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ZMA201800018 Resubmittal 2019-12-16
SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering December 16, 2019 Tori Kanellopoulos County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: ZMA2018-018 + SP2018-023 Resubmit #2 Dear Ms. Kanellopoulos, Please find the second resubmittal application for ZMA2018-018 and SP2018-023 included with this transmittal letter. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this application. Regards, Kelsey Schlein Kelsey@shimp-engineering 1 (434)227-5140 Copy: Justin(&,,shimp-en ineering com ATTACHMENTS: Revised Application Plan Revised Narrative Response Letter Revised Central Sewer Request Revised SP Application Revised Turn Lane Warrant Analysis (100 MF units) GIS Exhibits 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering December 16, 2019 Tori Kanellopoulos County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Response Letter #2 for ZMA2018-18 & SP2018-23 River's Edge Dear Ms. Kanellopoulos, Thank you for your review of the rezoning request for River's Edge. This letter contains responses to County comments dated October 22, 2019. Our responses are as follows: Zoning Map Amendment Comments 1. Responses to General Application Comments, are attached 2. Responses to Tori Kanellopoulos, Planning, are attached 3. Responses to Lea Brumfield, Zoning, are attached 4. Responses to Frank Pohl, Engineering, are attached 5. Responses to Adam Moore, VDOT, are attached 6. Responses to Richard Nelson, Albemarle County Service Authority, are attached 7. Responses to Shawn Maddox, Fire/Rescue, are attached 8. Responses to David Hannah, Natural Resources, are attached Special Use Permit Comments 1. Responses to Tori Kanellopoulos, Planning, are attached 2. Responses to Frank Pohl, Engineering, are attached Zoning Map Amendment Comments General Application Comments 1. The proposed density of 100 maximum units is above the Comprehensive Plan recommendation for density. A maximum net density of 6 units/acre is recommended per the Comprehensive Plan future land use designation of Neighborhood Density Residential. Excluding land in the WPO stream buffer, flood plain, and steep slopes, the maximum density (net) would equate to 50 dwelling units. The applicant's proposed justification for additional units, given their size restriction and potential impact, would need to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. At this time, there is not sufficient guidance from the Comprehensive Plan for staff to make a recommendation on whether increased density above the Comprehensive Plan designation is acceptable. Staff will include an analysis of this request in the staff report but will defer to the Planning Commission's review and guidance. RESPONSE: Noted, the applicant appreciates Staff s willingness to include this analysis in the staff report. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com 2. Based on this application's request to go above the density recommended in the Comprehensive Plan and to use a housing type not included in the County's Housing Policy (to date), staff feels a work session with the Planning Commission could be helpful. This work session could take place between review comments and resubmittal of the application. RESPONSE: The applicant previously conducted a work session with the Planning Commission for this project and received the Commission's feedback on whether Comprehensive Plan density designations could be shared between neighboring parcels if the applications were reviewed holistically. Helpful feedback was received during this work session and although another work session may be helpful, the applicant is eager to move forward with a public hearing with the Planning Commission. Staff continues to recommend that residents of the rental units be notified of the request. A community meeting should take place directly with them if they have not been notified to date. This meeting should be held prior to the Planning Commission public hearing. RESPONSE: The applicant is currently drafting a letter to current residents notifying them of the ZMA request. Staff will be notified when this letter has been mailed and the applicant will supply Staff with a copy of this letter. Planning Tori Kanellopoulos - Planner 1. Some of the requirements to be shown on the application plan for PRD per 18-33.18(B) have not yet been provided, specifically: a. 18-33.18(B)(9) use table showing proposed number of units and setbacks/heights/yards for PRD b. 18-33.18(B)(11) water systems (sewer system appears to be shown, but not water) c. 18-33.18(B)(12) a more clear and comprehensive open space plan — see additional open space comments below RESPONSE: Comment received. a. 18-33.18(B)(9) use table showing proposed number of units and setbacks/heights/yards for PRD A use table showing the proposed number of units and setbacks/heights/building separation has been included on the title page. b. 18-33.18(B)(11) water systems (sewer system appears to be shown, but not water) Conceptual water has been included with sewer plans on sheet 12. c. 18-33.18(B)(12) a more clear and comprehensive open space plan — see additional open space comments below A more clear and comprehensive open space plan has been provided on sheet 6-9. Additionally, please refer to our updated narrative for a discussion on open space and recreational facilities. 2. Label the road shown on the concept plan as `proposed private street', if it is intended to be a street and not an accessway. RESPONSE: The application plan has been updated to label the road as an "accessway" on the Land Use sheet. Relevant keys throughout the plan have been updated to refer to the travelway as an accessway. Include a sheet for open space (18-4.7 and 18-19.6) and recreation (18-4.16) requirements, so that these requirements are all shown on a single page. This sheet should include: • Tot lots and basketball courts (keep in mind 18-4.16 sq. ft. requirements) • Open space • Pathways and trails 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com • Clubhouse • Any other proposed amenities/recreation/open space RESPONSE: Sheet 6 has been added to show accessway, parking area, trails against steep slopes, stream buffer, and floodplain. The area shown outside of these improvements could potentially be dedicated to open space. The area that could be possible open space is inclusive of potential building areas. Please note that the existing tennis court will remain and is proposed to be improved and resurfaced/painted as a multi -purpose court. 4. The open space sheet should also include a tabulation of open space to shown the requirement is being met and that no more than 80% of the required minimum open space is located on preserved slopes or within the 100-year floodplain. The PRD zoning district requires 25 percent of the site be in common open space. Based on this site's acreage, the total required open space is 8.13 acres, and the total required outside of these environmental features is 1.62 acres. This requirement should be clearly stated on the open space sheet. This could include showing the acreage of each portion of the required open space, adding up to the total requirement. RESPONSE: Comment received. Please refer to sheet 6 for an open space exhibit of area available outside of environmentally sensitive features and accessway/parking area. The total area of residential building footprints is limited to 50,000 sq. ft. Available area outside of environmentally sensitive features, accessway/parking area, and building footprints totals 4.32 acres. Open space and recreational area will comply with Section 4.7 and 4.16 of the Zoning Ordinance, unless facility and equipment substitutions, as provided for in the application plan, are approved by the Director of Planning and Community Development. If the required number of tot lots and basketball courts per 18-4.16 will not be provided, include a waiver request that describes how the requirements will be substituted. For example, a natural playscape may be considered by the agent for substitution of a tot lot. For 100 units, two (2) tot lots and one half (1/2) basketball court would be required. RESPONSE: We propose a natural playscape, extensive primitive trail network, and repurposing of the existing tennis court as a multi -purpose court as recreational amenities for this development. A more detailed open space plan has been provided in the application plan and a more detailed open space narrative has been incorporated into the project narrative. Please refer to sheet 6-9 for further details on the open space and recreational space proposed for this rezoning. 6. Sheet 5 indicates that the existing structure toward the front of the property will be repurposed as an amenity, and be shared with TMP 32-22K1. Given that only the rezoning for TMPs 32-5A and 32-5A1 is being actively reviewed and pursued at this time, shared amenities will need to be reviewed for any future rezonings for TMP 32-22K1 separately. At this time, these amenities will just be considered for the parcels in the ZMA2018-18 application. RESPONSE: Comment received. The applicant has resubmitted the two rezoning applications so that the collective open space plan may be reviewed concurrently. 7. Include a sheet that overlays the proposed buildings (dwelling units) and proposed private street and parking with the environmental features (WPO buffer, flood plain, steep slopes). It is difficult to determine where the proposed buildings are in relation to the environmental features, as the WPO buffer does not seem to be included on Sheet 20, and it is difficult to see exactly where the flood plain is. RESPONSE: Comment received. Please refer to sheet 10 for building and accessway envelopes overlaid with the environmental features. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com 8. Note that this proposal is not meeting the Comprehensive Plan policy (Housing Chapter Strategy 6b) to provide 15% affordable units with each rezoning. While smaller units may be more likely to be affordable, this is not a guarantee, and therefore does not meet the housing policy. RESPONSE: Please note the supplementary regulations sheet includes provisions for affordable housing if the rezoning application is to be approved. 9. Additional information should be provided on the proposed rental rates and AMI ranges for the units. If part of the justification for increased density is providing affordable units, then more information is needed for review. RESPONSE: The following text has been incorporated into the supplementary regulations to provide more assurance of the affordable rental rates: "The initial net rent for each rental housing unit which shall qualify as an Affordable Dwelling Unit, ("For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit") shall not exceed the then -current and applicable maximum net rent rate approved by the Housing Office. In each subsequent calendar year, the monthly net rent for each For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit may be increased up to three percent (3%)" 10. The Places29 Master Plan shows trails through these properties. One wraps around the site, and another is along Route29 frontage. The application now shows trails throughout the site and connecting to adjacent TMP 32-22K1 with a pedestrian bridge. Staff has the following comments related to these trails: a. Planning staff has received comments from Parks and Rees, which found it acceptable to have the internal trail network be private for this development. b. Parks and Rec staff found it to be acceptable to not have the connection to the north with NGIC, as this would require a stream crossing and is not an integral part of the trail network. c. More justification is needed for not providing the multi -use path (MUP) along Route 29, as shown in the Master Plan. North Pointe is developing adjacent to the south, so there is potential for connectivity. Is connectivity proposed by connecting to the adjacent parcel 32-22K1 with the footbridge, as North Pointe's trail connects up toward this site? Parks and Rec staff discussed the importance of connecting to the trail network across Route29 to the north (blue dotted line). This could be achieved with the MUP or potentially with the pedestrian bridge and connection to TMP 32-22K (however there may not be a guarantee the full connection would be made). RESPONSE: A MUP would be difficult to implement at the property's frontage due to the existing terrain adjacent to Route 29 and due to the presence of preserved and managed slopes along this frontage. Trail connections have been provided throughout the site and a pedestrian bridge is proposed to connect parcels 32-5A and 32-5A1 with parcel 32-22K1. From our understanding, North Pointe is not developing a MUP along the Route 29 frontage as shown in ZMA2000-9 and ZMA2003-7, so the footbridge and public access pedestrian path (sheet 11) will serve as the connection across Route29 to the north (blue dotted line) as well as an interparcel connection to TMP 32-22K1 and North Pointe. 11. The proposed private street will need to meet private street standards per 14-410, 14-412 and the County's Design Standards. Private streets may be authorized in the development areas per 14- 234 with a rezoning application or with a preliminary plat. Also note that the following waivers will be needed, based on this submittal (these can also be submitted either with the rezoning or the preliminary plat, however staff recommends they be processed with the rezoning as they require Planning Commission approval): a. Waiving curb and gutter per 14-410(I)(2) and 14-203.1 b. Waiving sidewalks on both sides of the street per 14-422(E) and 14.203.1 c. Waiving planting strip per 14-422(F)(2) and 14.203.1 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com RESPONSE: Noted. The proposed travelway is an accessway. The application plan has been updated to label the accessway. 12. Staff awaits further information on how the property will be developed and continues to have concerns related to subdividing the land on these properties. It appears the developer is pursuing the option to have all of the units be rentals, and not subdivide the land. RESPONSE: The property owner does not propose a subdivision of the land and intends for this property to be developed as a rental property with single ownership. 