HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201900198 Review Comments Preliminary Plat 2020-02-20COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 Subdivision Plan Review Project title: Galaxie Farm Preliminary Subdivision Plat Project file number: SUB2019-00198 Plan preparer: Shimp Engineering, Justin M. Shimp [ justinAshimp-en in�g com ] Owner or rep.: Jasper L or Mallie P Haynes, P.O. Box 422, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Plan received date: 31 Dec 2019 Date of comments: 1 Feb 2020; revised 20 Feb 2020 Plan Coordinator: Tori Kanellopoulos Reviewer: John Anderson SUB2019-00198 Note: Engineering review comments revised to reflect discussion at 6 Feb 2020 SRC meeting, and email correspondence sent /received since 6 Feb 2020. Engineering is scheduled to meet with Applicant to discuss Engineering preliminary plat review comments on 20 Feb 2020, 4pm, at the County Office. ( Coun , email: 2/6/20 6:12 PM; 2/7/2020 8:48 AM; 2/12/2020 1:54 PM; 2/12/2020 5:41 PM, are relevant.) 1. C1: Provide date of Roger W. Ray boundary survey. 2. (2/20/20, Revised)Note: GIS data la�,ers ma�, net sei=ve as basis of lot, road, or drainage design. Provide aeeeptable survey basis of design. Pr-eliminai=y plat, road plan, WPO plan, a -Rd final plat must explipit! qate topographic stwvey perfbt4ned in support of design meets state oode requir-ements for- sur-veys; othem4se, Albemarle has instiffieient infot4nation (at this point) to approve any listed plan, and rejeots- eatinty GIS data layers as an aeeeptable basis of design. County website GIS data layers are made a-vailable as visoala^_..rIoad ble data rnr- iaf fmatio al ptiqposes en4.Please note GIS Data Disclaimer, below. [GIS text image, deleted w / 2/20/20 rev. comments.] Please eall :f any questions. Withdrawn. (email, 2/6/20, 6:12pm). 3. (2/20/20, Revised) _ Also, item 2 above Withdrawn. (email, 2/6/20, 6:12pm) 4. Submit WPO plan at earliest convenience. 5. Submit Road Plan, to include complete drainage design, at earliest convenience. 6. With future Road Plan: a. Provide complete drainage profiles. Include any proposed yard grate systems, for Engineering review of potential conflicts, slope, etc. b. Show intersection sight distance lines for internal street intersections. C2 7. Label Cow Branch. 8. Label steep slopes (preserved /managed). -(Note: Several comments anticipate Road /WPO plan design, and highlight road/WPO plan expectations, or preliminary plat design that requires or may require revision prior to Road or WPO, or final plat approval.) 9. Note: If roof runoff is proposed to be collected and conveyed via leader lines to drop inlets or will intersect proposed 15" DIA storm lines, show leader lines. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 6 10. Please consider recent Building Inspections Div. guidance which may influence design of retaining walls or affect plan approval. Albemarle County Building Official advises that: "Retaining walls shall either be independent and terminate at the property [read, lot] line or an easement and maintenance agreement shall be executed between property owners involved." We mention this now so that it does not cause issues, or delay or impede subsequent plan (or building application) reviews /approvals. C4: 11. All lots appear to be designated SF (single-family). Revise labels to reflect mix of unit types approved with Zoning Map Amendment (ZMA) Application Plan, ZMA201800012, Galaxie Farm /Residential Areas, sheet 7 of 10 (SFD, SFA, TH). 12. Label roads. 13. Label Lots 31, 33, 35, 37. 14. Show sight distance lines (left/right; NE/SW) at Int. Road A.1 and Route 20. 15. C4 (C6, C8): Ensure lots are located entirely outside the (100') stream buffer. Ref. ZMA Sheet 7, Note F. Portions of Lots 62, 63, 64 are located within stream buffer. 16. C5: Provide additional preliminary design detail for transition from Road A.2 to Ex. Galaxie Farm Lane which provides access to multiple parcels beyond proposed development. Note reading Connect Galaxie Farm Lane to new road is insufficient for an existing road that must remain in continuous use; for example: compare spot grade at transition to Galaxie Farm Lane at end of Road A.2 transition point (486.68') to existing Elev. of Galaxie Farm Lane (<484'), a >2.5' vertical interval. Provide preliminary travel way design and drainage to ensure smooth transition. C5/C6 17. Show Class B -Type I primitive nature trail shown on ZMA Application Plan, Galaxie Farm /Circulation (sheet 5 of 10). Show proposed trail easement (Ref. ZMA, sheet 9) 18. Label roads. 