures using materials listed in Table I, the backfill should be compacted to 90% density using the Standard Proctor method (AASHTO T 99). For structures using materials fisted in Table 2, the backfill density should be 90% using the Modified Proctor method (AASHTO T 180). Some special cases will require 95% Modified Proctor. 2. Maximum porhde size shall not exceed 3 inches. For A-2 materials the moisture content should be between - 3% and +2% of optimum using AASHTO T-180. Extents of the Structural Backfill Zone The overall backfill zone includes the structural backfill zone and extends beyond the spring -line to a total horizontal distance "H" shown in Figure J. The distance is equal to the total structure rise plus the total cover over the structure. The stability of this material and the bearing strength are important to the performance of the Structural Plate. Any 2 of 4 settlement of materials in this zone may impart down -drag forces on the structure as well as contribute to a loss of side support. As the top radius, Rt (and resulting span) of the structure increases, the horizontal compression of the backfill by the side plates increases. The Engineer of Record will determine the required width of the structural backfill and overall backfill envelope as these are site specific determinations and should consider an evaluation of the embankment or in -situ soils. Normally, the following minimum structural backfill widths are used: 1 _ aluminum box culverts less than 26 ft span - 3 feet 2. aluminum box culverts greater than 26 ft span - 6 feet 3. round, pipe arch, single radius arch, horizontal ellipse, underpass and other basic shapes less than 14 ft span - 4 feet 4_ round, pipe arch, single radius arch, horizontal ellipse, underpass and other basic shapes greater than 14 ft span - 6 feet 5. long -span structures of any length span - 6 feet nvure , - aTmcrurai backtll zone for arches PV P1 ar � Q Trench Well s nD Embankment D D = Min. Structural Backfill Width. R = Top Radius of the Structure Rts = Side Radius of the Structure Py = Dead and Lima load Pressure ftnO on the Crown rryura L —min DaCKT111 W1 Mi7 The height of the structural backfill zone normally coincides With the minimum cover based on the design live load and is a function of the structure top radius, Rt or span. Many state DOT standard specifications and standard drawings prescribe the minimum width of the structural backfill zone. An evaluation of the foundation or bedding material under the structure and side fill must be made by the Engineer of Record to ascertain adequate bearing capacity to support the structure and soil envelope with minimal differential settlement. Proper footing and foundation design is the responsibility of the Engineer of Record. Considerations are reviewed in Technical Bulletins #2, "Foundation Bearing Strength and Settlement" and #3, "Footings for Arch Structures". TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO.4 Backfill Placement Before backfilling procedures begin, the assembled shape shall meet the tolerance and symmetry requirements set by AASHTO and CONTECH. Approved structural backfill materials shall be placed in horizontal, uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches before compaction and shall be brought up uniformly on both sides of the structure. Each layer shall be compacted to the density described above in Minimum Structural Back -fill Requirements. Field density tests of the compacted backfill shall be mode within regular intervals during the backfill placement. Non -woven geotextile should be placed between layers of soil with significantly different gradations to prevent migration of fines. CONTECH will provide a Shape Control Technician to monitor the shape and log the compaction of backfill around long -span structures. Long -span structures are more sensitive to the types and weights of equipment used to place and compact granular materials in the structural backfill zone, This is especially critical in the areas immediately adjacent to and above the structure. Compaction equipment or methods that produce horizontal or vertical earth pressures which cause excessive shape distortion or movement shall not be used. Contractors should plan to have a D4 or other track dozer weighing no more than 20,000 pounds to place and grade backfill immediately alongside and above structures until the minimum cover is reached. Lightweight vibratory plate or roller compaction equipment must be used to compact the backfill in these areas. Use of heavier equipment and rubber tired equipment such as articulated dump trucks, front end loaders, scrappers and graders will most likely be prohibited inside the structural backfill zone. 3 of 4 STRUCTURAL PLATE TECHNICAL BULLETIN NO. 4 Maximum Cover for bong Span and Large Aluminum Box Culverts Maximum cover is controlled by a number of factors including, structure shape, backfill quality, plate properties and soil allowable bearing strength. Table 3 provides guidance based on shape, plate material and soil classification. All high fill applications should be carefully checked to confirm anticipated backfill density and appropriate plate gage. Structure Shape Permissible Soil Typical Maximum Height and !Material Classification of Cover in Feet*** MP LPA A-] -a, A-] -b, CLSM* 20 A-2-4**, A-2-5** 1 12 MP LPA A-1-a, A-1-b, CLSM* g Special ("IDS" or "S") MP HPA A-1-a, CLSM* 20 A-1-b, A-2-4**, A-2-5** 12 MP HPA (with side plates greater A-1-a 20 than 30 Pi) A-1-b 12 MP Ellipse A-1-a, A- ] -b, CLSM* 20 A-2-4**, A-2-5** 12 MP Pear and Pear Arch A ]-a,A-1-b, CLSM* 12 MP Round, Pipe Arch, Ellipse, Ar1, A-2, A 3, CLSM* See heights of cover tables Single radius Arch, Underpass CONTECH Structural Plate Design Guide ALSP LPA A-1-a, A- ] -b, CLSM* 20 A-2-4**, A-2-5** 12 ALSP LPA Special ('N-S" or "SL") A 1-a, A 1-b, CLSM* Determined by the Engineer ALSP HPA Art -a, CLSM* 20 A l-b, A 2-4**, A-2-5** 12 ALSP Ellipse Art -a, Arl -b, CLSM* 20 A 2-4**, A-2-5** 12 ALBC AA, A-2, A 3, CLSM* 5 ALSP Round, Pipe Arch, Ellipse, A-], A 2, A-3, CLSM* See heights of cover tables Single Radius Arch, Underpass CONTECH