13. If sidewalks are being shown on the concept plan (Sheet 20), please label them. RESPONSE: The concept plan on sheet 25, proposed circulation on sheet 11, and the overall application plan has been updated to refer to pedestrian connections as pedestrian walkways. They are not referred to as sidewalks because we do not want to commit to a certain material for pedestrian improvements at this time. Materials for pedestrian improvements will be determined at site plan. Sidewalks and concrete material may not be an appropriate material for the site, especially as we would like to minimize the amount of impervious material within the development. Alternatives, such as prime and double seal, are available that still maintain ADA access and better match the nature of the site. 14. Provide additional detail on the 50-ft forested buffer. Specifically: where buffers are measured from; when disturbance is allowed (e.g. for sight distances, replacing unhealthy/damaged trees, for signage, and/or for pedestrian paths); and types of plantings/trees proposed. Also provide a section to show the proposed buffer. RESPONSE: Sheet 5 has been updated with a revised 50' buffer. The 50' is offset from the property line (from survey data and plat of record, not the GIS boundary) that is adjacent to Route 29. A section of this buffer has been included on sheet 28 to show that this buffer will be maintained as no disturbance is proposed for structures or internal road widening and improvements. The area immediately adjacent to the forested buffer is designated as open space (shown in the included inset map and on sheet 5: Land Use Categories); please note that the open space continues to extend far beyond the open space shown within the section (refer to inset map and sheet 5: Land Use Categories). 15. Per the revised information submitted by the applicant, it appears it is the applicant's intent to submit proffers. If the applicant intends to provide proffers, please submit draft proffers for staff to review. RESPONSE: The application plan, which is a proffered commitment, has been revised to provide further detail about trail networks and affordable housing. If any commitment remains unclear to Staff or requires further clarification that may only be achieved through a proffer statement, the applicant is willing to draft a proffer statement. 16. Note that an adequate F/R turnaround will be needed prior to any site plan approval. RESPONSE: Comment received. 17. Please note that setbacks will depend on whether the accessway is identified as a private street or as an access. RESPONSE: Comment received. The travelway is an accessway. 18. An additional special use permit is required for a pedestrian bridge in the floodplain. See Engineering comments below for more details. RESPONSE: Stream crossings are a by -right use in the regulatory floodway and floodway fringe, 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com Streamtr ingsand Gentling Activities• stream crossing fora drrvewayserving only one single-familydwelling and pedemiantra ilsincluding. but not limited to, pedemian and mold -use paths that are within county,w dor operated parks and an BR greenways,antlanyfombcidges necessarym cross tributary streams,watercoursesantl swales,that(i) meettheapplicable requirements of seRions 1] 6antl t]-600;(HI demonstrate, ina flootlplain imps plan,to the floodplainatlministrator's satlsf-m. Nat construction of the crossing wi 11 have no impact on the elevation, or lien Rs ofNe fl--plain: antl li iil will serve one tlwelling unit Na[coultl no[ be acce d by any oNer means. 19. A separate submittal is required for approval of a central system, per 18-16.102. This request requires approval from the Board of Supervisors. See Engineering commentF - r mc details. RESPONSE: Comment received. Please see the central system request included with this submission. Zoning Lea Brumfield — Senior Planner Sheet 20, River's Edge Concept Plan, depicts private streets providing both access and parking, but does not show turnarounds or service areas for the development. These will need to be included. RESPONSE: The application has been revised to include accessways on the property and not private streets. 2. Staff recommends a plan to meet the 15% affordable housing recommended by the Affordable Housing Policy of the Comprehensive Plan. RESPONSE: Please see the "supplementary regulations" sheet for affordable housing provisions affiliated with this ZMA request. The proposed density remains above the density recommended by the Comprehensive Plan. There is currently no provision in the Zoning Ordinance to permit "size restricted units" in townhouse and multi -family structures to replace single family dwellings with attached accessory apartments. Provided that 50 single family dwelling units are not physically possible on this site, given yard and frontage requirements, the proposal to replace the 50 single family units plus 50 accessory apartments with 100 size restricted units does not equalize the impacts of the actual potential single family units plus accessory apartments possible on the site. RESPONSE: Comment received. The intent of this application plan is to demonstrate that 100 small pre -fabricated units have a lighter footprint than that of 50 traditional single-family units. These small pre -fabricated units have the ability to be set into the existing landscape, specifically oriented to preserve trees and vegetation where possible. Mass grading will be reserved to the travelway and parking areas, which are concentrated together as much as possible. Low -impact foot trails will connect pedestrians from the parking lot to housing and the river, to minimize impervious surfaces on -site. Engineering Frank Pohl — County Engineer Provide the average daily trips (ADT) for this project. For mountainous terrain, maximum percent of grade may be 14% for 400-4000 ADT. Street profile indicates a grade exceeding 14%. Revise grades to be less than 14%. Guardrails will be required where adequate clear zone and recovery zone is not provided. Not enough information has been provided to confirm horizontal layout, but this can be addressed during road plan review. No objection to waiving requirement for curb and gutter to allow a rural road section. RESPONSE: Comment received. The road profile has been revised on sheet 17-18. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com 2. Level spreaders may not be suitable in the proposed locations, considering the steep drop at the stream's edge. Recommend the applicant show an improved channel to the stream. Final details can be provided as part of the VSMP application. RESPONSE: Comment received. The application has been updated to show that discharge will be in accordance with VSMP regulations. 3. A Floodplain Development Permit (FDP) will be required prior to VSMP approval [18-30.3]. RESPONSE: Noted. 4. An SP will be required for the proposed pedestrian bridge over the floodplain [ 18-30.3.11 ]. RESPONSE: Stream crossings are a by -right use in the rep-ulatory floodwav and floodwav _ use or struau,e 1ltegulamry goodway I ftoodway fringe TierI ,,Tie, 11 personal wireless service facilities that a re attached to an existing struclfl,e IN BR Streamtr ings antl G,ading Activities• stream crossing for a d rrveway serving only one single-fam ily dwelling and p,di—1 ntra11, including. but not li mi[ed to, pedemian and multi -use paths that are with in county,w d or operated parks and an eR greenways, a ntlany foofbritlges necessarymcrosstributarystreams,watercoursesand swales, that(i) meet applicable requirements of seRi t]-906 antl lT6W;(ill demonrt,ate, in a flootlplain impact plan, to the flootlplain administrator's salisfaRion, ilia[ construction of the crossing will have no impact on the elevations or limits of the flootlplain; and (ill) will serve one dwelling unit that could not ire accessed byany other means. A mitigation plan will be required to offset stream buffer impacts [17-604]. This can be addressed as part of the VSMP application. RESPONSE: Comment received. A mitigation plan will be provided as part of the VSMP application. 6. The central sewer system request did not include all requirements as outlined in Sec. 16-102 Notice of proposal to establish system or supply. "Each person who proposes to establish or extend a central sewerage system or a central water supply shall notify the board of supervisors of the proposal at least sixty (60) days prior to commencing construction thereof. The notice shall be filed with the clerk of the board of supervisors. In addition to the foregoing information, the notice shall include thefollowing: 1. The location of the proposed central sewerage system or central water supply; 2. The number of connections proposed to be served by the central sewerage system or central water supply; 3. A statement describing the type of the proposed central sewerage system or central water supply and explaining the reasons the system or supply is needed; and 4. Three (3) copies of the preliminary plans for the central sewerage system or central water supply. " RESPONSE: Comment received. Please see the revised central system request attached with this submission. VDOT Adam Moore —Area Land Use Engineer A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434)422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. RESPONSE: Comment received. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com Albemarle County Service Authority Richard Nelson — Civil Engineer 1. Same comment as initial submission: Parcel is located in the North Fork South Zone Special Rate District. Due to the demand for fire hydrants a public water main will be required. ACSA may request these units be individually metered. ACSA will be updating the connection fee language to include single family units attached and detached as 1 ERC behind a master meter, July 2019. RESPONSE: Comment received. Fire/Rescue Shawn Maddox — Assistant Fire Marshal 1. Fully sprinkled buildings can allow the development to only require one entrance/exit. Fire rescue would need verification that the entrance/exit doesn't require travel through a fioodplain. RESPONSE: Comment received. 2. Items that will need to be addressed during site plan approval: a. Emergency apparatus turn around on the site b. Building heights exceeding 30' would require additional clear travel width RESPONSE: Comment received. Natural Resources David Hannah — Natural Resources Manager 1. There are two pieces of information I want to add to my comments on the original application submitted for ZMA2018-18. First, my original set of comments described the poor river health and water quality conditions of the North Fork Rivanna River (NFRR) adjacent to and near the project site. Segments of the NFRR are designated as impaired by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) for recreation (based on levels of coliform bacteria) and aquatic life (based on benthic macroinvertebrate data). A TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) process on the NFRR upstream of the site has been considered by DEQ. Despite these water quality issues, I recently learned that this section of the NFRR has been identified as Threatened/Endangered waters by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. It has also been designated as a Stream Conservation Unit by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation -Division of Natural Heritage. Each of these designations are due to observations of state or federally threatened or endangered freshwater mussels. This increases the importance of protecting water quality of the greatest extent possible. Second, as noted by the applicant in their letter of 9/16/19, the Natural Resources Chapter of the County's Comprehensive Plan was amended on July 3, 2019 to incorporate strategies to conserve biodiversity. The Rivanna River Corridor, which includes this project site, was identified as one of three Conservation Focus Areas in the County (Figure 8 in the amended Natural Resources Chapter). Conservation Focus Areas have significant biodiversity resources and high conservation value. In the case of the Rivanna River Corridor, there is habitat connectivity throughout much of the focus area. Impacts to natural resources in the Conservation Focus Areas should be minimized and avoided when possible. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com RESPONSE: Thank you for your comments. Your insight has been helpful in understanding the existing conditions on -site and gives more specific context to the County's Biodiversity Action Plan. As a property within the Development Areas, we understand the great ecological sensitivity of the site, which we sought to balance with supporting housing needs for the community. As a rezoning and special use permit application, we are able to provide conditions of approval to ensure care and protection of these sensitive features on the site. The present zoning of the property is Rural Areas, which allows for other by -right uses that could cause substantial detriment to the property, such as clear -cutting or agricultural uses. With such conditions of approval, the concept plan has been developed to minimize disturbance where possible. Overall, we would have liked to implement less impervious surfaces, but County regulations have set parking and fire access regulations. However, as a development of prefabricated small units, the light footprint of these units allows us to be flexible in orientation and layout, preserving much of the existing landscape, outside of the road and parking areas. River's Edge is within the Conservation Focus Area and is considered as `other tree cover (excluding pine plantations).' Changes to other tree cover may not be as impactful as the Large and Small Forest Blocks, which are critical to habitat connectivity and lie both in and outside of the Development Areas. However, as a Conservation Focus Area, we intend to conserve as many existing trees as possible, which is made possible by the proposed unit type. Our open space and recreational area plans have additionally sought to increase resident interaction with the natural environment around them, especially for the children that may live in this community. Recreational alternatives to the traditional tot lot as well as a trail network aim to bolster the future community's relationship with the surrounding environment, which could provide educational opportunities and strengthen stewardship. Special Use Permit: Disturbance of Preserved Steep Slopes Comments Planning Tori Kanellopolous — Planner There is additional information needed to determine if this application is meeting "purpose and intent" of 18-30.7.1. Additional grading and stormwater information has been provided with this resubmittal. However, there is not sufficient information on mitigation measures to determine if "appropriate consideration and care" is being given. This should be provided in narrative and graphic form. See Engineering comments for more details. RESPONSE: Comment received. Please see the separate narrative for the special use permit attached which goes into further details. 2. Separate narrative and graphics should be submitted for the Special Use Permit for disturbance of preserved steep slopes. It is difficult to review when combined with the ZMA application. This should include: a. A narrative on the `factors to be considered' as provided in 18-33: no substantial detriment, character of district unchanged, harmony, and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. b. Graphics showing the areas to be disturbed (as was included in the resubmitted ZMA, but should be separated and submitted with a SP packet instead, or included in both ZMA and SP packets). c. Narrative explaining the types of mitigation that will be used, such as low -impact development, retaining vegetation, and stormwater management. Staff will review the proposed mitigation measures when submitted. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com d. Clarify in the narrative if the steep slopes are only being disturbed for construction of the proposed private street and will not be disturbed for other uses (such as parking and housing sites). RESPONSE: Comment received. Please see the separate narrative for the special use permit attached which provides more information on the factors to be considered. Engineering Frank Pohl — County Engineer New Comments: 1. Applicant has not addressed how they plan to "protect the integrity of the steep slope areas, protect downstream lands and waterways from the adverse effects of the unregulated disturbance of steep slopes, including the rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock, excessive stormwater runoff, the degradation of surface water, and to enhance and preserve the character Duty of the steep slopes in the development areas of the County." RESPONSE: Comment received. Please refer to the separate SP narrative for more details. Neighborhood Model Principles Pedestrian Orientati,. Additional information is needed. The application shows some, but not all, of the trail connectivity shown in the Places29 Master Plan. The applicant should submit additional justification as to why the MUP along Route29 is not provided. Pedestrian connectivity is provided through the site with a primitive trail system, which is consistent with the character of the site. The applicant should label sidewalks on the concept plan, if they are being provided. The location of this site provides limited opportunities to walking or biking to other locations, however there are connectivity options, potentially with North Pointe and its trail system. RESPONSE: Trail connectivity is provided through the pedestrian bridge to TMP 32-22K1 and North Pointe as well as a public access pedestrian path up towards Route 29 (please refer to sheet 11). Pedestrian connections have been updated to be labeled as pedestrian walkways as concrete sidewalk material may not be appropriate for this site. Though the location of the site provides limited opportunities for walking and biking to other locations, other interparcel connectivity is available. Additionally, an internal trail network is provided to encourage walking to 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com housing, amenity spaces, and natural features on - site. Mixture of Uses This principle is met. The Comprehensive Plan lists non-residential uses as secondary uses in this future land use designation, and given the environmental constrains of the site, staff does not feel this would be an appropriate location for non- residential uses (unless they were meant to only serve this development and were very small scale). There are other non-residential uses in proximity to the area, including the UVA Research Park, the Airport, and various commercial uses. Neighborhood Centers This principle is not applicable. The proposal is not located in a designated center. Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability This principle is partially met. While a mixture of housing types is not provided on -site, this development would add a new housing type to the County and to the Places29 area. A modular `small home' development with attached units has not, to staff s knowledge, been done in the County. This housing type has the potential to be more affordable and serve demand, however additional information is needed. The 15% affordable housing policy 6b in the Comprehensive Plan is not being met. There is no guarantee these units will be affordable to residents at or below 80% AMI. More information on pricing and AMI ranges should be provided, since affordable housing is being used as justification for density above the Comprehensive Plan. RESPONSE: The application plan has been updated to include supplementary regulations about affordable housing. .Zelegated Parking This principle is partially met. Given the site constraints of this property, it may not be feasible to fully relegate parking. Parking is still fully screened from Route 29. While the Comprehensive Plan calls for reducing parking requirements when possible, given the location of this site, staff would likely not support a significant parking reduction request. The applicant could consider using pervious options 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com for the parking lot, given the environmental features and constraints of this site. RESPONSE: Comment received. Given the existing conditions of the site, parking has been focused around the accessway as much as possible, while meeting the parking requirements for 100 dwelling units. Pervious materials for the parking lot will be considered at site plan to align with the nature of the site. Interconnected Streets and Transportation This principle is met. Given the constraints of this Network site, a street network is not feasible, and could negatively affect environmental features. Street connections to other parcels are not shown in the Comprehensive Plan, although trail connections are shown. VIultimodal Transportation Opportunities Additional information is needed. Currently, there is not bus service to this site or this area. There is some potential for pedestrian and bike connectivity, including with North Pointe's development directly to the south. Residents of this development would be able to walk throughout the site using the trail network and would be able to walk to future developments to the south with the proposed pedestrian bridge. Connections to other trail segments should be public. The internal trail network may be private. Parks, Recreational Amenities, and Open Additional information is needed. It appears the Space open space requirement is being met, however additional information on recreation substitutions is needed for review. More information is needed to ensure sufficient care is being taken for the environmental features on the site (steep slopes and streams). The character of the site provides opportunities for trail connectivity and a more nature -based network than traditional sites. RESPONSE: Please refer to sheet 6 for an updated exhibit on open space. The exhibit demonstrates that there will be sufficient area to accommodate open space outside of environmental features and recreational area. Open space and recreational area will comply with the County's Zoning Ordinance, Section 4.7 and 4.16, any recreational facility and equipment 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com substitutions as proposed in the application plan may be approved by the Director of Planning and Community Development. 3uildings and Spaces of Human Scale This principle is met. The proposed single-family attached units will need to meet the requirements of the PRD district. The proposed stacked units would be approximately two stories. These smaller units better fit the character of this site Staff feels it is not an appropriate location for larger buildings. ledevelopment Additional information is needed. There are existing rental units on this site. The applicant should provide more information on communication with these residents. Only one building is being preserved, which will serve as a clubhouse. The buildings on this site will not be adjacent to other residential uses, as they are surrounded by the river. The proposed residential units for this site have a similar scale to the existing homes, however the density would be higher. RESPONSE: Staff will be notified when existing residents have been notified. Respecting Terrain and Careful Grading and Additional information is needed. Staff still needs Regrading of Terrain more information on the steep slopes disturbance request (SP2018-23), especially on proposed mitigation measures. Disturbance of these slopes is the only possibility for constructing a private street or accessway to the site. Natural topography should be respected as best as possible. Retaining walls should be six -feet maximum where possible. Clear Boundaries between the Development This principle is met. This site is part of the Areas and the Rural Area Development Areas and is partially adjacent to the Rural Area. Clear boundaries are preferred, and in this care the boundary is the river. When the boundary is a river, wooded buffers are expected, and areas near the river can be used for trails and greenways. This boundary is considered a Riparian/Floodplain boundary in the Places29 Master Plan. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com If you have any questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at Kelsey(kshimp-en in�g com or by phone at 434-227-5140. Regards, Kelsey Schlein Land Planner Shimp Engineering, P.C. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SP # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By. Resubmittal of information for Zoning Map Amendment �'����` PROJECT NUMBER THAT HAS BEEN ASSIGNED: ZMA201800018 Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided with this resubmittal is what has been requested from staff Signature of Owner, Con rac�Purchaiser��� Christopher Barry Print Name FEES that may apply: 12/13/2019 Date (434) 249-6192 Daytime phone number of Signatory ❑ Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request $194 Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $2,689 ❑ First resubmission Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) FREE $1,344 Resubmittal fees for original Zoning Map Amendment fee of $3,763 ❑ First resubmission FREE ❑ Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,881 To be paid after staff review for public notice: Most applications for a Zoning Map Amend ment require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore, at least two fees for public notice are required before a Zoning Map Amendment may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. ➢ Preparing and mailin or delivering up to fifty (50) notices $215 + actual cost of first-class postage ➢ Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty (50) $1.08 for each additional notice +actual pp'�p� cost of first-class postage ➢ Legal advertisement RTt�'irr lilhtd�ke in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost (averages between $150 and $250) DEVELOPMENT County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Revised 11/02/2015 Page 1 of 1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SP # Fee Amount $ Date Paid By who? Receipt # Ck# By: Resubmittal of information for Special Use Permit PROJECT NUMBER THAT HAS BEEN ASSIGNED: SP2018-00023 Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign I hereby certify that the information provided with this resubmittal is what has been requested from staff Signature of Owner ract Purchaser Christopher Barry Print Name 12/13/2019 Date (434) 249-6192 Daytime phone number of Signatory FFFS to he nail after nnnlientinn 0 For original Special Use Permit fee of $1,075 ❑ First resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) Free ❑ Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) 1 $538 For original Special Use Permit fee of $2,000 ❑ First resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) Free ❑ Each additional resubmission (TO BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) 1 $1,075 RECEIVED DEC 16 Iola COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126 Revised 11/2/2015 Page 1 of 1 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering ZMA2018-018 River's Edge Application Narrative Submitted: December 17, 2018 Revised: September 16, 2019 Revised: December 16, 2019 Property Overview: ACREAGE EXISTING COMP PLAN ZONING DESIGNATION Parcel SA 4.81 RA Neighborhood Density (3-6) Parcel5A-I 27.71 RA Neighborhood Density (3-6) TOTAL: 132.52 Project Proposal: Rivers Edge Holdings LLC and Rivers Edge Associates LLC (collectively, the "applicant") are the owners of property located in Albemarle County, Virginia (the "County") designated on County Tax Maps as parcels 03200-00-00-005A and 03200-00-00-005A1 (collectively "the property"). The property is approximately 32.52 acres in the aggregate and is located approximately 1,000 linear feet north of the intersection of Lewis and Clark Dr. and U.S. Route 29 and just south of the National Ground Intelligence Center (NGIC) within the Hollymead Community, a designated Growth Area within Albemarle County. The applicant requests to rezone the property from Rural Areas to Planned Residential Development (PRD) to allow for a maximum of 100 size restricted units limited to a maximum of 1,200 square feet, with a maximum total residential footprint area set at 50,000 square feet. The property is located at the North Fork of the Rivanna River, at a "horseshoe bend" in the River. The natural features of this property, notably the proximity to and views of the Rivanna River and the mature vegetation on the property, coupled with the direct adjacency of the property to Route 29 and close proximity to major employment centers at the National Ground Intelligence Center and the University of Virginia Research Park, create a unique opportunity for a residential community in the development areas with direct access to rich environmental assets, transportation networks, and employment opportunities. We propose a residential community that maximizes density on developable portions of the property by proposing small pre -fabricated residential units that will be constructed as single, duplex, triplex, and quadruplex structures. The units are intended to interact with the existing landscape by implementing construction techniques, like pier foundations, that minimize disturbance of existing terrain. Mass grading on the site will be limited to roadway construction and parking areas. The existing roadway is proposed to be reoriented and improved to allow for easier maneuverability for future residents and safe and efficient access to the site for emergency vehicles. The parking areas will require mass grading to ensure the parking areas comply with applicable site design requirements and to ensure some units onsite are ADA accessible from the parking lot. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The comprehensive plan identifies the developable area of the parcels as neighborhood density residential, recommending a density of three (3) to six (6) dwelling units per acre. The land area in the neighborhood density residential area, less the areas designated as environmentally sensitive, result in a maximum recommended density of 50 dwelling units on the property. These units could be constructed as 50 single family detached units with accessory apartments, equating a maximum of 100 dwelling units. We contend the impact from 100 size restricted units is not greater than the impact from 50 single family dwellings with 50 accessory apartments. The applicant proposes the conversion of the existing access way to a pedestrian path near the property entrance from Route 29. The applicant intends to provide a public access easement on this accessway and additionally, the applicant proposes to construct a pedestrian bridge across Flat Branch. Although, these pedestrian improvements do not directly align with the recommended multi -use path locations outlined in the comprehensive plan, they achieve a general multi -modal connectivity intent of the shared use path in this location. Impacts on Public Facilities & Public Infrastructure Transportation ITE's Trip Generation Manual, loth Edition estimates 35 AM peak hour trips and 43 PM peak hour trips from the development. A total of 543 weekday trips is estimated from this development using ITE code 221 (multifamily housing). Schools The property lies within the Baker -Butler Elementary School district, Sutherland Middle School district, and Albemarle High School district. The following numbers have been provided by Albemarle County Public School systems. Type of Dwelling Unit Elementary Middle High Total Multifamily 0.12 0.03 0.05 0.21 100 Units 12 3 5 21 Parks By focusing the buildable area efficiently, River's Edge is able to allocate 70% of total acreage to open space. Open space will include a system of primitive trails, with recreational fitness facilities along these walkways. The open space surrounds the buildable area, allowing for a sufficient buffer from the Rivanna River which is a major asset of the property. A public access easement is additionally proposed for interparcel connectivity between TMP 32-22K1 and River's Edge (TMP 32-5A and TMP 32-5A1), achieving the trail connection within the Places29 North Parks and Green Systems Master Plan. There is ample on -site recreation and outdoor opportunities proposed for future residents. The County's parks may see more users with new residents on the property, but it is not anticipated for new County residents to have negative impacts on shared public space, especially in a development where convenient access to nature is proposed just outside residents' doors. Safety The property is within the response district of the Hollymead Fire Station and Hollymead Rescue Squad. The property is patrolled by the Jefferson Police District, Sector 3, Beat 9. According to American Community Survey (ACS) 2017 5-year estimates, there are approximately 2.62 per household in Albemarle County t. Using this estimate there could potentially be 262 residents on the property. As the proposed development is more similar to multifamily household characteristics in unit size than that of traditional single family detached, it is our position that the household size on this property would be 1.97 people per household, 25% smaller than the County average. With a maximum of 100 units proposed on this site, there could potentially be 197 new residents within the Hollymead Fire Station and Hollymead Rescue Squad District. Impacts to Public Water & Sewer The proposed development will connect to public water and sewer. There are minimal anticipated impacts on public facilities and infrastructure from the development. Effluent from the site will be collected in a private pump station that will ultimately connect to public sewer. Impacts on Environmental Features As a Planned Residential Development, the design of River's Edge aims to be mindful of the surrounding environmental features. Travel ways and parking will require the most disturbance and have been located strategically to minimize required mass grading into environmentally sensitive features. Currently, the entrance road into the property is insufficient and will require widening of the road to 20' with additional graded shoulders to ensure safety when moving through the site. This will result in approximately 16,000 square feet of steep slopes disturbance and approximately 21,800 square feet of stream buffer disturbance. By locating the travel ways and parking in the proposed concept plan, we are able to conserve 70% of the development for open space. The small, prefabricated footprint of the residential buildings are intended to minimize the disturbance, as they are retrofitted into the landscape. Mass grading of the road and parking is needed to comply with applicable site design requirements, as well as ensuring safe access for both residents and emergency vehicles. Proposed Proffers to Address Impacts The applicant has included certain commitments within the application plan such as: • Commitment to 15% affordable housing • Maximum building footprint area • Maximum unit size Open Space & Recreation Narrative The application plan proposes alternatives to recreational facilities and equipment as proposed in Sec. 4.16.2. Please consider the following when evaluating the alternatives proposed in the application plan: 1. Why natural alternatives? The River's Edge property sits at a unique location as a property that is virtually surrounded by the North Fork Rivanna River. The presence of the river, mature trees, and sloping landscape from a high point near the center of the property down towards the river create a nature escape while being easily accessible to Route 29 and within close proximity to the University of Virginia Research Park and the National Ground Intelligence Center. The residential community proposed with this development will be comprised of small pre -fabricated units, all less than 1,200 square feet that will be pieced together as multifamily units. These small footprint units are able to be flexible in orientation, allowing for the structures to be set around preserved trees and stepped into the landscape. With this proposal, the intent of the overall development intends to support the enclosed, wooded feel of the property. The proposal seeks to align with the natural character of the site, such as exploring alternative materials other than concrete for pedestrian walkways. Likewise, a traditional playground may not be the most complementary recreational space for this property. Section 4.16 of the Albemarle County Ordinance would require two tot lots for this property, each consisting of 1) one swing, 2) one slide, 3) two climbers, 4) one buckabout or whirl, and 5) two benches. While these tot lot requirements may fulfill playspace and 1 Table "S2501" Occupancy Characteristics. U.S. Census Bureau, 2013-2017 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates recreational needs in other areas of the county, River's Edge presents a distinct opportunity to encourage play and interaction with the natural environment. 2. Benefits of natural play vs. prescribed play Play is an integral component of childhood development2. Engaging in play encourages children to explore, experiment, learn social dynamics, and make decisions. Active play additionally contributes to healthy bodies, both physically and mentally. With the increases in screen time, sedentary recreational behavior has increased as well, with children often developing unhealthy relationships, or even addictions, to technology3. Simultaneously, children have become more detached from the natural world, due to sedentary lifestyles as well as changes in urban development and perceived safety of outdoor playa. The movement towards natural playscapes is an effort to reconnect children with the natural world and nature play that was once prevalent everywhere. Nature play has been proven to "improve moods and reduce stress, anxiety, and levels of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children."' Access to child -directed play in nature additionally becomes "the most common influence on the development of life-long conservation values."6 Children need access to nature for healthy development and wellbeing, and while the County provides a robust park network in the area, River's Edge could provide access to nature right outside their doorsteps. Not all play is equal. A playground set is designed to allow for specific functions and uses, and although they do encourage outdoor recreation for children, the play possibilities are given to the children, rather than created by them. Traditional playground sets typically "encourage children to act out familiar scenarios filled with predictability ... Premade props for dramatic play do not offer the challenges or opportunities that arise when children must find natural items they can use to represent what they envision. ,7 Unstructured, child -directed play additionally creates scenarios of risk and challenge, which are critical components of cognitive engagement in understanding and setting limits, while developing a sense of responsibility.8 Nature play offers a more flexible design, creating an environment for unstructured, child - directed play that enhances use of creativity, engagement, and social interaction' Current Requirements and Nature Alternatives According to Section 4.16 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the River's Edge property would be required to provide two tot lots. Each must consist of 1) one swing (four seats), 2) one slide, 3) two climbers, 4) one buckabout or whirl, and 5) two benches. The intent of this requirement is to encourage a range of physical activity in children within an adequate fenced -in space of 2000 square feet. The function of these playground pieces could be broken down into what these children obtain from these particular objects. When considering natural playscapes for River's Edge, this lens of functional meaning of traditional playgrounds could be significant in understanding how natural alternatives could sufficiently comply with current recreational requirements. The following table describes specific functions that children could perform with the required equipment. At this stage, these natural alternatives are suggestions for how current regulations could be satisfied through these substitutions and specific implementations will be explored at site plan and under the approval of the Zoning Administrator and Director of Planning. Required What is it used for? With whom? Proposed Natural Alternative Equipment 2 Ginsburg, Kenneth R. "The Importance of Play in Promoting Healthy Child Development and Maintaining Strong Parent -Child Bonds." Pediatrics, vol. 119, no. 1, 2007, pp. 182-19L, doi: 10. 1542/peds.2006-2697. 3 Whittle, Imogene. "Nature Play in Early Years Education." Nature Play QLD - Getting Our Kids Outdoors, Nature Play QLD, 16 July 2016, www.natureplaygld.org.au/nature-play-in-early-years-education. 4 Louv, Richard. Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature -Deficit Disorder. Atlantic Books, 2013. 5 Cities Alive: Designing for Urban Childhoods. ARUP, 2017, Cities Alive: Designing for Urban Childhoods, www. arup. com/perspectives/publications/research/section/cities-alive-designing-for-urban-childhoods. 6 Finch, Ken. "A Parent's Guide to Nature Play." Green Hearts, Green Hearts Institute for Nature in Childhood, 2009, www.greenheartsinc.org/uploads/A—Parents—Guide—to—Nature Play.pdf. Kiewra, Christine, and Ellen Veselack. "Playing with Nature: Supporting Preschoolers' Creativity in Natural Outdoor Classrooms." The International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, vol. 4, no. 1, 29 Aug. 2016, pp. 71-96., naturalstart.org/sites/default/files/journal/lO._final_kiewra veselack.pdf. 8 Nature Play in the Built Environment: Design Standards and Guidelines. Valerian LLC, 2017, Nature Play in the Built Environment: Design Standards and Guidelines, valerianllc.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Nature-Play-Design-Guidelines.pdf Swing • Sit on/swing • Alone • Swings could still be used with more natural • Get higher views • With other children features incorporated (ex: tree swings) Push other children on e With adult • Natural structures that are conducive for swing climbing/hanging/swinging by arms (ex: fallen • Encourage log with limbs at varying heights) teamwork/turn-taking, friendly competition of swing height Slide • Sit on/slide down . Alone 9 Slides could still be used with logs set • Moving from one • With other children into natural topography as `stairs,' or location to the other slide set on top of boulders (see climber (in a fun way) alternatives below) • Climb up the slide • Hobbit house Hide under . Hollowed out tree trunk Turn -taking Climbers • Climbable surface • Alone • Natural mound • Able to see from • With other children • Large boulders ("rock landscape") higher ground • Fallen log will limbs at varying heights Hide under • Hanging from arms/legs Buckabout/whirl 0 Sit on • Alone • Log steppers or log balancing course Move around in • With other children • Movable objects (see loose objects place below) • Controlling movement of object Benches 0 Sit on, used as Provided typically for parents to directly surface supervise children within a fenced -in area. Depending on circumstances, benches may not be necessary, especially as the natural playscape may not be confined to a specific area. Benches may be periodically provided along the trail system on the property; exact locations will be explored at site plan. '/z Basketball 1 multipurpose court Court The described natural alternatives are just a few suggestions for incorporating nature play that sufficiently meets the intent of the current recreational regulations of the Albemarle County Code. Because nature play structures aim to create environments that are open-ended, the varieties in design and implementation are endless. Whereas playground equipment carries specific prescribed play enactments, these flexible nature playspaces encourage scenarios where the active creativity of the children can direct playtime. Whereas traditional playgrounds are fixed in place and confined within a specific area, nature play can also make use of loose material play. Feelings of ownership and autonomy could be better developed with play with loose parts, as "the joy of play in nature is largely derived from the opportunities it provides to imagine, manipulate, create, and re-create their environments."10 Loose material play can also be pulled directly from the surrounding environment, making this relatively low-cost and provide a learning opportunity for children of native flora and fauna. An example of loose material play could include kitchen structures, art stations, or block play areas. In addition to physical functionality, other nature play designs could include other sensory engagement, such as sound emitting or musical play, contributing to overall social and emotional growth.9 Play involving the river could also be considered as a development on the `River's Edge.' As much of the property is within the floodplain, children should be educated on the purposes of the floodplain, while fun and play could take place in designated areas of the community. Children could learn about the history of the Rivanna River and the dynamic qualities and ecology of waterways. 