19. (2/20/20, Revised) Revise „i de sacs, Roads D 1 and D2 to n 5' Min. Ref VDOT Read Design Manual, Appendix 13(l) 3, Roadway Goomet-fic Design Criteria, B. Local Roadways, 1. : "A single tmit (SU) t design vehicle, as defined by AAS140T, should be used for the design of all looal subdivi&ion-Amets-. Dimensions for- this vehiele are depieted in Figer-e 2 2 of AASHTO Geometfie Design of Highways a Streets 2011, shown in Figum 1. Nake: Fig. 1 shows path of front ever -hang of a single unit (SU) tmok design vehicle Min. radius=43.5'. (New, Feb12, 2020 1:54 PM email) Using a SU design vehicle then, there is option of: 45' R, which meets VDOT RDM B(1)-24 with proposed Road D.1 / D.2 FC/FC street width =24'; or 30' R cul-de-sac with FC/FC street width =30'. Either is acceptable. To provide neither would not meet AASHTO /VDOT RDM, or ACDSM requirements. To provide one or the other also alleviates concern relating to parcel deliveries (ever more common) and waste management access needs outlined in email sent 2/7/2020 8:48 AM (below). Albemarle defers to VDOT /ACF&R should either impose requirement for radius > 30'. Road plan design should accommodate whatever these review, transportation, and emergency response agencies require. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 6 RDM, Appendix B(1) Fig. 1 A single -unit (SU) truck design vehicle, as defined by AASHTO, should be used for the design of all local subdivision streets. Dimensions for this vehicle are depicted in Figure 2-2of the AASHTO Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2011, shown as Figure 1. O fm 5m +n. a t� R07 Ii0 ■ r,ua�M� FIGURE 1 — "FIGURE 2-2" SCANNED FROM "A POLICY ON GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF HIGHWAYS AND STREETS," AASHTO, 2011 20. (2/20/20, Revised)]Provide r-olltop type or- CG6 to eonvey Road h funoff. Road E does not appear- exempt ., 14 4 1O.G., Goun4y Engineer- (Zr a n 20 annn i 2) review eomments, reprinted, below i to ff � > � Withdrawn (email, 2/6/20, 6:12pm). 21. Provide details, plan labels (or both) for: a. (2/20/20, Revised) D ^"*^^ eur-b, i f+Ai ize , Withdrawn (email, 2/6/20, 6:12pm). b. Knox box (Road F), c. Bollards (Road F). 22. Label distance along Route 20 to nearest street intersection (both directions). 23. Provide curb extensions for parallel parking, Road B; see design standard at VDOT RDM, B(1), pg. 59 (pg. 61 of .PDF /Link: https://www.virginiadot.org/business/resources/LocDes/RDM/AppendB l .pdf ). F. Curb Extensions — Curb extensions at intersections are frequently used in Traditional Neighborhood Developments. Curb Extensions are also used to protect parking areas and to reduce pedestrian crossing times. E c U y � 6 f, 15' R Minimum is 10' R Mlnimum 25' R Mls+imum EfleGrva Ratlius 40' Minimum Curb Extension (Bulb -Cut) 24. C7/C8, Grading and Utility Plan: a. Submit calculations to support proposed 15" Max. DIA storm pipes. Engineering Review Comments Page 4 of 6 b. (2/20/20, Revised Submit , eptu l SWN4 plan (quality i,.,,. ntit y); hatched outline f SWN4 loeations is only detail r-e. SWN4. This is instiffieient detail for preliminai-1, plat approval. Given effect of preliminw-y plat approval on subsequent plan approvals, please submit WPO Plan a earliest eonvenienee. Also git4. (New, 2/12/20, 5:41pm email) Please relocate any proposed on -site SWM facility for Galaxie Farm subdivision outside of stream buffers. It appears there may be sufficient open space to relocate on -site SWM facilities. (New, Feb 12, 2020 1:54 PM email) Since final plat approval requires an approved WPO Plan, review of details of SWM facilities, easements, etc. will occur with future WPO Plan submittal, and final plat (easements). c. Provide /show proposed grading for swale or similar design to collect lawn /roof runoff (south side of Road C; Lots 8 thm 30) to prevent off -site runoff in the post -developed condition. Proposed grade behind future building sites on these lots cannot be approved. Also, item 6.a, above. d. Ensure adequate separation between proposed storm and sanitary sewer lines at approximate CL, Road A.1. e. (2/20/20, Revised Engineering eannot r-eeoramend preliminary F:...,1 plat approval of 2 v tin„ 14DPE w / headwall at Cow Branch.Please provide additional design information for this crossing; design for the 25-31 event. For perspective, please see photo d. 7/27/18 (by Albemarle), Road A.1 crossing. f. ACSA Sanitary Easement may impede ability to develop Lots 29, 41, 31, 33, 35, 37, and 39, as intended with current design. g. ACSA Waterline Easement may impede ability to develop Lots 58-61, as shown. h. Label roads. i. Note existing natural drainage that clips end of Road A.2. Provide conveyance of storm runoff that transits this natural drainage feature in the post -developed condition. j. Avoid nuisance ponding on any private or public road; for example in circular /bulb portion of Road B (south end Road E). Provide inlet capture and adequate conveyance at this location. k. (2/20/20, Revised Provide inlets and piped drainage of runoff Read E. Withdrawn (email, 2/6/20, 6:12pm). 