Structural Plate Design Guide * CLSM includes Controlled Low Strength material, flowable fill, cementitious grout, lean concrete, or cement/ lime stabilized sand. ** Modified per Table 2 *** The specified maximum HOC for a site specific project will be determined by the Engineer, based on fill unit weight, live load and other factors. Note: The specified maximum cover height may be restricted to lesser values than are listed in this table by design issues such as wall strength and seam strength, especially for ALSP shapes. Table 3. Typical Maximum Height of Cover (Structural Suckfill over crown plus embankment fill) This bulletin reviews some of the general engineering and design considerations applicable to CONTECH Structural Plate structures. This bulletin is not intended to address all considerations or to provide detailed design methods. Because projects differ, the considerations presented may or may not apply to o specific project. Additional considerations or an alteration of those discussed here may be necessary for a specific site, application or structure. Only the Engineer of Record con determine the suitability of these and other necessary considerations. COWECH Structural Plate is a product of Contech Engineered Solutions. 4 a{ 4 0 2012 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC 4/2009 National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette 3 260 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 (61 FEMA Legend - - - K FIB REPORT FOR MAYEO LEGEND AND a1Dial MAP roR FIRM PANEL 1.4yokR VYithout llt+Se FIaOd Eltivatl0n (BIB Fain A,1y A3s PEDAL FLOOD 11lT V ArI IAtARD ARfJ1� ltaplMltory Fk►odtYaY 01% Annual Chance Flood Mould, Areas of 1%annual chance flood with average depth less than one foot or with drainage areas of less than one square mile zono x Future CondiUen$1%Annual Chance Flood Hazard zone x f- r Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to HER AREAS OF ° � � Levee. See Notes. zone x 1000 HAZARD Ame with Flood Risk due to Leveszone o saeeE Area of Mlnlmal Flood Hazard zone x Effective LOMRs OTHER AREAS Area of undetermined Flood Hazard zone GENERAL - ` ^ Channel, Culvert, or Stoma Sewer STRUCTURES t i r 1 r i I Levee, Dike, or Floodwall sae Cross Sections with 1% Annual Chance s s War �- - - Coastal Transact ru , Base Flood Elevation Line (BEE) -�-. Limit of Study Jurisdiction Boundary •— --- Coastal 71ransect Baseline OTHER Profile Baseline FEATURES Hydrographic Feature Digital Data Available N No Digital Data Available MAP PANELS Unmapped The pin d"tayed on the map is an approodmate point selected by the user and does not represer an authoritative property location. This map compiles with FEMNs standards for the use of digital flood maps If It Is not void as described below. The besemep shown compiles with FEMA's basamap accuracy standards The flood hazard hrformatlon is derlved directly from the authorltative NFHL web eervlcea provided by FEMA. This map was exported on i and does not reflect changes or amendments subsequent to this date and time. The NFHL and effective Information may change or become superseded by new data over time. This map Image Is void It the ons or more of the following map elements do not appear basemap Imagery, flood zone labels, legend, scale bar, map wastion data, a mmunity klentlfler% FIRM panel number, and FIRM effective date. Map Images for unmapped and unmodernlzed areas cannot be used for regulatory purposes, Definitions of FEMA Flood Zone Designations FEMA flood zones are geographic areas that the FEMA has defined according to varying levels of flood risk. A flood is any relatively high streamtlow overtopping the natural or artificial banks in any reach of a stream. Each zone reflects the severity or type of flooding in the area. FEMA Map Service Center: lam:/tba� als;ii�sr�$#x c� Where available„ a G1S shapefrle has been placed in the MRCS service center's F:lgeodatalhydrography folder. Moderate to Low Risk Areas Betweco the 1hdft of the 100-mar =4 511D-veer Flo�dplsin area with a 0.2% (or 1 in 500 chance) annual chance B and X of flooding. This zone is also used to designate base floodplains of lesser hazards, such as areas protected by levees (shaded) from 100-year flood, or shallow flooding areas with average depths of less than one foot or drainage areas less than 1 square mile. I C and X I500-year Fleodalain. area of minimal flood hazard. High Risk Areas Zqw--x DESCPXMON A 100 year Floodplain. areas with a 1% annual chance of flooding. Because detailed analyses are not performed for such areas; nod the or base flood elevations are shown within these zones. AE A log -Lear Flaodnlain. The base tloodpla in where base flood elevations are provided. AE Zones are now used on new raid formrl format) fbmiat FIRMS instead of Al-A30 Zones, 100 year Floudplain areas with a l % annual chance of shallow flooding, usually in the form of a pond, with an AH average depth ranging from 1 to 3 feet. flood elevations derived from detailed analyses are shown at selected intervals within these zones. lWyear Moodalainriver or stream flood hazard areas, and areas with a 1 % or greater chance of shallow flooding AO each year, usually in the form of sheet flow, with an average depth ranging from 1 to 3 feet. Average flood depths derived from detailed analyses are shown within these zones. AR Areas with a ern oraniv increased flood risk due to the building or restoration of flood control system (such as a levee or a dam), 100-year Floodplain, areas with a 1% annual chance of flooding that will be probected y a Federal flood control A99 system where construction has reached specified legal requirements. No depths or base flood elevations are shown within these zones. l_ vtI4-t:w�- -tti r --al 1. iy.r. Areas A"IM DESCRIMON D Areas with possible but undetermined flood hazards. No flood hazard analysis has been conducted. Flood insurance rates are corn ensurate with the un ofthe flood rislL Data Provided by FEMA Map Service Center, P.Q_ Box 3617 Oakton, Virginia 22124-9617 Phone: (877) 336-2627. Online at: https.//msc.fema.goy! 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