9 "Play." Learning By Nature, Learning By Nature, 16 Jan. 2019, leamingbynature.org/. As part of the active recreational area, River's Edge additionally proposes a trail network throughout the site. Pedestrian walkways will be provided along parking areas, with primitive trail networks providing foot access to dwelling units and surrounding open space. In addition to a minimum of 4,000 square feet of natural play areas, approximately 2,200 (0.4- mile) linear feet of trails is proposed, which will include fitness trail amenities. Fitness trails provide equipment that can build strength, flexibility, and cardio health. As River's Edge intends to limit disturbance where possible, linear recreational equipment adjacent to the trails is the most appropriate implementation, rather than one specific area dedicated to a tennis court. Typically, a'/4-mile to 1-mile trail network contains about 10 different stations10, however Pen Park in the City of Charlottesville includes a %-mile fitness trail with 20 stations. Further details will be negotiated at site plan for an appropriate number of stations. 10 "10 Station Fit -Trail." Fit -Trail, 2011, www.fittrail.com/lOstation.html. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 project I D: 15.064 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 Context Map Sheet 1 of 30 INDEX OF SHEETS 1 - Cover & Context Map 2 - Site & ZMA Details 3 - Existing Conditions 4 - Existing Conditions 5 - Land Use 6 - Open Space 7 - Shared Open Space & Recreational Facilities w/ TMP 32-221<1 8-9 - Precedent Natural Play Images 10 - Building Envelope 11 - Proposed Circulation 12 - Conceptual Water & Sewer 13 - Conceptual Grading 14-18- Road Grading + Profile 19-22- Conceptual Stormwater 23 - Steep Slopes Disturbance 24 - Stream Buffer Disturbance 25 - Concept Plan 26 - Site Section A -A' 27 - Site Section B-B' 28 - Site Section C-C' 29 - Street Section 30 - Supplementary Regulations SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Image provided by Google Maps OWNER/DEVELOPER Rivers Edge Holdings LLC & Rivers Edge Associates LLC C/O Access Properties 2027 Woodbrook Ct Charlottesville, VA 22901 PROPERTY ADDRESS 2260-2280 Rivers Edge Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 DISTRICT Rivanna STEEP SLOPES & STREAM BUFFER There are existing steep slopes and stream buffers on site. SOURCE OF BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHY Compiled from the Albemarle County Office of Geographic Data Services GIS Data. Topographic road survey completed by Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. Surveying, September 2018. FLOODZON E According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, effective date February 4, 2005 (Community Panel 51003CO286D), this property does lie within a Zone AE 100-year flood plain. WATER SUPPLY WATERSHED Non -Watershed Supply Watershed WATER AND SANITARY SERVICES Provided by Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) FIRE CODE Units will be provided with an automatic sprinkler system USE EXISTING: R1 - Residential COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Neighborhood Density Residential & Private Open Space PROPOSED: Residential & Private Open Space ZONING EXISTING: Rural Areas OVERLAY. Airport Impact Area, Entrance Corridor, 100- Year Floodplain, Steep Slopes - Managed & Preserved PROPOSED: Planned Residential Development (PRD) PROPOSED UNITS 100 size -restricted units: maximum unit size 1,200 SF Gross density of 3 units/acre (32.52 acres total), net density of 11.6 units/acre (8.62 developable). OPEN SPACE Open space area shall be provided in accordance with Sec. 4.7 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Recreational area shall be provided in accordance with Section 4.16 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. Recreational facilities as provided for in Section 4.16.2 may be substituted with equipment and facilities as provided for in this Application Plan and as approved by the Director of Planning and Community Development. USE TABLE NOTES 1. Total footprint area of residential buildings not to exceed 50,000 SF 2. Setbacks are not provided as the property is not to be subdivided. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE SITE & ZMA DETAILS Sheet 2 of 30 USE TABLE PROPOSED # OF 100 DWELLING UNITS' UNIT TYPE Single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, triplex, quadruplex NON-RESIDENTIAL 4,000 SF SQUARE FOOTAGE (excluding recreational facilties required by Section 4.16) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35' MAXIMUM GFA PER UNIT 1,200 SF BUILDING SEPARATION 10' unless the building shares a common wall; 5' off of each building side for a total of 10' between buildings BUILD -TO LINES2 50' from US Route 29 5' from parking areas, travelways, accessways, and pedestrian paths ALLOWABLE USES Residential units as provided for in this Application Plan. The following uses of Sec. 19.3.1 shall be permitted by -right: (1) Parks, playgrounds, community centers and noncommercial recreational and cultural facilties such as tennis courts, swimming pools, game rooms, libraries, and the like; (2) Electric, gas, oil and communication facilties, excluding tower structures and including poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage collection lines, pumping stations, and appurtenances owned and operated by the Albemarle County Service Authority. Except as otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law; (3) Public uses and buildings including temporary or mobile facilities such as schools, offices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded, owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies; public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, treatment facilities, pumping stations and the like, owned and/or operated by the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority; (4) Temporary construction uses; (5) Accessory uses and structures including home occupation, Class A and storage buildings; (6) Group home; (7) Stormwater management facilities shown on approved final site plan or subdivision plat; (8) Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service facilities; (9) Family day homes; (10) Homestays The following uses of Sec. 19.3.2 shall be permitted by approval of a special use permit: (1) Child day center; (2) Fire and rescue squad stations; (3) Assisted living facility, skilled nursing facility, children's residential facility, or similar institution; (4) Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil transmission lines, pumping stations and appurtenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; microwave and radio -wave transmission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances; (5) Home occupation, Class B; (6) Religious assembly use; (7) Stand alone parking and parking structures; (8) Swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic facilities; (9) Offices; (10) Tier III personal wireless service facilities; (11) Historical centers, historical center special events, historical center festivals; (12) Farmers' market ZONING MAP AMENDMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE ---------------------=----------- --------------- -------------------T------------r---------r------EXISTING TMP 32-5F ► Seraphic Holdings LLC , Zone: Light Industrial ► . Use: Distribution Warehouse ► , � � TMP 32-5E TMP 32-5 TMP 32-5A TMP 32-5B Chiro LLC � kext Generation LL( TMP 32-22K1 Rivers Edge Holdings LC Seminole North LLC ► Zone: Heavy Industrial ► : Zone: Rural Areas Incheon Holdings LLC Zone: Rural Areas Zone: Liht Industrial Use: Vacant Industrial g ►Use: Vacant Residenti Zone: Rural Areas Use: Single Famil � Use: Storage Warehouse , ' — — — — — - Use: Vacant Residential ►� ► ► TMP 32-22K ►— .� — _ — ► ► , Neighborhood Investments - NP LLC 1 ► Zone: Rural Areas _ Use: Vacant Residential ► TMP 32-5131 ► ► Albemarle County Service Authority ► ► , Zone: Light Industrial ► Use: Government Building ► TMP 32-5C1 MONO United States of America TMP 32-51) C/O US Arm ATTN: Real Albemarle County Service Authority Estate Division Zone: Light Industrial Zone: Light Industrial Use: Government Building e: Government Building TMP 32-5A1 Rivers Edge Associates LLC Zone: Rural Areas Use: Multifamily TMP 33-15 INk Next Generation LLC Zone: Rural Areas Use: Vacant Residential 225 0 225 450 675 LFLFLF---L--J-- Graphic Scale: 1"= 225' TMP 32-5C4 United States of America C/O US Army Corp/Eng Office/Counsel Zone: Rural Areas Use: Vacant Residential CONDITIONS Sheet 3 of 30 TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ° 1 a __ _ _ _ _ _ - ' ° — - - - ZONING MAP AMENDMENT a-� _ — - - - - - a °9 ° ' APPLICATION PLAN qL -�� — -------------- - --•r \- - - --—----- - - - - ---� ZMA201800018 380 2'FEK/JX B39RIVERS EDGE �j got �., 4 A la',/ „o/a EXISTING CONDITIONS of0 Sri �, �I� -��� ' - Sheet 4 of 30 a09, 'I IQ10. C t ! Ills ' r, � - �• I 1 �1 �y � F EMfA FE°� I� v ���v ° '0 o Additional Notes: i7 �N / �j / O / 6. ¢- , a i / / 1. Source of dashed parcel boundaries: Albemarle °-e,0/ �i I �I o .° �� ° v _ - 4 p- - - - v �,ei9o i,_. a �°o d County GIS - � : • c '7 n V ,�_� C ���/ �o t- v ��-� -� QA4�-'�O�" a�r s tee/ o= - \` , b �- - _, 2. Source of parcel boundary for TMP 32-5A and e Approximate v o - / _ d� 32 5A1: survey data and plat of record lo4tion_of J 4 -tennis TBuj �0 ���] � J �� o ♦ °© �OO� 360 e. a p xo 0 o a 1 I_ --. Q� -�. _ a , �; _ - �� ¢ o 4' / �t v� O �! aoo O� a O o O o o p� a O¢ o o 4so a Q q6 Q p MA a o n Q 4 �.o �� O �� ado ao a- —� a3s O_ p " �� a V �' _dw 1 a2o� a D Q o �� +\ 0 p Ov l O a 4 0 b\ ° ° O , O 3 C o v A \ \ \ v vO D O pj� g\ as / o<v so bve�� a� /- a Key 0 9/ a a- O � ' ' - - _ Z .�. o ' °�� a / , FEMA BFE 3&$, �a a-V- ? s a �' - _ - - — , > / r. ' a - Sri ° 4 s — — — GIS Parcel Boundary d� - _ _ — A- -, o FEMA Base Flood Elevation Boundary aO . \ d a~� --_ / \ter Aqp�� - - - o / i / i / o �O 9= bA Stream \ O O \ _ i o�e� 4zo - / o¢�� ba %v 4 /- \ v v vv e L QW Q O v w vw� - - - / / ��°i i aO ,e -a� Waterway JJU 100-Year Floodplain Jip��- v Water Protection Ordinance Buffer �A �� Driveway � ° EMA BFE 38T _ o p�� o r "v oa \9 d, o Steep Slopes: Preserved _ p e - ° < = •� o e a Steep P g Slopes: Managed % 4d _ p 0- Ogip °qf�O a D° �. TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 4�__, ' - - . �. ; o° Revised 16 September 2019 200 0 200 400 600 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 200' REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, 111 - - _ ---- ----r-- =i - --- - - -T--------- - - - �-- Please refer to sheet 28 for a - - section of the 50' forested buffer �• �� �� . ' Existing structure ;i ' • • 1'�i� to be preserved l , and repurposed as •' ° amenity for TMP 32-5A, 32-5A1, and 32-22K1 - ' il \ ✓ / - -�- - - - - -- rl • �- - - I - A_ - -t— l Approximate � location of repurposed- multipurpose Accessway -_ • - court 0\ �. _ Fire access • • �:A , — V \ • ` turnaround • ` \:. \ ;. .. ,� / Fire access . J • : , / / turnaround 200 0 200 400 600 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 200' ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE LAND USE CATEGORIES Sheet 5 of 30 LEGEND LAND USE PROHIBITED USES PERMITTED USES Travel ways, ingress/egress, Accessway Residential & non- grading, landscaping, utilities, Reservation* residential buildings along with other uses typically permitted within ROW Residential buildings, signage, grading, landscaping, open Buildable Area None space, utilities, sidewalks, parking, primitive trails, retaining walls, stormwater management facilities Improvements Stream restoration, primitive that require mass trails, landscaping, gardens, F77777771utilities Open Space grading, open-air (which cannot be surface parking lots, reasonably located outside of residential buildings open space area), and primitive buildings - see note 1 below) ® 50' Forest Buffer Residential & non- residential buildings, parking Travel ways, ingress/egress, for grading and disturbance *Accessway reservation area is shown for circulation feasibility purposes. The ROW reservation location is approximate and may change during site plan. 1. Primitive buildings and structures accessory to the recreational areas of the development, such as picnic pavilions, may be constructed within the portion of the open space area that is outside of the regulatory floodway, stream buffers, and preserved slopes. The maximum number of sites for primitive buildings or primitive structures or similar outdoor amenities shall be five (5). The maximum disturbance area of any individual primitive building or primitive structure or similar outdoor amenity shall be 500 square feet. The maximum aggregate disturbance area for all sites for primitive buildings or primitive structures or outdoor amenities shall be 1,500 square feet. Primitive buildings, primitive structures, and similar outdoor amenities are intended to serve as an accessory use to the recreational areas of the development and are not intended for human habitation. Key Stream Waterway 100-Year Floodplain _ Steep Slopes: Preserved Steep Slopes: Managed TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, 111 380 alp=- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r wo Existing structure to be Preserved i t ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE OPEN SPACE Sheet 6 of 30 and repurposed as amenity for TMP Additional Notes: 32-5A, 32-5AI, •and 32-22KI 1. This open space exhibit shows possible open / / \ _ _ - - - j \'4 space area outside of environmentally sensitive ': \ \ - ' 1 ! /-� _ - _ r / Imp I features (steep slopes, floodplain, stream buffer). This does not depict total open space -4- proposed for the property. For total open space, ` ; ';� \ I i _ — , / / / please see sheet 5 (Land Use Designations). Approximate A 190 / /" 2. Total possible open space area outside of -location of � repurposed40 (1) environmentally sensitive features and (2) multipurpose accessway and parking area is 5.37 acres. 0 court 60 79 3. Total building footprint area (not shown) 420 ...... � is approximated at less than 50,000 sq. ft., . ................................ therefore, possible open space area outside % of (1) environmentally sensitive features, (2) accessway and parking area, and (3) building ....... footprints is 4.32 acres. .... . ............... 4. Total area of the property is 32.52 acres; total . . . . ................. required open space is 8.13 acres, with 1.62 acres required outside of such environmental . ........... ...... ...... 420 % Key ....... features. ;--7 - - - - ;Possible Open Space Area Outside of ........ .... ... 4. Open space and recreational areas will comply Environmentally Sensitive Features with Section 4.7 and 4.16 of the Albemarle % % Stream % County Zoning Ordinance, unless substitutions mma Waterway for facilities and equipment as provided for in 100-Year Floodplain this application are approved by the Director of Planing and Community Development. Water Protection Ordinance Ruffer Steep Slopes: Preserved % % Steep Slopes: Managed 200 0 200 400 600 LFLFLF---L---F-- Graphic Scale: 1"=200' TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5AI Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, b I - Q T- - - 1- m - - - _ . m - _ _ _ _ _ - - ' h :''Approximate ' location of . repurposed' multipurpose • / ; ` , ,' court ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 _ -- �----------------------=,----,---r�-- - - - - -� RIVER'S EDGE _ � SHARED OPEN SPACE & RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Existing structure WITH TM P 32-22 K 1 to be preserved and repurposed as \ Sheet 7 of 30 amenity for TMP Additional Notes: •� 32-5A, 32-5A1, and 32-22K1 \ - - - - - �' ` ` i 1. Please refer to sheet 11 (Proposed Circulation) for approximate location ---- — 4 of pedestrian bridge. • :: — I - 2. Minimum 2,600 linear feet of ` \ / -- --— — primitive trails to be provided. Please refer to sheet 11 (Proposed ,�. Circulation) for proposed path locations. �• - r- F Required Equipment Proposed Natural Alternative . . V ` •� • ` ��; P. •1 i .r •• .. .. TMP(s) 32 5A & 32 5A1 200 0 200 400 600 LFLFLF---L---F-- Graphic Scale: 1"=200' Submitted 17 December 2018 � Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, C I ' I I • I I ���,' ��, C I ' I I • I I At OIL- .'F4FI it rL f y • i III ^3 +r F } r _ y 1 OEM- _ S M + t 4V r t J66C_ rL. 0 -ram ''� �� L 1•_ F f_ ■ _ - _ ry J Ask _ { - - ti!ate _ •1 y ' a ; s -� ,_ I 1 ' I ' 1 I I•1 I I ' I 'I / I I I' I 1� /` �: - Loose parts play i% t .. i` yy, a ! + I ' S# a.M4' '' �'i�_ S fa - • + , �r 7' • y 4 1j�S.