1. (2/20/20, Revised L'«gineerin. r-eeemmends , e ,:a. design of private drive entr..nees to dwellings along Read E. Storm runoff eolleetion and conveyanee applies to Road E. Also, sernments-elsewhere. Withdrawn (email, 2/6/20, 6:12pm). m. Provide /show public drainage easement at NE corner Int. Road D.2 and Road A.1 (Open Space). n. Provide /show public drainage easements crossing Lots 29 and 61. o. Provide storm drain inlets at low point in Road A.1. p. Remove entirety of proposed SWM facilities from stream -ward 50' of Cow Branch stream buffer. q. Show proposed grading, Road F; utilize 1' design contours, if necessary. Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 6 r. (2/20/20, Revised Provide design for Cow Branch crossing, Road F. Size pipe /culvert to pass the 25-yr event without overtopping Road F (Emergency Access). New: County email to Shawn Maddox, ACF&R, 2/20/2020 11:07 AM requests guidance on ACF&R access needs relative to existing pipe at stream crossing along dedicated fire -rescue access (2nd point of subdivision access). C9 25. Provide Class B — Type I primitive trail section (Ref. ZMA, sheet 9; image below). 26. Provide additional detail for Road F: surface type /travel way type: paved, grass pavers, etc. ZMA201800012 Sheet 7-related comments relating to SLTB201900198 /ref. sheet 7 Notes, image below 27. Note B: both 30' Access Easement and ACSA waterline (public utility) easements appear to extend 5' within lots on west side of Road E, Lots 58-61, while 30' Access Easement intrudes 5' into Lots 62-65 on east side of Road E. Note: No structures or improvements may occupy 20' ACSA easement, or 30' Access easement. Please consider possible conflict at time of future building permit application. Recommend propose no structural improvements within easements on preliminary or final plat, or Road or WPO plans. 28. Note F: Remove lots from stream buffer. Also, item 15, above. 29. Note G: Also, item 10, above. 30. Note K: Also, item 24.b. 31. Also, please consider Albemarle County Engineer's comments on ZMA201800012, 9/23/19, which appear relevant to preliminary plat, and subsequent plan applications, reprinted as text, below: `Waiver Requests: (1) Double Fronted Lots: No objection. (2) Private Streets: - Road D: The Design Standards Manual requires private streets to meet VDOT minimum standards, however, the County has allowed by policy the use of ASHTO Geometric Design of Very Low Local Roads for private streets with an ADT under 400 trips per day. If Block 1 is modified to serve only multi- family (i.e. a site plan), standards may be reduced further as shown in the Design Standards Manual. - Road E: Must also meet low volume road standards. Identify if any additional waivers are required. (3) Private Street Design Requirements: - Road D: Street must meet design standards noted above, unless serving multi -family only. - Road E: Identify the purpose of the "bulb" on this road. Parking must meet County design requirements. Has VDOT approved spacing requirements for public road intersections? (4) Modification of Setbacks: No objection. The road exhibits show a corner lot in Block 1, a few lots in Block 2, and the sidewalk in Block 2 within the stream buffer. These improvements are not exempt and cannot be located in a stream buffer. This comment was previously made during the ZMA review, which did not (does not) show these impacts.' ZMA sheets (for reference) Sheet 7, Notes NOTES: A) For front loaded garages, the porch or building face shall be a minimum of 3 feet closer to the street as measured from the face of the garage door. B) For those units that (1) do not front Roads A.2" or "B", and (2) are located in Block 2, utilizing Private Road "E" shall have a minimum front setback of 3 feet from the right-of-way of Private Road "E" All other units shall have a minimum front setback of 5 feet, per Section 4.19 of the Zoning Ordinance. C) All Blocks except 7 and 9 may be used for residential uses as noted by the unit types listed above. D) All rear yards (except those adjoining Road "E") shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet. E) Structures along Road "E" shall have a minimum rear setback of 5 feet. F) No structures or lots shall be permitted in the stream buffer or on preserved slopes. No preserved slopes within the development shall be disturbed. G) As applicable, retaining walls within the development shall meet the design standards required for the disturbance of managed slopes in Section 30.7.5 of the Zoning Ordinance. H) Total allowable residential units shall be 65. I) Road "C" is shown as a possible future connection to Tax Map Parcel 91-13 to be extended and dedicated upon demand of the County. )) Road "DA" is shown as a possible future connection to Tax Map Parcel 91-10 to be extended and dedicated upon demand of the County. K) 25% of the required stormwater quality treatment shall be provided onsite. Engineering Review Comments Page 6 of 6 Sheet 8 All sections to comply with VDOT and/or Albemarle County standards, as applicable Sheet 9 CLASS B - TYPE 1 PRIMITIVE NATURE TRAIL -Private EASEMENT CLASS B - TYPE 1 PRIMITIVE NATURE TRAIL 32. Please feel free to call if any questions. Thank you J. Anderson 434.296-5832 -x3069 SUB201900198 Galaxic Farm 022020_rcv prclimplat