••. .ti Fe-'. ■■'. • 4 'yr r�� it I ' +[� ' -. �� _ `I` . r • I 4 kM1 ' - }a ;_.•. •:R , yr: - 7 - "'aR! ' - . •� - , - f . .. ., •', .iJ F'•�: DIY .• - • _: L ,.: i'I - ■.� '.� t7A'17 -i-r p.�i �:, ri: I>�� : s `• � i.s�' - - - � _ ^, 4 �" ,y � � - • • ' �1 , I 5 ' '' • � • •fi M1 }rt iZxT y Y k ' �... �'_. �'.. YOL7 R.��: • �''x-3 T��y-'gym �- F"'� g-yr _ 4Y� , 'I AP it - .. l' ._ Y �� •,.. '. r .,�' yr JF mm rit4 . ,�-� -a �- yy,i R ter-. •� = I SHIMP i Welles Park Nature Play Space, Chicago, Illinois (Site Design Group) Overview of Nature Play Programming LOG 6EM�N ARMOR � f L - � ti. t occaMPayCO •Gtikl4ar! ' IPW7 ^_ 1n /�i� _ ri vLl RlPIATH�r r ( . '- 3 - CIIM.ER 5 4 _ +�. • i•. @aIP4E HATLI@ALR EP.� Welles Park Nature Play Space, Chicago, Illinois (Site Design Group) Build Area / Loose parts play M" im i�S r ry ,g r 1.: I n ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE ECEDENT NATURAL PLAY IMAGES Sheet 9 of 30 1 TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 - Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT -_--- _--- /-------------- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -Ty- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\ -- - - - -r 380 -- -- --- 1� APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 �_ RIVER'S EDGE p 1 !r t BUILDING ENVELOPE i / i Sheet 10 of 30 co T.� --- - -_- -- 1 1 1 400 O \ \ 4 400 440 420 452 10 �420 saw �� Key � A , � _ �/ 400_ _ � , � , �� / i PROPOSED # OF 100 DWELLING UNITS' UNIT TYPE Single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, triplex, quadruplex NON-RESIDENTIAL 4,000 SF SQUARE FOOTAGE (excluding recreational facilties required by Section 4.16 ) MAXIMUM HEIGHT 35' MAXIMUM GFA PER 1,200 SF UNIT BUILDING 10' unless the building shares a SEPARATION common wall; 5' off of each building side for a total of 10' between buildings BUILD -TO LINES2 50' from US Route 29 5' from parking areas, travelways, accessways, and pedestrian paths ALLOWABLE USES Residential units as provided for in this Application Plan. Please refer to sheet 2 for by -right and special uses permitted on the property. Building Footprint �;, Additional Notes: _ - -- - - - , - - Stream�� - - ' — _ �� - _ 1. Total footprint area of residential buildings not to Waterway \ — exceed 50,000 SF \ - / 100-Fear Floodplain 2. Setbacks are not provided as the property is not to be g Water Protection Ordinance Buffer - - i /, subdivided. 0 Ac ssway/Parking - — 3. Please see sheet 25 for a color conceptual plan. Stee�Slopes: Preserved TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 V� % _ v Steep Slopes: Managed Submitted 17 December 2018 ' ,' ;��► �, ;� ��' ,;;,'''� - ��, , - Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 200 0 200 400 600 LFLFLF---L---F-- project: 15.064 Graphic Scale: 1"=200' S H I M P ENGINEERING, 11 I I - p Existing paved �'�► _ - _o ' a " ' 01 i a e '° -_� o — - - - - - - ` _ _ - - - - road tobecome - �'��" d1� _ �4�;__=----------------.--=----v�--=r------- - - - - -- =------r——' pedestrian path If e-aile_- „Ili \ I P \ 1 %� 11 I �� A --- Existing structur;71 ` • � � 1 Pedestrian bridge y .' - - - - ' v 0��, 1 y / to be preserved ' v _ _ 42 ,/a connection across Flat 4i 1 ; , 1� ` \ \ \ ' Gd % and repurposed as► i s Branch to TMP 32-22K1v,v-- r-Il lllrfi' amenity for TMP I e d a,iL 1 32-5A, 32-5A1, and32-22K1 wol 61v-�'6�e•a'e��-a-ems O + i \ a Jill, X X i 10 i � A� b\ V -a- � � ��a A i ��Qe•�-oO�i OI�e� � .i / 4C�� ,Approximate �� �� � � � �; �� ��` v � � � I 1 ebb ,d-I - � e� +Pi,a" o��i PPQn - ,_ r 6 , - 6 , • A location of -E • qr �n p_� 0d/,IlI Mor,repUYpOSed el. �9 i p � :multipurpose o �0aOR court �Q �� �� e a - Rom. �♦ 40 ` • =-�- D � a 4 - O- dr - v - - - - _ _ ��� —0 �Q��_-d•� - 1 it Q4% p F 9� �j ��� / �a e o e _o_° _v= -60 41 77 14 �„ v Pedestrian walkways � 1 �� �, e id • � , , � v v� ��7\6 - - on both sides of - - - - - ' e 1 a� /�b� R bvb q ��`a alb, retaining wall Pedestrian walkways �,L 10 l 1�v v v 0 � A ■ 1 v A v �V � I�� � -� ' D ,�4 -' o v ',o OU �� \p"0 __-- ��� _ vR� 0�� 0 � �� i i l � �k` • V / I i I � �,e, e� ovPnO's_�� pp y - 4 Fire access q z - 4O\V \C� \ -`O� �O aQ yd8 \q20- - •� •�••� � o / ij turnaroundl/�0 1r�♦ -� 041\\\ \��� a� ��� �� F yam,, �b O • _ �♦ a �i OQO% O� \b 0 VOA / �\ p e� ■■■i■■`■■■■■ a Oa V b � VOA vO� i i i VA ` \0. Fire access \ ` �A �C`O A v ` ♦ turnaround�a- 0 0\ �► �' O a'O a X In te /pill a- v\_Pdp O► vy• �� i��y f y 7/�� //q( C �Oe■ia� �`v R ID O b a G \ V v v♦ — v v v� A O .i �y 6 O� tG 1 d� L iq �% r O /aj0 � � A A \ � - - - - - - _ - _ �v � -gyp �` ` .R,��9 ����i �I ♦ � � �✓� � � � I� �/ Il / /l / � � -���/� / / i 200 0 200 400 600 LFLFLF---L---F- (7 Graphic Scale: 1"= 200' ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE PROPOSED CIRCULATION Sheet 11 of 30 Key • • **Public Access Pedestrian Path Pedestrian Connection ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Vehicular Circulation Primitive Trail (Internal Network) Retaining Wall Stream _ Waterway 100-Year Floodplain 0 Accessway _ Pedestrian Walkways _ Paved Pedestrian Path u e o Steep Slopes: Preserved 0 Steep Slopes: Managed TMP(s) 32-5A F& 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, 1 _ ZONING MAP AMENDMENT \ 1 Existing ACSAmanhole_1_=-i--------- \------------ - - - - -- APPLICATION PLAN -= =--------- g ---- _---� - ------------ - - k, \ ZMA201800018 Bore under Route 29 for public sewer = _ _ _ � RIVER'S EDGE s -New ACSA manhole ' — — — - - -�--- ---- _----------------------------. CONCEPTUAL WATER AL_ & SEWER Public water line �� ; Sheet 12 Of 30 • I I � ` 1 Additional Notes: 1. Structures to be metered according to ACSA regulations. \ -4- Private pump station / / �\ ( ` -J. -. 7 Fire h drant -,� 00 \ 0 200 400 \ 600 \ ♦ _ / — Graphic Scale: I"= 200' Stream Waterway 100-Year Floodplain Accessway 0 Pedestrian Walkways _ Paved Pedestrian Path 0 0 o Steep Slopes: Preserved 0 Steep Slopes: Managed TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. �_----_--- - 0--Iw----- ---- � _ _�--- - _ ti ®W ZONINGND N 4 _ arLICOMON PLArj — - - _ ----_ ---- -�\' — ZMA201@00018 RIVER'S EDGE �- ` �_ CONCEPTUAL GRADING RETAI WA� _ Sheet 13 of 30 \RETAININ tL \ ' - TW 406 ` - Nl 398 'RETAINING WALL \ I TW 43 2& B� 4 �� I I 02? --_ - TW412 - - BW i -8- RETAINING WALL - - x18° / _-- / oo W 406 / TW 418 o A BW 398 X�o° x°GP X- — 408 - TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A) BW 400 / Submitted 17 Decembe 01j Revised 16 Septemer 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- project: 15.064 Graphic Scale: 1„=100' S H I M P ENGINEERING, P. C. 1 1 1 1 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 50' 7 Lr� ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE ROAD GRADING + PROFILE Sheet 14 of 30 Additional Notes: 1. Topographic road survey completed by Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. Surveying, September 2018 Key GIS Parcel Boundary Stream Waterway 0 100-Year Floodplain 0 Accessway U 8 Steep Slopes: Preserved TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN °°� / / - ZMA201800018 RIVERS EDGE `] ROAD GRADING + PROFILE Sheet 15 of 30 \ I oo Additional Notes: IL �� ♦ 1. Topographic road survey completed by Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. Surveying, September 2018 Ilia- a err 41 •J on % 404 loom- \� \ I o ♦ 0 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 50' Key GIS Parcel Boundary Stream Waterway 0 100-Year Floodplain 0 Accessway U 8 Steep Slopes: Preserved TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE nnw n � nnnE11 C \ 9' 22+0 0 0 CIO ` ` , a \ \�\ ` TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 0 fs Submitted 17 December 2018 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 50' Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. �� �_ ��l��a��� ��� ��733 �� �� A mommoss-007r7- -1.1 �00_�-� NOW- - !'M_-_W___ _-� INGM7�AWL�If�I�NT _ I6 RIVER'S EDGE \ \ — — — — _ CONCEPTUAL STORMWATER ------ ,; _�, -_ �_0 �_\AloW0 _ \ Sheet-1-9of30 — 40%- , \RETAINiN LL \ \ , TW 406 _ w 398 "'RETAINING WALL \ TW 43 , BV� 4 of I I Storm drain inlet TW 412 BW Storm drain inlet " ------ -� -8= REIANING WALL — — x'a° _ 0 406' TW 418 B 98 410 — x1oo ogp off' - Discharge in accordance Underground detention 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 100' _ with VSMP regulations 408 / TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A111 BW 400 / Submitted 17 December'201$ Key 0 100-Year Floodplain o Steep Slopes: Preserved 0 Steep Slopes: Managed Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, 0 + RFM=% 3lfg — — _ 0 i V� : a O 4 Q \0 I Q Q Q I \ \\ it two, CA I L Storm drain inlet1 I I \ I I .7 00. 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 50' 1 1 1 1 13 7 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE CONCEPTUAL STORMWATER Sheet 20 of 30 Additional Notes: 1. Topographic road survey completed by Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. Surveying, September 2018 Key GIS Parcel Boundary Stream Waterway 0 100-Year Floodplain 0 Accessway U 8 Steep Slopes: Preserved TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT 00. APPLICATION PLAN � / /� Q ' ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE \ `� CONCEPTUAL STORMWATER \ \ Storm drain inlet � �• � Sheet 21 of 30 I \ o Additional Notes: do / � � •� � ♦ 1. Topographic road survey completed by Brian Ray, / Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. Surveying, September 2018 Ilia- a err 41 •J \ \ a 1�\ \ I o ♦ 0 l l %%on % Q 404 loom- 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 50' Key GIS Parcel Boundary Stream Waterway 0 100-Year Floodplain 0 Accessway U 8 Steep Slopes: Preserved TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE CONCEPTUAL STORMWATER 0111� \\ ` � 22+00 —� J t- r - ~ . Y �= Key \ 0 0 fe — — — GIS Parcel Boundary ` Discharge in accordance O\ with VSMP regulations 3*00 �� 0 Stream �\ \ Waterway \bib4 \ 100-Year Floodplain ` ` \0 � � \ � \ C �\ \ \ � � Accessway \ \ \ \ \ \ O 8 Steep Slopes: Preserved TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 0�..� Submitted 17 December 2018 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 50' Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. �o r / / / / / / / / / / I I I 1 1 1 I � � I� 1 ( \`\ll n�4 • I I II I I\ l 1 I • I \ • 100 0 100 200 300 0 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1 "=100' ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE STEEP SLOPES DISTURBANCE Sheet 23 of 30 Additional Notes: 1. Topographic road survey completed by Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. Surveying, September 2018 2. Total disturbance of the steep slopes is approximately 16,000 square feet Key — — — Adjacent Parcels Stream Accessway Waterway Water Protection Ordinance Buffer Steep Slopes: Preserved Steep Slopes Disturance TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 _ Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT a - 0 4 - - _ - - - - APPLICATION PLAN 0 ZMA201800018 - a o �0 O , o RIVERS EDGE O \ \O q STREAM BUFFER DISTURBANCE p - r' r' 9 Sheet 24 of 30 0 4 0 - �o O a c rs �k Je o °O 0 a O O O O O 0 � 0 ��� D o Q a v V Y L• - :' Y O ' O 4 o a O- O 4 fj a 0 O 0 O 0 \ -O ` p' o D _ a O_ PIPa O r� D a a �C> �� a O Q O a O D 0 h' 40 �A-o O a ° # � c O i 0. a o O o ` a o �. 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Doo°. 0000°. o e o e e -- _ ' a � a o a a o a o o a a o° a ° a s- aa o eeo°'Oae pO•o Dc Oa aoo O° e\Op°• opo°° ac QQ .' O o a a a 'o0 �0 D0009 Doo o°a00�00 D0 9 D 009 OoO op O - O�vO OD Ov000 DOO D Dv0_ D 00 Dv000^ °Qo, 4 °QO QOQO QO Qo°°°O QoQ° —. ° 0 O • O p ° 0 O o Q ° o a a s a e o a __- o oa°aeoa° aeoa•aaeoa°a�eo D D oD p ° ° D ° 0 ODD oO OD °o ° e DO - a a o o. o D 0 P ° O 4 O D O q d O: ,\pDaD;Q O av epe.. a� 60 0 60 120 180 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"= 60' !In A 8' RETAINING WALL TOPBOTTOM UNIT STYLE FEMA BFE 388' pp O °0 .0 °0 O° O Q OoO° a , a 9 c_ JpOG _ v O O D 0 coo, a oO TM P(s), ,��- �4. P,;32°5A1 O O O Submitted 7 1)L r fiber 7G18 Revis��16_S' tember 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, Existing grade Existing trees to be preserved where possible Planted trees ining wall , rr I - 1 16 �J 1� I_ �� L -'!I - / / 4 - - . 440- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -A - - - - - - - It -A OY — A 420- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE SITE SECTION A -A' Sheet 26 of 30 Planted trees ining wall 400- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 0 40 80 120 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"=40' 8' retaining wall Top/bottom unit TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Existing trees to be preserved where possible ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE SITE SECTION 13-6' Sheet 27 of 30 8' retaining wall 400- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Top/bottom unit TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 25 0 25 50 75 project: 15.064 LFLFLF--7---F-- Graphic Scale: 1"=25' S H I M P ENGINEERING, P.C. -----------------.. --------- Please refer to sheet 5 for land use designations; open space is immediately adjacent to the 50' forested buffer and *�= s extends beyond the area shown in the - section. 406 404 402 400 398 Property Boundary ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE SITE SECTION C-C' Sheet 28 of 30 A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 10 0 10 20 30 project: 15.064 LFLFLF---L---F-- Graphic Scale: 1"=10' S H I M P ENGINEERING, P. C. PRIMITIVE TRAIL SECTION CLASS B - TYPE 1 PRIMITIVE NATURE TRAIL - PRIVATE EASEMENT PRIMITIVE TRAIL 5 0 5 10 15 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"=5' ACCESSWAY SECTION SHOULI VARIABLE WII 4' GRADE EXISTING RIVER'S EDGE ROAD 12' PAVED ROAD VARIABLE WIDTH ULDER IABLE WIDTH PROPOSED TYPICAL STREET SECTION INTERNAL ROAD NETWORK 2 0' TRAVE 28' AUUESSWAY RESERVAIIUN HOULDER ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE STREET SECTION Sheet 29 of 30 TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT A) AFFORDABLE HOUSING. 15% of the total residential dwelling units within the project shall be For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Units (the "15% Affordable Housing Requirement"). The 15% Affordable Housing Requirement may be met through a variety of housing unit types, including but not limited to, two-family dwellings, triplexes, and quadruplexes. (1) Rental Rates. The initial net rent for each rental housing unit which shall qualify as an Affordable Dwelling Unit, ("For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit") shall not exceed the then -current and applicable maximum net rent rate approved by the Housing Office. In each subsequent calendar year, the monthly net rent for each For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit may be increased up to three percent (3%). The term "net rent" means that the rent does not include tenant -paid utilities. The requirement that the rents for such For - Rent Affordable Dwelling Units may not exceed the maximum rents established in this Section shall apply for a period of ten (10) years following the date the certificate of occupancy is issued by the County for each For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit (the "Affordable Term"). (2) Conveyance of Interest. All deeds conveying any interest in the For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Units during the Affordable Term shall contain language reciting that such unit is subject to the terms of this Section. In addition, all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any For - Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit, or any part thereof, during the Affordable Term shall contain a complete and full disclosure of the restrictions and controls established by this Section. At least thirty (30) days prior to the conveyance of any interest in any For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit during the Affordable Term, the then -current Owner shall notify the County in writing of the conveyance and provide the name, address and telephone number of the potential grantee, and state that the requirements of this Section have been satisfied. (3) Reporting Rental Rates. During the Affordable Term, within thirty (30) days of each rental or lease term for each For -Rent Affordable Dwelling Unit, the Applicant or its successor shall provide to the Housing Office a copy of the rental or lease agreement for each such unit rented that shows the rental rate for such unit and the term of the rental or lease agreement. In addition, during the Affordable Term, the Applicant or its successor shall provide to the County, if requested, any reports, copies of rental or lease agreements, or other data pertaining to rental rates as the County may reasonably require. (4) Tracking. Each subdivision plat and site plan for land within the Property shall: i) designate the units, as applicable, that will constitute Affordable Dwelling Units within the Project and ii) contain a running tally of the Affordable Dwelling Units either constructed or contributed for under this Section. The designated units shown on each site plan shall designate 15% of the total units shown as Affordable Dwelling Units. The 15% Affordable Housing Requirement shall be satisfied prior to more than sixty- five percent (65%) completion of the Project. APPLICATION PLAN ZMA201800018 RIVER'S EDGE SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS Sheet 30 of 30 TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. The following exhibits analyze the topographic features of the site and have helped to inform the conceptual development plan of the site. DEM The digital elevation model (DEM) of the River's Edge property was created using Central Virginia LIDAR data. The topography represents the existing elevation and informs the following diagrams. The topography is lowest along the Rivanna River and highest in the middle of the parcel. I LJ LJ I I I Feet 0 100 200 400 600 800 HILLSHADE The DEM hillshade model visualizes the changing ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Z MA201800018 & S P201800023 RIVER'S EDGE GIS ANALYSIS Sheet 1 of 2 TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 REVISED 16 SEPTEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. SLOPE The slopes analysis represents how different elevations on -site meet one another. With preserved steep slopes in the property, it is essential to design development that is mindful of these sensitive environmental features. 25% or above slopes are considered critical slopes. 4 Value 6-4% 4-10% 10-16% - 16-23% - 23-32% - 32-58% ►19 - � r woo -ram jr \J Feet 0 100 200 400 600 800 ASPECT Solar aspect analysis reveals how the sun will illuminate the development. This analysis helps to inform where structures and open space should be located and how buildings and other features on -site should be oriented. n �Iv__ffj r r fr AM ` -w v r r- •r • M N do .0116�.nmh.x• - N "q E SE S SW r W NW F% 1 T �1 -;A jam ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Z MA201800018 & S P201800023 RIVER'S EDGE GIS ANALYSIS Sheet 2 of 2 e Feet 0 100 200 400 600 800 TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 REVISED 16 SEPTEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering December 16, 2019 Frank Pohl County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: ZMA2018-018 River's Edge Request for Central Sewerage System Sec.16-102 Dear Mr. Pohl, In conjunction with a request to rezone TMP 32-5A and 32-5A1 (The River's Edge PRD), which would allow a maximum of 100 dwelling units on a 32.5-acre site off Seminole Trail; the Applicant is also requesting permission to construct a central sewerage system and central water supply system for the dwelling units. Location: The central sewerage system would be located on TMP 03200-00-00-005A1 and 03200-00-00-005AO near coordinates 38.15280,-78.41699. Connection Numbers: The central sewerage system would serve 100 dwelling units. Statement of Proposal and Description: The central sewerage system would consist of a system of sewer laterals from each dwelling which would connect to a private gravity main that would drain into a private pump station. This pump station would push effluent through a private sanitary force main, where it would tie into a new public sanitary manhole just outside Rte. 29 North. From this manhole, waste will flow through a public gravity main under Rte. 29 to an existing public manhole at the Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority pump station, directly across from the site. The intent of the River's Edge PRD is to create rental units under single ownership. The proposed development is on a single parcel with no proposed subdivision. Since the parcel is surrounded by steep slopes, floodplain, and the North Fork Rivanna River, it is impractical to extend the system to adjoining parcels. Any potential public offsite connection to a sewer system would be highly unlikely due to these conditions and the regulatory difficulty involving in crossing the North Fork Rivanna River. Since the system requires a pump station and force main line, and since it only serves a single parcel, and since future offsite public connection to any part of the sewer system on this property is unlikely, it would be impractical to burden the Albemarle County Service Authority and its constituents with the maintenance and operation of these facilities. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com Granting permission of a central sewerage system will allow the Applicant to achieve one of the project's key goals: developing independent dwelling units that are environmentally and aesthetically sensitive, all without creating financial and managerial burdens for public utilities. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. I can be reached at: keane@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-299-9843. Regards, Keane Rucker keane@shimp-engineering 1 (434)227-5140 Copy: justin@shimp-engineering.com ATTACHMENTS: Three (3) copies of preliminary plans for the central sewerage system SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering December 16, 2019 Frank Pohl County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: ZMA2018-018 River's Edge Pump Station Preliminary Design Dear Mr. Pohl, As part of the plan requirements, we have completed a basic preliminary design for the sewer pump stations. Flow Calculations: A design population of 100 2-person units has an average design flow of 100 gpd/person = 200 gpd/unit. (SCAT regs - 9VAC25-790-460-F) The design peak capacity of the system shall be 2.5 times this avg. design flow. (SCAT regs - 9VAC25-790-310-D) Avg Design Flow = 100 units x 200 gpd/units = 20,000 gpd Peak Design Flow = 2.5 x Avg Design Flow = 50,000 gpd (34.7 gpm) Minimum design pump rate must exceed 35 gpm to allow for the Peak Design Flow. Basic Pump Station Design: The pump station shall be an inline underground wet well with submersible pumps that will pump effluent through a force main at select times when the sewage level reaches set elevations in the wet well. The pump station will consist of a remote monitoring system that will be managed by a contracted professional third party, a backup generator in case of loss of power, and an onsite alarm in case of failure. Preliminary Wet Well Sizing: The wet well will be a 60" precast lined watertight manhole. For a wet well with 10' depth well and a design lead pump switch "on" elevation at 4' above the invert, the well storage would reach 540 gal. of effluent before the lead pump engaged. In this scenario, the pump would operate roughly 37 times per day (using the avg. design flow estimate of 20,000 gpd for the 100 units from above). With this basic design, the lead pump would engage on average every 39 minutes. This cycle period minimizes potential nuisance from the pump station by ensuring the sewage does not sit long enough to go anaerobic and also ensures potential adverse noise impacts on future residents are mitigated through cycle frequency management. 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com Additional Design Considerations: The following considerations are based on previous design experience with pump stations, and the final design shall account for these considerations. 1. Since the pump station will be handling raw sewage, pumps and force main must be capable of passing 2" solids. Thus, the minimum force main size should be 3". A minimum scour velocity of 2 fps must be achieved within the force main. 2. To remove cumbersome maintenance requirements, submersible grinder pumps shall be used. 3. Two robust pumps shall be chosen to provide redundancy. Multiple switches shall be implemented which will trigger first one, then both pumps when sewer levels reach critical elevations within the wet well. 4. CCS Tracer wire shall be installed along the force main to allow for maintenance to immediately identify the location from above ground. 5. To prevent unpleasant odors, which are mainly caused by sewage going anaerobic, a small air pump and diffuser shall be installed for the wet well. 6. Fencing and vegetative screening shall be provided to make the pump less conspicuous for residents. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience. I can be reached at: justin@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-227-5140. Regards, Keane Rucker keane@shimp-engineering 1 (434)299-9843 Copy: justin@shimp-engineering.com PROJECT MANAGEMENT SHIMCIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING NGI N EERI NGa December 16, 2019 Mr. Adam Moore, P.E. Virginia Department of Transportation 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 Regarding: River's Edge Right Turn Warrant Analysis Mr. Moore, Please find enclosed a warrant analysis for the proposed River's Edge off of U.S. 29 Seminole Trail between Airport Road and Camelot Drive. The purpose of construction at River's Edge is to build 100 multifamily units. The following items are included with this report: • VDOT Traffic Data • ITE Trip Generation Summary • Warrant Analysis Exhibit • OTISS Trip Generation Reports Our analysis shows that a taper is warranted for this project. If you have any questions you may contact me at justin@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-953-6116. Best Regards, Justin Shimp Shimp Engineering, P.C. The table below summarizes the 2017 VDOT traffic data for the 1.80 mile segment of U.S. 29 Seminole Trail between Airport Road and Camelot Drive, which was used to calculate the peak hour volume (PHV) approaching for the warrant analysis. Table 1. VDOT traffic data summary — U.S. 29 Seminole Trail AADT 39000 K factor 0.098 D factor 0.5328 PHV (AADT*K*D) 2036 Design Speed (mph) 55 Below is the ITE trip generation summary table that was Seminole Trail to determine the PHV right and left turns source of this information are included as Figures 2 and 3. Table 2. ITE trip generation summary table used in combination with the direction factor of U.S. 29 into the establishment. The OTISS graphs showing the AM PM Use Description ITE Qty in out Total in out Total Multifamily Housing 221 100 Units 9 26 35 26 17 43 Right Turn 4 14 Left Turn 5 12 The higher number of right turns into River's Edge was used in the right turn lane warrant analysis, shown in Figure 1 below. 2 2 w a J 2 W } z M f C� Ir CL PHV APPROACH TOTAL, VEHICLES PER HOUR Appropriate Radius required at all Intersections and Entrances (Commercial or Private)_ LEGEND PHV- - Peak Hour Volume (also Design Hourly Volume equivalent) Adiustrnent for ROM Turns If PHV is not known use formula, PHV = ADT x K x D K = the percent of AADT occurring in the peak hour D = the percent of traffic in the peak direction of flow Note, An average of 11 % for K x D will suffice. When right turn facilities are warranted, see Figure 1 for design criteria. FIGURE 3-27 WARRANTS FOR RIGHT TURN TREATMENT (4-LANE HIGHWAY) Figure 1. Warrant for right turn treatment (4-lane highway) The figure above shows that a taper is required for the site. The right turns were taken from Table 2, and the PHV approach total includes additional traffic that is to be generated by the site. The following two figures display the source of the estimated trips generated by the River's Edge development. 3 ®cm ------------------------------- — ----- ------------- DATA SOURCE: Trip Generation Manual, 1Oth Ed SEARCH BY LAND VSE CODE: 221 IO LAND USE CATEGORY: (21301 Residential LAND USE: 221 -Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IM): Dwelling Untls TIME PERIOD: Weekday, AM Peak Hour of Generator sErnxGrLocnnox: General UlbarJSubulhan TRIPTYPE: Vehicle ENTER IV VAW E W CALCULATE TRIPS: 100 Calculate Data Plot and Equation F X oe 60 40 20 DATA STATISTICS Land Use: Multifamily Housing (MidFs.)(221) Clickfor mo c et,a s X Independent Variable: Dwelling Units Time Period: 'Neekday AM Peak Hour of Genemlor SoWnglLocamm: General Urbanf5uburban Top Type: Vehicle Number of studies: 48 Avg. Num. of Vwelling Units' 225 Average Rate'. 032 Range of Rates. OA6-0.77 Stan and Deviation 0.17 Fined Curve Equation: X = Number of Dwelling Brill Ln(T) = 0.83 Ln(X) - 0.27 Ra Reset Zoom j Restore 0.69 Directional Disbtbutionr. entering, X 5 ���, 5t=_ Fitted Curve --- Average Rate 27%73%exiting Calculated Top Ends: Average Rate 32 (T to l), 9 (Entry), 23 (FSt) Fined Curve35 (Total), 9 (Entry), 26 (Fxn) Figure 2.OTISS trip generator A.M. peak hour ® Data Plot and Equation DATA STATISTICS ------- ----- Land use: Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) (221) Cickformom DATA SOURCE: details Independent Variable: X' Dwelling Units Trip Generation Manual. 10th Ed X x time Period: SEARCH BY LAND U SE LOBE: Weekday 221 O 50: - -------- PM Peak Hourof Generator X X e�Lotion: sewnea LAND USE CATEGORY: 940! General UrbaniSuburban Trip Type: vehicle (200-299) Residential LAND USE: --_________ -- -- x X Number of Stutlies', 47 Avg, Num, of Dwelling Units. 221 - Multifamily Housing (Mid -Rise) IN DEPEN DENT VARIABLE pill 20 X ,' X x X X 211 Average Rate' 041 Dwelling Units nME PERIOD: X X X x Range of Rates. 0.09- 1.26 standard Deviation. Weekday, PM Peak Hour of Generator SE—NGILOCATlox: 50 lou 150 022 200 Flared Curve Equation: Log) = D 83 Ln(X) - 0 05 General UrinanlSuburban • TR P YPE: X = Number of Dwelling Volts Reset Zoam Restore Ra: 0.68 Directional Distribution: Vehicle EWER IV VAW E TD CALCULATE TRIPS: 60%entted 1UD Cakrla4e x 7:?-=1i Ste Fitted Curve --- Average Rate Endsling Calculated Top Ends: Trip Average Rate'. 41 (fatal), 25(Enlry), 16{Exit) Fined Co—' 43 (Total), 26 (Entry), 17 (Exit) Figure 3. OTISS trip generator P.M. peak hour M SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C. Design Focused Engineering Project Narrative For: SP201800023 River's Edge I SP Request for Preserved Slopes Disturbance Parcel Description: Tax Map 32, Parcels 5-A and 5-Al Initial Submittal: December 17, 2018 Revised: September 16, 2019 Current Revision Date: December 16, 2019 Pre-App Meeting Date: June 18, 2018 Area Steep Slopes — Preserved To Be Disturbed —16,000 sq. ft Section 30.7.4(b)(2) of Chapter 18 of the Code of Albemarle County permits the Board of Supervisors to grant a special use permit for land disturbing activity within preserved slopes for "private facilities such as accessways, utility lines and appurtenances, and stormwater management facilities, not otherwise permitted by right under subsection (b)(1)(e), where the lot does not contain adequate land area outside of the preserved slopes to locate the private facilities." In accordance with Section 30.7.4(b)(2), we, on behalf of Rivers Edge Holdings LLC and Rivers Edge Associates LLC (collectively, the "applicant") request for the Board of Supervisors to grant approval a special use permit for the disturbance of preserved slopes to allow for improvements to the existing driveway on the property to be considered in conjunction with ZMA2018-00018, River's Edge, a planned residential development. The ZMA application associated with this special use permit application petitions to rezone TMP 32-5A and TMP 32-5A1 from Rural Areas to a Planned Residential Development. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Neighborhood Density Residential and Privately -Owned Open Space. Redevelopment on the property will require the existing driveway to be widened to ensure safe ingress and egress to the site. The location of the proposed accessway takes into consideration the existing conditions of the site and other environmental conditions, such as stream buffers, which are discussed in further detail below. We request 16,000 SF of preserved slopes disturbance to allow for the construction of an adequate accessway to the property for residents, visitors, service vehicles, and emergency vehicles. In your review of this request, please consider the following: 1. Protection of downstream lands and waterways The disturbance of steep slopes is purposefully designed as a no -fill, straight -cut process. The anticipated process will be an extraction of material, to be excavated and moved to an appropriate fill place on -site, using a rock hammer to cut away the slope. The disturbed material is expected to be mostly rock, which does not require mass earthwork and movement of dirt. The nature of this material is not prone to mudslides and not likely subject to uncontrolled movement or run-off, as there is expected to minimal dirt within these disturbed areas when compared to mass graded areas. Due to the type of the material that is to be disturbed, it is not anticipated that downstream lands and waterways will be significantly impacted. The areas of disturbance will be limited to cutting and excavating the slopes, with no mass grading of the steep slopes planned, protecting the downstream areas below. Any land disturbance will comply with applicable Virginia DEQ and Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance Regulations. 2. Rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock The proposed disturbance will strictly be a localized process in certain areas of the site, to widen the existing road and ensure safe access to and from the site. The process aims to create a level pad at the top of the slopes and therefore we expect there will be about 1-5 feet of cut, with immediate removal of the excavated materials to another location on the site where fill is necessary, to prevent rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock. 3. Excessive stormwater runoff 912 E. High St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 1434.227.5140 1 shimp-engineering.com The disturbance of the steep slopes is necessary to ensure a safe point of ingress to and egress from the site, as well as providing adequate circulation throughout the site. These improvements are to be conducted on an existing access road. The proposed disturbance for widening the road will be cutting into the existing slope, rather than grading and filling in earth. The proposed construction calls for improvements to the existing driveway by lowering it into the slope by 1-5 feet. This construction method is not anticipated to increase the velocity of stormwater runoff since the slope is proposed to be cut down. 4. Protection of surface water Protection of downstream lands and waterways and careful management of construction methods and activities to prevent rapid or large-scale movement of soil and rock and excessive stormwater runoff will ensure protection of surface water in the immediate area. The steep slopes disturbance is a cut process that will be extracting rock from the slopes, rather than moving or filling of earth. Extracted material will be moved on -site in an appropriate timeframe to ensure that no rapid or large-scale movement of rock will take place. Additionally, as a cut process around an existing accessway, it is not expected for excessive stormwater runoff to be produced by this disturbance. Together, these factors will ensure that the disturbance will not impact surface water in the area. Land disturbance activities regulated by Virginia DEQ and the Albemarle County Water Protection Ordinance will be conducted in accordance with these regulations that exist to ensure responsible land disturbance and ultimately protect water quality. 5. Character of steep slopes unchanged Due to the cutting process of the steep slopes disturbance, the character of the steep slopes will remain relatively unchanged. Since there is already an existing paved driveway on the site in the location where the proposed accessway is to be constructed within the preserved slopes, the character of the slopes will remain largely the same. This existing travelway sits at the top of the ridge, and to provide adequate width, the accessway will further cut into the ridge and be widened. Overall, the proposed accessway improvements will not significantly change the character of the steep slopes as the existing driveway is currently present in the locations slated for slopes disturbance. 6. Section 33.40(b)(1) —No substantial detriment As previously stated, the disturbance of the steep slopes is localized to the areas immediately around the existing road to provide adequate access to and from the site. Because it is anticipated that very little soil will be present in the localized areas of slopes disturbance and that process will cut and extract rock and little soil, it is not expected for there to be rapid or large-scale movement of rock and soil, and excessive stormwater runoff attributable to the proposed accessway improvements, and therefore negative impacts to downstream lands and waterways, and surface water are not expected. This plan was intentionally structured as a cut and extraction process, which we deem the most appropriate method in ensuring that the existing terrain and surrounding environment will be respected. Though we expect that rock will consist of the majority of the material, specifically identified enhanced erosion and sediment control measures can be implemented, such as a wire -supported silt fence. The proposed accessway improvements will adhere to applicable stormwater runoff regulations. 7. Section 33.40(b)(2) — Character of the nearby area unchanged The design of the disturbance intends to preserve the character of the steep slopes, as well as the character of the nearby area. As previously stated, proposed accessway improvements within the steep slopes overlay are slated for areas where there is an existing driveway that requires improvements for increased vehicular circulation on the site and increased safe access. Currently, the driveway is approximately 11 feet in pavement width, and in order to provide adequate improvements to facilitate safer entry and exit of the site, we propose the road to be widened to 20 feet with an additional shoulder width of 4 feet on both sides. The land disturbance within the steep slopes overlay is exclusive to the proposed accessway and will not impact the character of adjacent parcels nor the nearby area. The special use permit to disturb preserved slopes will ensure safe entry and exit for this property and requires only 1-5 feet of cut to achieve adequate standards. 8. Section 33.40(B)(3) — Harmony In order for redevelopment of this site to be possible, the special use permit to allow for safe access to and from the site is necessary. Overall, the aim of this ZMA and SUP application is to establish market -rate affordable housing in a unique "nature- ful" setting within a desirable and convenient location of the development areas. The location of the property provides a prime opportunity. The property sits beside the UVA Research Park and the National Ground Intelligence Center. Both are major regional employers. Currently, UVA Research Park seeks to implement an expansion of their business park, with no plans for housing, while NGIC has many traveling and temporary employees in need of temporary rental housing. Furthermore, the property is immediately adjacent to Route 29, a major commuter corridor, and is close to the City of Charlottesville and Ruckersville, two employment hubs in Central Virginia. Housing that is affordable in this area would provide a key benefit in this strategic location. Due to the nature of the property and the development vision of the applicant, River's Edge cannot be subdivided and will be wholly rentable units. The small footprints and pre -fabricated construction methods of the proposed units allow for the units to largely interact with the existing topography and lay lightly on the land by utilizing pillar foundations, ultimately contributing to a development on the property that is respectful of the natural beauty of River's Edge. The small square footage of individual structures allows for flexibility in design and orientation of the structures in relation to the existing topography on the site, creating a more harmonious community within the existing conditions. Development is set far back from Route 29, which maintains the forested buffer of the Entrance Corridor. As the adjacent property TMP 32-22K1 is under the same ownership, the applicant is simultaneously seeking a rezoning for the neighboring property. Together, the two communities will share a greenspace network with one another, with a robust trail network and recreational area. Please see the ZMA application for greater details. On the other side, TMP 32-5B falls under industrial use, with the river and preserved slopes that are not to be disturbed allowing for sufficient buffer between the two sites. The overall design of River's Edge strives to take into consideration the existing conditions around and on the site, as well as the greater county context. In order for this development to be feasible, the accessway must disturb approximately 16,000 square feet of steep slopes, where disturbance is localized around the existing driveway. 9. Section 33.40(B-4) — Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan designates these parcels as Neighborhood Density Residential and Privately -Owned Open Space, with the current zoning of the site as Rural Areas. The land use designation of Neighborhood Density Residential allows for 3-6 units per acre. The developable area of River's Edge is approximately 8.62 acres, indicating a Comprehensive Plan recommendation of approximately 26-52 units. Due to the exceptionally small footprint of these units, 100 units are proposed and the applicant has proposed restrictions on a maximum unit size of 1,200 square feet and a maximum building footprint area of 50,000 square feet. This property will be entirely rentable units and will not subdivided. Regardless, due to the present conditions of the accessway, any redevelopment for Neighborhood Density Residential that would occur on the site would require accessway improvements. Privately -owned open space is a substantial piece of the rezoning application, aimed to create opportunities for nature -based recreation within River's Edge. As previously described, the open space and recreational areas will be shared with TMP 32-22K1 to establish interconnected communities by means of shared amenities that have ample access to enjoy the natural space around their homes and the Rivanna River. Please refer to the ZMA application for more details on open space and recreational space proposals. I 100 0 100 200 300 0 LFLFLF---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1"=100' SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONCEPT PLAN SP201800023 RIVER'S EDGE STEEP SLOPES DISTURBANCE Sheet 1 of 2 Additional Notes: 1. Topographic road survey completed by Brian Ray, Roger W. Ray & Associates, Inc. Surveying, September 2018 2. Total disturbance of the steep slopes is approximately 16,000 square feet Key — — — Adjacent Parcels Stream Accessway _ Waterway Water Protection Ordinance Buffer Steep Slopes: Preserved Steep Slopes Disturance TMP(s) 32-5A F& 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, O s_ L\N h %h, S1 1, x7w I b- qbq qml LFLFLF---L---F- 200 0 200 400 600 Graphic Scale: 1"=200' ----------------------------------------,- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------ L SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONCEPT PLAN SP201800023 RIVER'S EDGE STEEP SLOPES DISTURBANCE Sheet 2 of 2 Key — — — Adjacent Parcels Stream Accessway Waterway Water Protection Ordinance Buffer Steep Slopes: Preserved Steep Slopes Disturance TMP(s) 32-5A & 32-5A1 Submitted 17 December 2018 Revised 16 September 2019 REVISED 16 DECEMBER 2019 project: 15.064 SHIMP ENGINEERING, P.C.